General Dentistry is AGD's peer-reviewed journal. Published bimonthly, General Dentistry presents research and clinical findings to support the full range of procedures that general dentists perform on a regular basis.










May/June 2020

Table of Contents


  • Editorial What it takes

    Timothy F. Kosinski

    2020 May/June; 68(3):6.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Minimally Invasive Dentistry Reattaching traumatically fractured tooth fragments: a case report

    Mark Malterud

    2020 May/June; 68(3):8-10.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Public Health How does diabetes affect dental practice?

    Larry N. Williams
    Preetha Kanjirath

    2020 May/June; 68(3):11-13.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Pharmacology Should naloxone be considered an essential medication in dental emergency kits?

    Jason H. Goodchild
    Mark Donaldson
    Stanley F. Malamed

    2020 May/June; 68(3):14-17.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Oral Diagnosis Chronic red gingiva and Scalloping radiolucency

    Tanya M. Gibson

    2020 May/June; 68(3):78, 80.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Self-Instruction Answers Exercises No. 438, 439, and 440 from the May/June 2019 issue

    2020 May/June; 68(3):79.

    Full Article (PDF)

Clinical Articles


    Laser Therapy/Electrosurgery Laser-assisted treatment of peri-implantitis: a retrospective cohort study

    Gary M. Schwarz 
    David M. Harris

    This retrospective cohort study reports the clinical outcomes of the LAPIP protocol in 222 patients with 437 implants treated for peri-implantitis. For 264 implants in 138 patients who had follow-up data, the clinical outcomes over the median follow-up of 13.1 months were promising, with a 94% implant survival rate. 

    2020 May/June; 68(3):18-25.

    Full Article (PDF)
    Self-Instruction Exercise No. GD456
  • Basic Science Activity of bioactive garlic compounds on the oral microbiome: a literature review

    Kristen B. Hoglund
    Brandon K. Barnett
    Stephanie A. Watson
    Melanie D. Melgarejo
    Yang Kang

    This literature review covers the available evidence for the effectiveness of garlic extracts and derivatives in the management of oral health maladies, including periodontitis and dental caries. Current promising results and the limitations of the findings warrant additional studies to gather supplemental evidence.

    2020 May/June; 68(3):27-33.

    Full Article (PDF)

    Esthetics/Cosmetic Dentistry Esthetic rehabilitation of anterior teeth with molar-incisor hypomineralization and dental fluorosis: a case report

    Jéssica Patrícia Cavalheiro
    Mônica Irma Aparecida Valdeci de Souza
    Carla Caroline de Oliveira Duque
    Diego Girotto Bussaneli
    Ângela Cristina Cilense Zuanon
    Fabiano Jeremias

    This article reports the case of a pediatric patient diagnosed with molar-incisor hypomineralization associated with dental fluorosis. Treatment included applications of fluoride varnish and placement of composite resin restorations in the maxillary incisors to eliminate hypersensitivity and improve esthetics. The success of the treatment was confirmed at a 12-month follow-up.

    2020 May/June; 68(3):34-39.

    Full Article (PDF)
    Self-Instruction Exercise No. GD457
  • Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis, Oral Pathology Metastatic renal cell carcinoma to the mandible: a case report with clinical and histologic findings

    David C. Ludwig 
    Joseph Garcia 
    Oliver H. Chang 
    James J. Closmann

    This report describes the case of a 78-year-old man with painful enlargement of the right posterior region of the mandible that caused paresthesia. Immunohistochemical analysis of a biopsy specimen was used to make the diagnosis of metastatic clear cell renal cell carcinoma in this patient, whose primary malignancy was previously unknown. Composite resection of the metastatic lesion was performed, and the mandible was reconstructed with an osteomyocutaneous free tissue transfer and a custom plate. 

    2020 May/June; 68(3):41-44.

    Full Article (PDF)

    Endodontics Novel application of a calcium silicate–based cement and platelet-rich fibrin in complex endodontic cases: a case series

    Preeti Jain Pruthi
    Shruti Goel
    Pankaj Yadav
    Ruchika Roongta Nawal
    Sangeeta Talwar

    This case series describes management of an open apex, a furcal perforation, and a horizontal root fracture with a bioactive calcium silicate–based cement (Biodentine) as root repair material. To prevent extrusion of the cement, platelet-rich fibrin was used as an external matrix. The patients were followed for 2-3 years, and the teeth demonstrated remarkable healing.

    2020 May/June; 68(3):46-49.

    Full Article (PDF)
    Self-Instruction Exercise No. GD458
  • Basic Science A quantitative and visual examination of sealed restorative specimens following exposure to artificial aging

    David R. Turpin
    Barry M. Owens
    Jeffrey G. Phebus
    Brian R. Morrow
    Anne E. Hill
    Bruce N. Hamilton
    Shawna R. Clark

    This study tested the effect of 5 different surface sealants (PermaSeal, Embrace WetBond Seal-n-Shine, OptiGuard, BisCover LV, and DuraFinish) on the surface roughness of composite resin before and after artificial aging (thermocycling). Only 1 group (DuraFinish) showed a significant increase in surface roughness following thermocycling. The use of surface sealants could be minimally beneficial for restoration maintenance if a transparent covering medium is utilized during polymerization. However, due to the effects of the oxygen-inhibited layer of unpolymerized monomers that forms if a covering medium is not used, the results suggest the benefits of surface sealants do not offset the costs.

    2020 May/June; 68(3):51-56.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Endodontics Consequences of tooth luxation associated with complicated crown fracture: a case report

    Natália Mello Santos
    Rafael Massunari Maenosono
    Raquel Zanin Midena
    Franciny Querobim Ionta
    Gabriela Cristina de Oliveira
    Priscilla Santana Pinto Gonçalves
    Daniela Rios

    A 10-year-old patient suffered a complicated crown fracture associated with luxation of the maxillary left central incisor. The dentition was splinted at a hospital, but the exposed pulp was not treated. A dental evaluation 16 days posttrauma revealed a fracture of enamel and dentin involving the pulp, which was necrotic. Over a 10-month period, the incisor was treated with periodic changes of calcium hydroxide dressing for apexification. Two years after the trauma, a radiograph confirmed ankylosis of the traumatized tooth. When trauma affects the enamel, dentin, pulp, and supporting tissues, the prognosis can be unfavorable even when late treatment is adequate, especially when a tooth in a growing patient has points of ankylosis. 

