General Dentistry is AGD's peer-reviewed journal. Published bimonthly, General Dentistry presents research and clinical findings to support the full range of procedures that general dentists perform on a regular basis.
July/August 2014
Table of Contents
Editorial Practice makes perfect
Eric K. Curtis, DDS, MA, MAGDFull Article (PDF)
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):6.
Guest Editorial Personalized dentistry: an enigma?
Full Article (PDF)
John C. Comisi, DDS, MAGD
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):8.
Minimally Invasive Dentistry Planning for failure: creating dental crumple zones
Mark Malterud, DDS, MAGDFull Article (PDF)
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):10.
Endodontics Preparing ideal canal shapes: concepts and techniques
Rich Mounce, DDSFull Article (PDF)
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):14.
Pharmacology Considerations for the treatment of the dental patient with Alzheimer’s disease
Thomas A. Viola, RPh, CCPFull Article (PDF)
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):16.
Oral Diagnosis Vestibular hyperplastic folds. Chronic ulceration of tongue.
Douglas D. Damm, DDSFull Article (PDF)
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):79.
Answers Oral Diagnosis and Self-Instruction Exercises No. 331, 332, 333.
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):80.Full Article (PDF)
Clinical Articles
Partial Dentures Single appointment interim partial denture for a patient with a self-maintained provisional
M. Rammal, DDSFull Article (PDF)
C. Alfonso, DDS, MS, FACP
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):20.
This article presents a case involving a patient with an aging self-maintained provisional. A modified technique for interim prosthesis fabrication was utilized that involves decoronation of the teeth prior to extraction, so that the anatomical soft tissues can be visualized. This technique is a cost-effective, expeditious approach to restore function in a single appointment.
Patient Education/Motivation Oral health status, perceptions, and access to dental care in the Hispanic population
Ivan Lugo, DMD, MBA, FACD, FICDFull Article (PDF)
Sarita Arteaga, DMD, MAGD
Veronica Sanchez, PhD
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):24.
This article analyzes the results of a survey designed to assess self-reported oral health status, perceptions, and access to care between the Hispanic population and the general population of the United States. The data indicate disparities do exist between the Hispanic and the general populations. They highlight the need for new policies and programs—from organized dentistry to individual practices—that address the needs of the growing Hispanic population.
Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis, Oral Pathology Salivary duct carcinoma of the palatal salivary glands: a case report
Charles L. Dunlap, DDSFull Article (PDF)
Shara M. Dunlap, DDS, FAGD
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):31.
There are many variants of salivary gland tumors; however, salivary duct carcinoma (SDC) ranks among those with the worst prognoses. This article presents a case of palatal SDC, a rare and virulent type of salivary gland tumor, the patient’s unwillingness to undergo conventional treatment, and the final outcome.
Digital Radiology Reducing the risk of intraoral radiographic imaging with collimation and thyroid shielding
K. Brandon Johnson, RDH, MSFull Article (PDF)
John B. Ludlow, DDS, MS, FDS RCSEd
Sally M. Mauriello, RDH, EdD
Enrique Platin, RT, EdD
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):34.
This intraoral imaging study compared effective doses from circular and rectangular collimator modalities. Adult and child full mouth series were exposed using a circular collimator, a universal rectangular collimator, and an enhanced rectangular collimator on phantoms. Rectangular collimation significantly reduced doses for adult exposures. In child exposures, only the universal rectangular collimator achieved significant dose reduction.
Implants Crevicular enzymes in peri-implant sulcus fluid around platform-switched implants: a pilot study
Chethan Hegde, MDSFull Article (PDF)
Kamat Varunraj Laxman, MDS
Krishna Prasad D., MDS
Manoj Shetty, MDS
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):41.
This study compared levels of the 2 crevicular enzymes—myeloperoxidase (MPO) and alkaline phosphatase (ALP)—in peri-implant sulcus fluid around platform-switched implants (implant group) vs the 2 enzymes’ levels in gingival crevicular fluid around contralateral natural teeth (control group). The results from the implant group showed a statistically significant reduction in MPO levels from the first to the third collection, and a statistically significant increase in ALP levels over the 3-month post-treatment period, as compared to the control group.
Prosthodontics/Fixed Subpontic osseous hyperplasia: a case series and literature review
Connie A. Lee, DDS, MSFull Article (PDF)
Michael B. Lee, DDS, MS
Chad R. Matthews, DMD, MS
Dimitris N. Tatakis, DDS, PhD
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):46.
A subpontic osseous hyperplasia (SOH) is a slow-growing, non-neoplastic bone growth that uniquely affects mandibular posterior edentulous ridges underneath pontics of fixed partial dentures. This report presents a series of SOH cases, illustrates SOH management approaches, and reviews the literature on SOH clinical presentations.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. 352 -
Cephalometrics Orthodontic airway imaging: the cutting edge in treatment planning
Krishna Sharma, BDS, MDSFull Article (PDF)
Sunita Shrivastav, BDS, MDS
Kavita Hotwani, BDS, MDS
Michael D. Murrell, DDS, MAGD
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):54.
The upper airway has long been an area of interest in orthodontics. A normal airway is an important factor in the physiologic growth of craniofacial structures. This article reviews the contemporary status of approaches in airway imaging and discusses potential future needs and directions.
Fixed Removable Hybrid Prosthesis Revisiting implant-retained mandibular overdentures: planning according to treatment needs
Andre Assaf, BDS, CES, DU, MBAFull Article (PDF)
Jose-Johann Chidiac, DDS, MSc, FICD
Marwan Daas, DDS, MSc, PhD
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):60.
Increasingly popular, implant-retained mandibular overdentures have a highly predictable success rate and provide many options in terms of design and attachment systems. This article provides a general overview of the various options that are available, and the specifications and challenges of each.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. 353 -
Anatomy The relationship between frenulum length and malocclusion
Arash Azizi, DDS, MScFull Article (PDF)
Sona Moosavi, DDS
Abdolreza Jamilian, DDS, MSc
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):66.
In this study, patients awaiting orthodontics were divided into 3 groups (n = 50) based on their lingual frenulum ANB (Point A, nasion, point B) angle: Group 1 (ANB angle = 0-4 degrees), Group 2 (ANB angle > 4 degrees), and Group 3 (ANB angle < 0 degrees). The mean frenulum length for Group 1 subjects was 11.4 (± 3.0) mm, compared to 9.5 (± 3.5) mm for Group 2 subjects, and 14 (± 3.0) for Group 3 subjects. These differences were statistically significant (P < 0.001). Maximum mouth opening was significantly greater for the Group 3 subjects. (P < 0.001).
Anesthesia and Pain Control Comparative evaluation of transdermal diclofenac patch and oral diclofenac as an analgesic modality following root coverage procedures
Devireddy Venkata Tejaswi, BDS, MDSFull Article (PDF)
M.L.V. Prabhuji, MDS
Shaeesta Khaleelahmed B., MDS
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):68.
Diclofenac sodium is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug, and is effective in the management of pain following periodontal surgery. However, oral administration of diclofenac can lead to gastrointestinal complications. A diclofenac transdermal patch was effective in postoperative pain control following root coverage procedures, and pain tolerance was higher when compared to orally administered diclofenac.
Current applications of nanotechnology in dentistry: a review Microbiology
Shaeesta Khaleelahmed Bhavikatti, MDSFull Article (PDF)
Smiti Bhardwaj, BDS
M.L.V. Prabhuji, MDS
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):72.
Researchers in the field of dentistry have explored the potential of nanoparticles in existing therapeutic modalities with moderate success. This review provides detailed insights about current developments in dentistry, and discusses potential future uses of nanotechnology.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. 354 -
Soft Tissue Surgery Soft tissue dehiscence coverage around dental implants following an acellular dermal matrix allograft: a case report
Full Article (PDF)
Nader Ayobianmarkazi, DDS
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):e1.
This article describes a case involving soft tissue dehiscence, in which an acellular dermal matrix allograft was used to increase the width of keratinized mucosa around an implant-supported prosthesis, resulting in complete implant surface coverage due to the phenomenon of creeping attachment.
Diagnosis of Oral Pathology Desquamative gingivitis: what’s behind it? A case report
Parwani Simran R., MDSFull Article (PDF)
Parwani Rajkumar N., MDS
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):e5.
Desquamative gingivitis (DG) is a clinical term used to describe red, painful, glazed, friable gingiva. This case is unique in that it involves oral lichen planus and chronic DG, which may be secondary to plaque or a manifestation of the oral lichen planus. Intraoral examination and biopsy reports revealed features of chronic DG and oral reticular lichen planus.
Growth & Development Eruption sequence of the permanent maxillary canine: a radiographic review
Kenneth G. Rawson, DMDFull Article (PDF)
Robyn Hofelich, DMD
Dan B. Welch, PhD
Daniel C. Stoeckel, DDS, MS
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):e9.
This study evaluated the eruption sequence of the permanent maxillary canine in patients to determine if it follows the previously established normal pattern: first premolar, second premolar, and canine. Based on the results obtained in this study, the eruption sequence of the permanent maxillary canine followed the historical normal pattern for the majority of patients in this population. The difference in eruption sequence for males versus females was not significant.
Dental Materials Effects of preheating on the properties of silorane- and methacrylate-based composites
Peggy L. Dickson, DDS, MSFull Article (PDF)
Kraig S. Vandewalle, DDS, MS
Wen Lien, DDS, MS
Michael N. Wajdowicz, DDS
Maria Santos, DDS
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):e12.
This study evaluated how preheating affected the properties of a silorane-based composite restorative material and 4 methacrylate-based composites. With the exception of a flowable composite, significant reductions in viscosity were found between all preheated and room temperature composites, with no significant difference in other properties. In general, preheating the composites decreased viscosity, but did not affect compressive strength, depth of cure, or shrinkage per composite type.
Esthetics/Cosmetic Dentistry Dentinogenesis imperfecta: a case report of comprehensive treatment for a teenager
Rick Biethman, DMDFull Article (PDF)
Laura Richards Capati, DMD, MA
Nicole Eldger, DMD
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):e18.
This case report describes treatment for an adolescent boy with dentinogenesis imperfecta. The patient was severely obese and disliked his stained teeth. A combination of surgical periodontal treatment, endodontic treatment, and veneers improved both his smile and self-perception.
Root Caries & Treatment Efficacy of calcium hydroxide paste prepared with different vehicles against salivary microbial infiltration of root canals
Marili D. Deonizio, PhD, MSc, DDSFull Article (PDF)
Wander J. da Silva, PhD, MSc, DDS
Antonio Batista, PhD, MSc, DDS
Gilson B. Sydney, PhD, MSc, DDS
Fabiana C. do Nascimento, DDS
Leticia M. Goncalves, PhD, MSc, DDS
Edvaldo R. Rosa, PhD, MSc, PharmG
Marilisa C. Gabardo, PhD, MSc
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):e22.
