General Dentistry is AGD's peer-reviewed journal. Published bimonthly, General Dentistry presents research and clinical findings to support the full range of procedures that general dentists perform on a regular basis.










September/October 2018

Table of Contents


  • Editorial Mistakes

    Roger D. Winland
    2018 September/October; 66(5):5.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Letter to the editor Diagnosis: a simple bone cyst

    Mark J. Barnes 
    Eliana Dantas da Costa
    Gina Delia Roque-Torres
    Priscila Dias Peyneau
    Luís Roberto Godolfim
    Francisco Haiter Neto
    Solange Maria de Almeida 
    2018 September/October; 66(5):6, 8.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Retraction Duplicate Publication

    2018 September/October; 66(5):8.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Prosthodontics The backbone of implant prosthetics: single posterior implant crowns

    Samuel M. Strong
    2018 September/October; 66(5):10-13.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Pharmacology Does liposomal bupivacaine fulfill an unmet need in dentistry?

    Jason H. Goodchild
    Mark Donaldson 
    2018 September/October; 66(5):14-16.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Minimally Invasive Dentistry Something from nothing: creating success with minimal remaining tooth structure

    Mark I. Malterud
    2018 September/October; 66(5):17-19.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Pain Management The challenges of treating patients with trigeminal neuralgia

    Jessica L. Owens
    Danielle A. Beaudoin
    Christopher J. Spencer
    2018 September/October; 66(5):20-23.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Public Health The impact of taste perception on the health of the aging population

    Preetha Kanjirath
    Larry Williams
    2018 September/October; 66(5):24-25.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Oral Diagnosis Multiple bilateral mixed-density lesions of the mandible and Restricted jaw opening

    Galal Omami 
    2018 September/October; 66(5):77-78.
    Full Article (PDF)

Clinical Articles


    Special Patient Care Oral adverse events associated with targeted cancer therapies

    Milda Chmieliauskaite
    Ivan Stojanov 
    Mana Saraghi
    Andres Pinto 

    Targeted therapies are so-named due to their targeting of dysregulated signaling pathways in cancer cells. This discrimination between tumor and normal cells is a more efficacious approach to treatment than conventional, cytotoxic chemotherapy. However, targeted therapies still have side effects, and some manifest in the oral cavity. This article reviews the oral adverse effects associated with targeted chemotherapeutic agents as well as management approaches.

    2018 September/October; 66(5):26-31.
    Full Article (PDF)
    Self-Instruction Exercise No. 426

    Basic Science Bond strength of resin cement to ceramic with simplified primers and pretreatment solutions

    Helena M. Swank
    Nancy C. Motyka
    Clifton W. Bailey
    Kraig S. Vandewalle

    This study evaluated the shear bond strength (SBS) of a resin cement to a glass-ceramic material pretreated with combination treatment solutions or the traditional approach of hydrofluoric acid (HF) and silane (control). Pretreatment of the glass ceramic with HF and silane resulted in a significantly greater mean SBS than did any of the combination solutions, which were not significantly different from each other. In the experimental groups with simplified pretreatments, specimen failures were mostly due to adhesive fractures. In the control group the mode of failure was more often mixed adhesive-cohesive fracture.

    2018 September/October; 66(5):33-37.
    Full Article (PDF)
    Self-Instruction Exercise No. 427

    Implants Formation of biofilm on various implant abutment materials

    Formation of biofilm on various implant abutment materials
    Nasrin Esfahanizadeh  
    Seyedeh Pegah Mirmalek
    Abbas Bahador
    Hamidreza Daneshparvar
    Nasrin Akhoundi 
    Maryam Pourhajibagher

    Biofilm formation induced by bacterial suspensions on laser-treated titanium, zirconia, and titanium surfaces was measured in vitro. The abutment material type, the bacteria type, and their interactions had significant effects on the bacterial counts. The highest counts of periodontal pathogens were found on laser-treated surfaces, while the intermediate and lowest counts were on zirconia and titanium surfaces, respectively.

    2018 September/October; 66(5):39-44.
    Full Article (PDF)
    Self-Instruction Exercise No. 428
  • Health and Nutrition The erosive potential of additive artificial flavoring in bottled water

    Caroline Nguyen Ngoc
    Taneet Ghuman
    Sumitha N. Ahmed
    Terry E. Donovan

    Water enhancers (WEs) have grown in popularity in recent years, but many have a high citric acid content. The purpose of this in vitro study was to determine the erosive potential of 7 WEs mixed in 3 different brands of bottled water. Experiments measured the pH and titratable acidity of the 21 combinations as well as the loss of mass from extracted human molars after 1 month of immersion in the solutions. Regardless of the brands, the addition of a WE to bottled water increased the potential for dental erosion, likely due to the high content of citric acid.

    2018 September/October; 66(5):46-51.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Special Patient Care Glycemic control among patients with physician-managed type 2 diabetes

    Maria L. Geisinger
    Amanda B. Morris
    Maninder Kaur
    Sonya L. Hardy
    Ramzi V. Abou Arraj
    Nicolaas C. Geurs
    Michael S. Reddy

    Outcomes for treatment, overall oral health status, and periodontal disease progression in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) have been associated with glycemic control, as measured by hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) levels. In this study, 70% of 214 patients who were under the care of a physician for T2DM were found to have an HbA1c level that was not ideal, and 53% of the patients with poor control had HbA1c levels high enough to require medical intervention. Dental healthcare providers should consider consultation and/or advanced screening for T2DM patients seeking dental care.

    2018 September/October; 66(5):52-55.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Special Patient Care Treatment planning and dental technology for patients with implanted cardiac devices

    Amber D. Riley

    Before treating patients with implantable cardiac devices, dentists must identify the patient’s underlying medical condition and consider both the condition and device during diagnosis and treatment. Modern implantable devices are resistant to electromagnetic field changes, but dentists should use the greatest caution with electrocautery devices and choose a bipolar system whenever possible. Consultation with a patient’s physician is prudent prior to lengthy treatment or use of dental technology that produces an electromagnetic field.

    2018 September/October; 66(5):56-60.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Basic Science Combating antibiotic resistance: a survey on the antibiotic-prescribing habits of dentists

    Sara Tomczyk
    Tory Whitten 
    Stacy M. Holzbauer 
    Ruth Lynfield

    A survey assessing antibiotic-prescribing practices among Minnesota dentists found that a median of 4 antibiotic prophylaxis and 5 treatment prescriptions per month were written by 437 survey respondents. Dentists reported prescribing antibiotics for prophylaxis before invasive dental procedures for patients with “high-risk conditions” (84%) and localized swelling (70%) as well as for a number of reasons that are not recommended by current prescribing guidelines. Antibiotic stewardship efforts in dentistry should address challenges to guideline adherence.

    2018 September/October; 66(5):61-68.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Laser Therapy/Electrosurgery Laser therapy as an adjunct in the treatment of sodium hypochlorite extrusion through a root perforation: a case report

    Bruno Piazza 
    Rodrigo R. Vivan 
    Murilo P. Alcalde 
    Marco Antonio H. Duarte 
    Flaviana B. de Andrade 
    Bruno Martini Guimarães 
    Clovis M. Bramante

    Accidental sodium hypochlorite extrusion during endodontic irrigation can result in severe pain, swelling, and probable tissue necrosis adjacent to the root. Conventional treatment involves saline irrigation as well as analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and antibiotic medications. This case report describes the addition of low-level laser therapy to conventional treatment as a means to improve healing after sodium hypochlorite extrusion caused soft tissue necrosis.

