General Dentistry is AGD's peer-reviewed journal. Published bimonthly, General Dentistry presents research and clinical findings to support the full range of procedures that general dentists perform on a regular basis.










May/June 2021

Table of Contents


  • Editorial Continuing the tradition

    Timothy F. Kosinski

    2021 May/June; 69(3):6.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Ethics Empathy and narrative in dental practice

    Toni M. Roucka

    2021 May/June; 69(3):8-9.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Endodontics Pulpal and periapical pathosis resulting from coronal cracks: prognosis and treatment scenarios

    Nathan Dinsbach

    2021 May/June; 69(3):10-14.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Pharmacology Diclofenac: a review for dentists

    Gaurav Gupta 
    Elliot V. Hersh
    Katherine N. Theken

    2021 May/June; 69(3):15-19.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Public Health What do we know about electronic nicotine delivery systems, vaping, and oral health?

    Larry N. Williams
    Purav Shah

    2021 May/June; 69(3):20-22.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Oral Diagnosis Migrating lesions and Exophytic gingival growth

    Tanya M. Gibson

    2021 May/June; 69(3):78,80.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Self-Instruction Answers Exercises No. GD456, GD457, and GD458 from the May/June 2020 issue

    2021 May/June; 69(3):79.

    Full Article (PDF)

Clinical Articles


    Basic Science Failure load and shear bond strength of indirect materials bonded to enamel after aging

    João Henrique Rodrigues Rangel
    Marcelly da Silva Faria
    Thainá Caroline Silva D’Ajuda
    Allison Frade Monteiro
    Isabela Sandim Souza Leite Weitzel
    Laís Regiane Silva-Concílio
    Marina Amaral

    An in vitro study evaluated the failure load and the shear bond strength of 4 block materials indicated for computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing of dental veneers: lithium disilicate, feldspathic ceramic, polymer-infiltrated ceramic, and nanohybrid composite. The polymer-infiltrated ceramic presented the best performance when bonded to enamel.

    2021 May/June; 69(3):24-29.

    Full Article (PDF)
    Self-Instruction Exercise No. GD474

    Tobacco Cessation What every dentist needs to know about electronic cigarettes

    Eugene G. Bestman
    John K. Brooks
    Behzad Mostoufi 
    Nasir Bashirelahi

    Electronic cigarette (EC) use is on a steady rise, leading to increased concerns about its safety with regard to systemic and oral health. The aerosols produced by ECs have been associated with respiratory, cardiac, and central nervous system disease as well as oral mucosal alterations. In addition, ECs may affect kidney and liver function. This article reviews the systemic and oral health concerns associated with EC use.

    2021 May/June; 69(3):31-35.

    Full Article (PDF)
    Self-Instruction Exercise No. GD475
  • Endodontics Influence of dentin presealing on the fracture strength of endodontically treated maxillary premolars

    Fereshteh Shafiei
    Yasamin Ghahramani

    An in vitro evaluation found that endodontic irrigation with sodium hypochlorite and ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid had an adverse effect on the fracture strength of maxillary premolars, but presealing of the dentin surfaces of the cavity with self-adhesive flowable composite resin before irrigation significantly increased the fracture strength. 

    2021 May/June; 69(3):37-41.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Basic Science Influence of thermocycling and disinfection on the color stability and hardness of thermoplastic sheets used for occlusal splint fabrication

    Caroline de Almeida Salles
    Clóvis Lamartine de Moraes Melo Neto
    Stefan Fiuza de Carvalho Dekon
    Mariana Vilela Sônego
    Fernanda Pereira de Caxias
    Daniela Micheline dos Santos
    André Pinheiro de Magalhães Bertoz
    Marcelo Coelho Goiato

    Comparison of the color stability and microhardness of polyethylene terephthalate glycol/thermoplastic polyurethane (PETG/TPU) and PETG occlusal splint materials after thermocycling and disinfection revealed that both materials demonstrated an increase in hardness after thermocycling and disinfection, and both showed similar color changes regardless of the disinfection method. Liquid soap proved to be the best option for disinfection of PETG/TPU and PETG, because the color change (ΔE* value) was acceptable for both materials.

    2021 May/June; 69(3):42-45.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Restorative Dentistry Effect of restorative technique on the fracture strength and fracture mode of premolars after mineral trioxide aggregate pulpotomy

    Fereshteh Shafiei
    Yasamin Ghahramani
    Hajar Farhadpour
    Nasrin Asim

    This study compared the effects of different combinations of adhesive bases and restorative materials on the fracture strength and fracture mode of maxillary premolars after mineral trioxide aggregate pulpotomy. Unlike glass ionomer cement/amalgam, all of the base/composite restoration groups partly restored the strength of pulpotomized premolars. The group with a short fiber–reinforced composite base demonstrated advantages in both fracture strength and fracture mode compared to groups with a resin-modified glass ionomer cement base.

    2021 May/June; 69(3):46-51.

    Full Article (PDF)

    Endodontics Customized fiber posts in root canals prepared with and without laser application: a pull-out evaluation

    Adriana Cristina Zavanelli
    Rosse Mary Falcón-Antenucci
    Otavio Marino dos Santos Neto
    Ricardo Alexandre Zavanelli
    José Vitor Quinelli Mazaro

    The effect of fiber post customization and laser application on the results of pull-out tests were evaluated using endodontically treated bovine teeth. Prepared root canals were divided into 4 groups: conventional fiber posts with or without laser application and customized fiber posts with or without laser application. The customization of fiber posts used for the restoration of pulpless teeth resulted in significantly (P < 0.05) greater pull-out test values, a thinner cement layer, and improved retention. 

    2021 May/June; 69(3):52-56.

    Full Article (PDF)
    Self-Instruction Exercise No. GD476
  • Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis, Oral Pathology Metastatic prostate cancer presenting as trigeminal nerve paresthesia in the mandible

    Karen Zemplenyi
    James J. Closmann

    This article describes a case of metastatic prostate cancer that presented as altered sensation to the gingiva, lips, and chin without radiographic evidence of mandibular pathosis on standard dental imaging. The patient’s cancer was thought to be well controlled with medical therapy but additional testing and imaging revealed widespread metastatic disease. This case reinforces the importance of including metastatic disease in the differential diagnosis.

    2021 May/June; 69(3):58-60.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Endodontics Radix entomolaris and radix paramolaris in mandibular molars: a case series and literature review

    Chhaya Harinkhere
    Sanket Hans Pandey
    Pallav Mahesh Patni
    Pradeep Jain
    Swadhin Raghuwanshi
    Saddam Ali
    Sakshi Bilaiya

    An extra root is called a radix entomolaris if it is located distolingually and a radix paramolaris if located mesiobuccally. This article presents 5 cases of radix entomolaris and radix paramolaris in mandibular molars and reviews the literature on these morphologic variations.

    2021 May/June; 69(3):61-67.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Basic Science Finite element stress analysis of composite resin veneers for diastema closure

    Fatemeh Mollaverdi
    Mohammad Bagher Rezvani
    Mahshid Mohammadi Bassir
    Sara Valizadeh

    A finite element–based comparative analysis of functional stress patterns in composite resin veneers used for diastema closure was performed to determine the influence of factors such as the preparation design, proximal extension, loading level, and loading angle. Based on the results, a partial-preparation design is preferred when nanofilled composite resins are used for diastema closure. 

