General Dentistry is AGD's peer-reviewed journal. Published bimonthly, General Dentistry presents research and clinical findings to support the full range of procedures that general dentists perform on a regular basis.
January/February 2017
Table of Contents
Editorial The dwindling middle class
Roger D. WinlandFull Article (PDF)
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):6.
Minimally Invasive Dentistry Peripheral rim fractures: diagnose early and restore definitively
Mark I. MalterudFull Article (PDF)
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):8-11.
Endodontics Endodontics: beyond the basics
Nathan DinsbachFull Article (PDF)
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):12-14.
Pain Management Tooth pain: how to approach difficult to diagnose cases
Christopher J. SpencerFull Article (PDF)
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):15-18.
Restorative Dentistry Direct composite resin onlays: rationale and clinical application
Roger A. SolowFull Article (PDF)
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):19-24.
Prosthodontics Removable prosthetics for the medically compromised patient
Samuel M. StrongFull Article (PDF)
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):25-27.
Self-Instruction Answers Exercises No. 379, 380, and 381 from the January/February 2016 issue
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):79.Full Article (PDF)
Clinical Articles
Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis, Oral Pathology Associated aneurysmal bone cyst and cemento-osseous dysplasia: a case report and review of the literature
Full Article (PDF)Willian Pecin Jacomacci
João Paulo Veloso Perdigão
Vanessa Cristina Veltrini
Gustavo Jacobucci Farah
Elen de Souza Tolentino
Lilian Cristina Vessoni Iwaki
Liogi Iwaki Filho
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):28-32.After excision of an asymptomatic mandibular lesion that had tested positive for serosanguineous fluid, microscopic examination revealed a hybrid focal cemento-osseous dysplasia and aneurysmal bone cyst, a previously unreported association. Although fibrous-osseous lesions do not require intervention, surgical excision is recommended when they are associated with cysts.
Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis, Oral Pathology Chemical burn to the gingiva after misuse of an over-the-counter oral whitening mouthwash
Full Article (PDF)John K. Brooks
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):34-36.When gingival chemical burns developed in a patient who failed to follow manufacturer’s instructions to rinse with water following the use of a tooth whitening mouthrinse, successful resolution of the injury was achieved through product withdrawal and saline rinses. Patients should be familiar with manufacturer’s instructions for over-the-counter oral healthcare products and be advised to use such products cautiously.
Implants Locator retention: does variation in number and configuration matter?
Full Article (PDF)Monica J. Cayouette
Logan Barnes
Karen McPherson
Gregory J. Wright
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):37-40.In this pilot study examining overdenture attachment retention, Locator attachments were tested in 4 different configurations: 6 implants, 4 implants (in 2 different configurations), and 2 implants. The 6-implant configuration exhibited the greatest retentive strength. The 4-implant configurations had strengths similar to each other, and both exhibited greater retention than the 2-implant arrangement.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. 397 -
Prosthodontics (Removable) Treatment of refractory complete edentulism: a case report
Full Article (PDF)Lajja Patel
Elizabeth A. Clemente
James F. Skiba
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):42-46.Dental implant therapy can treat complete edentulism of the mandible predictably and successfully, but many patients cannot accept this approach due to medical or financial limitations. This case report describes advanced, traditional denture construction protocols that should be considered for these patients.
All Ceramic Crowns Translucency and strength of high-translucency monolithic zirconium oxide materials
Full Article (PDF)Todd D. Church
Jeffrey P. Jessup
Villa L. Guillory
Kraig S. Vandewalle
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):48-52.Four monolithic zirconium oxide materials (BruxZir Shaded 16 and BruxZir HT, Lava Plus, and inCoris TZI C) were compared to a lithium disilicate monolithic glass-ceramic material (IPS e.max CAD HT). Although the zirconium oxide materials were not as translucent as lithium disilicate at similar thicknesses, they were as translucent when compared at clinically recommended thicknesses. In addition, the flexural moduli and flexural strengths of the zirconia materials were significantly greater than those of lithium disilicate.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. 398 -
Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis, Oral Pathology Clinicopathologic correlation: mixed-density lesion in the posterior mandible
Full Article (PDF)Aram Sun
Pallavi Parashar
James J. Closmann
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):54-57.This clinicopathologic correlation presents the radiographic, clinical, and histopathologic findings, the differential diagnosis, and the treatment plan for a mixed-density lesion of the left posterior mandible of a middle-aged man. The lesion was deemed to be of bacteriologic origin, likely a polymicrobial infection containing actinomycetes.
Pharmacotherapeutics What every dentist should know about opioids
Full Article (PDF)Lara M. Seidman
Patricia A. Tordik
Nasir Bashirelahi
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):58-61.Since dentists frequently prescribe opioids, they should be well educated on the uses and effects of these drugs. This article discusses the consequences of long-term opioid use, how to identify signs of dependence, and how to prevent future abuse.
Dental Materials Chitosan incorporated in a total-etch adhesive system: antimicrobial activity against Streptococcus mutans and Lactobacillus casei
Full Article (PDF)Marcelo Figueiredo Lobato
Cecilia Pedroso Turssi
Flávia Lucisano Botelho do Amaral
Fabiana Mantovani Gomes França
Roberta Tarkany Basting
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):62-66.Although cavities treated with an experimental adhesive system containing chitosan (0.2% and 0.5%) showed significantly fewer Streptococcus mutans and Lactobacillus casei than the negative control group, the concentrations of chitosan did not influence the antimicrobial effect; results were similar to those of a 2-step adhesive system.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. 399 -
Restorative Dentistry Influence of polishing on surface roughness following toothbrushing wear of composite resins
Full Article (PDF)Karine Battestin Dalla-Vecchia
Talita Damas Taborda
Deborah Stona
Heloísa Pressi
Luiz Henrique Burnett Júnior
Sinval Adalberto Rodrigues-Junior
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):68-74.When 4 composite resin materials were polished with various polishing systems and subjected to simulated toothbrushing cycles, surface roughness was affected by type of composite and polisher but not by toothbrushing time. However, surface roughness was affected by the interaction among composite, polisher, and toothbrushing time.
