General Dentistry is AGD's peer-reviewed journal. Published bimonthly, General Dentistry presents research and clinical findings to support the full range of procedures that general dentists perform on a regular basis.
March/April 2014
Table of Contents
Editorial Negative publicity
Eric K. Curtis, DDS, MA, MAGDFull Article (PDF)
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):8.
To the Editor What most dentists consider "Minimally invasive"
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):9.Full Article (PDF)
Minimally Invasive Dentistry Crowns after root canals: are they a necessity?
Mark Malterud, DDS, MAGDFull Article (PDF)
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):12.
Pediatrics Early childhood caries risk assessment and preventive care recommendations for the primary dentition
Jane A. Soxman, DDSFull Article (PDF)
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):15.
Pharmacology Considerations for the use of medications in older dental patients
Thomas A. Viola, CCP, RPhFull Article (PDF)
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):18.
2013 Reviewers 2013 Reviewers
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):75.Full Article (PDF)
Answers Self-Instruction exercises No. 325, 326, and 327
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):79.Full Article (PDF)
Clinical Articles
Obturation Techniques Long-term sealing ability of 3 endodontic obturation techniques
Francesco Iacono, DDS, MSFull Article (PDF)
Eugenio Pedulla, DDS, PhD
Ernesto Rapisarda, MD, DDS
Carlo Prati, DDS, MD, PhD
Maria Giovanna Gandolfi, Dbiol, DSc, Mbio, PhD
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):20.
This in vitro study sought to evaluate the sealing ability of 3 root canal obturator systems after immersion in simulated body fluid for 1 year. Specimens were divided into 3 groups (n = 10) according to the obturation manufacturer-specified system, and then immersed in simulated body fluid. This study demonstrated that the tested systems were unable to keep their sealing ability stable during the first year, and at 12 months, all 3 systems showed increased flow rates (P < 0.0001).
Myofascial Pain/Occlusion Precision occlusal splints and the diagnosis of occlusal problems in myogenous orofacial pain patients
Glenn M. Kidder, DDS, FAGDFull Article (PDF)
Roger A. Solow, DDS
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):24.
Research has shown that occlusal interferences affect masticatory muscle pain or dysfunction. Resolution of these problems with precise occlusal correction indicates that dental occlusion is a causative or contributory factor. However, some reports conclude that occlusion is unrelated to masticatory muscle pain or dysfunction. An explanation for this discrepancy in findings is that these nonconfirmatory studies had not documented any pretreatment or corrected occlusion. The rationale and requirements for proper occlusal splint fabrication with a verified therapeutic occlusion are presented.
Partial Dentures Flexible removable partial dentures: a basic overview
Edward E. Hill, DDS, MSFull Article (PDF)
Barry Rubel, DMD
John B. Smith, DMD
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):32.
There is very little information available in the dental literature concerning nonrigid removable partial denture (RPD) prostheses. As a result, the decision to use this treatment option depends on the judgment and experience of the dentist and fabricating laboratory. This article summarizes clinically pertinent information about flexible, nonrigid RPDs.
Root Caries & Treatment Fracture resistance of permanent anterior incisors using fiber-reinforced composite posts
Jeffrey G. Phebus, DDSFull Article (PDF)
Barry M. Owens, DDS
Waldemar de Rijk, MS, PhD, DDS, FADM
Adam Davis, DDS
William W. Johnson, DDS, MS
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):37.
This in vitro study investigated whether permanent anterior incisors that are endodontically treated with cemented fiber-reinforced composite (FRC) posts without additional canal preparation can potentially increase the resistance to fracture and thus reduce the rate of clinical failure in root canals.The results suggest that structural support of an endodontically treated tooth (root) can be supplemented with the addition of an FRC post.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. 346 -
Diagnosis of Oral Pathology Slow growing, painful, nodular swelling on the buccal mucosa: a case report
Ravi David Austin, MDSFull Article (PDF)
Philips Mathew, MDS, MPH
Maria Rajathi J., MDS
Kandasamy Murugan, BDS
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):44.
The disease processes that give rise to nodular swellings in the oral cavity include inflammatory hyperplasias, obstructive minor salivary gland disorders, infections, benign connective tissue neoplasms and salivary gland neoplasms. Understandably, the nature of these entities also varies significantly, ranging from very innocuous to aggressive lesions, underscoring the need for accurate diagnosis.
Periodontics Comparing semilunar coronally positioned flap to a standard coronally positioned flap using periodontal clinical parameters
Carlos Augusto Nassar, DDS, MSFull Article (PDF)
Wilson Aparecido Dias da Silva
Karine Tonet
Mayron Barros Secundes
Patricia Oehlmeyer Nassar, DDS, MS
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):47.
This study compared the effectiveness of 2 surgical root coverage techniques—semilunar coronally positioned flap and coronally advanced flap—using the clinical parameters of periodontal tissues from patients with Miller Class I gingival recession. Both groups showed significant reduction of plaque and gingival indices, and an improvement in clinical attachment levels and probing depth. However, results showed the coronally advanced flap technique was deemed more effective due to significant clinical attachment level gains.
Root Caries & Treatment Influence of instrumentation techniques and irrigating solutions on bond strength of glass fiber posts to root dentin
Eduardo Fernandes Marques, MScFull Article (PDF)
Carlos Eduardo da Silveira Bueno, PhD
Heloisa Helena Pinho Veloso, PhD
Gustavo Almeida, MSc
Sergio Luiz Pinheiro, PhD
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):50.
This study sought to evaluate how instrumentation techniques and irrigating solutions affected the bond strength of glass fiber posts. Irrigation with 2.5% NaOCl reduced the bond strength of fiber posts significantly (P < 0.01), while CHX showed no effect (P > 0.05). It was concluded that irrigation with 2.5% NaOCl has a negative effect on micromechanical retention of glass fiber posts, whether manual or rotary instrumentation is used.
Operative (Restorative Dentistry) Cigarette smoke: effects on water sorption and solubility of restorative dental composites
Paula Mathias, DDS, MS, PhDFull Article (PDF)
Sara Ramos B. Santos
Thaiane R. Aguiar, DDS, MS, PhD
Poliana Ramos B. Santos, DDS
Andrea N. Cavalcanti, DDS, MS, PhD
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):54.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of cigarette smoke on water sorption and solubility of microfilled, microhybrid, and nanofilled composite resins. The results indicated that water sorption and solubility varied among the products, and tobacco smoke may alter the physical properties of resin-based materials.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. 347 -
Cancer Screening Oral squamous cell carcinoma metastasizing to the skull bone: a case report and literature review
Ademar Takahama Jr., DDS, PhDFull Article (PDF)
Marcelo Brum Correa, MD
Oslei Paes de Almeida, DDS, PhD
Marcio Ajudarte Lopes, DDS, PhD
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):59.
This article presents the case of a 58-year-old woman who refused surgical treatment for a very aggressive SCC on the mandibular alveolar ridge. The site of the primary tumor (next to the bone), as well as the patient’s refusal of the proposed treatment, may have led to the hematological spread of the malignant cells, resulting in the distant metastasis.
Diagnosis and Treatment Planning Accuracy of an open-tray implant impression technique with 3 splinting materials: an in vitro study
Farshid Akbari Kamrani, DDSFull Article (PDF)
Amir Hossein Namazi, DDS
Reza Hamedy, DDS
Pakhshan Ghadiri, DDS, MSc
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):62.
This study compared the accuracy of impressions using 3 types of splinting materials: a pattern acrylic resin, an acrylic resin, and a dual-cured composite resin. Implant positions were compared against the master model using a coordinate measuring machine with ANOVA comparison (α = 0.05). These findings indicated that the composite resin demonstrated better accuracy than the other tested splinting materials.
Dental Materials Marginal gap, cement thickness, and microleakage of 2 zirconia crown systems luted with glass ionomer and MDP-based cements
Isil Sener, DDSFull Article (PDF)
Begum Turker, DDS, PhD
Luiz Felipe Valandro, PhD
Mutlu Ozcan, DDS, Dr. Med Dent, PhD
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):67.
This in vitro study evaluated the marginal gap, cement thickness, and microleakage of glass-ionomer cement (GIC) and phosphate monomer-containing resin cement (MDP-RC) under 2 zirconia crown systems (Cercon and DC-Zirkon). Considering the cement thickness values and microleakage scores obtained, both zirconia crown systems could be cemented in combination with either GIC or MDP-RC.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. 348 -
Prevention/Diet/Nutrition Fluoride content of infant foods
Jaime L. Steele, DDS, MSDFull Article (PDF)
E. Angeles Martinez-Mier, DDS, MSD, PhD
Brian J. Sanders, DDS, MSD
James E. Jones, DDS, MSD, EdD, PhD
Richard D. Jackson, DMD
Armando E. Soto-Rojas, DDS, MPH
Angela M. Tomlin, PhD
George J. Eckert, MAS
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):72.
This study sought to assess the fluoride content of commercially available foods for infants 7-12 months old. All foods tested had detectable amounts of fluoride. Consuming >1 serving per day of the high fluoride concentration products in this study would place children over the recommended daily fluoride intake. Fluoride from infant foods should be taken into account when determining total daily fluoride intake.
Anatomy Use of cone beam imaging to assess inter-root distance in molar furcations
Danilo Antonio Milbradt Dutra, DDS, MScDFull Article (PDF)
Felipe Borges da Silva, DDS
Carlos Heitor Cunha Moreira, DDS, MScD, PhD
Karla Zanini Kantorski, DDS, MScD, PhD
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):e1.
This study used cone beam computed tomography to evaluate distances among root surfaces in molar furcations and assess the congruence between inter-root distances in molar furcations and curette blade widths. Analysis of 107 curettes revealed statistically significant differences among curette types and manufacturers. In most cases, the curettes tested allowed access for scaling and root planing of teeth with furcation involvement.
Traumatic Injuries & Emergencies Replanted avulsed tooth 14 hours post-trauma: a case report
Howard Hopenwasser, DMDFull Article (PDF)
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):e5.
This is a case study of the replantation of an avulsed tooth (No. 9) on a 21-year-old female. The tooth was completely dislocated, yet still retained in the mouth by palatal tissue. The only treatment performed was a computed tomography scan and the patient was advised to see a dentist as soon as possible. The patient was seen by the author in his office approximately 14 hours after the initial trauma. The treatment was deemed a success 20 months post-treatment.
Radix entomolaris: 2 case reports and clinical guidelines for endodontic management Endodontics
S. Jothi Latha, MDSFull Article (PDF)
N. Velmurugan, MDS
M. Kavitha, MDS
A.R. Pradeep Kumar, MDS
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):e8.
Radix entomolaris (RE) is the presence of an additional lingual root in mandibular molars. Though RE appears relatively infrequently, knowledge of the condition will aid in its management. This article presents 2 case reports of RE and clinical guidelines for endodontic management.
