General Dentistry is AGD's peer-reviewed journal. Published bimonthly, General Dentistry presents research and clinical findings to support the full range of procedures that general dentists perform on a regular basis.
September/October 2021
Table of Contents
Editorial Credentialing: a motivating goal
Timothy F. KosinskiFull Article (PDF)
2021 September/October; 69(5):5.
Ethics Achieving a balanced life in the wake of the pandemic
Toni M. RouckaFull Article (PDF)
2021 September/October; 69(5):6-7.
Pharmacology Topical anesthetics: a review of several formulations
Mana SaraghiFull Article (PDF)
Elliot V. Hersh
2021 September/October; 69(5):8-11.
Public Health Health inequity and racial bias: what do we really know about our patients?
Larry N. WilliamsFull Article (PDF)
2021 September/October; 69(5):12-13.
Oral Diagnosis Fluctuant gingival bump and Macerated mucosa
Tanya M. GibsonFull Article (PDF)
2021 September/October; 69(5):76,78.
Self-Instruction Answers Exercises No. GD462, GD463, and GD464 from the September/October 2020 issue
2021 September/October; 69(5):79.Full Article (PDF)
Clinical Articles
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Immunohistochemical analysis of growth factors in platelet-rich fibrin membranes
Cecília Campos LanerFull Article (PDF)
Vanessa Cabral Perez
André Luciano Pasinato da Costa
Dimas João Rodrigues Neto
Julia Zandoná
João Paulo De Carli
André Webber Rosa
This in vitro immunohistochemical study aimed to analyze the presence of factors of endothelial growth and cell differentiation in platelet-rich fibrin membranes. The presence of CD31 and CD163 markers indicated the potential for vascular neoformation and the significant presence of monocytes.
2021 September/October; 69(5):14-19.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. GD480 -
Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis, Oral Pathology Evaluation of the salivary flow of patients undergoing conventional radiotherapy for head and neck cancer
Maria Heloísa da Conceição Tavares de LimaFull Article (PDF)
Lucas Nascimento Ribeiro
Raylane Farias de Albuquerque
Alessandra de Albuquerque Tavares Carvalho
Igor Henrique Morais Silva
Jair Carneiro Leão
A cross-sectional study evaluating the salivary flow of 20 patients undergoing conventional radiotherapy in the head and neck region found that the mean total radiation dose (65 Gy) did not appear to influence the Xerostomia Inventory values or salivary volume. The data reinforced the subjective nature of xerostomia, which is not always related to hyposalivation.
2021 September/October; 69(5):21-25.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. GD481 -
Fixed Prosthodontics Fiber-reinforced fixed dental prosthesis to replace missing anterior teeth: case reports
Isabela Alves MatioliFull Article (PDF)
Ana Luiza de Moura Libório
Keldrey Vinicius Alicio de Paula
Lucas Fernando de Oliveira Tomaz Ferraresso
Básia Rabelo Nogueira
João Felipe Besegato
Márcio Grama Hoeppner
This report of 2 cases describes the placement of fiber-reinforced fixed dental prostheses (FRFDPs) immediately after the surgical extraction of incisors. In each case, the extracted tooth was used as a pontic. The esthetic and functional results demonstrated that the FRFDP is a viable option to replace missing anterior teeth.
2021 September/October; 69(5):28-33.
Pediatric Dentistry Antimicrobial activity of root canal filling pastes used in pediatric dentistry
Manuella de Oliveira FernandesFull Article (PDF)
Juliana Matos
Lucianne Cople Maia
Tatiana Kelly da Silva Fidalgo
An in vitro study evaluated the antimicrobial activity of root canal filling pastes commonly used in primary teeth: iodoform paste; zinc oxide + eugenol (ZOE) in a proportion of 1:3; ZOE in a proportion of 1:5; calcium hydroxide (Ca[OH]2) + water; iodoform paste + ZOE + Ca(OH)2; ZOE + Ca(OH)2; and chlorhexidine (positive control). Iodoform paste demonstrated the greatest activity against Enterococcus faecalis, while the specimens exposed to Ca(OH)2 + water demonstrated no activity.
2021 September/October; 69(5):34-37.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. GD482 -
Endodontics Efficacy of digital radiography for detecting a second mesiobuccal canal adjacent to unfilled or filled canals
Lucas de Paula Lopes RosadoFull Article (PDF)
Fernanda Bulhões Fagundes
Taruska Ventorini Vasconcelos
Erica dos Santos Carvalho
Iêda Crusoé-Rebello
Matheus Lima Oliveira
Frederico Sampaio Neves
The accuracy of detection of the second mesiobuccal (MB2) canal when the adjacent canals were unfilled or filled with gutta percha was assessed using digital periapical radiographs. Intraobserver reproducibility ranged from substantial to almost perfect, and interobserver reproducibility ranged from fair to substantial. There were no statistically significant differences between groups in sensitivity, specificity, or accuracy. Detection of the MB2 canal can be challenging, and the presence of gutta percha does not influence the detection.
2021 September/October; 69(5):39-42.
Basic Science Smartphone use as an aid in evaluating conventional radiographs
Giuliano Omizzolo GiacominiFull Article (PDF)
Carolina Antonioli
Camila dos Santos Tibúrcio-Machado
Mathias Pante Fontana
Gabriela Salatino Liedke
This study evaluated the use of smartphones for digitizing, sharing, and viewing radiographs in comparison to a conventional light box. Although the light box had better scores than the smartphones for sensitivity, specificity, and overall accuracy in detecting marginal gaps, the differences were not statistically significant.
2021 September/October; 69(5):43-45.
Basic Science The effects of polishing techniques on surface roughness and gloss of different composites
Graziela Ribeiro BatistaFull Article (PDF)
Rayssa Ferreira Zanatta
Alessandra Bühler Borges
Carlos Rocha Gomes Torres
Evaluation of the effects of different polishing techniques on surface roughness and gloss of various composites revealed significant differences for both factors analyzed (composite and polishing technique). The polishing technique used is material dependent, but all systems tested displayed clinically acceptable results.
2021 September/October; 69(5):46-51.
Endodontics The endocrown: a unique method for restoring endodontically treated teeth
Andy M. JanigaFull Article (PDF)
This report presents 3 cases of endocrown treatment as examples of common indications for this restorative approach: minimal tooth structure, questionable prognosis (rescue), and occlusal support.
