Illinois AGD Mastertrack September Program
We have all heard the arguments. Does the occlusion cause the joint problem or does the joint cause the occlusal problem? What role do facial patterns & muscles play? The ILAGD Mastertrack’s September program, “The Un-Holy Trinity of Function: A New Approach to the TMJ, Oro-Facial Pain, and Functional Occlusion,” takes many of the current concepts in these somewhat confusing disciplines & organizes them in a way so that most practitioners can comfortably differentiate the etiology of occlusal disease, diagnose TMJ disorders, and predict long-term success for the restored or non-restored dentition.
Dr. Jeff Horowitz, DMD, FAGD, the instructor for this program, is a Kois Center Mentor. Orofacial Pain is one of the two new subject codes that became mandatory on Jan. 1, 2017, to be eligible for MAGD certification. This 2-day hands-on course at Henry Schein Dental in Elmhurst, IL helped the doctors differentiate between iatrogenic, foundational, and transient occlusal disorders, use diagnostic imaging and testing to aid in diagnosis, understand imaging and testing to aid in diagnosis, and provided tips, tools, and materials used within these disciplines.