California AGD’s Fellowtrack Leadership Conference

Dr. Rouzana Hares Shares her Story about Treating Syrian Refugees in Jordan
AGD member Rouzana Hares, DDS, FAGD, of West Bloomfield, Michigan, was among nearly 60 volunteers who traveled to Jordan with the Syrian American Medical Society (SAMS) to provide care to Syrian refugees.
Congress Misses Deadline to Extend Funding for CHIP
Lawmakers ask HHS to Rescind Burdensome Regulations Impacting Dentists, Patients
HHS Secretary Price Resigns
In the States

How You Can Join the Fight against Oral Cancer
Did you know that oral cancer is also known as a silent killer?
Meet Dr. Shari Hyder
Welcome New AGD Constituent Leaders!
Share Your Knowledge as a Speaker at AGD2018
Apply for 2018 Fellowship, Mastership or Lifelong Learning and Service Recognition
Don’t Miss AGD’s Last Quarterly Idea Exchange for 2017
AGD Briefings Is Now AGD Leader Insider
CST Brings STAR Power to New York AGD and Virginia AGD!
Senate Appropriations Committee Releases FY2018 Labor-HHS Committee Repo
Senators Introduce CHIP Extension Bill
GOP Revisits ACA Repeal
In the States

Member Spotlight: Tanya Sue Maestas
Academy of General Dentistry (AGD) student member Tanya Sue Maestas has known that she wanted to be a dentist since she was in fifth grade.