General Dentistry is AGD's peer-reviewed journal. Published bimonthly, General Dentistry presents research and clinical findings to support the full range of procedures that general dentists perform on a regular basis.
January/February 2022
Table of Contents
Editorial It sure is a wonderful life… AGD celebrates 70 years
Timothy F. KosinskiFull Article (PDF)
2022 January/February;70(1):5.
Restorative Dentistry Immediate rotational path removable partial denture replacing mobile teeth
Roger A. SolowFull Article (PDF)
2022 January/February;70(1):6-9.
Oral Diagnosis Multilocular lesion of the mandibular body and Bilateral clusters of radiopacities
Galal OmamiFull Article (PDF)
2022 January/February;70(1):78,80.
Self-Instruction Answers Exercises No. GD468, GD469, and GD470 from the January/February 2021 issue
2022 January/February;70(1):79.Full Article (PDF)
Clinical Articles
Implants Variations in bone quantity in the posterior mandible: a cross-sectional cone beam computed tomographic study
Yaser SafiFull Article (PDF)
Reza Amid
Maryam Alizad-Rahvar
In this retrospective cross-sectional study, cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) was used to assess bone quantity variations in the posterior mandible of edentulous patients. Differences in cortical bone thickness and ridge dimensions were significantly correlated with differences in the age or sex of the patient or the site of measurement. Anatomical variations in the mandibular posterior region of edentulous patients necessitate comprehensive CBCT assessment prior to implant placement in this area.
2022 January/February;70(1):10-16.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. GD486 -
Implants Comparison of the fit of surgical guides manufactured with low-cost 3D printers
Gregory W. BennettFull Article (PDF)
Sung K. Kim
This in vitro study evaluated the accuracy of fit of surgical guides printed with 4 low-cost desktop 3-dimensional printers: SparkMaker Original, Photon, MP Mini SLA, and Epax X1. SparkMaker Original, Photon, and Epax X1 were able to consistently produce surgical guides within the accepted tolerance values. The Epax X1 surgical guide group had a significantly higher mean percentage of fit within the tolerance level.
2022 January/February;70(1):18-21.
Endodontics Effectiveness of reciprocating and rotary retreatment files in the removal of endodontic filling material
Érica Reginato CardosoFull Article (PDF)
Izabela Volpato Marques Tookuni
Carlos Alberto Herrero de Morais
Nair Narumi Orita Pavan
Gabriela Cristina Santin
Marcelo Capitanio
Marcos Sergio Endo
This study compared the effectiveness of 2 files for root canal retreatment, Reciproc and Mtwo retreatment files, by analyzing the percentage of remaining filling material left in the root canal as well as in each individual third of the root canal. There were no significant differences between the systems, but both left significantly more residual material in the apical third of the root.
2022 January/February;70(1):22-25.
Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis, Oral Pathology Cartilaginous choristoma on the lateral surface of the tongue: a case report
Fábio Fernandes Borém BruzingaFull Article (PDF)
Bruna Rafaela Mendes Costa
Letícia Parreira de Almeida
Mariana Pires de Souza
Martinho Campolina Rebello Horta
Soraya de Mattos Camargo Grossmann
A cartilaginous choristoma is a nonneoplastic nodular growth of histologically normal cartilage in an abnormal site. This report describes a case of a cartilaginous choristoma on the lateral surface of the tongue in a 65-year-old woman.
2022 January/February;70(1):26-29.
Basic Science Comparison of 3- and 90-day bond strengths of 3 types of cement to nickel-chromium alloy
Isabela Caroline de Sousa ErvolinoFull Article (PDF)
Victor Augusto Alves Bento
Juliana Lujan Brunetto
Brenda Farias Cavalcanti Vaz de Melo Laborde
Isabela Samudio Arantes
Daisilene Baena Castillo
In an in vitro study of the 3- and 90-day shear bond strengths of 3 cements used for luting metal-ceramic crowns, the self-adhesive resin cement group showed the greatest bond strength, followed by the resin-modified glass ionomer cement group, while the bond strength of the zinc phosphate cement group was significantly lower. A subgroup of resin-modified glass ionomer cement that was treated with microsandblasting showed significantly increased bond strengths at 90 days.
2022 January/February;70(1):30-33.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. GD487 -
Endodontics Management of separated endodontic instruments: case reports
Ganesh JadhavFull Article (PDF)
Priya Mittal
Four cases of separated endodontic instruments are presented with 1-year clinical and radiographic follow-up. Different retrieval techniques were used, including ultrasonic tips, the wire loop method, safe-sided H-files, the braiding technique, and bypassing of the file. The key to successful management of a separated instrument is understanding the factors that influence the case and selecting an appropriate technique.
2022 January/February;70(1):35-39.
Endodontics Evaluation of the pH, calcium ion release, and antibacterial effect of a premixed bioceramic endodontic sealer
Sara Muhammad El-SherifFull Article (PDF)
Dalia Ibrahim Sherief
Dina Ahmed El-Refai
This study sought to compare a bioceramic sealer (TotalFill) and a calcium hydroxide (Ca[OH]2) sealer (Sealapex) in terms of their pH, calcium ion release, and antibacterial effect against Enterococcus faecalis bacteria. The Ca(OH)2-related properties of TotalFill bioceramic sealer were superior to those demonstrated by Sealapex Ca(OH)2 sealer.
2022 January/February;70(1):40-44.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. GD488 -
Basic Science The influence of final endodontic irrigation techniques and irrigants on the push-out resistance of glass fiber posts
Juliana Rodrigues Paes BarretoFull Article (PDF)
Leandro de Moura Martins
Fabíola Mendonça da Silva Chui
Danielson Guedes Pontes
Emilio Carlos Sponchiado, Jr
Luciana Mendonça da Silva
This study evaluated the influence of 3 irrigation techniques—positive-pressure irrigation, passive ultrasonic irrigation, and continuous ultrasonic irrigation—on the push-out resistance of glass fiber posts. Continuous ultrasonic irrigation was the best activation technique; it achieved greater bond strengths of glass fiber posts to root dentin, irrespective of the irrigating solution.
2022 January/February;70(1):46-50.
Orthodontics Imaging of the upper airway: which method is best for orthodontic assessment?
Eliana Dantas CostaFull Article (PDF)
Danieli Moura Brasil
Hugo Gaêta-Araujo
Varner Leroy Leggitt
Gina Delia Roque-Torres
When measurements of pharyngeal airway subregions on lateral cephalometric and cone beam computed tomographic (multiplanar reconstruction [MPR] and 3-dimensional reconstruction) images were compared in relation to skeletal class, there were significant differences in linear measurements of the oropharynx and hypopharynx. Based on the study findings, MPR images should be used for visualization of the pharyngeal airway subregions.