    2020 May/June; 68(3):57-61.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Endodontics Vital pulp therapy of a dens evaginatus–affected tooth with an immature apex and inflamed pulpal and periapical tissue: a case report

    Feng-Ming Wang
    Pintip Charunmethee
    Robert Alan Augsburger
    James Leo Gutmann

    Dens evaginatus (DE) is a developmental anomaly presenting as an enamel-covered tubercle on the occlusal surface of a premolar. Clinical examination of a 10.5-year-old girl suggested the presence of DE in a noncarious mandibular right second premolar with a diagnosis of symptomatic irreversible pulpitis and symptomatic apical periodontitis. A single-appointment mineral trioxide aggregate pulpotomy and an immediate composite resin restoration were performed. Recall examinations at 3, 6, and 18 months verified periapical healing and root development without clinical symptoms.

    2020 May/June; 68(3):62-65.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Special Patient Care Teledentistry: remote observation of patients with special needs

    Evan Spivack

    This article outlines the benefits of new technology in the evaluation of all patients but particularly the more complex population that has been diagnosed with a disability. Three case examples illustrate the value of technology in remote patient observation and offer ideas for use and further research.

    2020 May/June; 68(3):66-70.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Basic Science Bond strength of dual-cured resin cement used with dual-cured adhesives

    Teneshia S. Nelson-Hodges
    Amar Kosaraju
    Stephen C. Arnason
    Jeffrey P. Jessup
    Kraig S. Vandewalle

    This study examined the effect of dual-cured adhesives on the bond strength of dual-cured resin cement to dentin under different polymerization conditions: with or without light curing of the dual-cured adhesive as well as with or without light curing of the dual-cured resin cement through a lithium disilicate ceramic material. The effect of light curing on the shear bond strength was product dependent. Clearfil SE Bond 2 performed significantly better with light curing of both the adhesive and cement. Less significant effects of the various light-curing and self-curing combinations were observed with ExciTE F DSC or Universal Primer. When neither the adhesive nor the cement was light cured, all 3 adhesives had a significant loss in bond strength.

    2020 May/June; 68(3):72-77.

    Full Article (PDF)


May/June 2020

Table of Contents


  • Editorial What it takes

    Timothy F. Kosinski

    2020 May/June; 68(3):6.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Minimally Invasive Dentistry Reattaching traumatically fractured tooth fragments: a case report

    Mark Malterud

    2020 May/June; 68(3):8-10.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Public Health How does diabetes affect dental practice?

    Larry N. Williams
    Preetha Kanjirath

    2020 May/June; 68(3):11-13.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Pharmacology Should naloxone be considered an essential medication in dental emergency kits?

    Jason H. Goodchild
    Mark Donaldson
    Stanley F. Malamed

    2020 May/June; 68(3):14-17.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Oral Diagnosis Chronic red gingiva and Scalloping radiolucency

    Tanya M. Gibson

    2020 May/June; 68(3):78, 80.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Self-Instruction Answers Exercises No. 438, 439, and 440 from the May/June 2019 issue

    2020 May/June; 68(3):79.

    Full Article (PDF)

Clinical Articles


    Laser Therapy/Electrosurgery Laser-assisted treatment of peri-implantitis: a retrospective cohort study

    Gary M. Schwarz 
    David M. Harris

    This retrospective cohort study reports the clinical outcomes of the LAPIP protocol in 222 patients with 437 implants treated for peri-implantitis. For 264 implants in 138 patients who had follow-up data, the clinical outcomes over the median follow-up of 13.1 months were promising, with a 94% implant survival rate. 

    2020 May/June; 68(3):18-25.

    Full Article (PDF)
    Self-Instruction Exercise No. GD456
  • Basic Science Activity of bioactive garlic compounds on the oral microbiome: a literature review

    Kristen B. Hoglund
    Brandon K. Barnett
    Stephanie A. Watson
    Melanie D. Melgarejo
    Yang Kang

    This literature review covers the available evidence for the effectiveness of garlic extracts and derivatives in the management of oral health maladies, including periodontitis and dental caries. Current promising results and the limitations of the findings warrant additional studies to gather supplemental evidence.

    2020 May/June; 68(3):27-33.

    Full Article (PDF)

    Esthetics/Cosmetic Dentistry Esthetic rehabilitation of anterior teeth with molar-incisor hypomineralization and dental fluorosis: a case report

    Jéssica Patrícia Cavalheiro
    Mônica Irma Aparecida Valdeci de Souza
    Carla Caroline de Oliveira Duque
    Diego Girotto Bussaneli
    Ângela Cristina Cilense Zuanon
    Fabiano Jeremias

    This article reports the case of a pediatric patient diagnosed with molar-incisor hypomineralization associated with dental fluorosis. Treatment included applications of fluoride varnish and placement of composite resin restorations in the maxillary incisors to eliminate hypersensitivity and improve esthetics. The success of the treatment was confirmed at a 12-month follow-up.

    2020 May/June; 68(3):34-39.

    Full Article (PDF)
    Self-Instruction Exercise No. GD457
  • Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis, Oral Pathology Metastatic renal cell carcinoma to the mandible: a case report with clinical and histologic findings

    David C. Ludwig 
    Joseph Garcia 
    Oliver H. Chang 
    James J. Closmann

    This report describes the case of a 78-year-old man with painful enlargement of the right posterior region of the mandible that caused paresthesia. Immunohistochemical analysis of a biopsy specimen was used to make the diagnosis of metastatic clear cell renal cell carcinoma in this patient, whose primary malignancy was previously unknown. Composite resection of the metastatic lesion was performed, and the mandible was reconstructed with an osteomyocutaneous free tissue transfer and a custom plate. 

    2020 May/June; 68(3):41-44.

    Full Article (PDF)

    Endodontics Novel application of a calcium silicate–based cement and platelet-rich fibrin in complex endodontic cases: a case series

    Preeti Jain Pruthi
    Shruti Goel
    Pankaj Yadav
    Ruchika Roongta Nawal
    Sangeeta Talwar

    This case series describes management of an open apex, a furcal perforation, and a horizontal root fracture with a bioactive calcium silicate–based cement (Biodentine) as root repair material. To prevent extrusion of the cement, platelet-rich fibrin was used as an external matrix. The patients were followed for 2-3 years, and the teeth demonstrated remarkable healing.

