General Dentistry is AGD's peer-reviewed journal. Published bimonthly, General Dentistry presents research and clinical findings to support the full range of procedures that general dentists perform on a regular basis.










May/June 2015

Table of Contents


  • Editorial The peanut butter and jelly sandwich test

    Eric K. Curtis, DDS, MA, MAGD
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):8.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • To the Editor Discover and defend the middle ground

    David A. Keller, DDS, MBA, MAGD, ABGD, FACD
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):10.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Pediatrics The pros and cons of third molar extractions

    Jane A. Soxman, DDS
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):12. 
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Restorative Dentistry Specialist relationships in interdisciplinary dentistry

    Roger A. Solow, DDS
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):14.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Oral Diagnosis Apical lesion of mandibular bicuspid and Apical lesion of maxillary molar

    Douglas D. Damm, DDS
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):78.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Answers Oral Diagnosis; Self-Instruction exercises No. 349, 350, 351; and Erratum

    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):79. 
    Full Article (PDF)

Clinical Articles

  • Exodontia A retrospective study on the use of a dental dressing to reduce dry socket incidence in smokers

    James T. Murph Jr., DMD
    Susan H. Jaques, DMD
    Alexander N. Knoell, DMD
    Geoffrey D. Archibald, DDS
    Stan Yang, PhD
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):17.  

    This study assessed the effectiveness of using an oxidized cellulose dental dressing to reduce the rate of alveolar osteitis after posterior tooth extraction in smokers. Overall, 1.7% of male patients and 2.2% of female patients developed dry sockets. The results indicate that the tested dressing is a safe and effective method for mitigating dry socket formation among smokers.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Nutrition What every dentist should know about artificial sweeteners and their effects

    Zachary Aaron Starr
    Judith A. Porter, DDS, EdD, FICD
    Nasir Bashirelahi, PhD
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):22.  

    Artificial sweeteners are everywhere. The idea that people can consume a sweet food or beverage with “zero” calories seems too good to be true, and perhaps it is. This article discusses their mechanisms and their relationships to health and disease, including possible links to obesity, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Orthodontics Kinetics of salivary pH after acidic beverage intake by patients undergoing orthodontic treatment

    Cecilia P. Turssi, DDS, MS, PhD
    Carolina S. Silva, DDS
    Enrico C. Bridi, DDS
    Flavia L.B. Amaral, DDS, MS, PhD
    Fabiana M.G. Franca, DDS, MS, PhD
    Roberta T. Basting, DDS, MS, PhD
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):26.

    The aim of this clinical trial was to compare salivary pH kinetics of patients with and without orthodontic appliances following the intake of an acidic beverage. Salivary pH recovery following acidic beverage intake was slower in the orthodontic subjects than in control subjects. Patients with fixed orthodontic appliances, therefore, seem to be at higher risk of dental erosion.
    Full Article (PDF)

    Dental Materials Nanoleakage of fiber posts luted with different adhesive strategies and the effect of chlorhexidine on the interface of dentin and self-adhesive cements

    Danielson Guedes Pontes, DDS, MS
    Cintia Tereza Pimenta Araujo, DDS, MS
    Lucia Trazzi Prieto, DDS, MS
    Dayane Carvalho Ramos Salles de Oliveira, DDS, MS
    Erick Kamiya Coppini, DDS, MS
    Carlos Tadeu Santos Dias, DDS, MS, PhD
    Luis Alexandre Maffei Sartini Paulillo, DDS, MS, PhD
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):31.  

    This in vitro study evaluated the nanoleakage of fiber posts luted using different adhesive strategies and investigated the effect of 2% chlorhexidine (CHX) on nanoleakage at the resin-dentin interfaces of self-adhesive cements. The self-adhesive and etch-and-rinse adhesive groups tested demonstrated similar results with regard to nanoleakage. Pretreatment with CHX promoted an adequate seal at the resin-dentin interface for self-adhesive cements.
    Full Article (PDF)
    Self-Instruction Exercise No. 367
  • Computer Designed/Fabricated Crowns Microcomputed tomography marginal fit evaluation of computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing crowns with different methods of virtual model acquisition

    Flavio Domingues das Neves, DDS, MS, PhD
    Celio Jesus do Prado, DDS, MS, PhD
    Marcel Santana Prudente, DDS, MS
    Thiago Almeida Prado Naves Carneiro, DDS, MS
    Karla Zancope, DDS, MS
    Leticia Resende Davi, DDS, MS, PhD
    Gustavo Mendonca, DDS, MS, PhD
    Lyndon Cooper, DDS, MS, PhD
    Carlos Jose Soares, DDS, MS, PhD
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):39.  

    Microcomputed tomography was used to evaluate the marginal fit of crowns fabricated using a chairside CAD/CAM system and different methods of virtual model acquisition: digital impressioning of a typodont; digital impressioning of a powdered typodont; digital impressioning of a regular impression; and digital impressioning of a master cast. Crowns exhibited significantly smaller vertical misfit when a thin layer of powder was applied over the typodont before digital impressioning.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Dental Materials The effect of using propylene glycol as a vehicle on the microhardness of mineral trioxide aggregate

    Amin Salem Milani, DDS, MSc
    Alireza Banifatemeh, DDS
    Saeed Rahimi, DDS, MSc
    Mohammad Asghari Jafarabadi, PhD
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):43.  

    This study sought to evaluate how propylene glycol (PG) affects the microhardness of mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA). MTA was mixed with different proportions of distilled water (DW) and PG, and microhardness was evaluated on Day 4 and Day 28. PG reduced the microhardness of MTA. The combination of 80% DW/20% PG best improved the handling of MTA without a significant reduction in setting quality.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Tooth Whitening/Bleaching Clinical performance of topical sodium fluoride when supplementing carbamide peroxide at-home bleaching gel

    Daphne Camara Barcellos, DDS, MS, PhD
    Graziela Ribeiro Batista, DDS, MS, PhD
    Melissa Aline da Silva, DDS, MS
    Patricia Rondon Pleffken, DDS, MS, PhD
    Marcia Carneiro Valera, DDS, MS, PhD
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):47.  

    This clinical study evaluated the use of 0.11% topical sodium fluoride (SF) desensitizing agent to treat tooth sensitivity during a nightguard tooth whitening procedure using 10% carbamide peroxide (CP) gel. The use of SF did not affect the whitening efficacy of the 10% CP gel. Subjects receiving the PG reported significantly greater tooth sensitivity than subjects receiving SF.
    Full Article (PDF)

    Dental Materials Physical properties of a new sonically placed composite resin restorative material

    Emily T. Ibarra, DMD, MS
    Wen Lien, DDS, MS
    Jeffery Casey, DDS
    Sara A. Dixon, DDS, MS
    Kraig S. Vandewalle, DDS, MS
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):51.  

    This study compared the physical properties of a new nanohybrid composite activated by sonic energy to the properties of other composite restorative materials marketed for posterior or bulk-fill placement. The new nanohybrid composite showed low shrinkage and percent porosity, moderate fracture toughness and flexural modulus, and high flexural strength. However, it also demonstrated a relatively reduced depth of cure compared to the other composites.
    Full Article (PDF)
    Self-Instruction Exercise No. 368
  • Cracked Tooth & Restorations Fracture resistance of weakened roots restored with different intracanal retainers

    Juliana Broch, MSD
    Ana Maria Estivalete Marchionatti, DDS, MSD
    Cesar Dalmolin Bergoli, MSD, PhD
    Luiz Felipe Valandro, MSD, PhD
    Osvaldo Bazzan Kaizer, MSD, PhD
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):58.  

    This study evaluated the effect of mechanical cycling on the fracture resistance of endodontically treated weakened roots restored with different intraradicular retainers: cast post-and-cores, fiber posts, fiber posts with larger coronal diameter, or anatomic posts. The results showed that the type of retainer used was statistically significant.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Dentistry for the Medically Compromised Dental management of a patient with Wilson’s disease

    Paulo Sergio da Silva Santos, DDS, MsC, PhD
    Karin Sa Fernandes, DDS, MsC, PhD
    Alexandre Fraige, DDS, PhD
    Marina Gallottini, DDS, MsC, PhD
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):64.

    Wilson’s disease (WD) is characterized by the accumulation of copper in the body, which may manifest clinically as liver disease, neurologic symptoms, and Kayser-Fleischer corneal rings. This report describes dental management of a 43-year-old man with WD who exhibited petechiae in the oral mucosa, poor oral hygiene, periodontal disease, missing teeth, and several carious teeth.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Root Caries & Treatment Endodontic treatment of mandibular molars with atypical root canal anatomy: reports of 4 cases

    Raju Chauhan, BDS, MDS
    Shweta Singh, BDS, MDS
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):67.  

    General dentists must be aware of variations in root canal anatomy. A third root is called radix entomolaris (RE) if it is distolingual to the main distal root and radix paramolaris (RP) if it is mesiobuccal to the mesial root. Single roots with single canals can also occur. This article describes a case of RE, 2 cases of RP, and a second molar with a single root and root canal.
    Full Article (PDF)

    Practice Management & Human Relations Hearing loss associated with long-term exposure to high-speed dental handpieces

    Sarah M. Theodoroff, PhD
    Robert L. Folmer, PhD
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):71. 

    The purpose of this study was to compare audiometric pure tone thresholds of dental clinicians who regularly use handpieces (DCs), other dental professionals (DPs) who do not use these handpieces, and dental students (DSs). DCs had worse hearing than DPs and DSs. Implementation of protective strategies is recommended to reduce the prevalence of occupational hearing loss among DCs.
    Full Article (PDF)
    Self-Instruction Exercise No. 369
  • Dental Materials Evaluation of the bond strengths of 3 endodontic cements via push-out test

    Nadia de Souza Ferreira, PhD
    Raffaela Di Iorio Jeronymo Ferreira, PhD
    Patricia Campos Ferreira da Rosa, MS
    Ana Paula Martins Gomes, PhD
    Carlos Henrique Ribeiro Camargo, PhD
    Claudio Antonio Talge Carvalho, PhD
    Marcia Carneiro Valera, PhD
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):e1.  

    The push-out method was used to evaluate the bond strengths of 3 types of endodontic cement according to their composite base: methacrylate, epoxy resin, and an experimental copaiba oil resin. There was no statistically significant difference in bond strengths among the cements used or between bonding at the middle and apical thirds of the roots. It was concluded that the tested cements had satisfactory and similar bond strengths to dentin.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Exodontia Management of uncommon complications in seemingly routine oral surgeries

    Shayan Salim, BS
    Andrew Newman, BS
    James J. Closmann, DDS
    Thomas J. Borris, DDS
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):e4.  