2022 January/February;70(1):51-55.
Infection Control Efficacy of various decontamination methods and sterilization on contaminated and inoculated diamond-coated burs
Nicole M. WirthFull Article (PDF)
Lori E. Henrichs
Daniel Savett
Wen Lien
Michael Crabtree
Kraig S. Vandewalle
This study evaluated the efficacy of various methods for decontamination of diamond-coated burs contaminated with enamel and dentinal debris and inoculated with various microorganisms. No significant bacterial growth was found in any of the test groups. The use of a cleaning stone in combination with manual or ultrasonic cleaning resulted in the least amount of remaining tooth debris.
2022 January/February;70(1):56-60.
Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis, Oral Pathology Epidermoid cyst mimicking a thyroglossal duct cyst in a pediatric patient: a case report
Géssica Vasconcelos GodinhoFull Article (PDF)
Everton José da Silva
Cristhiane Almeida Leite da Silva
Luiz Evaristo Ricci Volpato
This article describes the case of an epidermoid cyst mimicking a thyroglossal duct cyst in a pediatric patient. The diagnostic hypothesis of thyroglossal duct cyst was not supported during surgery, and the lesion was treated with simple enucleation. The histopathologic results indicated the cyst was an epidermoid cyst, highlighting the limitations of computed tomography for diagnosis of this type of mass.
2022 January/February;70(1):61-64.
Basic Science Effect of luting cement thickness on the bond strength of glass fiber posts to dentin
Fabio Cesar LorenzoniFull Article (PDF)
Diego Rodrigo Paulillo Bazan
Karina Rodelini Silva
Maria Tereza Morais de Lima
Verônica Pereira de Lima
Leandro de Moura Martins
This study evaluated the effect of cement thickness and luting cement type on the push-out bond strength of glass fiber posts. The results suggested that the type of cement used played an important role in bond strength, but cement thickness did not. Adhesive failure between the dentin and cement layer was the most frequently observed failure mode.
2022 January/February;70(1):65-71.
Implants Artifacts caused by titanium implants in CBCT images of the mandible: an experimental study
Karolina Aparecida Castilho FardimFull Article (PDF)
Alessiana Helena Machado
Neuza Maria Souza Picorelli Assis
Bruno Salles Sotto-Maior
Letícia Queiroz Mauad
Karina Lopes Devito
This study quantified metallic artifacts on CBCT images of dental implants placed in different regions of the mandible and with different field of view and voxel sizes. More artifacts were produced under conditions of a smaller field of view or voxel, and more artifacts were found in the incisor region than other regions.
2022 January/February;70(1):72-77.
January/February 2022
Table of Contents
Editorial It sure is a wonderful life… AGD celebrates 70 years
Timothy F. KosinskiFull Article (PDF)
2022 January/February;70(1):5.
Restorative Dentistry Immediate rotational path removable partial denture replacing mobile teeth
Roger A. SolowFull Article (PDF)
2022 January/February;70(1):6-9.
Oral Diagnosis Multilocular lesion of the mandibular body and Bilateral clusters of radiopacities
Galal OmamiFull Article (PDF)
2022 January/February;70(1):78,80.
Self-Instruction Answers Exercises No. GD468, GD469, and GD470 from the January/February 2021 issue
2022 January/February;70(1):79.Full Article (PDF)
Clinical Articles
Implants Variations in bone quantity in the posterior mandible: a cross-sectional cone beam computed tomographic study
Yaser SafiFull Article (PDF)
Reza Amid
Maryam Alizad-Rahvar
In this retrospective cross-sectional study, cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) was used to assess bone quantity variations in the posterior mandible of edentulous patients. Differences in cortical bone thickness and ridge dimensions were significantly correlated with differences in the age or sex of the patient or the site of measurement. Anatomical variations in the mandibular posterior region of edentulous patients necessitate comprehensive CBCT assessment prior to implant placement in this area.
2022 January/February;70(1):10-16.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. GD486 -
Implants Comparison of the fit of surgical guides manufactured with low-cost 3D printers
Gregory W. BennettFull Article (PDF)
Sung K. Kim
This in vitro study evaluated the accuracy of fit of surgical guides printed with 4 low-cost desktop 3-dimensional printers: SparkMaker Original, Photon, MP Mini SLA, and Epax X1. SparkMaker Original, Photon, and Epax X1 were able to consistently produce surgical guides within the accepted tolerance values. The Epax X1 surgical guide group had a significantly higher mean percentage of fit within the tolerance level.
2022 January/February;70(1):18-21.
Endodontics Effectiveness of reciprocating and rotary retreatment files in the removal of endodontic filling material
Érica Reginato CardosoFull Article (PDF)
Izabela Volpato Marques Tookuni
Carlos Alberto Herrero de Morais
Nair Narumi Orita Pavan
Gabriela Cristina Santin
Marcelo Capitanio
Marcos Sergio Endo
This study compared the effectiveness of 2 files for root canal retreatment, Reciproc and Mtwo retreatment files, by analyzing the percentage of remaining filling material left in the root canal as well as in each individual third of the root canal. There were no significant differences between the systems, but both left significantly more residual material in the apical third of the root.
2022 January/February;70(1):22-25.
Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis, Oral Pathology Cartilaginous choristoma on the lateral surface of the tongue: a case report
Fábio Fernandes Borém BruzingaFull Article (PDF)
Bruna Rafaela Mendes Costa
Letícia Parreira de Almeida
Mariana Pires de Souza
Martinho Campolina Rebello Horta
Soraya de Mattos Camargo Grossmann
A cartilaginous choristoma is a nonneoplastic nodular growth of histologically normal cartilage in an abnormal site. This report describes a case of a cartilaginous choristoma on the lateral surface of the tongue in a 65-year-old woman.
2022 January/February;70(1):26-29.
Basic Science Comparison of 3- and 90-day bond strengths of 3 types of cement to nickel-chromium alloy
Isabela Caroline de Sousa ErvolinoFull Article (PDF)
Victor Augusto Alves Bento
Juliana Lujan Brunetto
Brenda Farias Cavalcanti Vaz de Melo Laborde
Isabela Samudio Arantes
Daisilene Baena Castillo
In an in vitro study of the 3- and 90-day shear bond strengths of 3 cements used for luting metal-ceramic crowns, the self-adhesive resin cement group showed the greatest bond strength, followed by the resin-modified glass ionomer cement group, while the bond strength of the zinc phosphate cement group was significantly lower. A subgroup of resin-modified glass ionomer cement that was treated with microsandblasting showed significantly increased bond strengths at 90 days.
2022 January/February;70(1):30-33.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. GD487 -
Endodontics Management of separated endodontic instruments: case reports
Ganesh JadhavFull Article (PDF)
Priya Mittal
Four cases of separated endodontic instruments are presented with 1-year clinical and radiographic follow-up. Different retrieval techniques were used, including ultrasonic tips, the wire loop method, safe-sided H-files, the braiding technique, and bypassing of the file. The key to successful management of a separated instrument is understanding the factors that influence the case and selecting an appropriate technique.