    2020 May/June; 68(3):46-49.

    Full Article (PDF)
    Self-Instruction Exercise No. GD458
  • Basic Science A quantitative and visual examination of sealed restorative specimens following exposure to artificial aging

    David R. Turpin
    Barry M. Owens
    Jeffrey G. Phebus
    Brian R. Morrow
    Anne E. Hill
    Bruce N. Hamilton
    Shawna R. Clark

    This study tested the effect of 5 different surface sealants (PermaSeal, Embrace WetBond Seal-n-Shine, OptiGuard, BisCover LV, and DuraFinish) on the surface roughness of composite resin before and after artificial aging (thermocycling). Only 1 group (DuraFinish) showed a significant increase in surface roughness following thermocycling. The use of surface sealants could be minimally beneficial for restoration maintenance if a transparent covering medium is utilized during polymerization. However, due to the effects of the oxygen-inhibited layer of unpolymerized monomers that forms if a covering medium is not used, the results suggest the benefits of surface sealants do not offset the costs.

    2020 May/June; 68(3):51-56.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Endodontics Consequences of tooth luxation associated with complicated crown fracture: a case report

    Natália Mello Santos
    Rafael Massunari Maenosono
    Raquel Zanin Midena
    Franciny Querobim Ionta
    Gabriela Cristina de Oliveira
    Priscilla Santana Pinto Gonçalves
    Daniela Rios

    A 10-year-old patient suffered a complicated crown fracture associated with luxation of the maxillary left central incisor. The dentition was splinted at a hospital, but the exposed pulp was not treated. A dental evaluation 16 days posttrauma revealed a fracture of enamel and dentin involving the pulp, which was necrotic. Over a 10-month period, the incisor was treated with periodic changes of calcium hydroxide dressing for apexification. Two years after the trauma, a radiograph confirmed ankylosis of the traumatized tooth. When trauma affects the enamel, dentin, pulp, and supporting tissues, the prognosis can be unfavorable even when late treatment is adequate, especially when a tooth in a growing patient has points of ankylosis. 

    2020 May/June; 68(3):57-61.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Endodontics Vital pulp therapy of a dens evaginatus–affected tooth with an immature apex and inflamed pulpal and periapical tissue: a case report

    Feng-Ming Wang
    Pintip Charunmethee
    Robert Alan Augsburger
    James Leo Gutmann

    Dens evaginatus (DE) is a developmental anomaly presenting as an enamel-covered tubercle on the occlusal surface of a premolar. Clinical examination of a 10.5-year-old girl suggested the presence of DE in a noncarious mandibular right second premolar with a diagnosis of symptomatic irreversible pulpitis and symptomatic apical periodontitis. A single-appointment mineral trioxide aggregate pulpotomy and an immediate composite resin restoration were performed. Recall examinations at 3, 6, and 18 months verified periapical healing and root development without clinical symptoms.

    2020 May/June; 68(3):62-65.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Special Patient Care Teledentistry: remote observation of patients with special needs

    Evan Spivack

    This article outlines the benefits of new technology in the evaluation of all patients but particularly the more complex population that has been diagnosed with a disability. Three case examples illustrate the value of technology in remote patient observation and offer ideas for use and further research.

    2020 May/June; 68(3):66-70.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Basic Science Bond strength of dual-cured resin cement used with dual-cured adhesives

    Teneshia S. Nelson-Hodges
    Amar Kosaraju
    Stephen C. Arnason
    Jeffrey P. Jessup
    Kraig S. Vandewalle

    This study examined the effect of dual-cured adhesives on the bond strength of dual-cured resin cement to dentin under different polymerization conditions: with or without light curing of the dual-cured adhesive as well as with or without light curing of the dual-cured resin cement through a lithium disilicate ceramic material. The effect of light curing on the shear bond strength was product dependent. Clearfil SE Bond 2 performed significantly better with light curing of both the adhesive and cement. Less significant effects of the various light-curing and self-curing combinations were observed with ExciTE F DSC or Universal Primer. When neither the adhesive nor the cement was light cured, all 3 adhesives had a significant loss in bond strength.

    2020 May/June; 68(3):72-77.

    Full Article (PDF)


May/June 2020

Table of Contents


  • Editorial What it takes

    Timothy F. Kosinski

    2020 May/June; 68(3):6.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Minimally Invasive Dentistry Reattaching traumatically fractured tooth fragments: a case report

    Mark Malterud

    2020 May/June; 68(3):8-10.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Public Health How does diabetes affect dental practice?

    Larry N. Williams
    Preetha Kanjirath

    2020 May/June; 68(3):11-13.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Pharmacology Should naloxone be considered an essential medication in dental emergency kits?

    Jason H. Goodchild
    Mark Donaldson
    Stanley F. Malamed

    2020 May/June; 68(3):14-17.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Oral Diagnosis Chronic red gingiva and Scalloping radiolucency

    Tanya M. Gibson

    2020 May/June; 68(3):78, 80.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Self-Instruction Answers Exercises No. 438, 439, and 440 from the May/June 2019 issue

    2020 May/June; 68(3):79.

    Full Article (PDF)

Clinical Articles


    Laser Therapy/Electrosurgery Laser-assisted treatment of peri-implantitis: a retrospective cohort study

    Gary M. Schwarz 
    David M. Harris

    This retrospective cohort study reports the clinical outcomes of the LAPIP protocol in 222 patients with 437 implants treated for peri-implantitis. For 264 implants in 138 patients who had follow-up data, the clinical outcomes over the median follow-up of 13.1 months were promising, with a 94% implant survival rate. 

    2020 May/June; 68(3):18-25.

    Full Article (PDF)
    Self-Instruction Exercise No. GD456
  • Basic Science Activity of bioactive garlic compounds on the oral microbiome: a literature review

    Kristen B. Hoglund
    Brandon K. Barnett
    Stephanie A. Watson
    Melanie D. Melgarejo
    Yang Kang

    This literature review covers the available evidence for the effectiveness of garlic extracts and derivatives in the management of oral health maladies, including periodontitis and dental caries. Current promising results and the limitations of the findings warrant additional studies to gather supplemental evidence.