    2018 September/October; 66(5):69-72.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Use of a mandibular torus for autogenous grafting: a case report

    Monika Pal
    Kanishk Gupta
    Santhosh Kumar
    Pratibha G

    Mandibular tori are an ideal site for harvesting bone because their excision causes no structural, esthetic, or functional compromise to the patient. This case report describes the use of an autogenous graft obtained from a mandibular torus to fill an intrabony defect at the mandibular right central incisor. The torus provided sufficient graft material and eliminated the need for a second surgical site. A follow-up at 1 year revealed reduction in clinical attachment loss and complete resolution of tooth mobility.

    2018 September/October; 66(5):73-76.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis, Oral Pathology Clinical implications, diagnosis, and treatment of a giant frontoethmoid osteoma

    Eliana Dantas da Costa
    Priscila Dias Peyneau 
    Liana Matos Ferreira
    Matheus Lima Oliveira
    Glaucia Maria Bovi Ambrosano 

    Osteomas are benign, asymptomatic fibro-osseous tumors that are most commonly observed in the paranasal sinuses. A rare giant osteoma involving the frontal and ethmoid sinuses was found incidentally during a cone beam computed tomographic examination performed for orthodontic reasons. The case report discusses the characteristics of the tumor through cone beam computed tomography as well as options for treatment.

    2018 September/October; 66(5):e1-e4.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis, Oral Pathology Anterior lingual mandibular bone depression: differential diagnosis of periapical inflammatory disorders

    Fábio Ramôa Pires
    Cristiane Bouzada Bruzigueses Espíndola
    Sebastião Helberto Ferreira Espíndola 
    Juliana de Noronha Santos Netto

    A 43-year-old man presented with a slight depression on the lingual surface of the anterior mandible associated with a well-defined radiolucent area superimposed on the roots of the right canine and incisors. All teeth in the area were vital, and cone beam computed tomography revealed a lingual depression in the area. The final diagnosis was an anterior lingual mandibular bone depression, and 22 months of follow-up examinations revealed no alterations in the area. When anterior mandibular radiolucencies are superimposed on the roots of the adjacent teeth, anterior lingual mandibular bone depressions should be considered in the differential diagnosis, along with periapical cysts and granulomas.

    2018 September/October; 66(5):e6-e11.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Removable Prosthodontics Palatal obturator designed by 3-dimensional prototyping for a patient with a large ameloblastoma: a case report

    Eliane Cristina Viana Revoredo
    André Galembeck 
    Elizabeth Arruda Carneiro Ponzi
    Jair Carneiro Leão
    Leonardo de Siqueira Arcoverde
    Luciana Corrêa de Araújo Arcoverde
    Sônia Pereira Leite

    An immediate obturator is an important aid in the treatment of patients diagnosed with tumors of the head and neck. This case report demonstrates the advantages of using 3-dimensional prototyping in the planning and manufacture of a palatal obturator prosthesis after resection of an ameloblastoma in the left maxillary sinus.

    2018 September/October; 66(5):e12-e17.
    Full Article (PDF)


September/October 2018

Table of Contents


  • Editorial Mistakes

    Roger D. Winland
    2018 September/October; 66(5):5.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Letter to the editor Diagnosis: a simple bone cyst

    Mark J. Barnes 
    Eliana Dantas da Costa
    Gina Delia Roque-Torres
    Priscila Dias Peyneau
    Luís Roberto Godolfim
    Francisco Haiter Neto
    Solange Maria de Almeida 
    2018 September/October; 66(5):6, 8.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Retraction Duplicate Publication

    2018 September/October; 66(5):8.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Prosthodontics The backbone of implant prosthetics: single posterior implant crowns

    Samuel M. Strong
    2018 September/October; 66(5):10-13.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Pharmacology Does liposomal bupivacaine fulfill an unmet need in dentistry?

    Jason H. Goodchild
    Mark Donaldson 
    2018 September/October; 66(5):14-16.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Minimally Invasive Dentistry Something from nothing: creating success with minimal remaining tooth structure

    Mark I. Malterud
    2018 September/October; 66(5):17-19.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Pain Management The challenges of treating patients with trigeminal neuralgia

    Jessica L. Owens
    Danielle A. Beaudoin
    Christopher J. Spencer
    2018 September/October; 66(5):20-23.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Public Health The impact of taste perception on the health of the aging population

    Preetha Kanjirath
    Larry Williams
    2018 September/October; 66(5):24-25.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Oral Diagnosis Multiple bilateral mixed-density lesions of the mandible and Restricted jaw opening

    Galal Omami 
    2018 September/October; 66(5):77-78.
    Full Article (PDF)

Clinical Articles


    Special Patient Care Oral adverse events associated with targeted cancer therapies

    Milda Chmieliauskaite
    Ivan Stojanov 
    Mana Saraghi
    Andres Pinto 

    Targeted therapies are so-named due to their targeting of dysregulated signaling pathways in cancer cells. This discrimination between tumor and normal cells is a more efficacious approach to treatment than conventional, cytotoxic chemotherapy. However, targeted therapies still have side effects, and some manifest in the oral cavity. This article reviews the oral adverse effects associated with targeted chemotherapeutic agents as well as management approaches.

    2018 September/October; 66(5):26-31.
    Full Article (PDF)
    Self-Instruction Exercise No. 426

    Basic Science Bond strength of resin cement to ceramic with simplified primers and pretreatment solutions

    Helena M. Swank
    Nancy C. Motyka
    Clifton W. Bailey
    Kraig S. Vandewalle

    This study evaluated the shear bond strength (SBS) of a resin cement to a glass-ceramic material pretreated with combination treatment solutions or the traditional approach of hydrofluoric acid (HF) and silane (control). Pretreatment of the glass ceramic with HF and silane resulted in a significantly greater mean SBS than did any of the combination solutions, which were not significantly different from each other. In the experimental groups with simplified pretreatments, specimen failures were mostly due to adhesive fractures. In the control group the mode of failure was more often mixed adhesive-cohesive fracture.

    2018 September/October; 66(5):33-37.
    Full Article (PDF)
    Self-Instruction Exercise No. 427

    Implants Formation of biofilm on various implant abutment materials

    Formation of biofilm on various implant abutment materials
    Nasrin Esfahanizadeh  
    Seyedeh Pegah Mirmalek
    Abbas Bahador
    Hamidreza Daneshparvar
    Nasrin Akhoundi 
    Maryam Pourhajibagher

    Biofilm formation induced by bacterial suspensions on laser-treated titanium, zirconia, and titanium surfaces was measured in vitro. The abutment material type, the bacteria type, and their interactions had significant effects on the bacterial counts. The highest counts of periodontal pathogens were found on laser-treated surfaces, while the intermediate and lowest counts were on zirconia and titanium surfaces, respectively.

    2018 September/October; 66(5):39-44.
    Full Article (PDF)
    Self-Instruction Exercise No. 428
  • Health and Nutrition The erosive potential of additive artificial flavoring in bottled water

    Caroline Nguyen Ngoc
    Taneet Ghuman
    Sumitha N. Ahmed
    Terry E. Donovan

    Water enhancers (WEs) have grown in popularity in recent years, but many have a high citric acid content. The purpose of this in vitro study was to determine the erosive potential of 7 WEs mixed in 3 different brands of bottled water. Experiments measured the pH and titratable acidity of the 21 combinations as well as the loss of mass from extracted human molars after 1 month of immersion in the solutions. Regardless of the brands, the addition of a WE to bottled water increased the potential for dental erosion, likely due to the high content of citric acid.

    2018 September/October; 66(5):46-51.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Special Patient Care Glycemic control among patients with physician-managed type 2 diabetes

    Maria L. Geisinger
    Amanda B. Morris
    Maninder Kaur
    Sonya L. Hardy
    Ramzi V. Abou Arraj
    Nicolaas C. Geurs
    Michael S. Reddy

    Outcomes for treatment, overall oral health status, and periodontal disease progression in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) have been associated with glycemic control, as measured by hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) levels. In this study, 70% of 214 patients who were under the care of a physician for T2DM were found to have an HbA1c level that was not ideal, and 53% of the patients with poor control had HbA1c levels high enough to require medical intervention. Dental healthcare providers should consider consultation and/or advanced screening for T2DM patients seeking dental care.