Bone Grafting/GTR Surgery Treating human gingival recession defects with acellular dermis matrix and enamel matrix derivative using coronally advanced flaps
Stephen C. Wallace, DDS, MHSFull Article (PDF)
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):e12.
This article documents the results of a study that used a coronally advanced flap (CAF) technique with an enamel matrix protein derivative (EMD) and acellular dermis matrix (ADM) to treat Miller Class I and II recession sites. According to the 3-month results, there was significant gain in root coverage, gain in clinical attachment, and increase in width of keratinized gingiva for all recession sites treated with CAF over EMD and ADM.
Special Patient Care Solitary median maxillary central incisor syndrome associated with unique cleft palate: a rare case report
Goda Holla, MDSFull Article (PDF)
Yeluri Ramakrishna, MDS
Anup Holla, MDS
Autar Krishen Munshi, MDS
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):e16.
Solitary median maxillary central incisor (SMMCI) syndrome is a rare dental anomaly that affects 1:50,000 live births. SMMCI syndrome is characterized by the presence of a single central incisor located on the maxillary midline in both primary and permanent dentitions. This report describes a clinical case of a 7-year-old girl with SMMCI syndrome—in addition to bilateral residual cleft and associated nasal regurgitation—that was treated with a removable maxillary obturator.
Digital Radiology Using cone beam computed tomography images to diagnose multiple taurodontisms
Alvaro Henrique Borges, DDS, MSc, PhDFull Article (PDF)
Iussif Mamede-Neto, DDS, MSc
Luiz Evaristo Ricci Volpato, DDS, MSc, PhD
Fabio Luis Miranda Pedro, DDS, MSc, PhD
Mike Reis Bueno, DDS, MSc, PhD
Carlos Estrela, DDS, MSc, PhD
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):e20.
This report presents the case of an otherwise healthy patient with 12 hypertaurodontic teeth, which were detected by using cone beam computed tomography. It is essential to emphasize the importance of routine imaging examinations for diagnosing developmental dental anomalies such as taurodontism, as this condition is generally not found by routine oral examination, and is not necessarily restricted to syndromic patients.
Complete Dentures Spring-loaded custom tray: an alternative technique for recording impressions in a patient with a restricted mouth opening
Manawar Ahmad, MDSFull Article (PDF)
B. Dhanasekar, MDS
I.N. Aparna, MDS
Hina Naim, MDS
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):e24.
For patients with extensive head and neck injuries due to trauma and/or who have had extensive surgical procedures, the ability to open the mouth is severely limited. This article describes an alternative method for fabricating a custom impression tray for a complete denture in patients with limited mouth opening abilities.
TM Disorders Clinical treatment of a ruptured temporomandibular joint disc: morphological changes at 5-year follow-up
Lucas Cardinal, DDS, MDSFull Article (PDF)
Felipe Porto, DDS, MS
Sachin Agarwal, BDS, MDS
Eduardo Grossmann, DDS, MSc, PhD
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):e27.
Osteoarthrosis is a disease that affects the temporomandibular joint. This case report chronicles the diagnosis and treatment of a patient for whom this pathological condition was accompanied by a rupture of the articular disc. A 4-month follow-up revealed remission of the articular sounds, and tissue regeneration was noted. These improvements remained visible at 5-year follow-up.
Partial Dentures Prosthetic rehabilitation of a hemimandibulectomy patient
Sandeep Kumar, MDSFull Article (PDF)
Reena Yadav, BDS
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):e30.
The treatment and rehabilitation of a patient with a resected mandible involves taking full advantage of all remaining structures. This is a case where crowns were placed on the remaining teeth and the remaining space was rehabilitated with an acrylic partial denture in the maxillary arch and a cast partial denture in the mandibular arch.
March/April 2014
Table of Contents
Editorial Negative publicity
Eric K. Curtis, DDS, MA, MAGDFull Article (PDF)
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):8.
To the Editor What most dentists consider "Minimally invasive"
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):9.Full Article (PDF)
Minimally Invasive Dentistry Crowns after root canals: are they a necessity?
Mark Malterud, DDS, MAGDFull Article (PDF)
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):12.
Pediatrics Early childhood caries risk assessment and preventive care recommendations for the primary dentition
Jane A. Soxman, DDSFull Article (PDF)
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):15.
Pharmacology Considerations for the use of medications in older dental patients
Thomas A. Viola, CCP, RPhFull Article (PDF)
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):18.
2013 Reviewers 2013 Reviewers
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):75.Full Article (PDF)
Answers Self-Instruction exercises No. 325, 326, and 327
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):79.Full Article (PDF)
Clinical Articles
Obturation Techniques Long-term sealing ability of 3 endodontic obturation techniques
Francesco Iacono, DDS, MSFull Article (PDF)
Eugenio Pedulla, DDS, PhD
Ernesto Rapisarda, MD, DDS
Carlo Prati, DDS, MD, PhD
Maria Giovanna Gandolfi, Dbiol, DSc, Mbio, PhD
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):20.
This in vitro study sought to evaluate the sealing ability of 3 root canal obturator systems after immersion in simulated body fluid for 1 year. Specimens were divided into 3 groups (n = 10) according to the obturation manufacturer-specified system, and then immersed in simulated body fluid. This study demonstrated that the tested systems were unable to keep their sealing ability stable during the first year, and at 12 months, all 3 systems showed increased flow rates (P < 0.0001).
Myofascial Pain/Occlusion Precision occlusal splints and the diagnosis of occlusal problems in myogenous orofacial pain patients
Glenn M. Kidder, DDS, FAGDFull Article (PDF)
Roger A. Solow, DDS
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):24.
Research has shown that occlusal interferences affect masticatory muscle pain or dysfunction. Resolution of these problems with precise occlusal correction indicates that dental occlusion is a causative or contributory factor. However, some reports conclude that occlusion is unrelated to masticatory muscle pain or dysfunction. An explanation for this discrepancy in findings is that these nonconfirmatory studies had not documented any pretreatment or corrected occlusion. The rationale and requirements for proper occlusal splint fabrication with a verified therapeutic occlusion are presented.
Partial Dentures Flexible removable partial dentures: a basic overview
Edward E. Hill, DDS, MSFull Article (PDF)
Barry Rubel, DMD
John B. Smith, DMD
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):32.
There is very little information available in the dental literature concerning nonrigid removable partial denture (RPD) prostheses. As a result, the decision to use this treatment option depends on the judgment and experience of the dentist and fabricating laboratory. This article summarizes clinically pertinent information about flexible, nonrigid RPDs.
Root Caries & Treatment Fracture resistance of permanent anterior incisors using fiber-reinforced composite posts
Jeffrey G. Phebus, DDSFull Article (PDF)
Barry M. Owens, DDS
Waldemar de Rijk, MS, PhD, DDS, FADM
Adam Davis, DDS
William W. Johnson, DDS, MS
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):37.
This in vitro study investigated whether permanent anterior incisors that are endodontically treated with cemented fiber-reinforced composite (FRC) posts without additional canal preparation can potentially increase the resistance to fracture and thus reduce the rate of clinical failure in root canals.The results suggest that structural support of an endodontically treated tooth (root) can be supplemented with the addition of an FRC post.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. 346 -
Diagnosis of Oral Pathology Slow growing, painful, nodular swelling on the buccal mucosa: a case report
Ravi David Austin, MDSFull Article (PDF)
Philips Mathew, MDS, MPH
Maria Rajathi J., MDS
Kandasamy Murugan, BDS
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):44.
The disease processes that give rise to nodular swellings in the oral cavity include inflammatory hyperplasias, obstructive minor salivary gland disorders, infections, benign connective tissue neoplasms and salivary gland neoplasms. Understandably, the nature of these entities also varies significantly, ranging from very innocuous to aggressive lesions, underscoring the need for accurate diagnosis.
Periodontics Comparing semilunar coronally positioned flap to a standard coronally positioned flap using periodontal clinical parameters
Carlos Augusto Nassar, DDS, MSFull Article (PDF)
Wilson Aparecido Dias da Silva
Karine Tonet
Mayron Barros Secundes
Patricia Oehlmeyer Nassar, DDS, MS
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):47.
This study compared the effectiveness of 2 surgical root coverage techniques—semilunar coronally positioned flap and coronally advanced flap—using the clinical parameters of periodontal tissues from patients with Miller Class I gingival recession. Both groups showed significant reduction of plaque and gingival indices, and an improvement in clinical attachment levels and probing depth. However, results showed the coronally advanced flap technique was deemed more effective due to significant clinical attachment level gains.
Root Caries & Treatment Influence of instrumentation techniques and irrigating solutions on bond strength of glass fiber posts to root dentin
Eduardo Fernandes Marques, MScFull Article (PDF)
Carlos Eduardo da Silveira Bueno, PhD
Heloisa Helena Pinho Veloso, PhD
Gustavo Almeida, MSc
Sergio Luiz Pinheiro, PhD
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):50.
This study sought to evaluate how instrumentation techniques and irrigating solutions affected the bond strength of glass fiber posts. Irrigation with 2.5% NaOCl reduced the bond strength of fiber posts significantly (P < 0.01), while CHX showed no effect (P > 0.05). It was concluded that irrigation with 2.5% NaOCl has a negative effect on micromechanical retention of glass fiber posts, whether manual or rotary instrumentation is used.
Operative (Restorative Dentistry) Cigarette smoke: effects on water sorption and solubility of restorative dental composites
Paula Mathias, DDS, MS, PhDFull Article (PDF)
Sara Ramos B. Santos
Thaiane R. Aguiar, DDS, MS, PhD
Poliana Ramos B. Santos, DDS
Andrea N. Cavalcanti, DDS, MS, PhD
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):54.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of cigarette smoke on water sorption and solubility of microfilled, microhybrid, and nanofilled composite resins. The results indicated that water sorption and solubility varied among the products, and tobacco smoke may alter the physical properties of resin-based materials.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. 347 -
Cancer Screening Oral squamous cell carcinoma metastasizing to the skull bone: a case report and literature review
Ademar Takahama Jr., DDS, PhDFull Article (PDF)
Marcelo Brum Correa, MD
Oslei Paes de Almeida, DDS, PhD
Marcio Ajudarte Lopes, DDS, PhD
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):59.
This article presents the case of a 58-year-old woman who refused surgical treatment for a very aggressive SCC on the mandibular alveolar ridge. The site of the primary tumor (next to the bone), as well as the patient’s refusal of the proposed treatment, may have led to the hematological spread of the malignant cells, resulting in the distant metastasis.
Diagnosis and Treatment Planning Accuracy of an open-tray implant impression technique with 3 splinting materials: an in vitro study
Farshid Akbari Kamrani, DDSFull Article (PDF)
Amir Hossein Namazi, DDS
Reza Hamedy, DDS
Pakhshan Ghadiri, DDS, MSc
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):62.
