General Dentistry is AGD's peer-reviewed journal. Published bimonthly, General Dentistry presents research and clinical findings to support the full range of procedures that general dentists perform on a regular basis.
November/December 2022
Table of Contents
Clinical Articles
Fixed Prosthodontics A systematic scoring system to determine the long-term prognosis for severely damaged teeth
Mahdi KadkhodazadehFull Article (PDF)
Reza Amid
This article introduces a quantitative systematic risk assessment scoring system to determine the long-term prognosis for severely damaged teeth based on 5 factors: crown to root ratio, root condition, risk of furcation involvement, final restoration complexity, and esthetic results. This system is intended to simplify and organize the decision-making process and facilitate communication with patients.
2022 November/December; 70(6):71-77.
Basic Science Digital intraoral imaging: analysis of retakes and reduction in radiation exposure using rectangular collimation
Suvendra VijayanFull Article (PDF)
Nilesh Shah
Anitha Potluri
This study evaluated the number of retakes needed when dental students switched from using round collimators to rectangular collimators for digital intraoral imaging. The use of rectangular collimators resulted in an initial increase in retakes, mostly due to placement errors; however, it also resulted in a significant reduction in radiation exposure, and retake rates normalized as students gained experience.
2022 November/December; 70(6):66-70.
Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis, Oral Pathology Early detection of oral potentially malignant disorders using machine learning: a retrospective pilot study
Nour IssaFull Article (PDF)
Jonas Leonas
Bruno C. Jham
John C. Mitchell
Maria C. Cuevas-Nunez
A retrospective pilot study found that a machine learning model was able to differentiate between benign and oral potentially malignant lesions with a mean classification accuracy of 70%, sensitivity of 80%, and specificity of 60% when grayscale and enhanced color intraoral images were used, suggesting that machine learning may be a promising tool for identification of oral potentially malignant disorders.
2022 November/December; 70(6):60-64.
Periodontics Waistline to gumline: a retrospective analysis of body mass index in treated periodontitis patients undergoing periodontal maintenance therapy
Maria L. GeisingerFull Article (PDF)
Katie L. Martin
James Parker Alison
Kimberly D. Martin
Michelle Robinson
Nicolaas C. Geurs
This study retrospectively evaluated associations between periodontal disease parameters and body mass index (BMI) in 418 treated periodontitis patients undergoing periodontal maintenance therapy. The analysis revealed that BMI was associated with age and missing teeth, and obese status was associated with a significantly higher number of sites with bleeding on probing.
2022 November/December; 70(6):52-58.
Special Patient Care Dental erosion as an indicator of gastroesophageal reflux disease
Andrew W. EllisFull Article (PDF)
Amar Kosaraju
Ryan R. Ruff
Charles B. Miller
James M. Francis
Kraig S. Vandewalle
In a study evaluating the association between dental erosion (DE) and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) in 80 patients, the extent of DE was found to be positively associated with GERD symptoms. In some patients, DE was the only clinical indication of untreated or undertreated GERD. Dentists should consider referring patients with DE to physicians to ensure that systemic conditions are identified.
2022 November/December; 70(6):46-51.
Basic Science Evaluation of fluoride and calcium concentrations in drinking water from public water fountains on a university campus
Guillermo Tamayo-CabezaFull Article (PDF)
Frank Lippert
Evaluation of fluoride and calcium concentrations in drinking water from public water fountains on a university campus revealed that fluoride concentrations were within the optimal range recommended by the US Public Health Service, and calcium concentrations were consistent with those reported in previous surveillance studies.
2022 November/December; 70(6):41-45.
Implants Scanning electron microscopic evaluation of microgap size in Morse taper implants with straight and angled abutments
Mariana Bispo CostaFull Article (PDF)
Lorena Fernandes Ferreira
Antonio Carlos Marqueti
Wilton Mitsunari Takeshita
Cleverson Luciano Trento
Comparison of the microgap sizes at the interfaces between Morse taper implants and straight or angled abutments revealed that, overall, there were no statistically significant differences between the groups. However, the angled abutments showed greater sealing ability, as the mean value of the largest microgap was 1.43 µm compared with 1.64 µm in the straight abutment group.
2022 November/December; 70(6):34-39.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. GD503 -
Orofacial Pain Nasal airway obstruction and orofacial pain: a multicenter retrospective analysis
Steven R. OlmosFull Article (PDF)
In a retrospective study investigating the relationship between nasal airway obstruction and symptoms of orofacial pain, nasal valve compromise was the most prevalent type of nasal airway obstruction found in the study population of 1393 patients. Nasal valve compromise showed a statistically significant comorbidity with capsulitis as well as facial and cervical myositis.
