The diagnosis and restorative management of the disease of tooth structure. Some keywords used in course title or descriptions: Diagnostic aides and techniques to identify pathology of tooth structure, Techniques to repair and replace diseased tooth structure such as direct and indirect restorations utilizing a multitude of preparation techniques and restorative materials i.e.: Gold foil, Amalgam, Composite, Glass ionomer or any combinations of these materials and any new material on the horizon, erosion, attrition, minimally invasive dentistry
Topics may include:
- Detection, diagnosis
and prevention
Education related to the risk identification, diagnosis or disease of tooth structure and how to prevent tooth breakdown.
- Minimally invasive techniques and technology
Education related to the conservation of healthy tooth structure, focusing on prevention, remineralizationand minimal dentist intervention. May include information on the uses of long-lasting dental materials that conserve the maximum tooth structure so the need for future repairs is reduced. Other keywords:Microdentisty , Remineralization, Air abrasion, Sealants, Silver Diamine Fluoride, Bite splints, Inlaysand onlays
- Preventive restorations
Techniques and strategies to repair and prevent future disease; may include education on the use of sealants, glass ionomers and biologically stimulating materials
- Direct restorations
Education related to restorations placed directly in a tooth whether they be composite, alloy, glass ionomer etc.
- Indirect restorations
Education related to restorations made remotely either on models or computer generated whether they be crystalline type materials or cast metal material, printed or milled
- Preparation technology
Education related to the prep design and preparation of any operative procedure using any modality i.e.:rotary handpiece , laser etc.
- Emerging concepts, techniques, therapies and technology
New technology/procedures used in any aspect (diagnosis or treatment) of restoring teeth.
- Product/technology training
Training on proper use of specific products/instruments developed to aid in the diagnosis or treatment of restoring teeth. Product training courses should be directed to current users or a product and focus on proper/safe use. Courses cannot contain any marketing information intended to encourage participants to purchase the product.
This category could overlap in content with fixed prosthodontics,