This in vitro study evaluated the efficacy of calcium hydroxide Ca(OH)2 pastes prepared with different vehicles in preventing bacterial infiltration in teeth exposed to human saliva. Root canals were instrumented and filled with Ca(OH)2 paste prepared with different vehicles: saline solution, polyethylene glycol, or polyethylene glycol and camphorated paramonochlorophenol. Based on the results, calcium hydroxide paste prepared with saline solution was the most effective.
Cancer Screening Early diagnosis of lip cancer preceded by a persistent actinic lesion in a kidney transplant patient: a case report
Francisco Artur Forte Oliveira, DDS, MScFull Article (PDF)
Clarissa Pessoa Fernandes, DDS, MSc
Ana Paula Negreiros Nunes Alves, DDS, MSc, PhD
Mario Rogerio Lima Mota, DDS, MSc, PhD
Paula Frassinetti Castelo Branco Camurca Fernandes, MD, MSc, PhD
Fabricio Bitu Sousa, DDS, PhD
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):e26.
This is a case report of a 58-year-old man receiving immunosuppressive therapy 9 years after undergoing a kidney transplant. Earlier incisional biopsies had resulted in diagnoses of actinic cheilosis. However, the last biopsy showed results compatible with squamous cell carcinoma, and oncologic surgery was performed. Frequent dental follow-up visits allowed for the early diagnosis, proper treatment, and an improved prognosis.
Dental Materials Investigation of treatment options to minimize the effects of acid erosion on enamel
M. Dehghan, DDSFull Article (PDF)
P.J. Stanley, BS
D. Tantbirojn, DDS, MS, PhD
A. Versluis, PhD
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):e30.
This in vitro study investigated 4 products (containing calcium, phosphate, and/or fluoride) and their ability to reharden enamel softened by hydrochloric acid as compared to hardening with saliva alone. For all groups, Vickers hardness decreased significantly after immersion in hydrochloric acid. Fluoride in combination with casein phosphopeptide amorphous calcium phosphate was the most effective treatment for enamel hardness recovery.
Dental Materials Effect of prior calcium hydroxide intracanal placement on sealing ability of MTA plugs
Mamak Adel, DDS, MSFull Article (PDF)
Nima Moradi Majd, DDS, MS
Yasaman Samani, DDS
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):e34.
This study sought to investigate how pretreatment intracanal placement of calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2) affected the sealing ability of mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) plugs in simulated open apices. The specimens in Group 1 were pretreated using a Ca(OH)2 medicament, while the samples in Group 2 received no medicament. One week later, a 5 mm apical plug of MTA was applied into the canals. Group 1 had a significantly higher frequency of apical leakage than Group 2 (P < 0.05).
Endodontic Microbiology Contamination of absorbent paper points in clinical practice: a critical approach
Larissa Pessoa de Andrade, DDSFull Article (PDF)
Nikeila Chacon de Oliveira Conde, DDS
Emilio Carlos Sponchiado Jr., DDS, MSc, PhD
Andre Augusto Franco Marques, DDS, MSc, PhD
Juliana Vianna Pereira, DDS, MSc, PhD
Lucas da Fonseca Roberti Garcia, DDS, MSc, PhD
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):e38.
This study sought to evaluate the contamination level of absorbent paper points used routinely in dental clinical practice. Sixty absorbent paper points were collected and separated into 3 groups: 20 paper points from sealed commercial packages, 20 paper points from open commercial packages in use for 30 days, and 20 paper points from a sealed commercial package that were manipulated by the operator. Inadequate manipulation of paper points by the operator caused contamination. In addition, the bacterial growth found in absorbent paper points that were still in their commercial package indicates the importance of sterilization before the paper points are used in clinical practice.
July/August 2014
Table of Contents
Editorial Practice makes perfect
Eric K. Curtis, DDS, MA, MAGDFull Article (PDF)
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):6.
Guest Editorial Personalized dentistry: an enigma?
Full Article (PDF)
John C. Comisi, DDS, MAGD
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):8.
Minimally Invasive Dentistry Planning for failure: creating dental crumple zones
Mark Malterud, DDS, MAGDFull Article (PDF)
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):10.
Endodontics Preparing ideal canal shapes: concepts and techniques
Rich Mounce, DDSFull Article (PDF)
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):14.
Pharmacology Considerations for the treatment of the dental patient with Alzheimer’s disease
Thomas A. Viola, RPh, CCPFull Article (PDF)
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):16.
Oral Diagnosis Vestibular hyperplastic folds. Chronic ulceration of tongue.
Douglas D. Damm, DDSFull Article (PDF)
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):79.
Answers Oral Diagnosis and Self-Instruction Exercises No. 331, 332, 333.
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):80.Full Article (PDF)
Clinical Articles
Partial Dentures Single appointment interim partial denture for a patient with a self-maintained provisional
M. Rammal, DDSFull Article (PDF)
C. Alfonso, DDS, MS, FACP
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):20.
This article presents a case involving a patient with an aging self-maintained provisional. A modified technique for interim prosthesis fabrication was utilized that involves decoronation of the teeth prior to extraction, so that the anatomical soft tissues can be visualized. This technique is a cost-effective, expeditious approach to restore function in a single appointment.
Patient Education/Motivation Oral health status, perceptions, and access to dental care in the Hispanic population
Ivan Lugo, DMD, MBA, FACD, FICDFull Article (PDF)
Sarita Arteaga, DMD, MAGD
Veronica Sanchez, PhD
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):24.
This article analyzes the results of a survey designed to assess self-reported oral health status, perceptions, and access to care between the Hispanic population and the general population of the United States. The data indicate disparities do exist between the Hispanic and the general populations. They highlight the need for new policies and programs—from organized dentistry to individual practices—that address the needs of the growing Hispanic population.
Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis, Oral Pathology Salivary duct carcinoma of the palatal salivary glands: a case report
Charles L. Dunlap, DDSFull Article (PDF)
Shara M. Dunlap, DDS, FAGD
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):31.
There are many variants of salivary gland tumors; however, salivary duct carcinoma (SDC) ranks among those with the worst prognoses. This article presents a case of palatal SDC, a rare and virulent type of salivary gland tumor, the patient’s unwillingness to undergo conventional treatment, and the final outcome.
Digital Radiology Reducing the risk of intraoral radiographic imaging with collimation and thyroid shielding
K. Brandon Johnson, RDH, MSFull Article (PDF)
John B. Ludlow, DDS, MS, FDS RCSEd
Sally M. Mauriello, RDH, EdD
Enrique Platin, RT, EdD
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):34.
This intraoral imaging study compared effective doses from circular and rectangular collimator modalities. Adult and child full mouth series were exposed using a circular collimator, a universal rectangular collimator, and an enhanced rectangular collimator on phantoms. Rectangular collimation significantly reduced doses for adult exposures. In child exposures, only the universal rectangular collimator achieved significant dose reduction.
Implants Crevicular enzymes in peri-implant sulcus fluid around platform-switched implants: a pilot study
Chethan Hegde, MDSFull Article (PDF)
Kamat Varunraj Laxman, MDS
Krishna Prasad D., MDS
Manoj Shetty, MDS
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):41.
This study compared levels of the 2 crevicular enzymes—myeloperoxidase (MPO) and alkaline phosphatase (ALP)—in peri-implant sulcus fluid around platform-switched implants (implant group) vs the 2 enzymes’ levels in gingival crevicular fluid around contralateral natural teeth (control group). The results from the implant group showed a statistically significant reduction in MPO levels from the first to the third collection, and a statistically significant increase in ALP levels over the 3-month post-treatment period, as compared to the control group.
Prosthodontics/Fixed Subpontic osseous hyperplasia: a case series and literature review
Connie A. Lee, DDS, MSFull Article (PDF)
Michael B. Lee, DDS, MS
Chad R. Matthews, DMD, MS
Dimitris N. Tatakis, DDS, PhD
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):46.
A subpontic osseous hyperplasia (SOH) is a slow-growing, non-neoplastic bone growth that uniquely affects mandibular posterior edentulous ridges underneath pontics of fixed partial dentures. This report presents a series of SOH cases, illustrates SOH management approaches, and reviews the literature on SOH clinical presentations.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. 352 -
Cephalometrics Orthodontic airway imaging: the cutting edge in treatment planning
Krishna Sharma, BDS, MDSFull Article (PDF)
Sunita Shrivastav, BDS, MDS
Kavita Hotwani, BDS, MDS
Michael D. Murrell, DDS, MAGD
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):54.
The upper airway has long been an area of interest in orthodontics. A normal airway is an important factor in the physiologic growth of craniofacial structures. This article reviews the contemporary status of approaches in airway imaging and discusses potential future needs and directions.
Fixed Removable Hybrid Prosthesis Revisiting implant-retained mandibular overdentures: planning according to treatment needs
Andre Assaf, BDS, CES, DU, MBAFull Article (PDF)
Jose-Johann Chidiac, DDS, MSc, FICD
Marwan Daas, DDS, MSc, PhD
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):60.
Increasingly popular, implant-retained mandibular overdentures have a highly predictable success rate and provide many options in terms of design and attachment systems. This article provides a general overview of the various options that are available, and the specifications and challenges of each.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. 353 -
Anatomy The relationship between frenulum length and malocclusion
Arash Azizi, DDS, MScFull Article (PDF)
Sona Moosavi, DDS
Abdolreza Jamilian, DDS, MSc
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):66.
In this study, patients awaiting orthodontics were divided into 3 groups (n = 50) based on their lingual frenulum ANB (Point A, nasion, point B) angle: Group 1 (ANB angle = 0-4 degrees), Group 2 (ANB angle > 4 degrees), and Group 3 (ANB angle < 0 degrees). The mean frenulum length for Group 1 subjects was 11.4 (± 3.0) mm, compared to 9.5 (± 3.5) mm for Group 2 subjects, and 14 (± 3.0) for Group 3 subjects. These differences were statistically significant (P < 0.001). Maximum mouth opening was significantly greater for the Group 3 subjects. (P < 0.001).
Anesthesia and Pain Control Comparative evaluation of transdermal diclofenac patch and oral diclofenac as an analgesic modality following root coverage procedures
Devireddy Venkata Tejaswi, BDS, MDSFull Article (PDF)
M.L.V. Prabhuji, MDS
Shaeesta Khaleelahmed B., MDS
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):68.
Diclofenac sodium is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug, and is effective in the management of pain following periodontal surgery. However, oral administration of diclofenac can lead to gastrointestinal complications. A diclofenac transdermal patch was effective in postoperative pain control following root coverage procedures, and pain tolerance was higher when compared to orally administered diclofenac.