    2021 May/June; 69(3):68-72.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Multidisciplinary Topics Acute dental pain elevates salivary oxytocin in women: a risk factor during pregnancy

    Esra Bihter Gürler
    Emre İriboz
    Özlem Tuğçe Çilingir Kaya
    Dilek Türkaydin
    Hesna Sazak Öveçoğlu

    This case-control study compared the expression of salivary cortisol, secretory immunoglobulin A, and oxytocin among individuals in 5 study groups: nonpregnant female pulpitis, pregnant female pulpitis, male pulpitis, healthy (nonpregnant) female control, and healthy male control. Oxytocin levels increased significantly in nonpregnant and pregnant women with pulpitis, while cortisol levels were significantly elevated only in pregnant women with pulpitis. The results indicate that acute dental pain during pregnancy can be considered a risk factor due to elevated oxytocin and cortisol levels.

    2021 May/June; 69(3):73-77.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Endodontics Prevalence of pulp stones in an Iranian subpopulation: an assessment using cone beam computed tomography

    Mahkameh Moshfeghi
    Fatemeh Tuyserkani

    Undetected pulp stones can complicate root canal treatment. Knowledge about the prevalence of this anomaly in specific populations can improve endodontic treatment outcomes. The objective of this study was to use cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) to assess the prevalence of pulp stones in an Iranian subpopulation. In this descriptive, analytical, cross-sectional study, the CBCT scans of 150 (75 female and 75 male) patients aged 15 to 70 years were retrieved from the 2017 to 2018 archives of an Iranian university. A total of 4200 teeth were evaluated for the presence of pulp stones by a senior dental student under the supervision of an experienced oral and maxillofacial radiologist. The panoramic radiographic views were evaluated first, and then each tooth was evaluated on sagittal, coronal, axial, cross-sectional, and multiplanar views with 0.5-mm slice thickness. Data regarding the presence of pulp stones as well as the effects of age, sex, tooth type, and jaw on the presence of pulp stones were analyzed using independent t and chi-square tests. Of 4200 teeth, 571 had pulp stones, yielding prevalence rates of 13.6% in the studied teeth and 76.0% in the study population. The prevalence of pulp stones was higher in female patients, the mandible, anterior teeth, and the mandibular left quadrant. The mandibular left central incisor (tooth 24) had the highest (38.7%) and the maxillary left second premolar (tooth 13) had the lowest (1.3%) prevalence of pulp stones. The high prevalence of pulp stones in this study population suggests that dentists should consider the possible presence of pulp stones when planning endodontic treatment for Iranian patients. 

    2021 May/June; 69(3):e1-e5.

    Full Article (PDF)


May/June 2021

Table of Contents


  • Editorial Continuing the tradition

    Timothy F. Kosinski

    2021 May/June; 69(3):6.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Ethics Empathy and narrative in dental practice

    Toni M. Roucka

    2021 May/June; 69(3):8-9.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Endodontics Pulpal and periapical pathosis resulting from coronal cracks: prognosis and treatment scenarios

    Nathan Dinsbach

    2021 May/June; 69(3):10-14.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Pharmacology Diclofenac: a review for dentists

    Gaurav Gupta 
    Elliot V. Hersh
    Katherine N. Theken

    2021 May/June; 69(3):15-19.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Public Health What do we know about electronic nicotine delivery systems, vaping, and oral health?

    Larry N. Williams
    Purav Shah

    2021 May/June; 69(3):20-22.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Oral Diagnosis Migrating lesions and Exophytic gingival growth

    Tanya M. Gibson

    2021 May/June; 69(3):78,80.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Self-Instruction Answers Exercises No. GD456, GD457, and GD458 from the May/June 2020 issue

    2021 May/June; 69(3):79.

    Full Article (PDF)

Clinical Articles


    Basic Science Failure load and shear bond strength of indirect materials bonded to enamel after aging

    João Henrique Rodrigues Rangel
    Marcelly da Silva Faria
    Thainá Caroline Silva D’Ajuda
    Allison Frade Monteiro
    Isabela Sandim Souza Leite Weitzel
    Laís Regiane Silva-Concílio
    Marina Amaral

    An in vitro study evaluated the failure load and the shear bond strength of 4 block materials indicated for computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing of dental veneers: lithium disilicate, feldspathic ceramic, polymer-infiltrated ceramic, and nanohybrid composite. The polymer-infiltrated ceramic presented the best performance when bonded to enamel.

    2021 May/June; 69(3):24-29.

    Full Article (PDF)
    Self-Instruction Exercise No. GD474

    Tobacco Cessation What every dentist needs to know about electronic cigarettes

    Eugene G. Bestman
    John K. Brooks
    Behzad Mostoufi 
    Nasir Bashirelahi

    Electronic cigarette (EC) use is on a steady rise, leading to increased concerns about its safety with regard to systemic and oral health. The aerosols produced by ECs have been associated with respiratory, cardiac, and central nervous system disease as well as oral mucosal alterations. In addition, ECs may affect kidney and liver function. This article reviews the systemic and oral health concerns associated with EC use.

    2021 May/June; 69(3):31-35.

    Full Article (PDF)
    Self-Instruction Exercise No. GD475
  • Endodontics Influence of dentin presealing on the fracture strength of endodontically treated maxillary premolars

    Fereshteh Shafiei
    Yasamin Ghahramani

    An in vitro evaluation found that endodontic irrigation with sodium hypochlorite and ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid had an adverse effect on the fracture strength of maxillary premolars, but presealing of the dentin surfaces of the cavity with self-adhesive flowable composite resin before irrigation significantly increased the fracture strength. 

    2021 May/June; 69(3):37-41.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Basic Science Influence of thermocycling and disinfection on the color stability and hardness of thermoplastic sheets used for occlusal splint fabrication

    Caroline de Almeida Salles
    Clóvis Lamartine de Moraes Melo Neto
    Stefan Fiuza de Carvalho Dekon
    Mariana Vilela Sônego
    Fernanda Pereira de Caxias
    Daniela Micheline dos Santos
    André Pinheiro de Magalhães Bertoz
    Marcelo Coelho Goiato

    Comparison of the color stability and microhardness of polyethylene terephthalate glycol/thermoplastic polyurethane (PETG/TPU) and PETG occlusal splint materials after thermocycling and disinfection revealed that both materials demonstrated an increase in hardness after thermocycling and disinfection, and both showed similar color changes regardless of the disinfection method. Liquid soap proved to be the best option for disinfection of PETG/TPU and PETG, because the color change (ΔE* value) was acceptable for both materials.

    2021 May/June; 69(3):42-45.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Restorative Dentistry Effect of restorative technique on the fracture strength and fracture mode of premolars after mineral trioxide aggregate pulpotomy

    Fereshteh Shafiei
    Yasamin Ghahramani
    Hajar Farhadpour
    Nasrin Asim

    This study compared the effects of different combinations of adhesive bases and restorative materials on the fracture strength and fracture mode of maxillary premolars after mineral trioxide aggregate pulpotomy. Unlike glass ionomer cement/amalgam, all of the base/composite restoration groups partly restored the strength of pulpotomized premolars. The group with a short fiber–reinforced composite base demonstrated advantages in both fracture strength and fracture mode compared to groups with a resin-modified glass ionomer cement base.