    2018 September/October; 66(5):52-55.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Special Patient Care Treatment planning and dental technology for patients with implanted cardiac devices

    Amber D. Riley

    Before treating patients with implantable cardiac devices, dentists must identify the patient’s underlying medical condition and consider both the condition and device during diagnosis and treatment. Modern implantable devices are resistant to electromagnetic field changes, but dentists should use the greatest caution with electrocautery devices and choose a bipolar system whenever possible. Consultation with a patient’s physician is prudent prior to lengthy treatment or use of dental technology that produces an electromagnetic field.

    2018 September/October; 66(5):56-60.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Basic Science Combating antibiotic resistance: a survey on the antibiotic-prescribing habits of dentists

    Sara Tomczyk
    Tory Whitten 
    Stacy M. Holzbauer 
    Ruth Lynfield

    A survey assessing antibiotic-prescribing practices among Minnesota dentists found that a median of 4 antibiotic prophylaxis and 5 treatment prescriptions per month were written by 437 survey respondents. Dentists reported prescribing antibiotics for prophylaxis before invasive dental procedures for patients with “high-risk conditions” (84%) and localized swelling (70%) as well as for a number of reasons that are not recommended by current prescribing guidelines. Antibiotic stewardship efforts in dentistry should address challenges to guideline adherence.

    2018 September/October; 66(5):61-68.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Laser Therapy/Electrosurgery Laser therapy as an adjunct in the treatment of sodium hypochlorite extrusion through a root perforation: a case report

    Bruno Piazza 
    Rodrigo R. Vivan 
    Murilo P. Alcalde 
    Marco Antonio H. Duarte 
    Flaviana B. de Andrade 
    Bruno Martini Guimarães 
    Clovis M. Bramante

    Accidental sodium hypochlorite extrusion during endodontic irrigation can result in severe pain, swelling, and probable tissue necrosis adjacent to the root. Conventional treatment involves saline irrigation as well as analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and antibiotic medications. This case report describes the addition of low-level laser therapy to conventional treatment as a means to improve healing after sodium hypochlorite extrusion caused soft tissue necrosis.

    2018 September/October; 66(5):69-72.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Use of a mandibular torus for autogenous grafting: a case report

    Monika Pal
    Kanishk Gupta
    Santhosh Kumar
    Pratibha G

    Mandibular tori are an ideal site for harvesting bone because their excision causes no structural, esthetic, or functional compromise to the patient. This case report describes the use of an autogenous graft obtained from a mandibular torus to fill an intrabony defect at the mandibular right central incisor. The torus provided sufficient graft material and eliminated the need for a second surgical site. A follow-up at 1 year revealed reduction in clinical attachment loss and complete resolution of tooth mobility.

    2018 September/October; 66(5):73-76.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis, Oral Pathology Clinical implications, diagnosis, and treatment of a giant frontoethmoid osteoma

    Eliana Dantas da Costa
    Priscila Dias Peyneau 
    Liana Matos Ferreira
    Matheus Lima Oliveira
    Glaucia Maria Bovi Ambrosano 

    Osteomas are benign, asymptomatic fibro-osseous tumors that are most commonly observed in the paranasal sinuses. A rare giant osteoma involving the frontal and ethmoid sinuses was found incidentally during a cone beam computed tomographic examination performed for orthodontic reasons. The case report discusses the characteristics of the tumor through cone beam computed tomography as well as options for treatment.

    2018 September/October; 66(5):e1-e4.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis, Oral Pathology Anterior lingual mandibular bone depression: differential diagnosis of periapical inflammatory disorders

    Fábio Ramôa Pires
    Cristiane Bouzada Bruzigueses Espíndola
    Sebastião Helberto Ferreira Espíndola 
    Juliana de Noronha Santos Netto

    A 43-year-old man presented with a slight depression on the lingual surface of the anterior mandible associated with a well-defined radiolucent area superimposed on the roots of the right canine and incisors. All teeth in the area were vital, and cone beam computed tomography revealed a lingual depression in the area. The final diagnosis was an anterior lingual mandibular bone depression, and 22 months of follow-up examinations revealed no alterations in the area. When anterior mandibular radiolucencies are superimposed on the roots of the adjacent teeth, anterior lingual mandibular bone depressions should be considered in the differential diagnosis, along with periapical cysts and granulomas.

    2018 September/October; 66(5):e6-e11.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Removable Prosthodontics Palatal obturator designed by 3-dimensional prototyping for a patient with a large ameloblastoma: a case report

    Eliane Cristina Viana Revoredo
    André Galembeck 
    Elizabeth Arruda Carneiro Ponzi
    Jair Carneiro Leão
    Leonardo de Siqueira Arcoverde
    Luciana Corrêa de Araújo Arcoverde
    Sônia Pereira Leite

    An immediate obturator is an important aid in the treatment of patients diagnosed with tumors of the head and neck. This case report demonstrates the advantages of using 3-dimensional prototyping in the planning and manufacture of a palatal obturator prosthesis after resection of an ameloblastoma in the left maxillary sinus.

    2018 September/October; 66(5):e12-e17.
    Full Article (PDF)


September/October 2018

Table of Contents


  • Editorial Mistakes

    Roger D. Winland
    2018 September/October; 66(5):5.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Letter to the editor Diagnosis: a simple bone cyst

    Mark J. Barnes 
    Eliana Dantas da Costa
    Gina Delia Roque-Torres
    Priscila Dias Peyneau
    Luís Roberto Godolfim
    Francisco Haiter Neto
    Solange Maria de Almeida 
    2018 September/October; 66(5):6, 8.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Retraction Duplicate Publication

    2018 September/October; 66(5):8.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Prosthodontics The backbone of implant prosthetics: single posterior implant crowns

    Samuel M. Strong
    2018 September/October; 66(5):10-13.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Pharmacology Does liposomal bupivacaine fulfill an unmet need in dentistry?

    Jason H. Goodchild
    Mark Donaldson 
    2018 September/October; 66(5):14-16.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Minimally Invasive Dentistry Something from nothing: creating success with minimal remaining tooth structure

    Mark I. Malterud
    2018 September/October; 66(5):17-19.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Pain Management The challenges of treating patients with trigeminal neuralgia

    Jessica L. Owens
    Danielle A. Beaudoin
    Christopher J. Spencer
    2018 September/October; 66(5):20-23.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Public Health The impact of taste perception on the health of the aging population

    Preetha Kanjirath
    Larry Williams
    2018 September/October; 66(5):24-25.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Oral Diagnosis Multiple bilateral mixed-density lesions of the mandible and Restricted jaw opening

    Galal Omami 
    2018 September/October; 66(5):77-78.
    Full Article (PDF)

Clinical Articles


    Special Patient Care Oral adverse events associated with targeted cancer therapies

    Milda Chmieliauskaite
    Ivan Stojanov 
    Mana Saraghi
    Andres Pinto 

    Targeted therapies are so-named due to their targeting of dysregulated signaling pathways in cancer cells. This discrimination between tumor and normal cells is a more efficacious approach to treatment than conventional, cytotoxic chemotherapy. However, targeted therapies still have side effects, and some manifest in the oral cavity. This article reviews the oral adverse effects associated with targeted chemotherapeutic agents as well as management approaches.