Current applications of nanotechnology in dentistry: a review Microbiology
Shaeesta Khaleelahmed Bhavikatti, MDSFull Article (PDF)
Smiti Bhardwaj, BDS
M.L.V. Prabhuji, MDS
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):72.
Researchers in the field of dentistry have explored the potential of nanoparticles in existing therapeutic modalities with moderate success. This review provides detailed insights about current developments in dentistry, and discusses potential future uses of nanotechnology.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. 354 -
Soft Tissue Surgery Soft tissue dehiscence coverage around dental implants following an acellular dermal matrix allograft: a case report
Full Article (PDF)
Nader Ayobianmarkazi, DDS
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):e1.
This article describes a case involving soft tissue dehiscence, in which an acellular dermal matrix allograft was used to increase the width of keratinized mucosa around an implant-supported prosthesis, resulting in complete implant surface coverage due to the phenomenon of creeping attachment.
Diagnosis of Oral Pathology Desquamative gingivitis: what’s behind it? A case report
Parwani Simran R., MDSFull Article (PDF)
Parwani Rajkumar N., MDS
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):e5.
Desquamative gingivitis (DG) is a clinical term used to describe red, painful, glazed, friable gingiva. This case is unique in that it involves oral lichen planus and chronic DG, which may be secondary to plaque or a manifestation of the oral lichen planus. Intraoral examination and biopsy reports revealed features of chronic DG and oral reticular lichen planus.
Growth & Development Eruption sequence of the permanent maxillary canine: a radiographic review
Kenneth G. Rawson, DMDFull Article (PDF)
Robyn Hofelich, DMD
Dan B. Welch, PhD
Daniel C. Stoeckel, DDS, MS
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):e9.
This study evaluated the eruption sequence of the permanent maxillary canine in patients to determine if it follows the previously established normal pattern: first premolar, second premolar, and canine. Based on the results obtained in this study, the eruption sequence of the permanent maxillary canine followed the historical normal pattern for the majority of patients in this population. The difference in eruption sequence for males versus females was not significant.
Dental Materials Effects of preheating on the properties of silorane- and methacrylate-based composites
Peggy L. Dickson, DDS, MSFull Article (PDF)
Kraig S. Vandewalle, DDS, MS
Wen Lien, DDS, MS
Michael N. Wajdowicz, DDS
Maria Santos, DDS
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):e12.
This study evaluated how preheating affected the properties of a silorane-based composite restorative material and 4 methacrylate-based composites. With the exception of a flowable composite, significant reductions in viscosity were found between all preheated and room temperature composites, with no significant difference in other properties. In general, preheating the composites decreased viscosity, but did not affect compressive strength, depth of cure, or shrinkage per composite type.
Esthetics/Cosmetic Dentistry Dentinogenesis imperfecta: a case report of comprehensive treatment for a teenager
Rick Biethman, DMDFull Article (PDF)
Laura Richards Capati, DMD, MA
Nicole Eldger, DMD
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):e18.
This case report describes treatment for an adolescent boy with dentinogenesis imperfecta. The patient was severely obese and disliked his stained teeth. A combination of surgical periodontal treatment, endodontic treatment, and veneers improved both his smile and self-perception.
Root Caries & Treatment Efficacy of calcium hydroxide paste prepared with different vehicles against salivary microbial infiltration of root canals
Marili D. Deonizio, PhD, MSc, DDSFull Article (PDF)
Wander J. da Silva, PhD, MSc, DDS
Antonio Batista, PhD, MSc, DDS
Gilson B. Sydney, PhD, MSc, DDS
Fabiana C. do Nascimento, DDS
Leticia M. Goncalves, PhD, MSc, DDS
Edvaldo R. Rosa, PhD, MSc, PharmG
Marilisa C. Gabardo, PhD, MSc
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):e22.
This in vitro study evaluated the efficacy of calcium hydroxide Ca(OH)2 pastes prepared with different vehicles in preventing bacterial infiltration in teeth exposed to human saliva. Root canals were instrumented and filled with Ca(OH)2 paste prepared with different vehicles: saline solution, polyethylene glycol, or polyethylene glycol and camphorated paramonochlorophenol. Based on the results, calcium hydroxide paste prepared with saline solution was the most effective.
Cancer Screening Early diagnosis of lip cancer preceded by a persistent actinic lesion in a kidney transplant patient: a case report
Francisco Artur Forte Oliveira, DDS, MScFull Article (PDF)
Clarissa Pessoa Fernandes, DDS, MSc
Ana Paula Negreiros Nunes Alves, DDS, MSc, PhD
Mario Rogerio Lima Mota, DDS, MSc, PhD
Paula Frassinetti Castelo Branco Camurca Fernandes, MD, MSc, PhD
Fabricio Bitu Sousa, DDS, PhD
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):e26.
This is a case report of a 58-year-old man receiving immunosuppressive therapy 9 years after undergoing a kidney transplant. Earlier incisional biopsies had resulted in diagnoses of actinic cheilosis. However, the last biopsy showed results compatible with squamous cell carcinoma, and oncologic surgery was performed. Frequent dental follow-up visits allowed for the early diagnosis, proper treatment, and an improved prognosis.
Dental Materials Investigation of treatment options to minimize the effects of acid erosion on enamel
M. Dehghan, DDSFull Article (PDF)
P.J. Stanley, BS
D. Tantbirojn, DDS, MS, PhD
A. Versluis, PhD
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):e30.
This in vitro study investigated 4 products (containing calcium, phosphate, and/or fluoride) and their ability to reharden enamel softened by hydrochloric acid as compared to hardening with saliva alone. For all groups, Vickers hardness decreased significantly after immersion in hydrochloric acid. Fluoride in combination with casein phosphopeptide amorphous calcium phosphate was the most effective treatment for enamel hardness recovery.
Dental Materials Effect of prior calcium hydroxide intracanal placement on sealing ability of MTA plugs
Mamak Adel, DDS, MSFull Article (PDF)
Nima Moradi Majd, DDS, MS
Yasaman Samani, DDS
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):e34.
This study sought to investigate how pretreatment intracanal placement of calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2) affected the sealing ability of mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) plugs in simulated open apices. The specimens in Group 1 were pretreated using a Ca(OH)2 medicament, while the samples in Group 2 received no medicament. One week later, a 5 mm apical plug of MTA was applied into the canals. Group 1 had a significantly higher frequency of apical leakage than Group 2 (P < 0.05).
Endodontic Microbiology Contamination of absorbent paper points in clinical practice: a critical approach
Larissa Pessoa de Andrade, DDSFull Article (PDF)
Nikeila Chacon de Oliveira Conde, DDS
Emilio Carlos Sponchiado Jr., DDS, MSc, PhD
Andre Augusto Franco Marques, DDS, MSc, PhD
Juliana Vianna Pereira, DDS, MSc, PhD
Lucas da Fonseca Roberti Garcia, DDS, MSc, PhD
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):e38.
This study sought to evaluate the contamination level of absorbent paper points used routinely in dental clinical practice. Sixty absorbent paper points were collected and separated into 3 groups: 20 paper points from sealed commercial packages, 20 paper points from open commercial packages in use for 30 days, and 20 paper points from a sealed commercial package that were manipulated by the operator. Inadequate manipulation of paper points by the operator caused contamination. In addition, the bacterial growth found in absorbent paper points that were still in their commercial package indicates the importance of sterilization before the paper points are used in clinical practice.
July/August 2014
Table of Contents
Editorial Practice makes perfect
Eric K. Curtis, DDS, MA, MAGDFull Article (PDF)
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):6.
Guest Editorial Personalized dentistry: an enigma?
Full Article (PDF)
John C. Comisi, DDS, MAGD
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):8.
Minimally Invasive Dentistry Planning for failure: creating dental crumple zones
Mark Malterud, DDS, MAGDFull Article (PDF)
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):10.
Endodontics Preparing ideal canal shapes: concepts and techniques
Rich Mounce, DDSFull Article (PDF)
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):14.
Pharmacology Considerations for the treatment of the dental patient with Alzheimer’s disease
Thomas A. Viola, RPh, CCPFull Article (PDF)
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):16.
Oral Diagnosis Vestibular hyperplastic folds. Chronic ulceration of tongue.
Douglas D. Damm, DDSFull Article (PDF)
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):79.
Answers Oral Diagnosis and Self-Instruction Exercises No. 331, 332, 333.
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):80.Full Article (PDF)
Clinical Articles
Partial Dentures Single appointment interim partial denture for a patient with a self-maintained provisional
M. Rammal, DDSFull Article (PDF)
C. Alfonso, DDS, MS, FACP
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):20.
This article presents a case involving a patient with an aging self-maintained provisional. A modified technique for interim prosthesis fabrication was utilized that involves decoronation of the teeth prior to extraction, so that the anatomical soft tissues can be visualized. This technique is a cost-effective, expeditious approach to restore function in a single appointment.
Patient Education/Motivation Oral health status, perceptions, and access to dental care in the Hispanic population
Ivan Lugo, DMD, MBA, FACD, FICDFull Article (PDF)
Sarita Arteaga, DMD, MAGD
Veronica Sanchez, PhD
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):24.
This article analyzes the results of a survey designed to assess self-reported oral health status, perceptions, and access to care between the Hispanic population and the general population of the United States. The data indicate disparities do exist between the Hispanic and the general populations. They highlight the need for new policies and programs—from organized dentistry to individual practices—that address the needs of the growing Hispanic population.
Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis, Oral Pathology Salivary duct carcinoma of the palatal salivary glands: a case report
Charles L. Dunlap, DDSFull Article (PDF)
Shara M. Dunlap, DDS, FAGD
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):31.
There are many variants of salivary gland tumors; however, salivary duct carcinoma (SDC) ranks among those with the worst prognoses. This article presents a case of palatal SDC, a rare and virulent type of salivary gland tumor, the patient’s unwillingness to undergo conventional treatment, and the final outcome.
Digital Radiology Reducing the risk of intraoral radiographic imaging with collimation and thyroid shielding
K. Brandon Johnson, RDH, MSFull Article (PDF)
John B. Ludlow, DDS, MS, FDS RCSEd
Sally M. Mauriello, RDH, EdD
Enrique Platin, RT, EdD
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):34.
This intraoral imaging study compared effective doses from circular and rectangular collimator modalities. Adult and child full mouth series were exposed using a circular collimator, a universal rectangular collimator, and an enhanced rectangular collimator on phantoms. Rectangular collimation significantly reduced doses for adult exposures. In child exposures, only the universal rectangular collimator achieved significant dose reduction.
Implants Crevicular enzymes in peri-implant sulcus fluid around platform-switched implants: a pilot study
Chethan Hegde, MDSFull Article (PDF)
Kamat Varunraj Laxman, MDS
Krishna Prasad D., MDS
Manoj Shetty, MDS
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):41.