    2021 May/June; 69(3):46-51.

    Full Article (PDF)

    Endodontics Customized fiber posts in root canals prepared with and without laser application: a pull-out evaluation

    Adriana Cristina Zavanelli
    Rosse Mary Falcón-Antenucci
    Otavio Marino dos Santos Neto
    Ricardo Alexandre Zavanelli
    José Vitor Quinelli Mazaro

    The effect of fiber post customization and laser application on the results of pull-out tests were evaluated using endodontically treated bovine teeth. Prepared root canals were divided into 4 groups: conventional fiber posts with or without laser application and customized fiber posts with or without laser application. The customization of fiber posts used for the restoration of pulpless teeth resulted in significantly (P < 0.05) greater pull-out test values, a thinner cement layer, and improved retention. 

    2021 May/June; 69(3):52-56.

    Full Article (PDF)
    Self-Instruction Exercise No. GD476
  • Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis, Oral Pathology Metastatic prostate cancer presenting as trigeminal nerve paresthesia in the mandible

    Karen Zemplenyi
    James J. Closmann

    This article describes a case of metastatic prostate cancer that presented as altered sensation to the gingiva, lips, and chin without radiographic evidence of mandibular pathosis on standard dental imaging. The patient’s cancer was thought to be well controlled with medical therapy but additional testing and imaging revealed widespread metastatic disease. This case reinforces the importance of including metastatic disease in the differential diagnosis.

    2021 May/June; 69(3):58-60.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Endodontics Radix entomolaris and radix paramolaris in mandibular molars: a case series and literature review

    Chhaya Harinkhere
    Sanket Hans Pandey
    Pallav Mahesh Patni
    Pradeep Jain
    Swadhin Raghuwanshi
    Saddam Ali
    Sakshi Bilaiya

    An extra root is called a radix entomolaris if it is located distolingually and a radix paramolaris if located mesiobuccally. This article presents 5 cases of radix entomolaris and radix paramolaris in mandibular molars and reviews the literature on these morphologic variations.

    2021 May/June; 69(3):61-67.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Basic Science Finite element stress analysis of composite resin veneers for diastema closure

    Fatemeh Mollaverdi
    Mohammad Bagher Rezvani
    Mahshid Mohammadi Bassir
    Sara Valizadeh

    A finite element–based comparative analysis of functional stress patterns in composite resin veneers used for diastema closure was performed to determine the influence of factors such as the preparation design, proximal extension, loading level, and loading angle. Based on the results, a partial-preparation design is preferred when nanofilled composite resins are used for diastema closure. 

    2021 May/June; 69(3):68-72.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Multidisciplinary Topics Acute dental pain elevates salivary oxytocin in women: a risk factor during pregnancy

    Esra Bihter Gürler
    Emre İriboz
    Özlem Tuğçe Çilingir Kaya
    Dilek Türkaydin
    Hesna Sazak Öveçoğlu

    This case-control study compared the expression of salivary cortisol, secretory immunoglobulin A, and oxytocin among individuals in 5 study groups: nonpregnant female pulpitis, pregnant female pulpitis, male pulpitis, healthy (nonpregnant) female control, and healthy male control. Oxytocin levels increased significantly in nonpregnant and pregnant women with pulpitis, while cortisol levels were significantly elevated only in pregnant women with pulpitis. The results indicate that acute dental pain during pregnancy can be considered a risk factor due to elevated oxytocin and cortisol levels.

    2021 May/June; 69(3):73-77.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Endodontics Prevalence of pulp stones in an Iranian subpopulation: an assessment using cone beam computed tomography

    Mahkameh Moshfeghi
    Fatemeh Tuyserkani

    Undetected pulp stones can complicate root canal treatment. Knowledge about the prevalence of this anomaly in specific populations can improve endodontic treatment outcomes. The objective of this study was to use cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) to assess the prevalence of pulp stones in an Iranian subpopulation. In this descriptive, analytical, cross-sectional study, the CBCT scans of 150 (75 female and 75 male) patients aged 15 to 70 years were retrieved from the 2017 to 2018 archives of an Iranian university. A total of 4200 teeth were evaluated for the presence of pulp stones by a senior dental student under the supervision of an experienced oral and maxillofacial radiologist. The panoramic radiographic views were evaluated first, and then each tooth was evaluated on sagittal, coronal, axial, cross-sectional, and multiplanar views with 0.5-mm slice thickness. Data regarding the presence of pulp stones as well as the effects of age, sex, tooth type, and jaw on the presence of pulp stones were analyzed using independent t and chi-square tests. Of 4200 teeth, 571 had pulp stones, yielding prevalence rates of 13.6% in the studied teeth and 76.0% in the study population. The prevalence of pulp stones was higher in female patients, the mandible, anterior teeth, and the mandibular left quadrant. The mandibular left central incisor (tooth 24) had the highest (38.7%) and the maxillary left second premolar (tooth 13) had the lowest (1.3%) prevalence of pulp stones. The high prevalence of pulp stones in this study population suggests that dentists should consider the possible presence of pulp stones when planning endodontic treatment for Iranian patients. 

    2021 May/June; 69(3):e1-e5.

    Full Article (PDF)


May/June 2021

Table of Contents


  • Editorial Continuing the tradition

    Timothy F. Kosinski

    2021 May/June; 69(3):6.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Ethics Empathy and narrative in dental practice

    Toni M. Roucka

    2021 May/June; 69(3):8-9.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Endodontics Pulpal and periapical pathosis resulting from coronal cracks: prognosis and treatment scenarios

    Nathan Dinsbach

    2021 May/June; 69(3):10-14.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Pharmacology Diclofenac: a review for dentists

    Gaurav Gupta 
    Elliot V. Hersh
    Katherine N. Theken

    2021 May/June; 69(3):15-19.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Public Health What do we know about electronic nicotine delivery systems, vaping, and oral health?

    Larry N. Williams
    Purav Shah

    2021 May/June; 69(3):20-22.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Oral Diagnosis Migrating lesions and Exophytic gingival growth

    Tanya M. Gibson

    2021 May/June; 69(3):78,80.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Self-Instruction Answers Exercises No. GD456, GD457, and GD458 from the May/June 2020 issue

    2021 May/June; 69(3):79.

    Full Article (PDF)

Clinical Articles


    Basic Science Failure load and shear bond strength of indirect materials bonded to enamel after aging

    João Henrique Rodrigues Rangel
    Marcelly da Silva Faria
    Thainá Caroline Silva D’Ajuda
    Allison Frade Monteiro
    Isabela Sandim Souza Leite Weitzel
    Laís Regiane Silva-Concílio
    Marina Amaral

    An in vitro study evaluated the failure load and the shear bond strength of 4 block materials indicated for computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing of dental veneers: lithium disilicate, feldspathic ceramic, polymer-infiltrated ceramic, and nanohybrid composite. The polymer-infiltrated ceramic presented the best performance when bonded to enamel.

    2021 May/June; 69(3):24-29.

    Full Article (PDF)
    Self-Instruction Exercise No. GD474

    Tobacco Cessation What every dentist needs to know about electronic cigarettes

    Eugene G. Bestman
    John K. Brooks
    Behzad Mostoufi 
    Nasir Bashirelahi

    Electronic cigarette (EC) use is on a steady rise, leading to increased concerns about its safety with regard to systemic and oral health. The aerosols produced by ECs have been associated with respiratory, cardiac, and central nervous system disease as well as oral mucosal alterations. In addition, ECs may affect kidney and liver function. This article reviews the systemic and oral health concerns associated with EC use.