Basic Science Significant shear bond strength improvements of a resin-modified glass ionomer cement with a resin coating
Full Article (PDF)Michael T. Stallings
Daniel C. Stoeckel
Kenneth G. Rawson
Dan B. Welch
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):75-78.The results of shear testing and fracture analysis suggested that addition of a resin surface coating protected a resin-modified glass ionomer cement from moisture- and temperature-induced damage and increased shear bond strength.
Endodontics Surgical resolution of an aggressive iatrogenic root perforation in a maxillary central incisor: a case report with a 4-year follow-up
Full Article (PDF)Ricardo Machado
Marcelo Agnoletto
Eduardo Donato Eing Engelke Back
Luiz Fernando Tomazinho
Fabricio Abel Paganini
Luiz Pascoal Vansan
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):e1-e4.An aggressive iatrogenic root perforation in a maxillary central incisor was managed surgically with mineral trioxide aggregate, which induced new bone formation and reestablished gingival and periodontal health, subsequently confirmed at follow-up examinations.
Periodontics Novel use of calcium phosphosilicate synthetic graft material for treatment of a palatoradicular groove associated with an osseous defect: a case report
Full Article (PDF)Prabhuji M.L.V.
Rishi Dhamija
Shaeesta Khaleelahmed
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):e5-e8.Palatoradicular grooves (PRGs) are morphologic defects that are predisposing factors for periodontal disease. This case report describes the successful use of calcium phosphosilicate graft material to manage advanced periodontal destruction associated with a PRG in the maxillary right lateral incisor.
Special Patient Care Dental care in patients with antiphospholipid syndrome: two case reports
Full Article (PDF)Karine Cestaro Mesquita
Carolina Rodrigues Teófilo
João Paulo Veloso Perdigão
Fabrício Bitu Sousa
Ana Paula Negreiros Nunes Alves
Wagner Araújo de Negreiros
Mário Rogério Lima Mota
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):e9-e13.Antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) is a prothrombotic autoimmune disease that is treated with oral anticoagulant, antiplatelet, and/or immunosuppressant drugs. This report describes the successful dental treatment of 2 women who had APS.
Implants Influence of indexed abutments on the fracture resistance of internal conical dental implants
Full Article (PDF)Karla Zancopé
Caio César Dias Resende
Lucas do Nascimento Tavares
Flávio Domingues das Neves
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):e14-e16.A bending test revealed that the presence of a prosthetic abutment index did not influence the resistance to fracture of Morse taper dental implants.
Periodontics Repositioning of a pathologically migrated tooth using autologous platelet-rich plasma: a case report with 3-year follow-up
Full Article (PDF)Karthikeyan B.V.
Divya Khanna
Prabhuji M.L.V.
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):e17-e21.This case report describes the successful use of autologous platelet-rich plasma in conjunction with open flap debridement to aid in the repositioning of a pathologically migrated anterior tooth.
January/February 2017
Table of Contents
Editorial The dwindling middle class
Roger D. WinlandFull Article (PDF)
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):6.
Minimally Invasive Dentistry Peripheral rim fractures: diagnose early and restore definitively
Mark I. MalterudFull Article (PDF)
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):8-11.
Endodontics Endodontics: beyond the basics
Nathan DinsbachFull Article (PDF)
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):12-14.
Pain Management Tooth pain: how to approach difficult to diagnose cases
Christopher J. SpencerFull Article (PDF)
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):15-18.
Restorative Dentistry Direct composite resin onlays: rationale and clinical application
Roger A. SolowFull Article (PDF)
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):19-24.
Prosthodontics Removable prosthetics for the medically compromised patient
Samuel M. StrongFull Article (PDF)
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):25-27.
Self-Instruction Answers Exercises No. 379, 380, and 381 from the January/February 2016 issue
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):79.Full Article (PDF)
Clinical Articles
Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis, Oral Pathology Associated aneurysmal bone cyst and cemento-osseous dysplasia: a case report and review of the literature
Full Article (PDF)Willian Pecin Jacomacci
João Paulo Veloso Perdigão
Vanessa Cristina Veltrini
Gustavo Jacobucci Farah
Elen de Souza Tolentino
Lilian Cristina Vessoni Iwaki
Liogi Iwaki Filho
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):28-32.After excision of an asymptomatic mandibular lesion that had tested positive for serosanguineous fluid, microscopic examination revealed a hybrid focal cemento-osseous dysplasia and aneurysmal bone cyst, a previously unreported association. Although fibrous-osseous lesions do not require intervention, surgical excision is recommended when they are associated with cysts.
Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis, Oral Pathology Chemical burn to the gingiva after misuse of an over-the-counter oral whitening mouthwash
Full Article (PDF)John K. Brooks
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):34-36.When gingival chemical burns developed in a patient who failed to follow manufacturer’s instructions to rinse with water following the use of a tooth whitening mouthrinse, successful resolution of the injury was achieved through product withdrawal and saline rinses. Patients should be familiar with manufacturer’s instructions for over-the-counter oral healthcare products and be advised to use such products cautiously.
Implants Locator retention: does variation in number and configuration matter?