2021 September/October; 69(5):52-55.
Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis, Oral Pathology Detection of medial arterial calcification on CBCT images of a patient with undiagnosed type 2 diabetes mellitus: a case report
Adeyinka F. DayoFull Article (PDF)
Dale A. Miles
Beth R. Hamann
When medial arterial calcification is identified on cone beam computed tomographic images, the patient must be referred for evaluation of cardiovascular accident risk and the possible presence of type 2 diabetes. This report describes a case of undiagnosed type 2 diabetes confirmed by hemoglobin A1c levels after incidental detection of medial arterial calcification.
2021 September/October; 69(5):57-61.
Implants Influence of the geometry of the screwdriver-screw connection on the reverse torque of UCLA screws
Washington Luís dos ReisFull Article (PDF)
Adriana Santos Malheiros
Flavio Domingues Neves
Etevaldo Matos Maia-Filho
Leticia Machado Gonçalves
Matheus Coelho Bandeca
Rudys Rodolfo De Jesus Tavarez
This study evaluated the influence of the screwdriver-screw connection geometry on the reverse torque of UCLA screws. Square, hexagonal, and hexalobular screws all had significantly different mean reverse torques. The hexalobular screws showed the greatest reduction from initial to final reverse torque, and the square screws showed the least.
2021 September/October; 69(5):62-66.
Endodontics Effect of different periods of calcium hydroxide dressing on the fracture resistance of root dentin
Juliara Bellina HoffmannFull Article (PDF)
Filipe Colombo Vitali
Leila Clarisse Hillesheim
Maybell Tedesco
Lucas da Fonseca Roberti Garcia
Eduardo Antunes Bortoluzzi
Cleonice da Silveira Teixeira
A compressive strength test was used to assess the reduction in the fracture resistance of root dentin after exposure to an intracanal calcium hydroxide dressing for 7, 14, 30, or 90 days. The 14- and 90-day groups showed significantly reduced strength compared to the control group, but the 7- and 30-day groups did not.
2021 September/October; 69(5):67-71.
Basic Science Antibacterial effect of green tea infusion used as a mouthwash on saliva and bacterial plaque: a randomized controlled trial
Jazmin Servin MolasFull Article (PDF)
Julieta María Méndez
Nelson Portillo
Ulises Armando Villasanti Torales
Evaluation of the antibacterial effect of a green tea infusion used as a mouthwash revealed statistically significant differences between the intervention and control (distilled water) groups, with participants in the green tea group demonstrating greater reductions in colony-forming units in saliva and plaque biofilm.
2021 September/October; 69(5):72-74.
September/October 2021
Table of Contents
Editorial Credentialing: a motivating goal
Timothy F. KosinskiFull Article (PDF)
2021 September/October; 69(5):5.
Ethics Achieving a balanced life in the wake of the pandemic
Toni M. RouckaFull Article (PDF)
2021 September/October; 69(5):6-7.
Pharmacology Topical anesthetics: a review of several formulations
Mana SaraghiFull Article (PDF)
Elliot V. Hersh
2021 September/October; 69(5):8-11.
Public Health Health inequity and racial bias: what do we really know about our patients?
Larry N. WilliamsFull Article (PDF)
2021 September/October; 69(5):12-13.
Oral Diagnosis Fluctuant gingival bump and Macerated mucosa
Tanya M. GibsonFull Article (PDF)
2021 September/October; 69(5):76,78.
Self-Instruction Answers Exercises No. GD462, GD463, and GD464 from the September/October 2020 issue
2021 September/October; 69(5):79.Full Article (PDF)
Clinical Articles
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Immunohistochemical analysis of growth factors in platelet-rich fibrin membranes
Cecília Campos LanerFull Article (PDF)
Vanessa Cabral Perez
André Luciano Pasinato da Costa
Dimas João Rodrigues Neto
Julia Zandoná
João Paulo De Carli
André Webber Rosa
This in vitro immunohistochemical study aimed to analyze the presence of factors of endothelial growth and cell differentiation in platelet-rich fibrin membranes. The presence of CD31 and CD163 markers indicated the potential for vascular neoformation and the significant presence of monocytes.
2021 September/October; 69(5):14-19.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. GD480 -
Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis, Oral Pathology Evaluation of the salivary flow of patients undergoing conventional radiotherapy for head and neck cancer
Maria Heloísa da Conceição Tavares de LimaFull Article (PDF)
Lucas Nascimento Ribeiro
Raylane Farias de Albuquerque
Alessandra de Albuquerque Tavares Carvalho
Igor Henrique Morais Silva
Jair Carneiro Leão
A cross-sectional study evaluating the salivary flow of 20 patients undergoing conventional radiotherapy in the head and neck region found that the mean total radiation dose (65 Gy) did not appear to influence the Xerostomia Inventory values or salivary volume. The data reinforced the subjective nature of xerostomia, which is not always related to hyposalivation.
2021 September/October; 69(5):21-25.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. GD481 -
Fixed Prosthodontics Fiber-reinforced fixed dental prosthesis to replace missing anterior teeth: case reports
Isabela Alves MatioliFull Article (PDF)
Ana Luiza de Moura Libório
Keldrey Vinicius Alicio de Paula
Lucas Fernando de Oliveira Tomaz Ferraresso
Básia Rabelo Nogueira
João Felipe Besegato
Márcio Grama Hoeppner
This report of 2 cases describes the placement of fiber-reinforced fixed dental prostheses (FRFDPs) immediately after the surgical extraction of incisors. In each case, the extracted tooth was used as a pontic. The esthetic and functional results demonstrated that the FRFDP is a viable option to replace missing anterior teeth.
2021 September/October; 69(5):28-33.
Pediatric Dentistry Antimicrobial activity of root canal filling pastes used in pediatric dentistry
Manuella de Oliveira FernandesFull Article (PDF)
Juliana Matos
Lucianne Cople Maia
Tatiana Kelly da Silva Fidalgo
An in vitro study evaluated the antimicrobial activity of root canal filling pastes commonly used in primary teeth: iodoform paste; zinc oxide + eugenol (ZOE) in a proportion of 1:3; ZOE in a proportion of 1:5; calcium hydroxide (Ca[OH]2) + water; iodoform paste + ZOE + Ca(OH)2; ZOE + Ca(OH)2; and chlorhexidine (positive control). Iodoform paste demonstrated the greatest activity against Enterococcus faecalis, while the specimens exposed to Ca(OH)2 + water demonstrated no activity.