This study compared the accuracy of impressions using 3 types of splinting materials: a pattern acrylic resin, an acrylic resin, and a dual-cured composite resin. Implant positions were compared against the master model using a coordinate measuring machine with ANOVA comparison (α = 0.05). These findings indicated that the composite resin demonstrated better accuracy than the other tested splinting materials.
Dental Materials Marginal gap, cement thickness, and microleakage of 2 zirconia crown systems luted with glass ionomer and MDP-based cements
Isil Sener, DDSFull Article (PDF)
Begum Turker, DDS, PhD
Luiz Felipe Valandro, PhD
Mutlu Ozcan, DDS, Dr. Med Dent, PhD
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):67.
This in vitro study evaluated the marginal gap, cement thickness, and microleakage of glass-ionomer cement (GIC) and phosphate monomer-containing resin cement (MDP-RC) under 2 zirconia crown systems (Cercon and DC-Zirkon). Considering the cement thickness values and microleakage scores obtained, both zirconia crown systems could be cemented in combination with either GIC or MDP-RC.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. 348 -
Prevention/Diet/Nutrition Fluoride content of infant foods
Jaime L. Steele, DDS, MSDFull Article (PDF)
E. Angeles Martinez-Mier, DDS, MSD, PhD
Brian J. Sanders, DDS, MSD
James E. Jones, DDS, MSD, EdD, PhD
Richard D. Jackson, DMD
Armando E. Soto-Rojas, DDS, MPH
Angela M. Tomlin, PhD
George J. Eckert, MAS
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):72.
This study sought to assess the fluoride content of commercially available foods for infants 7-12 months old. All foods tested had detectable amounts of fluoride. Consuming >1 serving per day of the high fluoride concentration products in this study would place children over the recommended daily fluoride intake. Fluoride from infant foods should be taken into account when determining total daily fluoride intake.
Anatomy Use of cone beam imaging to assess inter-root distance in molar furcations
Danilo Antonio Milbradt Dutra, DDS, MScDFull Article (PDF)
Felipe Borges da Silva, DDS
Carlos Heitor Cunha Moreira, DDS, MScD, PhD
Karla Zanini Kantorski, DDS, MScD, PhD
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):e1.
This study used cone beam computed tomography to evaluate distances among root surfaces in molar furcations and assess the congruence between inter-root distances in molar furcations and curette blade widths. Analysis of 107 curettes revealed statistically significant differences among curette types and manufacturers. In most cases, the curettes tested allowed access for scaling and root planing of teeth with furcation involvement.
Traumatic Injuries & Emergencies Replanted avulsed tooth 14 hours post-trauma: a case report
Howard Hopenwasser, DMDFull Article (PDF)
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):e5.
This is a case study of the replantation of an avulsed tooth (No. 9) on a 21-year-old female. The tooth was completely dislocated, yet still retained in the mouth by palatal tissue. The only treatment performed was a computed tomography scan and the patient was advised to see a dentist as soon as possible. The patient was seen by the author in his office approximately 14 hours after the initial trauma. The treatment was deemed a success 20 months post-treatment.
Radix entomolaris: 2 case reports and clinical guidelines for endodontic management Endodontics
S. Jothi Latha, MDSFull Article (PDF)
N. Velmurugan, MDS
M. Kavitha, MDS
A.R. Pradeep Kumar, MDS
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):e8.
Radix entomolaris (RE) is the presence of an additional lingual root in mandibular molars. Though RE appears relatively infrequently, knowledge of the condition will aid in its management. This article presents 2 case reports of RE and clinical guidelines for endodontic management.
Bone Grafting/GTR Surgery Treating human gingival recession defects with acellular dermis matrix and enamel matrix derivative using coronally advanced flaps
Stephen C. Wallace, DDS, MHSFull Article (PDF)
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):e12.
This article documents the results of a study that used a coronally advanced flap (CAF) technique with an enamel matrix protein derivative (EMD) and acellular dermis matrix (ADM) to treat Miller Class I and II recession sites. According to the 3-month results, there was significant gain in root coverage, gain in clinical attachment, and increase in width of keratinized gingiva for all recession sites treated with CAF over EMD and ADM.
Special Patient Care Solitary median maxillary central incisor syndrome associated with unique cleft palate: a rare case report
Goda Holla, MDSFull Article (PDF)
Yeluri Ramakrishna, MDS
Anup Holla, MDS
Autar Krishen Munshi, MDS
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):e16.
Solitary median maxillary central incisor (SMMCI) syndrome is a rare dental anomaly that affects 1:50,000 live births. SMMCI syndrome is characterized by the presence of a single central incisor located on the maxillary midline in both primary and permanent dentitions. This report describes a clinical case of a 7-year-old girl with SMMCI syndrome—in addition to bilateral residual cleft and associated nasal regurgitation—that was treated with a removable maxillary obturator.
Digital Radiology Using cone beam computed tomography images to diagnose multiple taurodontisms
Alvaro Henrique Borges, DDS, MSc, PhDFull Article (PDF)
Iussif Mamede-Neto, DDS, MSc
Luiz Evaristo Ricci Volpato, DDS, MSc, PhD
Fabio Luis Miranda Pedro, DDS, MSc, PhD
Mike Reis Bueno, DDS, MSc, PhD
Carlos Estrela, DDS, MSc, PhD
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):e20.
This report presents the case of an otherwise healthy patient with 12 hypertaurodontic teeth, which were detected by using cone beam computed tomography. It is essential to emphasize the importance of routine imaging examinations for diagnosing developmental dental anomalies such as taurodontism, as this condition is generally not found by routine oral examination, and is not necessarily restricted to syndromic patients.
Complete Dentures Spring-loaded custom tray: an alternative technique for recording impressions in a patient with a restricted mouth opening
Manawar Ahmad, MDSFull Article (PDF)
B. Dhanasekar, MDS
I.N. Aparna, MDS
Hina Naim, MDS
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):e24.
For patients with extensive head and neck injuries due to trauma and/or who have had extensive surgical procedures, the ability to open the mouth is severely limited. This article describes an alternative method for fabricating a custom impression tray for a complete denture in patients with limited mouth opening abilities.
TM Disorders Clinical treatment of a ruptured temporomandibular joint disc: morphological changes at 5-year follow-up
Lucas Cardinal, DDS, MDSFull Article (PDF)
Felipe Porto, DDS, MS
Sachin Agarwal, BDS, MDS
Eduardo Grossmann, DDS, MSc, PhD
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):e27.
Osteoarthrosis is a disease that affects the temporomandibular joint. This case report chronicles the diagnosis and treatment of a patient for whom this pathological condition was accompanied by a rupture of the articular disc. A 4-month follow-up revealed remission of the articular sounds, and tissue regeneration was noted. These improvements remained visible at 5-year follow-up.
Partial Dentures Prosthetic rehabilitation of a hemimandibulectomy patient
Sandeep Kumar, MDSFull Article (PDF)
Reena Yadav, BDS
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):e30.
The treatment and rehabilitation of a patient with a resected mandible involves taking full advantage of all remaining structures. This is a case where crowns were placed on the remaining teeth and the remaining space was rehabilitated with an acrylic partial denture in the maxillary arch and a cast partial denture in the mandibular arch.
March/April 2014
Table of Contents
Editorial Negative publicity
Eric K. Curtis, DDS, MA, MAGDFull Article (PDF)
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):8.
To the Editor What most dentists consider "Minimally invasive"
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):9.Full Article (PDF)
Minimally Invasive Dentistry Crowns after root canals: are they a necessity?
Mark Malterud, DDS, MAGDFull Article (PDF)
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):12.
Pediatrics Early childhood caries risk assessment and preventive care recommendations for the primary dentition
Jane A. Soxman, DDSFull Article (PDF)
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):15.
Pharmacology Considerations for the use of medications in older dental patients
Thomas A. Viola, CCP, RPhFull Article (PDF)
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):18.
2013 Reviewers 2013 Reviewers
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):75.Full Article (PDF)
Answers Self-Instruction exercises No. 325, 326, and 327
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):79.Full Article (PDF)
Clinical Articles
Obturation Techniques Long-term sealing ability of 3 endodontic obturation techniques
Francesco Iacono, DDS, MSFull Article (PDF)
Eugenio Pedulla, DDS, PhD
Ernesto Rapisarda, MD, DDS
Carlo Prati, DDS, MD, PhD
Maria Giovanna Gandolfi, Dbiol, DSc, Mbio, PhD
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):20.
This in vitro study sought to evaluate the sealing ability of 3 root canal obturator systems after immersion in simulated body fluid for 1 year. Specimens were divided into 3 groups (n = 10) according to the obturation manufacturer-specified system, and then immersed in simulated body fluid. This study demonstrated that the tested systems were unable to keep their sealing ability stable during the first year, and at 12 months, all 3 systems showed increased flow rates (P < 0.0001).
Myofascial Pain/Occlusion Precision occlusal splints and the diagnosis of occlusal problems in myogenous orofacial pain patients
Glenn M. Kidder, DDS, FAGDFull Article (PDF)
Roger A. Solow, DDS
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):24.
Research has shown that occlusal interferences affect masticatory muscle pain or dysfunction. Resolution of these problems with precise occlusal correction indicates that dental occlusion is a causative or contributory factor. However, some reports conclude that occlusion is unrelated to masticatory muscle pain or dysfunction. An explanation for this discrepancy in findings is that these nonconfirmatory studies had not documented any pretreatment or corrected occlusion. The rationale and requirements for proper occlusal splint fabrication with a verified therapeutic occlusion are presented.
Partial Dentures Flexible removable partial dentures: a basic overview
Edward E. Hill, DDS, MSFull Article (PDF)
Barry Rubel, DMD
John B. Smith, DMD
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):32.
There is very little information available in the dental literature concerning nonrigid removable partial denture (RPD) prostheses. As a result, the decision to use this treatment option depends on the judgment and experience of the dentist and fabricating laboratory. This article summarizes clinically pertinent information about flexible, nonrigid RPDs.
Root Caries & Treatment Fracture resistance of permanent anterior incisors using fiber-reinforced composite posts
Jeffrey G. Phebus, DDSFull Article (PDF)
Barry M. Owens, DDS
Waldemar de Rijk, MS, PhD, DDS, FADM
Adam Davis, DDS
William W. Johnson, DDS, MS
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):37.
This in vitro study investigated whether permanent anterior incisors that are endodontically treated with cemented fiber-reinforced composite (FRC) posts without additional canal preparation can potentially increase the resistance to fracture and thus reduce the rate of clinical failure in root canals.The results suggest that structural support of an endodontically treated tooth (root) can be supplemented with the addition of an FRC post.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. 346 -
Diagnosis of Oral Pathology Slow growing, painful, nodular swelling on the buccal mucosa: a case report
Ravi David Austin, MDSFull Article (PDF)
Philips Mathew, MDS, MPH
Maria Rajathi J., MDS
Kandasamy Murugan, BDS
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):44.