Full Article (PDF)Monica J. Cayouette
Logan Barnes
Karen McPherson
Gregory J. Wright
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):37-40.In this pilot study examining overdenture attachment retention, Locator attachments were tested in 4 different configurations: 6 implants, 4 implants (in 2 different configurations), and 2 implants. The 6-implant configuration exhibited the greatest retentive strength. The 4-implant configurations had strengths similar to each other, and both exhibited greater retention than the 2-implant arrangement.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. 397 -
Prosthodontics (Removable) Treatment of refractory complete edentulism: a case report
Full Article (PDF)Lajja Patel
Elizabeth A. Clemente
James F. Skiba
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):42-46.Dental implant therapy can treat complete edentulism of the mandible predictably and successfully, but many patients cannot accept this approach due to medical or financial limitations. This case report describes advanced, traditional denture construction protocols that should be considered for these patients.
All Ceramic Crowns Translucency and strength of high-translucency monolithic zirconium oxide materials
Full Article (PDF)Todd D. Church
Jeffrey P. Jessup
Villa L. Guillory
Kraig S. Vandewalle
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):48-52.Four monolithic zirconium oxide materials (BruxZir Shaded 16 and BruxZir HT, Lava Plus, and inCoris TZI C) were compared to a lithium disilicate monolithic glass-ceramic material (IPS e.max CAD HT). Although the zirconium oxide materials were not as translucent as lithium disilicate at similar thicknesses, they were as translucent when compared at clinically recommended thicknesses. In addition, the flexural moduli and flexural strengths of the zirconia materials were significantly greater than those of lithium disilicate.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. 398 -
Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis, Oral Pathology Clinicopathologic correlation: mixed-density lesion in the posterior mandible
Full Article (PDF)Aram Sun
Pallavi Parashar
James J. Closmann
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):54-57.This clinicopathologic correlation presents the radiographic, clinical, and histopathologic findings, the differential diagnosis, and the treatment plan for a mixed-density lesion of the left posterior mandible of a middle-aged man. The lesion was deemed to be of bacteriologic origin, likely a polymicrobial infection containing actinomycetes.
Pharmacotherapeutics What every dentist should know about opioids
Full Article (PDF)Lara M. Seidman
Patricia A. Tordik
Nasir Bashirelahi
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):58-61.Since dentists frequently prescribe opioids, they should be well educated on the uses and effects of these drugs. This article discusses the consequences of long-term opioid use, how to identify signs of dependence, and how to prevent future abuse.
Dental Materials Chitosan incorporated in a total-etch adhesive system: antimicrobial activity against Streptococcus mutans and Lactobacillus casei
Full Article (PDF)Marcelo Figueiredo Lobato
Cecilia Pedroso Turssi
Flávia Lucisano Botelho do Amaral
Fabiana Mantovani Gomes França
Roberta Tarkany Basting
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):62-66.Although cavities treated with an experimental adhesive system containing chitosan (0.2% and 0.5%) showed significantly fewer Streptococcus mutans and Lactobacillus casei than the negative control group, the concentrations of chitosan did not influence the antimicrobial effect; results were similar to those of a 2-step adhesive system.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. 399 -
Restorative Dentistry Influence of polishing on surface roughness following toothbrushing wear of composite resins
Full Article (PDF)Karine Battestin Dalla-Vecchia
Talita Damas Taborda
Deborah Stona
Heloísa Pressi
Luiz Henrique Burnett Júnior
Sinval Adalberto Rodrigues-Junior
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):68-74.When 4 composite resin materials were polished with various polishing systems and subjected to simulated toothbrushing cycles, surface roughness was affected by type of composite and polisher but not by toothbrushing time. However, surface roughness was affected by the interaction among composite, polisher, and toothbrushing time.
Basic Science Significant shear bond strength improvements of a resin-modified glass ionomer cement with a resin coating
Full Article (PDF)Michael T. Stallings
Daniel C. Stoeckel
Kenneth G. Rawson
Dan B. Welch
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):75-78.The results of shear testing and fracture analysis suggested that addition of a resin surface coating protected a resin-modified glass ionomer cement from moisture- and temperature-induced damage and increased shear bond strength.
Endodontics Surgical resolution of an aggressive iatrogenic root perforation in a maxillary central incisor: a case report with a 4-year follow-up
Full Article (PDF)Ricardo Machado
Marcelo Agnoletto
Eduardo Donato Eing Engelke Back
Luiz Fernando Tomazinho
Fabricio Abel Paganini
Luiz Pascoal Vansan
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):e1-e4.An aggressive iatrogenic root perforation in a maxillary central incisor was managed surgically with mineral trioxide aggregate, which induced new bone formation and reestablished gingival and periodontal health, subsequently confirmed at follow-up examinations.
Periodontics Novel use of calcium phosphosilicate synthetic graft material for treatment of a palatoradicular groove associated with an osseous defect: a case report
Full Article (PDF)Prabhuji M.L.V.
Rishi Dhamija
Shaeesta Khaleelahmed
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):e5-e8.Palatoradicular grooves (PRGs) are morphologic defects that are predisposing factors for periodontal disease. This case report describes the successful use of calcium phosphosilicate graft material to manage advanced periodontal destruction associated with a PRG in the maxillary right lateral incisor.
Special Patient Care Dental care in patients with antiphospholipid syndrome: two case reports
Full Article (PDF)Karine Cestaro Mesquita
Carolina Rodrigues Teófilo
João Paulo Veloso Perdigão
Fabrício Bitu Sousa
Ana Paula Negreiros Nunes Alves
Wagner Araújo de Negreiros
Mário Rogério Lima Mota
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):e9-e13.Antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) is a prothrombotic autoimmune disease that is treated with oral anticoagulant, antiplatelet, and/or immunosuppressant drugs. This report describes the successful dental treatment of 2 women who had APS.
