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- AGD Subject Codes
General dentists attend CE courses that address a wide variety of topics in all specialty areas. AGD subject codes help to clearly identify the general topic/specialty addressed in the course content.
AGD subject codes are:
- Assigned by the organization who presented the course.
- Included on the both the AGD Award and Licensing Transcript to quickly identify the main area of study for each course.
- Used to help confirm members have met specific local licensing board CE requirements.
- Used to track members’ progress in meeting the AGD Fellowship and Mastership Award CE requirements.
Updated AGD Subject Code List
The AGD Dental Education Council has streamlined the AGD subject code list. Instead of having multiple codes there is one general code for each dental specialty or general topic. Click on each subject code title for more detailed information about topics under each subject code.
If you think a course has been categorized incorrectly on your transcript please contact the organization who awarded the hours and request updated attendance verification confirming the different subject code. Email questions about the AGD subject code list to education@agd.org.
The AGD continuing dental education subject code list is below. Select a subject code to view the list of topics that should be categorized under the selected code. This list was revised in January 2017. Download a printable version.
- Cariology
- Anatomy
- Microbiology
- Pharmacotherapeutics
- Dental materials
- Physiology
- Immunology
- Emerging technology
- Product/technology training
- Endodontic diagnosis
- Endodontic infections - microbiology and treatment of
- Non-surgical treatment
- Surgical treatment
- Traumatic injuries & emergencies
- Restorative aspects of endodontics
- Emerging technology
- Product/technology training
- 135 Laser therapy/electrosurgery
- 138 Dental photography
- 142 Medical emergency training and CPR
- 144 Table clinics
- 145 Forensic dentistry
- 148 Infection control
- 149 Multi-disciplinary topics
- 150 Health medicine and nutrition
- 153 Psychosocial anxiety & fear in dentistry
- 154 Sports dentistry
- 155 Child abuse identification and reporting
- 156 Domestic violence
- 157 Substance abuse
- 158 Tobacco Cessation
- 159 Prevention of medical errors
- 161 Dentinal hypersensitivity & treatment
- 166 Human trafficking
- Development of occlusion
- Occlusal classifications
- Occlusal functional concepts
- Occlusal dysfunction
- Occlusal therapy
- Emerging concepts and treatments
- Product/technology training
- Orofacial pain pathophysiology
- Diagnosis and treatment
- Orofacial pain pharmacology
- Musculoskeletal orofacial pain
- Neuropathic orofacial pain
- Headache in orofacial pain
- Emerging diagnosis and therapies
- Product/technology training
- Caries detection, diagnosis and prevention
- Minimially invasive techiques and technology
- Preventative restorations
- Direct restorations
- Indirect restorations
- Preparation technology
- Emerging concepts and technology
- Product/technology training
- Exodontia
- Other dentoalveolar surgery
- Diagnosis and management of dental infections
- Diagnosis and management of dental trauma
- Orthognathic and TMJ surgery
- Advanced surgical procedures
- Biopsies
- Emerging diagnosis or therapies
- Product/technology training
- 346 Opioid, controlled substances and pain management
- Local anesthesia
- Enteral techniques for conscious sedation — oral sedation
- Parenteral techniques for conscious sedation — IV sedation
- Inhalation techniques for conscious sedation
- Combination techniques for conscious sedation
- Anxiolysis
- Pharmacotherapeutics of anesthesia and pain medications
- Management of complications of anesthesia
- Non-pharmacologic methods for pain control
- Prescription medication management
- Emerging anesthesia topics
- Product/technology training
- Growth and development of occlusion
- Diagnosis and treatment planning
- Interceptive orthodontic therapy
- Functional orthodontic therapy
- Removable appliance therapy
- Surgical orthodontics
- Emerging therapies
- Product/technology training
- Growth and development
- Prevention of caries, diet and nutrition
- Behavior management
- Space management and maintenance
- Pediatric special needs patient care
- Pediatric anesthesia and pain control
- Trauma management in young permanent and primary dentition
- Pulpal therapy in primary dentition
- Pediatric operative dentistry
- Emerging therapies
- Product/technology training
- Pathophysiology of periodontal disease
- Non-surgical therapeutic management of periodontal disease
- Surgical therapeutic management of periodontal disease
- Mucogingival management
- Occlusal force management
- Bone regeneration therapy
- Implant placement and management of peri-implant infections and complications
- Emerging therapies
- Product/technology training
- Practice management
- Human relations/employment management
- Financial management
- Insurance management/coding
- Information technology, safekeeping and transfer and risk management
- Marketing in dentistry — electronic and non-electronic
- Jurisprudence
- 555 Ethics in Dentistry
- 558 Diversity Inclusion/Cultural Competence
- 563 California Dental Practice Act
- 564 NY Ethics and Jurisprudence
- 565 Documentation and Risk Management
- 566 HIPAA
- 567 Electronic health record and policies
- Single unit restorations
- Multi-unit restorations
- Full mouth reconstruction
- Periodontal considerations in fixed prosthodontics
- Emerging techniques and technology
- Product/technology training
- Complete dentures
- Partial dentures
- Overdentures
- Support frameworks for dentures
- Attachments in removable prosthodontics
- Emerging technology or techniques
- Product/technology training
- Diagnosis and treatment planning for dental implants
- Site preparation
- Implant placement surgery
- Implant supported restorations
- Implant complications — surgical or restorative
- Implant maintenance
- Implant material science
- Emerging materials, science and therapies
- Product/technology training
- Imaging science and techniques
- Diagnosis, management and treatment of oral pathologies
- Analysis and interpretation of clinical laboratory tests
- Cancer screening, diagnosis and treatment modalities
- Health history and review of systems
- Sleep medicine
- Biopsy techniques
- Emerging diagnostic or therapeutic techniques
- Product/technology training
- Hospital dentistry
- Geriatric dentistry
- Dentistry for patients with disabilities
- Dentistry for the medically compromised
- Emerging education or therapies
- Product/technology training
- Tooth whitening/bleaching
- The science of color
- Esthetic diagnosis and treatment of the dentition
- Esthetic diagnosis and treatment of intraoral soft tissues
- Tooth colored restorations
- Esthetic diagnosis and treatment of extraoral soft tissues
- Emerging esthetic diagnoses and treatments
- Product/technology training