March/April 2015

Table of Contents


  • Editorial How to be the best dentist

    Eric K. Curtis, DDS, MA, MAGD
    2015 Mar/Apr; 63(2):6. 
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  • Minimally Invasive Dentistry Matrixing for MID success

    Mark Malterud, DDS
    2015 Mar/Apr; 63(2):7. 
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  • Prosthodontics 3D printing, polymethyl methacrylate acrylic, and fully milled zirconia for anterior implant restorations: the brave new world of prosthetic dentistry

    Samuel M. Strong, DDS
    2015 Mar/Apr; 63(2):11. 
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Ethics Case No. 11: Dear John

    Toni M. Roucka, DDS, MA, FACD
    2015 Mar/Apr; 63(2):14. 
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  • Public Health Aging, communication, and oral health

    Larry N. Williams, DDS
    2015 Mar/Apr; 63(2):16.
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  • Esthetics Creating predictable posterior composite resin

    Wynn H. Okuda, DMD, FAACD, FICD, FICOI
    2015 Mar/Apr; 63(2):18. 
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  • 2014 Reviewers 2014 Reviewers

    2015 Mar/Apr; 63(2):76. 
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  • Answers Self-Instruction exercises No. 346, 347, and 348

    2015 Mar/Apr; 63(2):80. 
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Clinical Articles

  • Partial Dentures Implant-assisted removable partial dentures as an alternative treatment for partial edentulism: a review of the literature

    Konstantinos Chatzivasileiou, DDS, MSc
    Eleni Kotsiomiti, DDS, Dr. Dent
    Ioannis Emmanouil, DDS, Dr. Dent
    2015 Mar/Apr; 63(2):21.  

    This study reviewed the current literature concerning implant-assisted removable partial dentures (RPDs). A review of these articles indicated that the combination of dental implants with RPDs constitutes a cost-efficient prosthetic protocol. Further studies are still needed.
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    Dental Materials Surface characteristics of resin composite materials after finishing and polishing

    Henry St. Germain, DMD, MSD, MAEd
    Bart A. Samuelson, DDS
    2015 Mar/Apr; 63(2):26.    

    This in vitro study determined the surface roughness (Ra) and absolute gloss (AG) values for 2 resin composites: a microhybrid and a microfill. Two-way ANOVA and Fisher’s LSD multiple comparisons revealed significant differences between the 2 resins (P ≤ 0.05). Pearson’s r correlation coefficient (P ≤ 0.001) indicated an inverse linear relationship between Ra and AG.
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    Self-Instruction Exercise No. 364
  • Periodontics Nitric oxide and inflammatory periodontal disease

    Parwani Simran R., MDS
    Parwani Rajkumar N., MDS
    2015 Mar/Apr; 63(2):34.  

    Free radicals are species capable of independent existence that contain 1 or more unpaired electrons. Free radicals can be important biomarkers for progressive inflammatory diseases of the periodontium and periapical tissues, and/or precancerous and cancerous lesions of the oral cavity. Nitric oxide (NO) is a free radical gas and an inflammatory biomarker. The aim of this paper is to present the role of NO in periodontal health and inflammation.
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  • Dental Materials Comparative analysis of polymerization shrinkage of different resin composites

    Iana Coutinho Barretto, DDS
    Luana Farias Pontes, DDS
    Karina Kato Carneiro, DDS, MS, PhD
    Jesuina Lamartine Nogueira Araujo, DDS, MS, PhD
    Rafael Yague Ballester, DDS, MS, PhD
    Cecy Martins Silva, DDS, MS, PhD
    2015 Mar/Apr; 63(2):41.

    This study sought to compare the shrinkage of 3 resin composites after polymerization, using different curing modes and 2 methods of analysis. Curing modes differed significantly in the free linear shrinkage test group, while resin composites did not. In the wall-to-wall shrinkage group, there were significant differences between the resin composites.
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    Appliance Therapy The effect of specially designed and managed occlusal devices on patient symptoms and pain: a cohort study

    Wayne O. Sletten, DDS, MSD
    L. Parnell Taylor, DDS
    Charles J. Goodacre, DDS, MSD
    Thomas D. Dumont, DDS
    2015 Mar/Apr; 63(2):46. 

    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of a splint on 12 symptoms: temporomandibular joint “pop,” “click,” and lock; jaw, neck, shoulder, and mouth-opening pain; headache; earache; tinnitus; and clenching and grinding of teeth. Splints were designed for 157 dental patients with mixed histories of the 12 symptoms. The results showed significant improvement (P < 0.001) in 11 of the 12 symptoms.
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    Self-Instruction Exercise No. 365
  • Diagnosis of Oral Pathology Hepatic abscess linked to oral actinomycetes: a case report

    Debora G. De Farias, DDS, MS
    2015 Mar/Apr; 63(2):54.

    This article presents a case report of a 52-year-old woman who was hospitalized with a hepatic abscess after a routine periodontal maintenance procedure. Systemic antibiotic therapy, drainage of the hepatic abscess, and oral rehabilitation resulted in complete recovery.
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  • Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis, Oral Pathology Talon cusp variations: 2 case reports

    Supriya Bhat, MDS
    Gogineni Subhas Babu, MDS
    Shishir Ram Shetty, MDS
    K.A. Fazil, MDS
    2015 Mar/Apr; 63(2):58.  