2021 September/October; 69(5):34-37.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. GD482 -
Endodontics Efficacy of digital radiography for detecting a second mesiobuccal canal adjacent to unfilled or filled canals
Lucas de Paula Lopes RosadoFull Article (PDF)
Fernanda Bulhões Fagundes
Taruska Ventorini Vasconcelos
Erica dos Santos Carvalho
Iêda Crusoé-Rebello
Matheus Lima Oliveira
Frederico Sampaio Neves
The accuracy of detection of the second mesiobuccal (MB2) canal when the adjacent canals were unfilled or filled with gutta percha was assessed using digital periapical radiographs. Intraobserver reproducibility ranged from substantial to almost perfect, and interobserver reproducibility ranged from fair to substantial. There were no statistically significant differences between groups in sensitivity, specificity, or accuracy. Detection of the MB2 canal can be challenging, and the presence of gutta percha does not influence the detection.
2021 September/October; 69(5):39-42.
Basic Science Smartphone use as an aid in evaluating conventional radiographs
Giuliano Omizzolo GiacominiFull Article (PDF)
Carolina Antonioli
Camila dos Santos Tibúrcio-Machado
Mathias Pante Fontana
Gabriela Salatino Liedke
This study evaluated the use of smartphones for digitizing, sharing, and viewing radiographs in comparison to a conventional light box. Although the light box had better scores than the smartphones for sensitivity, specificity, and overall accuracy in detecting marginal gaps, the differences were not statistically significant.
2021 September/October; 69(5):43-45.
Basic Science The effects of polishing techniques on surface roughness and gloss of different composites
Graziela Ribeiro BatistaFull Article (PDF)
Rayssa Ferreira Zanatta
Alessandra Bühler Borges
Carlos Rocha Gomes Torres
Evaluation of the effects of different polishing techniques on surface roughness and gloss of various composites revealed significant differences for both factors analyzed (composite and polishing technique). The polishing technique used is material dependent, but all systems tested displayed clinically acceptable results.
2021 September/October; 69(5):46-51.
Endodontics The endocrown: a unique method for restoring endodontically treated teeth
Andy M. JanigaFull Article (PDF)
This report presents 3 cases of endocrown treatment as examples of common indications for this restorative approach: minimal tooth structure, questionable prognosis (rescue), and occlusal support.
2021 September/October; 69(5):52-55.
Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis, Oral Pathology Detection of medial arterial calcification on CBCT images of a patient with undiagnosed type 2 diabetes mellitus: a case report
Adeyinka F. DayoFull Article (PDF)
Dale A. Miles
Beth R. Hamann
When medial arterial calcification is identified on cone beam computed tomographic images, the patient must be referred for evaluation of cardiovascular accident risk and the possible presence of type 2 diabetes. This report describes a case of undiagnosed type 2 diabetes confirmed by hemoglobin A1c levels after incidental detection of medial arterial calcification.
2021 September/October; 69(5):57-61.
Implants Influence of the geometry of the screwdriver-screw connection on the reverse torque of UCLA screws
Washington Luís dos ReisFull Article (PDF)
Adriana Santos Malheiros
Flavio Domingues Neves
Etevaldo Matos Maia-Filho
Leticia Machado Gonçalves
Matheus Coelho Bandeca
Rudys Rodolfo De Jesus Tavarez
This study evaluated the influence of the screwdriver-screw connection geometry on the reverse torque of UCLA screws. Square, hexagonal, and hexalobular screws all had significantly different mean reverse torques. The hexalobular screws showed the greatest reduction from initial to final reverse torque, and the square screws showed the least.
2021 September/October; 69(5):62-66.
Endodontics Effect of different periods of calcium hydroxide dressing on the fracture resistance of root dentin
Juliara Bellina HoffmannFull Article (PDF)
Filipe Colombo Vitali
Leila Clarisse Hillesheim
Maybell Tedesco
Lucas da Fonseca Roberti Garcia
Eduardo Antunes Bortoluzzi
Cleonice da Silveira Teixeira
A compressive strength test was used to assess the reduction in the fracture resistance of root dentin after exposure to an intracanal calcium hydroxide dressing for 7, 14, 30, or 90 days. The 14- and 90-day groups showed significantly reduced strength compared to the control group, but the 7- and 30-day groups did not.
2021 September/October; 69(5):67-71.
Basic Science Antibacterial effect of green tea infusion used as a mouthwash on saliva and bacterial plaque: a randomized controlled trial
Jazmin Servin MolasFull Article (PDF)
Julieta María Méndez
Nelson Portillo
Ulises Armando Villasanti Torales
Evaluation of the antibacterial effect of a green tea infusion used as a mouthwash revealed statistically significant differences between the intervention and control (distilled water) groups, with participants in the green tea group demonstrating greater reductions in colony-forming units in saliva and plaque biofilm.
2021 September/October; 69(5):72-74.
September/October 2021
Table of Contents
Editorial Credentialing: a motivating goal
Timothy F. KosinskiFull Article (PDF)
2021 September/October; 69(5):5.
Ethics Achieving a balanced life in the wake of the pandemic
Toni M. RouckaFull Article (PDF)
2021 September/October; 69(5):6-7.
Pharmacology Topical anesthetics: a review of several formulations
Mana SaraghiFull Article (PDF)
Elliot V. Hersh
2021 September/October; 69(5):8-11.
Public Health Health inequity and racial bias: what do we really know about our patients?
Larry N. WilliamsFull Article (PDF)
2021 September/October; 69(5):12-13.
Oral Diagnosis Fluctuant gingival bump and Macerated mucosa
Tanya M. GibsonFull Article (PDF)
2021 September/October; 69(5):76,78.
Self-Instruction Answers Exercises No. GD462, GD463, and GD464 from the September/October 2020 issue
2021 September/October; 69(5):79.Full Article (PDF)
Clinical Articles
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Immunohistochemical analysis of growth factors in platelet-rich fibrin membranes
Cecília Campos LanerFull Article (PDF)
Vanessa Cabral Perez
André Luciano Pasinato da Costa
Dimas João Rodrigues Neto
Julia Zandoná
João Paulo De Carli
André Webber Rosa
This in vitro immunohistochemical study aimed to analyze the presence of factors of endothelial growth and cell differentiation in platelet-rich fibrin membranes. The presence of CD31 and CD163 markers indicated the potential for vascular neoformation and the significant presence of monocytes.
2021 September/October; 69(5):14-19.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. GD480 -
Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis, Oral Pathology Evaluation of the salivary flow of patients undergoing conventional radiotherapy for head and neck cancer
Maria Heloísa da Conceição Tavares de LimaFull Article (PDF)
Lucas Nascimento Ribeiro
Raylane Farias de Albuquerque
Alessandra de Albuquerque Tavares Carvalho
Igor Henrique Morais Silva
Jair Carneiro Leão
A cross-sectional study evaluating the salivary flow of 20 patients undergoing conventional radiotherapy in the head and neck region found that the mean total radiation dose (65 Gy) did not appear to influence the Xerostomia Inventory values or salivary volume. The data reinforced the subjective nature of xerostomia, which is not always related to hyposalivation.