    2018 September/October; 66(5):26-31.
    Full Article (PDF)
    Self-Instruction Exercise No. 426

    Basic Science Bond strength of resin cement to ceramic with simplified primers and pretreatment solutions

    Helena M. Swank
    Nancy C. Motyka
    Clifton W. Bailey
    Kraig S. Vandewalle

    This study evaluated the shear bond strength (SBS) of a resin cement to a glass-ceramic material pretreated with combination treatment solutions or the traditional approach of hydrofluoric acid (HF) and silane (control). Pretreatment of the glass ceramic with HF and silane resulted in a significantly greater mean SBS than did any of the combination solutions, which were not significantly different from each other. In the experimental groups with simplified pretreatments, specimen failures were mostly due to adhesive fractures. In the control group the mode of failure was more often mixed adhesive-cohesive fracture.

    2018 September/October; 66(5):33-37.
    Full Article (PDF)
    Self-Instruction Exercise No. 427

    Implants Formation of biofilm on various implant abutment materials

    Formation of biofilm on various implant abutment materials
    Nasrin Esfahanizadeh  
    Seyedeh Pegah Mirmalek
    Abbas Bahador
    Hamidreza Daneshparvar
    Nasrin Akhoundi 
    Maryam Pourhajibagher

    Biofilm formation induced by bacterial suspensions on laser-treated titanium, zirconia, and titanium surfaces was measured in vitro. The abutment material type, the bacteria type, and their interactions had significant effects on the bacterial counts. The highest counts of periodontal pathogens were found on laser-treated surfaces, while the intermediate and lowest counts were on zirconia and titanium surfaces, respectively.

    2018 September/October; 66(5):39-44.
    Full Article (PDF)
    Self-Instruction Exercise No. 428
  • Health and Nutrition The erosive potential of additive artificial flavoring in bottled water

    Caroline Nguyen Ngoc
    Taneet Ghuman
    Sumitha N. Ahmed
    Terry E. Donovan

    Water enhancers (WEs) have grown in popularity in recent years, but many have a high citric acid content. The purpose of this in vitro study was to determine the erosive potential of 7 WEs mixed in 3 different brands of bottled water. Experiments measured the pH and titratable acidity of the 21 combinations as well as the loss of mass from extracted human molars after 1 month of immersion in the solutions. Regardless of the brands, the addition of a WE to bottled water increased the potential for dental erosion, likely due to the high content of citric acid.

    2018 September/October; 66(5):46-51.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Special Patient Care Glycemic control among patients with physician-managed type 2 diabetes

    Maria L. Geisinger
    Amanda B. Morris
    Maninder Kaur
    Sonya L. Hardy
    Ramzi V. Abou Arraj
    Nicolaas C. Geurs
    Michael S. Reddy

    Outcomes for treatment, overall oral health status, and periodontal disease progression in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) have been associated with glycemic control, as measured by hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) levels. In this study, 70% of 214 patients who were under the care of a physician for T2DM were found to have an HbA1c level that was not ideal, and 53% of the patients with poor control had HbA1c levels high enough to require medical intervention. Dental healthcare providers should consider consultation and/or advanced screening for T2DM patients seeking dental care.

    2018 September/October; 66(5):52-55.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Special Patient Care Treatment planning and dental technology for patients with implanted cardiac devices

    Amber D. Riley

    Before treating patients with implantable cardiac devices, dentists must identify the patient’s underlying medical condition and consider both the condition and device during diagnosis and treatment. Modern implantable devices are resistant to electromagnetic field changes, but dentists should use the greatest caution with electrocautery devices and choose a bipolar system whenever possible. Consultation with a patient’s physician is prudent prior to lengthy treatment or use of dental technology that produces an electromagnetic field.

    2018 September/October; 66(5):56-60.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Basic Science Combating antibiotic resistance: a survey on the antibiotic-prescribing habits of dentists

    Sara Tomczyk
    Tory Whitten 
    Stacy M. Holzbauer 
    Ruth Lynfield

    A survey assessing antibiotic-prescribing practices among Minnesota dentists found that a median of 4 antibiotic prophylaxis and 5 treatment prescriptions per month were written by 437 survey respondents. Dentists reported prescribing antibiotics for prophylaxis before invasive dental procedures for patients with “high-risk conditions” (84%) and localized swelling (70%) as well as for a number of reasons that are not recommended by current prescribing guidelines. Antibiotic stewardship efforts in dentistry should address challenges to guideline adherence.

    2018 September/October; 66(5):61-68.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Laser Therapy/Electrosurgery Laser therapy as an adjunct in the treatment of sodium hypochlorite extrusion through a root perforation: a case report

    Bruno Piazza 
    Rodrigo R. Vivan 
    Murilo P. Alcalde 
    Marco Antonio H. Duarte 
    Flaviana B. de Andrade 
    Bruno Martini Guimarães 
    Clovis M. Bramante

    Accidental sodium hypochlorite extrusion during endodontic irrigation can result in severe pain, swelling, and probable tissue necrosis adjacent to the root. Conventional treatment involves saline irrigation as well as analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and antibiotic medications. This case report describes the addition of low-level laser therapy to conventional treatment as a means to improve healing after sodium hypochlorite extrusion caused soft tissue necrosis.

    2018 September/October; 66(5):69-72.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Use of a mandibular torus for autogenous grafting: a case report

    Monika Pal
    Kanishk Gupta
    Santhosh Kumar
    Pratibha G

    Mandibular tori are an ideal site for harvesting bone because their excision causes no structural, esthetic, or functional compromise to the patient. This case report describes the use of an autogenous graft obtained from a mandibular torus to fill an intrabony defect at the mandibular right central incisor. The torus provided sufficient graft material and eliminated the need for a second surgical site. A follow-up at 1 year revealed reduction in clinical attachment loss and complete resolution of tooth mobility.

    2018 September/October; 66(5):73-76.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis, Oral Pathology Clinical implications, diagnosis, and treatment of a giant frontoethmoid osteoma

    Eliana Dantas da Costa
    Priscila Dias Peyneau 
    Liana Matos Ferreira
    Matheus Lima Oliveira
    Glaucia Maria Bovi Ambrosano 

    Osteomas are benign, asymptomatic fibro-osseous tumors that are most commonly observed in the paranasal sinuses. A rare giant osteoma involving the frontal and ethmoid sinuses was found incidentally during a cone beam computed tomographic examination performed for orthodontic reasons. The case report discusses the characteristics of the tumor through cone beam computed tomography as well as options for treatment.

    2018 September/October; 66(5):e1-e4.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis, Oral Pathology Anterior lingual mandibular bone depression: differential diagnosis of periapical inflammatory disorders

    Fábio Ramôa Pires
    Cristiane Bouzada Bruzigueses Espíndola
    Sebastião Helberto Ferreira Espíndola 
    Juliana de Noronha Santos Netto

    A 43-year-old man presented with a slight depression on the lingual surface of the anterior mandible associated with a well-defined radiolucent area superimposed on the roots of the right canine and incisors. All teeth in the area were vital, and cone beam computed tomography revealed a lingual depression in the area. The final diagnosis was an anterior lingual mandibular bone depression, and 22 months of follow-up examinations revealed no alterations in the area. When anterior mandibular radiolucencies are superimposed on the roots of the adjacent teeth, anterior lingual mandibular bone depressions should be considered in the differential diagnosis, along with periapical cysts and granulomas.

    2018 September/October; 66(5):e6-e11.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Removable Prosthodontics Palatal obturator designed by 3-dimensional prototyping for a patient with a large ameloblastoma: a case report

    Eliane Cristina Viana Revoredo
    André Galembeck 
    Elizabeth Arruda Carneiro Ponzi
    Jair Carneiro Leão
    Leonardo de Siqueira Arcoverde
    Luciana Corrêa de Araújo Arcoverde
    Sônia Pereira Leite

    An immediate obturator is an important aid in the treatment of patients diagnosed with tumors of the head and neck. This case report demonstrates the advantages of using 3-dimensional prototyping in the planning and manufacture of a palatal obturator prosthesis after resection of an ameloblastoma in the left maxillary sinus.