    2020 May/June; 68(3):27-33.

    Full Article (PDF)

    Esthetics/Cosmetic Dentistry Esthetic rehabilitation of anterior teeth with molar-incisor hypomineralization and dental fluorosis: a case report

    Jéssica Patrícia Cavalheiro
    Mônica Irma Aparecida Valdeci de Souza
    Carla Caroline de Oliveira Duque
    Diego Girotto Bussaneli
    Ângela Cristina Cilense Zuanon
    Fabiano Jeremias

    This article reports the case of a pediatric patient diagnosed with molar-incisor hypomineralization associated with dental fluorosis. Treatment included applications of fluoride varnish and placement of composite resin restorations in the maxillary incisors to eliminate hypersensitivity and improve esthetics. The success of the treatment was confirmed at a 12-month follow-up.

    2020 May/June; 68(3):34-39.

    Full Article (PDF)
    Self-Instruction Exercise No. GD457
  • Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis, Oral Pathology Metastatic renal cell carcinoma to the mandible: a case report with clinical and histologic findings

    David C. Ludwig 
    Joseph Garcia 
    Oliver H. Chang 
    James J. Closmann

    This report describes the case of a 78-year-old man with painful enlargement of the right posterior region of the mandible that caused paresthesia. Immunohistochemical analysis of a biopsy specimen was used to make the diagnosis of metastatic clear cell renal cell carcinoma in this patient, whose primary malignancy was previously unknown. Composite resection of the metastatic lesion was performed, and the mandible was reconstructed with an osteomyocutaneous free tissue transfer and a custom plate. 

    2020 May/June; 68(3):41-44.

    Full Article (PDF)

    Endodontics Novel application of a calcium silicate–based cement and platelet-rich fibrin in complex endodontic cases: a case series

    Preeti Jain Pruthi
    Shruti Goel
    Pankaj Yadav
    Ruchika Roongta Nawal
    Sangeeta Talwar

    This case series describes management of an open apex, a furcal perforation, and a horizontal root fracture with a bioactive calcium silicate–based cement (Biodentine) as root repair material. To prevent extrusion of the cement, platelet-rich fibrin was used as an external matrix. The patients were followed for 2-3 years, and the teeth demonstrated remarkable healing.

    2020 May/June; 68(3):46-49.

    Full Article (PDF)
    Self-Instruction Exercise No. GD458
  • Basic Science A quantitative and visual examination of sealed restorative specimens following exposure to artificial aging

    David R. Turpin
    Barry M. Owens
    Jeffrey G. Phebus
    Brian R. Morrow
    Anne E. Hill
    Bruce N. Hamilton
    Shawna R. Clark

    This study tested the effect of 5 different surface sealants (PermaSeal, Embrace WetBond Seal-n-Shine, OptiGuard, BisCover LV, and DuraFinish) on the surface roughness of composite resin before and after artificial aging (thermocycling). Only 1 group (DuraFinish) showed a significant increase in surface roughness following thermocycling. The use of surface sealants could be minimally beneficial for restoration maintenance if a transparent covering medium is utilized during polymerization. However, due to the effects of the oxygen-inhibited layer of unpolymerized monomers that forms if a covering medium is not used, the results suggest the benefits of surface sealants do not offset the costs.

    2020 May/June; 68(3):51-56.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Endodontics Consequences of tooth luxation associated with complicated crown fracture: a case report

    Natália Mello Santos
    Rafael Massunari Maenosono
    Raquel Zanin Midena
    Franciny Querobim Ionta
    Gabriela Cristina de Oliveira
    Priscilla Santana Pinto Gonçalves
    Daniela Rios

    A 10-year-old patient suffered a complicated crown fracture associated with luxation of the maxillary left central incisor. The dentition was splinted at a hospital, but the exposed pulp was not treated. A dental evaluation 16 days posttrauma revealed a fracture of enamel and dentin involving the pulp, which was necrotic. Over a 10-month period, the incisor was treated with periodic changes of calcium hydroxide dressing for apexification. Two years after the trauma, a radiograph confirmed ankylosis of the traumatized tooth. When trauma affects the enamel, dentin, pulp, and supporting tissues, the prognosis can be unfavorable even when late treatment is adequate, especially when a tooth in a growing patient has points of ankylosis. 

    2020 May/June; 68(3):57-61.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Endodontics Vital pulp therapy of a dens evaginatus–affected tooth with an immature apex and inflamed pulpal and periapical tissue: a case report

    Feng-Ming Wang
    Pintip Charunmethee
    Robert Alan Augsburger
    James Leo Gutmann

    Dens evaginatus (DE) is a developmental anomaly presenting as an enamel-covered tubercle on the occlusal surface of a premolar. Clinical examination of a 10.5-year-old girl suggested the presence of DE in a noncarious mandibular right second premolar with a diagnosis of symptomatic irreversible pulpitis and symptomatic apical periodontitis. A single-appointment mineral trioxide aggregate pulpotomy and an immediate composite resin restoration were performed. Recall examinations at 3, 6, and 18 months verified periapical healing and root development without clinical symptoms.

    2020 May/June; 68(3):62-65.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Special Patient Care Teledentistry: remote observation of patients with special needs

    Evan Spivack

    This article outlines the benefits of new technology in the evaluation of all patients but particularly the more complex population that has been diagnosed with a disability. Three case examples illustrate the value of technology in remote patient observation and offer ideas for use and further research.

    2020 May/June; 68(3):66-70.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Basic Science Bond strength of dual-cured resin cement used with dual-cured adhesives

    Teneshia S. Nelson-Hodges
    Amar Kosaraju
    Stephen C. Arnason
    Jeffrey P. Jessup
    Kraig S. Vandewalle

    This study examined the effect of dual-cured adhesives on the bond strength of dual-cured resin cement to dentin under different polymerization conditions: with or without light curing of the dual-cured adhesive as well as with or without light curing of the dual-cured resin cement through a lithium disilicate ceramic material. The effect of light curing on the shear bond strength was product dependent. Clearfil SE Bond 2 performed significantly better with light curing of both the adhesive and cement. Less significant effects of the various light-curing and self-curing combinations were observed with ExciTE F DSC or Universal Primer. When neither the adhesive nor the cement was light cured, all 3 adhesives had a significant loss in bond strength.