This study compared levels of the 2 crevicular enzymes—myeloperoxidase (MPO) and alkaline phosphatase (ALP)—in peri-implant sulcus fluid around platform-switched implants (implant group) vs the 2 enzymes’ levels in gingival crevicular fluid around contralateral natural teeth (control group). The results from the implant group showed a statistically significant reduction in MPO levels from the first to the third collection, and a statistically significant increase in ALP levels over the 3-month post-treatment period, as compared to the control group.
Prosthodontics/Fixed Subpontic osseous hyperplasia: a case series and literature review
Connie A. Lee, DDS, MSFull Article (PDF)
Michael B. Lee, DDS, MS
Chad R. Matthews, DMD, MS
Dimitris N. Tatakis, DDS, PhD
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):46.
A subpontic osseous hyperplasia (SOH) is a slow-growing, non-neoplastic bone growth that uniquely affects mandibular posterior edentulous ridges underneath pontics of fixed partial dentures. This report presents a series of SOH cases, illustrates SOH management approaches, and reviews the literature on SOH clinical presentations.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. 352 -
Cephalometrics Orthodontic airway imaging: the cutting edge in treatment planning
Krishna Sharma, BDS, MDSFull Article (PDF)
Sunita Shrivastav, BDS, MDS
Kavita Hotwani, BDS, MDS
Michael D. Murrell, DDS, MAGD
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):54.
The upper airway has long been an area of interest in orthodontics. A normal airway is an important factor in the physiologic growth of craniofacial structures. This article reviews the contemporary status of approaches in airway imaging and discusses potential future needs and directions.
Fixed Removable Hybrid Prosthesis Revisiting implant-retained mandibular overdentures: planning according to treatment needs
Andre Assaf, BDS, CES, DU, MBAFull Article (PDF)
Jose-Johann Chidiac, DDS, MSc, FICD
Marwan Daas, DDS, MSc, PhD
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):60.
Increasingly popular, implant-retained mandibular overdentures have a highly predictable success rate and provide many options in terms of design and attachment systems. This article provides a general overview of the various options that are available, and the specifications and challenges of each.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. 353 -
Anatomy The relationship between frenulum length and malocclusion
Arash Azizi, DDS, MScFull Article (PDF)
Sona Moosavi, DDS
Abdolreza Jamilian, DDS, MSc
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):66.
In this study, patients awaiting orthodontics were divided into 3 groups (n = 50) based on their lingual frenulum ANB (Point A, nasion, point B) angle: Group 1 (ANB angle = 0-4 degrees), Group 2 (ANB angle > 4 degrees), and Group 3 (ANB angle < 0 degrees). The mean frenulum length for Group 1 subjects was 11.4 (± 3.0) mm, compared to 9.5 (± 3.5) mm for Group 2 subjects, and 14 (± 3.0) for Group 3 subjects. These differences were statistically significant (P < 0.001). Maximum mouth opening was significantly greater for the Group 3 subjects. (P < 0.001).
Anesthesia and Pain Control Comparative evaluation of transdermal diclofenac patch and oral diclofenac as an analgesic modality following root coverage procedures
Devireddy Venkata Tejaswi, BDS, MDSFull Article (PDF)
M.L.V. Prabhuji, MDS
Shaeesta Khaleelahmed B., MDS
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):68.
Diclofenac sodium is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug, and is effective in the management of pain following periodontal surgery. However, oral administration of diclofenac can lead to gastrointestinal complications. A diclofenac transdermal patch was effective in postoperative pain control following root coverage procedures, and pain tolerance was higher when compared to orally administered diclofenac.
Current applications of nanotechnology in dentistry: a review Microbiology
Shaeesta Khaleelahmed Bhavikatti, MDSFull Article (PDF)
Smiti Bhardwaj, BDS
M.L.V. Prabhuji, MDS
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):72.
Researchers in the field of dentistry have explored the potential of nanoparticles in existing therapeutic modalities with moderate success. This review provides detailed insights about current developments in dentistry, and discusses potential future uses of nanotechnology.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. 354 -
Soft Tissue Surgery Soft tissue dehiscence coverage around dental implants following an acellular dermal matrix allograft: a case report
Full Article (PDF)
Nader Ayobianmarkazi, DDS
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):e1.
This article describes a case involving soft tissue dehiscence, in which an acellular dermal matrix allograft was used to increase the width of keratinized mucosa around an implant-supported prosthesis, resulting in complete implant surface coverage due to the phenomenon of creeping attachment.
Diagnosis of Oral Pathology Desquamative gingivitis: what’s behind it? A case report
Parwani Simran R., MDSFull Article (PDF)
Parwani Rajkumar N., MDS
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):e5.
Desquamative gingivitis (DG) is a clinical term used to describe red, painful, glazed, friable gingiva. This case is unique in that it involves oral lichen planus and chronic DG, which may be secondary to plaque or a manifestation of the oral lichen planus. Intraoral examination and biopsy reports revealed features of chronic DG and oral reticular lichen planus.
Growth & Development Eruption sequence of the permanent maxillary canine: a radiographic review
Kenneth G. Rawson, DMDFull Article (PDF)
Robyn Hofelich, DMD
Dan B. Welch, PhD
Daniel C. Stoeckel, DDS, MS
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):e9.
This study evaluated the eruption sequence of the permanent maxillary canine in patients to determine if it follows the previously established normal pattern: first premolar, second premolar, and canine. Based on the results obtained in this study, the eruption sequence of the permanent maxillary canine followed the historical normal pattern for the majority of patients in this population. The difference in eruption sequence for males versus females was not significant.
Dental Materials Effects of preheating on the properties of silorane- and methacrylate-based composites
Peggy L. Dickson, DDS, MSFull Article (PDF)
Kraig S. Vandewalle, DDS, MS
Wen Lien, DDS, MS
Michael N. Wajdowicz, DDS
Maria Santos, DDS
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):e12.
This study evaluated how preheating affected the properties of a silorane-based composite restorative material and 4 methacrylate-based composites. With the exception of a flowable composite, significant reductions in viscosity were found between all preheated and room temperature composites, with no significant difference in other properties. In general, preheating the composites decreased viscosity, but did not affect compressive strength, depth of cure, or shrinkage per composite type.
Esthetics/Cosmetic Dentistry Dentinogenesis imperfecta: a case report of comprehensive treatment for a teenager
Rick Biethman, DMDFull Article (PDF)
Laura Richards Capati, DMD, MA
Nicole Eldger, DMD
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):e18.
This case report describes treatment for an adolescent boy with dentinogenesis imperfecta. The patient was severely obese and disliked his stained teeth. A combination of surgical periodontal treatment, endodontic treatment, and veneers improved both his smile and self-perception.
Root Caries & Treatment Efficacy of calcium hydroxide paste prepared with different vehicles against salivary microbial infiltration of root canals
Marili D. Deonizio, PhD, MSc, DDSFull Article (PDF)
Wander J. da Silva, PhD, MSc, DDS
Antonio Batista, PhD, MSc, DDS
Gilson B. Sydney, PhD, MSc, DDS
Fabiana C. do Nascimento, DDS
Leticia M. Goncalves, PhD, MSc, DDS
Edvaldo R. Rosa, PhD, MSc, PharmG
Marilisa C. Gabardo, PhD, MSc
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):e22.
This in vitro study evaluated the efficacy of calcium hydroxide Ca(OH)2 pastes prepared with different vehicles in preventing bacterial infiltration in teeth exposed to human saliva. Root canals were instrumented and filled with Ca(OH)2 paste prepared with different vehicles: saline solution, polyethylene glycol, or polyethylene glycol and camphorated paramonochlorophenol. Based on the results, calcium hydroxide paste prepared with saline solution was the most effective.
Cancer Screening Early diagnosis of lip cancer preceded by a persistent actinic lesion in a kidney transplant patient: a case report
Francisco Artur Forte Oliveira, DDS, MScFull Article (PDF)
Clarissa Pessoa Fernandes, DDS, MSc
Ana Paula Negreiros Nunes Alves, DDS, MSc, PhD
Mario Rogerio Lima Mota, DDS, MSc, PhD
Paula Frassinetti Castelo Branco Camurca Fernandes, MD, MSc, PhD
Fabricio Bitu Sousa, DDS, PhD
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):e26.
This is a case report of a 58-year-old man receiving immunosuppressive therapy 9 years after undergoing a kidney transplant. Earlier incisional biopsies had resulted in diagnoses of actinic cheilosis. However, the last biopsy showed results compatible with squamous cell carcinoma, and oncologic surgery was performed. Frequent dental follow-up visits allowed for the early diagnosis, proper treatment, and an improved prognosis.
Dental Materials Investigation of treatment options to minimize the effects of acid erosion on enamel
M. Dehghan, DDSFull Article (PDF)
P.J. Stanley, BS
D. Tantbirojn, DDS, MS, PhD
A. Versluis, PhD
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):e30.
This in vitro study investigated 4 products (containing calcium, phosphate, and/or fluoride) and their ability to reharden enamel softened by hydrochloric acid as compared to hardening with saliva alone. For all groups, Vickers hardness decreased significantly after immersion in hydrochloric acid. Fluoride in combination with casein phosphopeptide amorphous calcium phosphate was the most effective treatment for enamel hardness recovery.
Dental Materials Effect of prior calcium hydroxide intracanal placement on sealing ability of MTA plugs
Mamak Adel, DDS, MSFull Article (PDF)
Nima Moradi Majd, DDS, MS
Yasaman Samani, DDS
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):e34.
This study sought to investigate how pretreatment intracanal placement of calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2) affected the sealing ability of mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) plugs in simulated open apices. The specimens in Group 1 were pretreated using a Ca(OH)2 medicament, while the samples in Group 2 received no medicament. One week later, a 5 mm apical plug of MTA was applied into the canals. Group 1 had a significantly higher frequency of apical leakage than Group 2 (P < 0.05).
Endodontic Microbiology Contamination of absorbent paper points in clinical practice: a critical approach
Larissa Pessoa de Andrade, DDSFull Article (PDF)
Nikeila Chacon de Oliveira Conde, DDS
Emilio Carlos Sponchiado Jr., DDS, MSc, PhD
Andre Augusto Franco Marques, DDS, MSc, PhD
Juliana Vianna Pereira, DDS, MSc, PhD
Lucas da Fonseca Roberti Garcia, DDS, MSc, PhD
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):e38.
This study sought to evaluate the contamination level of absorbent paper points used routinely in dental clinical practice. Sixty absorbent paper points were collected and separated into 3 groups: 20 paper points from sealed commercial packages, 20 paper points from open commercial packages in use for 30 days, and 20 paper points from a sealed commercial package that were manipulated by the operator. Inadequate manipulation of paper points by the operator caused contamination. In addition, the bacterial growth found in absorbent paper points that were still in their commercial package indicates the importance of sterilization before the paper points are used in clinical practice.