2021 September/October; 69(5):21-25.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. GD481 -
Fixed Prosthodontics Fiber-reinforced fixed dental prosthesis to replace missing anterior teeth: case reports
Isabela Alves MatioliFull Article (PDF)
Ana Luiza de Moura Libório
Keldrey Vinicius Alicio de Paula
Lucas Fernando de Oliveira Tomaz Ferraresso
Básia Rabelo Nogueira
João Felipe Besegato
Márcio Grama Hoeppner
This report of 2 cases describes the placement of fiber-reinforced fixed dental prostheses (FRFDPs) immediately after the surgical extraction of incisors. In each case, the extracted tooth was used as a pontic. The esthetic and functional results demonstrated that the FRFDP is a viable option to replace missing anterior teeth.
2021 September/October; 69(5):28-33.
Pediatric Dentistry Antimicrobial activity of root canal filling pastes used in pediatric dentistry
Manuella de Oliveira FernandesFull Article (PDF)
Juliana Matos
Lucianne Cople Maia
Tatiana Kelly da Silva Fidalgo
An in vitro study evaluated the antimicrobial activity of root canal filling pastes commonly used in primary teeth: iodoform paste; zinc oxide + eugenol (ZOE) in a proportion of 1:3; ZOE in a proportion of 1:5; calcium hydroxide (Ca[OH]2) + water; iodoform paste + ZOE + Ca(OH)2; ZOE + Ca(OH)2; and chlorhexidine (positive control). Iodoform paste demonstrated the greatest activity against Enterococcus faecalis, while the specimens exposed to Ca(OH)2 + water demonstrated no activity.
2021 September/October; 69(5):34-37.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. GD482 -
Endodontics Efficacy of digital radiography for detecting a second mesiobuccal canal adjacent to unfilled or filled canals
Lucas de Paula Lopes RosadoFull Article (PDF)
Fernanda Bulhões Fagundes
Taruska Ventorini Vasconcelos
Erica dos Santos Carvalho
Iêda Crusoé-Rebello
Matheus Lima Oliveira
Frederico Sampaio Neves
The accuracy of detection of the second mesiobuccal (MB2) canal when the adjacent canals were unfilled or filled with gutta percha was assessed using digital periapical radiographs. Intraobserver reproducibility ranged from substantial to almost perfect, and interobserver reproducibility ranged from fair to substantial. There were no statistically significant differences between groups in sensitivity, specificity, or accuracy. Detection of the MB2 canal can be challenging, and the presence of gutta percha does not influence the detection.
2021 September/October; 69(5):39-42.
Basic Science Smartphone use as an aid in evaluating conventional radiographs
Giuliano Omizzolo GiacominiFull Article (PDF)
Carolina Antonioli
Camila dos Santos Tibúrcio-Machado
Mathias Pante Fontana
Gabriela Salatino Liedke
This study evaluated the use of smartphones for digitizing, sharing, and viewing radiographs in comparison to a conventional light box. Although the light box had better scores than the smartphones for sensitivity, specificity, and overall accuracy in detecting marginal gaps, the differences were not statistically significant.
2021 September/October; 69(5):43-45.
Basic Science The effects of polishing techniques on surface roughness and gloss of different composites
Graziela Ribeiro BatistaFull Article (PDF)
Rayssa Ferreira Zanatta
Alessandra Bühler Borges
Carlos Rocha Gomes Torres
Evaluation of the effects of different polishing techniques on surface roughness and gloss of various composites revealed significant differences for both factors analyzed (composite and polishing technique). The polishing technique used is material dependent, but all systems tested displayed clinically acceptable results.
2021 September/October; 69(5):46-51.
Endodontics The endocrown: a unique method for restoring endodontically treated teeth
Andy M. JanigaFull Article (PDF)
This report presents 3 cases of endocrown treatment as examples of common indications for this restorative approach: minimal tooth structure, questionable prognosis (rescue), and occlusal support.
2021 September/October; 69(5):52-55.
Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis, Oral Pathology Detection of medial arterial calcification on CBCT images of a patient with undiagnosed type 2 diabetes mellitus: a case report
Adeyinka F. DayoFull Article (PDF)
Dale A. Miles
Beth R. Hamann
When medial arterial calcification is identified on cone beam computed tomographic images, the patient must be referred for evaluation of cardiovascular accident risk and the possible presence of type 2 diabetes. This report describes a case of undiagnosed type 2 diabetes confirmed by hemoglobin A1c levels after incidental detection of medial arterial calcification.
2021 September/October; 69(5):57-61.
Implants Influence of the geometry of the screwdriver-screw connection on the reverse torque of UCLA screws
Washington Luís dos ReisFull Article (PDF)
Adriana Santos Malheiros
Flavio Domingues Neves
Etevaldo Matos Maia-Filho
Leticia Machado Gonçalves
Matheus Coelho Bandeca
Rudys Rodolfo De Jesus Tavarez
This study evaluated the influence of the screwdriver-screw connection geometry on the reverse torque of UCLA screws. Square, hexagonal, and hexalobular screws all had significantly different mean reverse torques. The hexalobular screws showed the greatest reduction from initial to final reverse torque, and the square screws showed the least.
2021 September/October; 69(5):62-66.
Endodontics Effect of different periods of calcium hydroxide dressing on the fracture resistance of root dentin
Juliara Bellina HoffmannFull Article (PDF)
Filipe Colombo Vitali
Leila Clarisse Hillesheim
Maybell Tedesco
Lucas da Fonseca Roberti Garcia
Eduardo Antunes Bortoluzzi
Cleonice da Silveira Teixeira
A compressive strength test was used to assess the reduction in the fracture resistance of root dentin after exposure to an intracanal calcium hydroxide dressing for 7, 14, 30, or 90 days. The 14- and 90-day groups showed significantly reduced strength compared to the control group, but the 7- and 30-day groups did not.
2021 September/October; 69(5):67-71.
Basic Science Antibacterial effect of green tea infusion used as a mouthwash on saliva and bacterial plaque: a randomized controlled trial
Jazmin Servin MolasFull Article (PDF)
Julieta María Méndez
Nelson Portillo
Ulises Armando Villasanti Torales
Evaluation of the antibacterial effect of a green tea infusion used as a mouthwash revealed statistically significant differences between the intervention and control (distilled water) groups, with participants in the green tea group demonstrating greater reductions in colony-forming units in saliva and plaque biofilm.
