General Dentistry is AGD's peer-reviewed journal. Published bimonthly, General Dentistry presents research and clinical findings to support the full range of procedures that general dentists perform on a regular basis.
May/June 2014
Table of Contents
Editorial Just doing it
Roger D. Winland, DDS, MS, MAGDFull Article (PDF)
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):8.
Prosthodontics Pushing the envelope? Immediately loaded, removable, unsplinted implant overdenture
Samuel M. Strong, DDSFull Article (PDF)
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):10.
Esthetics Creating predictable success with invisible Class IVs
Wynn Okuda, DMD, FAACD, FICD, FICOIFull Article (PDF)
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):13.
Pharmacology Co-administration of oral contraceptives and antibiotics used in dentistry
Thomas A. Viola, CCP, RPhFull Article (PDF)
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):18.
Ethics Well-intentioned or misguided?
Toni M. Roucka, DDS, MA, FACDFull Article (PDF)
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):16.
Restorative Bonded anterior orthodontic retainers
Roger A. Solow, DDSFull Article (PDF)
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):21.
Oral Diagnosis Erythematous nodule of lower lip. Retromolar mass.
Full Article (PDF)
Douglas D. Damm, DDS
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):77
Answers Oral Diagnosis, Self-Instruction exercises No. 328, 329, 330, and Errata.
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):78.Full Article (PDF)
Clinical Articles
Microbiology The effect of sodium hypochlorite and ginger extract on microorganisms and endotoxins in endodontic treatment of infected root canals
Marcia Carneiro Valera, DDS, MSc, PhDFull Article (PDF)
Lilian Eiko Maekawa, DDS, MSc, PhD
Adriana Chung, DDS, MSc
Flavia Goulart Rosa Cardoso, DDS, MSc
Luciane Dias de Oliveira, DDS, MSc, PhD
Carolina Lima de Oliveira, DDS
Claudio Antonio Talge Carvalho, DDS, MSc, PhD
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):25.
This in vitro study sought to evaluate the biomechanical action on microorganisms and endotoxins of sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) and an intracanal medication containing Zingiber officinale, associated with calcium hydroxide. The results showed that the NaOCl eliminated 100% of root canal microorganisms and reduced endotoxins immediately and 7 days after preparation by 88.8% and 83.2%, respectively.
Surgical Endodontics Concurrent intentional replantation of maxillary molars using a novel root-end filling
Saeed Asgary, DDS, MSFull Article (PDF)
Ali Nosrat, DDS, MS
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):30.
This article describes the successful concurrent intentional replantation of 2 maxillary molars. Teeth No. 14 and 15 were sensitive to percussion and palpation. Radiographs revealed a large periapical radiolucent lesion and inadequate root canal filling in both teeth. Tooth No. 14 was extracted, root-end resection and root-end preparation was completed, and the cavities were filled with calcium enriched mixture cement. The tooth was replanted, and the same procedure was done for tooth No. 15. Follow-ups revealed no signs of inflammation or resorption. The periapical lesion was healed at 24 months.
Sports Dentistry & Mouthguards Role of mouthguards in reducing mild traumatic brain injury/concussion incidence in high school football athletes
Jackson Winters, DDSFull Article (PDF)
Richard DeMont, PhD, CAT(C), ATC
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):34.
The purpose of this randomized prospective study was to compare the impact of pressure-laminated (LM), custom-made, properly fitted MGs to over-the-counter (OTC) MGs on the MTBI/concussion incidence in high school football athletes over a season of play. There was a significant difference (P = 0.0423) with incidence rates of 3.6% and 8.3% in the LM MG and OTC MG groups, respectively.
Anatomy Proposal for clinical classification of multifactorial noncarious cervical lesions
Kapil Loomba, BDS, MDS, FPFAFull Article (PDF)
Rhythm Bains, BDS, MDS
Vivek Kumar Bains, BDS, MDS
Anju Loomba, BDS, MDS
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):39.
Noncarious cervical lesions often present with overlapping symptoms and have a multifactorial etiology. This article proposes a system based upon the clinical appearance of the lesion in order to derive simple, therapeutic, treatment-based classifications.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. 349 -
Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis, Oral Pathology Distinguishing and diagnosing contemporary and conventional features of dental erosion
Mohamed A. Bassiouny, PhD, DMD, MScFull Article (PDF)
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):46.
Dental erosion associated with modern dietary habits can exhibit unique features that symbolize a departure from the decades old conventional image known as tooth surface loss. In this article, contemporary and conventional erosion lesions are distinguished from similar defects, such as mechanically induced wear, carious lesions, and dental fluorosis.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. 350 -
Diagnosis and Treatment Planning Unusual occurrence of missing central incisor: a case report
Amit S. Date, MDS, PGCOIFull Article (PDF)
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):54.
This article presents a case involving a dilacerated and impacted maxillary central incisor, examines its probable etiology, and discusses the mechanism in terms of pertinent literature.
Caries Detection and Prevention Microtensile bond strength of etch-and-rinse and self-etch adhesives to artificially created carious dentin
Maria Carolina G. Erhardt, DDS, MS, PhDFull Article (PDF)
Maristela Maia Lobo, DDS, MS, PhD
Marcelo Goulart, DDS
Fabio Herrmann Coelho-de-Souza, DDS, MS, PhD
Thiago Assuncao Valentino, DDS, MS, PhD
Jatyr Pisani-Proenca, DDS, MS, PhD
Ewerton Nocchi Conceicao, DDS, MS, PhD
Luiz Andre Freire Pimenta, DDS, MS, PhD
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):56.
This article evaluates a pH-cycling model for simulation of caries-affected and caries-infected dentin (CAD and CID, respectively) surfaces, by comparing the bond strength of an etch-and-rinse and a self-etch adhesive system. For both adhesives, bonding to sound dentin (SD) showed that the microtensile bond strength (µTBS) values of SD, CAD, and CID were SD > CAD > CID (P < 0.05). The type of dentin and its histological structure played an important role in etch-and-rinse and self-etch bonding, as lower µTBS values were attained in CAD and CID.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. 351 -
Prevention/Diet/Nutrition Which is a stronger indicator of dental caries: oral hygiene, food, or beverages? A clinical study
Poonam Jain, BDS, MS, MPHFull Article (PDF)
Julie J. Gary, MPH
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):63.
This article presents a cross-sectional study of 76 people living in a fluoridated community. The amount of sugar-sweetened beverages and snack food consumed, plaque index, and age showed statistically significant relationships with the outcome variable—dental caries (P < 0.05). The results indicated that dietary factors and oral hygiene both contribute equally to dental caries in this study population. Sugar-sweetened beverage consumption was a much stronger indicator of dental caries than snack food consumption.
Soft Tissue Surgery Changing the gingival color discrepancy induced by pigmented root using subepithelial connective tissue graft: a case report
Marcelo Sirolli, MsCFull Article (PDF)
Josue Martos, PhD
Flavia Sukekava, PhD, MSc
Claudio Mendes Pannuti, PhD, MSc
Joao Batista Cesar Neto, PhD, MSc
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):69.
This article describes the case of a patient with gingival discoloration caused by root pigmentation in the maxillary area. A subepithelial connective graft was harvested from the palate.
Implants Total rehabilitation of maxilla using a tooth-to-implant restoration: case report
Andrea Araujo de Vasconcellos, DDS, MS, PhDFull Article (PDF)
Sergio Eduardo Henriques Feitosa, DDS, MS
Francisco Mauro da Silva Girundi, DDS, MS
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):73.
This case report describes the rehabilitation of a patient whose partially edentulous maxilla was treated with a tooth-to-implant restoration. In this case, telescopic crowns were used to better match the tooth-implant union. No biomechanical or functional problems were found 8 years post-treatment.
Dentistry for the Medically Compromised CAD/CAM-fabricated telescopic prosthesis on periodontally compromised abutments of a patient undergoing bisphosphonate treatment for osteoporosis: a case report
Wei-Shao Lin, DDSFull Article (PDF)
Bryan T. Harris, DMD
Amirali Zandinejad, DDS, MSc
Dean Morton, BDS, MS
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):e1.
This case report describes how a CAD/CAM-fabricated cobalt-chromium telescopic prosthesis was placed on periodontally compromised abutments of a 74-year-old woman actively undergoing oral and intravenous bisphosphonate treatment for osteoporosis.
