Education regarding the business management of a dental practice includes auxiliary utilization, scheduling, production strategies, employee motivation and rewards, any management tools for the improvement of running a dental practice. Specific subject codes should be used to ensure tracking toward specific licensing board requirements.
Topics may include:
- 555 Ethics in Dentistry
Ethics in the practice of dentistry.
- 563 California Dental Practice Act
- 564 NY Ethics and Jurisprudence
- 565 Documentation and Risk Management
Topics include the best practices of patient documentation and the management of risk indocumentation . Often a required course for boards of dentistry.
- 566 HIPAA
Health Insurance Portability Accountability Act – education regarding the implementation of this law and the dental practice
- 567 Electronic Health Record and Policies
Education regarding the legal issues around Electronic Health Records and the policies that govern it.
- Human relations/employment management
Education regarding the management of employees in the dental practice, hiring, reviewing, firing, incentivizing. Employment laws pertaining to dental practices.
- Financial management
Education concerning the financial management of a dental practice or a dentist’s wealth building personally and professionally. Includes risk management such as insurances to have to reduce risk.
- Insurance management/coding
Education in the insurance industry and its utilization in the dental practice. Best practiceswith coding and billing of dental procedures to insurance or third-party payers. Analysis of insurance plans and their advantages and disadvantages.
- Information technology, record safekeeping and transfer and risk management
Education in regulations around the safekeeping, safe storage and safe transfer of records to maintainprivacy of individual health records.
- Marketing in dentistry – electronic and non-electronic
Education in the best practices of the marketing of a dental practice utilizing any media outlet. Print, radio, TV, online, social media, website etc.
- Jurisprudence
Education in the laws governing dentistry
- Diversity inclusion/Cultural competence
Education about a set of congruent behaviors, attitudes, and policies that come together in a system, agency or among professionals and enable that system, agency or those professions to work effectively in cross-cultural situations.
- Emerging concepts, techniques, and technology
- Product/technology training
Training on proper use of specific products/instruments developed to aid in managing practices and human resources. Product training courses should be directed to current users or a product and focus on proper/safe use. Courses cannot contain any marketing information intended to encourage participants to purchase the product.