The First Class of BusinessTRACK 2019!
In April, the Texas AGD hosted the first of four 2019 BusinessTRACK events at the Omni Austin Hotel at Southpark. Dentists from all over Texas poured in, ready for the start of what would be an illuminating experience for dental practice owners. AGD Vice President Bruce L. Cassis, DDS, MAGD, joined in to experience the ground-breaking program firsthand.
Texas AGD Executive Director Francine Johannesen, CAE, BusinessTRACK Committee Chair Jeffrey B. Geno, DDS, MAGD, and Texas AGD President Jennifer J. Bone, DDS, MAGD, welcomed the first class with words of encouragement and inspiration before the Track 1 Finance speakers, Brandon Parkhurst and Kara Kelley, took the stage. As Track 1 ended, attendees connected at the “Raise the Bar!” social event, where participants, advisors, speakers and special guests were able to share best practices and compare notes over drinks and hors d’oeuvres. Track 2 kicked off the next day with David Schein, MBA, JD, PhD, lending his impressive lifetime of human resources expertise to attendees. Throughout both days, participants applied the foundational knowledge they had acquired through the pre-session webinars and activities to the in-person session, and the speakers provided a wealth of knowledge and answered participant questions throughout.
The Texas AGD BusinessTRACK program is a unique continuing education opportunity that focuses on the business side of dentistry in order to provide attendees with a practical, comprehensive roadmap to become a confident business leader and practice owner. Upcoming sessions in the program include Track 3 on practice leadership and development in June, Track 4 on business risk and growth in August, and Track 5 on marketing in October.
Submitted by the Texas AGD.

Texas AGD Executive Director Francine Johannesen, CAE, BusinessTRACK Committee Chair Jeffrey B. Geno, DDS, MAGD, and Texas AGD President Jennifer J. Bone, DDS, MAGD, welcomed the first class with words of encouragement and inspiration before the Track 1 Finance speakers, Brandon Parkhurst and Kara Kelley, took the stage. As Track 1 ended, attendees connected at the “Raise the Bar!” social event, where participants, advisors, speakers and special guests were able to share best practices and compare notes over drinks and hors d’oeuvres. Track 2 kicked off the next day with David Schein, MBA, JD, PhD, lending his impressive lifetime of human resources expertise to attendees. Throughout both days, participants applied the foundational knowledge they had acquired through the pre-session webinars and activities to the in-person session, and the speakers provided a wealth of knowledge and answered participant questions throughout.
The Texas AGD BusinessTRACK program is a unique continuing education opportunity that focuses on the business side of dentistry in order to provide attendees with a practical, comprehensive roadmap to become a confident business leader and practice owner. Upcoming sessions in the program include Track 3 on practice leadership and development in June, Track 4 on business risk and growth in August, and Track 5 on marketing in October.
Submitted by the Texas AGD.