Partial Dentures An overlay partial denture to restore worn mandibular anterior teeth
Asha Samant, DMD, MDS, BDSFull Article (PDF)
Peter DeSciscio, DMD
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):e4.
This article describes an alternate treatment for a patient with a collapsed bite, missing posterior mandibular teeth, an ill-fitting complete maxillary denture with poor esthetics, and irregular, worn mandibular anterior teeth.
Dental Materials Effect of surface treatment of brackets and mechanical cycling on adhesion to enamel
Fabiola Rossato Arrais, DDSFull Article (PDF)
Felipe Degrazia, DDS, MSci
Bernardo Urbanetto Peres, DDS
Vilmar Antonio Ferrazzo, DDS, MSci, PhD
Renesio Armindo Grehs, DDS, MSci, PhD
Luiz Felipe Valandro, DDS, MSci, PhD
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):e7.
This in vitro study evaluated how surface conditioning from bracket and mechanical cycling aging affected the bond strength and adhesive index between metallic brackets and bovine enamel. Mechanical cycling did not change bond strength to a statistically significant degree. Silicatization associated with a silanization treatment boosted the adhesive index. However, it also led to enamel fractures.
Diagnosis and Treatment Planning RETRACTED: Diagnosis and management of cemental tear: a case report
Hitesh Gupta, MDSFull Article (PDF)
Abhinay Puri, MDS
Saru Kumar, MDS
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):e12.
A 32-year-old man complained of swelling after an extraction in the left maxillary premolar area. The first premolar showed no caries while the second premolar had a crown. Histopathology revealed the fragment to be a cemental tear, associated typically with old age or trauma. Dentists should be aware of this rare entity in cases of noncarious odontogenic pain.
Diagnosis of Oral Pathology Talon cusps occurring concurrently with dens invaginatus on a permanent maxillary lateral incisor: a case report and literature review
Hakan Colak, DDS, PhDFull Article (PDF)
Cicek Yilmaz, DDS
Hakan Keklik, DDS
Tugba Colak, DDS, PhD
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):e14.
This article presents a unique case of concurrent dens invaginatus and palatal and facial talon cusps in the right maxillary central incisor of a 12-year-old girl.
Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis, Oral Pathology Palatogingival groove mimicking as a mutilated root fracture in a maxillary lateral incisor: a case report
Kumar Vasanth, BDSFull Article (PDF)
Jojo Kottoor, MDS
Suresh Nandini, MDS
Natanasabapathy Velmurugan, MDS
Mohan Abarajithan, MDS
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):e19.
This article presents the case of a palatogingival groove (PPG) that was misdiagnosed as a mutilated root fracture. Transillumination, bite test, surgical site visualization, and high-end diagnostic modalities were not considered. PPG was confirmed only after the tooth was extracted and observed under a dental operating microscope.
May/June 2014
Table of Contents
Editorial Just doing it
Roger D. Winland, DDS, MS, MAGDFull Article (PDF)
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):8.
Prosthodontics Pushing the envelope? Immediately loaded, removable, unsplinted implant overdenture
Samuel M. Strong, DDSFull Article (PDF)
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):10.
Esthetics Creating predictable success with invisible Class IVs
Wynn Okuda, DMD, FAACD, FICD, FICOIFull Article (PDF)
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):13.
Pharmacology Co-administration of oral contraceptives and antibiotics used in dentistry
Thomas A. Viola, CCP, RPhFull Article (PDF)
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):18.
Ethics Well-intentioned or misguided?
Toni M. Roucka, DDS, MA, FACDFull Article (PDF)
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):16.
Restorative Bonded anterior orthodontic retainers
Roger A. Solow, DDSFull Article (PDF)
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):21.
Oral Diagnosis Erythematous nodule of lower lip. Retromolar mass.
Full Article (PDF)
Douglas D. Damm, DDS
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):77
Answers Oral Diagnosis, Self-Instruction exercises No. 328, 329, 330, and Errata.
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):78.Full Article (PDF)
Clinical Articles
Microbiology The effect of sodium hypochlorite and ginger extract on microorganisms and endotoxins in endodontic treatment of infected root canals
Marcia Carneiro Valera, DDS, MSc, PhDFull Article (PDF)
Lilian Eiko Maekawa, DDS, MSc, PhD
Adriana Chung, DDS, MSc
Flavia Goulart Rosa Cardoso, DDS, MSc
Luciane Dias de Oliveira, DDS, MSc, PhD
Carolina Lima de Oliveira, DDS
Claudio Antonio Talge Carvalho, DDS, MSc, PhD
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):25.
This in vitro study sought to evaluate the biomechanical action on microorganisms and endotoxins of sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) and an intracanal medication containing Zingiber officinale, associated with calcium hydroxide. The results showed that the NaOCl eliminated 100% of root canal microorganisms and reduced endotoxins immediately and 7 days after preparation by 88.8% and 83.2%, respectively.
Surgical Endodontics Concurrent intentional replantation of maxillary molars using a novel root-end filling
Saeed Asgary, DDS, MSFull Article (PDF)
Ali Nosrat, DDS, MS
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):30.
This article describes the successful concurrent intentional replantation of 2 maxillary molars. Teeth No. 14 and 15 were sensitive to percussion and palpation. Radiographs revealed a large periapical radiolucent lesion and inadequate root canal filling in both teeth. Tooth No. 14 was extracted, root-end resection and root-end preparation was completed, and the cavities were filled with calcium enriched mixture cement. The tooth was replanted, and the same procedure was done for tooth No. 15. Follow-ups revealed no signs of inflammation or resorption. The periapical lesion was healed at 24 months.
Sports Dentistry & Mouthguards Role of mouthguards in reducing mild traumatic brain injury/concussion incidence in high school football athletes
Jackson Winters, DDSFull Article (PDF)
Richard DeMont, PhD, CAT(C), ATC
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):34.
The purpose of this randomized prospective study was to compare the impact of pressure-laminated (LM), custom-made, properly fitted MGs to over-the-counter (OTC) MGs on the MTBI/concussion incidence in high school football athletes over a season of play. There was a significant difference (P = 0.0423) with incidence rates of 3.6% and 8.3% in the LM MG and OTC MG groups, respectively.
Anatomy Proposal for clinical classification of multifactorial noncarious cervical lesions
Kapil Loomba, BDS, MDS, FPFAFull Article (PDF)
Rhythm Bains, BDS, MDS
Vivek Kumar Bains, BDS, MDS
Anju Loomba, BDS, MDS
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):39.
Noncarious cervical lesions often present with overlapping symptoms and have a multifactorial etiology. This article proposes a system based upon the clinical appearance of the lesion in order to derive simple, therapeutic, treatment-based classifications.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. 349 -
Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis, Oral Pathology Distinguishing and diagnosing contemporary and conventional features of dental erosion
Mohamed A. Bassiouny, PhD, DMD, MScFull Article (PDF)
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):46.
Dental erosion associated with modern dietary habits can exhibit unique features that symbolize a departure from the decades old conventional image known as tooth surface loss. In this article, contemporary and conventional erosion lesions are distinguished from similar defects, such as mechanically induced wear, carious lesions, and dental fluorosis.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. 350 -
Diagnosis and Treatment Planning Unusual occurrence of missing central incisor: a case report
Amit S. Date, MDS, PGCOIFull Article (PDF)
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):54.
This article presents a case involving a dilacerated and impacted maxillary central incisor, examines its probable etiology, and discusses the mechanism in terms of pertinent literature.
Caries Detection and Prevention Microtensile bond strength of etch-and-rinse and self-etch adhesives to artificially created carious dentin
Maria Carolina G. Erhardt, DDS, MS, PhDFull Article (PDF)
Maristela Maia Lobo, DDS, MS, PhD
Marcelo Goulart, DDS
Fabio Herrmann Coelho-de-Souza, DDS, MS, PhD
Thiago Assuncao Valentino, DDS, MS, PhD
Jatyr Pisani-Proenca, DDS, MS, PhD
Ewerton Nocchi Conceicao, DDS, MS, PhD
Luiz Andre Freire Pimenta, DDS, MS, PhD
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):56.