    2018 September/October; 66(5):e12-e17.
    Full Article (PDF)


September/October 2018

Table of Contents


  • Editorial Mistakes

    Roger D. Winland
    2018 September/October; 66(5):5.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Letter to the editor Diagnosis: a simple bone cyst

    Mark J. Barnes 
    Eliana Dantas da Costa
    Gina Delia Roque-Torres
    Priscila Dias Peyneau
    Luís Roberto Godolfim
    Francisco Haiter Neto
    Solange Maria de Almeida 
    2018 September/October; 66(5):6, 8.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Retraction Duplicate Publication

    2018 September/October; 66(5):8.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Prosthodontics The backbone of implant prosthetics: single posterior implant crowns

    Samuel M. Strong
    2018 September/October; 66(5):10-13.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Pharmacology Does liposomal bupivacaine fulfill an unmet need in dentistry?

    Jason H. Goodchild
    Mark Donaldson 
    2018 September/October; 66(5):14-16.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Minimally Invasive Dentistry Something from nothing: creating success with minimal remaining tooth structure

    Mark I. Malterud
    2018 September/October; 66(5):17-19.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Pain Management The challenges of treating patients with trigeminal neuralgia

    Jessica L. Owens
    Danielle A. Beaudoin
    Christopher J. Spencer
    2018 September/October; 66(5):20-23.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Public Health The impact of taste perception on the health of the aging population

    Preetha Kanjirath
    Larry Williams
    2018 September/October; 66(5):24-25.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Oral Diagnosis Multiple bilateral mixed-density lesions of the mandible and Restricted jaw opening

    Galal Omami 
    2018 September/October; 66(5):77-78.
    Full Article (PDF)

Clinical Articles


    Special Patient Care Oral adverse events associated with targeted cancer therapies

    Milda Chmieliauskaite
    Ivan Stojanov 
    Mana Saraghi
    Andres Pinto 

    Targeted therapies are so-named due to their targeting of dysregulated signaling pathways in cancer cells. This discrimination between tumor and normal cells is a more efficacious approach to treatment than conventional, cytotoxic chemotherapy. However, targeted therapies still have side effects, and some manifest in the oral cavity. This article reviews the oral adverse effects associated with targeted chemotherapeutic agents as well as management approaches.

    2018 September/October; 66(5):26-31.
    Full Article (PDF)
    Self-Instruction Exercise No. 426

    Basic Science Bond strength of resin cement to ceramic with simplified primers and pretreatment solutions

    Helena M. Swank
    Nancy C. Motyka
    Clifton W. Bailey
    Kraig S. Vandewalle

    This study evaluated the shear bond strength (SBS) of a resin cement to a glass-ceramic material pretreated with combination treatment solutions or the traditional approach of hydrofluoric acid (HF) and silane (control). Pretreatment of the glass ceramic with HF and silane resulted in a significantly greater mean SBS than did any of the combination solutions, which were not significantly different from each other. In the experimental groups with simplified pretreatments, specimen failures were mostly due to adhesive fractures. In the control group the mode of failure was more often mixed adhesive-cohesive fracture.

    2018 September/October; 66(5):33-37.
    Full Article (PDF)
    Self-Instruction Exercise No. 427

    Implants Formation of biofilm on various implant abutment materials

    Formation of biofilm on various implant abutment materials
    Nasrin Esfahanizadeh  
    Seyedeh Pegah Mirmalek
    Abbas Bahador
    Hamidreza Daneshparvar
    Nasrin Akhoundi 
    Maryam Pourhajibagher

    Biofilm formation induced by bacterial suspensions on laser-treated titanium, zirconia, and titanium surfaces was measured in vitro. The abutment material type, the bacteria type, and their interactions had significant effects on the bacterial counts. The highest counts of periodontal pathogens were found on laser-treated surfaces, while the intermediate and lowest counts were on zirconia and titanium surfaces, respectively.

    2018 September/October; 66(5):39-44.
    Full Article (PDF)
    Self-Instruction Exercise No. 428
  • Health and Nutrition The erosive potential of additive artificial flavoring in bottled water

    Caroline Nguyen Ngoc
    Taneet Ghuman
    Sumitha N. Ahmed
    Terry E. Donovan

    Water enhancers (WEs) have grown in popularity in recent years, but many have a high citric acid content. The purpose of this in vitro study was to determine the erosive potential of 7 WEs mixed in 3 different brands of bottled water. Experiments measured the pH and titratable acidity of the 21 combinations as well as the loss of mass from extracted human molars after 1 month of immersion in the solutions. Regardless of the brands, the addition of a WE to bottled water increased the potential for dental erosion, likely due to the high content of citric acid.

    2018 September/October; 66(5):46-51.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Special Patient Care Glycemic control among patients with physician-managed type 2 diabetes

    Maria L. Geisinger
    Amanda B. Morris
    Maninder Kaur
    Sonya L. Hardy
    Ramzi V. Abou Arraj
    Nicolaas C. Geurs
    Michael S. Reddy

    Outcomes for treatment, overall oral health status, and periodontal disease progression in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) have been associated with glycemic control, as measured by hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) levels. In this study, 70% of 214 patients who were under the care of a physician for T2DM were found to have an HbA1c level that was not ideal, and 53% of the patients with poor control had HbA1c levels high enough to require medical intervention. Dental healthcare providers should consider consultation and/or advanced screening for T2DM patients seeking dental care.

    2018 September/October; 66(5):52-55.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Special Patient Care Treatment planning and dental technology for patients with implanted cardiac devices

    Amber D. Riley

    Before treating patients with implantable cardiac devices, dentists must identify the patient’s underlying medical condition and consider both the condition and device during diagnosis and treatment. Modern implantable devices are resistant to electromagnetic field changes, but dentists should use the greatest caution with electrocautery devices and choose a bipolar system whenever possible. Consultation with a patient’s physician is prudent prior to lengthy treatment or use of dental technology that produces an electromagnetic field.

    2018 September/October; 66(5):56-60.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Basic Science Combating antibiotic resistance: a survey on the antibiotic-prescribing habits of dentists

    Sara Tomczyk
    Tory Whitten 
    Stacy M. Holzbauer 
    Ruth Lynfield

    A survey assessing antibiotic-prescribing practices among Minnesota dentists found that a median of 4 antibiotic prophylaxis and 5 treatment prescriptions per month were written by 437 survey respondents. Dentists reported prescribing antibiotics for prophylaxis before invasive dental procedures for patients with “high-risk conditions” (84%) and localized swelling (70%) as well as for a number of reasons that are not recommended by current prescribing guidelines. Antibiotic stewardship efforts in dentistry should address challenges to guideline adherence.

    2018 September/October; 66(5):61-68.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Laser Therapy/Electrosurgery Laser therapy as an adjunct in the treatment of sodium hypochlorite extrusion through a root perforation: a case report

    Bruno Piazza 
    Rodrigo R. Vivan 
    Murilo P. Alcalde 
    Marco Antonio H. Duarte 
    Flaviana B. de Andrade 
    Bruno Martini Guimarães 
    Clovis M. Bramante

    Accidental sodium hypochlorite extrusion during endodontic irrigation can result in severe pain, swelling, and probable tissue necrosis adjacent to the root. Conventional treatment involves saline irrigation as well as analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and antibiotic medications. This case report describes the addition of low-level laser therapy to conventional treatment as a means to improve healing after sodium hypochlorite extrusion caused soft tissue necrosis.

    2018 September/October; 66(5):69-72.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Use of a mandibular torus for autogenous grafting: a case report

    Monika Pal
    Kanishk Gupta
    Santhosh Kumar
    Pratibha G

    Mandibular tori are an ideal site for harvesting bone because their excision causes no structural, esthetic, or functional compromise to the patient. This case report describes the use of an autogenous graft obtained from a mandibular torus to fill an intrabony defect at the mandibular right central incisor. The torus provided sufficient graft material and eliminated the need for a second surgical site. A follow-up at 1 year revealed reduction in clinical attachment loss and complete resolution of tooth mobility.

