CDT Code Championed by AGD Takes Effect in 2024

In 2022, AGD’s Dental Practice Council (DPC) determined that it would be helpful to have a CDT Code that could be used to report treatment performed in cases when a patient presents with a loose implant crown and the dentist is required to remove material to access the screw, retorque the screw and then replace the access material. Any general dentist who has performed this procedure recognizes that it’s a very different procedure from D6092, Re-cement or re-bond implant/abutment-supported crown.
The DPC collaborated on the development of a request for a new code to report what was initially described as Retorquing implant screw — per screw. The request was submitted to the American Dental Association’s (ADA’s) Code Maintenance Committee (CMC) in 2022, and the CMC reviewed and voted on all submitted code changes in March 2023. AGD’s representatives to the CMC, delegate Ralph A. Cooley, DDS, FAGD, and alternate Arlene O’Brien, DMD, FAGD, worked with voting members of the CMC to modify the proposed code’s nomenclature to allow for the successful outcome. Thanks to the multi-agency collaboration involving the DPC, AGD’s representatives to the CMC and voting members of the CMC, the 2024 CDT Code now includes the new AGD-sponsored code.
AGD members who identify what they believe are gaps in the CDT Code and who would like AGD to consider sponsoring a request to add or modify the CDT Code on their behalf are encouraged to share that information with the DPC at Members are encouraged to review the ADA website for information about the “CMC Process Document” and “Request a Change to the Code” to ensure they’re providing the necessary information in their initial request to the DPC.