2022 November/December; 70(6):28-33.
Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis, Oral Pathology Oral and cutaneous pemphigus vulgaris: an atypical clinical presentation
Ilana M. GoldbergFull Article (PDF)
John K. Brooks
Ioana Ghita
Ahmed S. Sultan
Jamie B. MacKelfresh
This case report documents pemphigus vulgaris in an atypical patient, a 23-year-old woman with concomitant celiac disease. The patient was treated with systemic rituximab, which resulted in rapid improvement of the cutaneous lesions but only gradual improvement of the oral lesions after 2 infusions.
2022 November/December; 70(6):22-26.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. GD502 -
Practice Management and Human Relations Malpractice allegations among US dentists: association of malpractice allegation with the severity of the alleged malpractice injury
Arealle E. FranklinFull Article (PDF)
Rochisha Singh Marwaha
Pankil Shah
Suman Challa
Associations between malpractice allegations and the severity of the alleged malpractice injury were studied using information from the National Practitioner Data Bank from 2010 through 2020. The highest number of allegations was in the treatment-related allegations group, and the confounding variable graduation year had significant associations with major temporary and minor permanent injury.
2022 November/December; 70(6):13-20.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. GD501
Self-Instruction Answers Exercises No. GD483, GD484, and GD485 from the November/December 2021 issue
2022 November/December; 70(6):79.Full Article (PDF)
Oral Diagnosis Diffuse mandibular destruction and Unilocular radiolucency of the ramus
Galal OmamiFull Article (PDF)
2022 November/December; 70(6):78,80.
Public Health Spreading the word about community water fluoridation
Larry N. WilliamsFull Article (PDF)
2022 November/December; 70(6):10-12.
Restorative Dentistry Interproximal composite resin augmentation for anterior teeth
Roger A. SolowFull Article (PDF)
2022 November/December; 70(6):6-9.
Editorial Dentistry and boating
Timothy F. KosinskiFull Article (PDF)
2022 November/December; 70(6):5.
November/December 2022
Table of Contents
Clinical Articles
Fixed Prosthodontics A systematic scoring system to determine the long-term prognosis for severely damaged teeth
Mahdi KadkhodazadehFull Article (PDF)
Reza Amid
This article introduces a quantitative systematic risk assessment scoring system to determine the long-term prognosis for severely damaged teeth based on 5 factors: crown to root ratio, root condition, risk of furcation involvement, final restoration complexity, and esthetic results. This system is intended to simplify and organize the decision-making process and facilitate communication with patients.
2022 November/December; 70(6):71-77.
Basic Science Digital intraoral imaging: analysis of retakes and reduction in radiation exposure using rectangular collimation
Suvendra VijayanFull Article (PDF)
Nilesh Shah
Anitha Potluri
This study evaluated the number of retakes needed when dental students switched from using round collimators to rectangular collimators for digital intraoral imaging. The use of rectangular collimators resulted in an initial increase in retakes, mostly due to placement errors; however, it also resulted in a significant reduction in radiation exposure, and retake rates normalized as students gained experience.
2022 November/December; 70(6):66-70.
Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis, Oral Pathology Early detection of oral potentially malignant disorders using machine learning: a retrospective pilot study
Nour IssaFull Article (PDF)
Jonas Leonas
Bruno C. Jham
John C. Mitchell
Maria C. Cuevas-Nunez
A retrospective pilot study found that a machine learning model was able to differentiate between benign and oral potentially malignant lesions with a mean classification accuracy of 70%, sensitivity of 80%, and specificity of 60% when grayscale and enhanced color intraoral images were used, suggesting that machine learning may be a promising tool for identification of oral potentially malignant disorders.
2022 November/December; 70(6):60-64.
Periodontics Waistline to gumline: a retrospective analysis of body mass index in treated periodontitis patients undergoing periodontal maintenance therapy
Maria L. GeisingerFull Article (PDF)
Katie L. Martin
James Parker Alison
Kimberly D. Martin
Michelle Robinson
Nicolaas C. Geurs
This study retrospectively evaluated associations between periodontal disease parameters and body mass index (BMI) in 418 treated periodontitis patients undergoing periodontal maintenance therapy. The analysis revealed that BMI was associated with age and missing teeth, and obese status was associated with a significantly higher number of sites with bleeding on probing.
2022 November/December; 70(6):52-58.
Special Patient Care Dental erosion as an indicator of gastroesophageal reflux disease
Andrew W. EllisFull Article (PDF)
Amar Kosaraju
Ryan R. Ruff
Charles B. Miller
James M. Francis
Kraig S. Vandewalle
In a study evaluating the association between dental erosion (DE) and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) in 80 patients, the extent of DE was found to be positively associated with GERD symptoms. In some patients, DE was the only clinical indication of untreated or undertreated GERD. Dentists should consider referring patients with DE to physicians to ensure that systemic conditions are identified.