The disease processes that give rise to nodular swellings in the oral cavity include inflammatory hyperplasias, obstructive minor salivary gland disorders, infections, benign connective tissue neoplasms and salivary gland neoplasms. Understandably, the nature of these entities also varies significantly, ranging from very innocuous to aggressive lesions, underscoring the need for accurate diagnosis.
Periodontics Comparing semilunar coronally positioned flap to a standard coronally positioned flap using periodontal clinical parameters
Carlos Augusto Nassar, DDS, MSFull Article (PDF)
Wilson Aparecido Dias da Silva
Karine Tonet
Mayron Barros Secundes
Patricia Oehlmeyer Nassar, DDS, MS
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):47.
This study compared the effectiveness of 2 surgical root coverage techniques—semilunar coronally positioned flap and coronally advanced flap—using the clinical parameters of periodontal tissues from patients with Miller Class I gingival recession. Both groups showed significant reduction of plaque and gingival indices, and an improvement in clinical attachment levels and probing depth. However, results showed the coronally advanced flap technique was deemed more effective due to significant clinical attachment level gains.
Root Caries & Treatment Influence of instrumentation techniques and irrigating solutions on bond strength of glass fiber posts to root dentin
Eduardo Fernandes Marques, MScFull Article (PDF)
Carlos Eduardo da Silveira Bueno, PhD
Heloisa Helena Pinho Veloso, PhD
Gustavo Almeida, MSc
Sergio Luiz Pinheiro, PhD
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):50.
This study sought to evaluate how instrumentation techniques and irrigating solutions affected the bond strength of glass fiber posts. Irrigation with 2.5% NaOCl reduced the bond strength of fiber posts significantly (P < 0.01), while CHX showed no effect (P > 0.05). It was concluded that irrigation with 2.5% NaOCl has a negative effect on micromechanical retention of glass fiber posts, whether manual or rotary instrumentation is used.
Operative (Restorative Dentistry) Cigarette smoke: effects on water sorption and solubility of restorative dental composites
Paula Mathias, DDS, MS, PhDFull Article (PDF)
Sara Ramos B. Santos
Thaiane R. Aguiar, DDS, MS, PhD
Poliana Ramos B. Santos, DDS
Andrea N. Cavalcanti, DDS, MS, PhD
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):54.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of cigarette smoke on water sorption and solubility of microfilled, microhybrid, and nanofilled composite resins. The results indicated that water sorption and solubility varied among the products, and tobacco smoke may alter the physical properties of resin-based materials.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. 347 -
Cancer Screening Oral squamous cell carcinoma metastasizing to the skull bone: a case report and literature review
Ademar Takahama Jr., DDS, PhDFull Article (PDF)
Marcelo Brum Correa, MD
Oslei Paes de Almeida, DDS, PhD
Marcio Ajudarte Lopes, DDS, PhD
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):59.
This article presents the case of a 58-year-old woman who refused surgical treatment for a very aggressive SCC on the mandibular alveolar ridge. The site of the primary tumor (next to the bone), as well as the patient’s refusal of the proposed treatment, may have led to the hematological spread of the malignant cells, resulting in the distant metastasis.
Diagnosis and Treatment Planning Accuracy of an open-tray implant impression technique with 3 splinting materials: an in vitro study
Farshid Akbari Kamrani, DDSFull Article (PDF)
Amir Hossein Namazi, DDS
Reza Hamedy, DDS
Pakhshan Ghadiri, DDS, MSc
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):62.
This study compared the accuracy of impressions using 3 types of splinting materials: a pattern acrylic resin, an acrylic resin, and a dual-cured composite resin. Implant positions were compared against the master model using a coordinate measuring machine with ANOVA comparison (α = 0.05). These findings indicated that the composite resin demonstrated better accuracy than the other tested splinting materials.
Dental Materials Marginal gap, cement thickness, and microleakage of 2 zirconia crown systems luted with glass ionomer and MDP-based cements
Isil Sener, DDSFull Article (PDF)
Begum Turker, DDS, PhD
Luiz Felipe Valandro, PhD
Mutlu Ozcan, DDS, Dr. Med Dent, PhD
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):67.
This in vitro study evaluated the marginal gap, cement thickness, and microleakage of glass-ionomer cement (GIC) and phosphate monomer-containing resin cement (MDP-RC) under 2 zirconia crown systems (Cercon and DC-Zirkon). Considering the cement thickness values and microleakage scores obtained, both zirconia crown systems could be cemented in combination with either GIC or MDP-RC.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. 348 -
Prevention/Diet/Nutrition Fluoride content of infant foods
Jaime L. Steele, DDS, MSDFull Article (PDF)
E. Angeles Martinez-Mier, DDS, MSD, PhD
Brian J. Sanders, DDS, MSD
James E. Jones, DDS, MSD, EdD, PhD
Richard D. Jackson, DMD
Armando E. Soto-Rojas, DDS, MPH
Angela M. Tomlin, PhD
George J. Eckert, MAS
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):72.
This study sought to assess the fluoride content of commercially available foods for infants 7-12 months old. All foods tested had detectable amounts of fluoride. Consuming >1 serving per day of the high fluoride concentration products in this study would place children over the recommended daily fluoride intake. Fluoride from infant foods should be taken into account when determining total daily fluoride intake.
Anatomy Use of cone beam imaging to assess inter-root distance in molar furcations
Danilo Antonio Milbradt Dutra, DDS, MScDFull Article (PDF)
Felipe Borges da Silva, DDS
Carlos Heitor Cunha Moreira, DDS, MScD, PhD
Karla Zanini Kantorski, DDS, MScD, PhD
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):e1.
This study used cone beam computed tomography to evaluate distances among root surfaces in molar furcations and assess the congruence between inter-root distances in molar furcations and curette blade widths. Analysis of 107 curettes revealed statistically significant differences among curette types and manufacturers. In most cases, the curettes tested allowed access for scaling and root planing of teeth with furcation involvement.
Traumatic Injuries & Emergencies Replanted avulsed tooth 14 hours post-trauma: a case report
Howard Hopenwasser, DMDFull Article (PDF)
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):e5.
This is a case study of the replantation of an avulsed tooth (No. 9) on a 21-year-old female. The tooth was completely dislocated, yet still retained in the mouth by palatal tissue. The only treatment performed was a computed tomography scan and the patient was advised to see a dentist as soon as possible. The patient was seen by the author in his office approximately 14 hours after the initial trauma. The treatment was deemed a success 20 months post-treatment.
Radix entomolaris: 2 case reports and clinical guidelines for endodontic management Endodontics
S. Jothi Latha, MDSFull Article (PDF)
N. Velmurugan, MDS
M. Kavitha, MDS
A.R. Pradeep Kumar, MDS
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):e8.
Radix entomolaris (RE) is the presence of an additional lingual root in mandibular molars. Though RE appears relatively infrequently, knowledge of the condition will aid in its management. This article presents 2 case reports of RE and clinical guidelines for endodontic management.
Bone Grafting/GTR Surgery Treating human gingival recession defects with acellular dermis matrix and enamel matrix derivative using coronally advanced flaps
Stephen C. Wallace, DDS, MHSFull Article (PDF)
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):e12.
This article documents the results of a study that used a coronally advanced flap (CAF) technique with an enamel matrix protein derivative (EMD) and acellular dermis matrix (ADM) to treat Miller Class I and II recession sites. According to the 3-month results, there was significant gain in root coverage, gain in clinical attachment, and increase in width of keratinized gingiva for all recession sites treated with CAF over EMD and ADM.
Special Patient Care Solitary median maxillary central incisor syndrome associated with unique cleft palate: a rare case report
Goda Holla, MDSFull Article (PDF)
Yeluri Ramakrishna, MDS
Anup Holla, MDS
Autar Krishen Munshi, MDS
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):e16.
Solitary median maxillary central incisor (SMMCI) syndrome is a rare dental anomaly that affects 1:50,000 live births. SMMCI syndrome is characterized by the presence of a single central incisor located on the maxillary midline in both primary and permanent dentitions. This report describes a clinical case of a 7-year-old girl with SMMCI syndrome—in addition to bilateral residual cleft and associated nasal regurgitation—that was treated with a removable maxillary obturator.
Digital Radiology Using cone beam computed tomography images to diagnose multiple taurodontisms
Alvaro Henrique Borges, DDS, MSc, PhDFull Article (PDF)
Iussif Mamede-Neto, DDS, MSc
Luiz Evaristo Ricci Volpato, DDS, MSc, PhD
Fabio Luis Miranda Pedro, DDS, MSc, PhD
Mike Reis Bueno, DDS, MSc, PhD
Carlos Estrela, DDS, MSc, PhD
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):e20.
This report presents the case of an otherwise healthy patient with 12 hypertaurodontic teeth, which were detected by using cone beam computed tomography. It is essential to emphasize the importance of routine imaging examinations for diagnosing developmental dental anomalies such as taurodontism, as this condition is generally not found by routine oral examination, and is not necessarily restricted to syndromic patients.
Complete Dentures Spring-loaded custom tray: an alternative technique for recording impressions in a patient with a restricted mouth opening
Manawar Ahmad, MDSFull Article (PDF)
B. Dhanasekar, MDS
I.N. Aparna, MDS
Hina Naim, MDS
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):e24.
For patients with extensive head and neck injuries due to trauma and/or who have had extensive surgical procedures, the ability to open the mouth is severely limited. This article describes an alternative method for fabricating a custom impression tray for a complete denture in patients with limited mouth opening abilities.
TM Disorders Clinical treatment of a ruptured temporomandibular joint disc: morphological changes at 5-year follow-up
Lucas Cardinal, DDS, MDSFull Article (PDF)
Felipe Porto, DDS, MS
Sachin Agarwal, BDS, MDS
Eduardo Grossmann, DDS, MSc, PhD
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):e27.
Osteoarthrosis is a disease that affects the temporomandibular joint. This case report chronicles the diagnosis and treatment of a patient for whom this pathological condition was accompanied by a rupture of the articular disc. A 4-month follow-up revealed remission of the articular sounds, and tissue regeneration was noted. These improvements remained visible at 5-year follow-up.
Partial Dentures Prosthetic rehabilitation of a hemimandibulectomy patient
Sandeep Kumar, MDSFull Article (PDF)
Reena Yadav, BDS
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):e30.
The treatment and rehabilitation of a patient with a resected mandible involves taking full advantage of all remaining structures. This is a case where crowns were placed on the remaining teeth and the remaining space was rehabilitated with an acrylic partial denture in the maxillary arch and a cast partial denture in the mandibular arch.
