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The Academy of General Dentistry works to ensure that general dentists can speak up when it matters most. That means making participation easy so that our members can unite their voices on legislative and regulatory activities affecting their practice. As a member, you can access the information and tools to quickly and conveniently impact legislative activities that are underway.
We need our members to get involved and make sure that legislators in our states and on Capitol Hill understand the issues affecting oral health, dentistry
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2025 Activities
AGD signs onto letter thanking sponsors of Dental and Optometric Care (DOC) Access Act 3.4.25
AGD signs onto letter supporting anti-menthol rule and anti-tobacco funding 1.30.25
AGD signs onto letter to EPA asking them to appeal anti-fluoridation case 1.10.25
AGD coalition letter to Congressional leaders to support MATE Act fix. 10.09.24
AGD signs ODC letter opposing eliminating stand-alone NIDCR 8.19.24
AGD files comment on NIH Reform with House Energy & Commerce Committee 8.16 24
AGD signs onto thank you letter to the sponsors of the Oral Health Products Inclusion Act 7.24.24
AGD joins ODC letter to House Committees in support of faculty loan assistance. 4.2.24
AGD joins letter to Senate appropriation leaders to fund Office on Smoking and Health 3.25.24
AGD joins letter to House appropriation leaders to fund Office on Smoking and Health 3.25.24
AGD signs onto ODC letter to Senate leaders in support of tax relief legislation 2.19.24
AGD comments on DOJ rule on Accessibility of Medical Diagnostic Equipment 2.12.24
AGD comments to CMS on dental Essential Health Benefits (EHB) 1.2.24
AGD joins ad supporting FDA rules banning menthol cigarettes and flavored cigars 11.5.23
AGD signs onto letter to Senate Finance and HELP Committees for SUPPORT Act reauthorization 11.2.23
AGD sends letter to HELP Ranking Member Cassidy on CDC Modernization 10.20.23
AGD sends letter to HRSA on health professional shortage areas. 10.16.23
AGD signs onto letter supporting H.R. 4775, the Helping Tobacco Users Quit Act 9.28.23
AGD comments on 2024 CMS Outpatient rule 9.11.23
AGD comments on 2024 CMS Physician Fee Schedule rule 9.11.23
AGD joins ODC in supporting NCOIL MLR model legislation 7.19.23
Trahan-Carter Letter to SAMHSA Regarding MATE Implementation 7.13.23
AGD thanks Congressional sponsors of the PREVENT HPV Cancers Act 7.13.23
Hill Day advocacy leads to Congressional letter to Dept. of Justice on antitrust enforcement 7.11.23
AGD signs onto letter to CMS’s Proposed Rule on Medicaid Managed Care 7.3.23
AGD signs letter to CMS’s Proposed rule on Medicaid Equal Access 7.3.23
AGD supports bipartisan legislation to help recruit dental and dental hygiene faculty 6.22.23
AGD opposes efforts to weaken FDA’s authority to regulate tobacco 6.12.23
AGD signs onto letter asking Senate HELP Committee to pass REDI Act 6.6.23
ODC House Thank You Letter (DOC) Access Act of 2023 5.15.23
ODC Senate Thank You Letter (DOC) Access Act of 2023 5.15.23
AGD Responds to Rep. Miller-Meeks RFI on CDC. 4 23.23
AGD Comments on FTC Noncompete Proposal 4.18.23
AGD responds to ADA effort to enhance the CDT Code 3.30.23
AGD provides information to Senate HELP Committee on Pandemic preparedness 3.29.23
AGD signs on to ODC letter to Senate HELP Committee on health care workforce shortages. 3.20.23
AGD signs onto letter supporting proposed NCOIL MLR Model Legislation 3.7.23
AGD Sends Letter Asking Chief Dental Officers to be at Least A Two-star Rank 11.30.22
AGD signs onto letter on hospital emergency department boarding crisis 11.7.22
Dr. Botko statement on AMA CPT code for SDF 10.27.22
Oral Health Literacy S.B. 5073 -- Collective Letter of Support 10.12.2022
AGD Leads Organized Dentistry Letter Supporting SB 5073 10.11.22
AGD Comments to the WHO on Global Health Action Plan 9.16.22
AGD responds to Report on Dental Therapy 9.14.22