2022 November/December; 70(6):46-51.
Basic Science Evaluation of fluoride and calcium concentrations in drinking water from public water fountains on a university campus
Guillermo Tamayo-CabezaFull Article (PDF)
Frank Lippert
Evaluation of fluoride and calcium concentrations in drinking water from public water fountains on a university campus revealed that fluoride concentrations were within the optimal range recommended by the US Public Health Service, and calcium concentrations were consistent with those reported in previous surveillance studies.
2022 November/December; 70(6):41-45.
Implants Scanning electron microscopic evaluation of microgap size in Morse taper implants with straight and angled abutments
Mariana Bispo CostaFull Article (PDF)
Lorena Fernandes Ferreira
Antonio Carlos Marqueti
Wilton Mitsunari Takeshita
Cleverson Luciano Trento
Comparison of the microgap sizes at the interfaces between Morse taper implants and straight or angled abutments revealed that, overall, there were no statistically significant differences between the groups. However, the angled abutments showed greater sealing ability, as the mean value of the largest microgap was 1.43 µm compared with 1.64 µm in the straight abutment group.
2022 November/December; 70(6):34-39.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. GD503 -
Orofacial Pain Nasal airway obstruction and orofacial pain: a multicenter retrospective analysis
Steven R. OlmosFull Article (PDF)
In a retrospective study investigating the relationship between nasal airway obstruction and symptoms of orofacial pain, nasal valve compromise was the most prevalent type of nasal airway obstruction found in the study population of 1393 patients. Nasal valve compromise showed a statistically significant comorbidity with capsulitis as well as facial and cervical myositis.
2022 November/December; 70(6):28-33.
Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis, Oral Pathology Oral and cutaneous pemphigus vulgaris: an atypical clinical presentation
Ilana M. GoldbergFull Article (PDF)
John K. Brooks
Ioana Ghita
Ahmed S. Sultan
Jamie B. MacKelfresh
This case report documents pemphigus vulgaris in an atypical patient, a 23-year-old woman with concomitant celiac disease. The patient was treated with systemic rituximab, which resulted in rapid improvement of the cutaneous lesions but only gradual improvement of the oral lesions after 2 infusions.
2022 November/December; 70(6):22-26.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. GD502 -
Practice Management and Human Relations Malpractice allegations among US dentists: association of malpractice allegation with the severity of the alleged malpractice injury
Arealle E. FranklinFull Article (PDF)
Rochisha Singh Marwaha
Pankil Shah
Suman Challa
Associations between malpractice allegations and the severity of the alleged malpractice injury were studied using information from the National Practitioner Data Bank from 2010 through 2020. The highest number of allegations was in the treatment-related allegations group, and the confounding variable graduation year had significant associations with major temporary and minor permanent injury.
2022 November/December; 70(6):13-20.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. GD501
Self-Instruction Answers Exercises No. GD483, GD484, and GD485 from the November/December 2021 issue
2022 November/December; 70(6):79.Full Article (PDF)
Oral Diagnosis Diffuse mandibular destruction and Unilocular radiolucency of the ramus
Galal OmamiFull Article (PDF)
2022 November/December; 70(6):78,80.
Public Health Spreading the word about community water fluoridation
Larry N. WilliamsFull Article (PDF)
2022 November/December; 70(6):10-12.
Restorative Dentistry Interproximal composite resin augmentation for anterior teeth
Roger A. SolowFull Article (PDF)
2022 November/December; 70(6):6-9.
Editorial Dentistry and boating
Timothy F. KosinskiFull Article (PDF)
2022 November/December; 70(6):5.
November/December 2022
Table of Contents
Clinical Articles
Fixed Prosthodontics A systematic scoring system to determine the long-term prognosis for severely damaged teeth
Mahdi KadkhodazadehFull Article (PDF)
Reza Amid
This article introduces a quantitative systematic risk assessment scoring system to determine the long-term prognosis for severely damaged teeth based on 5 factors: crown to root ratio, root condition, risk of furcation involvement, final restoration complexity, and esthetic results. This system is intended to simplify and organize the decision-making process and facilitate communication with patients.
2022 November/December; 70(6):71-77.
Basic Science Digital intraoral imaging: analysis of retakes and reduction in radiation exposure using rectangular collimation
Suvendra VijayanFull Article (PDF)
Nilesh Shah
Anitha Potluri
This study evaluated the number of retakes needed when dental students switched from using round collimators to rectangular collimators for digital intraoral imaging. The use of rectangular collimators resulted in an initial increase in retakes, mostly due to placement errors; however, it also resulted in a significant reduction in radiation exposure, and retake rates normalized as students gained experience.
2022 November/December; 70(6):66-70.
Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis, Oral Pathology Early detection of oral potentially malignant disorders using machine learning: a retrospective pilot study
Nour IssaFull Article (PDF)
Jonas Leonas
Bruno C. Jham
John C. Mitchell
Maria C. Cuevas-Nunez
A retrospective pilot study found that a machine learning model was able to differentiate between benign and oral potentially malignant lesions with a mean classification accuracy of 70%, sensitivity of 80%, and specificity of 60% when grayscale and enhanced color intraoral images were used, suggesting that machine learning may be a promising tool for identification of oral potentially malignant disorders.