2022 January/February;70(1):35-39.
Endodontics Evaluation of the pH, calcium ion release, and antibacterial effect of a premixed bioceramic endodontic sealer
Sara Muhammad El-SherifFull Article (PDF)
Dalia Ibrahim Sherief
Dina Ahmed El-Refai
This study sought to compare a bioceramic sealer (TotalFill) and a calcium hydroxide (Ca[OH]2) sealer (Sealapex) in terms of their pH, calcium ion release, and antibacterial effect against Enterococcus faecalis bacteria. The Ca(OH)2-related properties of TotalFill bioceramic sealer were superior to those demonstrated by Sealapex Ca(OH)2 sealer.
2022 January/February;70(1):40-44.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. GD488 -
Basic Science The influence of final endodontic irrigation techniques and irrigants on the push-out resistance of glass fiber posts
Juliana Rodrigues Paes BarretoFull Article (PDF)
Leandro de Moura Martins
Fabíola Mendonça da Silva Chui
Danielson Guedes Pontes
Emilio Carlos Sponchiado, Jr
Luciana Mendonça da Silva
This study evaluated the influence of 3 irrigation techniques—positive-pressure irrigation, passive ultrasonic irrigation, and continuous ultrasonic irrigation—on the push-out resistance of glass fiber posts. Continuous ultrasonic irrigation was the best activation technique; it achieved greater bond strengths of glass fiber posts to root dentin, irrespective of the irrigating solution.
2022 January/February;70(1):46-50.
Orthodontics Imaging of the upper airway: which method is best for orthodontic assessment?
Eliana Dantas CostaFull Article (PDF)
Danieli Moura Brasil
Hugo Gaêta-Araujo
Varner Leroy Leggitt
Gina Delia Roque-Torres
When measurements of pharyngeal airway subregions on lateral cephalometric and cone beam computed tomographic (multiplanar reconstruction [MPR] and 3-dimensional reconstruction) images were compared in relation to skeletal class, there were significant differences in linear measurements of the oropharynx and hypopharynx. Based on the study findings, MPR images should be used for visualization of the pharyngeal airway subregions.
2022 January/February;70(1):51-55.
Infection Control Efficacy of various decontamination methods and sterilization on contaminated and inoculated diamond-coated burs
Nicole M. WirthFull Article (PDF)
Lori E. Henrichs
Daniel Savett
Wen Lien
Michael Crabtree
Kraig S. Vandewalle
This study evaluated the efficacy of various methods for decontamination of diamond-coated burs contaminated with enamel and dentinal debris and inoculated with various microorganisms. No significant bacterial growth was found in any of the test groups. The use of a cleaning stone in combination with manual or ultrasonic cleaning resulted in the least amount of remaining tooth debris.
2022 January/February;70(1):56-60.
Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis, Oral Pathology Epidermoid cyst mimicking a thyroglossal duct cyst in a pediatric patient: a case report
Géssica Vasconcelos GodinhoFull Article (PDF)
Everton José da Silva
Cristhiane Almeida Leite da Silva
Luiz Evaristo Ricci Volpato
This article describes the case of an epidermoid cyst mimicking a thyroglossal duct cyst in a pediatric patient. The diagnostic hypothesis of thyroglossal duct cyst was not supported during surgery, and the lesion was treated with simple enucleation. The histopathologic results indicated the cyst was an epidermoid cyst, highlighting the limitations of computed tomography for diagnosis of this type of mass.
2022 January/February;70(1):61-64.
Basic Science Effect of luting cement thickness on the bond strength of glass fiber posts to dentin
Fabio Cesar LorenzoniFull Article (PDF)
Diego Rodrigo Paulillo Bazan
Karina Rodelini Silva
Maria Tereza Morais de Lima
Verônica Pereira de Lima
Leandro de Moura Martins
This study evaluated the effect of cement thickness and luting cement type on the push-out bond strength of glass fiber posts. The results suggested that the type of cement used played an important role in bond strength, but cement thickness did not. Adhesive failure between the dentin and cement layer was the most frequently observed failure mode.
2022 January/February;70(1):65-71.
Implants Artifacts caused by titanium implants in CBCT images of the mandible: an experimental study
Karolina Aparecida Castilho FardimFull Article (PDF)
Alessiana Helena Machado
Neuza Maria Souza Picorelli Assis
Bruno Salles Sotto-Maior
Letícia Queiroz Mauad
Karina Lopes Devito
This study quantified metallic artifacts on CBCT images of dental implants placed in different regions of the mandible and with different field of view and voxel sizes. More artifacts were produced under conditions of a smaller field of view or voxel, and more artifacts were found in the incisor region than other regions.
2022 January/February;70(1):72-77.
January/February 2022
Table of Contents
Editorial It sure is a wonderful life… AGD celebrates 70 years
Timothy F. KosinskiFull Article (PDF)
2022 January/February;70(1):5.
Restorative Dentistry Immediate rotational path removable partial denture replacing mobile teeth
Roger A. SolowFull Article (PDF)
2022 January/February;70(1):6-9.
Oral Diagnosis Multilocular lesion of the mandibular body and Bilateral clusters of radiopacities
Galal OmamiFull Article (PDF)
2022 January/February;70(1):78,80.
Self-Instruction Answers Exercises No. GD468, GD469, and GD470 from the January/February 2021 issue
2022 January/February;70(1):79.Full Article (PDF)
Clinical Articles
Implants Variations in bone quantity in the posterior mandible: a cross-sectional cone beam computed tomographic study
Yaser SafiFull Article (PDF)
Reza Amid
Maryam Alizad-Rahvar
In this retrospective cross-sectional study, cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) was used to assess bone quantity variations in the posterior mandible of edentulous patients. Differences in cortical bone thickness and ridge dimensions were significantly correlated with differences in the age or sex of the patient or the site of measurement. Anatomical variations in the mandibular posterior region of edentulous patients necessitate comprehensive CBCT assessment prior to implant placement in this area.
2022 January/February;70(1):10-16.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. GD486 -
Implants Comparison of the fit of surgical guides manufactured with low-cost 3D printers
Gregory W. BennettFull Article (PDF)
Sung K. Kim
This in vitro study evaluated the accuracy of fit of surgical guides printed with 4 low-cost desktop 3-dimensional printers: SparkMaker Original, Photon, MP Mini SLA, and Epax X1. SparkMaker Original, Photon, and Epax X1 were able to consistently produce surgical guides within the accepted tolerance values. The Epax X1 surgical guide group had a significantly higher mean percentage of fit within the tolerance level.