    This article presents 4 cases of molar extraction with unusual complications: fracture during the removal of a maxillary first molar; fracture after a mandibular third molar extraction; displacement of a maxillary third molar into the infratemporal space; and necrosis of the maxillary soft tissue after fracture of the tuberosity during a third molar extraction. The report also describes how each clinician altered treatment for successful outcomes.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Case Presentations Unusual cases of transmigrated mandibular canines

    Lata Goyal, MDS
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):e11.  

    Transmigration, preeruptive migration of a tooth across the midline, is extremely rare and almost exclusively affects mandibular canines. Although it can lead to restorative, surgical, and orthodontic problems, this condition usually does not cause any painful symptoms and cannot be detected on clinical examination. This article describes 3 cases of transmigration, highlighting the importance of early diagnosis for interceptive treatment.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Pediatric Dentistry Clinical outcomes of indirect composite restorations for grossly mutilated primary molars: a clinical observation

    Neeti Mittal, BDS, MDS
    Binita Srivastava, BDS, MDS
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):e16.  

    This study assessed the clinical success of 28 indirect composite onlays in grossly decayed primary molars. The onlays showed a 100% retention rate and a marginal integrity of 96.43% at 12 months. Color stability, surface texture, and anatomic form were highly rated, and significant improvements in gingival health were reported.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Diagnosis of Oral Pathology Clinicopathological aspects of 25 cases of sialolithiasis of minor salivary glands

    Marco Tullio Brazao-Silva, DDS, PhD
    Fabio Cesar Prosdocimi, DDS, PhD
    Celso Augusto Lemos-Junior, DDS, PhD
    Suzana Cantanhede Orsini Machado de Sousa, DDS, PhD
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):e22.  

    Sialolithiasis of minor salivary glands (SMSG) is rarely reported and presumably underestimated. In this retrospective study, 92% of 25 SMSG cases were not diagnosed clinically. Chronic periductal and parenchymal inflammation was frequent, as was squamous metaplasia of the affected duct. Incidence was greater in the upper lip and buccal mucosa.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Medical Health History/Factors Oral manifestations in gastroesophageal reflux disease

    Preetha A., MDS
    Sujatha D., MDS
    Bharathi A. Patil, MDS
    Sushmini Hegde, MDS
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):e27.  

    In this study, 100 patients who were previously diagnosed with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) were evaluated to determine the severity of their disease as well as any oral, dental, or salivary pH changes. Severe, long-term GERD was found to be potentially detrimental to oral soft tissues, dental structures, and salivary pH, whereas milder forms of the disease did not necessarily cause dental side effects.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Prosthodontics/Removable Use of a bite registration vinyl polysiloxane material to identify denture flange overextension and/or excessive border thickness in removable prosthodontics

    C. Brent Haeberle, DMD
    Amara Abreu, DDS, MSD
    Kurt Metzler, DDS, MS
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):e32.  

    This article describes use of a bite registration fast-set vinyl polysiloxane material to identify length overextension and/or excessive border thickness of denture flanges and discusses the advantages of vinyl polysiloxane over conventional materials.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Dental Materials Low-shrinkage composites: an in vitro evaluation of sealing ability after occlusal loading

    Marcos O. Barceleiro, DDS, MSD, PhD
    Giulia Marins Soares, DDS
    Olivia Espindola, DDS
    Sergio Kahn, DDS, MSD, PhD
    Isis Andrea Venturini Pola Poiate, DDS, MSD, PhD
    Helio Rodrigues Sampaio Filho, DDS, MSD, PhD
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):e36.  

    This in vitro study compared the microleakage of a flowable low-shrinkage-stress resin composite and a conventionally layered silorane-based resin composite as 4 mm dentin replacements in a Class II fatigue-loading design. The silorane-based composite groups had higher rates of microleakage than the low-shrinkage-stress resin composite groups.
    Full Article (PDF)


May/June 2015

Table of Contents


  • Editorial The peanut butter and jelly sandwich test

    Eric K. Curtis, DDS, MA, MAGD
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):8.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • To the Editor Discover and defend the middle ground

    David A. Keller, DDS, MBA, MAGD, ABGD, FACD
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):10.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Pediatrics The pros and cons of third molar extractions

    Jane A. Soxman, DDS
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):12. 
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Restorative Dentistry Specialist relationships in interdisciplinary dentistry

    Roger A. Solow, DDS
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):14.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Oral Diagnosis Apical lesion of mandibular bicuspid and Apical lesion of maxillary molar

    Douglas D. Damm, DDS
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):78.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Answers Oral Diagnosis; Self-Instruction exercises No. 349, 350, 351; and Erratum

    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):79. 
    Full Article (PDF)

Clinical Articles

  • Exodontia A retrospective study on the use of a dental dressing to reduce dry socket incidence in smokers

    James T. Murph Jr., DMD
    Susan H. Jaques, DMD
    Alexander N. Knoell, DMD
    Geoffrey D. Archibald, DDS
    Stan Yang, PhD
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):17.  

    This study assessed the effectiveness of using an oxidized cellulose dental dressing to reduce the rate of alveolar osteitis after posterior tooth extraction in smokers. Overall, 1.7% of male patients and 2.2% of female patients developed dry sockets. The results indicate that the tested dressing is a safe and effective method for mitigating dry socket formation among smokers.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Nutrition What every dentist should know about artificial sweeteners and their effects

    Zachary Aaron Starr
    Judith A. Porter, DDS, EdD, FICD
    Nasir Bashirelahi, PhD
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):22.  

    Artificial sweeteners are everywhere. The idea that people can consume a sweet food or beverage with “zero” calories seems too good to be true, and perhaps it is. This article discusses their mechanisms and their relationships to health and disease, including possible links to obesity, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Orthodontics Kinetics of salivary pH after acidic beverage intake by patients undergoing orthodontic treatment

    Cecilia P. Turssi, DDS, MS, PhD
    Carolina S. Silva, DDS
    Enrico C. Bridi, DDS
    Flavia L.B. Amaral, DDS, MS, PhD
    Fabiana M.G. Franca, DDS, MS, PhD
    Roberta T. Basting, DDS, MS, PhD
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):26.

    The aim of this clinical trial was to compare salivary pH kinetics of patients with and without orthodontic appliances following the intake of an acidic beverage. Salivary pH recovery following acidic beverage intake was slower in the orthodontic subjects than in control subjects. Patients with fixed orthodontic appliances, therefore, seem to be at higher risk of dental erosion.
    Full Article (PDF)

    Dental Materials Nanoleakage of fiber posts luted with different adhesive strategies and the effect of chlorhexidine on the interface of dentin and self-adhesive cements

    Danielson Guedes Pontes, DDS, MS
    Cintia Tereza Pimenta Araujo, DDS, MS
    Lucia Trazzi Prieto, DDS, MS
    Dayane Carvalho Ramos Salles de Oliveira, DDS, MS
    Erick Kamiya Coppini, DDS, MS
    Carlos Tadeu Santos Dias, DDS, MS, PhD
    Luis Alexandre Maffei Sartini Paulillo, DDS, MS, PhD
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):31.  

    This in vitro study evaluated the nanoleakage of fiber posts luted using different adhesive strategies and investigated the effect of 2% chlorhexidine (CHX) on nanoleakage at the resin-dentin interfaces of self-adhesive cements. The self-adhesive and etch-and-rinse adhesive groups tested demonstrated similar results with regard to nanoleakage. Pretreatment with CHX promoted an adequate seal at the resin-dentin interface for self-adhesive cements.
    Full Article (PDF)
    Self-Instruction Exercise No. 367
  • Computer Designed/Fabricated Crowns Microcomputed tomography marginal fit evaluation of computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing crowns with different methods of virtual model acquisition

    Flavio Domingues das Neves, DDS, MS, PhD
    Celio Jesus do Prado, DDS, MS, PhD
    Marcel Santana Prudente, DDS, MS
    Thiago Almeida Prado Naves Carneiro, DDS, MS
    Karla Zancope, DDS, MS
    Leticia Resende Davi, DDS, MS, PhD
    Gustavo Mendonca, DDS, MS, PhD
    Lyndon Cooper, DDS, MS, PhD
    Carlos Jose Soares, DDS, MS, PhD
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):39.  

    Microcomputed tomography was used to evaluate the marginal fit of crowns fabricated using a chairside CAD/CAM system and different methods of virtual model acquisition: digital impressioning of a typodont; digital impressioning of a powdered typodont; digital impressioning of a regular impression; and digital impressioning of a master cast. Crowns exhibited significantly smaller vertical misfit when a thin layer of powder was applied over the typodont before digital impressioning.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Dental Materials The effect of using propylene glycol as a vehicle on the microhardness of mineral trioxide aggregate

    Amin Salem Milani, DDS, MSc
    Alireza Banifatemeh, DDS
    Saeed Rahimi, DDS, MSc
    Mohammad Asghari Jafarabadi, PhD
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):43.  

    This study sought to evaluate how propylene glycol (PG) affects the microhardness of mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA). MTA was mixed with different proportions of distilled water (DW) and PG, and microhardness was evaluated on Day 4 and Day 28. PG reduced the microhardness of MTA. The combination of 80% DW/20% PG best improved the handling of MTA without a significant reduction in setting quality.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Tooth Whitening/Bleaching Clinical performance of topical sodium fluoride when supplementing carbamide peroxide at-home bleaching gel

    Daphne Camara Barcellos, DDS, MS, PhD
    Graziela Ribeiro Batista, DDS, MS, PhD
    Melissa Aline da Silva, DDS, MS
    Patricia Rondon Pleffken, DDS, MS, PhD
    Marcia Carneiro Valera, DDS, MS, PhD
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):47.  

    This clinical study evaluated the use of 0.11% topical sodium fluoride (SF) desensitizing agent to treat tooth sensitivity during a nightguard tooth whitening procedure using 10% carbamide peroxide (CP) gel. The use of SF did not affect the whitening efficacy of the 10% CP gel. Subjects receiving the PG reported significantly greater tooth sensitivity than subjects receiving SF.
    Full Article (PDF)

    Dental Materials Physical properties of a new sonically placed composite resin restorative material

    Emily T. Ibarra, DMD, MS
    Wen Lien, DDS, MS
    Jeffery Casey, DDS
    Sara A. Dixon, DDS, MS
    Kraig S. Vandewalle, DDS, MS
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):51.  

    This study compared the physical properties of a new nanohybrid composite activated by sonic energy to the properties of other composite restorative materials marketed for posterior or bulk-fill placement. The new nanohybrid composite showed low shrinkage and percent porosity, moderate fracture toughness and flexural modulus, and high flexural strength. However, it also demonstrated a relatively reduced depth of cure compared to the other composites.
    Full Article (PDF)
    Self-Instruction Exercise No. 368
  • Cracked Tooth & Restorations Fracture resistance of weakened roots restored with different intracanal retainers

    Juliana Broch, MSD
    Ana Maria Estivalete Marchionatti, DDS, MSD
    Cesar Dalmolin Bergoli, MSD, PhD
    Luiz Felipe Valandro, MSD, PhD
    Osvaldo Bazzan Kaizer, MSD, PhD
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):58.  