2022 November/December; 70(6):60-64.
Periodontics Waistline to gumline: a retrospective analysis of body mass index in treated periodontitis patients undergoing periodontal maintenance therapy
Maria L. GeisingerFull Article (PDF)
Katie L. Martin
James Parker Alison
Kimberly D. Martin
Michelle Robinson
Nicolaas C. Geurs
This study retrospectively evaluated associations between periodontal disease parameters and body mass index (BMI) in 418 treated periodontitis patients undergoing periodontal maintenance therapy. The analysis revealed that BMI was associated with age and missing teeth, and obese status was associated with a significantly higher number of sites with bleeding on probing.
2022 November/December; 70(6):52-58.
Special Patient Care Dental erosion as an indicator of gastroesophageal reflux disease
Andrew W. EllisFull Article (PDF)
Amar Kosaraju
Ryan R. Ruff
Charles B. Miller
James M. Francis
Kraig S. Vandewalle
In a study evaluating the association between dental erosion (DE) and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) in 80 patients, the extent of DE was found to be positively associated with GERD symptoms. In some patients, DE was the only clinical indication of untreated or undertreated GERD. Dentists should consider referring patients with DE to physicians to ensure that systemic conditions are identified.
2022 November/December; 70(6):46-51.
Basic Science Evaluation of fluoride and calcium concentrations in drinking water from public water fountains on a university campus
Guillermo Tamayo-CabezaFull Article (PDF)
Frank Lippert
Evaluation of fluoride and calcium concentrations in drinking water from public water fountains on a university campus revealed that fluoride concentrations were within the optimal range recommended by the US Public Health Service, and calcium concentrations were consistent with those reported in previous surveillance studies.
2022 November/December; 70(6):41-45.
Implants Scanning electron microscopic evaluation of microgap size in Morse taper implants with straight and angled abutments
Mariana Bispo CostaFull Article (PDF)
Lorena Fernandes Ferreira
Antonio Carlos Marqueti
Wilton Mitsunari Takeshita
Cleverson Luciano Trento
Comparison of the microgap sizes at the interfaces between Morse taper implants and straight or angled abutments revealed that, overall, there were no statistically significant differences between the groups. However, the angled abutments showed greater sealing ability, as the mean value of the largest microgap was 1.43 µm compared with 1.64 µm in the straight abutment group.
2022 November/December; 70(6):34-39.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. GD503 -
Orofacial Pain Nasal airway obstruction and orofacial pain: a multicenter retrospective analysis
Steven R. OlmosFull Article (PDF)
In a retrospective study investigating the relationship between nasal airway obstruction and symptoms of orofacial pain, nasal valve compromise was the most prevalent type of nasal airway obstruction found in the study population of 1393 patients. Nasal valve compromise showed a statistically significant comorbidity with capsulitis as well as facial and cervical myositis.
2022 November/December; 70(6):28-33.
Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis, Oral Pathology Oral and cutaneous pemphigus vulgaris: an atypical clinical presentation
Ilana M. GoldbergFull Article (PDF)
John K. Brooks
Ioana Ghita
Ahmed S. Sultan
Jamie B. MacKelfresh
This case report documents pemphigus vulgaris in an atypical patient, a 23-year-old woman with concomitant celiac disease. The patient was treated with systemic rituximab, which resulted in rapid improvement of the cutaneous lesions but only gradual improvement of the oral lesions after 2 infusions.
2022 November/December; 70(6):22-26.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. GD502 -
Practice Management and Human Relations Malpractice allegations among US dentists: association of malpractice allegation with the severity of the alleged malpractice injury
Arealle E. FranklinFull Article (PDF)
Rochisha Singh Marwaha
Pankil Shah
Suman Challa
Associations between malpractice allegations and the severity of the alleged malpractice injury were studied using information from the National Practitioner Data Bank from 2010 through 2020. The highest number of allegations was in the treatment-related allegations group, and the confounding variable graduation year had significant associations with major temporary and minor permanent injury.
2022 November/December; 70(6):13-20.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. GD501
Self-Instruction Answers Exercises No. GD483, GD484, and GD485 from the November/December 2021 issue
2022 November/December; 70(6):79.Full Article (PDF)
Oral Diagnosis Diffuse mandibular destruction and Unilocular radiolucency of the ramus
Galal OmamiFull Article (PDF)
2022 November/December; 70(6):78,80.
Public Health Spreading the word about community water fluoridation
Larry N. WilliamsFull Article (PDF)
2022 November/December; 70(6):10-12.
Restorative Dentistry Interproximal composite resin augmentation for anterior teeth
Roger A. SolowFull Article (PDF)
2022 November/December; 70(6):6-9.
Editorial Dentistry and boating
Timothy F. KosinskiFull Article (PDF)
2022 November/December; 70(6):5.
November/December 2022
Table of Contents
Clinical Articles
Fixed Prosthodontics A systematic scoring system to determine the long-term prognosis for severely damaged teeth
Mahdi KadkhodazadehFull Article (PDF)
Reza Amid
This article introduces a quantitative systematic risk assessment scoring system to determine the long-term prognosis for severely damaged teeth based on 5 factors: crown to root ratio, root condition, risk of furcation involvement, final restoration complexity, and esthetic results. This system is intended to simplify and organize the decision-making process and facilitate communication with patients.
