Approximately 54,000 Americans are expected to be diagnosed with oral or oropharyngeal cancer this year. It is expected to cause more than 11,230 deaths this year alone, according to Cancer.org.
The death rate of this cancer is particularly high, not because it is difficult to treat, but because it is often detected at a late or advanced stage. Changes of surviving the cancer dwindle as the disease progresses, and patients may need to undergo major surgeries that leave them disfigured.
General dentists can and should play a critical role in the fight against oral cancer by offering routine oral cancer screenings to all patients. This can help detect potentially cancerous lesions earlier, improving health outcomes.
The AGD Foundation is committed to fighting oral cancer. The following resources are here to help you learn more about screening for oral cancer and supporting your patients.
Washington AGD and AGD Foundation on How to Perform an Oral Cancer Screening
Washington AGD and AGD Foundation on Dentistry's Role in HPV-Related Cancers
A.T. Still University on the HPV Vaccine
A.T. Still University on HPV
A.T. Still University on Oral Cancer Screenings
A.T. Still University on Oral Cancer
These videos were produced by A.T. Still University Dental School with a grant from the AGD Foundation Grant Program.
Oral Cancer Prevention and Detection Tips
- Visit your general dentist twice a year
- Ask your dentist to perform an oral cancer exam and to evaluate abnormalities
- Abstain from using all forms of tobacco
- The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that all preteen boys and girls ages 11 to 12 be vaccinated for Human Papillomavirus (HPV)
- Disclose your medical history to your dentist – including sexually transmitted diseases
- Avoid alcohol use
- If you notice abnormal growths, discoloration, tenderness, or bleeding contact your dentist right away.
Shareable Oral Cancer Facts
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Over 53,000 People are Diagnosed with Oral Cancer Per Year

Early Detection is Key
Sample Captions for Social Sharing
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- Be sure to visit your general dentist for regular check-ups to stay on top of the signs for oral cancer. #oralcancerawareness #agd #getscreened
- An oral cancer screening should be done at your dentist at every visit. Early detection is key. #oralcancerawareness #agd #getscreened
- Please visit your general dentist for routine oral cancer screenings to maintain a healthy mouth and a healthy life. #oralcancerawareness #agd #getscreened
- Early detection of oral cancer facilitates early treatment and can lead to better outcomes and survival rates. For this reason, it is very important to receive annual screenings even if you are not having any symptoms! #oralcancerawareness #agd #getscreened
- Your general dentist can detect the disease early. They are the first line of defense against oral cancer. #oralcancerawareness #agd #getscreened