July/August 2014
Table of Contents
Editorial Practice makes perfect
Eric K. Curtis, DDS, MA, MAGDFull Article (PDF)
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):6.
Guest Editorial Personalized dentistry: an enigma?
Full Article (PDF)
John C. Comisi, DDS, MAGD
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):8.
Minimally Invasive Dentistry Planning for failure: creating dental crumple zones
Mark Malterud, DDS, MAGDFull Article (PDF)
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):10.
Endodontics Preparing ideal canal shapes: concepts and techniques
Rich Mounce, DDSFull Article (PDF)
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):14.
Pharmacology Considerations for the treatment of the dental patient with Alzheimer’s disease
Thomas A. Viola, RPh, CCPFull Article (PDF)
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):16.
Oral Diagnosis Vestibular hyperplastic folds. Chronic ulceration of tongue.
Douglas D. Damm, DDSFull Article (PDF)
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):79.
Answers Oral Diagnosis and Self-Instruction Exercises No. 331, 332, 333.
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):80.Full Article (PDF)
Clinical Articles
Partial Dentures Single appointment interim partial denture for a patient with a self-maintained provisional
M. Rammal, DDSFull Article (PDF)
C. Alfonso, DDS, MS, FACP
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):20.
This article presents a case involving a patient with an aging self-maintained provisional. A modified technique for interim prosthesis fabrication was utilized that involves decoronation of the teeth prior to extraction, so that the anatomical soft tissues can be visualized. This technique is a cost-effective, expeditious approach to restore function in a single appointment.
Patient Education/Motivation Oral health status, perceptions, and access to dental care in the Hispanic population
Ivan Lugo, DMD, MBA, FACD, FICDFull Article (PDF)
Sarita Arteaga, DMD, MAGD
Veronica Sanchez, PhD
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):24.
This article analyzes the results of a survey designed to assess self-reported oral health status, perceptions, and access to care between the Hispanic population and the general population of the United States. The data indicate disparities do exist between the Hispanic and the general populations. They highlight the need for new policies and programs—from organized dentistry to individual practices—that address the needs of the growing Hispanic population.
Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis, Oral Pathology Salivary duct carcinoma of the palatal salivary glands: a case report
Charles L. Dunlap, DDSFull Article (PDF)
Shara M. Dunlap, DDS, FAGD
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):31.
There are many variants of salivary gland tumors; however, salivary duct carcinoma (SDC) ranks among those with the worst prognoses. This article presents a case of palatal SDC, a rare and virulent type of salivary gland tumor, the patient’s unwillingness to undergo conventional treatment, and the final outcome.
Digital Radiology Reducing the risk of intraoral radiographic imaging with collimation and thyroid shielding
K. Brandon Johnson, RDH, MSFull Article (PDF)
John B. Ludlow, DDS, MS, FDS RCSEd
Sally M. Mauriello, RDH, EdD
Enrique Platin, RT, EdD
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):34.
This intraoral imaging study compared effective doses from circular and rectangular collimator modalities. Adult and child full mouth series were exposed using a circular collimator, a universal rectangular collimator, and an enhanced rectangular collimator on phantoms. Rectangular collimation significantly reduced doses for adult exposures. In child exposures, only the universal rectangular collimator achieved significant dose reduction.
Implants Crevicular enzymes in peri-implant sulcus fluid around platform-switched implants: a pilot study
Chethan Hegde, MDSFull Article (PDF)
Kamat Varunraj Laxman, MDS
Krishna Prasad D., MDS
Manoj Shetty, MDS
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):41.
This study compared levels of the 2 crevicular enzymes—myeloperoxidase (MPO) and alkaline phosphatase (ALP)—in peri-implant sulcus fluid around platform-switched implants (implant group) vs the 2 enzymes’ levels in gingival crevicular fluid around contralateral natural teeth (control group). The results from the implant group showed a statistically significant reduction in MPO levels from the first to the third collection, and a statistically significant increase in ALP levels over the 3-month post-treatment period, as compared to the control group.
Prosthodontics/Fixed Subpontic osseous hyperplasia: a case series and literature review
Connie A. Lee, DDS, MSFull Article (PDF)
Michael B. Lee, DDS, MS
Chad R. Matthews, DMD, MS
Dimitris N. Tatakis, DDS, PhD
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):46.
A subpontic osseous hyperplasia (SOH) is a slow-growing, non-neoplastic bone growth that uniquely affects mandibular posterior edentulous ridges underneath pontics of fixed partial dentures. This report presents a series of SOH cases, illustrates SOH management approaches, and reviews the literature on SOH clinical presentations.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. 352 -
Cephalometrics Orthodontic airway imaging: the cutting edge in treatment planning
Krishna Sharma, BDS, MDSFull Article (PDF)
Sunita Shrivastav, BDS, MDS
Kavita Hotwani, BDS, MDS
Michael D. Murrell, DDS, MAGD
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):54.
The upper airway has long been an area of interest in orthodontics. A normal airway is an important factor in the physiologic growth of craniofacial structures. This article reviews the contemporary status of approaches in airway imaging and discusses potential future needs and directions.
Fixed Removable Hybrid Prosthesis Revisiting implant-retained mandibular overdentures: planning according to treatment needs
Andre Assaf, BDS, CES, DU, MBAFull Article (PDF)
Jose-Johann Chidiac, DDS, MSc, FICD
Marwan Daas, DDS, MSc, PhD
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):60.
Increasingly popular, implant-retained mandibular overdentures have a highly predictable success rate and provide many options in terms of design and attachment systems. This article provides a general overview of the various options that are available, and the specifications and challenges of each.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. 353 -
Anatomy The relationship between frenulum length and malocclusion
Arash Azizi, DDS, MScFull Article (PDF)
Sona Moosavi, DDS
Abdolreza Jamilian, DDS, MSc
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):66.
In this study, patients awaiting orthodontics were divided into 3 groups (n = 50) based on their lingual frenulum ANB (Point A, nasion, point B) angle: Group 1 (ANB angle = 0-4 degrees), Group 2 (ANB angle > 4 degrees), and Group 3 (ANB angle < 0 degrees). The mean frenulum length for Group 1 subjects was 11.4 (± 3.0) mm, compared to 9.5 (± 3.5) mm for Group 2 subjects, and 14 (± 3.0) for Group 3 subjects. These differences were statistically significant (P < 0.001). Maximum mouth opening was significantly greater for the Group 3 subjects. (P < 0.001).
Anesthesia and Pain Control Comparative evaluation of transdermal diclofenac patch and oral diclofenac as an analgesic modality following root coverage procedures
Devireddy Venkata Tejaswi, BDS, MDSFull Article (PDF)
M.L.V. Prabhuji, MDS
Shaeesta Khaleelahmed B., MDS
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):68.
Diclofenac sodium is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug, and is effective in the management of pain following periodontal surgery. However, oral administration of diclofenac can lead to gastrointestinal complications. A diclofenac transdermal patch was effective in postoperative pain control following root coverage procedures, and pain tolerance was higher when compared to orally administered diclofenac.
Current applications of nanotechnology in dentistry: a review Microbiology
Shaeesta Khaleelahmed Bhavikatti, MDSFull Article (PDF)
Smiti Bhardwaj, BDS
M.L.V. Prabhuji, MDS
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):72.
Researchers in the field of dentistry have explored the potential of nanoparticles in existing therapeutic modalities with moderate success. This review provides detailed insights about current developments in dentistry, and discusses potential future uses of nanotechnology.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. 354 -
Soft Tissue Surgery Soft tissue dehiscence coverage around dental implants following an acellular dermal matrix allograft: a case report
Full Article (PDF)
Nader Ayobianmarkazi, DDS
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):e1.
This article describes a case involving soft tissue dehiscence, in which an acellular dermal matrix allograft was used to increase the width of keratinized mucosa around an implant-supported prosthesis, resulting in complete implant surface coverage due to the phenomenon of creeping attachment.
Diagnosis of Oral Pathology Desquamative gingivitis: what’s behind it? A case report
Parwani Simran R., MDSFull Article (PDF)
Parwani Rajkumar N., MDS
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):e5.
Desquamative gingivitis (DG) is a clinical term used to describe red, painful, glazed, friable gingiva. This case is unique in that it involves oral lichen planus and chronic DG, which may be secondary to plaque or a manifestation of the oral lichen planus. Intraoral examination and biopsy reports revealed features of chronic DG and oral reticular lichen planus.
Growth & Development Eruption sequence of the permanent maxillary canine: a radiographic review
Kenneth G. Rawson, DMDFull Article (PDF)
Robyn Hofelich, DMD
Dan B. Welch, PhD
Daniel C. Stoeckel, DDS, MS
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):e9.
This study evaluated the eruption sequence of the permanent maxillary canine in patients to determine if it follows the previously established normal pattern: first premolar, second premolar, and canine. Based on the results obtained in this study, the eruption sequence of the permanent maxillary canine followed the historical normal pattern for the majority of patients in this population. The difference in eruption sequence for males versus females was not significant.
Dental Materials Effects of preheating on the properties of silorane- and methacrylate-based composites
Peggy L. Dickson, DDS, MSFull Article (PDF)
Kraig S. Vandewalle, DDS, MS
Wen Lien, DDS, MS
Michael N. Wajdowicz, DDS
Maria Santos, DDS
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):e12.
This study evaluated how preheating affected the properties of a silorane-based composite restorative material and 4 methacrylate-based composites. With the exception of a flowable composite, significant reductions in viscosity were found between all preheated and room temperature composites, with no significant difference in other properties. In general, preheating the composites decreased viscosity, but did not affect compressive strength, depth of cure, or shrinkage per composite type.
Esthetics/Cosmetic Dentistry Dentinogenesis imperfecta: a case report of comprehensive treatment for a teenager
Rick Biethman, DMDFull Article (PDF)
Laura Richards Capati, DMD, MA
Nicole Eldger, DMD
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):e18.
This case report describes treatment for an adolescent boy with dentinogenesis imperfecta. The patient was severely obese and disliked his stained teeth. A combination of surgical periodontal treatment, endodontic treatment, and veneers improved both his smile and self-perception.
Root Caries & Treatment Efficacy of calcium hydroxide paste prepared with different vehicles against salivary microbial infiltration of root canals
Marili D. Deonizio, PhD, MSc, DDSFull Article (PDF)
Wander J. da Silva, PhD, MSc, DDS
Antonio Batista, PhD, MSc, DDS
Gilson B. Sydney, PhD, MSc, DDS
Fabiana C. do Nascimento, DDS
Leticia M. Goncalves, PhD, MSc, DDS
Edvaldo R. Rosa, PhD, MSc, PharmG
Marilisa C. Gabardo, PhD, MSc
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):e22.