2022 November/December; 70(6):71-77.
Basic Science Digital intraoral imaging: analysis of retakes and reduction in radiation exposure using rectangular collimation
Suvendra VijayanFull Article (PDF)
Nilesh Shah
Anitha Potluri
This study evaluated the number of retakes needed when dental students switched from using round collimators to rectangular collimators for digital intraoral imaging. The use of rectangular collimators resulted in an initial increase in retakes, mostly due to placement errors; however, it also resulted in a significant reduction in radiation exposure, and retake rates normalized as students gained experience.
2022 November/December; 70(6):66-70.
Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis, Oral Pathology Early detection of oral potentially malignant disorders using machine learning: a retrospective pilot study
Nour IssaFull Article (PDF)
Jonas Leonas
Bruno C. Jham
John C. Mitchell
Maria C. Cuevas-Nunez
A retrospective pilot study found that a machine learning model was able to differentiate between benign and oral potentially malignant lesions with a mean classification accuracy of 70%, sensitivity of 80%, and specificity of 60% when grayscale and enhanced color intraoral images were used, suggesting that machine learning may be a promising tool for identification of oral potentially malignant disorders.
2022 November/December; 70(6):60-64.
Periodontics Waistline to gumline: a retrospective analysis of body mass index in treated periodontitis patients undergoing periodontal maintenance therapy
Maria L. GeisingerFull Article (PDF)
Katie L. Martin
James Parker Alison
Kimberly D. Martin
Michelle Robinson
Nicolaas C. Geurs
This study retrospectively evaluated associations between periodontal disease parameters and body mass index (BMI) in 418 treated periodontitis patients undergoing periodontal maintenance therapy. The analysis revealed that BMI was associated with age and missing teeth, and obese status was associated with a significantly higher number of sites with bleeding on probing.
2022 November/December; 70(6):52-58.
Special Patient Care Dental erosion as an indicator of gastroesophageal reflux disease
Andrew W. EllisFull Article (PDF)
Amar Kosaraju
Ryan R. Ruff
Charles B. Miller
James M. Francis
Kraig S. Vandewalle
In a study evaluating the association between dental erosion (DE) and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) in 80 patients, the extent of DE was found to be positively associated with GERD symptoms. In some patients, DE was the only clinical indication of untreated or undertreated GERD. Dentists should consider referring patients with DE to physicians to ensure that systemic conditions are identified.
2022 November/December; 70(6):46-51.
Basic Science Evaluation of fluoride and calcium concentrations in drinking water from public water fountains on a university campus
Guillermo Tamayo-CabezaFull Article (PDF)
Frank Lippert
Evaluation of fluoride and calcium concentrations in drinking water from public water fountains on a university campus revealed that fluoride concentrations were within the optimal range recommended by the US Public Health Service, and calcium concentrations were consistent with those reported in previous surveillance studies.
2022 November/December; 70(6):41-45.
Implants Scanning electron microscopic evaluation of microgap size in Morse taper implants with straight and angled abutments
Mariana Bispo CostaFull Article (PDF)
Lorena Fernandes Ferreira
Antonio Carlos Marqueti
Wilton Mitsunari Takeshita
Cleverson Luciano Trento
Comparison of the microgap sizes at the interfaces between Morse taper implants and straight or angled abutments revealed that, overall, there were no statistically significant differences between the groups. However, the angled abutments showed greater sealing ability, as the mean value of the largest microgap was 1.43 µm compared with 1.64 µm in the straight abutment group.
2022 November/December; 70(6):34-39.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. GD503 -
Orofacial Pain Nasal airway obstruction and orofacial pain: a multicenter retrospective analysis
Steven R. OlmosFull Article (PDF)
In a retrospective study investigating the relationship between nasal airway obstruction and symptoms of orofacial pain, nasal valve compromise was the most prevalent type of nasal airway obstruction found in the study population of 1393 patients. Nasal valve compromise showed a statistically significant comorbidity with capsulitis as well as facial and cervical myositis.
2022 November/December; 70(6):28-33.
Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis, Oral Pathology Oral and cutaneous pemphigus vulgaris: an atypical clinical presentation
Ilana M. GoldbergFull Article (PDF)
John K. Brooks
Ioana Ghita
Ahmed S. Sultan
Jamie B. MacKelfresh
This case report documents pemphigus vulgaris in an atypical patient, a 23-year-old woman with concomitant celiac disease. The patient was treated with systemic rituximab, which resulted in rapid improvement of the cutaneous lesions but only gradual improvement of the oral lesions after 2 infusions.