2021 September/October; 69(5):72-74.
September/October 2021
Table of Contents
Editorial Credentialing: a motivating goal
Timothy F. KosinskiFull Article (PDF)
2021 September/October; 69(5):5.
Ethics Achieving a balanced life in the wake of the pandemic
Toni M. RouckaFull Article (PDF)
2021 September/October; 69(5):6-7.
Pharmacology Topical anesthetics: a review of several formulations
Mana SaraghiFull Article (PDF)
Elliot V. Hersh
2021 September/October; 69(5):8-11.
Public Health Health inequity and racial bias: what do we really know about our patients?
Larry N. WilliamsFull Article (PDF)
2021 September/October; 69(5):12-13.
Oral Diagnosis Fluctuant gingival bump and Macerated mucosa
Tanya M. GibsonFull Article (PDF)
2021 September/October; 69(5):76,78.
Self-Instruction Answers Exercises No. GD462, GD463, and GD464 from the September/October 2020 issue
2021 September/October; 69(5):79.Full Article (PDF)
Clinical Articles
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Immunohistochemical analysis of growth factors in platelet-rich fibrin membranes
Cecília Campos LanerFull Article (PDF)
Vanessa Cabral Perez
André Luciano Pasinato da Costa
Dimas João Rodrigues Neto
Julia Zandoná
João Paulo De Carli
André Webber Rosa
This in vitro immunohistochemical study aimed to analyze the presence of factors of endothelial growth and cell differentiation in platelet-rich fibrin membranes. The presence of CD31 and CD163 markers indicated the potential for vascular neoformation and the significant presence of monocytes.
2021 September/October; 69(5):14-19.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. GD480 -
Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis, Oral Pathology Evaluation of the salivary flow of patients undergoing conventional radiotherapy for head and neck cancer
Maria Heloísa da Conceição Tavares de LimaFull Article (PDF)
Lucas Nascimento Ribeiro
Raylane Farias de Albuquerque
Alessandra de Albuquerque Tavares Carvalho
Igor Henrique Morais Silva
Jair Carneiro Leão
A cross-sectional study evaluating the salivary flow of 20 patients undergoing conventional radiotherapy in the head and neck region found that the mean total radiation dose (65 Gy) did not appear to influence the Xerostomia Inventory values or salivary volume. The data reinforced the subjective nature of xerostomia, which is not always related to hyposalivation.
2021 September/October; 69(5):21-25.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. GD481 -
Fixed Prosthodontics Fiber-reinforced fixed dental prosthesis to replace missing anterior teeth: case reports
Isabela Alves MatioliFull Article (PDF)
Ana Luiza de Moura Libório
Keldrey Vinicius Alicio de Paula
Lucas Fernando de Oliveira Tomaz Ferraresso
Básia Rabelo Nogueira
João Felipe Besegato
Márcio Grama Hoeppner
This report of 2 cases describes the placement of fiber-reinforced fixed dental prostheses (FRFDPs) immediately after the surgical extraction of incisors. In each case, the extracted tooth was used as a pontic. The esthetic and functional results demonstrated that the FRFDP is a viable option to replace missing anterior teeth.
2021 September/October; 69(5):28-33.
Pediatric Dentistry Antimicrobial activity of root canal filling pastes used in pediatric dentistry
Manuella de Oliveira FernandesFull Article (PDF)
Juliana Matos
Lucianne Cople Maia
Tatiana Kelly da Silva Fidalgo
An in vitro study evaluated the antimicrobial activity of root canal filling pastes commonly used in primary teeth: iodoform paste; zinc oxide + eugenol (ZOE) in a proportion of 1:3; ZOE in a proportion of 1:5; calcium hydroxide (Ca[OH]2) + water; iodoform paste + ZOE + Ca(OH)2; ZOE + Ca(OH)2; and chlorhexidine (positive control). Iodoform paste demonstrated the greatest activity against Enterococcus faecalis, while the specimens exposed to Ca(OH)2 + water demonstrated no activity.
2021 September/October; 69(5):34-37.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. GD482 -
Endodontics Efficacy of digital radiography for detecting a second mesiobuccal canal adjacent to unfilled or filled canals
Lucas de Paula Lopes RosadoFull Article (PDF)
Fernanda Bulhões Fagundes
Taruska Ventorini Vasconcelos
Erica dos Santos Carvalho
Iêda Crusoé-Rebello
Matheus Lima Oliveira
Frederico Sampaio Neves
The accuracy of detection of the second mesiobuccal (MB2) canal when the adjacent canals were unfilled or filled with gutta percha was assessed using digital periapical radiographs. Intraobserver reproducibility ranged from substantial to almost perfect, and interobserver reproducibility ranged from fair to substantial. There were no statistically significant differences between groups in sensitivity, specificity, or accuracy. Detection of the MB2 canal can be challenging, and the presence of gutta percha does not influence the detection.
2021 September/October; 69(5):39-42.
Basic Science Smartphone use as an aid in evaluating conventional radiographs
Giuliano Omizzolo GiacominiFull Article (PDF)
Carolina Antonioli
Camila dos Santos Tibúrcio-Machado
Mathias Pante Fontana
Gabriela Salatino Liedke
This study evaluated the use of smartphones for digitizing, sharing, and viewing radiographs in comparison to a conventional light box. Although the light box had better scores than the smartphones for sensitivity, specificity, and overall accuracy in detecting marginal gaps, the differences were not statistically significant.
2021 September/October; 69(5):43-45.
Basic Science The effects of polishing techniques on surface roughness and gloss of different composites
Graziela Ribeiro BatistaFull Article (PDF)
Rayssa Ferreira Zanatta
Alessandra Bühler Borges
Carlos Rocha Gomes Torres
Evaluation of the effects of different polishing techniques on surface roughness and gloss of various composites revealed significant differences for both factors analyzed (composite and polishing technique). The polishing technique used is material dependent, but all systems tested displayed clinically acceptable results.
2021 September/October; 69(5):46-51.
Endodontics The endocrown: a unique method for restoring endodontically treated teeth
Andy M. JanigaFull Article (PDF)
This report presents 3 cases of endocrown treatment as examples of common indications for this restorative approach: minimal tooth structure, questionable prognosis (rescue), and occlusal support.
2021 September/October; 69(5):52-55.
Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis, Oral Pathology Detection of medial arterial calcification on CBCT images of a patient with undiagnosed type 2 diabetes mellitus: a case report
Adeyinka F. DayoFull Article (PDF)
Dale A. Miles
Beth R. Hamann
When medial arterial calcification is identified on cone beam computed tomographic images, the patient must be referred for evaluation of cardiovascular accident risk and the possible presence of type 2 diabetes. This report describes a case of undiagnosed type 2 diabetes confirmed by hemoglobin A1c levels after incidental detection of medial arterial calcification.