2022 January/February;70(1):18-21.
Endodontics Effectiveness of reciprocating and rotary retreatment files in the removal of endodontic filling material
Érica Reginato CardosoFull Article (PDF)
Izabela Volpato Marques Tookuni
Carlos Alberto Herrero de Morais
Nair Narumi Orita Pavan
Gabriela Cristina Santin
Marcelo Capitanio
Marcos Sergio Endo
This study compared the effectiveness of 2 files for root canal retreatment, Reciproc and Mtwo retreatment files, by analyzing the percentage of remaining filling material left in the root canal as well as in each individual third of the root canal. There were no significant differences between the systems, but both left significantly more residual material in the apical third of the root.
2022 January/February;70(1):22-25.
Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis, Oral Pathology Cartilaginous choristoma on the lateral surface of the tongue: a case report
Fábio Fernandes Borém BruzingaFull Article (PDF)
Bruna Rafaela Mendes Costa
Letícia Parreira de Almeida
Mariana Pires de Souza
Martinho Campolina Rebello Horta
Soraya de Mattos Camargo Grossmann
A cartilaginous choristoma is a nonneoplastic nodular growth of histologically normal cartilage in an abnormal site. This report describes a case of a cartilaginous choristoma on the lateral surface of the tongue in a 65-year-old woman.
2022 January/February;70(1):26-29.
Basic Science Comparison of 3- and 90-day bond strengths of 3 types of cement to nickel-chromium alloy
Isabela Caroline de Sousa ErvolinoFull Article (PDF)
Victor Augusto Alves Bento
Juliana Lujan Brunetto
Brenda Farias Cavalcanti Vaz de Melo Laborde
Isabela Samudio Arantes
Daisilene Baena Castillo
In an in vitro study of the 3- and 90-day shear bond strengths of 3 cements used for luting metal-ceramic crowns, the self-adhesive resin cement group showed the greatest bond strength, followed by the resin-modified glass ionomer cement group, while the bond strength of the zinc phosphate cement group was significantly lower. A subgroup of resin-modified glass ionomer cement that was treated with microsandblasting showed significantly increased bond strengths at 90 days.
2022 January/February;70(1):30-33.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. GD487 -
Endodontics Management of separated endodontic instruments: case reports
Ganesh JadhavFull Article (PDF)
Priya Mittal
Four cases of separated endodontic instruments are presented with 1-year clinical and radiographic follow-up. Different retrieval techniques were used, including ultrasonic tips, the wire loop method, safe-sided H-files, the braiding technique, and bypassing of the file. The key to successful management of a separated instrument is understanding the factors that influence the case and selecting an appropriate technique.
2022 January/February;70(1):35-39.
Endodontics Evaluation of the pH, calcium ion release, and antibacterial effect of a premixed bioceramic endodontic sealer
Sara Muhammad El-SherifFull Article (PDF)
Dalia Ibrahim Sherief
Dina Ahmed El-Refai
This study sought to compare a bioceramic sealer (TotalFill) and a calcium hydroxide (Ca[OH]2) sealer (Sealapex) in terms of their pH, calcium ion release, and antibacterial effect against Enterococcus faecalis bacteria. The Ca(OH)2-related properties of TotalFill bioceramic sealer were superior to those demonstrated by Sealapex Ca(OH)2 sealer.
2022 January/February;70(1):40-44.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. GD488 -
Basic Science The influence of final endodontic irrigation techniques and irrigants on the push-out resistance of glass fiber posts
Juliana Rodrigues Paes BarretoFull Article (PDF)
Leandro de Moura Martins
Fabíola Mendonça da Silva Chui
Danielson Guedes Pontes
Emilio Carlos Sponchiado, Jr
Luciana Mendonça da Silva
This study evaluated the influence of 3 irrigation techniques—positive-pressure irrigation, passive ultrasonic irrigation, and continuous ultrasonic irrigation—on the push-out resistance of glass fiber posts. Continuous ultrasonic irrigation was the best activation technique; it achieved greater bond strengths of glass fiber posts to root dentin, irrespective of the irrigating solution.
2022 January/February;70(1):46-50.
Orthodontics Imaging of the upper airway: which method is best for orthodontic assessment?
Eliana Dantas CostaFull Article (PDF)
Danieli Moura Brasil
Hugo Gaêta-Araujo
Varner Leroy Leggitt
Gina Delia Roque-Torres
When measurements of pharyngeal airway subregions on lateral cephalometric and cone beam computed tomographic (multiplanar reconstruction [MPR] and 3-dimensional reconstruction) images were compared in relation to skeletal class, there were significant differences in linear measurements of the oropharynx and hypopharynx. Based on the study findings, MPR images should be used for visualization of the pharyngeal airway subregions.
2022 January/February;70(1):51-55.
Infection Control Efficacy of various decontamination methods and sterilization on contaminated and inoculated diamond-coated burs
Nicole M. WirthFull Article (PDF)
Lori E. Henrichs
Daniel Savett
Wen Lien
Michael Crabtree
Kraig S. Vandewalle
This study evaluated the efficacy of various methods for decontamination of diamond-coated burs contaminated with enamel and dentinal debris and inoculated with various microorganisms. No significant bacterial growth was found in any of the test groups. The use of a cleaning stone in combination with manual or ultrasonic cleaning resulted in the least amount of remaining tooth debris.
2022 January/February;70(1):56-60.
Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis, Oral Pathology Epidermoid cyst mimicking a thyroglossal duct cyst in a pediatric patient: a case report
Géssica Vasconcelos GodinhoFull Article (PDF)
Everton José da Silva
Cristhiane Almeida Leite da Silva
Luiz Evaristo Ricci Volpato
This article describes the case of an epidermoid cyst mimicking a thyroglossal duct cyst in a pediatric patient. The diagnostic hypothesis of thyroglossal duct cyst was not supported during surgery, and the lesion was treated with simple enucleation. The histopathologic results indicated the cyst was an epidermoid cyst, highlighting the limitations of computed tomography for diagnosis of this type of mass.
2022 January/February;70(1):61-64.
Basic Science Effect of luting cement thickness on the bond strength of glass fiber posts to dentin
Fabio Cesar LorenzoniFull Article (PDF)
Diego Rodrigo Paulillo Bazan
Karina Rodelini Silva
Maria Tereza Morais de Lima
Verônica Pereira de Lima
Leandro de Moura Martins
This study evaluated the effect of cement thickness and luting cement type on the push-out bond strength of glass fiber posts. The results suggested that the type of cement used played an important role in bond strength, but cement thickness did not. Adhesive failure between the dentin and cement layer was the most frequently observed failure mode.
2022 January/February;70(1):65-71.
Implants Artifacts caused by titanium implants in CBCT images of the mandible: an experimental study
Karolina Aparecida Castilho FardimFull Article (PDF)
Alessiana Helena Machado
Neuza Maria Souza Picorelli Assis
Bruno Salles Sotto-Maior
Letícia Queiroz Mauad
Karina Lopes Devito
This study quantified metallic artifacts on CBCT images of dental implants placed in different regions of the mandible and with different field of view and voxel sizes. More artifacts were produced under conditions of a smaller field of view or voxel, and more artifacts were found in the incisor region than other regions.