    2018 September/October; 66(5):73-76.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis, Oral Pathology Clinical implications, diagnosis, and treatment of a giant frontoethmoid osteoma

    Eliana Dantas da Costa
    Priscila Dias Peyneau 
    Liana Matos Ferreira
    Matheus Lima Oliveira
    Glaucia Maria Bovi Ambrosano 

    Osteomas are benign, asymptomatic fibro-osseous tumors that are most commonly observed in the paranasal sinuses. A rare giant osteoma involving the frontal and ethmoid sinuses was found incidentally during a cone beam computed tomographic examination performed for orthodontic reasons. The case report discusses the characteristics of the tumor through cone beam computed tomography as well as options for treatment.

    2018 September/October; 66(5):e1-e4.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis, Oral Pathology Anterior lingual mandibular bone depression: differential diagnosis of periapical inflammatory disorders

    Fábio Ramôa Pires
    Cristiane Bouzada Bruzigueses Espíndola
    Sebastião Helberto Ferreira Espíndola 
    Juliana de Noronha Santos Netto

    A 43-year-old man presented with a slight depression on the lingual surface of the anterior mandible associated with a well-defined radiolucent area superimposed on the roots of the right canine and incisors. All teeth in the area were vital, and cone beam computed tomography revealed a lingual depression in the area. The final diagnosis was an anterior lingual mandibular bone depression, and 22 months of follow-up examinations revealed no alterations in the area. When anterior mandibular radiolucencies are superimposed on the roots of the adjacent teeth, anterior lingual mandibular bone depressions should be considered in the differential diagnosis, along with periapical cysts and granulomas.

    2018 September/October; 66(5):e6-e11.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Removable Prosthodontics Palatal obturator designed by 3-dimensional prototyping for a patient with a large ameloblastoma: a case report

    Eliane Cristina Viana Revoredo
    André Galembeck 
    Elizabeth Arruda Carneiro Ponzi
    Jair Carneiro Leão
    Leonardo de Siqueira Arcoverde
    Luciana Corrêa de Araújo Arcoverde
    Sônia Pereira Leite

    An immediate obturator is an important aid in the treatment of patients diagnosed with tumors of the head and neck. This case report demonstrates the advantages of using 3-dimensional prototyping in the planning and manufacture of a palatal obturator prosthesis after resection of an ameloblastoma in the left maxillary sinus.

    2018 September/October; 66(5):e12-e17.
    Full Article (PDF)


September/October 2018

Table of Contents


  • Editorial Mistakes

    Roger D. Winland
    2018 September/October; 66(5):5.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Letter to the editor Diagnosis: a simple bone cyst

    Mark J. Barnes 
    Eliana Dantas da Costa
    Gina Delia Roque-Torres
    Priscila Dias Peyneau
    Luís Roberto Godolfim
    Francisco Haiter Neto
    Solange Maria de Almeida 
    2018 September/October; 66(5):6, 8.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Retraction Duplicate Publication

    2018 September/October; 66(5):8.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Prosthodontics The backbone of implant prosthetics: single posterior implant crowns

    Samuel M. Strong
    2018 September/October; 66(5):10-13.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Pharmacology Does liposomal bupivacaine fulfill an unmet need in dentistry?

    Jason H. Goodchild
    Mark Donaldson 
    2018 September/October; 66(5):14-16.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Minimally Invasive Dentistry Something from nothing: creating success with minimal remaining tooth structure

    Mark I. Malterud
    2018 September/October; 66(5):17-19.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Pain Management The challenges of treating patients with trigeminal neuralgia

    Jessica L. Owens
    Danielle A. Beaudoin
    Christopher J. Spencer
    2018 September/October; 66(5):20-23.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Public Health The impact of taste perception on the health of the aging population

    Preetha Kanjirath
    Larry Williams
    2018 September/October; 66(5):24-25.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Oral Diagnosis Multiple bilateral mixed-density lesions of the mandible and Restricted jaw opening

    Galal Omami 
    2018 September/October; 66(5):77-78.
    Full Article (PDF)

Clinical Articles


    Special Patient Care Oral adverse events associated with targeted cancer therapies

    Milda Chmieliauskaite
    Ivan Stojanov 
    Mana Saraghi
    Andres Pinto 

    Targeted therapies are so-named due to their targeting of dysregulated signaling pathways in cancer cells. This discrimination between tumor and normal cells is a more efficacious approach to treatment than conventional, cytotoxic chemotherapy. However, targeted therapies still have side effects, and some manifest in the oral cavity. This article reviews the oral adverse effects associated with targeted chemotherapeutic agents as well as management approaches.

    2018 September/October; 66(5):26-31.
    Full Article (PDF)
    Self-Instruction Exercise No. 426

    Basic Science Bond strength of resin cement to ceramic with simplified primers and pretreatment solutions

    Helena M. Swank
    Nancy C. Motyka
    Clifton W. Bailey
    Kraig S. Vandewalle

    This study evaluated the shear bond strength (SBS) of a resin cement to a glass-ceramic material pretreated with combination treatment solutions or the traditional approach of hydrofluoric acid (HF) and silane (control). Pretreatment of the glass ceramic with HF and silane resulted in a significantly greater mean SBS than did any of the combination solutions, which were not significantly different from each other. In the experimental groups with simplified pretreatments, specimen failures were mostly due to adhesive fractures. In the control group the mode of failure was more often mixed adhesive-cohesive fracture.

    2018 September/October; 66(5):33-37.
    Full Article (PDF)
    Self-Instruction Exercise No. 427

    Implants Formation of biofilm on various implant abutment materials

    Formation of biofilm on various implant abutment materials
    Nasrin Esfahanizadeh  
    Seyedeh Pegah Mirmalek
    Abbas Bahador
    Hamidreza Daneshparvar
    Nasrin Akhoundi 
    Maryam Pourhajibagher

    Biofilm formation induced by bacterial suspensions on laser-treated titanium, zirconia, and titanium surfaces was measured in vitro. The abutment material type, the bacteria type, and their interactions had significant effects on the bacterial counts. The highest counts of periodontal pathogens were found on laser-treated surfaces, while the intermediate and lowest counts were on zirconia and titanium surfaces, respectively.

    2018 September/October; 66(5):39-44.
    Full Article (PDF)
    Self-Instruction Exercise No. 428
  • Health and Nutrition The erosive potential of additive artificial flavoring in bottled water

    Caroline Nguyen Ngoc
    Taneet Ghuman
    Sumitha N. Ahmed
    Terry E. Donovan

    Water enhancers (WEs) have grown in popularity in recent years, but many have a high citric acid content. The purpose of this in vitro study was to determine the erosive potential of 7 WEs mixed in 3 different brands of bottled water. Experiments measured the pH and titratable acidity of the 21 combinations as well as the loss of mass from extracted human molars after 1 month of immersion in the solutions. Regardless of the brands, the addition of a WE to bottled water increased the potential for dental erosion, likely due to the high content of citric acid.

    2018 September/October; 66(5):46-51.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Special Patient Care Glycemic control among patients with physician-managed type 2 diabetes

    Maria L. Geisinger
    Amanda B. Morris
    Maninder Kaur
    Sonya L. Hardy
    Ramzi V. Abou Arraj
    Nicolaas C. Geurs
    Michael S. Reddy

    Outcomes for treatment, overall oral health status, and periodontal disease progression in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) have been associated with glycemic control, as measured by hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) levels. In this study, 70% of 214 patients who were under the care of a physician for T2DM were found to have an HbA1c level that was not ideal, and 53% of the patients with poor control had HbA1c levels high enough to require medical intervention. Dental healthcare providers should consider consultation and/or advanced screening for T2DM patients seeking dental care.