    2020 May/June; 68(3):72-77.

    Full Article (PDF)


May/June 2020

Table of Contents


  • Editorial What it takes

    Timothy F. Kosinski

    2020 May/June; 68(3):6.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Minimally Invasive Dentistry Reattaching traumatically fractured tooth fragments: a case report

    Mark Malterud

    2020 May/June; 68(3):8-10.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Public Health How does diabetes affect dental practice?

    Larry N. Williams
    Preetha Kanjirath

    2020 May/June; 68(3):11-13.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Pharmacology Should naloxone be considered an essential medication in dental emergency kits?

    Jason H. Goodchild
    Mark Donaldson
    Stanley F. Malamed

    2020 May/June; 68(3):14-17.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Oral Diagnosis Chronic red gingiva and Scalloping radiolucency

    Tanya M. Gibson

    2020 May/June; 68(3):78, 80.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Self-Instruction Answers Exercises No. 438, 439, and 440 from the May/June 2019 issue

    2020 May/June; 68(3):79.

    Full Article (PDF)

Clinical Articles


    Laser Therapy/Electrosurgery Laser-assisted treatment of peri-implantitis: a retrospective cohort study

    Gary M. Schwarz 
    David M. Harris

    This retrospective cohort study reports the clinical outcomes of the LAPIP protocol in 222 patients with 437 implants treated for peri-implantitis. For 264 implants in 138 patients who had follow-up data, the clinical outcomes over the median follow-up of 13.1 months were promising, with a 94% implant survival rate. 

    2020 May/June; 68(3):18-25.

    Full Article (PDF)
    Self-Instruction Exercise No. GD456
  • Basic Science Activity of bioactive garlic compounds on the oral microbiome: a literature review

    Kristen B. Hoglund
    Brandon K. Barnett
    Stephanie A. Watson
    Melanie D. Melgarejo
    Yang Kang

    This literature review covers the available evidence for the effectiveness of garlic extracts and derivatives in the management of oral health maladies, including periodontitis and dental caries. Current promising results and the limitations of the findings warrant additional studies to gather supplemental evidence.

    2020 May/June; 68(3):27-33.

    Full Article (PDF)

    Esthetics/Cosmetic Dentistry Esthetic rehabilitation of anterior teeth with molar-incisor hypomineralization and dental fluorosis: a case report

    Jéssica Patrícia Cavalheiro
    Mônica Irma Aparecida Valdeci de Souza
    Carla Caroline de Oliveira Duque
    Diego Girotto Bussaneli
    Ângela Cristina Cilense Zuanon
    Fabiano Jeremias

    This article reports the case of a pediatric patient diagnosed with molar-incisor hypomineralization associated with dental fluorosis. Treatment included applications of fluoride varnish and placement of composite resin restorations in the maxillary incisors to eliminate hypersensitivity and improve esthetics. The success of the treatment was confirmed at a 12-month follow-up.

    2020 May/June; 68(3):34-39.

    Full Article (PDF)
    Self-Instruction Exercise No. GD457
  • Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis, Oral Pathology Metastatic renal cell carcinoma to the mandible: a case report with clinical and histologic findings

    David C. Ludwig 
    Joseph Garcia 
    Oliver H. Chang 
    James J. Closmann

    This report describes the case of a 78-year-old man with painful enlargement of the right posterior region of the mandible that caused paresthesia. Immunohistochemical analysis of a biopsy specimen was used to make the diagnosis of metastatic clear cell renal cell carcinoma in this patient, whose primary malignancy was previously unknown. Composite resection of the metastatic lesion was performed, and the mandible was reconstructed with an osteomyocutaneous free tissue transfer and a custom plate. 

    2020 May/June; 68(3):41-44.

    Full Article (PDF)

    Endodontics Novel application of a calcium silicate–based cement and platelet-rich fibrin in complex endodontic cases: a case series

    Preeti Jain Pruthi
    Shruti Goel
    Pankaj Yadav
    Ruchika Roongta Nawal
    Sangeeta Talwar

    This case series describes management of an open apex, a furcal perforation, and a horizontal root fracture with a bioactive calcium silicate–based cement (Biodentine) as root repair material. To prevent extrusion of the cement, platelet-rich fibrin was used as an external matrix. The patients were followed for 2-3 years, and the teeth demonstrated remarkable healing.

    2020 May/June; 68(3):46-49.

    Full Article (PDF)
    Self-Instruction Exercise No. GD458
  • Basic Science A quantitative and visual examination of sealed restorative specimens following exposure to artificial aging

    David R. Turpin
    Barry M. Owens
    Jeffrey G. Phebus
    Brian R. Morrow
    Anne E. Hill
    Bruce N. Hamilton
    Shawna R. Clark

    This study tested the effect of 5 different surface sealants (PermaSeal, Embrace WetBond Seal-n-Shine, OptiGuard, BisCover LV, and DuraFinish) on the surface roughness of composite resin before and after artificial aging (thermocycling). Only 1 group (DuraFinish) showed a significant increase in surface roughness following thermocycling. The use of surface sealants could be minimally beneficial for restoration maintenance if a transparent covering medium is utilized during polymerization. However, due to the effects of the oxygen-inhibited layer of unpolymerized monomers that forms if a covering medium is not used, the results suggest the benefits of surface sealants do not offset the costs.

    2020 May/June; 68(3):51-56.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Endodontics Consequences of tooth luxation associated with complicated crown fracture: a case report

    Natália Mello Santos
    Rafael Massunari Maenosono
    Raquel Zanin Midena
    Franciny Querobim Ionta
    Gabriela Cristina de Oliveira
    Priscilla Santana Pinto Gonçalves
    Daniela Rios

    A 10-year-old patient suffered a complicated crown fracture associated with luxation of the maxillary left central incisor. The dentition was splinted at a hospital, but the exposed pulp was not treated. A dental evaluation 16 days posttrauma revealed a fracture of enamel and dentin involving the pulp, which was necrotic. Over a 10-month period, the incisor was treated with periodic changes of calcium hydroxide dressing for apexification. Two years after the trauma, a radiograph confirmed ankylosis of the traumatized tooth. When trauma affects the enamel, dentin, pulp, and supporting tissues, the prognosis can be unfavorable even when late treatment is adequate, especially when a tooth in a growing patient has points of ankylosis. 