2022 January/February;70(1):72-77.
January/February 2022
Table of Contents
Editorial It sure is a wonderful life… AGD celebrates 70 years
Timothy F. KosinskiFull Article (PDF)
2022 January/February;70(1):5.
Restorative Dentistry Immediate rotational path removable partial denture replacing mobile teeth
Roger A. SolowFull Article (PDF)
2022 January/February;70(1):6-9.
Oral Diagnosis Multilocular lesion of the mandibular body and Bilateral clusters of radiopacities
Galal OmamiFull Article (PDF)
2022 January/February;70(1):78,80.
Self-Instruction Answers Exercises No. GD468, GD469, and GD470 from the January/February 2021 issue
2022 January/February;70(1):79.Full Article (PDF)
Clinical Articles
Implants Variations in bone quantity in the posterior mandible: a cross-sectional cone beam computed tomographic study
Yaser SafiFull Article (PDF)
Reza Amid
Maryam Alizad-Rahvar
In this retrospective cross-sectional study, cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) was used to assess bone quantity variations in the posterior mandible of edentulous patients. Differences in cortical bone thickness and ridge dimensions were significantly correlated with differences in the age or sex of the patient or the site of measurement. Anatomical variations in the mandibular posterior region of edentulous patients necessitate comprehensive CBCT assessment prior to implant placement in this area.
2022 January/February;70(1):10-16.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. GD486 -
Implants Comparison of the fit of surgical guides manufactured with low-cost 3D printers
Gregory W. BennettFull Article (PDF)
Sung K. Kim
This in vitro study evaluated the accuracy of fit of surgical guides printed with 4 low-cost desktop 3-dimensional printers: SparkMaker Original, Photon, MP Mini SLA, and Epax X1. SparkMaker Original, Photon, and Epax X1 were able to consistently produce surgical guides within the accepted tolerance values. The Epax X1 surgical guide group had a significantly higher mean percentage of fit within the tolerance level.
2022 January/February;70(1):18-21.
Endodontics Effectiveness of reciprocating and rotary retreatment files in the removal of endodontic filling material
Érica Reginato CardosoFull Article (PDF)
Izabela Volpato Marques Tookuni
Carlos Alberto Herrero de Morais
Nair Narumi Orita Pavan
Gabriela Cristina Santin
Marcelo Capitanio
Marcos Sergio Endo
This study compared the effectiveness of 2 files for root canal retreatment, Reciproc and Mtwo retreatment files, by analyzing the percentage of remaining filling material left in the root canal as well as in each individual third of the root canal. There were no significant differences between the systems, but both left significantly more residual material in the apical third of the root.
2022 January/February;70(1):22-25.
Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis, Oral Pathology Cartilaginous choristoma on the lateral surface of the tongue: a case report
Fábio Fernandes Borém BruzingaFull Article (PDF)
Bruna Rafaela Mendes Costa
Letícia Parreira de Almeida
Mariana Pires de Souza
Martinho Campolina Rebello Horta
Soraya de Mattos Camargo Grossmann
A cartilaginous choristoma is a nonneoplastic nodular growth of histologically normal cartilage in an abnormal site. This report describes a case of a cartilaginous choristoma on the lateral surface of the tongue in a 65-year-old woman.
2022 January/February;70(1):26-29.
Basic Science Comparison of 3- and 90-day bond strengths of 3 types of cement to nickel-chromium alloy
Isabela Caroline de Sousa ErvolinoFull Article (PDF)
Victor Augusto Alves Bento
Juliana Lujan Brunetto
Brenda Farias Cavalcanti Vaz de Melo Laborde
Isabela Samudio Arantes
Daisilene Baena Castillo
In an in vitro study of the 3- and 90-day shear bond strengths of 3 cements used for luting metal-ceramic crowns, the self-adhesive resin cement group showed the greatest bond strength, followed by the resin-modified glass ionomer cement group, while the bond strength of the zinc phosphate cement group was significantly lower. A subgroup of resin-modified glass ionomer cement that was treated with microsandblasting showed significantly increased bond strengths at 90 days.
2022 January/February;70(1):30-33.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. GD487 -
Endodontics Management of separated endodontic instruments: case reports
Ganesh JadhavFull Article (PDF)
Priya Mittal
Four cases of separated endodontic instruments are presented with 1-year clinical and radiographic follow-up. Different retrieval techniques were used, including ultrasonic tips, the wire loop method, safe-sided H-files, the braiding technique, and bypassing of the file. The key to successful management of a separated instrument is understanding the factors that influence the case and selecting an appropriate technique.
2022 January/February;70(1):35-39.
Endodontics Evaluation of the pH, calcium ion release, and antibacterial effect of a premixed bioceramic endodontic sealer
Sara Muhammad El-SherifFull Article (PDF)
Dalia Ibrahim Sherief
Dina Ahmed El-Refai
This study sought to compare a bioceramic sealer (TotalFill) and a calcium hydroxide (Ca[OH]2) sealer (Sealapex) in terms of their pH, calcium ion release, and antibacterial effect against Enterococcus faecalis bacteria. The Ca(OH)2-related properties of TotalFill bioceramic sealer were superior to those demonstrated by Sealapex Ca(OH)2 sealer.
2022 January/February;70(1):40-44.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. GD488 -
Basic Science The influence of final endodontic irrigation techniques and irrigants on the push-out resistance of glass fiber posts
Juliana Rodrigues Paes BarretoFull Article (PDF)
Leandro de Moura Martins
Fabíola Mendonça da Silva Chui
Danielson Guedes Pontes
Emilio Carlos Sponchiado, Jr
Luciana Mendonça da Silva
This study evaluated the influence of 3 irrigation techniques—positive-pressure irrigation, passive ultrasonic irrigation, and continuous ultrasonic irrigation—on the push-out resistance of glass fiber posts. Continuous ultrasonic irrigation was the best activation technique; it achieved greater bond strengths of glass fiber posts to root dentin, irrespective of the irrigating solution.
2022 January/February;70(1):46-50.
Orthodontics Imaging of the upper airway: which method is best for orthodontic assessment?
Eliana Dantas CostaFull Article (PDF)
Danieli Moura Brasil
Hugo Gaêta-Araujo
Varner Leroy Leggitt
Gina Delia Roque-Torres
When measurements of pharyngeal airway subregions on lateral cephalometric and cone beam computed tomographic (multiplanar reconstruction [MPR] and 3-dimensional reconstruction) images were compared in relation to skeletal class, there were significant differences in linear measurements of the oropharynx and hypopharynx. Based on the study findings, MPR images should be used for visualization of the pharyngeal airway subregions.