This article evaluates a pH-cycling model for simulation of caries-affected and caries-infected dentin (CAD and CID, respectively) surfaces, by comparing the bond strength of an etch-and-rinse and a self-etch adhesive system. For both adhesives, bonding to sound dentin (SD) showed that the microtensile bond strength (µTBS) values of SD, CAD, and CID were SD > CAD > CID (P < 0.05). The type of dentin and its histological structure played an important role in etch-and-rinse and self-etch bonding, as lower µTBS values were attained in CAD and CID.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. 351 -
Prevention/Diet/Nutrition Which is a stronger indicator of dental caries: oral hygiene, food, or beverages? A clinical study
Poonam Jain, BDS, MS, MPHFull Article (PDF)
Julie J. Gary, MPH
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):63.
This article presents a cross-sectional study of 76 people living in a fluoridated community. The amount of sugar-sweetened beverages and snack food consumed, plaque index, and age showed statistically significant relationships with the outcome variable—dental caries (P < 0.05). The results indicated that dietary factors and oral hygiene both contribute equally to dental caries in this study population. Sugar-sweetened beverage consumption was a much stronger indicator of dental caries than snack food consumption.
Soft Tissue Surgery Changing the gingival color discrepancy induced by pigmented root using subepithelial connective tissue graft: a case report
Marcelo Sirolli, MsCFull Article (PDF)
Josue Martos, PhD
Flavia Sukekava, PhD, MSc
Claudio Mendes Pannuti, PhD, MSc
Joao Batista Cesar Neto, PhD, MSc
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):69.
This article describes the case of a patient with gingival discoloration caused by root pigmentation in the maxillary area. A subepithelial connective graft was harvested from the palate.
Implants Total rehabilitation of maxilla using a tooth-to-implant restoration: case report
Andrea Araujo de Vasconcellos, DDS, MS, PhDFull Article (PDF)
Sergio Eduardo Henriques Feitosa, DDS, MS
Francisco Mauro da Silva Girundi, DDS, MS
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):73.
This case report describes the rehabilitation of a patient whose partially edentulous maxilla was treated with a tooth-to-implant restoration. In this case, telescopic crowns were used to better match the tooth-implant union. No biomechanical or functional problems were found 8 years post-treatment.
Dentistry for the Medically Compromised CAD/CAM-fabricated telescopic prosthesis on periodontally compromised abutments of a patient undergoing bisphosphonate treatment for osteoporosis: a case report
Wei-Shao Lin, DDSFull Article (PDF)
Bryan T. Harris, DMD
Amirali Zandinejad, DDS, MSc
Dean Morton, BDS, MS
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):e1.
This case report describes how a CAD/CAM-fabricated cobalt-chromium telescopic prosthesis was placed on periodontally compromised abutments of a 74-year-old woman actively undergoing oral and intravenous bisphosphonate treatment for osteoporosis.
Partial Dentures An overlay partial denture to restore worn mandibular anterior teeth
Asha Samant, DMD, MDS, BDSFull Article (PDF)
Peter DeSciscio, DMD
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):e4.
This article describes an alternate treatment for a patient with a collapsed bite, missing posterior mandibular teeth, an ill-fitting complete maxillary denture with poor esthetics, and irregular, worn mandibular anterior teeth.
Dental Materials Effect of surface treatment of brackets and mechanical cycling on adhesion to enamel
Fabiola Rossato Arrais, DDSFull Article (PDF)
Felipe Degrazia, DDS, MSci
Bernardo Urbanetto Peres, DDS
Vilmar Antonio Ferrazzo, DDS, MSci, PhD
Renesio Armindo Grehs, DDS, MSci, PhD
Luiz Felipe Valandro, DDS, MSci, PhD
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):e7.
This in vitro study evaluated how surface conditioning from bracket and mechanical cycling aging affected the bond strength and adhesive index between metallic brackets and bovine enamel. Mechanical cycling did not change bond strength to a statistically significant degree. Silicatization associated with a silanization treatment boosted the adhesive index. However, it also led to enamel fractures.
Diagnosis and Treatment Planning RETRACTED: Diagnosis and management of cemental tear: a case report
Hitesh Gupta, MDSFull Article (PDF)
Abhinay Puri, MDS
Saru Kumar, MDS
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):e12.
A 32-year-old man complained of swelling after an extraction in the left maxillary premolar area. The first premolar showed no caries while the second premolar had a crown. Histopathology revealed the fragment to be a cemental tear, associated typically with old age or trauma. Dentists should be aware of this rare entity in cases of noncarious odontogenic pain.
Diagnosis of Oral Pathology Talon cusps occurring concurrently with dens invaginatus on a permanent maxillary lateral incisor: a case report and literature review
Hakan Colak, DDS, PhDFull Article (PDF)
Cicek Yilmaz, DDS
Hakan Keklik, DDS
Tugba Colak, DDS, PhD
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):e14.
This article presents a unique case of concurrent dens invaginatus and palatal and facial talon cusps in the right maxillary central incisor of a 12-year-old girl.
Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis, Oral Pathology Palatogingival groove mimicking as a mutilated root fracture in a maxillary lateral incisor: a case report
Kumar Vasanth, BDSFull Article (PDF)
Jojo Kottoor, MDS
Suresh Nandini, MDS
Natanasabapathy Velmurugan, MDS
Mohan Abarajithan, MDS
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):e19.
This article presents the case of a palatogingival groove (PPG) that was misdiagnosed as a mutilated root fracture. Transillumination, bite test, surgical site visualization, and high-end diagnostic modalities were not considered. PPG was confirmed only after the tooth was extracted and observed under a dental operating microscope.
May/June 2014
Table of Contents
Editorial Just doing it
Roger D. Winland, DDS, MS, MAGDFull Article (PDF)
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):8.
Prosthodontics Pushing the envelope? Immediately loaded, removable, unsplinted implant overdenture
Samuel M. Strong, DDSFull Article (PDF)
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):10.
Esthetics Creating predictable success with invisible Class IVs
Wynn Okuda, DMD, FAACD, FICD, FICOIFull Article (PDF)
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):13.
Pharmacology Co-administration of oral contraceptives and antibiotics used in dentistry
Thomas A. Viola, CCP, RPhFull Article (PDF)
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):18.
Ethics Well-intentioned or misguided?
Toni M. Roucka, DDS, MA, FACDFull Article (PDF)
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):16.
Restorative Bonded anterior orthodontic retainers
Roger A. Solow, DDSFull Article (PDF)
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):21.
Oral Diagnosis Erythematous nodule of lower lip. Retromolar mass.
Full Article (PDF)
Douglas D. Damm, DDS
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):77
Answers Oral Diagnosis, Self-Instruction exercises No. 328, 329, 330, and Errata.
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):78.Full Article (PDF)
Clinical Articles
Microbiology The effect of sodium hypochlorite and ginger extract on microorganisms and endotoxins in endodontic treatment of infected root canals
Marcia Carneiro Valera, DDS, MSc, PhDFull Article (PDF)
Lilian Eiko Maekawa, DDS, MSc, PhD
Adriana Chung, DDS, MSc
Flavia Goulart Rosa Cardoso, DDS, MSc
Luciane Dias de Oliveira, DDS, MSc, PhD
Carolina Lima de Oliveira, DDS
Claudio Antonio Talge Carvalho, DDS, MSc, PhD
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):25.
This in vitro study sought to evaluate the biomechanical action on microorganisms and endotoxins of sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) and an intracanal medication containing Zingiber officinale, associated with calcium hydroxide. The results showed that the NaOCl eliminated 100% of root canal microorganisms and reduced endotoxins immediately and 7 days after preparation by 88.8% and 83.2%, respectively.
Surgical Endodontics Concurrent intentional replantation of maxillary molars using a novel root-end filling
Saeed Asgary, DDS, MSFull Article (PDF)
Ali Nosrat, DDS, MS
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):30.
This article describes the successful concurrent intentional replantation of 2 maxillary molars. Teeth No. 14 and 15 were sensitive to percussion and palpation. Radiographs revealed a large periapical radiolucent lesion and inadequate root canal filling in both teeth. Tooth No. 14 was extracted, root-end resection and root-end preparation was completed, and the cavities were filled with calcium enriched mixture cement. The tooth was replanted, and the same procedure was done for tooth No. 15. Follow-ups revealed no signs of inflammation or resorption. The periapical lesion was healed at 24 months.