2022 November/December; 70(6):22-26.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. GD502 -
Practice Management and Human Relations Malpractice allegations among US dentists: association of malpractice allegation with the severity of the alleged malpractice injury
Arealle E. FranklinFull Article (PDF)
Rochisha Singh Marwaha
Pankil Shah
Suman Challa
Associations between malpractice allegations and the severity of the alleged malpractice injury were studied using information from the National Practitioner Data Bank from 2010 through 2020. The highest number of allegations was in the treatment-related allegations group, and the confounding variable graduation year had significant associations with major temporary and minor permanent injury.
2022 November/December; 70(6):13-20.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. GD501
Self-Instruction Answers Exercises No. GD483, GD484, and GD485 from the November/December 2021 issue
2022 November/December; 70(6):79.Full Article (PDF)
Oral Diagnosis Diffuse mandibular destruction and Unilocular radiolucency of the ramus
Galal OmamiFull Article (PDF)
2022 November/December; 70(6):78,80.
Public Health Spreading the word about community water fluoridation
Larry N. WilliamsFull Article (PDF)
2022 November/December; 70(6):10-12.
Restorative Dentistry Interproximal composite resin augmentation for anterior teeth
Roger A. SolowFull Article (PDF)
2022 November/December; 70(6):6-9.
Editorial Dentistry and boating
Timothy F. KosinskiFull Article (PDF)
2022 November/December; 70(6):5.
November/December 2022
Table of Contents
Clinical Articles
Fixed Prosthodontics A systematic scoring system to determine the long-term prognosis for severely damaged teeth
Mahdi KadkhodazadehFull Article (PDF)
Reza Amid
This article introduces a quantitative systematic risk assessment scoring system to determine the long-term prognosis for severely damaged teeth based on 5 factors: crown to root ratio, root condition, risk of furcation involvement, final restoration complexity, and esthetic results. This system is intended to simplify and organize the decision-making process and facilitate communication with patients.
2022 November/December; 70(6):71-77.
Basic Science Digital intraoral imaging: analysis of retakes and reduction in radiation exposure using rectangular collimation
Suvendra VijayanFull Article (PDF)
Nilesh Shah
Anitha Potluri
This study evaluated the number of retakes needed when dental students switched from using round collimators to rectangular collimators for digital intraoral imaging. The use of rectangular collimators resulted in an initial increase in retakes, mostly due to placement errors; however, it also resulted in a significant reduction in radiation exposure, and retake rates normalized as students gained experience.
2022 November/December; 70(6):66-70.
Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis, Oral Pathology Early detection of oral potentially malignant disorders using machine learning: a retrospective pilot study
Nour IssaFull Article (PDF)
Jonas Leonas
Bruno C. Jham
John C. Mitchell
Maria C. Cuevas-Nunez
A retrospective pilot study found that a machine learning model was able to differentiate between benign and oral potentially malignant lesions with a mean classification accuracy of 70%, sensitivity of 80%, and specificity of 60% when grayscale and enhanced color intraoral images were used, suggesting that machine learning may be a promising tool for identification of oral potentially malignant disorders.
2022 November/December; 70(6):60-64.
Periodontics Waistline to gumline: a retrospective analysis of body mass index in treated periodontitis patients undergoing periodontal maintenance therapy
Maria L. GeisingerFull Article (PDF)
Katie L. Martin
James Parker Alison
Kimberly D. Martin
Michelle Robinson
Nicolaas C. Geurs
This study retrospectively evaluated associations between periodontal disease parameters and body mass index (BMI) in 418 treated periodontitis patients undergoing periodontal maintenance therapy. The analysis revealed that BMI was associated with age and missing teeth, and obese status was associated with a significantly higher number of sites with bleeding on probing.
2022 November/December; 70(6):52-58.
Special Patient Care Dental erosion as an indicator of gastroesophageal reflux disease
Andrew W. EllisFull Article (PDF)
Amar Kosaraju
Ryan R. Ruff
Charles B. Miller
James M. Francis
Kraig S. Vandewalle
In a study evaluating the association between dental erosion (DE) and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) in 80 patients, the extent of DE was found to be positively associated with GERD symptoms. In some patients, DE was the only clinical indication of untreated or undertreated GERD. Dentists should consider referring patients with DE to physicians to ensure that systemic conditions are identified.
2022 November/December; 70(6):46-51.
Basic Science Evaluation of fluoride and calcium concentrations in drinking water from public water fountains on a university campus
Guillermo Tamayo-CabezaFull Article (PDF)
Frank Lippert
Evaluation of fluoride and calcium concentrations in drinking water from public water fountains on a university campus revealed that fluoride concentrations were within the optimal range recommended by the US Public Health Service, and calcium concentrations were consistent with those reported in previous surveillance studies.