    2021 May/June; 69(3):31-35.

    Full Article (PDF)
    Self-Instruction Exercise No. GD475
  • Endodontics Influence of dentin presealing on the fracture strength of endodontically treated maxillary premolars

    Fereshteh Shafiei
    Yasamin Ghahramani

    An in vitro evaluation found that endodontic irrigation with sodium hypochlorite and ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid had an adverse effect on the fracture strength of maxillary premolars, but presealing of the dentin surfaces of the cavity with self-adhesive flowable composite resin before irrigation significantly increased the fracture strength. 

    2021 May/June; 69(3):37-41.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Basic Science Influence of thermocycling and disinfection on the color stability and hardness of thermoplastic sheets used for occlusal splint fabrication

    Caroline de Almeida Salles
    Clóvis Lamartine de Moraes Melo Neto
    Stefan Fiuza de Carvalho Dekon
    Mariana Vilela Sônego
    Fernanda Pereira de Caxias
    Daniela Micheline dos Santos
    André Pinheiro de Magalhães Bertoz
    Marcelo Coelho Goiato

    Comparison of the color stability and microhardness of polyethylene terephthalate glycol/thermoplastic polyurethane (PETG/TPU) and PETG occlusal splint materials after thermocycling and disinfection revealed that both materials demonstrated an increase in hardness after thermocycling and disinfection, and both showed similar color changes regardless of the disinfection method. Liquid soap proved to be the best option for disinfection of PETG/TPU and PETG, because the color change (ΔE* value) was acceptable for both materials.

    2021 May/June; 69(3):42-45.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Restorative Dentistry Effect of restorative technique on the fracture strength and fracture mode of premolars after mineral trioxide aggregate pulpotomy

    Fereshteh Shafiei
    Yasamin Ghahramani
    Hajar Farhadpour
    Nasrin Asim

    This study compared the effects of different combinations of adhesive bases and restorative materials on the fracture strength and fracture mode of maxillary premolars after mineral trioxide aggregate pulpotomy. Unlike glass ionomer cement/amalgam, all of the base/composite restoration groups partly restored the strength of pulpotomized premolars. The group with a short fiber–reinforced composite base demonstrated advantages in both fracture strength and fracture mode compared to groups with a resin-modified glass ionomer cement base.

    2021 May/June; 69(3):46-51.

    Full Article (PDF)

    Endodontics Customized fiber posts in root canals prepared with and without laser application: a pull-out evaluation

    Adriana Cristina Zavanelli
    Rosse Mary Falcón-Antenucci
    Otavio Marino dos Santos Neto
    Ricardo Alexandre Zavanelli
    José Vitor Quinelli Mazaro

    The effect of fiber post customization and laser application on the results of pull-out tests were evaluated using endodontically treated bovine teeth. Prepared root canals were divided into 4 groups: conventional fiber posts with or without laser application and customized fiber posts with or without laser application. The customization of fiber posts used for the restoration of pulpless teeth resulted in significantly (P < 0.05) greater pull-out test values, a thinner cement layer, and improved retention. 

    2021 May/June; 69(3):52-56.

    Full Article (PDF)
    Self-Instruction Exercise No. GD476
  • Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis, Oral Pathology Metastatic prostate cancer presenting as trigeminal nerve paresthesia in the mandible

    Karen Zemplenyi
    James J. Closmann

    This article describes a case of metastatic prostate cancer that presented as altered sensation to the gingiva, lips, and chin without radiographic evidence of mandibular pathosis on standard dental imaging. The patient’s cancer was thought to be well controlled with medical therapy but additional testing and imaging revealed widespread metastatic disease. This case reinforces the importance of including metastatic disease in the differential diagnosis.

    2021 May/June; 69(3):58-60.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Endodontics Radix entomolaris and radix paramolaris in mandibular molars: a case series and literature review

    Chhaya Harinkhere
    Sanket Hans Pandey
    Pallav Mahesh Patni
    Pradeep Jain
    Swadhin Raghuwanshi
    Saddam Ali
    Sakshi Bilaiya

    An extra root is called a radix entomolaris if it is located distolingually and a radix paramolaris if located mesiobuccally. This article presents 5 cases of radix entomolaris and radix paramolaris in mandibular molars and reviews the literature on these morphologic variations.

    2021 May/June; 69(3):61-67.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Basic Science Finite element stress analysis of composite resin veneers for diastema closure

    Fatemeh Mollaverdi
    Mohammad Bagher Rezvani
    Mahshid Mohammadi Bassir
    Sara Valizadeh

    A finite element–based comparative analysis of functional stress patterns in composite resin veneers used for diastema closure was performed to determine the influence of factors such as the preparation design, proximal extension, loading level, and loading angle. Based on the results, a partial-preparation design is preferred when nanofilled composite resins are used for diastema closure. 

    2021 May/June; 69(3):68-72.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Multidisciplinary Topics Acute dental pain elevates salivary oxytocin in women: a risk factor during pregnancy

    Esra Bihter Gürler
    Emre İriboz
    Özlem Tuğçe Çilingir Kaya
    Dilek Türkaydin
    Hesna Sazak Öveçoğlu

    This case-control study compared the expression of salivary cortisol, secretory immunoglobulin A, and oxytocin among individuals in 5 study groups: nonpregnant female pulpitis, pregnant female pulpitis, male pulpitis, healthy (nonpregnant) female control, and healthy male control. Oxytocin levels increased significantly in nonpregnant and pregnant women with pulpitis, while cortisol levels were significantly elevated only in pregnant women with pulpitis. The results indicate that acute dental pain during pregnancy can be considered a risk factor due to elevated oxytocin and cortisol levels.

    2021 May/June; 69(3):73-77.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Endodontics Prevalence of pulp stones in an Iranian subpopulation: an assessment using cone beam computed tomography

    Mahkameh Moshfeghi
    Fatemeh Tuyserkani

    Undetected pulp stones can complicate root canal treatment. Knowledge about the prevalence of this anomaly in specific populations can improve endodontic treatment outcomes. The objective of this study was to use cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) to assess the prevalence of pulp stones in an Iranian subpopulation. In this descriptive, analytical, cross-sectional study, the CBCT scans of 150 (75 female and 75 male) patients aged 15 to 70 years were retrieved from the 2017 to 2018 archives of an Iranian university. A total of 4200 teeth were evaluated for the presence of pulp stones by a senior dental student under the supervision of an experienced oral and maxillofacial radiologist. The panoramic radiographic views were evaluated first, and then each tooth was evaluated on sagittal, coronal, axial, cross-sectional, and multiplanar views with 0.5-mm slice thickness. Data regarding the presence of pulp stones as well as the effects of age, sex, tooth type, and jaw on the presence of pulp stones were analyzed using independent t and chi-square tests. Of 4200 teeth, 571 had pulp stones, yielding prevalence rates of 13.6% in the studied teeth and 76.0% in the study population. The prevalence of pulp stones was higher in female patients, the mandible, anterior teeth, and the mandibular left quadrant. The mandibular left central incisor (tooth 24) had the highest (38.7%) and the maxillary left second premolar (tooth 13) had the lowest (1.3%) prevalence of pulp stones. The high prevalence of pulp stones in this study population suggests that dentists should consider the possible presence of pulp stones when planning endodontic treatment for Iranian patients. 

