Short-Term Government Funding Bill Signed into Law

  • by User Not Found
  • Oct 9, 2020
The President signed a short-term funding stopgap measure (H.R.8337) into law on September 30. The bill's signing came shortly after FY2020 government funding expired and provided additional funds to keep the government running through December 11.
This bipartisan agreement to avert a government shutdown pushes negotiations on FY2021 funding into Congress's lame-duck session following the elections on November 3. The outcome of the elections could substantially impact whether or not comprehensive funding is considered in December, as partisan power dynamics on Capitol Hill and in the Administration may shift.
Impact on General Dentistry: Regardless of the November 3 elections' outcomes, AGD will be engaged in advocating for oral health policy priorities in any FY2021 appropriations package. AGD regularly works with the appropriators in Congress to safeguard government programs that improve the nation's oral health and the practice of general dentistry. Additionally, the forthcoming December government funding discussions will present an opportunity for supplemental provisions that general dentistry to "ride" along and be enacted into law.