Go Green in Your Practice for St. Patrick’s Day

Going green in your practice just might be the pot of gold you were looking for at the end of the rainbow. According to an article published in the August 2017 issue of AGD Impact, eco-dentistry, or green dentistry, is growing in popularity because concern for the environment is the first thing associated with green initiatives. For years, dentists have been creating environmentally friendly and consumer safe spaces for their patients. They are implementing simple adjustments to their daily operations that reduce waste, save water and lower energy. While going green requires some investment, you also will experience good fortune through cost savings and other benefits with an eco-friendly dental practice.
So are you wondering just how much gold you could save by going green (Savings may vary based on practice demographics and product preference)?
A completely digital office with software-based patient charting, billing and X-rays (includes computers):
- $8,769 annual savings
- About 20,000 sheets of paper saved
Migrating to steam sterilization:
- $800 annual savings
Installing energy-efficient fluorescent lighting:
- $600 annual savings
Installing low-flow faucets and low-water usage toilets:
- Saves about 16,500 gallons of water per year
Incorporate green dentistry into your practice and watch your fellow dental colleagues become green with envy. Looking to learn more about green dentistry? Read the referenced AGD Impact article.
Happy St. Patrick’s Day!