Implants Influence of indexed abutments on the fracture resistance of internal conical dental implants
Full Article (PDF)Karla Zancopé
Caio César Dias Resende
Lucas do Nascimento Tavares
Flávio Domingues das Neves
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):e14-e16.A bending test revealed that the presence of a prosthetic abutment index did not influence the resistance to fracture of Morse taper dental implants.
Periodontics Repositioning of a pathologically migrated tooth using autologous platelet-rich plasma: a case report with 3-year follow-up
Full Article (PDF)Karthikeyan B.V.
Divya Khanna
Prabhuji M.L.V.
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):e17-e21.This case report describes the successful use of autologous platelet-rich plasma in conjunction with open flap debridement to aid in the repositioning of a pathologically migrated anterior tooth.
January/February 2017
Table of Contents
Editorial The dwindling middle class
Roger D. WinlandFull Article (PDF)
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):6.
Minimally Invasive Dentistry Peripheral rim fractures: diagnose early and restore definitively
Mark I. MalterudFull Article (PDF)
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):8-11.
Endodontics Endodontics: beyond the basics
Nathan DinsbachFull Article (PDF)
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):12-14.
Pain Management Tooth pain: how to approach difficult to diagnose cases
Christopher J. SpencerFull Article (PDF)
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):15-18.
Restorative Dentistry Direct composite resin onlays: rationale and clinical application
Roger A. SolowFull Article (PDF)
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):19-24.
Prosthodontics Removable prosthetics for the medically compromised patient
Samuel M. StrongFull Article (PDF)
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):25-27.
Self-Instruction Answers Exercises No. 379, 380, and 381 from the January/February 2016 issue
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):79.Full Article (PDF)
Clinical Articles
Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis, Oral Pathology Associated aneurysmal bone cyst and cemento-osseous dysplasia: a case report and review of the literature
Full Article (PDF)Willian Pecin Jacomacci
João Paulo Veloso Perdigão
Vanessa Cristina Veltrini
Gustavo Jacobucci Farah
Elen de Souza Tolentino
Lilian Cristina Vessoni Iwaki
Liogi Iwaki Filho
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):28-32.After excision of an asymptomatic mandibular lesion that had tested positive for serosanguineous fluid, microscopic examination revealed a hybrid focal cemento-osseous dysplasia and aneurysmal bone cyst, a previously unreported association. Although fibrous-osseous lesions do not require intervention, surgical excision is recommended when they are associated with cysts.
Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis, Oral Pathology Chemical burn to the gingiva after misuse of an over-the-counter oral whitening mouthwash
Full Article (PDF)John K. Brooks
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):34-36.When gingival chemical burns developed in a patient who failed to follow manufacturer’s instructions to rinse with water following the use of a tooth whitening mouthrinse, successful resolution of the injury was achieved through product withdrawal and saline rinses. Patients should be familiar with manufacturer’s instructions for over-the-counter oral healthcare products and be advised to use such products cautiously.
Implants Locator retention: does variation in number and configuration matter?
Full Article (PDF)Monica J. Cayouette
Logan Barnes
Karen McPherson
Gregory J. Wright
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):37-40.In this pilot study examining overdenture attachment retention, Locator attachments were tested in 4 different configurations: 6 implants, 4 implants (in 2 different configurations), and 2 implants. The 6-implant configuration exhibited the greatest retentive strength. The 4-implant configurations had strengths similar to each other, and both exhibited greater retention than the 2-implant arrangement.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. 397 -
Prosthodontics (Removable) Treatment of refractory complete edentulism: a case report
Full Article (PDF)Lajja Patel
Elizabeth A. Clemente
James F. Skiba
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):42-46.Dental implant therapy can treat complete edentulism of the mandible predictably and successfully, but many patients cannot accept this approach due to medical or financial limitations. This case report describes advanced, traditional denture construction protocols that should be considered for these patients.
All Ceramic Crowns Translucency and strength of high-translucency monolithic zirconium oxide materials
Full Article (PDF)Todd D. Church
Jeffrey P. Jessup
Villa L. Guillory
Kraig S. Vandewalle
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):48-52.Four monolithic zirconium oxide materials (BruxZir Shaded 16 and BruxZir HT, Lava Plus, and inCoris TZI C) were compared to a lithium disilicate monolithic glass-ceramic material (IPS e.max CAD HT). Although the zirconium oxide materials were not as translucent as lithium disilicate at similar thicknesses, they were as translucent when compared at clinically recommended thicknesses. In addition, the flexural moduli and flexural strengths of the zirconia materials were significantly greater than those of lithium disilicate.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. 398 -
Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis, Oral Pathology Clinicopathologic correlation: mixed-density lesion in the posterior mandible
Full Article (PDF)Aram Sun
Pallavi Parashar
James J. Closmann
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):54-57.This clinicopathologic correlation presents the radiographic, clinical, and histopathologic findings, the differential diagnosis, and the treatment plan for a mixed-density lesion of the left posterior mandible of a middle-aged man. The lesion was deemed to be of bacteriologic origin, likely a polymicrobial infection containing actinomycetes.
Pharmacotherapeutics What every dentist should know about opioids
Full Article (PDF)Lara M. Seidman
Patricia A. Tordik
Nasir Bashirelahi
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):58-61.Since dentists frequently prescribe opioids, they should be well educated on the uses and effects of these drugs. This article discusses the consequences of long-term opioid use, how to identify signs of dependence, and how to prevent future abuse.