    2020 May/June; 68(3):57-61.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Endodontics Vital pulp therapy of a dens evaginatus–affected tooth with an immature apex and inflamed pulpal and periapical tissue: a case report

    Feng-Ming Wang
    Pintip Charunmethee
    Robert Alan Augsburger
    James Leo Gutmann

    Dens evaginatus (DE) is a developmental anomaly presenting as an enamel-covered tubercle on the occlusal surface of a premolar. Clinical examination of a 10.5-year-old girl suggested the presence of DE in a noncarious mandibular right second premolar with a diagnosis of symptomatic irreversible pulpitis and symptomatic apical periodontitis. A single-appointment mineral trioxide aggregate pulpotomy and an immediate composite resin restoration were performed. Recall examinations at 3, 6, and 18 months verified periapical healing and root development without clinical symptoms.

    2020 May/June; 68(3):62-65.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Special Patient Care Teledentistry: remote observation of patients with special needs

    Evan Spivack

    This article outlines the benefits of new technology in the evaluation of all patients but particularly the more complex population that has been diagnosed with a disability. Three case examples illustrate the value of technology in remote patient observation and offer ideas for use and further research.

    2020 May/June; 68(3):66-70.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Basic Science Bond strength of dual-cured resin cement used with dual-cured adhesives

    Teneshia S. Nelson-Hodges
    Amar Kosaraju
    Stephen C. Arnason
    Jeffrey P. Jessup
    Kraig S. Vandewalle

    This study examined the effect of dual-cured adhesives on the bond strength of dual-cured resin cement to dentin under different polymerization conditions: with or without light curing of the dual-cured adhesive as well as with or without light curing of the dual-cured resin cement through a lithium disilicate ceramic material. The effect of light curing on the shear bond strength was product dependent. Clearfil SE Bond 2 performed significantly better with light curing of both the adhesive and cement. Less significant effects of the various light-curing and self-curing combinations were observed with ExciTE F DSC or Universal Primer. When neither the adhesive nor the cement was light cured, all 3 adhesives had a significant loss in bond strength.

    2020 May/June; 68(3):72-77.

    Full Article (PDF)


May/June 2020

Table of Contents


  • Editorial What it takes

    Timothy F. Kosinski

    2020 May/June; 68(3):6.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Minimally Invasive Dentistry Reattaching traumatically fractured tooth fragments: a case report

    Mark Malterud

    2020 May/June; 68(3):8-10.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Public Health How does diabetes affect dental practice?

    Larry N. Williams
    Preetha Kanjirath

    2020 May/June; 68(3):11-13.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Pharmacology Should naloxone be considered an essential medication in dental emergency kits?

    Jason H. Goodchild
    Mark Donaldson
    Stanley F. Malamed

    2020 May/June; 68(3):14-17.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Oral Diagnosis Chronic red gingiva and Scalloping radiolucency

    Tanya M. Gibson

    2020 May/June; 68(3):78, 80.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Self-Instruction Answers Exercises No. 438, 439, and 440 from the May/June 2019 issue

    2020 May/June; 68(3):79.

    Full Article (PDF)

Clinical Articles


    Laser Therapy/Electrosurgery Laser-assisted treatment of peri-implantitis: a retrospective cohort study

    Gary M. Schwarz 
    David M. Harris

    This retrospective cohort study reports the clinical outcomes of the LAPIP protocol in 222 patients with 437 implants treated for peri-implantitis. For 264 implants in 138 patients who had follow-up data, the clinical outcomes over the median follow-up of 13.1 months were promising, with a 94% implant survival rate. 

    2020 May/June; 68(3):18-25.

    Full Article (PDF)
    Self-Instruction Exercise No. GD456
  • Basic Science Activity of bioactive garlic compounds on the oral microbiome: a literature review

    Kristen B. Hoglund
    Brandon K. Barnett
    Stephanie A. Watson
    Melanie D. Melgarejo
    Yang Kang

    This literature review covers the available evidence for the effectiveness of garlic extracts and derivatives in the management of oral health maladies, including periodontitis and dental caries. Current promising results and the limitations of the findings warrant additional studies to gather supplemental evidence.

    2020 May/June; 68(3):27-33.

    Full Article (PDF)

    Esthetics/Cosmetic Dentistry Esthetic rehabilitation of anterior teeth with molar-incisor hypomineralization and dental fluorosis: a case report

    Jéssica Patrícia Cavalheiro
    Mônica Irma Aparecida Valdeci de Souza
    Carla Caroline de Oliveira Duque
    Diego Girotto Bussaneli
    Ângela Cristina Cilense Zuanon
    Fabiano Jeremias

    This article reports the case of a pediatric patient diagnosed with molar-incisor hypomineralization associated with dental fluorosis. Treatment included applications of fluoride varnish and placement of composite resin restorations in the maxillary incisors to eliminate hypersensitivity and improve esthetics. The success of the treatment was confirmed at a 12-month follow-up.

    2020 May/June; 68(3):34-39.

    Full Article (PDF)
    Self-Instruction Exercise No. GD457
  • Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis, Oral Pathology Metastatic renal cell carcinoma to the mandible: a case report with clinical and histologic findings

    David C. Ludwig 
    Joseph Garcia 
    Oliver H. Chang 
    James J. Closmann

    This report describes the case of a 78-year-old man with painful enlargement of the right posterior region of the mandible that caused paresthesia. Immunohistochemical analysis of a biopsy specimen was used to make the diagnosis of metastatic clear cell renal cell carcinoma in this patient, whose primary malignancy was previously unknown. Composite resection of the metastatic lesion was performed, and the mandible was reconstructed with an osteomyocutaneous free tissue transfer and a custom plate. 

    2020 May/June; 68(3):41-44.

    Full Article (PDF)

    Endodontics Novel application of a calcium silicate–based cement and platelet-rich fibrin in complex endodontic cases: a case series

    Preeti Jain Pruthi
    Shruti Goel
    Pankaj Yadav
    Ruchika Roongta Nawal
    Sangeeta Talwar

    This case series describes management of an open apex, a furcal perforation, and a horizontal root fracture with a bioactive calcium silicate–based cement (Biodentine) as root repair material. To prevent extrusion of the cement, platelet-rich fibrin was used as an external matrix. The patients were followed for 2-3 years, and the teeth demonstrated remarkable healing.

