Fellow Master_1924 X 272_NM

Distinguish yourself as a general dentist and show your commitment to continuing education by pursuing your AGD Fellowship or Mastership. These prestigious awards give you the opportunity to expand your clinical knowledge and enhance how you treat your patients.

Members who have achieved AGD Mastership can go on to earn Lifelong Learning and Service ReFellow / Mastercognition (LLSR). With this designation, AGD recognizes Masters’ commitment to continuous learning and staying active both in organized dentistry and their communities.

Fellows, Masters and LLSR recipients are recognized annually during the AGD Convocation Ceremony, which is held during AGD’s Scientific Session. Recipient of the AGD Dr. Thaddeus V. Weclew are also recognized during this time.

Stand out through continuing education. Get started today!


 Benefits of a FAGD/MAGD


AGD Fellows and Masters have made a commitment to care that goes above and beyond traditional education and licensing requirements. They have dedicated themselves to learning, growing and staying current in the field so that they can provide the  best oral care to patients and their families.

Only 6% of dentists have earned their AGD Fellowship, and only 4% have earned their AGD Mastership. 

AGD's KnowYourDentist.org website provide information to help you patients understand the value of these awards and learn more about finding an AGD dentist.  Take advantage of these resources and start promoting the benefits of these awards to current and prospective patients today!


Promote Your Achievements


AGD Fellows, Masters, and Lifelong Learning and Service Recognition recipients can inform the public and their patients about the award they received through a series of tools and resources that highlight you and the only achievement-based award in general dentistry. Learn more about these opportunities.


Access CE

AGD offers Fellowship (FAGD) and Mastership (MAGD) awards to members who truly go above and beyond in their learning. To earn a Fellowship award, a dentist must complete at least 500 continuing dental education hours, pass a rigorous and comprehensive exam, and maintain AGD membership for three continuous years. To receive the Mastership award, a dentist must first receive his or her Fellowship award. Then, the dentist must earn an additional 600 approved CE hours within specific dental disciplines. Access cutting edge CE through AGD today!


Take Courses

AGD provides a variety of educational opportunities to fit in with your busy schedule. 

Live Webinars
Online Learning Center
AGD CE Portal Login
CE Directory
MasterTrack® Programs

Showcase Your Commitment

AGD has developed resources for Fellows and Masters to show patients their commitment to providing exceptional care. 

Access the AGD Awareness Toolkit


Cosmetic Challenges in Implant Dentistry

Jul. 16, 2024 at 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM
Mohamed Attia, DDS, MAGD, DABOI
Subject: 690 Implants
Credits: 1
Method: Lecture
Tuesday, July 16: 6:30–7:30 p.m. CDT
Audience: Students, Residents, Dentists, Dental Assistants
Fee: $37.50 (students and residents); $75 (members); $125 (nonmembers)


This webinar will discuss clinical tips and tricks to navigate challenging cosmetic cases in implant dentistry and how to avoid complications in those cases.

Learning Objectives 

1. Learn how to plan for cosmetic implant cases.
2. Learn how to avoid esthetic implant complications.
3. Know how to meet patient expectations.

 Register Now

Speaker Bio  

Mohamed Attia, DDS, MAGD, DABOI, is an AGD Master, a diplomate of the American Board of Oral Implantology, a fellow of the American Academy of Implant Dentistry and a diplomate of the International Congress of Oral Implantologists. He graduated in 2002 and, upon graduation, completed three years of postgraduate general practice residency programs, which honed his skills and experience. Attia is dedicated to continuing education and always seeks excellence in dentistry. He enjoys providing his patients with treatment using the latest dental technology available, such as same-day crowns using CEREC, precisely planned surgery using CBCT scans, 3D printing and many more.
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