Welcome to Keeping PACE, AGD PACE providers’ most current source of information from AGD headquarters. Keeping PACE is a quarterly e-newsletter intended to help AGD PACE-approved providers meet PACE standards and criteria when planning and implementing continuing dental education (CE) courses. It is also a good reference tool for AGD leaders. Recipients are encouraged to check this resource regularly for information that can help provide quality CE and ensure compliance to published AGD PACE Guidelines. If you would like to propose a submission for an upcoming edition of Keeping PACE, please send it to PACE@agd.org.
August 2020 Issue
The Academy of General Dentistry (AGD) has updated its privacy settings to protect your data. As part of this process, an alphanumerical password is required, and you may be asked to update your password in order to log in to AGD.org so you can access the PACE roster submission tools and the application for national PACE-approval.
Offering Webinars During the Pandemic
In light of the ongoing COVID-19 Pandemic, the Academy of General Dentistry (AGD) would like to share the following information with you regarding offering webinars or other electronically mediated continuing dental education activities.
Policy to Ensure Scientific Basis
PACE Standard I, Criterion O states that program providers must develop and operate in accordance to written policies, procedures or guidelines designed to ensure that all clinical and/or technical continuing dental education activates offered include the scientific basis for the program content and an assessment of the benefits and risks associated with that content in order to promote public safety.
Using the AGD PACE Logo
All PACE-approved CE organizations are expected to include the AGD PACE logo and the official approval statement on all publicity materials and attendance verification forms.
Assigning AGD Subject Codes
AGD Subject Codes are numerical codes assigned by the AGD to identify the topic taught during a continuing dental education course. Approved providers are expected to identify the AGD subject codes associated with a course or program in all course/program announcements and again on attendance verification forms.
Approved Organizations Must Submit CE Rosters Electronically to the AGD
As of September 1, 2019 the AGD stopped accepting any continuing education (CE) verification forms or rosters through the mail, fax or email. All CE MUST be submitted electronically. Any CE submitted through the mail, fax or email will be returned to the CE provider.
Upcoming Application Deadlines and Approval Schedule for National PACE Approval
For the past several years the AGD PACE Council has reviewed applications on a bimonthly schedule. Due to an increase in the number of applications received and to improve the efficiency of our review process the AGD PACE Council has voted to transition to a quarterly review schedule.