Sports Dentistry & Mouthguards Role of mouthguards in reducing mild traumatic brain injury/concussion incidence in high school football athletes
Jackson Winters, DDSFull Article (PDF)
Richard DeMont, PhD, CAT(C), ATC
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):34.
The purpose of this randomized prospective study was to compare the impact of pressure-laminated (LM), custom-made, properly fitted MGs to over-the-counter (OTC) MGs on the MTBI/concussion incidence in high school football athletes over a season of play. There was a significant difference (P = 0.0423) with incidence rates of 3.6% and 8.3% in the LM MG and OTC MG groups, respectively.
Anatomy Proposal for clinical classification of multifactorial noncarious cervical lesions
Kapil Loomba, BDS, MDS, FPFAFull Article (PDF)
Rhythm Bains, BDS, MDS
Vivek Kumar Bains, BDS, MDS
Anju Loomba, BDS, MDS
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):39.
Noncarious cervical lesions often present with overlapping symptoms and have a multifactorial etiology. This article proposes a system based upon the clinical appearance of the lesion in order to derive simple, therapeutic, treatment-based classifications.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. 349 -
Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis, Oral Pathology Distinguishing and diagnosing contemporary and conventional features of dental erosion
Mohamed A. Bassiouny, PhD, DMD, MScFull Article (PDF)
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):46.
Dental erosion associated with modern dietary habits can exhibit unique features that symbolize a departure from the decades old conventional image known as tooth surface loss. In this article, contemporary and conventional erosion lesions are distinguished from similar defects, such as mechanically induced wear, carious lesions, and dental fluorosis.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. 350 -
Diagnosis and Treatment Planning Unusual occurrence of missing central incisor: a case report
Amit S. Date, MDS, PGCOIFull Article (PDF)
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):54.
This article presents a case involving a dilacerated and impacted maxillary central incisor, examines its probable etiology, and discusses the mechanism in terms of pertinent literature.
Caries Detection and Prevention Microtensile bond strength of etch-and-rinse and self-etch adhesives to artificially created carious dentin
Maria Carolina G. Erhardt, DDS, MS, PhDFull Article (PDF)
Maristela Maia Lobo, DDS, MS, PhD
Marcelo Goulart, DDS
Fabio Herrmann Coelho-de-Souza, DDS, MS, PhD
Thiago Assuncao Valentino, DDS, MS, PhD
Jatyr Pisani-Proenca, DDS, MS, PhD
Ewerton Nocchi Conceicao, DDS, MS, PhD
Luiz Andre Freire Pimenta, DDS, MS, PhD
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):56.
This article evaluates a pH-cycling model for simulation of caries-affected and caries-infected dentin (CAD and CID, respectively) surfaces, by comparing the bond strength of an etch-and-rinse and a self-etch adhesive system. For both adhesives, bonding to sound dentin (SD) showed that the microtensile bond strength (µTBS) values of SD, CAD, and CID were SD > CAD > CID (P < 0.05). The type of dentin and its histological structure played an important role in etch-and-rinse and self-etch bonding, as lower µTBS values were attained in CAD and CID.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. 351 -
Prevention/Diet/Nutrition Which is a stronger indicator of dental caries: oral hygiene, food, or beverages? A clinical study
Poonam Jain, BDS, MS, MPHFull Article (PDF)
Julie J. Gary, MPH
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):63.
This article presents a cross-sectional study of 76 people living in a fluoridated community. The amount of sugar-sweetened beverages and snack food consumed, plaque index, and age showed statistically significant relationships with the outcome variable—dental caries (P < 0.05). The results indicated that dietary factors and oral hygiene both contribute equally to dental caries in this study population. Sugar-sweetened beverage consumption was a much stronger indicator of dental caries than snack food consumption.
Soft Tissue Surgery Changing the gingival color discrepancy induced by pigmented root using subepithelial connective tissue graft: a case report
Marcelo Sirolli, MsCFull Article (PDF)
Josue Martos, PhD
Flavia Sukekava, PhD, MSc
Claudio Mendes Pannuti, PhD, MSc
Joao Batista Cesar Neto, PhD, MSc
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):69.
This article describes the case of a patient with gingival discoloration caused by root pigmentation in the maxillary area. A subepithelial connective graft was harvested from the palate.
Implants Total rehabilitation of maxilla using a tooth-to-implant restoration: case report
Andrea Araujo de Vasconcellos, DDS, MS, PhDFull Article (PDF)
Sergio Eduardo Henriques Feitosa, DDS, MS
Francisco Mauro da Silva Girundi, DDS, MS
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):73.
This case report describes the rehabilitation of a patient whose partially edentulous maxilla was treated with a tooth-to-implant restoration. In this case, telescopic crowns were used to better match the tooth-implant union. No biomechanical or functional problems were found 8 years post-treatment.
Dentistry for the Medically Compromised CAD/CAM-fabricated telescopic prosthesis on periodontally compromised abutments of a patient undergoing bisphosphonate treatment for osteoporosis: a case report
Wei-Shao Lin, DDSFull Article (PDF)
Bryan T. Harris, DMD
Amirali Zandinejad, DDS, MSc
Dean Morton, BDS, MS
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):e1.
This case report describes how a CAD/CAM-fabricated cobalt-chromium telescopic prosthesis was placed on periodontally compromised abutments of a 74-year-old woman actively undergoing oral and intravenous bisphosphonate treatment for osteoporosis.
Partial Dentures An overlay partial denture to restore worn mandibular anterior teeth
Asha Samant, DMD, MDS, BDSFull Article (PDF)
Peter DeSciscio, DMD
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):e4.
This article describes an alternate treatment for a patient with a collapsed bite, missing posterior mandibular teeth, an ill-fitting complete maxillary denture with poor esthetics, and irregular, worn mandibular anterior teeth.
Dental Materials Effect of surface treatment of brackets and mechanical cycling on adhesion to enamel
Fabiola Rossato Arrais, DDSFull Article (PDF)
Felipe Degrazia, DDS, MSci
Bernardo Urbanetto Peres, DDS
Vilmar Antonio Ferrazzo, DDS, MSci, PhD
Renesio Armindo Grehs, DDS, MSci, PhD
Luiz Felipe Valandro, DDS, MSci, PhD
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):e7.
This in vitro study evaluated how surface conditioning from bracket and mechanical cycling aging affected the bond strength and adhesive index between metallic brackets and bovine enamel. Mechanical cycling did not change bond strength to a statistically significant degree. Silicatization associated with a silanization treatment boosted the adhesive index. However, it also led to enamel fractures.
Diagnosis and Treatment Planning RETRACTED: Diagnosis and management of cemental tear: a case report
Hitesh Gupta, MDSFull Article (PDF)
Abhinay Puri, MDS
Saru Kumar, MDS
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):e12.
A 32-year-old man complained of swelling after an extraction in the left maxillary premolar area. The first premolar showed no caries while the second premolar had a crown. Histopathology revealed the fragment to be a cemental tear, associated typically with old age or trauma. Dentists should be aware of this rare entity in cases of noncarious odontogenic pain.
Diagnosis of Oral Pathology Talon cusps occurring concurrently with dens invaginatus on a permanent maxillary lateral incisor: a case report and literature review
Hakan Colak, DDS, PhDFull Article (PDF)
Cicek Yilmaz, DDS
Hakan Keklik, DDS
Tugba Colak, DDS, PhD
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):e14.
This article presents a unique case of concurrent dens invaginatus and palatal and facial talon cusps in the right maxillary central incisor of a 12-year-old girl.
Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis, Oral Pathology Palatogingival groove mimicking as a mutilated root fracture in a maxillary lateral incisor: a case report
Kumar Vasanth, BDSFull Article (PDF)
Jojo Kottoor, MDS
Suresh Nandini, MDS
Natanasabapathy Velmurugan, MDS
Mohan Abarajithan, MDS
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):e19.
This article presents the case of a palatogingival groove (PPG) that was misdiagnosed as a mutilated root fracture. Transillumination, bite test, surgical site visualization, and high-end diagnostic modalities were not considered. PPG was confirmed only after the tooth was extracted and observed under a dental operating microscope.