    2018 September/October; 66(5):52-55.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Special Patient Care Treatment planning and dental technology for patients with implanted cardiac devices

    Amber D. Riley

    Before treating patients with implantable cardiac devices, dentists must identify the patient’s underlying medical condition and consider both the condition and device during diagnosis and treatment. Modern implantable devices are resistant to electromagnetic field changes, but dentists should use the greatest caution with electrocautery devices and choose a bipolar system whenever possible. Consultation with a patient’s physician is prudent prior to lengthy treatment or use of dental technology that produces an electromagnetic field.

    2018 September/October; 66(5):56-60.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Basic Science Combating antibiotic resistance: a survey on the antibiotic-prescribing habits of dentists

    Sara Tomczyk
    Tory Whitten 
    Stacy M. Holzbauer 
    Ruth Lynfield

    A survey assessing antibiotic-prescribing practices among Minnesota dentists found that a median of 4 antibiotic prophylaxis and 5 treatment prescriptions per month were written by 437 survey respondents. Dentists reported prescribing antibiotics for prophylaxis before invasive dental procedures for patients with “high-risk conditions” (84%) and localized swelling (70%) as well as for a number of reasons that are not recommended by current prescribing guidelines. Antibiotic stewardship efforts in dentistry should address challenges to guideline adherence.

    2018 September/October; 66(5):61-68.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Laser Therapy/Electrosurgery Laser therapy as an adjunct in the treatment of sodium hypochlorite extrusion through a root perforation: a case report

    Bruno Piazza 
    Rodrigo R. Vivan 
    Murilo P. Alcalde 
    Marco Antonio H. Duarte 
    Flaviana B. de Andrade 
    Bruno Martini Guimarães 
    Clovis M. Bramante

    Accidental sodium hypochlorite extrusion during endodontic irrigation can result in severe pain, swelling, and probable tissue necrosis adjacent to the root. Conventional treatment involves saline irrigation as well as analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and antibiotic medications. This case report describes the addition of low-level laser therapy to conventional treatment as a means to improve healing after sodium hypochlorite extrusion caused soft tissue necrosis.

    2018 September/October; 66(5):69-72.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Use of a mandibular torus for autogenous grafting: a case report

    Monika Pal
    Kanishk Gupta
    Santhosh Kumar
    Pratibha G

    Mandibular tori are an ideal site for harvesting bone because their excision causes no structural, esthetic, or functional compromise to the patient. This case report describes the use of an autogenous graft obtained from a mandibular torus to fill an intrabony defect at the mandibular right central incisor. The torus provided sufficient graft material and eliminated the need for a second surgical site. A follow-up at 1 year revealed reduction in clinical attachment loss and complete resolution of tooth mobility.

    2018 September/October; 66(5):73-76.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis, Oral Pathology Clinical implications, diagnosis, and treatment of a giant frontoethmoid osteoma

    Eliana Dantas da Costa
    Priscila Dias Peyneau 
    Liana Matos Ferreira
    Matheus Lima Oliveira
    Glaucia Maria Bovi Ambrosano 

    Osteomas are benign, asymptomatic fibro-osseous tumors that are most commonly observed in the paranasal sinuses. A rare giant osteoma involving the frontal and ethmoid sinuses was found incidentally during a cone beam computed tomographic examination performed for orthodontic reasons. The case report discusses the characteristics of the tumor through cone beam computed tomography as well as options for treatment.

    2018 September/October; 66(5):e1-e4.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis, Oral Pathology Anterior lingual mandibular bone depression: differential diagnosis of periapical inflammatory disorders

    Fábio Ramôa Pires
    Cristiane Bouzada Bruzigueses Espíndola
    Sebastião Helberto Ferreira Espíndola 
    Juliana de Noronha Santos Netto

    A 43-year-old man presented with a slight depression on the lingual surface of the anterior mandible associated with a well-defined radiolucent area superimposed on the roots of the right canine and incisors. All teeth in the area were vital, and cone beam computed tomography revealed a lingual depression in the area. The final diagnosis was an anterior lingual mandibular bone depression, and 22 months of follow-up examinations revealed no alterations in the area. When anterior mandibular radiolucencies are superimposed on the roots of the adjacent teeth, anterior lingual mandibular bone depressions should be considered in the differential diagnosis, along with periapical cysts and granulomas.

    2018 September/October; 66(5):e6-e11.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Removable Prosthodontics Palatal obturator designed by 3-dimensional prototyping for a patient with a large ameloblastoma: a case report

    Eliane Cristina Viana Revoredo
    André Galembeck 
    Elizabeth Arruda Carneiro Ponzi
    Jair Carneiro Leão
    Leonardo de Siqueira Arcoverde
    Luciana Corrêa de Araújo Arcoverde
    Sônia Pereira Leite

    An immediate obturator is an important aid in the treatment of patients diagnosed with tumors of the head and neck. This case report demonstrates the advantages of using 3-dimensional prototyping in the planning and manufacture of a palatal obturator prosthesis after resection of an ameloblastoma in the left maxillary sinus.

    2018 September/October; 66(5):e12-e17.
    Full Article (PDF)


September/October 2018

Table of Contents


  • Editorial Mistakes

    Roger D. Winland
    2018 September/October; 66(5):5.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Letter to the editor Diagnosis: a simple bone cyst

    Mark J. Barnes 
    Eliana Dantas da Costa
    Gina Delia Roque-Torres
    Priscila Dias Peyneau
    Luís Roberto Godolfim
    Francisco Haiter Neto
    Solange Maria de Almeida 
    2018 September/October; 66(5):6, 8.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Retraction Duplicate Publication

    2018 September/October; 66(5):8.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Prosthodontics The backbone of implant prosthetics: single posterior implant crowns

    Samuel M. Strong
    2018 September/October; 66(5):10-13.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Pharmacology Does liposomal bupivacaine fulfill an unmet need in dentistry?

    Jason H. Goodchild
    Mark Donaldson 
    2018 September/October; 66(5):14-16.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Minimally Invasive Dentistry Something from nothing: creating success with minimal remaining tooth structure

    Mark I. Malterud
    2018 September/October; 66(5):17-19.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Pain Management The challenges of treating patients with trigeminal neuralgia

    Jessica L. Owens
    Danielle A. Beaudoin
    Christopher J. Spencer
    2018 September/October; 66(5):20-23.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Public Health The impact of taste perception on the health of the aging population

    Preetha Kanjirath
    Larry Williams
    2018 September/October; 66(5):24-25.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Oral Diagnosis Multiple bilateral mixed-density lesions of the mandible and Restricted jaw opening

    Galal Omami 
    2018 September/October; 66(5):77-78.
    Full Article (PDF)

Clinical Articles


    Special Patient Care Oral adverse events associated with targeted cancer therapies

    Milda Chmieliauskaite
    Ivan Stojanov 
    Mana Saraghi
    Andres Pinto 

    Targeted therapies are so-named due to their targeting of dysregulated signaling pathways in cancer cells. This discrimination between tumor and normal cells is a more efficacious approach to treatment than conventional, cytotoxic chemotherapy. However, targeted therapies still have side effects, and some manifest in the oral cavity. This article reviews the oral adverse effects associated with targeted chemotherapeutic agents as well as management approaches.

    2018 September/October; 66(5):26-31.
    Full Article (PDF)
    Self-Instruction Exercise No. 426

    Basic Science Bond strength of resin cement to ceramic with simplified primers and pretreatment solutions

    Helena M. Swank
    Nancy C. Motyka
    Clifton W. Bailey
    Kraig S. Vandewalle

    This study evaluated the shear bond strength (SBS) of a resin cement to a glass-ceramic material pretreated with combination treatment solutions or the traditional approach of hydrofluoric acid (HF) and silane (control). Pretreatment of the glass ceramic with HF and silane resulted in a significantly greater mean SBS than did any of the combination solutions, which were not significantly different from each other. In the experimental groups with simplified pretreatments, specimen failures were mostly due to adhesive fractures. In the control group the mode of failure was more often mixed adhesive-cohesive fracture.