2022 January/February;70(1):51-55.
Infection Control Efficacy of various decontamination methods and sterilization on contaminated and inoculated diamond-coated burs
Nicole M. WirthFull Article (PDF)
Lori E. Henrichs
Daniel Savett
Wen Lien
Michael Crabtree
Kraig S. Vandewalle
This study evaluated the efficacy of various methods for decontamination of diamond-coated burs contaminated with enamel and dentinal debris and inoculated with various microorganisms. No significant bacterial growth was found in any of the test groups. The use of a cleaning stone in combination with manual or ultrasonic cleaning resulted in the least amount of remaining tooth debris.
2022 January/February;70(1):56-60.
Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis, Oral Pathology Epidermoid cyst mimicking a thyroglossal duct cyst in a pediatric patient: a case report
Géssica Vasconcelos GodinhoFull Article (PDF)
Everton José da Silva
Cristhiane Almeida Leite da Silva
Luiz Evaristo Ricci Volpato
This article describes the case of an epidermoid cyst mimicking a thyroglossal duct cyst in a pediatric patient. The diagnostic hypothesis of thyroglossal duct cyst was not supported during surgery, and the lesion was treated with simple enucleation. The histopathologic results indicated the cyst was an epidermoid cyst, highlighting the limitations of computed tomography for diagnosis of this type of mass.
2022 January/February;70(1):61-64.
Basic Science Effect of luting cement thickness on the bond strength of glass fiber posts to dentin
Fabio Cesar LorenzoniFull Article (PDF)
Diego Rodrigo Paulillo Bazan
Karina Rodelini Silva
Maria Tereza Morais de Lima
Verônica Pereira de Lima
Leandro de Moura Martins
This study evaluated the effect of cement thickness and luting cement type on the push-out bond strength of glass fiber posts. The results suggested that the type of cement used played an important role in bond strength, but cement thickness did not. Adhesive failure between the dentin and cement layer was the most frequently observed failure mode.
2022 January/February;70(1):65-71.
Implants Artifacts caused by titanium implants in CBCT images of the mandible: an experimental study
Karolina Aparecida Castilho FardimFull Article (PDF)
Alessiana Helena Machado
Neuza Maria Souza Picorelli Assis
Bruno Salles Sotto-Maior
Letícia Queiroz Mauad
Karina Lopes Devito
This study quantified metallic artifacts on CBCT images of dental implants placed in different regions of the mandible and with different field of view and voxel sizes. More artifacts were produced under conditions of a smaller field of view or voxel, and more artifacts were found in the incisor region than other regions.
2022 January/February;70(1):72-77.
January/February 2022
Table of Contents
Editorial It sure is a wonderful life… AGD celebrates 70 years
Timothy F. KosinskiFull Article (PDF)
2022 January/February;70(1):5.
Restorative Dentistry Immediate rotational path removable partial denture replacing mobile teeth
Roger A. SolowFull Article (PDF)
2022 January/February;70(1):6-9.
Oral Diagnosis Multilocular lesion of the mandibular body and Bilateral clusters of radiopacities
Galal OmamiFull Article (PDF)
2022 January/February;70(1):78,80.
Self-Instruction Answers Exercises No. GD468, GD469, and GD470 from the January/February 2021 issue
2022 January/February;70(1):79.Full Article (PDF)
Clinical Articles
Implants Variations in bone quantity in the posterior mandible: a cross-sectional cone beam computed tomographic study
Yaser SafiFull Article (PDF)
Reza Amid
Maryam Alizad-Rahvar
In this retrospective cross-sectional study, cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) was used to assess bone quantity variations in the posterior mandible of edentulous patients. Differences in cortical bone thickness and ridge dimensions were significantly correlated with differences in the age or sex of the patient or the site of measurement. Anatomical variations in the mandibular posterior region of edentulous patients necessitate comprehensive CBCT assessment prior to implant placement in this area.
2022 January/February;70(1):10-16.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. GD486 -
Implants Comparison of the fit of surgical guides manufactured with low-cost 3D printers
Gregory W. BennettFull Article (PDF)
Sung K. Kim
This in vitro study evaluated the accuracy of fit of surgical guides printed with 4 low-cost desktop 3-dimensional printers: SparkMaker Original, Photon, MP Mini SLA, and Epax X1. SparkMaker Original, Photon, and Epax X1 were able to consistently produce surgical guides within the accepted tolerance values. The Epax X1 surgical guide group had a significantly higher mean percentage of fit within the tolerance level.
2022 January/February;70(1):18-21.
Endodontics Effectiveness of reciprocating and rotary retreatment files in the removal of endodontic filling material
Érica Reginato CardosoFull Article (PDF)
Izabela Volpato Marques Tookuni
Carlos Alberto Herrero de Morais
Nair Narumi Orita Pavan
Gabriela Cristina Santin
Marcelo Capitanio
Marcos Sergio Endo
This study compared the effectiveness of 2 files for root canal retreatment, Reciproc and Mtwo retreatment files, by analyzing the percentage of remaining filling material left in the root canal as well as in each individual third of the root canal. There were no significant differences between the systems, but both left significantly more residual material in the apical third of the root.
2022 January/February;70(1):22-25.
Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis, Oral Pathology Cartilaginous choristoma on the lateral surface of the tongue: a case report
Fábio Fernandes Borém BruzingaFull Article (PDF)
Bruna Rafaela Mendes Costa
Letícia Parreira de Almeida
Mariana Pires de Souza
Martinho Campolina Rebello Horta
Soraya de Mattos Camargo Grossmann
A cartilaginous choristoma is a nonneoplastic nodular growth of histologically normal cartilage in an abnormal site. This report describes a case of a cartilaginous choristoma on the lateral surface of the tongue in a 65-year-old woman.
2022 January/February;70(1):26-29.
Basic Science Comparison of 3- and 90-day bond strengths of 3 types of cement to nickel-chromium alloy
Isabela Caroline de Sousa ErvolinoFull Article (PDF)
Victor Augusto Alves Bento
Juliana Lujan Brunetto
Brenda Farias Cavalcanti Vaz de Melo Laborde
Isabela Samudio Arantes
Daisilene Baena Castillo
In an in vitro study of the 3- and 90-day shear bond strengths of 3 cements used for luting metal-ceramic crowns, the self-adhesive resin cement group showed the greatest bond strength, followed by the resin-modified glass ionomer cement group, while the bond strength of the zinc phosphate cement group was significantly lower. A subgroup of resin-modified glass ionomer cement that was treated with microsandblasting showed significantly increased bond strengths at 90 days.
2022 January/February;70(1):30-33.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. GD487 -
Endodontics Management of separated endodontic instruments: case reports
Ganesh JadhavFull Article (PDF)
Priya Mittal
Four cases of separated endodontic instruments are presented with 1-year clinical and radiographic follow-up. Different retrieval techniques were used, including ultrasonic tips, the wire loop method, safe-sided H-files, the braiding technique, and bypassing of the file. The key to successful management of a separated instrument is understanding the factors that influence the case and selecting an appropriate technique.
