Texas AGD Serves up Largest Hands-On Pig Jaw Course in the Nation
The Lone Star Dental Conference has been a favorite among Texas dentists since 1990, and the lineup of speakers and courses in 2019 did not disappoint. Jon B. Suzuki, DDS, PhD, MBA, general session headline speaker, stated that the conference made history as “the largest hands-on pig jaw course in the nation and possibly the world.” Serving 180 pig jaws to eager attendees was supplemented with the assistance of nine MAGD volunteers. According to Francine Johannsen, CAE, executive director of Texas AGD, "For several years, we have engaged our Masters to help fulfill one of their charges — to use their experience to teach and give others the benefit of what they have learned. We love it when they use their talents at our programs.” MasterTrack attendees also participated in this program to receive credit toward their Mastership.
Along with several lunch and learns on various topics, the conference also focused on digital workflows. Attendees enjoyed an engaging four-speaker symposium followed by an afternoon of more hands-on and interactive sessions. Topics included CBCT use in guided implant placement, digital implant dentistry and the fabrication of implant-retained crowns.
Masters weren’t the only members volunteering to help make the conference a success — the conference committee worked for over a year to plan and implement the program. To see all the fun that happened during the conference, visit Texas AGD on Facebook, and save the date for the 2020 conference Sept. 18–19, 2020.

Along with several lunch and learns on various topics, the conference also focused on digital workflows. Attendees enjoyed an engaging four-speaker symposium followed by an afternoon of more hands-on and interactive sessions. Topics included CBCT use in guided implant placement, digital implant dentistry and the fabrication of implant-retained crowns.
Masters weren’t the only members volunteering to help make the conference a success — the conference committee worked for over a year to plan and implement the program. To see all the fun that happened during the conference, visit Texas AGD on Facebook, and save the date for the 2020 conference Sept. 18–19, 2020.