May/June 2014
Table of Contents
Editorial Just doing it
Roger D. Winland, DDS, MS, MAGDFull Article (PDF)
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):8.
Prosthodontics Pushing the envelope? Immediately loaded, removable, unsplinted implant overdenture
Samuel M. Strong, DDSFull Article (PDF)
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):10.
Esthetics Creating predictable success with invisible Class IVs
Wynn Okuda, DMD, FAACD, FICD, FICOIFull Article (PDF)
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):13.
Pharmacology Co-administration of oral contraceptives and antibiotics used in dentistry
Thomas A. Viola, CCP, RPhFull Article (PDF)
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):18.
Ethics Well-intentioned or misguided?
Toni M. Roucka, DDS, MA, FACDFull Article (PDF)
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):16.
Restorative Bonded anterior orthodontic retainers
Roger A. Solow, DDSFull Article (PDF)
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):21.
Oral Diagnosis Erythematous nodule of lower lip. Retromolar mass.
Full Article (PDF)
Douglas D. Damm, DDS
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):77
Answers Oral Diagnosis, Self-Instruction exercises No. 328, 329, 330, and Errata.
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):78.Full Article (PDF)
Clinical Articles
Microbiology The effect of sodium hypochlorite and ginger extract on microorganisms and endotoxins in endodontic treatment of infected root canals
Marcia Carneiro Valera, DDS, MSc, PhDFull Article (PDF)
Lilian Eiko Maekawa, DDS, MSc, PhD
Adriana Chung, DDS, MSc
Flavia Goulart Rosa Cardoso, DDS, MSc
Luciane Dias de Oliveira, DDS, MSc, PhD
Carolina Lima de Oliveira, DDS
Claudio Antonio Talge Carvalho, DDS, MSc, PhD
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):25.
This in vitro study sought to evaluate the biomechanical action on microorganisms and endotoxins of sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) and an intracanal medication containing Zingiber officinale, associated with calcium hydroxide. The results showed that the NaOCl eliminated 100% of root canal microorganisms and reduced endotoxins immediately and 7 days after preparation by 88.8% and 83.2%, respectively.
Surgical Endodontics Concurrent intentional replantation of maxillary molars using a novel root-end filling
Saeed Asgary, DDS, MSFull Article (PDF)
Ali Nosrat, DDS, MS
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):30.
This article describes the successful concurrent intentional replantation of 2 maxillary molars. Teeth No. 14 and 15 were sensitive to percussion and palpation. Radiographs revealed a large periapical radiolucent lesion and inadequate root canal filling in both teeth. Tooth No. 14 was extracted, root-end resection and root-end preparation was completed, and the cavities were filled with calcium enriched mixture cement. The tooth was replanted, and the same procedure was done for tooth No. 15. Follow-ups revealed no signs of inflammation or resorption. The periapical lesion was healed at 24 months.
Sports Dentistry & Mouthguards Role of mouthguards in reducing mild traumatic brain injury/concussion incidence in high school football athletes
Jackson Winters, DDSFull Article (PDF)
Richard DeMont, PhD, CAT(C), ATC
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):34.
The purpose of this randomized prospective study was to compare the impact of pressure-laminated (LM), custom-made, properly fitted MGs to over-the-counter (OTC) MGs on the MTBI/concussion incidence in high school football athletes over a season of play. There was a significant difference (P = 0.0423) with incidence rates of 3.6% and 8.3% in the LM MG and OTC MG groups, respectively.
Anatomy Proposal for clinical classification of multifactorial noncarious cervical lesions
Kapil Loomba, BDS, MDS, FPFAFull Article (PDF)
Rhythm Bains, BDS, MDS
Vivek Kumar Bains, BDS, MDS
Anju Loomba, BDS, MDS
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):39.
Noncarious cervical lesions often present with overlapping symptoms and have a multifactorial etiology. This article proposes a system based upon the clinical appearance of the lesion in order to derive simple, therapeutic, treatment-based classifications.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. 349 -
Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis, Oral Pathology Distinguishing and diagnosing contemporary and conventional features of dental erosion
Mohamed A. Bassiouny, PhD, DMD, MScFull Article (PDF)
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):46.
Dental erosion associated with modern dietary habits can exhibit unique features that symbolize a departure from the decades old conventional image known as tooth surface loss. In this article, contemporary and conventional erosion lesions are distinguished from similar defects, such as mechanically induced wear, carious lesions, and dental fluorosis.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. 350 -
Diagnosis and Treatment Planning Unusual occurrence of missing central incisor: a case report
Amit S. Date, MDS, PGCOIFull Article (PDF)
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):54.
This article presents a case involving a dilacerated and impacted maxillary central incisor, examines its probable etiology, and discusses the mechanism in terms of pertinent literature.
Caries Detection and Prevention Microtensile bond strength of etch-and-rinse and self-etch adhesives to artificially created carious dentin
Maria Carolina G. Erhardt, DDS, MS, PhDFull Article (PDF)
Maristela Maia Lobo, DDS, MS, PhD
Marcelo Goulart, DDS
Fabio Herrmann Coelho-de-Souza, DDS, MS, PhD
Thiago Assuncao Valentino, DDS, MS, PhD
Jatyr Pisani-Proenca, DDS, MS, PhD
Ewerton Nocchi Conceicao, DDS, MS, PhD
Luiz Andre Freire Pimenta, DDS, MS, PhD
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):56.
This article evaluates a pH-cycling model for simulation of caries-affected and caries-infected dentin (CAD and CID, respectively) surfaces, by comparing the bond strength of an etch-and-rinse and a self-etch adhesive system. For both adhesives, bonding to sound dentin (SD) showed that the microtensile bond strength (µTBS) values of SD, CAD, and CID were SD > CAD > CID (P < 0.05). The type of dentin and its histological structure played an important role in etch-and-rinse and self-etch bonding, as lower µTBS values were attained in CAD and CID.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. 351 -
Prevention/Diet/Nutrition Which is a stronger indicator of dental caries: oral hygiene, food, or beverages? A clinical study
Poonam Jain, BDS, MS, MPHFull Article (PDF)
Julie J. Gary, MPH
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):63.
This article presents a cross-sectional study of 76 people living in a fluoridated community. The amount of sugar-sweetened beverages and snack food consumed, plaque index, and age showed statistically significant relationships with the outcome variable—dental caries (P < 0.05). The results indicated that dietary factors and oral hygiene both contribute equally to dental caries in this study population. Sugar-sweetened beverage consumption was a much stronger indicator of dental caries than snack food consumption.
Soft Tissue Surgery Changing the gingival color discrepancy induced by pigmented root using subepithelial connective tissue graft: a case report
Marcelo Sirolli, MsCFull Article (PDF)
Josue Martos, PhD
Flavia Sukekava, PhD, MSc
Claudio Mendes Pannuti, PhD, MSc
Joao Batista Cesar Neto, PhD, MSc
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):69.
This article describes the case of a patient with gingival discoloration caused by root pigmentation in the maxillary area. A subepithelial connective graft was harvested from the palate.
Implants Total rehabilitation of maxilla using a tooth-to-implant restoration: case report
Andrea Araujo de Vasconcellos, DDS, MS, PhDFull Article (PDF)
Sergio Eduardo Henriques Feitosa, DDS, MS
Francisco Mauro da Silva Girundi, DDS, MS
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):73.
This case report describes the rehabilitation of a patient whose partially edentulous maxilla was treated with a tooth-to-implant restoration. In this case, telescopic crowns were used to better match the tooth-implant union. No biomechanical or functional problems were found 8 years post-treatment.
Dentistry for the Medically Compromised CAD/CAM-fabricated telescopic prosthesis on periodontally compromised abutments of a patient undergoing bisphosphonate treatment for osteoporosis: a case report
Wei-Shao Lin, DDSFull Article (PDF)
Bryan T. Harris, DMD
Amirali Zandinejad, DDS, MSc
Dean Morton, BDS, MS
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):e1.
This case report describes how a CAD/CAM-fabricated cobalt-chromium telescopic prosthesis was placed on periodontally compromised abutments of a 74-year-old woman actively undergoing oral and intravenous bisphosphonate treatment for osteoporosis.