    2020 May/June; 68(3):46-49.

    Full Article (PDF)
    Self-Instruction Exercise No. GD458
  • Basic Science A quantitative and visual examination of sealed restorative specimens following exposure to artificial aging

    David R. Turpin
    Barry M. Owens
    Jeffrey G. Phebus
    Brian R. Morrow
    Anne E. Hill
    Bruce N. Hamilton
    Shawna R. Clark

    This study tested the effect of 5 different surface sealants (PermaSeal, Embrace WetBond Seal-n-Shine, OptiGuard, BisCover LV, and DuraFinish) on the surface roughness of composite resin before and after artificial aging (thermocycling). Only 1 group (DuraFinish) showed a significant increase in surface roughness following thermocycling. The use of surface sealants could be minimally beneficial for restoration maintenance if a transparent covering medium is utilized during polymerization. However, due to the effects of the oxygen-inhibited layer of unpolymerized monomers that forms if a covering medium is not used, the results suggest the benefits of surface sealants do not offset the costs.

    2020 May/June; 68(3):51-56.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Endodontics Consequences of tooth luxation associated with complicated crown fracture: a case report

    Natália Mello Santos
    Rafael Massunari Maenosono
    Raquel Zanin Midena
    Franciny Querobim Ionta
    Gabriela Cristina de Oliveira
    Priscilla Santana Pinto Gonçalves
    Daniela Rios

    A 10-year-old patient suffered a complicated crown fracture associated with luxation of the maxillary left central incisor. The dentition was splinted at a hospital, but the exposed pulp was not treated. A dental evaluation 16 days posttrauma revealed a fracture of enamel and dentin involving the pulp, which was necrotic. Over a 10-month period, the incisor was treated with periodic changes of calcium hydroxide dressing for apexification. Two years after the trauma, a radiograph confirmed ankylosis of the traumatized tooth. When trauma affects the enamel, dentin, pulp, and supporting tissues, the prognosis can be unfavorable even when late treatment is adequate, especially when a tooth in a growing patient has points of ankylosis. 

    2020 May/June; 68(3):57-61.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Endodontics Vital pulp therapy of a dens evaginatus–affected tooth with an immature apex and inflamed pulpal and periapical tissue: a case report

    Feng-Ming Wang
    Pintip Charunmethee
    Robert Alan Augsburger
    James Leo Gutmann

    Dens evaginatus (DE) is a developmental anomaly presenting as an enamel-covered tubercle on the occlusal surface of a premolar. Clinical examination of a 10.5-year-old girl suggested the presence of DE in a noncarious mandibular right second premolar with a diagnosis of symptomatic irreversible pulpitis and symptomatic apical periodontitis. A single-appointment mineral trioxide aggregate pulpotomy and an immediate composite resin restoration were performed. Recall examinations at 3, 6, and 18 months verified periapical healing and root development without clinical symptoms.

    2020 May/June; 68(3):62-65.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Special Patient Care Teledentistry: remote observation of patients with special needs

    Evan Spivack

    This article outlines the benefits of new technology in the evaluation of all patients but particularly the more complex population that has been diagnosed with a disability. Three case examples illustrate the value of technology in remote patient observation and offer ideas for use and further research.

    2020 May/June; 68(3):66-70.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Basic Science Bond strength of dual-cured resin cement used with dual-cured adhesives

    Teneshia S. Nelson-Hodges
    Amar Kosaraju
    Stephen C. Arnason
    Jeffrey P. Jessup
    Kraig S. Vandewalle

    This study examined the effect of dual-cured adhesives on the bond strength of dual-cured resin cement to dentin under different polymerization conditions: with or without light curing of the dual-cured adhesive as well as with or without light curing of the dual-cured resin cement through a lithium disilicate ceramic material. The effect of light curing on the shear bond strength was product dependent. Clearfil SE Bond 2 performed significantly better with light curing of both the adhesive and cement. Less significant effects of the various light-curing and self-curing combinations were observed with ExciTE F DSC or Universal Primer. When neither the adhesive nor the cement was light cured, all 3 adhesives had a significant loss in bond strength.

    2020 May/June; 68(3):72-77.

    Full Article (PDF)


May/June 2020

Table of Contents


  • Editorial What it takes

    Timothy F. Kosinski

    2020 May/June; 68(3):6.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Minimally Invasive Dentistry Reattaching traumatically fractured tooth fragments: a case report

    Mark Malterud

    2020 May/June; 68(3):8-10.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Public Health How does diabetes affect dental practice?

    Larry N. Williams
    Preetha Kanjirath

    2020 May/June; 68(3):11-13.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Pharmacology Should naloxone be considered an essential medication in dental emergency kits?

    Jason H. Goodchild
    Mark Donaldson
    Stanley F. Malamed

    2020 May/June; 68(3):14-17.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Oral Diagnosis Chronic red gingiva and Scalloping radiolucency

    Tanya M. Gibson

    2020 May/June; 68(3):78, 80.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Self-Instruction Answers Exercises No. 438, 439, and 440 from the May/June 2019 issue

    2020 May/June; 68(3):79.

    Full Article (PDF)

Clinical Articles


    Laser Therapy/Electrosurgery Laser-assisted treatment of peri-implantitis: a retrospective cohort study

    Gary M. Schwarz 
    David M. Harris

    This retrospective cohort study reports the clinical outcomes of the LAPIP protocol in 222 patients with 437 implants treated for peri-implantitis. For 264 implants in 138 patients who had follow-up data, the clinical outcomes over the median follow-up of 13.1 months were promising, with a 94% implant survival rate. 

    2020 May/June; 68(3):18-25.

    Full Article (PDF)
    Self-Instruction Exercise No. GD456
  • Basic Science Activity of bioactive garlic compounds on the oral microbiome: a literature review

    Kristen B. Hoglund
    Brandon K. Barnett
    Stephanie A. Watson
    Melanie D. Melgarejo
    Yang Kang

    This literature review covers the available evidence for the effectiveness of garlic extracts and derivatives in the management of oral health maladies, including periodontitis and dental caries. Current promising results and the limitations of the findings warrant additional studies to gather supplemental evidence.