    2021 May/June; 69(3):e1-e5.

    Full Article (PDF)


May/June 2021

Table of Contents


  • Editorial Continuing the tradition

    Timothy F. Kosinski

    2021 May/June; 69(3):6.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Ethics Empathy and narrative in dental practice

    Toni M. Roucka

    2021 May/June; 69(3):8-9.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Endodontics Pulpal and periapical pathosis resulting from coronal cracks: prognosis and treatment scenarios

    Nathan Dinsbach

    2021 May/June; 69(3):10-14.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Pharmacology Diclofenac: a review for dentists

    Gaurav Gupta 
    Elliot V. Hersh
    Katherine N. Theken

    2021 May/June; 69(3):15-19.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Public Health What do we know about electronic nicotine delivery systems, vaping, and oral health?

    Larry N. Williams
    Purav Shah

    2021 May/June; 69(3):20-22.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Oral Diagnosis Migrating lesions and Exophytic gingival growth

    Tanya M. Gibson

    2021 May/June; 69(3):78,80.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Self-Instruction Answers Exercises No. GD456, GD457, and GD458 from the May/June 2020 issue

    2021 May/June; 69(3):79.

    Full Article (PDF)

Clinical Articles


    Basic Science Failure load and shear bond strength of indirect materials bonded to enamel after aging

    João Henrique Rodrigues Rangel
    Marcelly da Silva Faria
    Thainá Caroline Silva D’Ajuda
    Allison Frade Monteiro
    Isabela Sandim Souza Leite Weitzel
    Laís Regiane Silva-Concílio
    Marina Amaral

    An in vitro study evaluated the failure load and the shear bond strength of 4 block materials indicated for computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing of dental veneers: lithium disilicate, feldspathic ceramic, polymer-infiltrated ceramic, and nanohybrid composite. The polymer-infiltrated ceramic presented the best performance when bonded to enamel.

    2021 May/June; 69(3):24-29.

    Full Article (PDF)
    Self-Instruction Exercise No. GD474

    Tobacco Cessation What every dentist needs to know about electronic cigarettes

    Eugene G. Bestman
    John K. Brooks
    Behzad Mostoufi 
    Nasir Bashirelahi

    Electronic cigarette (EC) use is on a steady rise, leading to increased concerns about its safety with regard to systemic and oral health. The aerosols produced by ECs have been associated with respiratory, cardiac, and central nervous system disease as well as oral mucosal alterations. In addition, ECs may affect kidney and liver function. This article reviews the systemic and oral health concerns associated with EC use.

    2021 May/June; 69(3):31-35.

    Full Article (PDF)
    Self-Instruction Exercise No. GD475
  • Endodontics Influence of dentin presealing on the fracture strength of endodontically treated maxillary premolars

    Fereshteh Shafiei
    Yasamin Ghahramani

    An in vitro evaluation found that endodontic irrigation with sodium hypochlorite and ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid had an adverse effect on the fracture strength of maxillary premolars, but presealing of the dentin surfaces of the cavity with self-adhesive flowable composite resin before irrigation significantly increased the fracture strength. 

    2021 May/June; 69(3):37-41.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Basic Science Influence of thermocycling and disinfection on the color stability and hardness of thermoplastic sheets used for occlusal splint fabrication

    Caroline de Almeida Salles
    Clóvis Lamartine de Moraes Melo Neto
    Stefan Fiuza de Carvalho Dekon
    Mariana Vilela Sônego
    Fernanda Pereira de Caxias
    Daniela Micheline dos Santos
    André Pinheiro de Magalhães Bertoz
    Marcelo Coelho Goiato

    Comparison of the color stability and microhardness of polyethylene terephthalate glycol/thermoplastic polyurethane (PETG/TPU) and PETG occlusal splint materials after thermocycling and disinfection revealed that both materials demonstrated an increase in hardness after thermocycling and disinfection, and both showed similar color changes regardless of the disinfection method. Liquid soap proved to be the best option for disinfection of PETG/TPU and PETG, because the color change (ΔE* value) was acceptable for both materials.

    2021 May/June; 69(3):42-45.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Restorative Dentistry Effect of restorative technique on the fracture strength and fracture mode of premolars after mineral trioxide aggregate pulpotomy

    Fereshteh Shafiei
    Yasamin Ghahramani
    Hajar Farhadpour
    Nasrin Asim

    This study compared the effects of different combinations of adhesive bases and restorative materials on the fracture strength and fracture mode of maxillary premolars after mineral trioxide aggregate pulpotomy. Unlike glass ionomer cement/amalgam, all of the base/composite restoration groups partly restored the strength of pulpotomized premolars. The group with a short fiber–reinforced composite base demonstrated advantages in both fracture strength and fracture mode compared to groups with a resin-modified glass ionomer cement base.

    2021 May/June; 69(3):46-51.

    Full Article (PDF)

    Endodontics Customized fiber posts in root canals prepared with and without laser application: a pull-out evaluation

    Adriana Cristina Zavanelli
    Rosse Mary Falcón-Antenucci
    Otavio Marino dos Santos Neto
    Ricardo Alexandre Zavanelli
    José Vitor Quinelli Mazaro

    The effect of fiber post customization and laser application on the results of pull-out tests were evaluated using endodontically treated bovine teeth. Prepared root canals were divided into 4 groups: conventional fiber posts with or without laser application and customized fiber posts with or without laser application. The customization of fiber posts used for the restoration of pulpless teeth resulted in significantly (P < 0.05) greater pull-out test values, a thinner cement layer, and improved retention. 

    2021 May/June; 69(3):52-56.

    Full Article (PDF)
    Self-Instruction Exercise No. GD476
  • Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis, Oral Pathology Metastatic prostate cancer presenting as trigeminal nerve paresthesia in the mandible

    Karen Zemplenyi
    James J. Closmann

    This article describes a case of metastatic prostate cancer that presented as altered sensation to the gingiva, lips, and chin without radiographic evidence of mandibular pathosis on standard dental imaging. The patient’s cancer was thought to be well controlled with medical therapy but additional testing and imaging revealed widespread metastatic disease. This case reinforces the importance of including metastatic disease in the differential diagnosis.

    2021 May/June; 69(3):58-60.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Endodontics Radix entomolaris and radix paramolaris in mandibular molars: a case series and literature review

    Chhaya Harinkhere
    Sanket Hans Pandey
    Pallav Mahesh Patni
    Pradeep Jain
    Swadhin Raghuwanshi
    Saddam Ali
    Sakshi Bilaiya

    An extra root is called a radix entomolaris if it is located distolingually and a radix paramolaris if located mesiobuccally. This article presents 5 cases of radix entomolaris and radix paramolaris in mandibular molars and reviews the literature on these morphologic variations.

    2021 May/June; 69(3):61-67.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Basic Science Finite element stress analysis of composite resin veneers for diastema closure

    Fatemeh Mollaverdi
    Mohammad Bagher Rezvani
    Mahshid Mohammadi Bassir
    Sara Valizadeh

    A finite element–based comparative analysis of functional stress patterns in composite resin veneers used for diastema closure was performed to determine the influence of factors such as the preparation design, proximal extension, loading level, and loading angle. Based on the results, a partial-preparation design is preferred when nanofilled composite resins are used for diastema closure. 