Partial Dentures An overlay partial denture to restore worn mandibular anterior teeth
Asha Samant, DMD, MDS, BDSFull Article (PDF)
Peter DeSciscio, DMD
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):e4.
This article describes an alternate treatment for a patient with a collapsed bite, missing posterior mandibular teeth, an ill-fitting complete maxillary denture with poor esthetics, and irregular, worn mandibular anterior teeth.
Dental Materials Effect of surface treatment of brackets and mechanical cycling on adhesion to enamel
Fabiola Rossato Arrais, DDSFull Article (PDF)
Felipe Degrazia, DDS, MSci
Bernardo Urbanetto Peres, DDS
Vilmar Antonio Ferrazzo, DDS, MSci, PhD
Renesio Armindo Grehs, DDS, MSci, PhD
Luiz Felipe Valandro, DDS, MSci, PhD
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):e7.
This in vitro study evaluated how surface conditioning from bracket and mechanical cycling aging affected the bond strength and adhesive index between metallic brackets and bovine enamel. Mechanical cycling did not change bond strength to a statistically significant degree. Silicatization associated with a silanization treatment boosted the adhesive index. However, it also led to enamel fractures.
Diagnosis and Treatment Planning RETRACTED: Diagnosis and management of cemental tear: a case report
Hitesh Gupta, MDSFull Article (PDF)
Abhinay Puri, MDS
Saru Kumar, MDS
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):e12.
A 32-year-old man complained of swelling after an extraction in the left maxillary premolar area. The first premolar showed no caries while the second premolar had a crown. Histopathology revealed the fragment to be a cemental tear, associated typically with old age or trauma. Dentists should be aware of this rare entity in cases of noncarious odontogenic pain.
Diagnosis of Oral Pathology Talon cusps occurring concurrently with dens invaginatus on a permanent maxillary lateral incisor: a case report and literature review
Hakan Colak, DDS, PhDFull Article (PDF)
Cicek Yilmaz, DDS
Hakan Keklik, DDS
Tugba Colak, DDS, PhD
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):e14.
This article presents a unique case of concurrent dens invaginatus and palatal and facial talon cusps in the right maxillary central incisor of a 12-year-old girl.
Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis, Oral Pathology Palatogingival groove mimicking as a mutilated root fracture in a maxillary lateral incisor: a case report
Kumar Vasanth, BDSFull Article (PDF)
Jojo Kottoor, MDS
Suresh Nandini, MDS
Natanasabapathy Velmurugan, MDS
Mohan Abarajithan, MDS
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):e19.
This article presents the case of a palatogingival groove (PPG) that was misdiagnosed as a mutilated root fracture. Transillumination, bite test, surgical site visualization, and high-end diagnostic modalities were not considered. PPG was confirmed only after the tooth was extracted and observed under a dental operating microscope.
May/June 2014
Table of Contents
Editorial Just doing it
Roger D. Winland, DDS, MS, MAGDFull Article (PDF)
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):8.
Prosthodontics Pushing the envelope? Immediately loaded, removable, unsplinted implant overdenture
Samuel M. Strong, DDSFull Article (PDF)
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):10.
Esthetics Creating predictable success with invisible Class IVs
Wynn Okuda, DMD, FAACD, FICD, FICOIFull Article (PDF)
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):13.
Pharmacology Co-administration of oral contraceptives and antibiotics used in dentistry
Thomas A. Viola, CCP, RPhFull Article (PDF)
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):18.
Ethics Well-intentioned or misguided?
Toni M. Roucka, DDS, MA, FACDFull Article (PDF)
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):16.
Restorative Bonded anterior orthodontic retainers
Roger A. Solow, DDSFull Article (PDF)
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):21.
Oral Diagnosis Erythematous nodule of lower lip. Retromolar mass.
Full Article (PDF)
Douglas D. Damm, DDS
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):77
Answers Oral Diagnosis, Self-Instruction exercises No. 328, 329, 330, and Errata.
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):78.Full Article (PDF)
Clinical Articles
Microbiology The effect of sodium hypochlorite and ginger extract on microorganisms and endotoxins in endodontic treatment of infected root canals
Marcia Carneiro Valera, DDS, MSc, PhDFull Article (PDF)
Lilian Eiko Maekawa, DDS, MSc, PhD
Adriana Chung, DDS, MSc
Flavia Goulart Rosa Cardoso, DDS, MSc
Luciane Dias de Oliveira, DDS, MSc, PhD
Carolina Lima de Oliveira, DDS
Claudio Antonio Talge Carvalho, DDS, MSc, PhD
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):25.
This in vitro study sought to evaluate the biomechanical action on microorganisms and endotoxins of sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) and an intracanal medication containing Zingiber officinale, associated with calcium hydroxide. The results showed that the NaOCl eliminated 100% of root canal microorganisms and reduced endotoxins immediately and 7 days after preparation by 88.8% and 83.2%, respectively.
Surgical Endodontics Concurrent intentional replantation of maxillary molars using a novel root-end filling
Saeed Asgary, DDS, MSFull Article (PDF)
Ali Nosrat, DDS, MS
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):30.
This article describes the successful concurrent intentional replantation of 2 maxillary molars. Teeth No. 14 and 15 were sensitive to percussion and palpation. Radiographs revealed a large periapical radiolucent lesion and inadequate root canal filling in both teeth. Tooth No. 14 was extracted, root-end resection and root-end preparation was completed, and the cavities were filled with calcium enriched mixture cement. The tooth was replanted, and the same procedure was done for tooth No. 15. Follow-ups revealed no signs of inflammation or resorption. The periapical lesion was healed at 24 months.
Sports Dentistry & Mouthguards Role of mouthguards in reducing mild traumatic brain injury/concussion incidence in high school football athletes
Jackson Winters, DDSFull Article (PDF)
Richard DeMont, PhD, CAT(C), ATC
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):34.
The purpose of this randomized prospective study was to compare the impact of pressure-laminated (LM), custom-made, properly fitted MGs to over-the-counter (OTC) MGs on the MTBI/concussion incidence in high school football athletes over a season of play. There was a significant difference (P = 0.0423) with incidence rates of 3.6% and 8.3% in the LM MG and OTC MG groups, respectively.
Anatomy Proposal for clinical classification of multifactorial noncarious cervical lesions
Kapil Loomba, BDS, MDS, FPFAFull Article (PDF)
Rhythm Bains, BDS, MDS
Vivek Kumar Bains, BDS, MDS
Anju Loomba, BDS, MDS
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):39.
Noncarious cervical lesions often present with overlapping symptoms and have a multifactorial etiology. This article proposes a system based upon the clinical appearance of the lesion in order to derive simple, therapeutic, treatment-based classifications.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. 349 -
Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis, Oral Pathology Distinguishing and diagnosing contemporary and conventional features of dental erosion
Mohamed A. Bassiouny, PhD, DMD, MScFull Article (PDF)
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):46.
Dental erosion associated with modern dietary habits can exhibit unique features that symbolize a departure from the decades old conventional image known as tooth surface loss. In this article, contemporary and conventional erosion lesions are distinguished from similar defects, such as mechanically induced wear, carious lesions, and dental fluorosis.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. 350 -
Diagnosis and Treatment Planning Unusual occurrence of missing central incisor: a case report
Amit S. Date, MDS, PGCOIFull Article (PDF)
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):54.
This article presents a case involving a dilacerated and impacted maxillary central incisor, examines its probable etiology, and discusses the mechanism in terms of pertinent literature.
Caries Detection and Prevention Microtensile bond strength of etch-and-rinse and self-etch adhesives to artificially created carious dentin
Maria Carolina G. Erhardt, DDS, MS, PhDFull Article (PDF)
Maristela Maia Lobo, DDS, MS, PhD
Marcelo Goulart, DDS
Fabio Herrmann Coelho-de-Souza, DDS, MS, PhD
Thiago Assuncao Valentino, DDS, MS, PhD
Jatyr Pisani-Proenca, DDS, MS, PhD
Ewerton Nocchi Conceicao, DDS, MS, PhD
Luiz Andre Freire Pimenta, DDS, MS, PhD
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):56.