    This study evaluated the effect of mechanical cycling on the fracture resistance of endodontically treated weakened roots restored with different intraradicular retainers: cast post-and-cores, fiber posts, fiber posts with larger coronal diameter, or anatomic posts. The results showed that the type of retainer used was statistically significant.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Dentistry for the Medically Compromised Dental management of a patient with Wilson’s disease

    Paulo Sergio da Silva Santos, DDS, MsC, PhD
    Karin Sa Fernandes, DDS, MsC, PhD
    Alexandre Fraige, DDS, PhD
    Marina Gallottini, DDS, MsC, PhD
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):64.

    Wilson’s disease (WD) is characterized by the accumulation of copper in the body, which may manifest clinically as liver disease, neurologic symptoms, and Kayser-Fleischer corneal rings. This report describes dental management of a 43-year-old man with WD who exhibited petechiae in the oral mucosa, poor oral hygiene, periodontal disease, missing teeth, and several carious teeth.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Root Caries & Treatment Endodontic treatment of mandibular molars with atypical root canal anatomy: reports of 4 cases

    Raju Chauhan, BDS, MDS
    Shweta Singh, BDS, MDS
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):67.  

    General dentists must be aware of variations in root canal anatomy. A third root is called radix entomolaris (RE) if it is distolingual to the main distal root and radix paramolaris (RP) if it is mesiobuccal to the mesial root. Single roots with single canals can also occur. This article describes a case of RE, 2 cases of RP, and a second molar with a single root and root canal.
    Full Article (PDF)

    Practice Management & Human Relations Hearing loss associated with long-term exposure to high-speed dental handpieces

    Sarah M. Theodoroff, PhD
    Robert L. Folmer, PhD
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):71. 

    The purpose of this study was to compare audiometric pure tone thresholds of dental clinicians who regularly use handpieces (DCs), other dental professionals (DPs) who do not use these handpieces, and dental students (DSs). DCs had worse hearing than DPs and DSs. Implementation of protective strategies is recommended to reduce the prevalence of occupational hearing loss among DCs.
    Full Article (PDF)
    Self-Instruction Exercise No. 369
  • Dental Materials Evaluation of the bond strengths of 3 endodontic cements via push-out test

    Nadia de Souza Ferreira, PhD
    Raffaela Di Iorio Jeronymo Ferreira, PhD
    Patricia Campos Ferreira da Rosa, MS
    Ana Paula Martins Gomes, PhD
    Carlos Henrique Ribeiro Camargo, PhD
    Claudio Antonio Talge Carvalho, PhD
    Marcia Carneiro Valera, PhD
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):e1.  

    The push-out method was used to evaluate the bond strengths of 3 types of endodontic cement according to their composite base: methacrylate, epoxy resin, and an experimental copaiba oil resin. There was no statistically significant difference in bond strengths among the cements used or between bonding at the middle and apical thirds of the roots. It was concluded that the tested cements had satisfactory and similar bond strengths to dentin.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Exodontia Management of uncommon complications in seemingly routine oral surgeries

    Shayan Salim, BS
    Andrew Newman, BS
    James J. Closmann, DDS
    Thomas J. Borris, DDS
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):e4.  

    This article presents 4 cases of molar extraction with unusual complications: fracture during the removal of a maxillary first molar; fracture after a mandibular third molar extraction; displacement of a maxillary third molar into the infratemporal space; and necrosis of the maxillary soft tissue after fracture of the tuberosity during a third molar extraction. The report also describes how each clinician altered treatment for successful outcomes.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Case Presentations Unusual cases of transmigrated mandibular canines

    Lata Goyal, MDS
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):e11.  

    Transmigration, preeruptive migration of a tooth across the midline, is extremely rare and almost exclusively affects mandibular canines. Although it can lead to restorative, surgical, and orthodontic problems, this condition usually does not cause any painful symptoms and cannot be detected on clinical examination. This article describes 3 cases of transmigration, highlighting the importance of early diagnosis for interceptive treatment.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Pediatric Dentistry Clinical outcomes of indirect composite restorations for grossly mutilated primary molars: a clinical observation

    Neeti Mittal, BDS, MDS
    Binita Srivastava, BDS, MDS
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):e16.  

    This study assessed the clinical success of 28 indirect composite onlays in grossly decayed primary molars. The onlays showed a 100% retention rate and a marginal integrity of 96.43% at 12 months. Color stability, surface texture, and anatomic form were highly rated, and significant improvements in gingival health were reported.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Diagnosis of Oral Pathology Clinicopathological aspects of 25 cases of sialolithiasis of minor salivary glands

    Marco Tullio Brazao-Silva, DDS, PhD
    Fabio Cesar Prosdocimi, DDS, PhD
    Celso Augusto Lemos-Junior, DDS, PhD
    Suzana Cantanhede Orsini Machado de Sousa, DDS, PhD
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):e22.  

    Sialolithiasis of minor salivary glands (SMSG) is rarely reported and presumably underestimated. In this retrospective study, 92% of 25 SMSG cases were not diagnosed clinically. Chronic periductal and parenchymal inflammation was frequent, as was squamous metaplasia of the affected duct. Incidence was greater in the upper lip and buccal mucosa.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Medical Health History/Factors Oral manifestations in gastroesophageal reflux disease

    Preetha A., MDS
    Sujatha D., MDS
    Bharathi A. Patil, MDS
    Sushmini Hegde, MDS
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):e27.  

    In this study, 100 patients who were previously diagnosed with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) were evaluated to determine the severity of their disease as well as any oral, dental, or salivary pH changes. Severe, long-term GERD was found to be potentially detrimental to oral soft tissues, dental structures, and salivary pH, whereas milder forms of the disease did not necessarily cause dental side effects.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Prosthodontics/Removable Use of a bite registration vinyl polysiloxane material to identify denture flange overextension and/or excessive border thickness in removable prosthodontics

    C. Brent Haeberle, DMD
    Amara Abreu, DDS, MSD
    Kurt Metzler, DDS, MS
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):e32.  

    This article describes use of a bite registration fast-set vinyl polysiloxane material to identify length overextension and/or excessive border thickness of denture flanges and discusses the advantages of vinyl polysiloxane over conventional materials.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Dental Materials Low-shrinkage composites: an in vitro evaluation of sealing ability after occlusal loading

    Marcos O. Barceleiro, DDS, MSD, PhD
    Giulia Marins Soares, DDS
    Olivia Espindola, DDS
    Sergio Kahn, DDS, MSD, PhD
    Isis Andrea Venturini Pola Poiate, DDS, MSD, PhD
    Helio Rodrigues Sampaio Filho, DDS, MSD, PhD
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):e36.  

    This in vitro study compared the microleakage of a flowable low-shrinkage-stress resin composite and a conventionally layered silorane-based resin composite as 4 mm dentin replacements in a Class II fatigue-loading design. The silorane-based composite groups had higher rates of microleakage than the low-shrinkage-stress resin composite groups.
    Full Article (PDF)


May/June 2015

Table of Contents


  • Editorial The peanut butter and jelly sandwich test

    Eric K. Curtis, DDS, MA, MAGD
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):8.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • To the Editor Discover and defend the middle ground

    David A. Keller, DDS, MBA, MAGD, ABGD, FACD
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):10.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Pediatrics The pros and cons of third molar extractions

    Jane A. Soxman, DDS
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):12. 
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Restorative Dentistry Specialist relationships in interdisciplinary dentistry

    Roger A. Solow, DDS
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):14.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Oral Diagnosis Apical lesion of mandibular bicuspid and Apical lesion of maxillary molar

    Douglas D. Damm, DDS
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):78.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Answers Oral Diagnosis; Self-Instruction exercises No. 349, 350, 351; and Erratum

    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):79. 
    Full Article (PDF)

Clinical Articles

  • Exodontia A retrospective study on the use of a dental dressing to reduce dry socket incidence in smokers

    James T. Murph Jr., DMD
    Susan H. Jaques, DMD
    Alexander N. Knoell, DMD
    Geoffrey D. Archibald, DDS
    Stan Yang, PhD
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):17.  

    This study assessed the effectiveness of using an oxidized cellulose dental dressing to reduce the rate of alveolar osteitis after posterior tooth extraction in smokers. Overall, 1.7% of male patients and 2.2% of female patients developed dry sockets. The results indicate that the tested dressing is a safe and effective method for mitigating dry socket formation among smokers.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Nutrition What every dentist should know about artificial sweeteners and their effects

    Zachary Aaron Starr
    Judith A. Porter, DDS, EdD, FICD
    Nasir Bashirelahi, PhD
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):22.  

    Artificial sweeteners are everywhere. The idea that people can consume a sweet food or beverage with “zero” calories seems too good to be true, and perhaps it is. This article discusses their mechanisms and their relationships to health and disease, including possible links to obesity, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Orthodontics Kinetics of salivary pH after acidic beverage intake by patients undergoing orthodontic treatment

    Cecilia P. Turssi, DDS, MS, PhD
    Carolina S. Silva, DDS
    Enrico C. Bridi, DDS
    Flavia L.B. Amaral, DDS, MS, PhD
    Fabiana M.G. Franca, DDS, MS, PhD
    Roberta T. Basting, DDS, MS, PhD
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):26.

    The aim of this clinical trial was to compare salivary pH kinetics of patients with and without orthodontic appliances following the intake of an acidic beverage. Salivary pH recovery following acidic beverage intake was slower in the orthodontic subjects than in control subjects. Patients with fixed orthodontic appliances, therefore, seem to be at higher risk of dental erosion.
    Full Article (PDF)

    Dental Materials Nanoleakage of fiber posts luted with different adhesive strategies and the effect of chlorhexidine on the interface of dentin and self-adhesive cements

    Danielson Guedes Pontes, DDS, MS
    Cintia Tereza Pimenta Araujo, DDS, MS
    Lucia Trazzi Prieto, DDS, MS
    Dayane Carvalho Ramos Salles de Oliveira, DDS, MS
    Erick Kamiya Coppini, DDS, MS
    Carlos Tadeu Santos Dias, DDS, MS, PhD
    Luis Alexandre Maffei Sartini Paulillo, DDS, MS, PhD
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):31.  