2021 September/October; 69(5):57-61.
Implants Influence of the geometry of the screwdriver-screw connection on the reverse torque of UCLA screws
Washington Luís dos ReisFull Article (PDF)
Adriana Santos Malheiros
Flavio Domingues Neves
Etevaldo Matos Maia-Filho
Leticia Machado Gonçalves
Matheus Coelho Bandeca
Rudys Rodolfo De Jesus Tavarez
This study evaluated the influence of the screwdriver-screw connection geometry on the reverse torque of UCLA screws. Square, hexagonal, and hexalobular screws all had significantly different mean reverse torques. The hexalobular screws showed the greatest reduction from initial to final reverse torque, and the square screws showed the least.
2021 September/October; 69(5):62-66.
Endodontics Effect of different periods of calcium hydroxide dressing on the fracture resistance of root dentin
Juliara Bellina HoffmannFull Article (PDF)
Filipe Colombo Vitali
Leila Clarisse Hillesheim
Maybell Tedesco
Lucas da Fonseca Roberti Garcia
Eduardo Antunes Bortoluzzi
Cleonice da Silveira Teixeira
A compressive strength test was used to assess the reduction in the fracture resistance of root dentin after exposure to an intracanal calcium hydroxide dressing for 7, 14, 30, or 90 days. The 14- and 90-day groups showed significantly reduced strength compared to the control group, but the 7- and 30-day groups did not.
2021 September/October; 69(5):67-71.
Basic Science Antibacterial effect of green tea infusion used as a mouthwash on saliva and bacterial plaque: a randomized controlled trial
Jazmin Servin MolasFull Article (PDF)
Julieta María Méndez
Nelson Portillo
Ulises Armando Villasanti Torales
Evaluation of the antibacterial effect of a green tea infusion used as a mouthwash revealed statistically significant differences between the intervention and control (distilled water) groups, with participants in the green tea group demonstrating greater reductions in colony-forming units in saliva and plaque biofilm.
2021 September/October; 69(5):72-74.
September/October 2021
Table of Contents
Editorial Credentialing: a motivating goal
Timothy F. KosinskiFull Article (PDF)
2021 September/October; 69(5):5.
Ethics Achieving a balanced life in the wake of the pandemic
Toni M. RouckaFull Article (PDF)
2021 September/October; 69(5):6-7.
Pharmacology Topical anesthetics: a review of several formulations
Mana SaraghiFull Article (PDF)
Elliot V. Hersh
2021 September/October; 69(5):8-11.
Public Health Health inequity and racial bias: what do we really know about our patients?
Larry N. WilliamsFull Article (PDF)
2021 September/October; 69(5):12-13.
Oral Diagnosis Fluctuant gingival bump and Macerated mucosa
Tanya M. GibsonFull Article (PDF)
2021 September/October; 69(5):76,78.
Self-Instruction Answers Exercises No. GD462, GD463, and GD464 from the September/October 2020 issue
2021 September/October; 69(5):79.Full Article (PDF)
Clinical Articles
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Immunohistochemical analysis of growth factors in platelet-rich fibrin membranes
Cecília Campos LanerFull Article (PDF)
Vanessa Cabral Perez
André Luciano Pasinato da Costa
Dimas João Rodrigues Neto
Julia Zandoná
João Paulo De Carli
André Webber Rosa
This in vitro immunohistochemical study aimed to analyze the presence of factors of endothelial growth and cell differentiation in platelet-rich fibrin membranes. The presence of CD31 and CD163 markers indicated the potential for vascular neoformation and the significant presence of monocytes.
2021 September/October; 69(5):14-19.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. GD480 -
Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis, Oral Pathology Evaluation of the salivary flow of patients undergoing conventional radiotherapy for head and neck cancer
Maria Heloísa da Conceição Tavares de LimaFull Article (PDF)
Lucas Nascimento Ribeiro
Raylane Farias de Albuquerque
Alessandra de Albuquerque Tavares Carvalho
Igor Henrique Morais Silva
Jair Carneiro Leão
A cross-sectional study evaluating the salivary flow of 20 patients undergoing conventional radiotherapy in the head and neck region found that the mean total radiation dose (65 Gy) did not appear to influence the Xerostomia Inventory values or salivary volume. The data reinforced the subjective nature of xerostomia, which is not always related to hyposalivation.
2021 September/October; 69(5):21-25.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. GD481 -
Fixed Prosthodontics Fiber-reinforced fixed dental prosthesis to replace missing anterior teeth: case reports
Isabela Alves MatioliFull Article (PDF)
Ana Luiza de Moura Libório
Keldrey Vinicius Alicio de Paula
Lucas Fernando de Oliveira Tomaz Ferraresso
Básia Rabelo Nogueira
João Felipe Besegato
Márcio Grama Hoeppner
This report of 2 cases describes the placement of fiber-reinforced fixed dental prostheses (FRFDPs) immediately after the surgical extraction of incisors. In each case, the extracted tooth was used as a pontic. The esthetic and functional results demonstrated that the FRFDP is a viable option to replace missing anterior teeth.
2021 September/October; 69(5):28-33.
Pediatric Dentistry Antimicrobial activity of root canal filling pastes used in pediatric dentistry
Manuella de Oliveira FernandesFull Article (PDF)
Juliana Matos
Lucianne Cople Maia
Tatiana Kelly da Silva Fidalgo
An in vitro study evaluated the antimicrobial activity of root canal filling pastes commonly used in primary teeth: iodoform paste; zinc oxide + eugenol (ZOE) in a proportion of 1:3; ZOE in a proportion of 1:5; calcium hydroxide (Ca[OH]2) + water; iodoform paste + ZOE + Ca(OH)2; ZOE + Ca(OH)2; and chlorhexidine (positive control). Iodoform paste demonstrated the greatest activity against Enterococcus faecalis, while the specimens exposed to Ca(OH)2 + water demonstrated no activity.