This in vitro study evaluated the efficacy of calcium hydroxide Ca(OH)2 pastes prepared with different vehicles in preventing bacterial infiltration in teeth exposed to human saliva. Root canals were instrumented and filled with Ca(OH)2 paste prepared with different vehicles: saline solution, polyethylene glycol, or polyethylene glycol and camphorated paramonochlorophenol. Based on the results, calcium hydroxide paste prepared with saline solution was the most effective.
Cancer Screening Early diagnosis of lip cancer preceded by a persistent actinic lesion in a kidney transplant patient: a case report
Francisco Artur Forte Oliveira, DDS, MScFull Article (PDF)
Clarissa Pessoa Fernandes, DDS, MSc
Ana Paula Negreiros Nunes Alves, DDS, MSc, PhD
Mario Rogerio Lima Mota, DDS, MSc, PhD
Paula Frassinetti Castelo Branco Camurca Fernandes, MD, MSc, PhD
Fabricio Bitu Sousa, DDS, PhD
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):e26.
This is a case report of a 58-year-old man receiving immunosuppressive therapy 9 years after undergoing a kidney transplant. Earlier incisional biopsies had resulted in diagnoses of actinic cheilosis. However, the last biopsy showed results compatible with squamous cell carcinoma, and oncologic surgery was performed. Frequent dental follow-up visits allowed for the early diagnosis, proper treatment, and an improved prognosis.
Dental Materials Investigation of treatment options to minimize the effects of acid erosion on enamel
M. Dehghan, DDSFull Article (PDF)
P.J. Stanley, BS
D. Tantbirojn, DDS, MS, PhD
A. Versluis, PhD
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):e30.
This in vitro study investigated 4 products (containing calcium, phosphate, and/or fluoride) and their ability to reharden enamel softened by hydrochloric acid as compared to hardening with saliva alone. For all groups, Vickers hardness decreased significantly after immersion in hydrochloric acid. Fluoride in combination with casein phosphopeptide amorphous calcium phosphate was the most effective treatment for enamel hardness recovery.
Dental Materials Effect of prior calcium hydroxide intracanal placement on sealing ability of MTA plugs
Mamak Adel, DDS, MSFull Article (PDF)
Nima Moradi Majd, DDS, MS
Yasaman Samani, DDS
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):e34.
This study sought to investigate how pretreatment intracanal placement of calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2) affected the sealing ability of mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) plugs in simulated open apices. The specimens in Group 1 were pretreated using a Ca(OH)2 medicament, while the samples in Group 2 received no medicament. One week later, a 5 mm apical plug of MTA was applied into the canals. Group 1 had a significantly higher frequency of apical leakage than Group 2 (P < 0.05).
Endodontic Microbiology Contamination of absorbent paper points in clinical practice: a critical approach
Larissa Pessoa de Andrade, DDSFull Article (PDF)
Nikeila Chacon de Oliveira Conde, DDS
Emilio Carlos Sponchiado Jr., DDS, MSc, PhD
Andre Augusto Franco Marques, DDS, MSc, PhD
Juliana Vianna Pereira, DDS, MSc, PhD
Lucas da Fonseca Roberti Garcia, DDS, MSc, PhD
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):e38.
This study sought to evaluate the contamination level of absorbent paper points used routinely in dental clinical practice. Sixty absorbent paper points were collected and separated into 3 groups: 20 paper points from sealed commercial packages, 20 paper points from open commercial packages in use for 30 days, and 20 paper points from a sealed commercial package that were manipulated by the operator. Inadequate manipulation of paper points by the operator caused contamination. In addition, the bacterial growth found in absorbent paper points that were still in their commercial package indicates the importance of sterilization before the paper points are used in clinical practice.
July/August 2014
Table of Contents
Editorial Practice makes perfect
Eric K. Curtis, DDS, MA, MAGDFull Article (PDF)
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):6.
Guest Editorial Personalized dentistry: an enigma?
Full Article (PDF)
John C. Comisi, DDS, MAGD
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):8.
Minimally Invasive Dentistry Planning for failure: creating dental crumple zones
Mark Malterud, DDS, MAGDFull Article (PDF)
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):10.
Endodontics Preparing ideal canal shapes: concepts and techniques
Rich Mounce, DDSFull Article (PDF)
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):14.
Pharmacology Considerations for the treatment of the dental patient with Alzheimer’s disease
Thomas A. Viola, RPh, CCPFull Article (PDF)
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):16.
Oral Diagnosis Vestibular hyperplastic folds. Chronic ulceration of tongue.
Douglas D. Damm, DDSFull Article (PDF)
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):79.
Answers Oral Diagnosis and Self-Instruction Exercises No. 331, 332, 333.
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):80.Full Article (PDF)
Clinical Articles
Partial Dentures Single appointment interim partial denture for a patient with a self-maintained provisional
M. Rammal, DDSFull Article (PDF)
C. Alfonso, DDS, MS, FACP
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):20.
This article presents a case involving a patient with an aging self-maintained provisional. A modified technique for interim prosthesis fabrication was utilized that involves decoronation of the teeth prior to extraction, so that the anatomical soft tissues can be visualized. This technique is a cost-effective, expeditious approach to restore function in a single appointment.
Patient Education/Motivation Oral health status, perceptions, and access to dental care in the Hispanic population
Ivan Lugo, DMD, MBA, FACD, FICDFull Article (PDF)
Sarita Arteaga, DMD, MAGD
Veronica Sanchez, PhD
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):24.
This article analyzes the results of a survey designed to assess self-reported oral health status, perceptions, and access to care between the Hispanic population and the general population of the United States. The data indicate disparities do exist between the Hispanic and the general populations. They highlight the need for new policies and programs—from organized dentistry to individual practices—that address the needs of the growing Hispanic population.
Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis, Oral Pathology Salivary duct carcinoma of the palatal salivary glands: a case report
Charles L. Dunlap, DDSFull Article (PDF)
Shara M. Dunlap, DDS, FAGD
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):31.
There are many variants of salivary gland tumors; however, salivary duct carcinoma (SDC) ranks among those with the worst prognoses. This article presents a case of palatal SDC, a rare and virulent type of salivary gland tumor, the patient’s unwillingness to undergo conventional treatment, and the final outcome.
Digital Radiology Reducing the risk of intraoral radiographic imaging with collimation and thyroid shielding
K. Brandon Johnson, RDH, MSFull Article (PDF)
John B. Ludlow, DDS, MS, FDS RCSEd
Sally M. Mauriello, RDH, EdD
Enrique Platin, RT, EdD
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):34.
This intraoral imaging study compared effective doses from circular and rectangular collimator modalities. Adult and child full mouth series were exposed using a circular collimator, a universal rectangular collimator, and an enhanced rectangular collimator on phantoms. Rectangular collimation significantly reduced doses for adult exposures. In child exposures, only the universal rectangular collimator achieved significant dose reduction.
Implants Crevicular enzymes in peri-implant sulcus fluid around platform-switched implants: a pilot study
Chethan Hegde, MDSFull Article (PDF)
Kamat Varunraj Laxman, MDS
Krishna Prasad D., MDS
Manoj Shetty, MDS
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):41.
This study compared levels of the 2 crevicular enzymes—myeloperoxidase (MPO) and alkaline phosphatase (ALP)—in peri-implant sulcus fluid around platform-switched implants (implant group) vs the 2 enzymes’ levels in gingival crevicular fluid around contralateral natural teeth (control group). The results from the implant group showed a statistically significant reduction in MPO levels from the first to the third collection, and a statistically significant increase in ALP levels over the 3-month post-treatment period, as compared to the control group.
Prosthodontics/Fixed Subpontic osseous hyperplasia: a case series and literature review
Connie A. Lee, DDS, MSFull Article (PDF)
Michael B. Lee, DDS, MS
Chad R. Matthews, DMD, MS
Dimitris N. Tatakis, DDS, PhD
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):46.
A subpontic osseous hyperplasia (SOH) is a slow-growing, non-neoplastic bone growth that uniquely affects mandibular posterior edentulous ridges underneath pontics of fixed partial dentures. This report presents a series of SOH cases, illustrates SOH management approaches, and reviews the literature on SOH clinical presentations.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. 352 -
Cephalometrics Orthodontic airway imaging: the cutting edge in treatment planning
Krishna Sharma, BDS, MDSFull Article (PDF)
Sunita Shrivastav, BDS, MDS
Kavita Hotwani, BDS, MDS
Michael D. Murrell, DDS, MAGD
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):54.
The upper airway has long been an area of interest in orthodontics. A normal airway is an important factor in the physiologic growth of craniofacial structures. This article reviews the contemporary status of approaches in airway imaging and discusses potential future needs and directions.
Fixed Removable Hybrid Prosthesis Revisiting implant-retained mandibular overdentures: planning according to treatment needs
Andre Assaf, BDS, CES, DU, MBAFull Article (PDF)
Jose-Johann Chidiac, DDS, MSc, FICD
Marwan Daas, DDS, MSc, PhD
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):60.
Increasingly popular, implant-retained mandibular overdentures have a highly predictable success rate and provide many options in terms of design and attachment systems. This article provides a general overview of the various options that are available, and the specifications and challenges of each.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. 353 -
Anatomy The relationship between frenulum length and malocclusion
Arash Azizi, DDS, MScFull Article (PDF)
Sona Moosavi, DDS
Abdolreza Jamilian, DDS, MSc
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):66.
In this study, patients awaiting orthodontics were divided into 3 groups (n = 50) based on their lingual frenulum ANB (Point A, nasion, point B) angle: Group 1 (ANB angle = 0-4 degrees), Group 2 (ANB angle > 4 degrees), and Group 3 (ANB angle < 0 degrees). The mean frenulum length for Group 1 subjects was 11.4 (± 3.0) mm, compared to 9.5 (± 3.5) mm for Group 2 subjects, and 14 (± 3.0) for Group 3 subjects. These differences were statistically significant (P < 0.001). Maximum mouth opening was significantly greater for the Group 3 subjects. (P < 0.001).
Anesthesia and Pain Control Comparative evaluation of transdermal diclofenac patch and oral diclofenac as an analgesic modality following root coverage procedures
Devireddy Venkata Tejaswi, BDS, MDSFull Article (PDF)
M.L.V. Prabhuji, MDS
Shaeesta Khaleelahmed B., MDS
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):68.
Diclofenac sodium is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug, and is effective in the management of pain following periodontal surgery. However, oral administration of diclofenac can lead to gastrointestinal complications. A diclofenac transdermal patch was effective in postoperative pain control following root coverage procedures, and pain tolerance was higher when compared to orally administered diclofenac.
Current applications of nanotechnology in dentistry: a review Microbiology
Shaeesta Khaleelahmed Bhavikatti, MDSFull Article (PDF)
Smiti Bhardwaj, BDS
M.L.V. Prabhuji, MDS
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):72.