    This in vitro study evaluated the nanoleakage of fiber posts luted using different adhesive strategies and investigated the effect of 2% chlorhexidine (CHX) on nanoleakage at the resin-dentin interfaces of self-adhesive cements. The self-adhesive and etch-and-rinse adhesive groups tested demonstrated similar results with regard to nanoleakage. Pretreatment with CHX promoted an adequate seal at the resin-dentin interface for self-adhesive cements.
    Full Article (PDF)
    Self-Instruction Exercise No. 367
  • Computer Designed/Fabricated Crowns Microcomputed tomography marginal fit evaluation of computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing crowns with different methods of virtual model acquisition

    Flavio Domingues das Neves, DDS, MS, PhD
    Celio Jesus do Prado, DDS, MS, PhD
    Marcel Santana Prudente, DDS, MS
    Thiago Almeida Prado Naves Carneiro, DDS, MS
    Karla Zancope, DDS, MS
    Leticia Resende Davi, DDS, MS, PhD
    Gustavo Mendonca, DDS, MS, PhD
    Lyndon Cooper, DDS, MS, PhD
    Carlos Jose Soares, DDS, MS, PhD
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):39.  

    Microcomputed tomography was used to evaluate the marginal fit of crowns fabricated using a chairside CAD/CAM system and different methods of virtual model acquisition: digital impressioning of a typodont; digital impressioning of a powdered typodont; digital impressioning of a regular impression; and digital impressioning of a master cast. Crowns exhibited significantly smaller vertical misfit when a thin layer of powder was applied over the typodont before digital impressioning.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Dental Materials The effect of using propylene glycol as a vehicle on the microhardness of mineral trioxide aggregate

    Amin Salem Milani, DDS, MSc
    Alireza Banifatemeh, DDS
    Saeed Rahimi, DDS, MSc
    Mohammad Asghari Jafarabadi, PhD
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):43.  

    This study sought to evaluate how propylene glycol (PG) affects the microhardness of mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA). MTA was mixed with different proportions of distilled water (DW) and PG, and microhardness was evaluated on Day 4 and Day 28. PG reduced the microhardness of MTA. The combination of 80% DW/20% PG best improved the handling of MTA without a significant reduction in setting quality.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Tooth Whitening/Bleaching Clinical performance of topical sodium fluoride when supplementing carbamide peroxide at-home bleaching gel

    Daphne Camara Barcellos, DDS, MS, PhD
    Graziela Ribeiro Batista, DDS, MS, PhD
    Melissa Aline da Silva, DDS, MS
    Patricia Rondon Pleffken, DDS, MS, PhD
    Marcia Carneiro Valera, DDS, MS, PhD
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):47.  

    This clinical study evaluated the use of 0.11% topical sodium fluoride (SF) desensitizing agent to treat tooth sensitivity during a nightguard tooth whitening procedure using 10% carbamide peroxide (CP) gel. The use of SF did not affect the whitening efficacy of the 10% CP gel. Subjects receiving the PG reported significantly greater tooth sensitivity than subjects receiving SF.
    Full Article (PDF)

    Dental Materials Physical properties of a new sonically placed composite resin restorative material

    Emily T. Ibarra, DMD, MS
    Wen Lien, DDS, MS
    Jeffery Casey, DDS
    Sara A. Dixon, DDS, MS
    Kraig S. Vandewalle, DDS, MS
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):51.  

    This study compared the physical properties of a new nanohybrid composite activated by sonic energy to the properties of other composite restorative materials marketed for posterior or bulk-fill placement. The new nanohybrid composite showed low shrinkage and percent porosity, moderate fracture toughness and flexural modulus, and high flexural strength. However, it also demonstrated a relatively reduced depth of cure compared to the other composites.
    Full Article (PDF)
    Self-Instruction Exercise No. 368
  • Cracked Tooth & Restorations Fracture resistance of weakened roots restored with different intracanal retainers

    Juliana Broch, MSD
    Ana Maria Estivalete Marchionatti, DDS, MSD
    Cesar Dalmolin Bergoli, MSD, PhD
    Luiz Felipe Valandro, MSD, PhD
    Osvaldo Bazzan Kaizer, MSD, PhD
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):58.  

    This study evaluated the effect of mechanical cycling on the fracture resistance of endodontically treated weakened roots restored with different intraradicular retainers: cast post-and-cores, fiber posts, fiber posts with larger coronal diameter, or anatomic posts. The results showed that the type of retainer used was statistically significant.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Dentistry for the Medically Compromised Dental management of a patient with Wilson’s disease

    Paulo Sergio da Silva Santos, DDS, MsC, PhD
    Karin Sa Fernandes, DDS, MsC, PhD
    Alexandre Fraige, DDS, PhD
    Marina Gallottini, DDS, MsC, PhD
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):64.

    Wilson’s disease (WD) is characterized by the accumulation of copper in the body, which may manifest clinically as liver disease, neurologic symptoms, and Kayser-Fleischer corneal rings. This report describes dental management of a 43-year-old man with WD who exhibited petechiae in the oral mucosa, poor oral hygiene, periodontal disease, missing teeth, and several carious teeth.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Root Caries & Treatment Endodontic treatment of mandibular molars with atypical root canal anatomy: reports of 4 cases

    Raju Chauhan, BDS, MDS
    Shweta Singh, BDS, MDS
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):67.  

    General dentists must be aware of variations in root canal anatomy. A third root is called radix entomolaris (RE) if it is distolingual to the main distal root and radix paramolaris (RP) if it is mesiobuccal to the mesial root. Single roots with single canals can also occur. This article describes a case of RE, 2 cases of RP, and a second molar with a single root and root canal.
    Full Article (PDF)

    Practice Management & Human Relations Hearing loss associated with long-term exposure to high-speed dental handpieces

    Sarah M. Theodoroff, PhD
    Robert L. Folmer, PhD
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):71. 

    The purpose of this study was to compare audiometric pure tone thresholds of dental clinicians who regularly use handpieces (DCs), other dental professionals (DPs) who do not use these handpieces, and dental students (DSs). DCs had worse hearing than DPs and DSs. Implementation of protective strategies is recommended to reduce the prevalence of occupational hearing loss among DCs.
    Full Article (PDF)
    Self-Instruction Exercise No. 369
  • Dental Materials Evaluation of the bond strengths of 3 endodontic cements via push-out test

    Nadia de Souza Ferreira, PhD
    Raffaela Di Iorio Jeronymo Ferreira, PhD
    Patricia Campos Ferreira da Rosa, MS
    Ana Paula Martins Gomes, PhD
    Carlos Henrique Ribeiro Camargo, PhD
    Claudio Antonio Talge Carvalho, PhD
    Marcia Carneiro Valera, PhD
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):e1.  

    The push-out method was used to evaluate the bond strengths of 3 types of endodontic cement according to their composite base: methacrylate, epoxy resin, and an experimental copaiba oil resin. There was no statistically significant difference in bond strengths among the cements used or between bonding at the middle and apical thirds of the roots. It was concluded that the tested cements had satisfactory and similar bond strengths to dentin.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Exodontia Management of uncommon complications in seemingly routine oral surgeries

    Shayan Salim, BS
    Andrew Newman, BS
    James J. Closmann, DDS
    Thomas J. Borris, DDS
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):e4.  

    This article presents 4 cases of molar extraction with unusual complications: fracture during the removal of a maxillary first molar; fracture after a mandibular third molar extraction; displacement of a maxillary third molar into the infratemporal space; and necrosis of the maxillary soft tissue after fracture of the tuberosity during a third molar extraction. The report also describes how each clinician altered treatment for successful outcomes.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Case Presentations Unusual cases of transmigrated mandibular canines

    Lata Goyal, MDS
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):e11.  

    Transmigration, preeruptive migration of a tooth across the midline, is extremely rare and almost exclusively affects mandibular canines. Although it can lead to restorative, surgical, and orthodontic problems, this condition usually does not cause any painful symptoms and cannot be detected on clinical examination. This article describes 3 cases of transmigration, highlighting the importance of early diagnosis for interceptive treatment.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Pediatric Dentistry Clinical outcomes of indirect composite restorations for grossly mutilated primary molars: a clinical observation

    Neeti Mittal, BDS, MDS
    Binita Srivastava, BDS, MDS
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):e16.  

    This study assessed the clinical success of 28 indirect composite onlays in grossly decayed primary molars. The onlays showed a 100% retention rate and a marginal integrity of 96.43% at 12 months. Color stability, surface texture, and anatomic form were highly rated, and significant improvements in gingival health were reported.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Diagnosis of Oral Pathology Clinicopathological aspects of 25 cases of sialolithiasis of minor salivary glands

    Marco Tullio Brazao-Silva, DDS, PhD
    Fabio Cesar Prosdocimi, DDS, PhD
    Celso Augusto Lemos-Junior, DDS, PhD
    Suzana Cantanhede Orsini Machado de Sousa, DDS, PhD
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):e22.  

    Sialolithiasis of minor salivary glands (SMSG) is rarely reported and presumably underestimated. In this retrospective study, 92% of 25 SMSG cases were not diagnosed clinically. Chronic periductal and parenchymal inflammation was frequent, as was squamous metaplasia of the affected duct. Incidence was greater in the upper lip and buccal mucosa.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Medical Health History/Factors Oral manifestations in gastroesophageal reflux disease

    Preetha A., MDS
    Sujatha D., MDS
    Bharathi A. Patil, MDS
    Sushmini Hegde, MDS
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):e27.  

    In this study, 100 patients who were previously diagnosed with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) were evaluated to determine the severity of their disease as well as any oral, dental, or salivary pH changes. Severe, long-term GERD was found to be potentially detrimental to oral soft tissues, dental structures, and salivary pH, whereas milder forms of the disease did not necessarily cause dental side effects.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Prosthodontics/Removable Use of a bite registration vinyl polysiloxane material to identify denture flange overextension and/or excessive border thickness in removable prosthodontics

    C. Brent Haeberle, DMD
    Amara Abreu, DDS, MSD
    Kurt Metzler, DDS, MS
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):e32.  

    This article describes use of a bite registration fast-set vinyl polysiloxane material to identify length overextension and/or excessive border thickness of denture flanges and discusses the advantages of vinyl polysiloxane over conventional materials.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Dental Materials Low-shrinkage composites: an in vitro evaluation of sealing ability after occlusal loading

    Marcos O. Barceleiro, DDS, MSD, PhD
    Giulia Marins Soares, DDS
    Olivia Espindola, DDS
    Sergio Kahn, DDS, MSD, PhD
    Isis Andrea Venturini Pola Poiate, DDS, MSD, PhD
    Helio Rodrigues Sampaio Filho, DDS, MSD, PhD
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):e36.  