2021 September/October; 69(5):34-37.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. GD482 -
Endodontics Efficacy of digital radiography for detecting a second mesiobuccal canal adjacent to unfilled or filled canals
Lucas de Paula Lopes RosadoFull Article (PDF)
Fernanda Bulhões Fagundes
Taruska Ventorini Vasconcelos
Erica dos Santos Carvalho
Iêda Crusoé-Rebello
Matheus Lima Oliveira
Frederico Sampaio Neves
The accuracy of detection of the second mesiobuccal (MB2) canal when the adjacent canals were unfilled or filled with gutta percha was assessed using digital periapical radiographs. Intraobserver reproducibility ranged from substantial to almost perfect, and interobserver reproducibility ranged from fair to substantial. There were no statistically significant differences between groups in sensitivity, specificity, or accuracy. Detection of the MB2 canal can be challenging, and the presence of gutta percha does not influence the detection.
2021 September/October; 69(5):39-42.
Basic Science Smartphone use as an aid in evaluating conventional radiographs
Giuliano Omizzolo GiacominiFull Article (PDF)
Carolina Antonioli
Camila dos Santos Tibúrcio-Machado
Mathias Pante Fontana
Gabriela Salatino Liedke
This study evaluated the use of smartphones for digitizing, sharing, and viewing radiographs in comparison to a conventional light box. Although the light box had better scores than the smartphones for sensitivity, specificity, and overall accuracy in detecting marginal gaps, the differences were not statistically significant.
2021 September/October; 69(5):43-45.
Basic Science The effects of polishing techniques on surface roughness and gloss of different composites
Graziela Ribeiro BatistaFull Article (PDF)
Rayssa Ferreira Zanatta
Alessandra Bühler Borges
Carlos Rocha Gomes Torres
Evaluation of the effects of different polishing techniques on surface roughness and gloss of various composites revealed significant differences for both factors analyzed (composite and polishing technique). The polishing technique used is material dependent, but all systems tested displayed clinically acceptable results.
2021 September/October; 69(5):46-51.
Endodontics The endocrown: a unique method for restoring endodontically treated teeth
Andy M. JanigaFull Article (PDF)
This report presents 3 cases of endocrown treatment as examples of common indications for this restorative approach: minimal tooth structure, questionable prognosis (rescue), and occlusal support.
2021 September/October; 69(5):52-55.
Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis, Oral Pathology Detection of medial arterial calcification on CBCT images of a patient with undiagnosed type 2 diabetes mellitus: a case report
Adeyinka F. DayoFull Article (PDF)
Dale A. Miles
Beth R. Hamann
When medial arterial calcification is identified on cone beam computed tomographic images, the patient must be referred for evaluation of cardiovascular accident risk and the possible presence of type 2 diabetes. This report describes a case of undiagnosed type 2 diabetes confirmed by hemoglobin A1c levels after incidental detection of medial arterial calcification.
2021 September/October; 69(5):57-61.
Implants Influence of the geometry of the screwdriver-screw connection on the reverse torque of UCLA screws
Washington Luís dos ReisFull Article (PDF)
Adriana Santos Malheiros
Flavio Domingues Neves
Etevaldo Matos Maia-Filho
Leticia Machado Gonçalves
Matheus Coelho Bandeca
Rudys Rodolfo De Jesus Tavarez
This study evaluated the influence of the screwdriver-screw connection geometry on the reverse torque of UCLA screws. Square, hexagonal, and hexalobular screws all had significantly different mean reverse torques. The hexalobular screws showed the greatest reduction from initial to final reverse torque, and the square screws showed the least.
2021 September/October; 69(5):62-66.
Endodontics Effect of different periods of calcium hydroxide dressing on the fracture resistance of root dentin
Juliara Bellina HoffmannFull Article (PDF)
Filipe Colombo Vitali
Leila Clarisse Hillesheim
Maybell Tedesco
Lucas da Fonseca Roberti Garcia
Eduardo Antunes Bortoluzzi
Cleonice da Silveira Teixeira
A compressive strength test was used to assess the reduction in the fracture resistance of root dentin after exposure to an intracanal calcium hydroxide dressing for 7, 14, 30, or 90 days. The 14- and 90-day groups showed significantly reduced strength compared to the control group, but the 7- and 30-day groups did not.
2021 September/October; 69(5):67-71.
Basic Science Antibacterial effect of green tea infusion used as a mouthwash on saliva and bacterial plaque: a randomized controlled trial
Jazmin Servin MolasFull Article (PDF)
Julieta María Méndez
Nelson Portillo
Ulises Armando Villasanti Torales
Evaluation of the antibacterial effect of a green tea infusion used as a mouthwash revealed statistically significant differences between the intervention and control (distilled water) groups, with participants in the green tea group demonstrating greater reductions in colony-forming units in saliva and plaque biofilm.
2021 September/October; 69(5):72-74.
September/October 2021
Table of Contents
Editorial Credentialing: a motivating goal
Timothy F. KosinskiFull Article (PDF)
2021 September/October; 69(5):5.
Ethics Achieving a balanced life in the wake of the pandemic
Toni M. RouckaFull Article (PDF)
2021 September/October; 69(5):6-7.
Pharmacology Topical anesthetics: a review of several formulations
Mana SaraghiFull Article (PDF)
Elliot V. Hersh
2021 September/October; 69(5):8-11.
Public Health Health inequity and racial bias: what do we really know about our patients?
Larry N. WilliamsFull Article (PDF)
2021 September/October; 69(5):12-13.
Oral Diagnosis Fluctuant gingival bump and Macerated mucosa
Tanya M. GibsonFull Article (PDF)
2021 September/October; 69(5):76,78.
Self-Instruction Answers Exercises No. GD462, GD463, and GD464 from the September/October 2020 issue
2021 September/October; 69(5):79.Full Article (PDF)
Clinical Articles
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Immunohistochemical analysis of growth factors in platelet-rich fibrin membranes
Cecília Campos LanerFull Article (PDF)
Vanessa Cabral Perez
André Luciano Pasinato da Costa
Dimas João Rodrigues Neto
Julia Zandoná
João Paulo De Carli
André Webber Rosa
This in vitro immunohistochemical study aimed to analyze the presence of factors of endothelial growth and cell differentiation in platelet-rich fibrin membranes. The presence of CD31 and CD163 markers indicated the potential for vascular neoformation and the significant presence of monocytes.
2021 September/October; 69(5):14-19.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. GD480 -
Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis, Oral Pathology Evaluation of the salivary flow of patients undergoing conventional radiotherapy for head and neck cancer
Maria Heloísa da Conceição Tavares de LimaFull Article (PDF)
Lucas Nascimento Ribeiro
Raylane Farias de Albuquerque
Alessandra de Albuquerque Tavares Carvalho
Igor Henrique Morais Silva
Jair Carneiro Leão
A cross-sectional study evaluating the salivary flow of 20 patients undergoing conventional radiotherapy in the head and neck region found that the mean total radiation dose (65 Gy) did not appear to influence the Xerostomia Inventory values or salivary volume. The data reinforced the subjective nature of xerostomia, which is not always related to hyposalivation.