Dental Materials Chitosan incorporated in a total-etch adhesive system: antimicrobial activity against Streptococcus mutans and Lactobacillus casei
Full Article (PDF)Marcelo Figueiredo Lobato
Cecilia Pedroso Turssi
Flávia Lucisano Botelho do Amaral
Fabiana Mantovani Gomes França
Roberta Tarkany Basting
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):62-66.Although cavities treated with an experimental adhesive system containing chitosan (0.2% and 0.5%) showed significantly fewer Streptococcus mutans and Lactobacillus casei than the negative control group, the concentrations of chitosan did not influence the antimicrobial effect; results were similar to those of a 2-step adhesive system.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. 399 -
Restorative Dentistry Influence of polishing on surface roughness following toothbrushing wear of composite resins
Full Article (PDF)Karine Battestin Dalla-Vecchia
Talita Damas Taborda
Deborah Stona
Heloísa Pressi
Luiz Henrique Burnett Júnior
Sinval Adalberto Rodrigues-Junior
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):68-74.When 4 composite resin materials were polished with various polishing systems and subjected to simulated toothbrushing cycles, surface roughness was affected by type of composite and polisher but not by toothbrushing time. However, surface roughness was affected by the interaction among composite, polisher, and toothbrushing time.
Basic Science Significant shear bond strength improvements of a resin-modified glass ionomer cement with a resin coating
Full Article (PDF)Michael T. Stallings
Daniel C. Stoeckel
Kenneth G. Rawson
Dan B. Welch
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):75-78.The results of shear testing and fracture analysis suggested that addition of a resin surface coating protected a resin-modified glass ionomer cement from moisture- and temperature-induced damage and increased shear bond strength.
Endodontics Surgical resolution of an aggressive iatrogenic root perforation in a maxillary central incisor: a case report with a 4-year follow-up
Full Article (PDF)Ricardo Machado
Marcelo Agnoletto
Eduardo Donato Eing Engelke Back
Luiz Fernando Tomazinho
Fabricio Abel Paganini
Luiz Pascoal Vansan
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):e1-e4.An aggressive iatrogenic root perforation in a maxillary central incisor was managed surgically with mineral trioxide aggregate, which induced new bone formation and reestablished gingival and periodontal health, subsequently confirmed at follow-up examinations.
Periodontics Novel use of calcium phosphosilicate synthetic graft material for treatment of a palatoradicular groove associated with an osseous defect: a case report
Full Article (PDF)Prabhuji M.L.V.
Rishi Dhamija
Shaeesta Khaleelahmed
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):e5-e8.Palatoradicular grooves (PRGs) are morphologic defects that are predisposing factors for periodontal disease. This case report describes the successful use of calcium phosphosilicate graft material to manage advanced periodontal destruction associated with a PRG in the maxillary right lateral incisor.
Special Patient Care Dental care in patients with antiphospholipid syndrome: two case reports
Full Article (PDF)Karine Cestaro Mesquita
Carolina Rodrigues Teófilo
João Paulo Veloso Perdigão
Fabrício Bitu Sousa
Ana Paula Negreiros Nunes Alves
Wagner Araújo de Negreiros
Mário Rogério Lima Mota
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):e9-e13.Antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) is a prothrombotic autoimmune disease that is treated with oral anticoagulant, antiplatelet, and/or immunosuppressant drugs. This report describes the successful dental treatment of 2 women who had APS.
Implants Influence of indexed abutments on the fracture resistance of internal conical dental implants
Full Article (PDF)Karla Zancopé
Caio César Dias Resende
Lucas do Nascimento Tavares
Flávio Domingues das Neves
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):e14-e16.A bending test revealed that the presence of a prosthetic abutment index did not influence the resistance to fracture of Morse taper dental implants.
Periodontics Repositioning of a pathologically migrated tooth using autologous platelet-rich plasma: a case report with 3-year follow-up
Full Article (PDF)Karthikeyan B.V.
Divya Khanna
Prabhuji M.L.V.
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):e17-e21.This case report describes the successful use of autologous platelet-rich plasma in conjunction with open flap debridement to aid in the repositioning of a pathologically migrated anterior tooth.
January/February 2017
Table of Contents
Editorial The dwindling middle class
Roger D. WinlandFull Article (PDF)
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):6.
Minimally Invasive Dentistry Peripheral rim fractures: diagnose early and restore definitively
Mark I. MalterudFull Article (PDF)
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):8-11.
Endodontics Endodontics: beyond the basics
Nathan DinsbachFull Article (PDF)
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):12-14.
Pain Management Tooth pain: how to approach difficult to diagnose cases
Christopher J. SpencerFull Article (PDF)
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):15-18.
Restorative Dentistry Direct composite resin onlays: rationale and clinical application
Roger A. SolowFull Article (PDF)
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):19-24.
Prosthodontics Removable prosthetics for the medically compromised patient
Samuel M. StrongFull Article (PDF)
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):25-27.
Self-Instruction Answers Exercises No. 379, 380, and 381 from the January/February 2016 issue
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):79.Full Article (PDF)
Clinical Articles
Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis, Oral Pathology Associated aneurysmal bone cyst and cemento-osseous dysplasia: a case report and review of the literature
Full Article (PDF)Willian Pecin Jacomacci
João Paulo Veloso Perdigão
Vanessa Cristina Veltrini
Gustavo Jacobucci Farah
Elen de Souza Tolentino
Lilian Cristina Vessoni Iwaki
Liogi Iwaki Filho
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):28-32.After excision of an asymptomatic mandibular lesion that had tested positive for serosanguineous fluid, microscopic examination revealed a hybrid focal cemento-osseous dysplasia and aneurysmal bone cyst, a previously unreported association. Although fibrous-osseous lesions do not require intervention, surgical excision is recommended when they are associated with cysts.
Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis, Oral Pathology Chemical burn to the gingiva after misuse of an over-the-counter oral whitening mouthwash
Full Article (PDF)John K. Brooks
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):34-36.When gingival chemical burns developed in a patient who failed to follow manufacturer’s instructions to rinse with water following the use of a tooth whitening mouthrinse, successful resolution of the injury was achieved through product withdrawal and saline rinses. Patients should be familiar with manufacturer’s instructions for over-the-counter oral healthcare products and be advised to use such products cautiously.
Implants Locator retention: does variation in number and configuration matter?
Full Article (PDF)Monica J. Cayouette
Logan Barnes
Karen McPherson
Gregory J. Wright
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):37-40.In this pilot study examining overdenture attachment retention, Locator attachments were tested in 4 different configurations: 6 implants, 4 implants (in 2 different configurations), and 2 implants. The 6-implant configuration exhibited the greatest retentive strength. The 4-implant configurations had strengths similar to each other, and both exhibited greater retention than the 2-implant arrangement.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. 397 -
Prosthodontics (Removable) Treatment of refractory complete edentulism: a case report
Full Article (PDF)Lajja Patel
Elizabeth A. Clemente
James F. Skiba
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):42-46.Dental implant therapy can treat complete edentulism of the mandible predictably and successfully, but many patients cannot accept this approach due to medical or financial limitations. This case report describes advanced, traditional denture construction protocols that should be considered for these patients.
All Ceramic Crowns Translucency and strength of high-translucency monolithic zirconium oxide materials
Full Article (PDF)Todd D. Church
Jeffrey P. Jessup
Villa L. Guillory
Kraig S. Vandewalle
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):48-52.Four monolithic zirconium oxide materials (BruxZir Shaded 16 and BruxZir HT, Lava Plus, and inCoris TZI C) were compared to a lithium disilicate monolithic glass-ceramic material (IPS e.max CAD HT). Although the zirconium oxide materials were not as translucent as lithium disilicate at similar thicknesses, they were as translucent when compared at clinically recommended thicknesses. In addition, the flexural moduli and flexural strengths of the zirconia materials were significantly greater than those of lithium disilicate.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. 398 -
Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis, Oral Pathology Clinicopathologic correlation: mixed-density lesion in the posterior mandible
Full Article (PDF)Aram Sun
Pallavi Parashar
James J. Closmann
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):54-57.This clinicopathologic correlation presents the radiographic, clinical, and histopathologic findings, the differential diagnosis, and the treatment plan for a mixed-density lesion of the left posterior mandible of a middle-aged man. The lesion was deemed to be of bacteriologic origin, likely a polymicrobial infection containing actinomycetes.
Pharmacotherapeutics What every dentist should know about opioids
Full Article (PDF)Lara M. Seidman
Patricia A. Tordik
Nasir Bashirelahi
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):58-61.Since dentists frequently prescribe opioids, they should be well educated on the uses and effects of these drugs. This article discusses the consequences of long-term opioid use, how to identify signs of dependence, and how to prevent future abuse.
Dental Materials Chitosan incorporated in a total-etch adhesive system: antimicrobial activity against Streptococcus mutans and Lactobacillus casei
Full Article (PDF)Marcelo Figueiredo Lobato
Cecilia Pedroso Turssi
Flávia Lucisano Botelho do Amaral
Fabiana Mantovani Gomes França
Roberta Tarkany Basting
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):62-66.Although cavities treated with an experimental adhesive system containing chitosan (0.2% and 0.5%) showed significantly fewer Streptococcus mutans and Lactobacillus casei than the negative control group, the concentrations of chitosan did not influence the antimicrobial effect; results were similar to those of a 2-step adhesive system.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. 399 -
Restorative Dentistry Influence of polishing on surface roughness following toothbrushing wear of composite resins
Full Article (PDF)Karine Battestin Dalla-Vecchia
Talita Damas Taborda
Deborah Stona
Heloísa Pressi
Luiz Henrique Burnett Júnior
Sinval Adalberto Rodrigues-Junior
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):68-74.When 4 composite resin materials were polished with various polishing systems and subjected to simulated toothbrushing cycles, surface roughness was affected by type of composite and polisher but not by toothbrushing time. However, surface roughness was affected by the interaction among composite, polisher, and toothbrushing time.
Basic Science Significant shear bond strength improvements of a resin-modified glass ionomer cement with a resin coating
Full Article (PDF)Michael T. Stallings
Daniel C. Stoeckel
Kenneth G. Rawson
Dan B. Welch
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):75-78.The results of shear testing and fracture analysis suggested that addition of a resin surface coating protected a resin-modified glass ionomer cement from moisture- and temperature-induced damage and increased shear bond strength.
Endodontics Surgical resolution of an aggressive iatrogenic root perforation in a maxillary central incisor: a case report with a 4-year follow-up
Full Article (PDF)Ricardo Machado
Marcelo Agnoletto
Eduardo Donato Eing Engelke Back
Luiz Fernando Tomazinho
Fabricio Abel Paganini
Luiz Pascoal Vansan
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):e1-e4.An aggressive iatrogenic root perforation in a maxillary central incisor was managed surgically with mineral trioxide aggregate, which induced new bone formation and reestablished gingival and periodontal health, subsequently confirmed at follow-up examinations.
Periodontics Novel use of calcium phosphosilicate synthetic graft material for treatment of a palatoradicular groove associated with an osseous defect: a case report
Full Article (PDF)Prabhuji M.L.V.