AGD Support Proposed Rules Prohibiting Flavored Cigars 8.2.22
AGD Support Proposed Rules Prohibiting Menthol Cigarettes 8.2.22
AGD signs onto letter on hospital outpatient prospective payment system 9.13.22
AGD comments on CMS’ medically necessary dental provisions. 9.6.22
ODC Urges House to Advance Student Loan Reform Bills 7.19.22
AGD Nominates Dr. Teresa Marshall to the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee 7.15.22
AGD signs on in support of Medicaid Adult Dental Bill 07.07.22
AGD Joins Letter to Appropriators on Tobacco-FDA Provisions 6.14.22
AGD comments on the OSHA ETS final rule. 4.22.22
AGD Leads Organized Dentistry Letter Promoting H.R.4555 4.22.22
AGD joined Tobacco Free Kids letter to FDA Commissioner Robert Califf 4.22.22
AGD Advocates for Increased Funding for OSH in a letter to House 4.18.22
AGD Advocates for Increased Funding for OSH in a letter to Senate 4.18.22
AGD comments on CDC Opioid Prescribing Guidelines. 4.11.22
AGD joins organized dentistry coalition in urging Congress to pass the REDI Act 2.25.22
AGD comments on 3D Printing of Devices at Point-of-Care. 2.7.22
AGD Sends Letter Urging the Funding for CDC’s Office on Smoking & Health 01.10.22
AGD comments on potential mandatory federal CE on opioids 12.3.21
Dr. Cassis Congressional Testimony on Oral Health Literacy 10.20.21
AGD joins members of organized dentistry to support POST Grad Act 9.28.21
AGD comments on WHO global strategy document. 9.8.21
AGD sends letter to Congress opposing dental benefits in Medicare 9.7.2021
Dental Coalition Letter regarding Medicare Part B Dental Expansion Issues 9.1.2021
AGD joins members of organized dentistry to support H.R. 1550 8.25.2021
AGD comments on OSHA Emergency Temporary Standard (ETS). 8.20.21
AGD Letter - PREVENT HPV Cancers Act - HR1550 -117
AGD joins members of organized dentistry to support S. 449 7.30.21
AGD joins members of organized dentistry to support H.R. 1285 7.30.21
AGD led effort with ODC to introduce Foster Youth Dental Act (H.R.1794) 6.28.21
AGD supports Bill H.R.2295, the HIV Epidemic Loan-Repayment Program (HELP) Act 6.9.21
AGD sends letter supporting RAISE Health Benefits Act to bill sponsors 5.10.21
AGD Joins Coalition to Urge President Biden to Support Healthy Workplace Tax Credit 5.5.21
AGD joins coalition to support Ensuring Lasting Smiles Act 04.04.21
AGD welcomes incoming Assistant Secretary for Health Rachel Levine 3.30.21
AGD sends letter to support Foster Youth Dental Act H.R.1794 3.25.21
AGD welcomes incoming Surgeon General Dr. Murthy 3.24.21
AGD joins organized dentistry in thanking ELSA bill sponsors 03.23.21
AGD sends letter to sponsors of ELSA in support of legislation 3.18.21
AGD sends letter to support Healthy Workplaces Tax Credit Act HR1944 3.18.21
AGD supports OSH Senate letter to increased funding 3.17.21
AGD supports OSH House letter to increased funding 3.17.21
AGD sends letter to CDC, NIAID, and White House on inhalation exposure. 3.12.21
AGD thanks Senators Portman and Sinema for introducing the Healthy Workplaces Tax Credit Act 3.5.21
AGD joins coalition urging Congress to pass Covid liability protections 2.01.21
AGD Welcomes Incoming CDC Director Dr. Walensky 1.22.21
AGD urges Biden administration to allow COVID-19 Vaccine be administered by dentists 1.21.21
AGD joins coalition to ask CDC for clarification on vaccine prioritization. 12.16.20
AGD joins letter to Congress urging support for 501(c)(6) associations 12.5.20
AGD Sends Clean-Start-Coalition letter to President-Elect Biden. 12.2.20
AGD urges Congress to prioritize oral health in next COVID Package. 11.18.20
AGD lends support for the Dental and Optometric (DOC) Access Act (S.4894). 11.17.20
AGD requests House and Senate to include report language in appropriations bill. 11.17.20
AGD responds to Request for Information regarding HPSA Scoring Criteria. 9.18.20
AGD sends letter to sponsors of the Small Business Comeback Act endorsing the legislation. 9.8.20