2022 January/February;70(1):35-39.
Endodontics Evaluation of the pH, calcium ion release, and antibacterial effect of a premixed bioceramic endodontic sealer
Sara Muhammad El-SherifFull Article (PDF)
Dalia Ibrahim Sherief
Dina Ahmed El-Refai
This study sought to compare a bioceramic sealer (TotalFill) and a calcium hydroxide (Ca[OH]2) sealer (Sealapex) in terms of their pH, calcium ion release, and antibacterial effect against Enterococcus faecalis bacteria. The Ca(OH)2-related properties of TotalFill bioceramic sealer were superior to those demonstrated by Sealapex Ca(OH)2 sealer.
2022 January/February;70(1):40-44.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. GD488 -
Basic Science The influence of final endodontic irrigation techniques and irrigants on the push-out resistance of glass fiber posts
Juliana Rodrigues Paes BarretoFull Article (PDF)
Leandro de Moura Martins
Fabíola Mendonça da Silva Chui
Danielson Guedes Pontes
Emilio Carlos Sponchiado, Jr
Luciana Mendonça da Silva
This study evaluated the influence of 3 irrigation techniques—positive-pressure irrigation, passive ultrasonic irrigation, and continuous ultrasonic irrigation—on the push-out resistance of glass fiber posts. Continuous ultrasonic irrigation was the best activation technique; it achieved greater bond strengths of glass fiber posts to root dentin, irrespective of the irrigating solution.
2022 January/February;70(1):46-50.
Orthodontics Imaging of the upper airway: which method is best for orthodontic assessment?
Eliana Dantas CostaFull Article (PDF)
Danieli Moura Brasil
Hugo Gaêta-Araujo
Varner Leroy Leggitt
Gina Delia Roque-Torres
When measurements of pharyngeal airway subregions on lateral cephalometric and cone beam computed tomographic (multiplanar reconstruction [MPR] and 3-dimensional reconstruction) images were compared in relation to skeletal class, there were significant differences in linear measurements of the oropharynx and hypopharynx. Based on the study findings, MPR images should be used for visualization of the pharyngeal airway subregions.
2022 January/February;70(1):51-55.
Infection Control Efficacy of various decontamination methods and sterilization on contaminated and inoculated diamond-coated burs
Nicole M. WirthFull Article (PDF)
Lori E. Henrichs
Daniel Savett
Wen Lien
Michael Crabtree
Kraig S. Vandewalle
This study evaluated the efficacy of various methods for decontamination of diamond-coated burs contaminated with enamel and dentinal debris and inoculated with various microorganisms. No significant bacterial growth was found in any of the test groups. The use of a cleaning stone in combination with manual or ultrasonic cleaning resulted in the least amount of remaining tooth debris.
2022 January/February;70(1):56-60.
Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis, Oral Pathology Epidermoid cyst mimicking a thyroglossal duct cyst in a pediatric patient: a case report
Géssica Vasconcelos GodinhoFull Article (PDF)
Everton José da Silva
Cristhiane Almeida Leite da Silva
Luiz Evaristo Ricci Volpato
This article describes the case of an epidermoid cyst mimicking a thyroglossal duct cyst in a pediatric patient. The diagnostic hypothesis of thyroglossal duct cyst was not supported during surgery, and the lesion was treated with simple enucleation. The histopathologic results indicated the cyst was an epidermoid cyst, highlighting the limitations of computed tomography for diagnosis of this type of mass.
2022 January/February;70(1):61-64.
Basic Science Effect of luting cement thickness on the bond strength of glass fiber posts to dentin
Fabio Cesar LorenzoniFull Article (PDF)
Diego Rodrigo Paulillo Bazan
Karina Rodelini Silva
Maria Tereza Morais de Lima
Verônica Pereira de Lima
Leandro de Moura Martins
This study evaluated the effect of cement thickness and luting cement type on the push-out bond strength of glass fiber posts. The results suggested that the type of cement used played an important role in bond strength, but cement thickness did not. Adhesive failure between the dentin and cement layer was the most frequently observed failure mode.
2022 January/February;70(1):65-71.
Implants Artifacts caused by titanium implants in CBCT images of the mandible: an experimental study
Karolina Aparecida Castilho FardimFull Article (PDF)
Alessiana Helena Machado
Neuza Maria Souza Picorelli Assis
Bruno Salles Sotto-Maior
Letícia Queiroz Mauad
Karina Lopes Devito
This study quantified metallic artifacts on CBCT images of dental implants placed in different regions of the mandible and with different field of view and voxel sizes. More artifacts were produced under conditions of a smaller field of view or voxel, and more artifacts were found in the incisor region than other regions.
2022 January/February;70(1):72-77.
January/February 2022
Table of Contents
Editorial It sure is a wonderful life… AGD celebrates 70 years
Timothy F. KosinskiFull Article (PDF)
2022 January/February;70(1):5.
Restorative Dentistry Immediate rotational path removable partial denture replacing mobile teeth
Roger A. SolowFull Article (PDF)
2022 January/February;70(1):6-9.
Oral Diagnosis Multilocular lesion of the mandibular body and Bilateral clusters of radiopacities
Galal OmamiFull Article (PDF)
2022 January/February;70(1):78,80.
Self-Instruction Answers Exercises No. GD468, GD469, and GD470 from the January/February 2021 issue
2022 January/February;70(1):79.Full Article (PDF)
Clinical Articles
Implants Variations in bone quantity in the posterior mandible: a cross-sectional cone beam computed tomographic study
Yaser SafiFull Article (PDF)
Reza Amid
Maryam Alizad-Rahvar
In this retrospective cross-sectional study, cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) was used to assess bone quantity variations in the posterior mandible of edentulous patients. Differences in cortical bone thickness and ridge dimensions were significantly correlated with differences in the age or sex of the patient or the site of measurement. Anatomical variations in the mandibular posterior region of edentulous patients necessitate comprehensive CBCT assessment prior to implant placement in this area.
2022 January/February;70(1):10-16.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. GD486 -
Implants Comparison of the fit of surgical guides manufactured with low-cost 3D printers
Gregory W. BennettFull Article (PDF)
Sung K. Kim
This in vitro study evaluated the accuracy of fit of surgical guides printed with 4 low-cost desktop 3-dimensional printers: SparkMaker Original, Photon, MP Mini SLA, and Epax X1. SparkMaker Original, Photon, and Epax X1 were able to consistently produce surgical guides within the accepted tolerance values. The Epax X1 surgical guide group had a significantly higher mean percentage of fit within the tolerance level.
2022 January/February;70(1):18-21.
Endodontics Effectiveness of reciprocating and rotary retreatment files in the removal of endodontic filling material
Érica Reginato CardosoFull Article (PDF)
Izabela Volpato Marques Tookuni
Carlos Alberto Herrero de Morais
Nair Narumi Orita Pavan
Gabriela Cristina Santin
Marcelo Capitanio
Marcos Sergio Endo
This study compared the effectiveness of 2 files for root canal retreatment, Reciproc and Mtwo retreatment files, by analyzing the percentage of remaining filling material left in the root canal as well as in each individual third of the root canal. There were no significant differences between the systems, but both left significantly more residual material in the apical third of the root.