2022 November/December; 70(6):41-45.
Implants Scanning electron microscopic evaluation of microgap size in Morse taper implants with straight and angled abutments
Mariana Bispo CostaFull Article (PDF)
Lorena Fernandes Ferreira
Antonio Carlos Marqueti
Wilton Mitsunari Takeshita
Cleverson Luciano Trento
Comparison of the microgap sizes at the interfaces between Morse taper implants and straight or angled abutments revealed that, overall, there were no statistically significant differences between the groups. However, the angled abutments showed greater sealing ability, as the mean value of the largest microgap was 1.43 µm compared with 1.64 µm in the straight abutment group.
2022 November/December; 70(6):34-39.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. GD503 -
Orofacial Pain Nasal airway obstruction and orofacial pain: a multicenter retrospective analysis
Steven R. OlmosFull Article (PDF)
In a retrospective study investigating the relationship between nasal airway obstruction and symptoms of orofacial pain, nasal valve compromise was the most prevalent type of nasal airway obstruction found in the study population of 1393 patients. Nasal valve compromise showed a statistically significant comorbidity with capsulitis as well as facial and cervical myositis.
2022 November/December; 70(6):28-33.
Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis, Oral Pathology Oral and cutaneous pemphigus vulgaris: an atypical clinical presentation
Ilana M. GoldbergFull Article (PDF)
John K. Brooks
Ioana Ghita
Ahmed S. Sultan
Jamie B. MacKelfresh
This case report documents pemphigus vulgaris in an atypical patient, a 23-year-old woman with concomitant celiac disease. The patient was treated with systemic rituximab, which resulted in rapid improvement of the cutaneous lesions but only gradual improvement of the oral lesions after 2 infusions.
2022 November/December; 70(6):22-26.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. GD502 -
Practice Management and Human Relations Malpractice allegations among US dentists: association of malpractice allegation with the severity of the alleged malpractice injury
Arealle E. FranklinFull Article (PDF)
Rochisha Singh Marwaha
Pankil Shah
Suman Challa
Associations between malpractice allegations and the severity of the alleged malpractice injury were studied using information from the National Practitioner Data Bank from 2010 through 2020. The highest number of allegations was in the treatment-related allegations group, and the confounding variable graduation year had significant associations with major temporary and minor permanent injury.
2022 November/December; 70(6):13-20.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. GD501
Self-Instruction Answers Exercises No. GD483, GD484, and GD485 from the November/December 2021 issue
2022 November/December; 70(6):79.Full Article (PDF)
Oral Diagnosis Diffuse mandibular destruction and Unilocular radiolucency of the ramus
Galal OmamiFull Article (PDF)
2022 November/December; 70(6):78,80.
Public Health Spreading the word about community water fluoridation
Larry N. WilliamsFull Article (PDF)
2022 November/December; 70(6):10-12.
Restorative Dentistry Interproximal composite resin augmentation for anterior teeth
Roger A. SolowFull Article (PDF)
2022 November/December; 70(6):6-9.
Editorial Dentistry and boating
Timothy F. KosinskiFull Article (PDF)
2022 November/December; 70(6):5.
November/December 2022
Table of Contents
Clinical Articles
Fixed Prosthodontics A systematic scoring system to determine the long-term prognosis for severely damaged teeth
Mahdi KadkhodazadehFull Article (PDF)
Reza Amid
This article introduces a quantitative systematic risk assessment scoring system to determine the long-term prognosis for severely damaged teeth based on 5 factors: crown to root ratio, root condition, risk of furcation involvement, final restoration complexity, and esthetic results. This system is intended to simplify and organize the decision-making process and facilitate communication with patients.
2022 November/December; 70(6):71-77.
Basic Science Digital intraoral imaging: analysis of retakes and reduction in radiation exposure using rectangular collimation
Suvendra VijayanFull Article (PDF)
Nilesh Shah
Anitha Potluri
This study evaluated the number of retakes needed when dental students switched from using round collimators to rectangular collimators for digital intraoral imaging. The use of rectangular collimators resulted in an initial increase in retakes, mostly due to placement errors; however, it also resulted in a significant reduction in radiation exposure, and retake rates normalized as students gained experience.
2022 November/December; 70(6):66-70.
Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis, Oral Pathology Early detection of oral potentially malignant disorders using machine learning: a retrospective pilot study
Nour IssaFull Article (PDF)
Jonas Leonas
Bruno C. Jham
John C. Mitchell
Maria C. Cuevas-Nunez
A retrospective pilot study found that a machine learning model was able to differentiate between benign and oral potentially malignant lesions with a mean classification accuracy of 70%, sensitivity of 80%, and specificity of 60% when grayscale and enhanced color intraoral images were used, suggesting that machine learning may be a promising tool for identification of oral potentially malignant disorders.