    This in vitro study compared the microleakage of a flowable low-shrinkage-stress resin composite and a conventionally layered silorane-based resin composite as 4 mm dentin replacements in a Class II fatigue-loading design. The silorane-based composite groups had higher rates of microleakage than the low-shrinkage-stress resin composite groups.
    Full Article (PDF)


May/June 2015

Table of Contents


  • Editorial The peanut butter and jelly sandwich test

    Eric K. Curtis, DDS, MA, MAGD
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):8.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • To the Editor Discover and defend the middle ground

    David A. Keller, DDS, MBA, MAGD, ABGD, FACD
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):10.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Pediatrics The pros and cons of third molar extractions

    Jane A. Soxman, DDS
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):12. 
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Restorative Dentistry Specialist relationships in interdisciplinary dentistry

    Roger A. Solow, DDS
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):14.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Oral Diagnosis Apical lesion of mandibular bicuspid and Apical lesion of maxillary molar

    Douglas D. Damm, DDS
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):78.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Answers Oral Diagnosis; Self-Instruction exercises No. 349, 350, 351; and Erratum

    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):79. 
    Full Article (PDF)

Clinical Articles

  • Exodontia A retrospective study on the use of a dental dressing to reduce dry socket incidence in smokers

    James T. Murph Jr., DMD
    Susan H. Jaques, DMD
    Alexander N. Knoell, DMD
    Geoffrey D. Archibald, DDS
    Stan Yang, PhD
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):17.  

    This study assessed the effectiveness of using an oxidized cellulose dental dressing to reduce the rate of alveolar osteitis after posterior tooth extraction in smokers. Overall, 1.7% of male patients and 2.2% of female patients developed dry sockets. The results indicate that the tested dressing is a safe and effective method for mitigating dry socket formation among smokers.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Nutrition What every dentist should know about artificial sweeteners and their effects

    Zachary Aaron Starr
    Judith A. Porter, DDS, EdD, FICD
    Nasir Bashirelahi, PhD
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):22.  

    Artificial sweeteners are everywhere. The idea that people can consume a sweet food or beverage with “zero” calories seems too good to be true, and perhaps it is. This article discusses their mechanisms and their relationships to health and disease, including possible links to obesity, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Orthodontics Kinetics of salivary pH after acidic beverage intake by patients undergoing orthodontic treatment

    Cecilia P. Turssi, DDS, MS, PhD
    Carolina S. Silva, DDS
    Enrico C. Bridi, DDS
    Flavia L.B. Amaral, DDS, MS, PhD
    Fabiana M.G. Franca, DDS, MS, PhD
    Roberta T. Basting, DDS, MS, PhD
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):26.

    The aim of this clinical trial was to compare salivary pH kinetics of patients with and without orthodontic appliances following the intake of an acidic beverage. Salivary pH recovery following acidic beverage intake was slower in the orthodontic subjects than in control subjects. Patients with fixed orthodontic appliances, therefore, seem to be at higher risk of dental erosion.
    Full Article (PDF)

    Dental Materials Nanoleakage of fiber posts luted with different adhesive strategies and the effect of chlorhexidine on the interface of dentin and self-adhesive cements

    Danielson Guedes Pontes, DDS, MS
    Cintia Tereza Pimenta Araujo, DDS, MS
    Lucia Trazzi Prieto, DDS, MS
    Dayane Carvalho Ramos Salles de Oliveira, DDS, MS
    Erick Kamiya Coppini, DDS, MS
    Carlos Tadeu Santos Dias, DDS, MS, PhD
    Luis Alexandre Maffei Sartini Paulillo, DDS, MS, PhD
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):31.  

    This in vitro study evaluated the nanoleakage of fiber posts luted using different adhesive strategies and investigated the effect of 2% chlorhexidine (CHX) on nanoleakage at the resin-dentin interfaces of self-adhesive cements. The self-adhesive and etch-and-rinse adhesive groups tested demonstrated similar results with regard to nanoleakage. Pretreatment with CHX promoted an adequate seal at the resin-dentin interface for self-adhesive cements.
    Full Article (PDF)
    Self-Instruction Exercise No. 367
  • Computer Designed/Fabricated Crowns Microcomputed tomography marginal fit evaluation of computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing crowns with different methods of virtual model acquisition

    Flavio Domingues das Neves, DDS, MS, PhD
    Celio Jesus do Prado, DDS, MS, PhD
    Marcel Santana Prudente, DDS, MS
    Thiago Almeida Prado Naves Carneiro, DDS, MS
    Karla Zancope, DDS, MS
    Leticia Resende Davi, DDS, MS, PhD
    Gustavo Mendonca, DDS, MS, PhD
    Lyndon Cooper, DDS, MS, PhD
    Carlos Jose Soares, DDS, MS, PhD
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):39.  

    Microcomputed tomography was used to evaluate the marginal fit of crowns fabricated using a chairside CAD/CAM system and different methods of virtual model acquisition: digital impressioning of a typodont; digital impressioning of a powdered typodont; digital impressioning of a regular impression; and digital impressioning of a master cast. Crowns exhibited significantly smaller vertical misfit when a thin layer of powder was applied over the typodont before digital impressioning.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Dental Materials The effect of using propylene glycol as a vehicle on the microhardness of mineral trioxide aggregate

    Amin Salem Milani, DDS, MSc
    Alireza Banifatemeh, DDS
    Saeed Rahimi, DDS, MSc
    Mohammad Asghari Jafarabadi, PhD
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):43.  

    This study sought to evaluate how propylene glycol (PG) affects the microhardness of mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA). MTA was mixed with different proportions of distilled water (DW) and PG, and microhardness was evaluated on Day 4 and Day 28. PG reduced the microhardness of MTA. The combination of 80% DW/20% PG best improved the handling of MTA without a significant reduction in setting quality.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Tooth Whitening/Bleaching Clinical performance of topical sodium fluoride when supplementing carbamide peroxide at-home bleaching gel

    Daphne Camara Barcellos, DDS, MS, PhD
    Graziela Ribeiro Batista, DDS, MS, PhD
    Melissa Aline da Silva, DDS, MS
    Patricia Rondon Pleffken, DDS, MS, PhD
    Marcia Carneiro Valera, DDS, MS, PhD
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):47.  

    This clinical study evaluated the use of 0.11% topical sodium fluoride (SF) desensitizing agent to treat tooth sensitivity during a nightguard tooth whitening procedure using 10% carbamide peroxide (CP) gel. The use of SF did not affect the whitening efficacy of the 10% CP gel. Subjects receiving the PG reported significantly greater tooth sensitivity than subjects receiving SF.
    Full Article (PDF)

    Dental Materials Physical properties of a new sonically placed composite resin restorative material

    Emily T. Ibarra, DMD, MS
    Wen Lien, DDS, MS
    Jeffery Casey, DDS
    Sara A. Dixon, DDS, MS
    Kraig S. Vandewalle, DDS, MS
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):51.  

    This study compared the physical properties of a new nanohybrid composite activated by sonic energy to the properties of other composite restorative materials marketed for posterior or bulk-fill placement. The new nanohybrid composite showed low shrinkage and percent porosity, moderate fracture toughness and flexural modulus, and high flexural strength. However, it also demonstrated a relatively reduced depth of cure compared to the other composites.
    Full Article (PDF)
    Self-Instruction Exercise No. 368
  • Cracked Tooth & Restorations Fracture resistance of weakened roots restored with different intracanal retainers

    Juliana Broch, MSD
    Ana Maria Estivalete Marchionatti, DDS, MSD
    Cesar Dalmolin Bergoli, MSD, PhD
    Luiz Felipe Valandro, MSD, PhD
    Osvaldo Bazzan Kaizer, MSD, PhD
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):58.  

    This study evaluated the effect of mechanical cycling on the fracture resistance of endodontically treated weakened roots restored with different intraradicular retainers: cast post-and-cores, fiber posts, fiber posts with larger coronal diameter, or anatomic posts. The results showed that the type of retainer used was statistically significant.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Dentistry for the Medically Compromised Dental management of a patient with Wilson’s disease

    Paulo Sergio da Silva Santos, DDS, MsC, PhD
    Karin Sa Fernandes, DDS, MsC, PhD
    Alexandre Fraige, DDS, PhD
    Marina Gallottini, DDS, MsC, PhD
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):64.

    Wilson’s disease (WD) is characterized by the accumulation of copper in the body, which may manifest clinically as liver disease, neurologic symptoms, and Kayser-Fleischer corneal rings. This report describes dental management of a 43-year-old man with WD who exhibited petechiae in the oral mucosa, poor oral hygiene, periodontal disease, missing teeth, and several carious teeth.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Root Caries & Treatment Endodontic treatment of mandibular molars with atypical root canal anatomy: reports of 4 cases

    Raju Chauhan, BDS, MDS
    Shweta Singh, BDS, MDS
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):67.  

    General dentists must be aware of variations in root canal anatomy. A third root is called radix entomolaris (RE) if it is distolingual to the main distal root and radix paramolaris (RP) if it is mesiobuccal to the mesial root. Single roots with single canals can also occur. This article describes a case of RE, 2 cases of RP, and a second molar with a single root and root canal.
    Full Article (PDF)

    Practice Management & Human Relations Hearing loss associated with long-term exposure to high-speed dental handpieces

    Sarah M. Theodoroff, PhD
    Robert L. Folmer, PhD
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):71. 

    The purpose of this study was to compare audiometric pure tone thresholds of dental clinicians who regularly use handpieces (DCs), other dental professionals (DPs) who do not use these handpieces, and dental students (DSs). DCs had worse hearing than DPs and DSs. Implementation of protective strategies is recommended to reduce the prevalence of occupational hearing loss among DCs.
    Full Article (PDF)
    Self-Instruction Exercise No. 369
  • Dental Materials Evaluation of the bond strengths of 3 endodontic cements via push-out test

    Nadia de Souza Ferreira, PhD
    Raffaela Di Iorio Jeronymo Ferreira, PhD
    Patricia Campos Ferreira da Rosa, MS
    Ana Paula Martins Gomes, PhD
    Carlos Henrique Ribeiro Camargo, PhD
    Claudio Antonio Talge Carvalho, PhD
    Marcia Carneiro Valera, PhD
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):e1.  

    The push-out method was used to evaluate the bond strengths of 3 types of endodontic cement according to their composite base: methacrylate, epoxy resin, and an experimental copaiba oil resin. There was no statistically significant difference in bond strengths among the cements used or between bonding at the middle and apical thirds of the roots. It was concluded that the tested cements had satisfactory and similar bond strengths to dentin.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Exodontia Management of uncommon complications in seemingly routine oral surgeries

    Shayan Salim, BS
    Andrew Newman, BS
    James J. Closmann, DDS
    Thomas J. Borris, DDS
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):e4.  