Rishi Dhamija
Shaeesta Khaleelahmed
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):e5-e8.Palatoradicular grooves (PRGs) are morphologic defects that are predisposing factors for periodontal disease. This case report describes the successful use of calcium phosphosilicate graft material to manage advanced periodontal destruction associated with a PRG in the maxillary right lateral incisor.
Special Patient Care Dental care in patients with antiphospholipid syndrome: two case reports
Full Article (PDF)Karine Cestaro Mesquita
Carolina Rodrigues Teófilo
João Paulo Veloso Perdigão
Fabrício Bitu Sousa
Ana Paula Negreiros Nunes Alves
Wagner Araújo de Negreiros
Mário Rogério Lima Mota
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):e9-e13.Antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) is a prothrombotic autoimmune disease that is treated with oral anticoagulant, antiplatelet, and/or immunosuppressant drugs. This report describes the successful dental treatment of 2 women who had APS.
Implants Influence of indexed abutments on the fracture resistance of internal conical dental implants
Full Article (PDF)Karla Zancopé
Caio César Dias Resende
Lucas do Nascimento Tavares
Flávio Domingues das Neves
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):e14-e16.A bending test revealed that the presence of a prosthetic abutment index did not influence the resistance to fracture of Morse taper dental implants.
Periodontics Repositioning of a pathologically migrated tooth using autologous platelet-rich plasma: a case report with 3-year follow-up
Full Article (PDF)Karthikeyan B.V.
Divya Khanna
Prabhuji M.L.V.
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):e17-e21.This case report describes the successful use of autologous platelet-rich plasma in conjunction with open flap debridement to aid in the repositioning of a pathologically migrated anterior tooth.
January/February 2017
Table of Contents
Editorial The dwindling middle class
Roger D. WinlandFull Article (PDF)
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):6.
Minimally Invasive Dentistry Peripheral rim fractures: diagnose early and restore definitively
Mark I. MalterudFull Article (PDF)
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):8-11.
Endodontics Endodontics: beyond the basics
Nathan DinsbachFull Article (PDF)
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):12-14.
Pain Management Tooth pain: how to approach difficult to diagnose cases
Christopher J. SpencerFull Article (PDF)
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):15-18.
Restorative Dentistry Direct composite resin onlays: rationale and clinical application
Roger A. SolowFull Article (PDF)
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):19-24.
Prosthodontics Removable prosthetics for the medically compromised patient
Samuel M. StrongFull Article (PDF)
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):25-27.
Self-Instruction Answers Exercises No. 379, 380, and 381 from the January/February 2016 issue
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):79.Full Article (PDF)
Clinical Articles
Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis, Oral Pathology Associated aneurysmal bone cyst and cemento-osseous dysplasia: a case report and review of the literature
Full Article (PDF)Willian Pecin Jacomacci
João Paulo Veloso Perdigão
Vanessa Cristina Veltrini
Gustavo Jacobucci Farah
Elen de Souza Tolentino
Lilian Cristina Vessoni Iwaki
Liogi Iwaki Filho
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):28-32.After excision of an asymptomatic mandibular lesion that had tested positive for serosanguineous fluid, microscopic examination revealed a hybrid focal cemento-osseous dysplasia and aneurysmal bone cyst, a previously unreported association. Although fibrous-osseous lesions do not require intervention, surgical excision is recommended when they are associated with cysts.
Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis, Oral Pathology Chemical burn to the gingiva after misuse of an over-the-counter oral whitening mouthwash
Full Article (PDF)John K. Brooks
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):34-36.When gingival chemical burns developed in a patient who failed to follow manufacturer’s instructions to rinse with water following the use of a tooth whitening mouthrinse, successful resolution of the injury was achieved through product withdrawal and saline rinses. Patients should be familiar with manufacturer’s instructions for over-the-counter oral healthcare products and be advised to use such products cautiously.
Implants Locator retention: does variation in number and configuration matter?
Full Article (PDF)Monica J. Cayouette
Logan Barnes
Karen McPherson
Gregory J. Wright
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):37-40.In this pilot study examining overdenture attachment retention, Locator attachments were tested in 4 different configurations: 6 implants, 4 implants (in 2 different configurations), and 2 implants. The 6-implant configuration exhibited the greatest retentive strength. The 4-implant configurations had strengths similar to each other, and both exhibited greater retention than the 2-implant arrangement.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. 397 -
Prosthodontics (Removable) Treatment of refractory complete edentulism: a case report
Full Article (PDF)Lajja Patel
Elizabeth A. Clemente
James F. Skiba
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):42-46.Dental implant therapy can treat complete edentulism of the mandible predictably and successfully, but many patients cannot accept this approach due to medical or financial limitations. This case report describes advanced, traditional denture construction protocols that should be considered for these patients.
All Ceramic Crowns Translucency and strength of high-translucency monolithic zirconium oxide materials
Full Article (PDF)Todd D. Church
Jeffrey P. Jessup
Villa L. Guillory
Kraig S. Vandewalle
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):48-52.Four monolithic zirconium oxide materials (BruxZir Shaded 16 and BruxZir HT, Lava Plus, and inCoris TZI C) were compared to a lithium disilicate monolithic glass-ceramic material (IPS e.max CAD HT). Although the zirconium oxide materials were not as translucent as lithium disilicate at similar thicknesses, they were as translucent when compared at clinically recommended thicknesses. In addition, the flexural moduli and flexural strengths of the zirconia materials were significantly greater than those of lithium disilicate.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. 398 -
Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis, Oral Pathology Clinicopathologic correlation: mixed-density lesion in the posterior mandible
Full Article (PDF)Aram Sun
Pallavi Parashar
James J. Closmann
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):54-57.This clinicopathologic correlation presents the radiographic, clinical, and histopathologic findings, the differential diagnosis, and the treatment plan for a mixed-density lesion of the left posterior mandible of a middle-aged man. The lesion was deemed to be of bacteriologic origin, likely a polymicrobial infection containing actinomycetes.