March/April 2014
Table of Contents
Editorial Negative publicity
Eric K. Curtis, DDS, MA, MAGDFull Article (PDF)
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):8.
To the Editor What most dentists consider "Minimally invasive"
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):9.Full Article (PDF)
Minimally Invasive Dentistry Crowns after root canals: are they a necessity?
Mark Malterud, DDS, MAGDFull Article (PDF)
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):12.
Pediatrics Early childhood caries risk assessment and preventive care recommendations for the primary dentition
Jane A. Soxman, DDSFull Article (PDF)
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):15.
Pharmacology Considerations for the use of medications in older dental patients
Thomas A. Viola, CCP, RPhFull Article (PDF)
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):18.
2013 Reviewers 2013 Reviewers
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):75.Full Article (PDF)
Answers Self-Instruction exercises No. 325, 326, and 327
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):79.Full Article (PDF)
Clinical Articles
Obturation Techniques Long-term sealing ability of 3 endodontic obturation techniques
Francesco Iacono, DDS, MSFull Article (PDF)
Eugenio Pedulla, DDS, PhD
Ernesto Rapisarda, MD, DDS
Carlo Prati, DDS, MD, PhD
Maria Giovanna Gandolfi, Dbiol, DSc, Mbio, PhD
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):20.
This in vitro study sought to evaluate the sealing ability of 3 root canal obturator systems after immersion in simulated body fluid for 1 year. Specimens were divided into 3 groups (n = 10) according to the obturation manufacturer-specified system, and then immersed in simulated body fluid. This study demonstrated that the tested systems were unable to keep their sealing ability stable during the first year, and at 12 months, all 3 systems showed increased flow rates (P < 0.0001).
Myofascial Pain/Occlusion Precision occlusal splints and the diagnosis of occlusal problems in myogenous orofacial pain patients
Glenn M. Kidder, DDS, FAGDFull Article (PDF)
Roger A. Solow, DDS
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):24.
Research has shown that occlusal interferences affect masticatory muscle pain or dysfunction. Resolution of these problems with precise occlusal correction indicates that dental occlusion is a causative or contributory factor. However, some reports conclude that occlusion is unrelated to masticatory muscle pain or dysfunction. An explanation for this discrepancy in findings is that these nonconfirmatory studies had not documented any pretreatment or corrected occlusion. The rationale and requirements for proper occlusal splint fabrication with a verified therapeutic occlusion are presented.
Partial Dentures Flexible removable partial dentures: a basic overview
Edward E. Hill, DDS, MSFull Article (PDF)
Barry Rubel, DMD
John B. Smith, DMD
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):32.
There is very little information available in the dental literature concerning nonrigid removable partial denture (RPD) prostheses. As a result, the decision to use this treatment option depends on the judgment and experience of the dentist and fabricating laboratory. This article summarizes clinically pertinent information about flexible, nonrigid RPDs.
Root Caries & Treatment Fracture resistance of permanent anterior incisors using fiber-reinforced composite posts
Jeffrey G. Phebus, DDSFull Article (PDF)
Barry M. Owens, DDS
Waldemar de Rijk, MS, PhD, DDS, FADM
Adam Davis, DDS
William W. Johnson, DDS, MS
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):37.
This in vitro study investigated whether permanent anterior incisors that are endodontically treated with cemented fiber-reinforced composite (FRC) posts without additional canal preparation can potentially increase the resistance to fracture and thus reduce the rate of clinical failure in root canals.The results suggest that structural support of an endodontically treated tooth (root) can be supplemented with the addition of an FRC post.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. 346 -
Diagnosis of Oral Pathology Slow growing, painful, nodular swelling on the buccal mucosa: a case report
Ravi David Austin, MDSFull Article (PDF)
Philips Mathew, MDS, MPH
Maria Rajathi J., MDS
Kandasamy Murugan, BDS
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):44.
The disease processes that give rise to nodular swellings in the oral cavity include inflammatory hyperplasias, obstructive minor salivary gland disorders, infections, benign connective tissue neoplasms and salivary gland neoplasms. Understandably, the nature of these entities also varies significantly, ranging from very innocuous to aggressive lesions, underscoring the need for accurate diagnosis.
Periodontics Comparing semilunar coronally positioned flap to a standard coronally positioned flap using periodontal clinical parameters
Carlos Augusto Nassar, DDS, MSFull Article (PDF)
Wilson Aparecido Dias da Silva
Karine Tonet
Mayron Barros Secundes
Patricia Oehlmeyer Nassar, DDS, MS
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):47.
This study compared the effectiveness of 2 surgical root coverage techniques—semilunar coronally positioned flap and coronally advanced flap—using the clinical parameters of periodontal tissues from patients with Miller Class I gingival recession. Both groups showed significant reduction of plaque and gingival indices, and an improvement in clinical attachment levels and probing depth. However, results showed the coronally advanced flap technique was deemed more effective due to significant clinical attachment level gains.
Root Caries & Treatment Influence of instrumentation techniques and irrigating solutions on bond strength of glass fiber posts to root dentin
Eduardo Fernandes Marques, MScFull Article (PDF)
Carlos Eduardo da Silveira Bueno, PhD
Heloisa Helena Pinho Veloso, PhD
Gustavo Almeida, MSc
Sergio Luiz Pinheiro, PhD
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):50.
This study sought to evaluate how instrumentation techniques and irrigating solutions affected the bond strength of glass fiber posts. Irrigation with 2.5% NaOCl reduced the bond strength of fiber posts significantly (P < 0.01), while CHX showed no effect (P > 0.05). It was concluded that irrigation with 2.5% NaOCl has a negative effect on micromechanical retention of glass fiber posts, whether manual or rotary instrumentation is used.
Operative (Restorative Dentistry) Cigarette smoke: effects on water sorption and solubility of restorative dental composites
Paula Mathias, DDS, MS, PhDFull Article (PDF)
Sara Ramos B. Santos
Thaiane R. Aguiar, DDS, MS, PhD
Poliana Ramos B. Santos, DDS
Andrea N. Cavalcanti, DDS, MS, PhD
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):54.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of cigarette smoke on water sorption and solubility of microfilled, microhybrid, and nanofilled composite resins. The results indicated that water sorption and solubility varied among the products, and tobacco smoke may alter the physical properties of resin-based materials.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. 347 -
Cancer Screening Oral squamous cell carcinoma metastasizing to the skull bone: a case report and literature review
Ademar Takahama Jr., DDS, PhDFull Article (PDF)
Marcelo Brum Correa, MD
Oslei Paes de Almeida, DDS, PhD
Marcio Ajudarte Lopes, DDS, PhD
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):59.
This article presents the case of a 58-year-old woman who refused surgical treatment for a very aggressive SCC on the mandibular alveolar ridge. The site of the primary tumor (next to the bone), as well as the patient’s refusal of the proposed treatment, may have led to the hematological spread of the malignant cells, resulting in the distant metastasis.
Diagnosis and Treatment Planning Accuracy of an open-tray implant impression technique with 3 splinting materials: an in vitro study
Farshid Akbari Kamrani, DDSFull Article (PDF)
Amir Hossein Namazi, DDS
Reza Hamedy, DDS
Pakhshan Ghadiri, DDS, MSc
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):62.
This study compared the accuracy of impressions using 3 types of splinting materials: a pattern acrylic resin, an acrylic resin, and a dual-cured composite resin. Implant positions were compared against the master model using a coordinate measuring machine with ANOVA comparison (α = 0.05). These findings indicated that the composite resin demonstrated better accuracy than the other tested splinting materials.
Dental Materials Marginal gap, cement thickness, and microleakage of 2 zirconia crown systems luted with glass ionomer and MDP-based cements
Isil Sener, DDSFull Article (PDF)
Begum Turker, DDS, PhD
Luiz Felipe Valandro, PhD
Mutlu Ozcan, DDS, Dr. Med Dent, PhD
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):67.
This in vitro study evaluated the marginal gap, cement thickness, and microleakage of glass-ionomer cement (GIC) and phosphate monomer-containing resin cement (MDP-RC) under 2 zirconia crown systems (Cercon and DC-Zirkon). Considering the cement thickness values and microleakage scores obtained, both zirconia crown systems could be cemented in combination with either GIC or MDP-RC.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. 348 -
Prevention/Diet/Nutrition Fluoride content of infant foods
Jaime L. Steele, DDS, MSDFull Article (PDF)
E. Angeles Martinez-Mier, DDS, MSD, PhD
Brian J. Sanders, DDS, MSD
James E. Jones, DDS, MSD, EdD, PhD
Richard D. Jackson, DMD
Armando E. Soto-Rojas, DDS, MPH
Angela M. Tomlin, PhD
George J. Eckert, MAS
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):72.
This study sought to assess the fluoride content of commercially available foods for infants 7-12 months old. All foods tested had detectable amounts of fluoride. Consuming >1 serving per day of the high fluoride concentration products in this study would place children over the recommended daily fluoride intake. Fluoride from infant foods should be taken into account when determining total daily fluoride intake.
Anatomy Use of cone beam imaging to assess inter-root distance in molar furcations
Danilo Antonio Milbradt Dutra, DDS, MScDFull Article (PDF)
Felipe Borges da Silva, DDS
Carlos Heitor Cunha Moreira, DDS, MScD, PhD
Karla Zanini Kantorski, DDS, MScD, PhD
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):e1.
This study used cone beam computed tomography to evaluate distances among root surfaces in molar furcations and assess the congruence between inter-root distances in molar furcations and curette blade widths. Analysis of 107 curettes revealed statistically significant differences among curette types and manufacturers. In most cases, the curettes tested allowed access for scaling and root planing of teeth with furcation involvement.
Traumatic Injuries & Emergencies Replanted avulsed tooth 14 hours post-trauma: a case report
Howard Hopenwasser, DMDFull Article (PDF)
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):e5.
This is a case study of the replantation of an avulsed tooth (No. 9) on a 21-year-old female. The tooth was completely dislocated, yet still retained in the mouth by palatal tissue. The only treatment performed was a computed tomography scan and the patient was advised to see a dentist as soon as possible. The patient was seen by the author in his office approximately 14 hours after the initial trauma. The treatment was deemed a success 20 months post-treatment.
Radix entomolaris: 2 case reports and clinical guidelines for endodontic management Endodontics
S. Jothi Latha, MDSFull Article (PDF)
N. Velmurugan, MDS
M. Kavitha, MDS
A.R. Pradeep Kumar, MDS
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):e8.
Radix entomolaris (RE) is the presence of an additional lingual root in mandibular molars. Though RE appears relatively infrequently, knowledge of the condition will aid in its management. This article presents 2 case reports of RE and clinical guidelines for endodontic management.
