Katie E. Stuchlik, DDS

“I believe in unifying the voices of dentists and feel it is my responsibility to help spread the word.”
Katie E. Stuchlik, DDS, has only been practicing dentistry for five years, but she’s already amassed a long list of accomplishments — opening a practice in 2018 and being named Texas AGD New Dentist of the Year in 2020 are just the highlights.
Stuchlik is among dentistry’s staunchest advocates. She’s a standout in Texas, but she’s been actively involved in issues designed to bring positive change to dentists well beyond her state.
“I feel my involvement in organized dentistry has allowed me to fight for our profession by attending our state lobby day and educating my colleagues on important state and national issues related to dentistry,” Stuchlik said. “I believe in unifying the voices of dentists and feel it is my responsibility to help spread the word.”
Looking ahead to her next decade of practice, Stuchlik has her eyes on the FAGD and MAGD awards. She also hopes to lend her voice to enact dental insurance change, paving the way for coverage that is fairer to patients and practitioners.
It was the issues surrounding dental insurance that Stuchlik said surprised her most after dental school.
“Nobody talks about how much third-party payers can be a burden to your practice life,” Stuchlik said. “Progress has been made in Texas, but there is still plenty of work to be done. It’s just as important for dentists to understand these issues, even if we have office managers who do the work. It directly affects our license and the way we practice, and more education is needed so change can be made.”
“Dr. Stuchlik is literally known at all levels of organized dentistry and in all forums,” said Ben A. Bratcher, DDS, MAGD, FADI, Texas AGD president. “She is involved in a deep and meaningful way, delivering vital and valuable insight and perspective.”
Marc J. Worob, DDS, FAGD, regional director of Region 18, added that Stuchlik’s advocacy for organized dentistry is all the more impressive given how she’s been able to incorporate it into her already brimming career and personal life.
“She epitomizes the young dentist of today — balancing family, a new dental practice, attending continuing education, and her extensive involvement in Texas AGD and as president of Houston AGD,” said Worob.