This article evaluates a pH-cycling model for simulation of caries-affected and caries-infected dentin (CAD and CID, respectively) surfaces, by comparing the bond strength of an etch-and-rinse and a self-etch adhesive system. For both adhesives, bonding to sound dentin (SD) showed that the microtensile bond strength (µTBS) values of SD, CAD, and CID were SD > CAD > CID (P < 0.05). The type of dentin and its histological structure played an important role in etch-and-rinse and self-etch bonding, as lower µTBS values were attained in CAD and CID.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. 351 -
Prevention/Diet/Nutrition Which is a stronger indicator of dental caries: oral hygiene, food, or beverages? A clinical study
Poonam Jain, BDS, MS, MPHFull Article (PDF)
Julie J. Gary, MPH
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):63.
This article presents a cross-sectional study of 76 people living in a fluoridated community. The amount of sugar-sweetened beverages and snack food consumed, plaque index, and age showed statistically significant relationships with the outcome variable—dental caries (P < 0.05). The results indicated that dietary factors and oral hygiene both contribute equally to dental caries in this study population. Sugar-sweetened beverage consumption was a much stronger indicator of dental caries than snack food consumption.
Soft Tissue Surgery Changing the gingival color discrepancy induced by pigmented root using subepithelial connective tissue graft: a case report
Marcelo Sirolli, MsCFull Article (PDF)
Josue Martos, PhD
Flavia Sukekava, PhD, MSc
Claudio Mendes Pannuti, PhD, MSc
Joao Batista Cesar Neto, PhD, MSc
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):69.
This article describes the case of a patient with gingival discoloration caused by root pigmentation in the maxillary area. A subepithelial connective graft was harvested from the palate.
Implants Total rehabilitation of maxilla using a tooth-to-implant restoration: case report
Andrea Araujo de Vasconcellos, DDS, MS, PhDFull Article (PDF)
Sergio Eduardo Henriques Feitosa, DDS, MS
Francisco Mauro da Silva Girundi, DDS, MS
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):73.
This case report describes the rehabilitation of a patient whose partially edentulous maxilla was treated with a tooth-to-implant restoration. In this case, telescopic crowns were used to better match the tooth-implant union. No biomechanical or functional problems were found 8 years post-treatment.
Dentistry for the Medically Compromised CAD/CAM-fabricated telescopic prosthesis on periodontally compromised abutments of a patient undergoing bisphosphonate treatment for osteoporosis: a case report
Wei-Shao Lin, DDSFull Article (PDF)
Bryan T. Harris, DMD
Amirali Zandinejad, DDS, MSc
Dean Morton, BDS, MS
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):e1.
This case report describes how a CAD/CAM-fabricated cobalt-chromium telescopic prosthesis was placed on periodontally compromised abutments of a 74-year-old woman actively undergoing oral and intravenous bisphosphonate treatment for osteoporosis.
Partial Dentures An overlay partial denture to restore worn mandibular anterior teeth
Asha Samant, DMD, MDS, BDSFull Article (PDF)
Peter DeSciscio, DMD
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):e4.
This article describes an alternate treatment for a patient with a collapsed bite, missing posterior mandibular teeth, an ill-fitting complete maxillary denture with poor esthetics, and irregular, worn mandibular anterior teeth.
Dental Materials Effect of surface treatment of brackets and mechanical cycling on adhesion to enamel
Fabiola Rossato Arrais, DDSFull Article (PDF)
Felipe Degrazia, DDS, MSci
Bernardo Urbanetto Peres, DDS
Vilmar Antonio Ferrazzo, DDS, MSci, PhD
Renesio Armindo Grehs, DDS, MSci, PhD
Luiz Felipe Valandro, DDS, MSci, PhD
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):e7.
This in vitro study evaluated how surface conditioning from bracket and mechanical cycling aging affected the bond strength and adhesive index between metallic brackets and bovine enamel. Mechanical cycling did not change bond strength to a statistically significant degree. Silicatization associated with a silanization treatment boosted the adhesive index. However, it also led to enamel fractures.
Diagnosis and Treatment Planning RETRACTED: Diagnosis and management of cemental tear: a case report
Hitesh Gupta, MDSFull Article (PDF)
Abhinay Puri, MDS
Saru Kumar, MDS
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):e12.
A 32-year-old man complained of swelling after an extraction in the left maxillary premolar area. The first premolar showed no caries while the second premolar had a crown. Histopathology revealed the fragment to be a cemental tear, associated typically with old age or trauma. Dentists should be aware of this rare entity in cases of noncarious odontogenic pain.
Diagnosis of Oral Pathology Talon cusps occurring concurrently with dens invaginatus on a permanent maxillary lateral incisor: a case report and literature review
Hakan Colak, DDS, PhDFull Article (PDF)
Cicek Yilmaz, DDS
Hakan Keklik, DDS
Tugba Colak, DDS, PhD
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):e14.
This article presents a unique case of concurrent dens invaginatus and palatal and facial talon cusps in the right maxillary central incisor of a 12-year-old girl.
Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis, Oral Pathology Palatogingival groove mimicking as a mutilated root fracture in a maxillary lateral incisor: a case report
Kumar Vasanth, BDSFull Article (PDF)
Jojo Kottoor, MDS
Suresh Nandini, MDS
Natanasabapathy Velmurugan, MDS
Mohan Abarajithan, MDS
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):e19.
This article presents the case of a palatogingival groove (PPG) that was misdiagnosed as a mutilated root fracture. Transillumination, bite test, surgical site visualization, and high-end diagnostic modalities were not considered. PPG was confirmed only after the tooth was extracted and observed under a dental operating microscope.
May/June 2014
Table of Contents
Editorial Just doing it
Roger D. Winland, DDS, MS, MAGDFull Article (PDF)
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):8.
Prosthodontics Pushing the envelope? Immediately loaded, removable, unsplinted implant overdenture
Samuel M. Strong, DDSFull Article (PDF)
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):10.
Esthetics Creating predictable success with invisible Class IVs
Wynn Okuda, DMD, FAACD, FICD, FICOIFull Article (PDF)
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):13.
Pharmacology Co-administration of oral contraceptives and antibiotics used in dentistry
Thomas A. Viola, CCP, RPhFull Article (PDF)
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):18.
Ethics Well-intentioned or misguided?
Toni M. Roucka, DDS, MA, FACDFull Article (PDF)
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):16.
Restorative Bonded anterior orthodontic retainers
Roger A. Solow, DDSFull Article (PDF)
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):21.
Oral Diagnosis Erythematous nodule of lower lip. Retromolar mass.
Full Article (PDF)
Douglas D. Damm, DDS
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):77
Answers Oral Diagnosis, Self-Instruction exercises No. 328, 329, 330, and Errata.
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):78.Full Article (PDF)
Clinical Articles
Microbiology The effect of sodium hypochlorite and ginger extract on microorganisms and endotoxins in endodontic treatment of infected root canals
Marcia Carneiro Valera, DDS, MSc, PhDFull Article (PDF)
Lilian Eiko Maekawa, DDS, MSc, PhD
Adriana Chung, DDS, MSc
Flavia Goulart Rosa Cardoso, DDS, MSc
Luciane Dias de Oliveira, DDS, MSc, PhD
Carolina Lima de Oliveira, DDS
Claudio Antonio Talge Carvalho, DDS, MSc, PhD
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):25.
This in vitro study sought to evaluate the biomechanical action on microorganisms and endotoxins of sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) and an intracanal medication containing Zingiber officinale, associated with calcium hydroxide. The results showed that the NaOCl eliminated 100% of root canal microorganisms and reduced endotoxins immediately and 7 days after preparation by 88.8% and 83.2%, respectively.
Surgical Endodontics Concurrent intentional replantation of maxillary molars using a novel root-end filling
Saeed Asgary, DDS, MSFull Article (PDF)
Ali Nosrat, DDS, MS
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):30.
This article describes the successful concurrent intentional replantation of 2 maxillary molars. Teeth No. 14 and 15 were sensitive to percussion and palpation. Radiographs revealed a large periapical radiolucent lesion and inadequate root canal filling in both teeth. Tooth No. 14 was extracted, root-end resection and root-end preparation was completed, and the cavities were filled with calcium enriched mixture cement. The tooth was replanted, and the same procedure was done for tooth No. 15. Follow-ups revealed no signs of inflammation or resorption. The periapical lesion was healed at 24 months.