AGD asks Rep. Babin to press CDC on N95 mask alternatives. 9.2.20
AGD asks Rep. Ferguson to press CDC on N95 mask alternatives. 9.2.20
AGD asks Rep. Gosar to press CDC on N95 mask alternatives. 9.2.20
AGD asks Rep. Simpson to press CDC on N95 mask alternatives. 9.2.20
AGD asks Rep. Van Drew to press CDC on N95 mask alternatives. 9.2.20
Dr. White sends letter to CDC advocating for return to May 2020 guidance on N95 masks. 8.27.20
AGD corresponds with OSAP about future infection control guidance. 8.13.20
AGD gives FEMA data on general dentists' PPE needs. 8.13.20
AGD joins coalition on letter to advocate for tax changes on PPP loan forgiveness. 8.4.20
Dr. White signs letter of support for H.R. 7216, the Small Business PPE Tax Credit Act. 7.8.20
AGD joins Organized Dentistry Coalition to support HR 7216, small business PPE tax credit. 7.1.20
AGD urges Congressional appropriators to support federal oral health programs. 6.15.20
AGD sends letter to OSHA asking for latitude on PPE combinations and guidance. 6.4.20
AGD joins with coalition to call for changes to deductible expenses for PPP loans. 5.7.20
Dr. White submits testimony on America’s Water Infrastructure Act of 2020. 5.1.20
Dr. White sends support for HEROES Act. 4.28.20
Dr. White sends letter to CDC requesting input and development of guidelines. 4.23.20
Dr. White sends letter to OSHA requesting input and development of guidelines. 4.23.20
Dr. White sends letter to NIOSH requesting input and development of guidelines. 4.23.20
AGD signs on with dental associations to increase funding for PPP & EIDL programs. 4.17.20
Dr. White sends letter to Congress to supplement funding for PPP and EIDL programs. 4.16.20
Dr. White writes to EPA Administrator Wheeler to delay start date of amalgam separator rule. 4.16.20
Dr. White advocates for point-of-care COVID-19 testing in letter to Admiral Ricks 4.11.20
AGD sends letter to National Governors Association regarding PPE for emergency dental cases. 3.31.20
Letter from Sec. Azar to Governors to extend health care workforce during COVID-19 pandemic. 3.24.20
Guidance to states on extending health care workforce during COVID-19 pandemic. 3.24.20
AGD sends letter to Vice President Pence to advocate for PPE coordinator. 3.24.20
AGD sends letter to Congress in support of COVID-19 stimulus. 3.18.20
AGD leads effort to support H.R. 4678, The Oral Health Literacy and Awareness Act of 2019 2.26.20
AGD sends letter to HRSA about Health Professional Shortage Areas (HPSA) designations. 2.24.20
AGD supports H.R. 2339, Reversing the Youth Tobacco Epidemic of 2019. 2.20.20
AGD responds to ADA SDF draft policy 2.19.20
AGD supports H.R. 1379, the Ensuring Lasting Smiles Act, to cover congenital anomalies 1.3.20
AGD joins the ADA in support of H.R. 3418, the POST GRAD Act. 10.15.19
AGD joins over 600 organizations to support repeal of the medical device excise tax. 9.24.19
AGD sends comments to HRSA on proposed dental fluoride varnish measure. 9.23.19
AGD and others send letter to CMS about access to Medicaid. 9.13.19
AGD and dental associations support repeal of ACA medical device tax. 6.24.19
AGD supports the Tobacco-Free Youth Act, S. 1541. 5.30.19
AGD lends support for the Reversing the Youth Tobacco Epidemic Act of 2019. 4.18.19
AGD President Request AADB to Remove Pop Up Link to AAE’s White Paper 3.19.19
AGD Joins Coalition in Request to Reform Flexible Spending Account Legislation 3.1.19
AGD supports S. 503, H.R. 1366, RAISE Act of 2019. 3.1.19
AGD joins others in support of Ensuring Lasting Smiles, H.R. 1379, S. 560. 2.28.19
AGD supports H.R. 293, the Youth Vaping Prevention Act of 2019. 2.19.19
AGD joins other
AGD sends
AGD joins organized dentistry to support deferred interest on resident educational loans. 5.22.18
AGD comments to the FDA on intended uses of dental/medical products. 2.5.18
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Midlevel Providers
Oral Health Literacy
Removing Barriers to Care
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