    2021 May/June; 69(3):68-72.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Multidisciplinary Topics Acute dental pain elevates salivary oxytocin in women: a risk factor during pregnancy

    Esra Bihter Gürler
    Emre İriboz
    Özlem Tuğçe Çilingir Kaya
    Dilek Türkaydin
    Hesna Sazak Öveçoğlu

    This case-control study compared the expression of salivary cortisol, secretory immunoglobulin A, and oxytocin among individuals in 5 study groups: nonpregnant female pulpitis, pregnant female pulpitis, male pulpitis, healthy (nonpregnant) female control, and healthy male control. Oxytocin levels increased significantly in nonpregnant and pregnant women with pulpitis, while cortisol levels were significantly elevated only in pregnant women with pulpitis. The results indicate that acute dental pain during pregnancy can be considered a risk factor due to elevated oxytocin and cortisol levels.

    2021 May/June; 69(3):73-77.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Endodontics Prevalence of pulp stones in an Iranian subpopulation: an assessment using cone beam computed tomography

    Mahkameh Moshfeghi
    Fatemeh Tuyserkani

    Undetected pulp stones can complicate root canal treatment. Knowledge about the prevalence of this anomaly in specific populations can improve endodontic treatment outcomes. The objective of this study was to use cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) to assess the prevalence of pulp stones in an Iranian subpopulation. In this descriptive, analytical, cross-sectional study, the CBCT scans of 150 (75 female and 75 male) patients aged 15 to 70 years were retrieved from the 2017 to 2018 archives of an Iranian university. A total of 4200 teeth were evaluated for the presence of pulp stones by a senior dental student under the supervision of an experienced oral and maxillofacial radiologist. The panoramic radiographic views were evaluated first, and then each tooth was evaluated on sagittal, coronal, axial, cross-sectional, and multiplanar views with 0.5-mm slice thickness. Data regarding the presence of pulp stones as well as the effects of age, sex, tooth type, and jaw on the presence of pulp stones were analyzed using independent t and chi-square tests. Of 4200 teeth, 571 had pulp stones, yielding prevalence rates of 13.6% in the studied teeth and 76.0% in the study population. The prevalence of pulp stones was higher in female patients, the mandible, anterior teeth, and the mandibular left quadrant. The mandibular left central incisor (tooth 24) had the highest (38.7%) and the maxillary left second premolar (tooth 13) had the lowest (1.3%) prevalence of pulp stones. The high prevalence of pulp stones in this study population suggests that dentists should consider the possible presence of pulp stones when planning endodontic treatment for Iranian patients. 

    2021 May/June; 69(3):e1-e5.

    Full Article (PDF)


May/June 2021

Table of Contents


  • Editorial Continuing the tradition

    Timothy F. Kosinski

    2021 May/June; 69(3):6.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Ethics Empathy and narrative in dental practice

    Toni M. Roucka

    2021 May/June; 69(3):8-9.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Endodontics Pulpal and periapical pathosis resulting from coronal cracks: prognosis and treatment scenarios

    Nathan Dinsbach

    2021 May/June; 69(3):10-14.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Pharmacology Diclofenac: a review for dentists

    Gaurav Gupta 
    Elliot V. Hersh
    Katherine N. Theken

    2021 May/June; 69(3):15-19.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Public Health What do we know about electronic nicotine delivery systems, vaping, and oral health?

    Larry N. Williams
    Purav Shah

    2021 May/June; 69(3):20-22.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Oral Diagnosis Migrating lesions and Exophytic gingival growth

    Tanya M. Gibson

    2021 May/June; 69(3):78,80.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Self-Instruction Answers Exercises No. GD456, GD457, and GD458 from the May/June 2020 issue

    2021 May/June; 69(3):79.

    Full Article (PDF)

Clinical Articles


    Basic Science Failure load and shear bond strength of indirect materials bonded to enamel after aging

    João Henrique Rodrigues Rangel
    Marcelly da Silva Faria
    Thainá Caroline Silva D’Ajuda
    Allison Frade Monteiro
    Isabela Sandim Souza Leite Weitzel
    Laís Regiane Silva-Concílio
    Marina Amaral

    An in vitro study evaluated the failure load and the shear bond strength of 4 block materials indicated for computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing of dental veneers: lithium disilicate, feldspathic ceramic, polymer-infiltrated ceramic, and nanohybrid composite. The polymer-infiltrated ceramic presented the best performance when bonded to enamel.

    2021 May/June; 69(3):24-29.

    Full Article (PDF)
    Self-Instruction Exercise No. GD474

    Tobacco Cessation What every dentist needs to know about electronic cigarettes

    Eugene G. Bestman
    John K. Brooks
    Behzad Mostoufi 
    Nasir Bashirelahi

    Electronic cigarette (EC) use is on a steady rise, leading to increased concerns about its safety with regard to systemic and oral health. The aerosols produced by ECs have been associated with respiratory, cardiac, and central nervous system disease as well as oral mucosal alterations. In addition, ECs may affect kidney and liver function. This article reviews the systemic and oral health concerns associated with EC use.

    2021 May/June; 69(3):31-35.

    Full Article (PDF)
    Self-Instruction Exercise No. GD475
  • Endodontics Influence of dentin presealing on the fracture strength of endodontically treated maxillary premolars

    Fereshteh Shafiei
    Yasamin Ghahramani

    An in vitro evaluation found that endodontic irrigation with sodium hypochlorite and ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid had an adverse effect on the fracture strength of maxillary premolars, but presealing of the dentin surfaces of the cavity with self-adhesive flowable composite resin before irrigation significantly increased the fracture strength. 

    2021 May/June; 69(3):37-41.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Basic Science Influence of thermocycling and disinfection on the color stability and hardness of thermoplastic sheets used for occlusal splint fabrication

    Caroline de Almeida Salles
    Clóvis Lamartine de Moraes Melo Neto
    Stefan Fiuza de Carvalho Dekon
    Mariana Vilela Sônego
    Fernanda Pereira de Caxias
    Daniela Micheline dos Santos
    André Pinheiro de Magalhães Bertoz
    Marcelo Coelho Goiato

    Comparison of the color stability and microhardness of polyethylene terephthalate glycol/thermoplastic polyurethane (PETG/TPU) and PETG occlusal splint materials after thermocycling and disinfection revealed that both materials demonstrated an increase in hardness after thermocycling and disinfection, and both showed similar color changes regardless of the disinfection method. Liquid soap proved to be the best option for disinfection of PETG/TPU and PETG, because the color change (ΔE* value) was acceptable for both materials.

    2021 May/June; 69(3):42-45.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Restorative Dentistry Effect of restorative technique on the fracture strength and fracture mode of premolars after mineral trioxide aggregate pulpotomy

    Fereshteh Shafiei
    Yasamin Ghahramani
    Hajar Farhadpour
    Nasrin Asim

    This study compared the effects of different combinations of adhesive bases and restorative materials on the fracture strength and fracture mode of maxillary premolars after mineral trioxide aggregate pulpotomy. Unlike glass ionomer cement/amalgam, all of the base/composite restoration groups partly restored the strength of pulpotomized premolars. The group with a short fiber–reinforced composite base demonstrated advantages in both fracture strength and fracture mode compared to groups with a resin-modified glass ionomer cement base.

