AGD: Leaders for General Dentists

We encourage you to review the opportunities below and consider submitting your name and background information for 2025-26. Please provide details about your unique skills at the local or national level to guide the organization, its members or the public. (Check out our frequently asked questions.)

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Engage in AGD by becoming a leader

In an effort to involve more members and identify potential leaders at all levels of the organization, AGD conducts an ongoing leader recruitment process. Leaders serve the AGD by:

  • Planning and conducting local continuing education courses,
  • Participating as members of constituent and regional board of directors, and
  • Serving on a national level in the council and committee structure.

Our call for leader engagement offers all AGD members the opportunity to participate in a leadership role. Members who complete the application will be entered into a database. As our team prepares to make appointments, we will review all the respondents who indicated interest in the areas where leaders are needed. While in some cases there will be more interested applicants than available positions, every effort will be made to engage those members interested in getting involved. Members will have the opportunity to renew their interest each year.

Please submit your application for future appointments. For questions regarding appointments, email

Leadership Opportunities

The following list briefly explains the different types of leadership opportunities from council and committee members to public information officers. AGD needs your leadership skills.

Budget and Finance Committee (TRAVEL: Low. ONLINE MEETINGS: High. TIME: High)
Oversee and monitor the AGD’s budget. Those applying should have prior budget and finance or appropriate expertise and good understanding of the AGD, including its current programs and structure.  Interested parties must provide appropriate information regarding qualifications and experience.

Communications Council (TRAVEL: Low. ONLINE MEETINGS: Low. TIME: Medium)
Provide direction on content and delivery mechanisms for member communications, develop and implement programs that raise public awareness of the AGD, its members, and general dentistry, and contribute content and technology ideas for the AGD's publications, website and social media.

Constitution, Bylaws & Judicial Affairs Council (TRAVEL: Low. ONLINE MEETINGS: Low. TIME: Low)
Study and make recommendations to both the Board and the House of Delegates on any proposed change in the Constitution and Bylaws.

Credentials and Elections Committee (TRAVEL: Low. ONLINE MEETINGS: Low. TIME: Medium)
Research and review evidence of a delegate’s eligibility based on both the constituent and AGD Headquarters qualifications. This position will serve as the teller for elections in the House of Delegates.

Dental Education Council (TRAVEL: Low. ONLINE MEETINGS: High. TIME: High)
Oversee the Fellowship and Mastership award programs and recommend and evaluate quality continuing education opportunities.

Dental Practice Council (TRAVEL: Low. ONLINE MEETINGS: Medium. TIME: High)
Monitor all aspects of dental practice, make recommendations for policy development and advocate for members before third-party payers and insurance companies.

Dispute Resolution Committee (TRAVEL: Low. ONLINE MEETINGS: Low. TIME: Low)
Review Code of Conduct and Whistleblower Policies, receive updates from management and AGD legal counsel regarding compliance matters and/or any significant risks or exposures facing the organization excluding those items reserved for the Audit Committee and selection of dispute mediators.

Examination Council and Committees (TRAVEL: Low. ONLINE MEETINGS: Low. TIME: High)
Review and update the Fellowship Exam Study Guide on an annual basis. Members will review the content outline biannually for the Fellowship Exam and recommend changes in the outline to the Fellowship Exam. Ensure that each new item submitted for inclusion in the item bank is relevant to and consistently categorized in accordance with the examination content outline. Members must hold Fellowship or Mastership status within AGD and have served a minimum of two years on the Examination Development or Assessment Committees to be placed on the Examination Materials Committee. 

Develop and score the Fellowship Exam annually. In developing the examination, you will ensure that the references accompanying each item of the examination are current and that the exam items adequately represent the Fellowship content outline. Additionally, an adequate pool of items that can be utilized for the Fellowship Exam or Study Guide must be maintained. Members must hold Fellowship or Mastership status within AGD to be placed on this committee.

Group Benefits Council (TRAVEL: Low. ONLINE MEETINGS: High. TIME: Medium)
Monitor, identify, evaluate and recommend group membership benefits offered by the AGD to determine their appropriateness for inclusion in the group benefit programs.

Legislative & Governmental Affairs Council (TRAVEL: High. ONLINE MEETINGS: Low. TIME: High)
Lobby legislators and regulatory agencies on AGD policy positions. Write letters and make phone calls to your state legislator and/or federal legislators on behalf of AGD, its members and general dentistry.

Membership Council (TRAVEL: Low. ONLINE MEETINGS: Medium. TIME: Medium)
Advise the AGD staff on recruitment and retention strategies.


New Dentist, Resident and Student Committee (TRAVEL: Low. ONLINE MEETINGS: High. TIME: Medium)
Identify and propose benefits, programs and services for new dentists, residents, and student members to the Membership Council. Create and engage student chapters. Serve as a data source, strategic planning resource, marketing and membership resource. Member dentists, AGD student members and AGD resident members may apply.


Program Approval for Continuing Education (PACE) Council (TRAVEL: Low. ONLINE MEETINGS: Low. TIME: High)
Evaluate the educational processes used in designing, planning and implementing continuing education.

Scientific Meeting Council (TRAVEL: Medium. ONLINE MEETINGS: High. TIME: High)
Assist in the selection of scientific session education courses and speakers, as well as provide dental meeting scouting.

Self-Instruction Committee (TRAVEL: Low. ONLINE MEETINGS: High. TIME: High)
Develop continuing education opportunities through the AGD’s clinical, peer-reviewed journal, General Dentistry.


Please submit your application for future appointments. For information regarding appointments, email

For additional information, contact

Jennifer Goler
Director, Governance 
888.AGD.DENT Main
888.243.7392 Exclusive AGD Leader Line
312.335.3438 Fax

We look forward to working with you!

Council Commitment Graphic