    This article presents 4 cases of molar extraction with unusual complications: fracture during the removal of a maxillary first molar; fracture after a mandibular third molar extraction; displacement of a maxillary third molar into the infratemporal space; and necrosis of the maxillary soft tissue after fracture of the tuberosity during a third molar extraction. The report also describes how each clinician altered treatment for successful outcomes.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Case Presentations Unusual cases of transmigrated mandibular canines

    Lata Goyal, MDS
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):e11.  

    Transmigration, preeruptive migration of a tooth across the midline, is extremely rare and almost exclusively affects mandibular canines. Although it can lead to restorative, surgical, and orthodontic problems, this condition usually does not cause any painful symptoms and cannot be detected on clinical examination. This article describes 3 cases of transmigration, highlighting the importance of early diagnosis for interceptive treatment.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Pediatric Dentistry Clinical outcomes of indirect composite restorations for grossly mutilated primary molars: a clinical observation

    Neeti Mittal, BDS, MDS
    Binita Srivastava, BDS, MDS
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):e16.  

    This study assessed the clinical success of 28 indirect composite onlays in grossly decayed primary molars. The onlays showed a 100% retention rate and a marginal integrity of 96.43% at 12 months. Color stability, surface texture, and anatomic form were highly rated, and significant improvements in gingival health were reported.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Diagnosis of Oral Pathology Clinicopathological aspects of 25 cases of sialolithiasis of minor salivary glands

    Marco Tullio Brazao-Silva, DDS, PhD
    Fabio Cesar Prosdocimi, DDS, PhD
    Celso Augusto Lemos-Junior, DDS, PhD
    Suzana Cantanhede Orsini Machado de Sousa, DDS, PhD
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):e22.  

    Sialolithiasis of minor salivary glands (SMSG) is rarely reported and presumably underestimated. In this retrospective study, 92% of 25 SMSG cases were not diagnosed clinically. Chronic periductal and parenchymal inflammation was frequent, as was squamous metaplasia of the affected duct. Incidence was greater in the upper lip and buccal mucosa.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Medical Health History/Factors Oral manifestations in gastroesophageal reflux disease

    Preetha A., MDS
    Sujatha D., MDS
    Bharathi A. Patil, MDS
    Sushmini Hegde, MDS
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):e27.  

    In this study, 100 patients who were previously diagnosed with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) were evaluated to determine the severity of their disease as well as any oral, dental, or salivary pH changes. Severe, long-term GERD was found to be potentially detrimental to oral soft tissues, dental structures, and salivary pH, whereas milder forms of the disease did not necessarily cause dental side effects.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Prosthodontics/Removable Use of a bite registration vinyl polysiloxane material to identify denture flange overextension and/or excessive border thickness in removable prosthodontics

    C. Brent Haeberle, DMD
    Amara Abreu, DDS, MSD
    Kurt Metzler, DDS, MS
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):e32.  

    This article describes use of a bite registration fast-set vinyl polysiloxane material to identify length overextension and/or excessive border thickness of denture flanges and discusses the advantages of vinyl polysiloxane over conventional materials.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Dental Materials Low-shrinkage composites: an in vitro evaluation of sealing ability after occlusal loading

    Marcos O. Barceleiro, DDS, MSD, PhD
    Giulia Marins Soares, DDS
    Olivia Espindola, DDS
    Sergio Kahn, DDS, MSD, PhD
    Isis Andrea Venturini Pola Poiate, DDS, MSD, PhD
    Helio Rodrigues Sampaio Filho, DDS, MSD, PhD
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):e36.  

    This in vitro study compared the microleakage of a flowable low-shrinkage-stress resin composite and a conventionally layered silorane-based resin composite as 4 mm dentin replacements in a Class II fatigue-loading design. The silorane-based composite groups had higher rates of microleakage than the low-shrinkage-stress resin composite groups.
    Full Article (PDF)


May/June 2015

Table of Contents


  • Editorial The peanut butter and jelly sandwich test

    Eric K. Curtis, DDS, MA, MAGD
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):8.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • To the Editor Discover and defend the middle ground

    David A. Keller, DDS, MBA, MAGD, ABGD, FACD
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):10.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Pediatrics The pros and cons of third molar extractions

    Jane A. Soxman, DDS
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):12. 
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Restorative Dentistry Specialist relationships in interdisciplinary dentistry

    Roger A. Solow, DDS
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):14.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Oral Diagnosis Apical lesion of mandibular bicuspid and Apical lesion of maxillary molar

    Douglas D. Damm, DDS
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):78.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Answers Oral Diagnosis; Self-Instruction exercises No. 349, 350, 351; and Erratum

    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):79. 
    Full Article (PDF)

Clinical Articles

  • Exodontia A retrospective study on the use of a dental dressing to reduce dry socket incidence in smokers

    James T. Murph Jr., DMD
    Susan H. Jaques, DMD
    Alexander N. Knoell, DMD
    Geoffrey D. Archibald, DDS
    Stan Yang, PhD
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):17.  

    This study assessed the effectiveness of using an oxidized cellulose dental dressing to reduce the rate of alveolar osteitis after posterior tooth extraction in smokers. Overall, 1.7% of male patients and 2.2% of female patients developed dry sockets. The results indicate that the tested dressing is a safe and effective method for mitigating dry socket formation among smokers.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Nutrition What every dentist should know about artificial sweeteners and their effects

    Zachary Aaron Starr
    Judith A. Porter, DDS, EdD, FICD
    Nasir Bashirelahi, PhD
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):22.  

    Artificial sweeteners are everywhere. The idea that people can consume a sweet food or beverage with “zero” calories seems too good to be true, and perhaps it is. This article discusses their mechanisms and their relationships to health and disease, including possible links to obesity, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Orthodontics Kinetics of salivary pH after acidic beverage intake by patients undergoing orthodontic treatment

    Cecilia P. Turssi, DDS, MS, PhD
    Carolina S. Silva, DDS
    Enrico C. Bridi, DDS
    Flavia L.B. Amaral, DDS, MS, PhD
    Fabiana M.G. Franca, DDS, MS, PhD
    Roberta T. Basting, DDS, MS, PhD
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):26.

    The aim of this clinical trial was to compare salivary pH kinetics of patients with and without orthodontic appliances following the intake of an acidic beverage. Salivary pH recovery following acidic beverage intake was slower in the orthodontic subjects than in control subjects. Patients with fixed orthodontic appliances, therefore, seem to be at higher risk of dental erosion.
    Full Article (PDF)

    Dental Materials Nanoleakage of fiber posts luted with different adhesive strategies and the effect of chlorhexidine on the interface of dentin and self-adhesive cements

    Danielson Guedes Pontes, DDS, MS
    Cintia Tereza Pimenta Araujo, DDS, MS
    Lucia Trazzi Prieto, DDS, MS
    Dayane Carvalho Ramos Salles de Oliveira, DDS, MS
    Erick Kamiya Coppini, DDS, MS
    Carlos Tadeu Santos Dias, DDS, MS, PhD
    Luis Alexandre Maffei Sartini Paulillo, DDS, MS, PhD
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):31.  

    This in vitro study evaluated the nanoleakage of fiber posts luted using different adhesive strategies and investigated the effect of 2% chlorhexidine (CHX) on nanoleakage at the resin-dentin interfaces of self-adhesive cements. The self-adhesive and etch-and-rinse adhesive groups tested demonstrated similar results with regard to nanoleakage. Pretreatment with CHX promoted an adequate seal at the resin-dentin interface for self-adhesive cements.
    Full Article (PDF)
    Self-Instruction Exercise No. 367
  • Computer Designed/Fabricated Crowns Microcomputed tomography marginal fit evaluation of computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing crowns with different methods of virtual model acquisition

    Flavio Domingues das Neves, DDS, MS, PhD
    Celio Jesus do Prado, DDS, MS, PhD
    Marcel Santana Prudente, DDS, MS
    Thiago Almeida Prado Naves Carneiro, DDS, MS
    Karla Zancope, DDS, MS
    Leticia Resende Davi, DDS, MS, PhD
    Gustavo Mendonca, DDS, MS, PhD
    Lyndon Cooper, DDS, MS, PhD
    Carlos Jose Soares, DDS, MS, PhD
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):39.  

    Microcomputed tomography was used to evaluate the marginal fit of crowns fabricated using a chairside CAD/CAM system and different methods of virtual model acquisition: digital impressioning of a typodont; digital impressioning of a powdered typodont; digital impressioning of a regular impression; and digital impressioning of a master cast. Crowns exhibited significantly smaller vertical misfit when a thin layer of powder was applied over the typodont before digital impressioning.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Dental Materials The effect of using propylene glycol as a vehicle on the microhardness of mineral trioxide aggregate

    Amin Salem Milani, DDS, MSc
    Alireza Banifatemeh, DDS
    Saeed Rahimi, DDS, MSc
    Mohammad Asghari Jafarabadi, PhD
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):43.  

    This study sought to evaluate how propylene glycol (PG) affects the microhardness of mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA). MTA was mixed with different proportions of distilled water (DW) and PG, and microhardness was evaluated on Day 4 and Day 28. PG reduced the microhardness of MTA. The combination of 80% DW/20% PG best improved the handling of MTA without a significant reduction in setting quality.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Tooth Whitening/Bleaching Clinical performance of topical sodium fluoride when supplementing carbamide peroxide at-home bleaching gel

    Daphne Camara Barcellos, DDS, MS, PhD
    Graziela Ribeiro Batista, DDS, MS, PhD
    Melissa Aline da Silva, DDS, MS
    Patricia Rondon Pleffken, DDS, MS, PhD
    Marcia Carneiro Valera, DDS, MS, PhD
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):47.  

    This clinical study evaluated the use of 0.11% topical sodium fluoride (SF) desensitizing agent to treat tooth sensitivity during a nightguard tooth whitening procedure using 10% carbamide peroxide (CP) gel. The use of SF did not affect the whitening efficacy of the 10% CP gel. Subjects receiving the PG reported significantly greater tooth sensitivity than subjects receiving SF.
    Full Article (PDF)

    Dental Materials Physical properties of a new sonically placed composite resin restorative material

    Emily T. Ibarra, DMD, MS
    Wen Lien, DDS, MS
    Jeffery Casey, DDS
    Sara A. Dixon, DDS, MS
    Kraig S. Vandewalle, DDS, MS
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):51.  

    This study compared the physical properties of a new nanohybrid composite activated by sonic energy to the properties of other composite restorative materials marketed for posterior or bulk-fill placement. The new nanohybrid composite showed low shrinkage and percent porosity, moderate fracture toughness and flexural modulus, and high flexural strength. However, it also demonstrated a relatively reduced depth of cure compared to the other composites.
    Full Article (PDF)
    Self-Instruction Exercise No. 368
  • Cracked Tooth & Restorations Fracture resistance of weakened roots restored with different intracanal retainers

    Juliana Broch, MSD
    Ana Maria Estivalete Marchionatti, DDS, MSD
    Cesar Dalmolin Bergoli, MSD, PhD
    Luiz Felipe Valandro, MSD, PhD
    Osvaldo Bazzan Kaizer, MSD, PhD
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):58.  