    2018 September/October; 66(5):33-37.
    Full Article (PDF)
    Self-Instruction Exercise No. 427

    Implants Formation of biofilm on various implant abutment materials

    Formation of biofilm on various implant abutment materials
    Nasrin Esfahanizadeh  
    Seyedeh Pegah Mirmalek
    Abbas Bahador
    Hamidreza Daneshparvar
    Nasrin Akhoundi 
    Maryam Pourhajibagher

    Biofilm formation induced by bacterial suspensions on laser-treated titanium, zirconia, and titanium surfaces was measured in vitro. The abutment material type, the bacteria type, and their interactions had significant effects on the bacterial counts. The highest counts of periodontal pathogens were found on laser-treated surfaces, while the intermediate and lowest counts were on zirconia and titanium surfaces, respectively.

    2018 September/October; 66(5):39-44.
    Full Article (PDF)
    Self-Instruction Exercise No. 428
  • Health and Nutrition The erosive potential of additive artificial flavoring in bottled water

    Caroline Nguyen Ngoc
    Taneet Ghuman
    Sumitha N. Ahmed
    Terry E. Donovan

    Water enhancers (WEs) have grown in popularity in recent years, but many have a high citric acid content. The purpose of this in vitro study was to determine the erosive potential of 7 WEs mixed in 3 different brands of bottled water. Experiments measured the pH and titratable acidity of the 21 combinations as well as the loss of mass from extracted human molars after 1 month of immersion in the solutions. Regardless of the brands, the addition of a WE to bottled water increased the potential for dental erosion, likely due to the high content of citric acid.

    2018 September/October; 66(5):46-51.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Special Patient Care Glycemic control among patients with physician-managed type 2 diabetes

    Maria L. Geisinger
    Amanda B. Morris
    Maninder Kaur
    Sonya L. Hardy
    Ramzi V. Abou Arraj
    Nicolaas C. Geurs
    Michael S. Reddy

    Outcomes for treatment, overall oral health status, and periodontal disease progression in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) have been associated with glycemic control, as measured by hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) levels. In this study, 70% of 214 patients who were under the care of a physician for T2DM were found to have an HbA1c level that was not ideal, and 53% of the patients with poor control had HbA1c levels high enough to require medical intervention. Dental healthcare providers should consider consultation and/or advanced screening for T2DM patients seeking dental care.

    2018 September/October; 66(5):52-55.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Special Patient Care Treatment planning and dental technology for patients with implanted cardiac devices

    Amber D. Riley

    Before treating patients with implantable cardiac devices, dentists must identify the patient’s underlying medical condition and consider both the condition and device during diagnosis and treatment. Modern implantable devices are resistant to electromagnetic field changes, but dentists should use the greatest caution with electrocautery devices and choose a bipolar system whenever possible. Consultation with a patient’s physician is prudent prior to lengthy treatment or use of dental technology that produces an electromagnetic field.

    2018 September/October; 66(5):56-60.
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  • Basic Science Combating antibiotic resistance: a survey on the antibiotic-prescribing habits of dentists

    Sara Tomczyk
    Tory Whitten 
    Stacy M. Holzbauer 
    Ruth Lynfield

    A survey assessing antibiotic-prescribing practices among Minnesota dentists found that a median of 4 antibiotic prophylaxis and 5 treatment prescriptions per month were written by 437 survey respondents. Dentists reported prescribing antibiotics for prophylaxis before invasive dental procedures for patients with “high-risk conditions” (84%) and localized swelling (70%) as well as for a number of reasons that are not recommended by current prescribing guidelines. Antibiotic stewardship efforts in dentistry should address challenges to guideline adherence.

    2018 September/October; 66(5):61-68.
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  • Laser Therapy/Electrosurgery Laser therapy as an adjunct in the treatment of sodium hypochlorite extrusion through a root perforation: a case report

    Bruno Piazza 
    Rodrigo R. Vivan 
    Murilo P. Alcalde 
    Marco Antonio H. Duarte 
    Flaviana B. de Andrade 
    Bruno Martini Guimarães 
    Clovis M. Bramante

    Accidental sodium hypochlorite extrusion during endodontic irrigation can result in severe pain, swelling, and probable tissue necrosis adjacent to the root. Conventional treatment involves saline irrigation as well as analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and antibiotic medications. This case report describes the addition of low-level laser therapy to conventional treatment as a means to improve healing after sodium hypochlorite extrusion caused soft tissue necrosis.

    2018 September/October; 66(5):69-72.
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  • Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Use of a mandibular torus for autogenous grafting: a case report

    Monika Pal
    Kanishk Gupta
    Santhosh Kumar
    Pratibha G

    Mandibular tori are an ideal site for harvesting bone because their excision causes no structural, esthetic, or functional compromise to the patient. This case report describes the use of an autogenous graft obtained from a mandibular torus to fill an intrabony defect at the mandibular right central incisor. The torus provided sufficient graft material and eliminated the need for a second surgical site. A follow-up at 1 year revealed reduction in clinical attachment loss and complete resolution of tooth mobility.

    2018 September/October; 66(5):73-76.
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  • Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis, Oral Pathology Clinical implications, diagnosis, and treatment of a giant frontoethmoid osteoma

    Eliana Dantas da Costa
    Priscila Dias Peyneau 
    Liana Matos Ferreira
    Matheus Lima Oliveira
    Glaucia Maria Bovi Ambrosano 

    Osteomas are benign, asymptomatic fibro-osseous tumors that are most commonly observed in the paranasal sinuses. A rare giant osteoma involving the frontal and ethmoid sinuses was found incidentally during a cone beam computed tomographic examination performed for orthodontic reasons. The case report discusses the characteristics of the tumor through cone beam computed tomography as well as options for treatment.

    2018 September/October; 66(5):e1-e4.
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  • Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis, Oral Pathology Anterior lingual mandibular bone depression: differential diagnosis of periapical inflammatory disorders

    Fábio Ramôa Pires
    Cristiane Bouzada Bruzigueses Espíndola
    Sebastião Helberto Ferreira Espíndola 
    Juliana de Noronha Santos Netto

    A 43-year-old man presented with a slight depression on the lingual surface of the anterior mandible associated with a well-defined radiolucent area superimposed on the roots of the right canine and incisors. All teeth in the area were vital, and cone beam computed tomography revealed a lingual depression in the area. The final diagnosis was an anterior lingual mandibular bone depression, and 22 months of follow-up examinations revealed no alterations in the area. When anterior mandibular radiolucencies are superimposed on the roots of the adjacent teeth, anterior lingual mandibular bone depressions should be considered in the differential diagnosis, along with periapical cysts and granulomas.

    2018 September/October; 66(5):e6-e11.
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  • Removable Prosthodontics Palatal obturator designed by 3-dimensional prototyping for a patient with a large ameloblastoma: a case report

    Eliane Cristina Viana Revoredo
    André Galembeck 
    Elizabeth Arruda Carneiro Ponzi
    Jair Carneiro Leão
    Leonardo de Siqueira Arcoverde
    Luciana Corrêa de Araújo Arcoverde
    Sônia Pereira Leite

    An immediate obturator is an important aid in the treatment of patients diagnosed with tumors of the head and neck. This case report demonstrates the advantages of using 3-dimensional prototyping in the planning and manufacture of a palatal obturator prosthesis after resection of an ameloblastoma in the left maxillary sinus.

    2018 September/October; 66(5):e12-e17.
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