2021 September/October; 69(5):21-25.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. GD481 -
Fixed Prosthodontics Fiber-reinforced fixed dental prosthesis to replace missing anterior teeth: case reports
Isabela Alves MatioliFull Article (PDF)
Ana Luiza de Moura Libório
Keldrey Vinicius Alicio de Paula
Lucas Fernando de Oliveira Tomaz Ferraresso
Básia Rabelo Nogueira
João Felipe Besegato
Márcio Grama Hoeppner
This report of 2 cases describes the placement of fiber-reinforced fixed dental prostheses (FRFDPs) immediately after the surgical extraction of incisors. In each case, the extracted tooth was used as a pontic. The esthetic and functional results demonstrated that the FRFDP is a viable option to replace missing anterior teeth.
2021 September/October; 69(5):28-33.
Pediatric Dentistry Antimicrobial activity of root canal filling pastes used in pediatric dentistry
Manuella de Oliveira FernandesFull Article (PDF)
Juliana Matos
Lucianne Cople Maia
Tatiana Kelly da Silva Fidalgo
An in vitro study evaluated the antimicrobial activity of root canal filling pastes commonly used in primary teeth: iodoform paste; zinc oxide + eugenol (ZOE) in a proportion of 1:3; ZOE in a proportion of 1:5; calcium hydroxide (Ca[OH]2) + water; iodoform paste + ZOE + Ca(OH)2; ZOE + Ca(OH)2; and chlorhexidine (positive control). Iodoform paste demonstrated the greatest activity against Enterococcus faecalis, while the specimens exposed to Ca(OH)2 + water demonstrated no activity.
2021 September/October; 69(5):34-37.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. GD482 -
Endodontics Efficacy of digital radiography for detecting a second mesiobuccal canal adjacent to unfilled or filled canals
Lucas de Paula Lopes RosadoFull Article (PDF)
Fernanda Bulhões Fagundes
Taruska Ventorini Vasconcelos
Erica dos Santos Carvalho
Iêda Crusoé-Rebello
Matheus Lima Oliveira
Frederico Sampaio Neves
The accuracy of detection of the second mesiobuccal (MB2) canal when the adjacent canals were unfilled or filled with gutta percha was assessed using digital periapical radiographs. Intraobserver reproducibility ranged from substantial to almost perfect, and interobserver reproducibility ranged from fair to substantial. There were no statistically significant differences between groups in sensitivity, specificity, or accuracy. Detection of the MB2 canal can be challenging, and the presence of gutta percha does not influence the detection.
2021 September/October; 69(5):39-42.
Basic Science Smartphone use as an aid in evaluating conventional radiographs
Giuliano Omizzolo GiacominiFull Article (PDF)
Carolina Antonioli
Camila dos Santos Tibúrcio-Machado
Mathias Pante Fontana
Gabriela Salatino Liedke
This study evaluated the use of smartphones for digitizing, sharing, and viewing radiographs in comparison to a conventional light box. Although the light box had better scores than the smartphones for sensitivity, specificity, and overall accuracy in detecting marginal gaps, the differences were not statistically significant.
2021 September/October; 69(5):43-45.
Basic Science The effects of polishing techniques on surface roughness and gloss of different composites
Graziela Ribeiro BatistaFull Article (PDF)
Rayssa Ferreira Zanatta
Alessandra Bühler Borges
Carlos Rocha Gomes Torres
Evaluation of the effects of different polishing techniques on surface roughness and gloss of various composites revealed significant differences for both factors analyzed (composite and polishing technique). The polishing technique used is material dependent, but all systems tested displayed clinically acceptable results.
2021 September/October; 69(5):46-51.
Endodontics The endocrown: a unique method for restoring endodontically treated teeth
Andy M. JanigaFull Article (PDF)
This report presents 3 cases of endocrown treatment as examples of common indications for this restorative approach: minimal tooth structure, questionable prognosis (rescue), and occlusal support.
2021 September/October; 69(5):52-55.
Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis, Oral Pathology Detection of medial arterial calcification on CBCT images of a patient with undiagnosed type 2 diabetes mellitus: a case report
Adeyinka F. DayoFull Article (PDF)
Dale A. Miles
Beth R. Hamann
When medial arterial calcification is identified on cone beam computed tomographic images, the patient must be referred for evaluation of cardiovascular accident risk and the possible presence of type 2 diabetes. This report describes a case of undiagnosed type 2 diabetes confirmed by hemoglobin A1c levels after incidental detection of medial arterial calcification.
2021 September/October; 69(5):57-61.
Implants Influence of the geometry of the screwdriver-screw connection on the reverse torque of UCLA screws
Washington Luís dos ReisFull Article (PDF)
Adriana Santos Malheiros
Flavio Domingues Neves
Etevaldo Matos Maia-Filho
Leticia Machado Gonçalves
Matheus Coelho Bandeca
Rudys Rodolfo De Jesus Tavarez
This study evaluated the influence of the screwdriver-screw connection geometry on the reverse torque of UCLA screws. Square, hexagonal, and hexalobular screws all had significantly different mean reverse torques. The hexalobular screws showed the greatest reduction from initial to final reverse torque, and the square screws showed the least.
2021 September/October; 69(5):62-66.
Endodontics Effect of different periods of calcium hydroxide dressing on the fracture resistance of root dentin
Juliara Bellina HoffmannFull Article (PDF)
Filipe Colombo Vitali
Leila Clarisse Hillesheim
Maybell Tedesco
Lucas da Fonseca Roberti Garcia
Eduardo Antunes Bortoluzzi
Cleonice da Silveira Teixeira
A compressive strength test was used to assess the reduction in the fracture resistance of root dentin after exposure to an intracanal calcium hydroxide dressing for 7, 14, 30, or 90 days. The 14- and 90-day groups showed significantly reduced strength compared to the control group, but the 7- and 30-day groups did not.
2021 September/October; 69(5):67-71.
Basic Science Antibacterial effect of green tea infusion used as a mouthwash on saliva and bacterial plaque: a randomized controlled trial
Jazmin Servin MolasFull Article (PDF)
Julieta María Méndez
Nelson Portillo
Ulises Armando Villasanti Torales
Evaluation of the antibacterial effect of a green tea infusion used as a mouthwash revealed statistically significant differences between the intervention and control (distilled water) groups, with participants in the green tea group demonstrating greater reductions in colony-forming units in saliva and plaque biofilm.
2021 September/October; 69(5):72-74.