    This study evaluated the effect of mechanical cycling on the fracture resistance of endodontically treated weakened roots restored with different intraradicular retainers: cast post-and-cores, fiber posts, fiber posts with larger coronal diameter, or anatomic posts. The results showed that the type of retainer used was statistically significant.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Dentistry for the Medically Compromised Dental management of a patient with Wilson’s disease

    Paulo Sergio da Silva Santos, DDS, MsC, PhD
    Karin Sa Fernandes, DDS, MsC, PhD
    Alexandre Fraige, DDS, PhD
    Marina Gallottini, DDS, MsC, PhD
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):64.

    Wilson’s disease (WD) is characterized by the accumulation of copper in the body, which may manifest clinically as liver disease, neurologic symptoms, and Kayser-Fleischer corneal rings. This report describes dental management of a 43-year-old man with WD who exhibited petechiae in the oral mucosa, poor oral hygiene, periodontal disease, missing teeth, and several carious teeth.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Root Caries & Treatment Endodontic treatment of mandibular molars with atypical root canal anatomy: reports of 4 cases

    Raju Chauhan, BDS, MDS
    Shweta Singh, BDS, MDS
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):67.  

    General dentists must be aware of variations in root canal anatomy. A third root is called radix entomolaris (RE) if it is distolingual to the main distal root and radix paramolaris (RP) if it is mesiobuccal to the mesial root. Single roots with single canals can also occur. This article describes a case of RE, 2 cases of RP, and a second molar with a single root and root canal.
    Full Article (PDF)

    Practice Management & Human Relations Hearing loss associated with long-term exposure to high-speed dental handpieces

    Sarah M. Theodoroff, PhD
    Robert L. Folmer, PhD
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):71. 

    The purpose of this study was to compare audiometric pure tone thresholds of dental clinicians who regularly use handpieces (DCs), other dental professionals (DPs) who do not use these handpieces, and dental students (DSs). DCs had worse hearing than DPs and DSs. Implementation of protective strategies is recommended to reduce the prevalence of occupational hearing loss among DCs.
    Full Article (PDF)
    Self-Instruction Exercise No. 369
  • Dental Materials Evaluation of the bond strengths of 3 endodontic cements via push-out test

    Nadia de Souza Ferreira, PhD
    Raffaela Di Iorio Jeronymo Ferreira, PhD
    Patricia Campos Ferreira da Rosa, MS
    Ana Paula Martins Gomes, PhD
    Carlos Henrique Ribeiro Camargo, PhD
    Claudio Antonio Talge Carvalho, PhD
    Marcia Carneiro Valera, PhD
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):e1.  

    The push-out method was used to evaluate the bond strengths of 3 types of endodontic cement according to their composite base: methacrylate, epoxy resin, and an experimental copaiba oil resin. There was no statistically significant difference in bond strengths among the cements used or between bonding at the middle and apical thirds of the roots. It was concluded that the tested cements had satisfactory and similar bond strengths to dentin.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Exodontia Management of uncommon complications in seemingly routine oral surgeries

    Shayan Salim, BS
    Andrew Newman, BS
    James J. Closmann, DDS
    Thomas J. Borris, DDS
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):e4.  

    This article presents 4 cases of molar extraction with unusual complications: fracture during the removal of a maxillary first molar; fracture after a mandibular third molar extraction; displacement of a maxillary third molar into the infratemporal space; and necrosis of the maxillary soft tissue after fracture of the tuberosity during a third molar extraction. The report also describes how each clinician altered treatment for successful outcomes.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Case Presentations Unusual cases of transmigrated mandibular canines

    Lata Goyal, MDS
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):e11.  

    Transmigration, preeruptive migration of a tooth across the midline, is extremely rare and almost exclusively affects mandibular canines. Although it can lead to restorative, surgical, and orthodontic problems, this condition usually does not cause any painful symptoms and cannot be detected on clinical examination. This article describes 3 cases of transmigration, highlighting the importance of early diagnosis for interceptive treatment.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Pediatric Dentistry Clinical outcomes of indirect composite restorations for grossly mutilated primary molars: a clinical observation

    Neeti Mittal, BDS, MDS
    Binita Srivastava, BDS, MDS
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):e16.  

    This study assessed the clinical success of 28 indirect composite onlays in grossly decayed primary molars. The onlays showed a 100% retention rate and a marginal integrity of 96.43% at 12 months. Color stability, surface texture, and anatomic form were highly rated, and significant improvements in gingival health were reported.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Diagnosis of Oral Pathology Clinicopathological aspects of 25 cases of sialolithiasis of minor salivary glands

    Marco Tullio Brazao-Silva, DDS, PhD
    Fabio Cesar Prosdocimi, DDS, PhD
    Celso Augusto Lemos-Junior, DDS, PhD
    Suzana Cantanhede Orsini Machado de Sousa, DDS, PhD
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):e22.  

    Sialolithiasis of minor salivary glands (SMSG) is rarely reported and presumably underestimated. In this retrospective study, 92% of 25 SMSG cases were not diagnosed clinically. Chronic periductal and parenchymal inflammation was frequent, as was squamous metaplasia of the affected duct. Incidence was greater in the upper lip and buccal mucosa.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Medical Health History/Factors Oral manifestations in gastroesophageal reflux disease

    Preetha A., MDS
    Sujatha D., MDS
    Bharathi A. Patil, MDS
    Sushmini Hegde, MDS
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):e27.  

    In this study, 100 patients who were previously diagnosed with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) were evaluated to determine the severity of their disease as well as any oral, dental, or salivary pH changes. Severe, long-term GERD was found to be potentially detrimental to oral soft tissues, dental structures, and salivary pH, whereas milder forms of the disease did not necessarily cause dental side effects.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Prosthodontics/Removable Use of a bite registration vinyl polysiloxane material to identify denture flange overextension and/or excessive border thickness in removable prosthodontics

    C. Brent Haeberle, DMD
    Amara Abreu, DDS, MSD
    Kurt Metzler, DDS, MS
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):e32.  

    This article describes use of a bite registration fast-set vinyl polysiloxane material to identify length overextension and/or excessive border thickness of denture flanges and discusses the advantages of vinyl polysiloxane over conventional materials.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Dental Materials Low-shrinkage composites: an in vitro evaluation of sealing ability after occlusal loading

    Marcos O. Barceleiro, DDS, MSD, PhD
    Giulia Marins Soares, DDS
    Olivia Espindola, DDS
    Sergio Kahn, DDS, MSD, PhD
    Isis Andrea Venturini Pola Poiate, DDS, MSD, PhD
    Helio Rodrigues Sampaio Filho, DDS, MSD, PhD
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):e36.  

    This in vitro study compared the microleakage of a flowable low-shrinkage-stress resin composite and a conventionally layered silorane-based resin composite as 4 mm dentin replacements in a Class II fatigue-loading design. The silorane-based composite groups had higher rates of microleakage than the low-shrinkage-stress resin composite groups.
    Full Article (PDF)


May/June 2015

Table of Contents


  • Editorial The peanut butter and jelly sandwich test

    Eric K. Curtis, DDS, MA, MAGD
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):8.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • To the Editor Discover and defend the middle ground

    David A. Keller, DDS, MBA, MAGD, ABGD, FACD
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):10.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Pediatrics The pros and cons of third molar extractions

    Jane A. Soxman, DDS
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):12. 
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Restorative Dentistry Specialist relationships in interdisciplinary dentistry

    Roger A. Solow, DDS
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):14.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Oral Diagnosis Apical lesion of mandibular bicuspid and Apical lesion of maxillary molar

    Douglas D. Damm, DDS
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):78.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Answers Oral Diagnosis; Self-Instruction exercises No. 349, 350, 351; and Erratum

    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):79. 
    Full Article (PDF)

Clinical Articles

  • Exodontia A retrospective study on the use of a dental dressing to reduce dry socket incidence in smokers

    James T. Murph Jr., DMD
    Susan H. Jaques, DMD
    Alexander N. Knoell, DMD
    Geoffrey D. Archibald, DDS
    Stan Yang, PhD
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):17.  

    This study assessed the effectiveness of using an oxidized cellulose dental dressing to reduce the rate of alveolar osteitis after posterior tooth extraction in smokers. Overall, 1.7% of male patients and 2.2% of female patients developed dry sockets. The results indicate that the tested dressing is a safe and effective method for mitigating dry socket formation among smokers.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Nutrition What every dentist should know about artificial sweeteners and their effects

    Zachary Aaron Starr
    Judith A. Porter, DDS, EdD, FICD
    Nasir Bashirelahi, PhD
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):22.  

    Artificial sweeteners are everywhere. The idea that people can consume a sweet food or beverage with “zero” calories seems too good to be true, and perhaps it is. This article discusses their mechanisms and their relationships to health and disease, including possible links to obesity, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Orthodontics Kinetics of salivary pH after acidic beverage intake by patients undergoing orthodontic treatment

    Cecilia P. Turssi, DDS, MS, PhD
    Carolina S. Silva, DDS
    Enrico C. Bridi, DDS
    Flavia L.B. Amaral, DDS, MS, PhD
    Fabiana M.G. Franca, DDS, MS, PhD
    Roberta T. Basting, DDS, MS, PhD
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):26.

    The aim of this clinical trial was to compare salivary pH kinetics of patients with and without orthodontic appliances following the intake of an acidic beverage. Salivary pH recovery following acidic beverage intake was slower in the orthodontic subjects than in control subjects. Patients with fixed orthodontic appliances, therefore, seem to be at higher risk of dental erosion.
    Full Article (PDF)

    Dental Materials Nanoleakage of fiber posts luted with different adhesive strategies and the effect of chlorhexidine on the interface of dentin and self-adhesive cements

    Danielson Guedes Pontes, DDS, MS
    Cintia Tereza Pimenta Araujo, DDS, MS
    Lucia Trazzi Prieto, DDS, MS
    Dayane Carvalho Ramos Salles de Oliveira, DDS, MS
    Erick Kamiya Coppini, DDS, MS
    Carlos Tadeu Santos Dias, DDS, MS, PhD
    Luis Alexandre Maffei Sartini Paulillo, DDS, MS, PhD
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):31.  

