Help Support the AGD Advocacy Fund Jul 25, 2023 The AGD Advocacy Fund supports national and constituent advocacy efforts by providing resources to tackle new matters, such as legislation or legal action affecting the practice of general dentistry.
CMS Releases Annual Payment Rules Jul 25, 2023 On July 13, 2023, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) released two proposed rules, the Calendar Year (CY) 2024 Medicare Hospital Outpatient Prospective Payment System (OPPS) and Ambulatory Surgical Center (ASC) Payment System Proposed Rule (CMS 1786-P) and the Calendar Year (CY) 2024 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (PFS) Proposed Rule (CMS-1784-P).
Dentists Urge House Members to Reauthorize Action for Dental Health (ADH) Jul 25, 2023 On July 18, 2023, the AGD and other dental organizations sent a letter to House Energy and Commerce Committee Chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA-5) and Ranking Member Frank Pallone (D-NJ-6) urging them to reauthorize the Action for Dental Health (ADH) program (H.R. 3843, the Action for Dental Health Act of 2023) for 5 years (2024 through 2028).
New Dentists Get Special Savings Jul 24, 2023 You’ve graduated, now what? AGD members who are new dentists receive complimentary malpractice coverage from Dentist’s Advantage. It is a necessity to protect your career, and AGD wants to make sure you get professional liability insurance you need to practice.
Celebrating AGD’s 2023 Fellows and Masters Jul 24, 2023 AGD’s Fellowship and Mastership awards offer general dentists pathways to mastering the art and science of dentistry while also distinguishing themselves among their colleagues as the best of the best. AGD Impact spoke with several of this year’s award recipients about their individual journeys and why they chose to pursue these achievements.
AGD Seeks to Expand MATE Training Organizations Jul 24, 2023 The two sponsors of the Medication Access and Training Expansion (MATE) Act wrote a letter to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration asking the agency to use its authority under the act to approve additional organizations to deliver the required opioid CE, including AGD.
Which Digital Marketing Channel Should You Use? Jul 24, 2023 Is it possible to achieve all of your dental practice’s marketing goals with a single digital marketing channel? AGD columnist Jackie Ulasewich Cullen says no. Instead, she explores the ways channels work together and play off each other to create and grow your practice’s online presence.
Need Help Preparing for the Fellowship Exam? Jul 24, 2023 On Oct. 6–7, AGD will host the 2023 Fall Fellowship Review Course at the Capital Hilton in downtown Washington, D.C. Attendees will be able to take the Fellowship Exam the following day, Oct. 8. Book your hotel by Sept. 11, 2023, to secure the AGD special rate of $229.
Testing the Accuracy of an Intraoral Scanner Jul 24, 2023 A new study in General Dentistry evaluates the accuracy of an intraoral scanner (IOS) based on sleeve type, decontamination protocol and calibration. To date, no other research has been published evaluating accuracy of IOS devices under various decontamination protocols.
Capitol Connections Jul 17, 2023 AGD is working to address the most pressing issues faced by our members as we advocate to government entities for general dentists.
Valid Informed Consent: The Best Practice Is Shared Decision-Making Jul 17, 2023 Informed consent is a collaboration between the patient and healthcare provider. As a dentist, you must disclose all necessary information, but you must also ensure that what you disclose is understood by the patient. It is this understanding that creates valid informed consent.
Watch Facebook Live Coverage of AGD2023 for Your Chance to Win Jul 17, 2023 AGD’s Facebook Live coverage of AGD2023 at Caesars Place will take place this Thursday and Friday. During each Facebook Live video, a verbal clue will be given out to viewers for a chance to win a $50 Amazon gift card.
AGD Foundation Auction Items Needed Jul 17, 2023 The AGD Foundation is seeking donated auction items for its 2023 Electronic Silent Auction Fundraiser to be held during AGD2023. The fundraiser supports oral and oropharyngeal cancer efforts, including free screenings, awareness programs and educational resources.
The Exhibit Hall Is the Place to Be at AGD2023 Jul 17, 2023 The AGD2023 Exhibit Hall will have 100+ leading dental vendors showcasing the most current technologies and services. Purchase $2,500+ worth of goods or services and receive two FREE lecture courses at AGD2024! New for 2023: Partake in the Exhibit Hall Passport game during the dessert-themed “Scoops & Scores” happy hour on Friday.
The State of Dental Medicaid Benefits Jul 17, 2023 Even as some states expand Medicaid, the lack of providers is a major barrier to patients getting the dental care they need. To ensure low-income Americans have access to quality oral healthcare, AGD strongly recommends Medicaid changes that deliver greater benefits for patients and encourage more dentist participation.
Summer Deals for Associate Dentists Jul 17, 2023 Don’t let the summer heat melt your savings away. With AGD’s Exclusive Benefits program, you’ll have access to special offers. Whether you’re navigating the tides of personal finance and insurance or looking for exciting online shopping deals, entertainment discounts and more, AGD has you covered.
Help Support the AGD Advocacy Fund Jul 14, 2023 The AGD Advocacy Fund supports national and constituent advocacy efforts by providing resources to tackle new matters, such as legislation or legal action affecting the practice of general dentistry.
Senate Help Releases Staff Bipartisan Discussion Draft Legislation to Reauthorize PAHPA Jul 14, 2023 On July 3, 2023, staff of Senators Bill Cassidy (R-LA), Bernie Sanders (I-VT), Bob Casey (D-PA), and Mitt Romney (R-UT) released a staff-level bipartisan discussion draft to reauthorize the Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Act (PAHPA).
States Continue Enacting Insurance Reforms Jul 14, 2023 By the end of June most state legislatures have ended their sessions for 2023 and adjourned for the year. In addition to medical loss ratio legislation, dentists continued to advocate for insurance reform in the state capitols.
Referral Rewards Jul 11, 2023 Know a future AGD member? Refer them! Let them know they’ll enjoy 50% off AGD 2023 dues this summer while earning you both $50 in rewards.