Researchers in the field of dentistry have explored the potential of nanoparticles in existing therapeutic modalities with moderate success. This review provides detailed insights about current developments in dentistry, and discusses potential future uses of nanotechnology.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. 354 -
Soft Tissue Surgery Soft tissue dehiscence coverage around dental implants following an acellular dermal matrix allograft: a case report
Full Article (PDF)
Nader Ayobianmarkazi, DDS
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):e1.
This article describes a case involving soft tissue dehiscence, in which an acellular dermal matrix allograft was used to increase the width of keratinized mucosa around an implant-supported prosthesis, resulting in complete implant surface coverage due to the phenomenon of creeping attachment.
Diagnosis of Oral Pathology Desquamative gingivitis: what’s behind it? A case report
Parwani Simran R., MDSFull Article (PDF)
Parwani Rajkumar N., MDS
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):e5.
Desquamative gingivitis (DG) is a clinical term used to describe red, painful, glazed, friable gingiva. This case is unique in that it involves oral lichen planus and chronic DG, which may be secondary to plaque or a manifestation of the oral lichen planus. Intraoral examination and biopsy reports revealed features of chronic DG and oral reticular lichen planus.
Growth & Development Eruption sequence of the permanent maxillary canine: a radiographic review
Kenneth G. Rawson, DMDFull Article (PDF)
Robyn Hofelich, DMD
Dan B. Welch, PhD
Daniel C. Stoeckel, DDS, MS
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):e9.
This study evaluated the eruption sequence of the permanent maxillary canine in patients to determine if it follows the previously established normal pattern: first premolar, second premolar, and canine. Based on the results obtained in this study, the eruption sequence of the permanent maxillary canine followed the historical normal pattern for the majority of patients in this population. The difference in eruption sequence for males versus females was not significant.
Dental Materials Effects of preheating on the properties of silorane- and methacrylate-based composites
Peggy L. Dickson, DDS, MSFull Article (PDF)
Kraig S. Vandewalle, DDS, MS
Wen Lien, DDS, MS
Michael N. Wajdowicz, DDS
Maria Santos, DDS
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):e12.
This study evaluated how preheating affected the properties of a silorane-based composite restorative material and 4 methacrylate-based composites. With the exception of a flowable composite, significant reductions in viscosity were found between all preheated and room temperature composites, with no significant difference in other properties. In general, preheating the composites decreased viscosity, but did not affect compressive strength, depth of cure, or shrinkage per composite type.
Esthetics/Cosmetic Dentistry Dentinogenesis imperfecta: a case report of comprehensive treatment for a teenager
Rick Biethman, DMDFull Article (PDF)
Laura Richards Capati, DMD, MA
Nicole Eldger, DMD
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):e18.
This case report describes treatment for an adolescent boy with dentinogenesis imperfecta. The patient was severely obese and disliked his stained teeth. A combination of surgical periodontal treatment, endodontic treatment, and veneers improved both his smile and self-perception.
Root Caries & Treatment Efficacy of calcium hydroxide paste prepared with different vehicles against salivary microbial infiltration of root canals
Marili D. Deonizio, PhD, MSc, DDSFull Article (PDF)
Wander J. da Silva, PhD, MSc, DDS
Antonio Batista, PhD, MSc, DDS
Gilson B. Sydney, PhD, MSc, DDS
Fabiana C. do Nascimento, DDS
Leticia M. Goncalves, PhD, MSc, DDS
Edvaldo R. Rosa, PhD, MSc, PharmG
Marilisa C. Gabardo, PhD, MSc
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):e22.
This in vitro study evaluated the efficacy of calcium hydroxide Ca(OH)2 pastes prepared with different vehicles in preventing bacterial infiltration in teeth exposed to human saliva. Root canals were instrumented and filled with Ca(OH)2 paste prepared with different vehicles: saline solution, polyethylene glycol, or polyethylene glycol and camphorated paramonochlorophenol. Based on the results, calcium hydroxide paste prepared with saline solution was the most effective.
Cancer Screening Early diagnosis of lip cancer preceded by a persistent actinic lesion in a kidney transplant patient: a case report
Francisco Artur Forte Oliveira, DDS, MScFull Article (PDF)
Clarissa Pessoa Fernandes, DDS, MSc
Ana Paula Negreiros Nunes Alves, DDS, MSc, PhD
Mario Rogerio Lima Mota, DDS, MSc, PhD
Paula Frassinetti Castelo Branco Camurca Fernandes, MD, MSc, PhD
Fabricio Bitu Sousa, DDS, PhD
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):e26.
This is a case report of a 58-year-old man receiving immunosuppressive therapy 9 years after undergoing a kidney transplant. Earlier incisional biopsies had resulted in diagnoses of actinic cheilosis. However, the last biopsy showed results compatible with squamous cell carcinoma, and oncologic surgery was performed. Frequent dental follow-up visits allowed for the early diagnosis, proper treatment, and an improved prognosis.
Dental Materials Investigation of treatment options to minimize the effects of acid erosion on enamel
M. Dehghan, DDSFull Article (PDF)
P.J. Stanley, BS
D. Tantbirojn, DDS, MS, PhD
A. Versluis, PhD
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):e30.
This in vitro study investigated 4 products (containing calcium, phosphate, and/or fluoride) and their ability to reharden enamel softened by hydrochloric acid as compared to hardening with saliva alone. For all groups, Vickers hardness decreased significantly after immersion in hydrochloric acid. Fluoride in combination with casein phosphopeptide amorphous calcium phosphate was the most effective treatment for enamel hardness recovery.
Dental Materials Effect of prior calcium hydroxide intracanal placement on sealing ability of MTA plugs
Mamak Adel, DDS, MSFull Article (PDF)
Nima Moradi Majd, DDS, MS
Yasaman Samani, DDS
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):e34.
This study sought to investigate how pretreatment intracanal placement of calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2) affected the sealing ability of mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) plugs in simulated open apices. The specimens in Group 1 were pretreated using a Ca(OH)2 medicament, while the samples in Group 2 received no medicament. One week later, a 5 mm apical plug of MTA was applied into the canals. Group 1 had a significantly higher frequency of apical leakage than Group 2 (P < 0.05).
Endodontic Microbiology Contamination of absorbent paper points in clinical practice: a critical approach
Larissa Pessoa de Andrade, DDSFull Article (PDF)
Nikeila Chacon de Oliveira Conde, DDS
Emilio Carlos Sponchiado Jr., DDS, MSc, PhD
Andre Augusto Franco Marques, DDS, MSc, PhD
Juliana Vianna Pereira, DDS, MSc, PhD
Lucas da Fonseca Roberti Garcia, DDS, MSc, PhD
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):e38.
This study sought to evaluate the contamination level of absorbent paper points used routinely in dental clinical practice. Sixty absorbent paper points were collected and separated into 3 groups: 20 paper points from sealed commercial packages, 20 paper points from open commercial packages in use for 30 days, and 20 paper points from a sealed commercial package that were manipulated by the operator. Inadequate manipulation of paper points by the operator caused contamination. In addition, the bacterial growth found in absorbent paper points that were still in their commercial package indicates the importance of sterilization before the paper points are used in clinical practice.
July/August 2014
Table of Contents
Editorial Practice makes perfect
Eric K. Curtis, DDS, MA, MAGDFull Article (PDF)
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):6.
Guest Editorial Personalized dentistry: an enigma?
Full Article (PDF)
John C. Comisi, DDS, MAGD
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):8.
Minimally Invasive Dentistry Planning for failure: creating dental crumple zones
Mark Malterud, DDS, MAGDFull Article (PDF)
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):10.
Endodontics Preparing ideal canal shapes: concepts and techniques
Rich Mounce, DDSFull Article (PDF)
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):14.
Pharmacology Considerations for the treatment of the dental patient with Alzheimer’s disease
Thomas A. Viola, RPh, CCPFull Article (PDF)
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):16.
Oral Diagnosis Vestibular hyperplastic folds. Chronic ulceration of tongue.
Douglas D. Damm, DDSFull Article (PDF)
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):79.
Answers Oral Diagnosis and Self-Instruction Exercises No. 331, 332, 333.
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):80.Full Article (PDF)
Clinical Articles
Partial Dentures Single appointment interim partial denture for a patient with a self-maintained provisional
M. Rammal, DDSFull Article (PDF)
C. Alfonso, DDS, MS, FACP
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):20.
This article presents a case involving a patient with an aging self-maintained provisional. A modified technique for interim prosthesis fabrication was utilized that involves decoronation of the teeth prior to extraction, so that the anatomical soft tissues can be visualized. This technique is a cost-effective, expeditious approach to restore function in a single appointment.
Patient Education/Motivation Oral health status, perceptions, and access to dental care in the Hispanic population
Ivan Lugo, DMD, MBA, FACD, FICDFull Article (PDF)
Sarita Arteaga, DMD, MAGD
Veronica Sanchez, PhD
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):24.
This article analyzes the results of a survey designed to assess self-reported oral health status, perceptions, and access to care between the Hispanic population and the general population of the United States. The data indicate disparities do exist between the Hispanic and the general populations. They highlight the need for new policies and programs—from organized dentistry to individual practices—that address the needs of the growing Hispanic population.
Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis, Oral Pathology Salivary duct carcinoma of the palatal salivary glands: a case report
Charles L. Dunlap, DDSFull Article (PDF)
Shara M. Dunlap, DDS, FAGD
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):31.
There are many variants of salivary gland tumors; however, salivary duct carcinoma (SDC) ranks among those with the worst prognoses. This article presents a case of palatal SDC, a rare and virulent type of salivary gland tumor, the patient’s unwillingness to undergo conventional treatment, and the final outcome.
Digital Radiology Reducing the risk of intraoral radiographic imaging with collimation and thyroid shielding
K. Brandon Johnson, RDH, MSFull Article (PDF)
John B. Ludlow, DDS, MS, FDS RCSEd
Sally M. Mauriello, RDH, EdD
Enrique Platin, RT, EdD
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):34.
This intraoral imaging study compared effective doses from circular and rectangular collimator modalities. Adult and child full mouth series were exposed using a circular collimator, a universal rectangular collimator, and an enhanced rectangular collimator on phantoms. Rectangular collimation significantly reduced doses for adult exposures. In child exposures, only the universal rectangular collimator achieved significant dose reduction.
Implants Crevicular enzymes in peri-implant sulcus fluid around platform-switched implants: a pilot study
Chethan Hegde, MDSFull Article (PDF)
Kamat Varunraj Laxman, MDS
Krishna Prasad D., MDS
Manoj Shetty, MDS
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):41.