Bone Grafting/GTR Surgery Treating human gingival recession defects with acellular dermis matrix and enamel matrix derivative using coronally advanced flaps
Stephen C. Wallace, DDS, MHSFull Article (PDF)
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):e12.
This article documents the results of a study that used a coronally advanced flap (CAF) technique with an enamel matrix protein derivative (EMD) and acellular dermis matrix (ADM) to treat Miller Class I and II recession sites. According to the 3-month results, there was significant gain in root coverage, gain in clinical attachment, and increase in width of keratinized gingiva for all recession sites treated with CAF over EMD and ADM.
Special Patient Care Solitary median maxillary central incisor syndrome associated with unique cleft palate: a rare case report
Goda Holla, MDSFull Article (PDF)
Yeluri Ramakrishna, MDS
Anup Holla, MDS
Autar Krishen Munshi, MDS
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):e16.
Solitary median maxillary central incisor (SMMCI) syndrome is a rare dental anomaly that affects 1:50,000 live births. SMMCI syndrome is characterized by the presence of a single central incisor located on the maxillary midline in both primary and permanent dentitions. This report describes a clinical case of a 7-year-old girl with SMMCI syndrome—in addition to bilateral residual cleft and associated nasal regurgitation—that was treated with a removable maxillary obturator.
Digital Radiology Using cone beam computed tomography images to diagnose multiple taurodontisms
Alvaro Henrique Borges, DDS, MSc, PhDFull Article (PDF)
Iussif Mamede-Neto, DDS, MSc
Luiz Evaristo Ricci Volpato, DDS, MSc, PhD
Fabio Luis Miranda Pedro, DDS, MSc, PhD
Mike Reis Bueno, DDS, MSc, PhD
Carlos Estrela, DDS, MSc, PhD
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):e20.
This report presents the case of an otherwise healthy patient with 12 hypertaurodontic teeth, which were detected by using cone beam computed tomography. It is essential to emphasize the importance of routine imaging examinations for diagnosing developmental dental anomalies such as taurodontism, as this condition is generally not found by routine oral examination, and is not necessarily restricted to syndromic patients.
Complete Dentures Spring-loaded custom tray: an alternative technique for recording impressions in a patient with a restricted mouth opening
Manawar Ahmad, MDSFull Article (PDF)
B. Dhanasekar, MDS
I.N. Aparna, MDS
Hina Naim, MDS
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):e24.
For patients with extensive head and neck injuries due to trauma and/or who have had extensive surgical procedures, the ability to open the mouth is severely limited. This article describes an alternative method for fabricating a custom impression tray for a complete denture in patients with limited mouth opening abilities.
TM Disorders Clinical treatment of a ruptured temporomandibular joint disc: morphological changes at 5-year follow-up
Lucas Cardinal, DDS, MDSFull Article (PDF)
Felipe Porto, DDS, MS
Sachin Agarwal, BDS, MDS
Eduardo Grossmann, DDS, MSc, PhD
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):e27.
Osteoarthrosis is a disease that affects the temporomandibular joint. This case report chronicles the diagnosis and treatment of a patient for whom this pathological condition was accompanied by a rupture of the articular disc. A 4-month follow-up revealed remission of the articular sounds, and tissue regeneration was noted. These improvements remained visible at 5-year follow-up.
Partial Dentures Prosthetic rehabilitation of a hemimandibulectomy patient
Sandeep Kumar, MDSFull Article (PDF)
Reena Yadav, BDS
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):e30.
The treatment and rehabilitation of a patient with a resected mandible involves taking full advantage of all remaining structures. This is a case where crowns were placed on the remaining teeth and the remaining space was rehabilitated with an acrylic partial denture in the maxillary arch and a cast partial denture in the mandibular arch.
March/April 2014
Table of Contents
Editorial Negative publicity
Eric K. Curtis, DDS, MA, MAGDFull Article (PDF)
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):8.
To the Editor What most dentists consider "Minimally invasive"
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):9.Full Article (PDF)
Minimally Invasive Dentistry Crowns after root canals: are they a necessity?
Mark Malterud, DDS, MAGDFull Article (PDF)
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):12.
Pediatrics Early childhood caries risk assessment and preventive care recommendations for the primary dentition
Jane A. Soxman, DDSFull Article (PDF)
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):15.
Pharmacology Considerations for the use of medications in older dental patients
Thomas A. Viola, CCP, RPhFull Article (PDF)
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):18.
2013 Reviewers 2013 Reviewers
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):75.Full Article (PDF)
Answers Self-Instruction exercises No. 325, 326, and 327
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):79.Full Article (PDF)
Clinical Articles
Obturation Techniques Long-term sealing ability of 3 endodontic obturation techniques
Francesco Iacono, DDS, MSFull Article (PDF)
Eugenio Pedulla, DDS, PhD
Ernesto Rapisarda, MD, DDS
Carlo Prati, DDS, MD, PhD
Maria Giovanna Gandolfi, Dbiol, DSc, Mbio, PhD
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):20.
This in vitro study sought to evaluate the sealing ability of 3 root canal obturator systems after immersion in simulated body fluid for 1 year. Specimens were divided into 3 groups (n = 10) according to the obturation manufacturer-specified system, and then immersed in simulated body fluid. This study demonstrated that the tested systems were unable to keep their sealing ability stable during the first year, and at 12 months, all 3 systems showed increased flow rates (P < 0.0001).
Myofascial Pain/Occlusion Precision occlusal splints and the diagnosis of occlusal problems in myogenous orofacial pain patients
Glenn M. Kidder, DDS, FAGDFull Article (PDF)
Roger A. Solow, DDS
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):24.
Research has shown that occlusal interferences affect masticatory muscle pain or dysfunction. Resolution of these problems with precise occlusal correction indicates that dental occlusion is a causative or contributory factor. However, some reports conclude that occlusion is unrelated to masticatory muscle pain or dysfunction. An explanation for this discrepancy in findings is that these nonconfirmatory studies had not documented any pretreatment or corrected occlusion. The rationale and requirements for proper occlusal splint fabrication with a verified therapeutic occlusion are presented.
Partial Dentures Flexible removable partial dentures: a basic overview
Edward E. Hill, DDS, MSFull Article (PDF)
Barry Rubel, DMD
John B. Smith, DMD
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):32.
There is very little information available in the dental literature concerning nonrigid removable partial denture (RPD) prostheses. As a result, the decision to use this treatment option depends on the judgment and experience of the dentist and fabricating laboratory. This article summarizes clinically pertinent information about flexible, nonrigid RPDs.
Root Caries & Treatment Fracture resistance of permanent anterior incisors using fiber-reinforced composite posts
Jeffrey G. Phebus, DDSFull Article (PDF)
Barry M. Owens, DDS
Waldemar de Rijk, MS, PhD, DDS, FADM
Adam Davis, DDS
William W. Johnson, DDS, MS
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):37.
This in vitro study investigated whether permanent anterior incisors that are endodontically treated with cemented fiber-reinforced composite (FRC) posts without additional canal preparation can potentially increase the resistance to fracture and thus reduce the rate of clinical failure in root canals.The results suggest that structural support of an endodontically treated tooth (root) can be supplemented with the addition of an FRC post.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. 346 -
Diagnosis of Oral Pathology Slow growing, painful, nodular swelling on the buccal mucosa: a case report
Ravi David Austin, MDSFull Article (PDF)
Philips Mathew, MDS, MPH
Maria Rajathi J., MDS
Kandasamy Murugan, BDS
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):44.
The disease processes that give rise to nodular swellings in the oral cavity include inflammatory hyperplasias, obstructive minor salivary gland disorders, infections, benign connective tissue neoplasms and salivary gland neoplasms. Understandably, the nature of these entities also varies significantly, ranging from very innocuous to aggressive lesions, underscoring the need for accurate diagnosis.
Periodontics Comparing semilunar coronally positioned flap to a standard coronally positioned flap using periodontal clinical parameters
Carlos Augusto Nassar, DDS, MSFull Article (PDF)
Wilson Aparecido Dias da Silva
Karine Tonet
Mayron Barros Secundes
Patricia Oehlmeyer Nassar, DDS, MS
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):47.
This study compared the effectiveness of 2 surgical root coverage techniques—semilunar coronally positioned flap and coronally advanced flap—using the clinical parameters of periodontal tissues from patients with Miller Class I gingival recession. Both groups showed significant reduction of plaque and gingival indices, and an improvement in clinical attachment levels and probing depth. However, results showed the coronally advanced flap technique was deemed more effective due to significant clinical attachment level gains.
Root Caries & Treatment Influence of instrumentation techniques and irrigating solutions on bond strength of glass fiber posts to root dentin
Eduardo Fernandes Marques, MScFull Article (PDF)
Carlos Eduardo da Silveira Bueno, PhD
Heloisa Helena Pinho Veloso, PhD
Gustavo Almeida, MSc
Sergio Luiz Pinheiro, PhD
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):50.
This study sought to evaluate how instrumentation techniques and irrigating solutions affected the bond strength of glass fiber posts. Irrigation with 2.5% NaOCl reduced the bond strength of fiber posts significantly (P < 0.01), while CHX showed no effect (P > 0.05). It was concluded that irrigation with 2.5% NaOCl has a negative effect on micromechanical retention of glass fiber posts, whether manual or rotary instrumentation is used.
Operative (Restorative Dentistry) Cigarette smoke: effects on water sorption and solubility of restorative dental composites
Paula Mathias, DDS, MS, PhDFull Article (PDF)
Sara Ramos B. Santos
Thaiane R. Aguiar, DDS, MS, PhD
Poliana Ramos B. Santos, DDS
Andrea N. Cavalcanti, DDS, MS, PhD
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):54.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of cigarette smoke on water sorption and solubility of microfilled, microhybrid, and nanofilled composite resins. The results indicated that water sorption and solubility varied among the products, and tobacco smoke may alter the physical properties of resin-based materials.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. 347 -
Cancer Screening Oral squamous cell carcinoma metastasizing to the skull bone: a case report and literature review
Ademar Takahama Jr., DDS, PhDFull Article (PDF)
Marcelo Brum Correa, MD
Oslei Paes de Almeida, DDS, PhD
Marcio Ajudarte Lopes, DDS, PhD
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):59.
This article presents the case of a 58-year-old woman who refused surgical treatment for a very aggressive SCC on the mandibular alveolar ridge. The site of the primary tumor (next to the bone), as well as the patient’s refusal of the proposed treatment, may have led to the hematological spread of the malignant cells, resulting in the distant metastasis.
Diagnosis and Treatment Planning Accuracy of an open-tray implant impression technique with 3 splinting materials: an in vitro study
Farshid Akbari Kamrani, DDSFull Article (PDF)
Amir Hossein Namazi, DDS
Reza Hamedy, DDS
Pakhshan Ghadiri, DDS, MSc
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):62.