    2020 May/June; 68(3):27-33.

    Full Article (PDF)

    Esthetics/Cosmetic Dentistry Esthetic rehabilitation of anterior teeth with molar-incisor hypomineralization and dental fluorosis: a case report

    Jéssica Patrícia Cavalheiro
    Mônica Irma Aparecida Valdeci de Souza
    Carla Caroline de Oliveira Duque
    Diego Girotto Bussaneli
    Ângela Cristina Cilense Zuanon
    Fabiano Jeremias

    This article reports the case of a pediatric patient diagnosed with molar-incisor hypomineralization associated with dental fluorosis. Treatment included applications of fluoride varnish and placement of composite resin restorations in the maxillary incisors to eliminate hypersensitivity and improve esthetics. The success of the treatment was confirmed at a 12-month follow-up.

    2020 May/June; 68(3):34-39.

    Full Article (PDF)
    Self-Instruction Exercise No. GD457
  • Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis, Oral Pathology Metastatic renal cell carcinoma to the mandible: a case report with clinical and histologic findings

    David C. Ludwig 
    Joseph Garcia 
    Oliver H. Chang 
    James J. Closmann

    This report describes the case of a 78-year-old man with painful enlargement of the right posterior region of the mandible that caused paresthesia. Immunohistochemical analysis of a biopsy specimen was used to make the diagnosis of metastatic clear cell renal cell carcinoma in this patient, whose primary malignancy was previously unknown. Composite resection of the metastatic lesion was performed, and the mandible was reconstructed with an osteomyocutaneous free tissue transfer and a custom plate. 

    2020 May/June; 68(3):41-44.

    Full Article (PDF)

    Endodontics Novel application of a calcium silicate–based cement and platelet-rich fibrin in complex endodontic cases: a case series

    Preeti Jain Pruthi
    Shruti Goel
    Pankaj Yadav
    Ruchika Roongta Nawal
    Sangeeta Talwar

    This case series describes management of an open apex, a furcal perforation, and a horizontal root fracture with a bioactive calcium silicate–based cement (Biodentine) as root repair material. To prevent extrusion of the cement, platelet-rich fibrin was used as an external matrix. The patients were followed for 2-3 years, and the teeth demonstrated remarkable healing.

    2020 May/June; 68(3):46-49.

    Full Article (PDF)
    Self-Instruction Exercise No. GD458
  • Basic Science A quantitative and visual examination of sealed restorative specimens following exposure to artificial aging

    David R. Turpin
    Barry M. Owens
    Jeffrey G. Phebus
    Brian R. Morrow
    Anne E. Hill
    Bruce N. Hamilton
    Shawna R. Clark

    This study tested the effect of 5 different surface sealants (PermaSeal, Embrace WetBond Seal-n-Shine, OptiGuard, BisCover LV, and DuraFinish) on the surface roughness of composite resin before and after artificial aging (thermocycling). Only 1 group (DuraFinish) showed a significant increase in surface roughness following thermocycling. The use of surface sealants could be minimally beneficial for restoration maintenance if a transparent covering medium is utilized during polymerization. However, due to the effects of the oxygen-inhibited layer of unpolymerized monomers that forms if a covering medium is not used, the results suggest the benefits of surface sealants do not offset the costs.

    2020 May/June; 68(3):51-56.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Endodontics Consequences of tooth luxation associated with complicated crown fracture: a case report

    Natália Mello Santos
    Rafael Massunari Maenosono
    Raquel Zanin Midena
    Franciny Querobim Ionta
    Gabriela Cristina de Oliveira
    Priscilla Santana Pinto Gonçalves
    Daniela Rios

    A 10-year-old patient suffered a complicated crown fracture associated with luxation of the maxillary left central incisor. The dentition was splinted at a hospital, but the exposed pulp was not treated. A dental evaluation 16 days posttrauma revealed a fracture of enamel and dentin involving the pulp, which was necrotic. Over a 10-month period, the incisor was treated with periodic changes of calcium hydroxide dressing for apexification. Two years after the trauma, a radiograph confirmed ankylosis of the traumatized tooth. When trauma affects the enamel, dentin, pulp, and supporting tissues, the prognosis can be unfavorable even when late treatment is adequate, especially when a tooth in a growing patient has points of ankylosis. 

    2020 May/June; 68(3):57-61.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Endodontics Vital pulp therapy of a dens evaginatus–affected tooth with an immature apex and inflamed pulpal and periapical tissue: a case report

    Feng-Ming Wang
    Pintip Charunmethee
    Robert Alan Augsburger
    James Leo Gutmann

    Dens evaginatus (DE) is a developmental anomaly presenting as an enamel-covered tubercle on the occlusal surface of a premolar. Clinical examination of a 10.5-year-old girl suggested the presence of DE in a noncarious mandibular right second premolar with a diagnosis of symptomatic irreversible pulpitis and symptomatic apical periodontitis. A single-appointment mineral trioxide aggregate pulpotomy and an immediate composite resin restoration were performed. Recall examinations at 3, 6, and 18 months verified periapical healing and root development without clinical symptoms.

    2020 May/June; 68(3):62-65.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Special Patient Care Teledentistry: remote observation of patients with special needs

    Evan Spivack

    This article outlines the benefits of new technology in the evaluation of all patients but particularly the more complex population that has been diagnosed with a disability. Three case examples illustrate the value of technology in remote patient observation and offer ideas for use and further research.

    2020 May/June; 68(3):66-70.

    Full Article (PDF)
  • Basic Science Bond strength of dual-cured resin cement used with dual-cured adhesives

    Teneshia S. Nelson-Hodges
    Amar Kosaraju
    Stephen C. Arnason
    Jeffrey P. Jessup
    Kraig S. Vandewalle

    This study examined the effect of dual-cured adhesives on the bond strength of dual-cured resin cement to dentin under different polymerization conditions: with or without light curing of the dual-cured adhesive as well as with or without light curing of the dual-cured resin cement through a lithium disilicate ceramic material. The effect of light curing on the shear bond strength was product dependent. Clearfil SE Bond 2 performed significantly better with light curing of both the adhesive and cement. Less significant effects of the various light-curing and self-curing combinations were observed with ExciTE F DSC or Universal Primer. When neither the adhesive nor the cement was light cured, all 3 adhesives had a significant loss in bond strength.

    2020 May/June; 68(3):72-77.

    Full Article (PDF)