2022 November/December; 70(6):60-64.
Periodontics Waistline to gumline: a retrospective analysis of body mass index in treated periodontitis patients undergoing periodontal maintenance therapy
Maria L. GeisingerFull Article (PDF)
Katie L. Martin
James Parker Alison
Kimberly D. Martin
Michelle Robinson
Nicolaas C. Geurs
This study retrospectively evaluated associations between periodontal disease parameters and body mass index (BMI) in 418 treated periodontitis patients undergoing periodontal maintenance therapy. The analysis revealed that BMI was associated with age and missing teeth, and obese status was associated with a significantly higher number of sites with bleeding on probing.
2022 November/December; 70(6):52-58.
Special Patient Care Dental erosion as an indicator of gastroesophageal reflux disease
Andrew W. EllisFull Article (PDF)
Amar Kosaraju
Ryan R. Ruff
Charles B. Miller
James M. Francis
Kraig S. Vandewalle
In a study evaluating the association between dental erosion (DE) and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) in 80 patients, the extent of DE was found to be positively associated with GERD symptoms. In some patients, DE was the only clinical indication of untreated or undertreated GERD. Dentists should consider referring patients with DE to physicians to ensure that systemic conditions are identified.
2022 November/December; 70(6):46-51.
Basic Science Evaluation of fluoride and calcium concentrations in drinking water from public water fountains on a university campus
Guillermo Tamayo-CabezaFull Article (PDF)
Frank Lippert
Evaluation of fluoride and calcium concentrations in drinking water from public water fountains on a university campus revealed that fluoride concentrations were within the optimal range recommended by the US Public Health Service, and calcium concentrations were consistent with those reported in previous surveillance studies.
2022 November/December; 70(6):41-45.
Implants Scanning electron microscopic evaluation of microgap size in Morse taper implants with straight and angled abutments
Mariana Bispo CostaFull Article (PDF)
Lorena Fernandes Ferreira
Antonio Carlos Marqueti
Wilton Mitsunari Takeshita
Cleverson Luciano Trento
Comparison of the microgap sizes at the interfaces between Morse taper implants and straight or angled abutments revealed that, overall, there were no statistically significant differences between the groups. However, the angled abutments showed greater sealing ability, as the mean value of the largest microgap was 1.43 µm compared with 1.64 µm in the straight abutment group.
2022 November/December; 70(6):34-39.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. GD503 -
Orofacial Pain Nasal airway obstruction and orofacial pain: a multicenter retrospective analysis
Steven R. OlmosFull Article (PDF)
In a retrospective study investigating the relationship between nasal airway obstruction and symptoms of orofacial pain, nasal valve compromise was the most prevalent type of nasal airway obstruction found in the study population of 1393 patients. Nasal valve compromise showed a statistically significant comorbidity with capsulitis as well as facial and cervical myositis.
2022 November/December; 70(6):28-33.
Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis, Oral Pathology Oral and cutaneous pemphigus vulgaris: an atypical clinical presentation
Ilana M. GoldbergFull Article (PDF)
John K. Brooks
Ioana Ghita
Ahmed S. Sultan
Jamie B. MacKelfresh
This case report documents pemphigus vulgaris in an atypical patient, a 23-year-old woman with concomitant celiac disease. The patient was treated with systemic rituximab, which resulted in rapid improvement of the cutaneous lesions but only gradual improvement of the oral lesions after 2 infusions.
2022 November/December; 70(6):22-26.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. GD502 -
Practice Management and Human Relations Malpractice allegations among US dentists: association of malpractice allegation with the severity of the alleged malpractice injury
Arealle E. FranklinFull Article (PDF)
Rochisha Singh Marwaha
Pankil Shah
Suman Challa
Associations between malpractice allegations and the severity of the alleged malpractice injury were studied using information from the National Practitioner Data Bank from 2010 through 2020. The highest number of allegations was in the treatment-related allegations group, and the confounding variable graduation year had significant associations with major temporary and minor permanent injury.
2022 November/December; 70(6):13-20.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. GD501
Self-Instruction Answers Exercises No. GD483, GD484, and GD485 from the November/December 2021 issue
2022 November/December; 70(6):79.Full Article (PDF)
Oral Diagnosis Diffuse mandibular destruction and Unilocular radiolucency of the ramus
Galal OmamiFull Article (PDF)
2022 November/December; 70(6):78,80.
Public Health Spreading the word about community water fluoridation
Larry N. WilliamsFull Article (PDF)
2022 November/December; 70(6):10-12.
Restorative Dentistry Interproximal composite resin augmentation for anterior teeth
Roger A. SolowFull Article (PDF)
2022 November/December; 70(6):6-9.
Editorial Dentistry and boating
Timothy F. KosinskiFull Article (PDF)
2022 November/December; 70(6):5.