This study compared levels of the 2 crevicular enzymes—myeloperoxidase (MPO) and alkaline phosphatase (ALP)—in peri-implant sulcus fluid around platform-switched implants (implant group) vs the 2 enzymes’ levels in gingival crevicular fluid around contralateral natural teeth (control group). The results from the implant group showed a statistically significant reduction in MPO levels from the first to the third collection, and a statistically significant increase in ALP levels over the 3-month post-treatment period, as compared to the control group.
Prosthodontics/Fixed Subpontic osseous hyperplasia: a case series and literature review
Connie A. Lee, DDS, MSFull Article (PDF)
Michael B. Lee, DDS, MS
Chad R. Matthews, DMD, MS
Dimitris N. Tatakis, DDS, PhD
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):46.
A subpontic osseous hyperplasia (SOH) is a slow-growing, non-neoplastic bone growth that uniquely affects mandibular posterior edentulous ridges underneath pontics of fixed partial dentures. This report presents a series of SOH cases, illustrates SOH management approaches, and reviews the literature on SOH clinical presentations.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. 352 -
Cephalometrics Orthodontic airway imaging: the cutting edge in treatment planning
Krishna Sharma, BDS, MDSFull Article (PDF)
Sunita Shrivastav, BDS, MDS
Kavita Hotwani, BDS, MDS
Michael D. Murrell, DDS, MAGD
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):54.
The upper airway has long been an area of interest in orthodontics. A normal airway is an important factor in the physiologic growth of craniofacial structures. This article reviews the contemporary status of approaches in airway imaging and discusses potential future needs and directions.
Fixed Removable Hybrid Prosthesis Revisiting implant-retained mandibular overdentures: planning according to treatment needs
Andre Assaf, BDS, CES, DU, MBAFull Article (PDF)
Jose-Johann Chidiac, DDS, MSc, FICD
Marwan Daas, DDS, MSc, PhD
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):60.
Increasingly popular, implant-retained mandibular overdentures have a highly predictable success rate and provide many options in terms of design and attachment systems. This article provides a general overview of the various options that are available, and the specifications and challenges of each.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. 353 -
Anatomy The relationship between frenulum length and malocclusion
Arash Azizi, DDS, MScFull Article (PDF)
Sona Moosavi, DDS
Abdolreza Jamilian, DDS, MSc
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):66.
In this study, patients awaiting orthodontics were divided into 3 groups (n = 50) based on their lingual frenulum ANB (Point A, nasion, point B) angle: Group 1 (ANB angle = 0-4 degrees), Group 2 (ANB angle > 4 degrees), and Group 3 (ANB angle < 0 degrees). The mean frenulum length for Group 1 subjects was 11.4 (± 3.0) mm, compared to 9.5 (± 3.5) mm for Group 2 subjects, and 14 (± 3.0) for Group 3 subjects. These differences were statistically significant (P < 0.001). Maximum mouth opening was significantly greater for the Group 3 subjects. (P < 0.001).
Anesthesia and Pain Control Comparative evaluation of transdermal diclofenac patch and oral diclofenac as an analgesic modality following root coverage procedures
Devireddy Venkata Tejaswi, BDS, MDSFull Article (PDF)
M.L.V. Prabhuji, MDS
Shaeesta Khaleelahmed B., MDS
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):68.
Diclofenac sodium is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug, and is effective in the management of pain following periodontal surgery. However, oral administration of diclofenac can lead to gastrointestinal complications. A diclofenac transdermal patch was effective in postoperative pain control following root coverage procedures, and pain tolerance was higher when compared to orally administered diclofenac.
Current applications of nanotechnology in dentistry: a review Microbiology
Shaeesta Khaleelahmed Bhavikatti, MDSFull Article (PDF)
Smiti Bhardwaj, BDS
M.L.V. Prabhuji, MDS
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):72.
Researchers in the field of dentistry have explored the potential of nanoparticles in existing therapeutic modalities with moderate success. This review provides detailed insights about current developments in dentistry, and discusses potential future uses of nanotechnology.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. 354 -
Soft Tissue Surgery Soft tissue dehiscence coverage around dental implants following an acellular dermal matrix allograft: a case report
Full Article (PDF)
Nader Ayobianmarkazi, DDS
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):e1.
This article describes a case involving soft tissue dehiscence, in which an acellular dermal matrix allograft was used to increase the width of keratinized mucosa around an implant-supported prosthesis, resulting in complete implant surface coverage due to the phenomenon of creeping attachment.
Diagnosis of Oral Pathology Desquamative gingivitis: what’s behind it? A case report
Parwani Simran R., MDSFull Article (PDF)
Parwani Rajkumar N., MDS
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):e5.
Desquamative gingivitis (DG) is a clinical term used to describe red, painful, glazed, friable gingiva. This case is unique in that it involves oral lichen planus and chronic DG, which may be secondary to plaque or a manifestation of the oral lichen planus. Intraoral examination and biopsy reports revealed features of chronic DG and oral reticular lichen planus.
Growth & Development Eruption sequence of the permanent maxillary canine: a radiographic review
Kenneth G. Rawson, DMDFull Article (PDF)
Robyn Hofelich, DMD
Dan B. Welch, PhD
Daniel C. Stoeckel, DDS, MS
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):e9.
This study evaluated the eruption sequence of the permanent maxillary canine in patients to determine if it follows the previously established normal pattern: first premolar, second premolar, and canine. Based on the results obtained in this study, the eruption sequence of the permanent maxillary canine followed the historical normal pattern for the majority of patients in this population. The difference in eruption sequence for males versus females was not significant.
Dental Materials Effects of preheating on the properties of silorane- and methacrylate-based composites
Peggy L. Dickson, DDS, MSFull Article (PDF)
Kraig S. Vandewalle, DDS, MS
Wen Lien, DDS, MS
Michael N. Wajdowicz, DDS
Maria Santos, DDS
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):e12.
This study evaluated how preheating affected the properties of a silorane-based composite restorative material and 4 methacrylate-based composites. With the exception of a flowable composite, significant reductions in viscosity were found between all preheated and room temperature composites, with no significant difference in other properties. In general, preheating the composites decreased viscosity, but did not affect compressive strength, depth of cure, or shrinkage per composite type.
Esthetics/Cosmetic Dentistry Dentinogenesis imperfecta: a case report of comprehensive treatment for a teenager
Rick Biethman, DMDFull Article (PDF)
Laura Richards Capati, DMD, MA
Nicole Eldger, DMD
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):e18.
This case report describes treatment for an adolescent boy with dentinogenesis imperfecta. The patient was severely obese and disliked his stained teeth. A combination of surgical periodontal treatment, endodontic treatment, and veneers improved both his smile and self-perception.
Root Caries & Treatment Efficacy of calcium hydroxide paste prepared with different vehicles against salivary microbial infiltration of root canals
Marili D. Deonizio, PhD, MSc, DDSFull Article (PDF)
Wander J. da Silva, PhD, MSc, DDS
Antonio Batista, PhD, MSc, DDS
Gilson B. Sydney, PhD, MSc, DDS
Fabiana C. do Nascimento, DDS
Leticia M. Goncalves, PhD, MSc, DDS
Edvaldo R. Rosa, PhD, MSc, PharmG
Marilisa C. Gabardo, PhD, MSc
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):e22.
This in vitro study evaluated the efficacy of calcium hydroxide Ca(OH)2 pastes prepared with different vehicles in preventing bacterial infiltration in teeth exposed to human saliva. Root canals were instrumented and filled with Ca(OH)2 paste prepared with different vehicles: saline solution, polyethylene glycol, or polyethylene glycol and camphorated paramonochlorophenol. Based on the results, calcium hydroxide paste prepared with saline solution was the most effective.
Cancer Screening Early diagnosis of lip cancer preceded by a persistent actinic lesion in a kidney transplant patient: a case report
Francisco Artur Forte Oliveira, DDS, MScFull Article (PDF)
Clarissa Pessoa Fernandes, DDS, MSc
Ana Paula Negreiros Nunes Alves, DDS, MSc, PhD
Mario Rogerio Lima Mota, DDS, MSc, PhD
Paula Frassinetti Castelo Branco Camurca Fernandes, MD, MSc, PhD
Fabricio Bitu Sousa, DDS, PhD
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):e26.
This is a case report of a 58-year-old man receiving immunosuppressive therapy 9 years after undergoing a kidney transplant. Earlier incisional biopsies had resulted in diagnoses of actinic cheilosis. However, the last biopsy showed results compatible with squamous cell carcinoma, and oncologic surgery was performed. Frequent dental follow-up visits allowed for the early diagnosis, proper treatment, and an improved prognosis.
Dental Materials Investigation of treatment options to minimize the effects of acid erosion on enamel
M. Dehghan, DDSFull Article (PDF)
P.J. Stanley, BS
D. Tantbirojn, DDS, MS, PhD
A. Versluis, PhD
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):e30.
This in vitro study investigated 4 products (containing calcium, phosphate, and/or fluoride) and their ability to reharden enamel softened by hydrochloric acid as compared to hardening with saliva alone. For all groups, Vickers hardness decreased significantly after immersion in hydrochloric acid. Fluoride in combination with casein phosphopeptide amorphous calcium phosphate was the most effective treatment for enamel hardness recovery.
Dental Materials Effect of prior calcium hydroxide intracanal placement on sealing ability of MTA plugs
Mamak Adel, DDS, MSFull Article (PDF)
Nima Moradi Majd, DDS, MS
Yasaman Samani, DDS
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):e34.
This study sought to investigate how pretreatment intracanal placement of calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2) affected the sealing ability of mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) plugs in simulated open apices. The specimens in Group 1 were pretreated using a Ca(OH)2 medicament, while the samples in Group 2 received no medicament. One week later, a 5 mm apical plug of MTA was applied into the canals. Group 1 had a significantly higher frequency of apical leakage than Group 2 (P < 0.05).
Endodontic Microbiology Contamination of absorbent paper points in clinical practice: a critical approach
Larissa Pessoa de Andrade, DDSFull Article (PDF)
Nikeila Chacon de Oliveira Conde, DDS
Emilio Carlos Sponchiado Jr., DDS, MSc, PhD
Andre Augusto Franco Marques, DDS, MSc, PhD
Juliana Vianna Pereira, DDS, MSc, PhD
Lucas da Fonseca Roberti Garcia, DDS, MSc, PhD
2014 July/Aug; 62(4):e38.
This study sought to evaluate the contamination level of absorbent paper points used routinely in dental clinical practice. Sixty absorbent paper points were collected and separated into 3 groups: 20 paper points from sealed commercial packages, 20 paper points from open commercial packages in use for 30 days, and 20 paper points from a sealed commercial package that were manipulated by the operator. Inadequate manipulation of paper points by the operator caused contamination. In addition, the bacterial growth found in absorbent paper points that were still in their commercial package indicates the importance of sterilization before the paper points are used in clinical practice.