Capitol Connections Sep 27, 2021 AGD is working to address the most pressing issues faced by our members as we advocate to government entities for general dentists.
Recent Grads: Share This Valuable Offer with New Dentists Sep 27, 2021 If you’re a recent graduate, hopefully you’re already enrolled in the complimentary malpractice coverage from Dentist’s Advantage that comes with your AGD membership. So why not remind fellow graduates to sign up? Coverage lasts from the day of enrollment through April 30, 2022.
Academy of General Dentistry Featured in Media Planet's Future of Dentistry Campaign Sep 24, 2021 Campaign published in print and digital edition of USA Today
FDA to Hold Workshop on Mandatory Prescriber Education for Opioids Sep 22, 2021 The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced on September 8 that it would be conducting a two-day public workshop, "Reconsidering Mandatory Opioid Prescriber Education Through a Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy (REMS) in an Evolving Opioid Crisis," to allow stakeholders to provide input on aspects of the current opioid crisis that could be mitigated measurably by requiring mandatory prescriber education as part of a REMS.
Additional HRSA Provider Relief Fund Distribution Announced Sep 22, 2021 On September 10, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced that an additional $25.5 billion in new funding would be made available through HRSA's Provider Relief Fund to health care providers impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.
House Committees Vote to Advance Medicare Dental Benefits Expansion Sep 22, 2021 The House Ways & Means Committee and the House Energy & Commerce Committee voted on September 10 and 15 to pass portions of the Democrats' $3.5 trillion "human infrastructure" Budget Reconciliation package, the Build Back Better Act. These two Committees included a proposal to expand Medicare to include dental, vision, and hearing benefits in their portions of the package.
Dr. Hamlin Creates a Bespoke Dental Experience in Upcoming Boutique Sep 20, 2021 In July 2020, Zaneta Hamlin, DDS, FAGD, put out a call to action to organized dentistry to encourage diversity within leadership to promote inclusivity and represent all voices within dentistry. She recently spoke with AGD Impact about her motivation for becoming a dentist and her vision for her upcoming practice.
AGD Foundation Announces 2021 Annual Appeal Sep 20, 2021 With the increasing incidence of HPV-related oral and oropharyngeal cancers, the work of the AGD Foundation is critical. By investing in the AGD Foundation, you help grow its cornerstone programs and expand its reach.
Topical Anesthetics: A Review of Several Formulations Sep 20, 2021 Topical anesthetics are useful for a variety of purposes: numbing tissues for procedures such as scaling and root planing, reducing local anesthetic injection pain, treating tooth pain, and more.
Last Chance to Register for the 2021 Fall Fellowship Review Course Sep 20, 2021 Registration ends Sept. 24 for the 2021 Fall Fellowship Review Course at the Capital Hilton in Washington, D.C., Oct. 1–2. The course will be followed by the Fellowship Exam Oct. 3. Stand out among your peers by becoming an AGD Fellow, and register for both today!
How Dentists Should Consider Obesity in Patients Sep 20, 2021 Obesity is a chronic disease associated with increased fatty deposition that leads to metabolic, biomechanical and psychosocial consequences and can be associated with frequent relapses. It is a serious condition that continues to be on the rise in the United States.
Students Can Start Out the School Year with Savings Sep 20, 2021 In between studying and socializing, enjoy some you time without having to break the bank. Find deals while doing online shopping or looking for entertainment tickets as well as offers on practical must-haves like renters insurance, auto insurance and more.
A Unique Method for Restoring Endodontically Treated Teeth Sep 13, 2021 The endocrown combines a ceramic core and crown in a single restoration for severely compromised teeth. In the latest issue of General Dentistry, Andy M. Janiga, DMD, reports on three cases that illustrate the principles of this useful restoration.
HR Quandaries in the Post-COVID Age Sep 13, 2021 The COVID-19 pandemic forced the closures of dental offices for months, some completely while others were only open for emergency procedures. While reopening meant a return to work, human resources leaders in the dental industry have been inundated with a slew of questions. What role is HR playing in handling the pandemic and guiding the industry forward?
Capitol Connections Sep 13, 2021 AGD is working to address the most pressing issues faced by our members as we advocate to government entities for general dentists.
Your Favorite Hygienist Refuses to Be Vaccinated Sep 13, 2021 As the pandemic continues and practices reopen, many dentists are facing additional difficult questions regarding their teams: “How should I deal with a valuable team member who refuses to be vaccinated? What do I do after discussions and even incentives fail to persuade this team member to be vaccinated?”
You’ve Got Referral Power Sep 13, 2021 “By recruiting colleagues to join AGD, I’ve not only lowered my membership renewal cost, I’m also helping my fellow dentists,” says AGD member Filippo Marchello, DDS, MAGD. Let colleagues know they can join for half off headquarters dues until Sept. 30.
September Issue of General Dentistry Now Available Sep 9, 2021 The issue includes a review of several formulations of topical anesthetics, an analysis of growth factors and cell differentiation in PRF membranes and an assessment of the diagnostic accuracy of digital periapical radiography.
Dental Coalition Urges Support for PREVENT HPV Cancers Act Sep 8, 2021 AGD signed on to an Organized Dentistry Coalition (ODC) letter that was sent to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) in support of H.R.1550, the Promoting Resources to Expand Vaccination, Education and New Treatments for (PREVENT) HPV Cancers Act. The letter called for the PREVENT HPV Cancers Act to be brought to the House floor for a vote and communicated the ODC’s strong support for the legislation.
CMS Announces First-ever Chief Dental Officer Sep 8, 2021 On August 30, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) announced that Dr. Natalia Chalmers, D.D.S., would be its first-ever Chief Dental Officer (CDO) in the Office of the Administrator.