AGD Coronavirus Update

  • by AGD Staff
  • Mar 9, 2020

Coronavisus_AThe future of COVID-19, the 2019 coronavirus disease, remains unclear. However, there is a growing body of knowledge about the virus being released by public health experts around the world. AGD has compiled a collection of resources and information for members to help you in your practice, accessible online. Bookmark the page, share it with your colleagues, and check back for updated information. 

In a previous article published by AGD on the 2019 coronavirus disease, AGD member and spokesperson Larry N. Williams, DDS, MAGD, ABGD, provided the following recommendations:

  • Discuss the current COVID-19 outbreak with your staff. Develop a consistent message that the patient’s well-being is the practice’s No. 1 consideration and that the use of standard precautions keeps everyone safe. You can also find resources on the websites of the Organization for Safety, Asepsis and Prevention (OSAP) and the World Health Organization (WHO).
  • Review the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC’s) standard precaution guidelines with your staff, and make sure that they are being followed.
  • Let your patients know that you are practicing these precautions as a routine part of your practice and that your precautions are in compliance with CDC guidelines.
  • Download the free public health posters and leaflets offered by the CDC and WHO, and share them with your patients. Among the relevant topics are hand-washing (CDC, WHO) and influenza.

SUPPLY MANAGEMENT REMINDER: Due to high demand, some manufacturers and distributors are limiting the sale of protective gear, including face masks. AGDVANTAGE supplier Dental Health Products Inc. is still honoring our agreement and will continue to sell these supplies at the AGD discount. Supplies are limited. For more information, check out AGDVANTAGE.

According to OSAP, a dental association that advocates for infection-free oral healthcare, the CDC recognizes that healthcare facilities may experience temporary shortages of personal protective equipment (PPE), even if they do not care for patients with COVID-19. 

“If your facility is concerned about a potential or imminent shortage of PPE, CDC recommends you alert your state/local health department and local healthcare coalition, as they are best positioned to help facilities troubleshoot through temporary shortages. Dental health professionals concerned about healthcare supply for PPE should monitor Healthcare Supply of Personal Protective Equipment for updated guidance and be familiar with the Interim Infection Prevention and Control Recommendations.”

For a list of resources and related agencies, please visit AGD’s COVID-19 information page