    This in vitro study evaluated the nanoleakage of fiber posts luted using different adhesive strategies and investigated the effect of 2% chlorhexidine (CHX) on nanoleakage at the resin-dentin interfaces of self-adhesive cements. The self-adhesive and etch-and-rinse adhesive groups tested demonstrated similar results with regard to nanoleakage. Pretreatment with CHX promoted an adequate seal at the resin-dentin interface for self-adhesive cements.
    Full Article (PDF)
    Self-Instruction Exercise No. 367
  • Computer Designed/Fabricated Crowns Microcomputed tomography marginal fit evaluation of computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing crowns with different methods of virtual model acquisition

    Flavio Domingues das Neves, DDS, MS, PhD
    Celio Jesus do Prado, DDS, MS, PhD
    Marcel Santana Prudente, DDS, MS
    Thiago Almeida Prado Naves Carneiro, DDS, MS
    Karla Zancope, DDS, MS
    Leticia Resende Davi, DDS, MS, PhD
    Gustavo Mendonca, DDS, MS, PhD
    Lyndon Cooper, DDS, MS, PhD
    Carlos Jose Soares, DDS, MS, PhD
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):39.  

    Microcomputed tomography was used to evaluate the marginal fit of crowns fabricated using a chairside CAD/CAM system and different methods of virtual model acquisition: digital impressioning of a typodont; digital impressioning of a powdered typodont; digital impressioning of a regular impression; and digital impressioning of a master cast. Crowns exhibited significantly smaller vertical misfit when a thin layer of powder was applied over the typodont before digital impressioning.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Dental Materials The effect of using propylene glycol as a vehicle on the microhardness of mineral trioxide aggregate

    Amin Salem Milani, DDS, MSc
    Alireza Banifatemeh, DDS
    Saeed Rahimi, DDS, MSc
    Mohammad Asghari Jafarabadi, PhD
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):43.  

    This study sought to evaluate how propylene glycol (PG) affects the microhardness of mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA). MTA was mixed with different proportions of distilled water (DW) and PG, and microhardness was evaluated on Day 4 and Day 28. PG reduced the microhardness of MTA. The combination of 80% DW/20% PG best improved the handling of MTA without a significant reduction in setting quality.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Tooth Whitening/Bleaching Clinical performance of topical sodium fluoride when supplementing carbamide peroxide at-home bleaching gel

    Daphne Camara Barcellos, DDS, MS, PhD
    Graziela Ribeiro Batista, DDS, MS, PhD
    Melissa Aline da Silva, DDS, MS
    Patricia Rondon Pleffken, DDS, MS, PhD
    Marcia Carneiro Valera, DDS, MS, PhD
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):47.  

    This clinical study evaluated the use of 0.11% topical sodium fluoride (SF) desensitizing agent to treat tooth sensitivity during a nightguard tooth whitening procedure using 10% carbamide peroxide (CP) gel. The use of SF did not affect the whitening efficacy of the 10% CP gel. Subjects receiving the PG reported significantly greater tooth sensitivity than subjects receiving SF.
    Full Article (PDF)

    Dental Materials Physical properties of a new sonically placed composite resin restorative material

    Emily T. Ibarra, DMD, MS
    Wen Lien, DDS, MS
    Jeffery Casey, DDS
    Sara A. Dixon, DDS, MS
    Kraig S. Vandewalle, DDS, MS
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):51.  

    This study compared the physical properties of a new nanohybrid composite activated by sonic energy to the properties of other composite restorative materials marketed for posterior or bulk-fill placement. The new nanohybrid composite showed low shrinkage and percent porosity, moderate fracture toughness and flexural modulus, and high flexural strength. However, it also demonstrated a relatively reduced depth of cure compared to the other composites.
    Full Article (PDF)
    Self-Instruction Exercise No. 368
  • Cracked Tooth & Restorations Fracture resistance of weakened roots restored with different intracanal retainers

    Juliana Broch, MSD
    Ana Maria Estivalete Marchionatti, DDS, MSD
    Cesar Dalmolin Bergoli, MSD, PhD
    Luiz Felipe Valandro, MSD, PhD
    Osvaldo Bazzan Kaizer, MSD, PhD
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):58.  

    This study evaluated the effect of mechanical cycling on the fracture resistance of endodontically treated weakened roots restored with different intraradicular retainers: cast post-and-cores, fiber posts, fiber posts with larger coronal diameter, or anatomic posts. The results showed that the type of retainer used was statistically significant.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Dentistry for the Medically Compromised Dental management of a patient with Wilson’s disease

    Paulo Sergio da Silva Santos, DDS, MsC, PhD
    Karin Sa Fernandes, DDS, MsC, PhD
    Alexandre Fraige, DDS, PhD
    Marina Gallottini, DDS, MsC, PhD
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):64.

    Wilson’s disease (WD) is characterized by the accumulation of copper in the body, which may manifest clinically as liver disease, neurologic symptoms, and Kayser-Fleischer corneal rings. This report describes dental management of a 43-year-old man with WD who exhibited petechiae in the oral mucosa, poor oral hygiene, periodontal disease, missing teeth, and several carious teeth.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Root Caries & Treatment Endodontic treatment of mandibular molars with atypical root canal anatomy: reports of 4 cases

    Raju Chauhan, BDS, MDS
    Shweta Singh, BDS, MDS
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):67.  

    General dentists must be aware of variations in root canal anatomy. A third root is called radix entomolaris (RE) if it is distolingual to the main distal root and radix paramolaris (RP) if it is mesiobuccal to the mesial root. Single roots with single canals can also occur. This article describes a case of RE, 2 cases of RP, and a second molar with a single root and root canal.
    Full Article (PDF)

    Practice Management & Human Relations Hearing loss associated with long-term exposure to high-speed dental handpieces

    Sarah M. Theodoroff, PhD
    Robert L. Folmer, PhD
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):71. 

    The purpose of this study was to compare audiometric pure tone thresholds of dental clinicians who regularly use handpieces (DCs), other dental professionals (DPs) who do not use these handpieces, and dental students (DSs). DCs had worse hearing than DPs and DSs. Implementation of protective strategies is recommended to reduce the prevalence of occupational hearing loss among DCs.
    Full Article (PDF)
    Self-Instruction Exercise No. 369
  • Dental Materials Evaluation of the bond strengths of 3 endodontic cements via push-out test

    Nadia de Souza Ferreira, PhD
    Raffaela Di Iorio Jeronymo Ferreira, PhD
    Patricia Campos Ferreira da Rosa, MS
    Ana Paula Martins Gomes, PhD
    Carlos Henrique Ribeiro Camargo, PhD
    Claudio Antonio Talge Carvalho, PhD
    Marcia Carneiro Valera, PhD
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):e1.  

    The push-out method was used to evaluate the bond strengths of 3 types of endodontic cement according to their composite base: methacrylate, epoxy resin, and an experimental copaiba oil resin. There was no statistically significant difference in bond strengths among the cements used or between bonding at the middle and apical thirds of the roots. It was concluded that the tested cements had satisfactory and similar bond strengths to dentin.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Exodontia Management of uncommon complications in seemingly routine oral surgeries

    Shayan Salim, BS
    Andrew Newman, BS
    James J. Closmann, DDS
    Thomas J. Borris, DDS
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):e4.  

    This article presents 4 cases of molar extraction with unusual complications: fracture during the removal of a maxillary first molar; fracture after a mandibular third molar extraction; displacement of a maxillary third molar into the infratemporal space; and necrosis of the maxillary soft tissue after fracture of the tuberosity during a third molar extraction. The report also describes how each clinician altered treatment for successful outcomes.
    Full Article (PDF)
  • Case Presentations Unusual cases of transmigrated mandibular canines

    Lata Goyal, MDS
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):e11.  

    Transmigration, preeruptive migration of a tooth across the midline, is extremely rare and almost exclusively affects mandibular canines. Although it can lead to restorative, surgical, and orthodontic problems, this condition usually does not cause any painful symptoms and cannot be detected on clinical examination. This article describes 3 cases of transmigration, highlighting the importance of early diagnosis for interceptive treatment.
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  • Pediatric Dentistry Clinical outcomes of indirect composite restorations for grossly mutilated primary molars: a clinical observation

    Neeti Mittal, BDS, MDS
    Binita Srivastava, BDS, MDS
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):e16.  

    This study assessed the clinical success of 28 indirect composite onlays in grossly decayed primary molars. The onlays showed a 100% retention rate and a marginal integrity of 96.43% at 12 months. Color stability, surface texture, and anatomic form were highly rated, and significant improvements in gingival health were reported.
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  • Diagnosis of Oral Pathology Clinicopathological aspects of 25 cases of sialolithiasis of minor salivary glands

    Marco Tullio Brazao-Silva, DDS, PhD
    Fabio Cesar Prosdocimi, DDS, PhD
    Celso Augusto Lemos-Junior, DDS, PhD
    Suzana Cantanhede Orsini Machado de Sousa, DDS, PhD
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):e22.  

    Sialolithiasis of minor salivary glands (SMSG) is rarely reported and presumably underestimated. In this retrospective study, 92% of 25 SMSG cases were not diagnosed clinically. Chronic periductal and parenchymal inflammation was frequent, as was squamous metaplasia of the affected duct. Incidence was greater in the upper lip and buccal mucosa.
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  • Medical Health History/Factors Oral manifestations in gastroesophageal reflux disease

    Preetha A., MDS
    Sujatha D., MDS
    Bharathi A. Patil, MDS
    Sushmini Hegde, MDS
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):e27.  

    In this study, 100 patients who were previously diagnosed with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) were evaluated to determine the severity of their disease as well as any oral, dental, or salivary pH changes. Severe, long-term GERD was found to be potentially detrimental to oral soft tissues, dental structures, and salivary pH, whereas milder forms of the disease did not necessarily cause dental side effects.
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  • Prosthodontics/Removable Use of a bite registration vinyl polysiloxane material to identify denture flange overextension and/or excessive border thickness in removable prosthodontics

    C. Brent Haeberle, DMD
    Amara Abreu, DDS, MSD
    Kurt Metzler, DDS, MS
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):e32.  

    This article describes use of a bite registration fast-set vinyl polysiloxane material to identify length overextension and/or excessive border thickness of denture flanges and discusses the advantages of vinyl polysiloxane over conventional materials.
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  • Dental Materials Low-shrinkage composites: an in vitro evaluation of sealing ability after occlusal loading

    Marcos O. Barceleiro, DDS, MSD, PhD
    Giulia Marins Soares, DDS
    Olivia Espindola, DDS
    Sergio Kahn, DDS, MSD, PhD
    Isis Andrea Venturini Pola Poiate, DDS, MSD, PhD
    Helio Rodrigues Sampaio Filho, DDS, MSD, PhD
    2015 May/Jun; 63(3):e36.  

    This in vitro study compared the microleakage of a flowable low-shrinkage-stress resin composite and a conventionally layered silorane-based resin composite as 4 mm dentin replacements in a Class II fatigue-loading design. The silorane-based composite groups had higher rates of microleakage than the low-shrinkage-stress resin composite groups.
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