    2021 May/June; 69(3):46-51.

    Full Article (PDF)

    Endodontics Customized fiber posts in root canals prepared with and without laser application: a pull-out evaluation

    Adriana Cristina Zavanelli
    Rosse Mary Falcón-Antenucci
    Otavio Marino dos Santos Neto
    Ricardo Alexandre Zavanelli
    José Vitor Quinelli Mazaro

    The effect of fiber post customization and laser application on the results of pull-out tests were evaluated using endodontically treated bovine teeth. Prepared root canals were divided into 4 groups: conventional fiber posts with or without laser application and customized fiber posts with or without laser application. The customization of fiber posts used for the restoration of pulpless teeth resulted in significantly (P < 0.05) greater pull-out test values, a thinner cement layer, and improved retention. 

    2021 May/June; 69(3):52-56.

    Full Article (PDF)
    Self-Instruction Exercise No. GD476
  • Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis, Oral Pathology Metastatic prostate cancer presenting as trigeminal nerve paresthesia in the mandible

    Karen Zemplenyi
    James J. Closmann

    This article describes a case of metastatic prostate cancer that presented as altered sensation to the gingiva, lips, and chin without radiographic evidence of mandibular pathosis on standard dental imaging. The patient’s cancer was thought to be well controlled with medical therapy but additional testing and imaging revealed widespread metastatic disease. This case reinforces the importance of including metastatic disease in the differential diagnosis.

    2021 May/June; 69(3):58-60.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Endodontics Radix entomolaris and radix paramolaris in mandibular molars: a case series and literature review

    Chhaya Harinkhere
    Sanket Hans Pandey
    Pallav Mahesh Patni
    Pradeep Jain
    Swadhin Raghuwanshi
    Saddam Ali
    Sakshi Bilaiya

    An extra root is called a radix entomolaris if it is located distolingually and a radix paramolaris if located mesiobuccally. This article presents 5 cases of radix entomolaris and radix paramolaris in mandibular molars and reviews the literature on these morphologic variations.

    2021 May/June; 69(3):61-67.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Basic Science Finite element stress analysis of composite resin veneers for diastema closure

    Fatemeh Mollaverdi
    Mohammad Bagher Rezvani
    Mahshid Mohammadi Bassir
    Sara Valizadeh

    A finite element–based comparative analysis of functional stress patterns in composite resin veneers used for diastema closure was performed to determine the influence of factors such as the preparation design, proximal extension, loading level, and loading angle. Based on the results, a partial-preparation design is preferred when nanofilled composite resins are used for diastema closure. 

    2021 May/June; 69(3):68-72.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Multidisciplinary Topics Acute dental pain elevates salivary oxytocin in women: a risk factor during pregnancy

    Esra Bihter Gürler
    Emre İriboz
    Özlem Tuğçe Çilingir Kaya
    Dilek Türkaydin
    Hesna Sazak Öveçoğlu

    This case-control study compared the expression of salivary cortisol, secretory immunoglobulin A, and oxytocin among individuals in 5 study groups: nonpregnant female pulpitis, pregnant female pulpitis, male pulpitis, healthy (nonpregnant) female control, and healthy male control. Oxytocin levels increased significantly in nonpregnant and pregnant women with pulpitis, while cortisol levels were significantly elevated only in pregnant women with pulpitis. The results indicate that acute dental pain during pregnancy can be considered a risk factor due to elevated oxytocin and cortisol levels.

    2021 May/June; 69(3):73-77.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Endodontics Prevalence of pulp stones in an Iranian subpopulation: an assessment using cone beam computed tomography

    Mahkameh Moshfeghi
    Fatemeh Tuyserkani

    Undetected pulp stones can complicate root canal treatment. Knowledge about the prevalence of this anomaly in specific populations can improve endodontic treatment outcomes. The objective of this study was to use cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) to assess the prevalence of pulp stones in an Iranian subpopulation. In this descriptive, analytical, cross-sectional study, the CBCT scans of 150 (75 female and 75 male) patients aged 15 to 70 years were retrieved from the 2017 to 2018 archives of an Iranian university. A total of 4200 teeth were evaluated for the presence of pulp stones by a senior dental student under the supervision of an experienced oral and maxillofacial radiologist. The panoramic radiographic views were evaluated first, and then each tooth was evaluated on sagittal, coronal, axial, cross-sectional, and multiplanar views with 0.5-mm slice thickness. Data regarding the presence of pulp stones as well as the effects of age, sex, tooth type, and jaw on the presence of pulp stones were analyzed using independent t and chi-square tests. Of 4200 teeth, 571 had pulp stones, yielding prevalence rates of 13.6% in the studied teeth and 76.0% in the study population. The prevalence of pulp stones was higher in female patients, the mandible, anterior teeth, and the mandibular left quadrant. The mandibular left central incisor (tooth 24) had the highest (38.7%) and the maxillary left second premolar (tooth 13) had the lowest (1.3%) prevalence of pulp stones. The high prevalence of pulp stones in this study population suggests that dentists should consider the possible presence of pulp stones when planning endodontic treatment for Iranian patients. 

    2021 May/June; 69(3):e1-e5.

    Full Article (PDF)


May/June 2021

Table of Contents


  • Editorial Continuing the tradition

    Timothy F. Kosinski

    2021 May/June; 69(3):6.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Ethics Empathy and narrative in dental practice

    Toni M. Roucka

    2021 May/June; 69(3):8-9.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Endodontics Pulpal and periapical pathosis resulting from coronal cracks: prognosis and treatment scenarios

    Nathan Dinsbach

    2021 May/June; 69(3):10-14.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Pharmacology Diclofenac: a review for dentists

    Gaurav Gupta 
    Elliot V. Hersh
    Katherine N. Theken

    2021 May/June; 69(3):15-19.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Public Health What do we know about electronic nicotine delivery systems, vaping, and oral health?

    Larry N. Williams
    Purav Shah

    2021 May/June; 69(3):20-22.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Oral Diagnosis Migrating lesions and Exophytic gingival growth

    Tanya M. Gibson

    2021 May/June; 69(3):78,80.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Self-Instruction Answers Exercises No. GD456, GD457, and GD458 from the May/June 2020 issue

    2021 May/June; 69(3):79.

    Full Article (PDF)

Clinical Articles


    Basic Science Failure load and shear bond strength of indirect materials bonded to enamel after aging

    João Henrique Rodrigues Rangel
    Marcelly da Silva Faria
    Thainá Caroline Silva D’Ajuda
    Allison Frade Monteiro
    Isabela Sandim Souza Leite Weitzel
    Laís Regiane Silva-Concílio
    Marina Amaral

    An in vitro study evaluated the failure load and the shear bond strength of 4 block materials indicated for computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing of dental veneers: lithium disilicate, feldspathic ceramic, polymer-infiltrated ceramic, and nanohybrid composite. The polymer-infiltrated ceramic presented the best performance when bonded to enamel.

    2021 May/June; 69(3):24-29.

    Full Article (PDF)
    Self-Instruction Exercise No. GD474

    Tobacco Cessation What every dentist needs to know about electronic cigarettes

    Eugene G. Bestman
    John K. Brooks
    Behzad Mostoufi 
    Nasir Bashirelahi

    Electronic cigarette (EC) use is on a steady rise, leading to increased concerns about its safety with regard to systemic and oral health. The aerosols produced by ECs have been associated with respiratory, cardiac, and central nervous system disease as well as oral mucosal alterations. In addition, ECs may affect kidney and liver function. This article reviews the systemic and oral health concerns associated with EC use.

