Robert Jungman, DDS, FAGD

“With technology improving every year, the best way to help your patients is to learn all you can and stay up to date.”
Dentistry is a fast-evolving field, and Robert Jungman, DDS, FAGD, is keeping up. Devouring continuing education (CE) and offering the most modern treatments are how he delivers the best care for his patients.
“I strive to keep my skills and knowledge as current as they can be, to mentor other doctors in my office, and to maintain great relationships and communication with local specialists,” Jungman said.
Terri Iwamoto-Wong, BS, MBA, California AGD executive director, and Chirag Vaid, DDS, FAGD, California AGD president-elect, were impressed by his “top-of-the-class” presentations in the constituency’s MasterTrack program.
“Dr. Jungman is always doing something, going somewhere,” Iwamoto-Wong said. “He got married and had a baby during MasterTrack, all the while pursuing CE in his ‘spare’ time. He truly is the best of the best, and he represents general dentists like a true AGD member.”
Reflecting on his early accomplishments, Jungman pointed to earning his AGD Fellowship as the one that best represents all of the hours he spent pursuing advanced education.
“That meant more to me than my dental school or advanced education in general dentistry residency program graduation,” Jungman said.
Although life has gotten busy with a new baby and a growing practice, Jungman still carves out time for CE. Lately, he’s been focusing on implant technology.
“I hope to pursue more hands-on surgical CE and practice more advanced techniques to better serve all the patients that I can,” Jungman said. “Grafting, platelet-rich fibrin and sinus augmentation will allow me to broaden my scope of care, and learning more advanced prosthetic techniques will help me provide the best outcomes.”
His best advice to new and young dentists is that you don’t have to offer all procedures in your office, but learning about them will only make you a better dentist.
“With technology improving every year, the best way to help your patients is to learn all you can and stay up to date,” Jungman said. “The more you know, the more you will see — and the more you will be able to help your patients.”