2022 January/February;70(1):22-25.
Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis, Oral Pathology Cartilaginous choristoma on the lateral surface of the tongue: a case report
Fábio Fernandes Borém BruzingaFull Article (PDF)
Bruna Rafaela Mendes Costa
Letícia Parreira de Almeida
Mariana Pires de Souza
Martinho Campolina Rebello Horta
Soraya de Mattos Camargo Grossmann
A cartilaginous choristoma is a nonneoplastic nodular growth of histologically normal cartilage in an abnormal site. This report describes a case of a cartilaginous choristoma on the lateral surface of the tongue in a 65-year-old woman.
2022 January/February;70(1):26-29.
Basic Science Comparison of 3- and 90-day bond strengths of 3 types of cement to nickel-chromium alloy
Isabela Caroline de Sousa ErvolinoFull Article (PDF)
Victor Augusto Alves Bento
Juliana Lujan Brunetto
Brenda Farias Cavalcanti Vaz de Melo Laborde
Isabela Samudio Arantes
Daisilene Baena Castillo
In an in vitro study of the 3- and 90-day shear bond strengths of 3 cements used for luting metal-ceramic crowns, the self-adhesive resin cement group showed the greatest bond strength, followed by the resin-modified glass ionomer cement group, while the bond strength of the zinc phosphate cement group was significantly lower. A subgroup of resin-modified glass ionomer cement that was treated with microsandblasting showed significantly increased bond strengths at 90 days.
2022 January/February;70(1):30-33.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. GD487 -
Endodontics Management of separated endodontic instruments: case reports
Ganesh JadhavFull Article (PDF)
Priya Mittal
Four cases of separated endodontic instruments are presented with 1-year clinical and radiographic follow-up. Different retrieval techniques were used, including ultrasonic tips, the wire loop method, safe-sided H-files, the braiding technique, and bypassing of the file. The key to successful management of a separated instrument is understanding the factors that influence the case and selecting an appropriate technique.
2022 January/February;70(1):35-39.
Endodontics Evaluation of the pH, calcium ion release, and antibacterial effect of a premixed bioceramic endodontic sealer
Sara Muhammad El-SherifFull Article (PDF)
Dalia Ibrahim Sherief
Dina Ahmed El-Refai
This study sought to compare a bioceramic sealer (TotalFill) and a calcium hydroxide (Ca[OH]2) sealer (Sealapex) in terms of their pH, calcium ion release, and antibacterial effect against Enterococcus faecalis bacteria. The Ca(OH)2-related properties of TotalFill bioceramic sealer were superior to those demonstrated by Sealapex Ca(OH)2 sealer.
2022 January/February;70(1):40-44.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. GD488 -
Basic Science The influence of final endodontic irrigation techniques and irrigants on the push-out resistance of glass fiber posts
Juliana Rodrigues Paes BarretoFull Article (PDF)
Leandro de Moura Martins
Fabíola Mendonça da Silva Chui
Danielson Guedes Pontes
Emilio Carlos Sponchiado, Jr
Luciana Mendonça da Silva
This study evaluated the influence of 3 irrigation techniques—positive-pressure irrigation, passive ultrasonic irrigation, and continuous ultrasonic irrigation—on the push-out resistance of glass fiber posts. Continuous ultrasonic irrigation was the best activation technique; it achieved greater bond strengths of glass fiber posts to root dentin, irrespective of the irrigating solution.
2022 January/February;70(1):46-50.
Orthodontics Imaging of the upper airway: which method is best for orthodontic assessment?
Eliana Dantas CostaFull Article (PDF)
Danieli Moura Brasil
Hugo Gaêta-Araujo
Varner Leroy Leggitt
Gina Delia Roque-Torres
When measurements of pharyngeal airway subregions on lateral cephalometric and cone beam computed tomographic (multiplanar reconstruction [MPR] and 3-dimensional reconstruction) images were compared in relation to skeletal class, there were significant differences in linear measurements of the oropharynx and hypopharynx. Based on the study findings, MPR images should be used for visualization of the pharyngeal airway subregions.
2022 January/February;70(1):51-55.
Infection Control Efficacy of various decontamination methods and sterilization on contaminated and inoculated diamond-coated burs
Nicole M. WirthFull Article (PDF)
Lori E. Henrichs
Daniel Savett
Wen Lien
Michael Crabtree
Kraig S. Vandewalle
This study evaluated the efficacy of various methods for decontamination of diamond-coated burs contaminated with enamel and dentinal debris and inoculated with various microorganisms. No significant bacterial growth was found in any of the test groups. The use of a cleaning stone in combination with manual or ultrasonic cleaning resulted in the least amount of remaining tooth debris.
2022 January/February;70(1):56-60.
Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis, Oral Pathology Epidermoid cyst mimicking a thyroglossal duct cyst in a pediatric patient: a case report
Géssica Vasconcelos GodinhoFull Article (PDF)
Everton José da Silva
Cristhiane Almeida Leite da Silva
Luiz Evaristo Ricci Volpato
This article describes the case of an epidermoid cyst mimicking a thyroglossal duct cyst in a pediatric patient. The diagnostic hypothesis of thyroglossal duct cyst was not supported during surgery, and the lesion was treated with simple enucleation. The histopathologic results indicated the cyst was an epidermoid cyst, highlighting the limitations of computed tomography for diagnosis of this type of mass.
2022 January/February;70(1):61-64.
Basic Science Effect of luting cement thickness on the bond strength of glass fiber posts to dentin
Fabio Cesar LorenzoniFull Article (PDF)
Diego Rodrigo Paulillo Bazan
Karina Rodelini Silva
Maria Tereza Morais de Lima
Verônica Pereira de Lima
Leandro de Moura Martins
This study evaluated the effect of cement thickness and luting cement type on the push-out bond strength of glass fiber posts. The results suggested that the type of cement used played an important role in bond strength, but cement thickness did not. Adhesive failure between the dentin and cement layer was the most frequently observed failure mode.
2022 January/February;70(1):65-71.
Implants Artifacts caused by titanium implants in CBCT images of the mandible: an experimental study
Karolina Aparecida Castilho FardimFull Article (PDF)
Alessiana Helena Machado
Neuza Maria Souza Picorelli Assis
Bruno Salles Sotto-Maior
Letícia Queiroz Mauad
Karina Lopes Devito
This study quantified metallic artifacts on CBCT images of dental implants placed in different regions of the mandible and with different field of view and voxel sizes. More artifacts were produced under conditions of a smaller field of view or voxel, and more artifacts were found in the incisor region than other regions.
2022 January/February;70(1):72-77.