    2021 May/June; 69(3):31-35.

    Full Article (PDF)
    Self-Instruction Exercise No. GD475
  • Endodontics Influence of dentin presealing on the fracture strength of endodontically treated maxillary premolars

    Fereshteh Shafiei
    Yasamin Ghahramani

    An in vitro evaluation found that endodontic irrigation with sodium hypochlorite and ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid had an adverse effect on the fracture strength of maxillary premolars, but presealing of the dentin surfaces of the cavity with self-adhesive flowable composite resin before irrigation significantly increased the fracture strength. 

    2021 May/June; 69(3):37-41.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Basic Science Influence of thermocycling and disinfection on the color stability and hardness of thermoplastic sheets used for occlusal splint fabrication

    Caroline de Almeida Salles
    Clóvis Lamartine de Moraes Melo Neto
    Stefan Fiuza de Carvalho Dekon
    Mariana Vilela Sônego
    Fernanda Pereira de Caxias
    Daniela Micheline dos Santos
    André Pinheiro de Magalhães Bertoz
    Marcelo Coelho Goiato

    Comparison of the color stability and microhardness of polyethylene terephthalate glycol/thermoplastic polyurethane (PETG/TPU) and PETG occlusal splint materials after thermocycling and disinfection revealed that both materials demonstrated an increase in hardness after thermocycling and disinfection, and both showed similar color changes regardless of the disinfection method. Liquid soap proved to be the best option for disinfection of PETG/TPU and PETG, because the color change (ΔE* value) was acceptable for both materials.

    2021 May/June; 69(3):42-45.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Restorative Dentistry Effect of restorative technique on the fracture strength and fracture mode of premolars after mineral trioxide aggregate pulpotomy

    Fereshteh Shafiei
    Yasamin Ghahramani
    Hajar Farhadpour
    Nasrin Asim

    This study compared the effects of different combinations of adhesive bases and restorative materials on the fracture strength and fracture mode of maxillary premolars after mineral trioxide aggregate pulpotomy. Unlike glass ionomer cement/amalgam, all of the base/composite restoration groups partly restored the strength of pulpotomized premolars. The group with a short fiber–reinforced composite base demonstrated advantages in both fracture strength and fracture mode compared to groups with a resin-modified glass ionomer cement base.

    2021 May/June; 69(3):46-51.

    Full Article (PDF)

    Endodontics Customized fiber posts in root canals prepared with and without laser application: a pull-out evaluation

    Adriana Cristina Zavanelli
    Rosse Mary Falcón-Antenucci
    Otavio Marino dos Santos Neto
    Ricardo Alexandre Zavanelli
    José Vitor Quinelli Mazaro

    The effect of fiber post customization and laser application on the results of pull-out tests were evaluated using endodontically treated bovine teeth. Prepared root canals were divided into 4 groups: conventional fiber posts with or without laser application and customized fiber posts with or without laser application. The customization of fiber posts used for the restoration of pulpless teeth resulted in significantly (P < 0.05) greater pull-out test values, a thinner cement layer, and improved retention. 

    2021 May/June; 69(3):52-56.

    Full Article (PDF)
    Self-Instruction Exercise No. GD476
  • Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis, Oral Pathology Metastatic prostate cancer presenting as trigeminal nerve paresthesia in the mandible

    Karen Zemplenyi
    James J. Closmann

    This article describes a case of metastatic prostate cancer that presented as altered sensation to the gingiva, lips, and chin without radiographic evidence of mandibular pathosis on standard dental imaging. The patient’s cancer was thought to be well controlled with medical therapy but additional testing and imaging revealed widespread metastatic disease. This case reinforces the importance of including metastatic disease in the differential diagnosis.

    2021 May/June; 69(3):58-60.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Endodontics Radix entomolaris and radix paramolaris in mandibular molars: a case series and literature review

    Chhaya Harinkhere
    Sanket Hans Pandey
    Pallav Mahesh Patni
    Pradeep Jain
    Swadhin Raghuwanshi
    Saddam Ali
    Sakshi Bilaiya

    An extra root is called a radix entomolaris if it is located distolingually and a radix paramolaris if located mesiobuccally. This article presents 5 cases of radix entomolaris and radix paramolaris in mandibular molars and reviews the literature on these morphologic variations.

    2021 May/June; 69(3):61-67.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Basic Science Finite element stress analysis of composite resin veneers for diastema closure

    Fatemeh Mollaverdi
    Mohammad Bagher Rezvani
    Mahshid Mohammadi Bassir
    Sara Valizadeh

    A finite element–based comparative analysis of functional stress patterns in composite resin veneers used for diastema closure was performed to determine the influence of factors such as the preparation design, proximal extension, loading level, and loading angle. Based on the results, a partial-preparation design is preferred when nanofilled composite resins are used for diastema closure. 

    2021 May/June; 69(3):68-72.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Multidisciplinary Topics Acute dental pain elevates salivary oxytocin in women: a risk factor during pregnancy

    Esra Bihter Gürler
    Emre İriboz
    Özlem Tuğçe Çilingir Kaya
    Dilek Türkaydin
    Hesna Sazak Öveçoğlu

    This case-control study compared the expression of salivary cortisol, secretory immunoglobulin A, and oxytocin among individuals in 5 study groups: nonpregnant female pulpitis, pregnant female pulpitis, male pulpitis, healthy (nonpregnant) female control, and healthy male control. Oxytocin levels increased significantly in nonpregnant and pregnant women with pulpitis, while cortisol levels were significantly elevated only in pregnant women with pulpitis. The results indicate that acute dental pain during pregnancy can be considered a risk factor due to elevated oxytocin and cortisol levels.

    2021 May/June; 69(3):73-77.

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  • Endodontics Prevalence of pulp stones in an Iranian subpopulation: an assessment using cone beam computed tomography

    Mahkameh Moshfeghi
    Fatemeh Tuyserkani

    Undetected pulp stones can complicate root canal treatment. Knowledge about the prevalence of this anomaly in specific populations can improve endodontic treatment outcomes. The objective of this study was to use cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) to assess the prevalence of pulp stones in an Iranian subpopulation. In this descriptive, analytical, cross-sectional study, the CBCT scans of 150 (75 female and 75 male) patients aged 15 to 70 years were retrieved from the 2017 to 2018 archives of an Iranian university. A total of 4200 teeth were evaluated for the presence of pulp stones by a senior dental student under the supervision of an experienced oral and maxillofacial radiologist. The panoramic radiographic views were evaluated first, and then each tooth was evaluated on sagittal, coronal, axial, cross-sectional, and multiplanar views with 0.5-mm slice thickness. Data regarding the presence of pulp stones as well as the effects of age, sex, tooth type, and jaw on the presence of pulp stones were analyzed using independent t and chi-square tests. Of 4200 teeth, 571 had pulp stones, yielding prevalence rates of 13.6% in the studied teeth and 76.0% in the study population. The prevalence of pulp stones was higher in female patients, the mandible, anterior teeth, and the mandibular left quadrant. The mandibular left central incisor (tooth 24) had the highest (38.7%) and the maxillary left second premolar (tooth 13) had the lowest (1.3%) prevalence of pulp stones. The high prevalence of pulp stones in this study population suggests that dentists should consider the possible presence of pulp stones when planning endodontic treatment for Iranian patients. 

    2021 May/June; 69(3):e1-e5.

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