    Talon cusps in anterior teeth are relatively rare, and are characterized by the presence of an accessory cusp-like structure projecting from the cingulum area or cementoenamel junction. This article attempts to describe the variants of this anomaly with 2 case reports involving facial and bilateral palatal manifestation.
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  • Pharmacotherapeutics How concerns for bisphosphonate-induced osteonecrosis of the jaw affect clinical practice among dentists: a study from the South Texas Oral Health Network

    Cara B. Gonzales, DDS, PhD
    Veronica Young, PharmD, MPH
    Norma S. Ketchum, MS
    Jamie Bone, DDS
    Thomas W. Oates, DMD, PhD
    Rahma Mungia, BDS, MSc
    2015 Mar/Apr; 63(2):61.  
    This study assesses the knowledge and perceptions of practicing dentists in relation to the risk of bisphosphonate-induced osteonecrosis of the jaw and how their knowledge and perceptions influence their decisions when developing treatment plans. Knowledge score groupings reflected differences between low knowledge and high knowledge dentists in terms of their behavior concerning patients on bisphosphonate therapy.
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  • Digital Radiology Maxillary first molar with 8 root canals detected by CBCT scanning: a case report

    Gustavo Almeida, MDS, DDS
    Ricardo Machado, MDS, DDS
    Rodrigo Sanches Cunha, PhD, MDS, DDS
    Luiz Pascoal Vansan, PhD, MDS, DDS
    Prasanna Neelakantan, PhD, MDS, DDS
    2015 Mar/Apr; 63(2):68.  

    This article illustrates how CBCT scanning and a dental operating microscope can facilitate a better understanding of complex root canal anatomies, ultimately allowing the dentist to clean, shape, and obturate root canal systems more efficiently.
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    Endodontics Comparison of the effectiveness of 3 irrigation devices for the cleaning of root canal walls instrumented with oscillatory and rotary techniques

    Nadia de Souza Ferreira, PhD
    Carlos Henrique Ribeiro Camargo, PhD
    Renato Miotto Palo, PhD
    Frederico Canato Martinho, PhD
    Ana Paula Martins Gomes, PhD
    2015 Mar/Apr; 63(2):71.  

    The aim of this study was to compare the effectiveness of side-vented needles vs brush-covered needles in the cleansing of root canals instrumented with oscillatory and rotary systems. No statistically significant differences were found between the groups.
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    Self-Instruction Exercise No. 366
  • Physiology Effects of cyclic loading and toothbrush abrasion on cervical lesion formation

    William J. Dickson, DDS, MS
    Kraig S. Vandewalle, DDS, MS
    Wen Lien, DDS, MS
    Sara A. Dixon, DDS, MS
    James B. Summitt, DDS, MS
    2015 Mar/Apr; 63(2):e1.

    This study sought to determine the effect of cyclic loading and toothbrush abrasion (with and without abrasive slurries) on cervical lesion formation. Cyclic loading and toothbrushing machines subjected teeth to 1.6 million cyclic loads and 30,000 brushing strokes, the equivalent of 4 years of function and brushing for an average patient. Load cycling had no significant effect on cervical tooth loss. Brushing with toothpaste resulted in significantly greater cervical tooth loss than brushing with water, which in turn was significantly greater than no treatment at all.
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  • Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis, Oral Pathology A pediatric viewpoint on peripheral ossifying fibroma: a case report

    Kavita Hotwani, MDS
    2015 Mar/Apr; 63(2):e6.  

    A peripheral ossifying fibroma (POF) is a type of reactive hyperplasia that is found exclusively on the gingiva. This article presents the case of a POF in a 7-year-old girl and examines the pediatric considerations for diagnosing and managing this lesion.
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  • Special Patient Care An oral clinical approach to Gorlin-Goltz syndrome

    Lucas Guimaraes Abreu, DDS, MS
    Saul Martins Paiva, DDS, MS, PhD
    Henrique Pretti, DDS, MS, PhD
    Elizabeth Maria Bastos Lages, DDS, MS, PhD
    Wagner Henriques Castro, DDS, MS, PhD
    2015 Mar/Apr; 63(2):e9.  

    Gorlin-Goltz syndrome is a rare hereditary disease that can have negative effects on one’s quality of life. This article describes the case of a child with Gorlin-Goltz syndrome, and outlines the clinical manifestations of the disease.
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  • Root Caries & Treatment Re-treating a maxillary second molar with 6 root canals assisted by cone beam computed tomography

    Amrita Chawla, MDS
    Amrita Sujlana, MDS
    Avani Dixit, MDS
    2015 Mar/Apr; 63(2):e14.  

    It is important to sterilize and obturate the entire expanse of the root canal system effectively to prevent endodontic failure. This article presents a case involving endodontic retreatment of a maxillary second molar with an unusual morphology consisting of 6 root canals.
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