Sports Dentistry & Mouthguards Role of mouthguards in reducing mild traumatic brain injury/concussion incidence in high school football athletes
Jackson Winters, DDSFull Article (PDF)
Richard DeMont, PhD, CAT(C), ATC
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):34.
The purpose of this randomized prospective study was to compare the impact of pressure-laminated (LM), custom-made, properly fitted MGs to over-the-counter (OTC) MGs on the MTBI/concussion incidence in high school football athletes over a season of play. There was a significant difference (P = 0.0423) with incidence rates of 3.6% and 8.3% in the LM MG and OTC MG groups, respectively.
Anatomy Proposal for clinical classification of multifactorial noncarious cervical lesions
Kapil Loomba, BDS, MDS, FPFAFull Article (PDF)
Rhythm Bains, BDS, MDS
Vivek Kumar Bains, BDS, MDS
Anju Loomba, BDS, MDS
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):39.
Noncarious cervical lesions often present with overlapping symptoms and have a multifactorial etiology. This article proposes a system based upon the clinical appearance of the lesion in order to derive simple, therapeutic, treatment-based classifications.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. 349 -
Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis, Oral Pathology Distinguishing and diagnosing contemporary and conventional features of dental erosion
Mohamed A. Bassiouny, PhD, DMD, MScFull Article (PDF)
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):46.
Dental erosion associated with modern dietary habits can exhibit unique features that symbolize a departure from the decades old conventional image known as tooth surface loss. In this article, contemporary and conventional erosion lesions are distinguished from similar defects, such as mechanically induced wear, carious lesions, and dental fluorosis.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. 350 -
Diagnosis and Treatment Planning Unusual occurrence of missing central incisor: a case report
Amit S. Date, MDS, PGCOIFull Article (PDF)
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):54.
This article presents a case involving a dilacerated and impacted maxillary central incisor, examines its probable etiology, and discusses the mechanism in terms of pertinent literature.
Caries Detection and Prevention Microtensile bond strength of etch-and-rinse and self-etch adhesives to artificially created carious dentin
Maria Carolina G. Erhardt, DDS, MS, PhDFull Article (PDF)
Maristela Maia Lobo, DDS, MS, PhD
Marcelo Goulart, DDS
Fabio Herrmann Coelho-de-Souza, DDS, MS, PhD
Thiago Assuncao Valentino, DDS, MS, PhD
Jatyr Pisani-Proenca, DDS, MS, PhD
Ewerton Nocchi Conceicao, DDS, MS, PhD
Luiz Andre Freire Pimenta, DDS, MS, PhD
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):56.
This article evaluates a pH-cycling model for simulation of caries-affected and caries-infected dentin (CAD and CID, respectively) surfaces, by comparing the bond strength of an etch-and-rinse and a self-etch adhesive system. For both adhesives, bonding to sound dentin (SD) showed that the microtensile bond strength (µTBS) values of SD, CAD, and CID were SD > CAD > CID (P < 0.05). The type of dentin and its histological structure played an important role in etch-and-rinse and self-etch bonding, as lower µTBS values were attained in CAD and CID.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. 351 -
Prevention/Diet/Nutrition Which is a stronger indicator of dental caries: oral hygiene, food, or beverages? A clinical study
Poonam Jain, BDS, MS, MPHFull Article (PDF)
Julie J. Gary, MPH
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):63.
This article presents a cross-sectional study of 76 people living in a fluoridated community. The amount of sugar-sweetened beverages and snack food consumed, plaque index, and age showed statistically significant relationships with the outcome variable—dental caries (P < 0.05). The results indicated that dietary factors and oral hygiene both contribute equally to dental caries in this study population. Sugar-sweetened beverage consumption was a much stronger indicator of dental caries than snack food consumption.
Soft Tissue Surgery Changing the gingival color discrepancy induced by pigmented root using subepithelial connective tissue graft: a case report
Marcelo Sirolli, MsCFull Article (PDF)
Josue Martos, PhD
Flavia Sukekava, PhD, MSc
Claudio Mendes Pannuti, PhD, MSc
Joao Batista Cesar Neto, PhD, MSc
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):69.
This article describes the case of a patient with gingival discoloration caused by root pigmentation in the maxillary area. A subepithelial connective graft was harvested from the palate.
Implants Total rehabilitation of maxilla using a tooth-to-implant restoration: case report
Andrea Araujo de Vasconcellos, DDS, MS, PhDFull Article (PDF)
Sergio Eduardo Henriques Feitosa, DDS, MS
Francisco Mauro da Silva Girundi, DDS, MS
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):73.
This case report describes the rehabilitation of a patient whose partially edentulous maxilla was treated with a tooth-to-implant restoration. In this case, telescopic crowns were used to better match the tooth-implant union. No biomechanical or functional problems were found 8 years post-treatment.
Dentistry for the Medically Compromised CAD/CAM-fabricated telescopic prosthesis on periodontally compromised abutments of a patient undergoing bisphosphonate treatment for osteoporosis: a case report
Wei-Shao Lin, DDSFull Article (PDF)
Bryan T. Harris, DMD
Amirali Zandinejad, DDS, MSc
Dean Morton, BDS, MS
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):e1.
This case report describes how a CAD/CAM-fabricated cobalt-chromium telescopic prosthesis was placed on periodontally compromised abutments of a 74-year-old woman actively undergoing oral and intravenous bisphosphonate treatment for osteoporosis.
Partial Dentures An overlay partial denture to restore worn mandibular anterior teeth
Asha Samant, DMD, MDS, BDSFull Article (PDF)
Peter DeSciscio, DMD
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):e4.
This article describes an alternate treatment for a patient with a collapsed bite, missing posterior mandibular teeth, an ill-fitting complete maxillary denture with poor esthetics, and irregular, worn mandibular anterior teeth.
Dental Materials Effect of surface treatment of brackets and mechanical cycling on adhesion to enamel
Fabiola Rossato Arrais, DDSFull Article (PDF)
Felipe Degrazia, DDS, MSci
Bernardo Urbanetto Peres, DDS
Vilmar Antonio Ferrazzo, DDS, MSci, PhD
Renesio Armindo Grehs, DDS, MSci, PhD
Luiz Felipe Valandro, DDS, MSci, PhD
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):e7.
This in vitro study evaluated how surface conditioning from bracket and mechanical cycling aging affected the bond strength and adhesive index between metallic brackets and bovine enamel. Mechanical cycling did not change bond strength to a statistically significant degree. Silicatization associated with a silanization treatment boosted the adhesive index. However, it also led to enamel fractures.
Diagnosis and Treatment Planning RETRACTED: Diagnosis and management of cemental tear: a case report
Hitesh Gupta, MDSFull Article (PDF)
Abhinay Puri, MDS
Saru Kumar, MDS
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):e12.
A 32-year-old man complained of swelling after an extraction in the left maxillary premolar area. The first premolar showed no caries while the second premolar had a crown. Histopathology revealed the fragment to be a cemental tear, associated typically with old age or trauma. Dentists should be aware of this rare entity in cases of noncarious odontogenic pain.
Diagnosis of Oral Pathology Talon cusps occurring concurrently with dens invaginatus on a permanent maxillary lateral incisor: a case report and literature review
Hakan Colak, DDS, PhDFull Article (PDF)
Cicek Yilmaz, DDS
Hakan Keklik, DDS
Tugba Colak, DDS, PhD
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):e14.
This article presents a unique case of concurrent dens invaginatus and palatal and facial talon cusps in the right maxillary central incisor of a 12-year-old girl.
Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis, Oral Pathology Palatogingival groove mimicking as a mutilated root fracture in a maxillary lateral incisor: a case report
Kumar Vasanth, BDSFull Article (PDF)
Jojo Kottoor, MDS
Suresh Nandini, MDS
Natanasabapathy Velmurugan, MDS
Mohan Abarajithan, MDS
2014 May/Jun; 62(3):e19.
This article presents the case of a palatogingival groove (PPG) that was misdiagnosed as a mutilated root fracture. Transillumination, bite test, surgical site visualization, and high-end diagnostic modalities were not considered. PPG was confirmed only after the tooth was extracted and observed under a dental operating microscope.