This study compared the accuracy of impressions using 3 types of splinting materials: a pattern acrylic resin, an acrylic resin, and a dual-cured composite resin. Implant positions were compared against the master model using a coordinate measuring machine with ANOVA comparison (α = 0.05). These findings indicated that the composite resin demonstrated better accuracy than the other tested splinting materials.
Dental Materials Marginal gap, cement thickness, and microleakage of 2 zirconia crown systems luted with glass ionomer and MDP-based cements
Isil Sener, DDSFull Article (PDF)
Begum Turker, DDS, PhD
Luiz Felipe Valandro, PhD
Mutlu Ozcan, DDS, Dr. Med Dent, PhD
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):67.
This in vitro study evaluated the marginal gap, cement thickness, and microleakage of glass-ionomer cement (GIC) and phosphate monomer-containing resin cement (MDP-RC) under 2 zirconia crown systems (Cercon and DC-Zirkon). Considering the cement thickness values and microleakage scores obtained, both zirconia crown systems could be cemented in combination with either GIC or MDP-RC.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. 348 -
Prevention/Diet/Nutrition Fluoride content of infant foods
Jaime L. Steele, DDS, MSDFull Article (PDF)
E. Angeles Martinez-Mier, DDS, MSD, PhD
Brian J. Sanders, DDS, MSD
James E. Jones, DDS, MSD, EdD, PhD
Richard D. Jackson, DMD
Armando E. Soto-Rojas, DDS, MPH
Angela M. Tomlin, PhD
George J. Eckert, MAS
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):72.
This study sought to assess the fluoride content of commercially available foods for infants 7-12 months old. All foods tested had detectable amounts of fluoride. Consuming >1 serving per day of the high fluoride concentration products in this study would place children over the recommended daily fluoride intake. Fluoride from infant foods should be taken into account when determining total daily fluoride intake.
Anatomy Use of cone beam imaging to assess inter-root distance in molar furcations
Danilo Antonio Milbradt Dutra, DDS, MScDFull Article (PDF)
Felipe Borges da Silva, DDS
Carlos Heitor Cunha Moreira, DDS, MScD, PhD
Karla Zanini Kantorski, DDS, MScD, PhD
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):e1.
This study used cone beam computed tomography to evaluate distances among root surfaces in molar furcations and assess the congruence between inter-root distances in molar furcations and curette blade widths. Analysis of 107 curettes revealed statistically significant differences among curette types and manufacturers. In most cases, the curettes tested allowed access for scaling and root planing of teeth with furcation involvement.
Traumatic Injuries & Emergencies Replanted avulsed tooth 14 hours post-trauma: a case report
Howard Hopenwasser, DMDFull Article (PDF)
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):e5.
This is a case study of the replantation of an avulsed tooth (No. 9) on a 21-year-old female. The tooth was completely dislocated, yet still retained in the mouth by palatal tissue. The only treatment performed was a computed tomography scan and the patient was advised to see a dentist as soon as possible. The patient was seen by the author in his office approximately 14 hours after the initial trauma. The treatment was deemed a success 20 months post-treatment.
Radix entomolaris: 2 case reports and clinical guidelines for endodontic management Endodontics
S. Jothi Latha, MDSFull Article (PDF)
N. Velmurugan, MDS
M. Kavitha, MDS
A.R. Pradeep Kumar, MDS
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):e8.
Radix entomolaris (RE) is the presence of an additional lingual root in mandibular molars. Though RE appears relatively infrequently, knowledge of the condition will aid in its management. This article presents 2 case reports of RE and clinical guidelines for endodontic management.
Bone Grafting/GTR Surgery Treating human gingival recession defects with acellular dermis matrix and enamel matrix derivative using coronally advanced flaps
Stephen C. Wallace, DDS, MHSFull Article (PDF)
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):e12.
This article documents the results of a study that used a coronally advanced flap (CAF) technique with an enamel matrix protein derivative (EMD) and acellular dermis matrix (ADM) to treat Miller Class I and II recession sites. According to the 3-month results, there was significant gain in root coverage, gain in clinical attachment, and increase in width of keratinized gingiva for all recession sites treated with CAF over EMD and ADM.
Special Patient Care Solitary median maxillary central incisor syndrome associated with unique cleft palate: a rare case report
Goda Holla, MDSFull Article (PDF)
Yeluri Ramakrishna, MDS
Anup Holla, MDS
Autar Krishen Munshi, MDS
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):e16.
Solitary median maxillary central incisor (SMMCI) syndrome is a rare dental anomaly that affects 1:50,000 live births. SMMCI syndrome is characterized by the presence of a single central incisor located on the maxillary midline in both primary and permanent dentitions. This report describes a clinical case of a 7-year-old girl with SMMCI syndrome—in addition to bilateral residual cleft and associated nasal regurgitation—that was treated with a removable maxillary obturator.
Digital Radiology Using cone beam computed tomography images to diagnose multiple taurodontisms
Alvaro Henrique Borges, DDS, MSc, PhDFull Article (PDF)
Iussif Mamede-Neto, DDS, MSc
Luiz Evaristo Ricci Volpato, DDS, MSc, PhD
Fabio Luis Miranda Pedro, DDS, MSc, PhD
Mike Reis Bueno, DDS, MSc, PhD
Carlos Estrela, DDS, MSc, PhD
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):e20.
This report presents the case of an otherwise healthy patient with 12 hypertaurodontic teeth, which were detected by using cone beam computed tomography. It is essential to emphasize the importance of routine imaging examinations for diagnosing developmental dental anomalies such as taurodontism, as this condition is generally not found by routine oral examination, and is not necessarily restricted to syndromic patients.
Complete Dentures Spring-loaded custom tray: an alternative technique for recording impressions in a patient with a restricted mouth opening
Manawar Ahmad, MDSFull Article (PDF)
B. Dhanasekar, MDS
I.N. Aparna, MDS
Hina Naim, MDS
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):e24.
For patients with extensive head and neck injuries due to trauma and/or who have had extensive surgical procedures, the ability to open the mouth is severely limited. This article describes an alternative method for fabricating a custom impression tray for a complete denture in patients with limited mouth opening abilities.
TM Disorders Clinical treatment of a ruptured temporomandibular joint disc: morphological changes at 5-year follow-up
Lucas Cardinal, DDS, MDSFull Article (PDF)
Felipe Porto, DDS, MS
Sachin Agarwal, BDS, MDS
Eduardo Grossmann, DDS, MSc, PhD
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):e27.
Osteoarthrosis is a disease that affects the temporomandibular joint. This case report chronicles the diagnosis and treatment of a patient for whom this pathological condition was accompanied by a rupture of the articular disc. A 4-month follow-up revealed remission of the articular sounds, and tissue regeneration was noted. These improvements remained visible at 5-year follow-up.
Partial Dentures Prosthetic rehabilitation of a hemimandibulectomy patient
Sandeep Kumar, MDSFull Article (PDF)
Reena Yadav, BDS
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):e30.
The treatment and rehabilitation of a patient with a resected mandible involves taking full advantage of all remaining structures. This is a case where crowns were placed on the remaining teeth and the remaining space was rehabilitated with an acrylic partial denture in the maxillary arch and a cast partial denture in the mandibular arch.
March/April 2014
Table of Contents
Editorial Negative publicity
Eric K. Curtis, DDS, MA, MAGDFull Article (PDF)
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):8.
To the Editor What most dentists consider "Minimally invasive"
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):9.Full Article (PDF)
Minimally Invasive Dentistry Crowns after root canals: are they a necessity?
Mark Malterud, DDS, MAGDFull Article (PDF)
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):12.
Pediatrics Early childhood caries risk assessment and preventive care recommendations for the primary dentition
Jane A. Soxman, DDSFull Article (PDF)
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):15.
Pharmacology Considerations for the use of medications in older dental patients
Thomas A. Viola, CCP, RPhFull Article (PDF)
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):18.
2013 Reviewers 2013 Reviewers
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):75.Full Article (PDF)
Answers Self-Instruction exercises No. 325, 326, and 327
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):79.Full Article (PDF)
Clinical Articles
Obturation Techniques Long-term sealing ability of 3 endodontic obturation techniques
Francesco Iacono, DDS, MSFull Article (PDF)
Eugenio Pedulla, DDS, PhD
Ernesto Rapisarda, MD, DDS
Carlo Prati, DDS, MD, PhD
Maria Giovanna Gandolfi, Dbiol, DSc, Mbio, PhD
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):20.
This in vitro study sought to evaluate the sealing ability of 3 root canal obturator systems after immersion in simulated body fluid for 1 year. Specimens were divided into 3 groups (n = 10) according to the obturation manufacturer-specified system, and then immersed in simulated body fluid. This study demonstrated that the tested systems were unable to keep their sealing ability stable during the first year, and at 12 months, all 3 systems showed increased flow rates (P < 0.0001).
Myofascial Pain/Occlusion Precision occlusal splints and the diagnosis of occlusal problems in myogenous orofacial pain patients
Glenn M. Kidder, DDS, FAGDFull Article (PDF)
Roger A. Solow, DDS
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):24.
Research has shown that occlusal interferences affect masticatory muscle pain or dysfunction. Resolution of these problems with precise occlusal correction indicates that dental occlusion is a causative or contributory factor. However, some reports conclude that occlusion is unrelated to masticatory muscle pain or dysfunction. An explanation for this discrepancy in findings is that these nonconfirmatory studies had not documented any pretreatment or corrected occlusion. The rationale and requirements for proper occlusal splint fabrication with a verified therapeutic occlusion are presented.
Partial Dentures Flexible removable partial dentures: a basic overview
Edward E. Hill, DDS, MSFull Article (PDF)
Barry Rubel, DMD
John B. Smith, DMD
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):32.
There is very little information available in the dental literature concerning nonrigid removable partial denture (RPD) prostheses. As a result, the decision to use this treatment option depends on the judgment and experience of the dentist and fabricating laboratory. This article summarizes clinically pertinent information about flexible, nonrigid RPDs.
Root Caries & Treatment Fracture resistance of permanent anterior incisors using fiber-reinforced composite posts
Jeffrey G. Phebus, DDSFull Article (PDF)
Barry M. Owens, DDS
Waldemar de Rijk, MS, PhD, DDS, FADM
Adam Davis, DDS
William W. Johnson, DDS, MS
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):37.
This in vitro study investigated whether permanent anterior incisors that are endodontically treated with cemented fiber-reinforced composite (FRC) posts without additional canal preparation can potentially increase the resistance to fracture and thus reduce the rate of clinical failure in root canals.The results suggest that structural support of an endodontically treated tooth (root) can be supplemented with the addition of an FRC post.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. 346 -
Diagnosis of Oral Pathology Slow growing, painful, nodular swelling on the buccal mucosa: a case report
Ravi David Austin, MDSFull Article (PDF)
Philips Mathew, MDS, MPH
Maria Rajathi J., MDS
Kandasamy Murugan, BDS
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):44.
The disease processes that give rise to nodular swellings in the oral cavity include inflammatory hyperplasias, obstructive minor salivary gland disorders, infections, benign connective tissue neoplasms and salivary gland neoplasms. Understandably, the nature of these entities also varies significantly, ranging from very innocuous to aggressive lesions, underscoring the need for accurate diagnosis.
Periodontics Comparing semilunar coronally positioned flap to a standard coronally positioned flap using periodontal clinical parameters
Carlos Augusto Nassar, DDS, MSFull Article (PDF)
Wilson Aparecido Dias da Silva
Karine Tonet
Mayron Barros Secundes
Patricia Oehlmeyer Nassar, DDS, MS
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):47.
This study compared the effectiveness of 2 surgical root coverage techniques—semilunar coronally positioned flap and coronally advanced flap—using the clinical parameters of periodontal tissues from patients with Miller Class I gingival recession. Both groups showed significant reduction of plaque and gingival indices, and an improvement in clinical attachment levels and probing depth. However, results showed the coronally advanced flap technique was deemed more effective due to significant clinical attachment level gains.
Root Caries & Treatment Influence of instrumentation techniques and irrigating solutions on bond strength of glass fiber posts to root dentin
Eduardo Fernandes Marques, MScFull Article (PDF)
Carlos Eduardo da Silveira Bueno, PhD
Heloisa Helena Pinho Veloso, PhD
Gustavo Almeida, MSc
Sergio Luiz Pinheiro, PhD
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):50.
This study sought to evaluate how instrumentation techniques and irrigating solutions affected the bond strength of glass fiber posts. Irrigation with 2.5% NaOCl reduced the bond strength of fiber posts significantly (P < 0.01), while CHX showed no effect (P > 0.05). It was concluded that irrigation with 2.5% NaOCl has a negative effect on micromechanical retention of glass fiber posts, whether manual or rotary instrumentation is used.
Operative (Restorative Dentistry) Cigarette smoke: effects on water sorption and solubility of restorative dental composites
Paula Mathias, DDS, MS, PhDFull Article (PDF)
Sara Ramos B. Santos
Thaiane R. Aguiar, DDS, MS, PhD
Poliana Ramos B. Santos, DDS
Andrea N. Cavalcanti, DDS, MS, PhD
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):54.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of cigarette smoke on water sorption and solubility of microfilled, microhybrid, and nanofilled composite resins. The results indicated that water sorption and solubility varied among the products, and tobacco smoke may alter the physical properties of resin-based materials.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. 347 -
Cancer Screening Oral squamous cell carcinoma metastasizing to the skull bone: a case report and literature review
Ademar Takahama Jr., DDS, PhDFull Article (PDF)
Marcelo Brum Correa, MD
Oslei Paes de Almeida, DDS, PhD
Marcio Ajudarte Lopes, DDS, PhD
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):59.
This article presents the case of a 58-year-old woman who refused surgical treatment for a very aggressive SCC on the mandibular alveolar ridge. The site of the primary tumor (next to the bone), as well as the patient’s refusal of the proposed treatment, may have led to the hematological spread of the malignant cells, resulting in the distant metastasis.
Diagnosis and Treatment Planning Accuracy of an open-tray implant impression technique with 3 splinting materials: an in vitro study
Farshid Akbari Kamrani, DDSFull Article (PDF)
Amir Hossein Namazi, DDS
Reza Hamedy, DDS
Pakhshan Ghadiri, DDS, MSc
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):62.
This study compared the accuracy of impressions using 3 types of splinting materials: a pattern acrylic resin, an acrylic resin, and a dual-cured composite resin. Implant positions were compared against the master model using a coordinate measuring machine with ANOVA comparison (α = 0.05). These findings indicated that the composite resin demonstrated better accuracy than the other tested splinting materials.
Dental Materials Marginal gap, cement thickness, and microleakage of 2 zirconia crown systems luted with glass ionomer and MDP-based cements
Isil Sener, DDSFull Article (PDF)
Begum Turker, DDS, PhD
Luiz Felipe Valandro, PhD
Mutlu Ozcan, DDS, Dr. Med Dent, PhD
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):67.
This in vitro study evaluated the marginal gap, cement thickness, and microleakage of glass-ionomer cement (GIC) and phosphate monomer-containing resin cement (MDP-RC) under 2 zirconia crown systems (Cercon and DC-Zirkon). Considering the cement thickness values and microleakage scores obtained, both zirconia crown systems could be cemented in combination with either GIC or MDP-RC.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. 348 -
Prevention/Diet/Nutrition Fluoride content of infant foods
Jaime L. Steele, DDS, MSDFull Article (PDF)
E. Angeles Martinez-Mier, DDS, MSD, PhD
Brian J. Sanders, DDS, MSD
James E. Jones, DDS, MSD, EdD, PhD
Richard D. Jackson, DMD
Armando E. Soto-Rojas, DDS, MPH
Angela M. Tomlin, PhD
George J. Eckert, MAS
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):72.
This study sought to assess the fluoride content of commercially available foods for infants 7-12 months old. All foods tested had detectable amounts of fluoride. Consuming >1 serving per day of the high fluoride concentration products in this study would place children over the recommended daily fluoride intake. Fluoride from infant foods should be taken into account when determining total daily fluoride intake.
Anatomy Use of cone beam imaging to assess inter-root distance in molar furcations
Danilo Antonio Milbradt Dutra, DDS, MScDFull Article (PDF)
Felipe Borges da Silva, DDS
Carlos Heitor Cunha Moreira, DDS, MScD, PhD
Karla Zanini Kantorski, DDS, MScD, PhD
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):e1.
This study used cone beam computed tomography to evaluate distances among root surfaces in molar furcations and assess the congruence between inter-root distances in molar furcations and curette blade widths. Analysis of 107 curettes revealed statistically significant differences among curette types and manufacturers. In most cases, the curettes tested allowed access for scaling and root planing of teeth with furcation involvement.
Traumatic Injuries & Emergencies Replanted avulsed tooth 14 hours post-trauma: a case report
Howard Hopenwasser, DMDFull Article (PDF)
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):e5.
This is a case study of the replantation of an avulsed tooth (No. 9) on a 21-year-old female. The tooth was completely dislocated, yet still retained in the mouth by palatal tissue. The only treatment performed was a computed tomography scan and the patient was advised to see a dentist as soon as possible. The patient was seen by the author in his office approximately 14 hours after the initial trauma. The treatment was deemed a success 20 months post-treatment.
Radix entomolaris: 2 case reports and clinical guidelines for endodontic management Endodontics
S. Jothi Latha, MDSFull Article (PDF)
N. Velmurugan, MDS
M. Kavitha, MDS
A.R. Pradeep Kumar, MDS
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):e8.
Radix entomolaris (RE) is the presence of an additional lingual root in mandibular molars. Though RE appears relatively infrequently, knowledge of the condition will aid in its management. This article presents 2 case reports of RE and clinical guidelines for endodontic management.
Bone Grafting/GTR Surgery Treating human gingival recession defects with acellular dermis matrix and enamel matrix derivative using coronally advanced flaps
Stephen C. Wallace, DDS, MHSFull Article (PDF)
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):e12.
This article documents the results of a study that used a coronally advanced flap (CAF) technique with an enamel matrix protein derivative (EMD) and acellular dermis matrix (ADM) to treat Miller Class I and II recession sites. According to the 3-month results, there was significant gain in root coverage, gain in clinical attachment, and increase in width of keratinized gingiva for all recession sites treated with CAF over EMD and ADM.
Special Patient Care Solitary median maxillary central incisor syndrome associated with unique cleft palate: a rare case report
Goda Holla, MDSFull Article (PDF)
Yeluri Ramakrishna, MDS
Anup Holla, MDS
Autar Krishen Munshi, MDS
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):e16.
Solitary median maxillary central incisor (SMMCI) syndrome is a rare dental anomaly that affects 1:50,000 live births. SMMCI syndrome is characterized by the presence of a single central incisor located on the maxillary midline in both primary and permanent dentitions. This report describes a clinical case of a 7-year-old girl with SMMCI syndrome—in addition to bilateral residual cleft and associated nasal regurgitation—that was treated with a removable maxillary obturator.
Digital Radiology Using cone beam computed tomography images to diagnose multiple taurodontisms
Alvaro Henrique Borges, DDS, MSc, PhDFull Article (PDF)
Iussif Mamede-Neto, DDS, MSc
Luiz Evaristo Ricci Volpato, DDS, MSc, PhD
Fabio Luis Miranda Pedro, DDS, MSc, PhD
Mike Reis Bueno, DDS, MSc, PhD
Carlos Estrela, DDS, MSc, PhD
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):e20.
This report presents the case of an otherwise healthy patient with 12 hypertaurodontic teeth, which were detected by using cone beam computed tomography. It is essential to emphasize the importance of routine imaging examinations for diagnosing developmental dental anomalies such as taurodontism, as this condition is generally not found by routine oral examination, and is not necessarily restricted to syndromic patients.
Complete Dentures Spring-loaded custom tray: an alternative technique for recording impressions in a patient with a restricted mouth opening
Manawar Ahmad, MDSFull Article (PDF)
B. Dhanasekar, MDS
I.N. Aparna, MDS
Hina Naim, MDS
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):e24.
For patients with extensive head and neck injuries due to trauma and/or who have had extensive surgical procedures, the ability to open the mouth is severely limited. This article describes an alternative method for fabricating a custom impression tray for a complete denture in patients with limited mouth opening abilities.
TM Disorders Clinical treatment of a ruptured temporomandibular joint disc: morphological changes at 5-year follow-up
Lucas Cardinal, DDS, MDSFull Article (PDF)
Felipe Porto, DDS, MS
Sachin Agarwal, BDS, MDS
Eduardo Grossmann, DDS, MSc, PhD
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):e27.
Osteoarthrosis is a disease that affects the temporomandibular joint. This case report chronicles the diagnosis and treatment of a patient for whom this pathological condition was accompanied by a rupture of the articular disc. A 4-month follow-up revealed remission of the articular sounds, and tissue regeneration was noted. These improvements remained visible at 5-year follow-up.
Partial Dentures Prosthetic rehabilitation of a hemimandibulectomy patient
Sandeep Kumar, MDSFull Article (PDF)
Reena Yadav, BDS
2014 Mar/Apr; 62(2):e30.
The treatment and rehabilitation of a patient with a resected mandible involves taking full advantage of all remaining structures. This is a case where crowns were placed on the remaining teeth and the remaining space was rehabilitated with an acrylic partial denture in the maxillary arch and a cast partial denture in the mandibular arch.