Pharmacotherapeutics What every dentist should know about opioids
Full Article (PDF)Lara M. Seidman
Patricia A. Tordik
Nasir Bashirelahi
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):58-61.Since dentists frequently prescribe opioids, they should be well educated on the uses and effects of these drugs. This article discusses the consequences of long-term opioid use, how to identify signs of dependence, and how to prevent future abuse.
Dental Materials Chitosan incorporated in a total-etch adhesive system: antimicrobial activity against Streptococcus mutans and Lactobacillus casei
Full Article (PDF)Marcelo Figueiredo Lobato
Cecilia Pedroso Turssi
Flávia Lucisano Botelho do Amaral
Fabiana Mantovani Gomes França
Roberta Tarkany Basting
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):62-66.Although cavities treated with an experimental adhesive system containing chitosan (0.2% and 0.5%) showed significantly fewer Streptococcus mutans and Lactobacillus casei than the negative control group, the concentrations of chitosan did not influence the antimicrobial effect; results were similar to those of a 2-step adhesive system.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. 399 -
Restorative Dentistry Influence of polishing on surface roughness following toothbrushing wear of composite resins
Full Article (PDF)Karine Battestin Dalla-Vecchia
Talita Damas Taborda
Deborah Stona
Heloísa Pressi
Luiz Henrique Burnett Júnior
Sinval Adalberto Rodrigues-Junior
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):68-74.When 4 composite resin materials were polished with various polishing systems and subjected to simulated toothbrushing cycles, surface roughness was affected by type of composite and polisher but not by toothbrushing time. However, surface roughness was affected by the interaction among composite, polisher, and toothbrushing time.
Basic Science Significant shear bond strength improvements of a resin-modified glass ionomer cement with a resin coating
Full Article (PDF)Michael T. Stallings
Daniel C. Stoeckel
Kenneth G. Rawson
Dan B. Welch
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):75-78.The results of shear testing and fracture analysis suggested that addition of a resin surface coating protected a resin-modified glass ionomer cement from moisture- and temperature-induced damage and increased shear bond strength.
Endodontics Surgical resolution of an aggressive iatrogenic root perforation in a maxillary central incisor: a case report with a 4-year follow-up
Full Article (PDF)Ricardo Machado
Marcelo Agnoletto
Eduardo Donato Eing Engelke Back
Luiz Fernando Tomazinho
Fabricio Abel Paganini
Luiz Pascoal Vansan
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):e1-e4.An aggressive iatrogenic root perforation in a maxillary central incisor was managed surgically with mineral trioxide aggregate, which induced new bone formation and reestablished gingival and periodontal health, subsequently confirmed at follow-up examinations.
Periodontics Novel use of calcium phosphosilicate synthetic graft material for treatment of a palatoradicular groove associated with an osseous defect: a case report
Full Article (PDF)Prabhuji M.L.V.
Rishi Dhamija
Shaeesta Khaleelahmed
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):e5-e8.Palatoradicular grooves (PRGs) are morphologic defects that are predisposing factors for periodontal disease. This case report describes the successful use of calcium phosphosilicate graft material to manage advanced periodontal destruction associated with a PRG in the maxillary right lateral incisor.
Special Patient Care Dental care in patients with antiphospholipid syndrome: two case reports
Full Article (PDF)Karine Cestaro Mesquita
Carolina Rodrigues Teófilo
João Paulo Veloso Perdigão
Fabrício Bitu Sousa
Ana Paula Negreiros Nunes Alves
Wagner Araújo de Negreiros
Mário Rogério Lima Mota
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):e9-e13.Antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) is a prothrombotic autoimmune disease that is treated with oral anticoagulant, antiplatelet, and/or immunosuppressant drugs. This report describes the successful dental treatment of 2 women who had APS.
Implants Influence of indexed abutments on the fracture resistance of internal conical dental implants
Full Article (PDF)Karla Zancopé
Caio César Dias Resende
Lucas do Nascimento Tavares
Flávio Domingues das Neves
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):e14-e16.A bending test revealed that the presence of a prosthetic abutment index did not influence the resistance to fracture of Morse taper dental implants.
Periodontics Repositioning of a pathologically migrated tooth using autologous platelet-rich plasma: a case report with 3-year follow-up
Full Article (PDF)Karthikeyan B.V.
Divya Khanna
Prabhuji M.L.V.
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):e17-e21.This case report describes the successful use of autologous platelet-rich plasma in conjunction with open flap debridement to aid in the repositioning of a pathologically migrated anterior tooth.
January/February 2017
Table of Contents
Editorial The dwindling middle class
Roger D. WinlandFull Article (PDF)
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):6.
Minimally Invasive Dentistry Peripheral rim fractures: diagnose early and restore definitively
Mark I. MalterudFull Article (PDF)
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):8-11.
Endodontics Endodontics: beyond the basics
Nathan DinsbachFull Article (PDF)
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):12-14.
Pain Management Tooth pain: how to approach difficult to diagnose cases
Christopher J. SpencerFull Article (PDF)
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):15-18.
Restorative Dentistry Direct composite resin onlays: rationale and clinical application
Roger A. SolowFull Article (PDF)
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):19-24.
Prosthodontics Removable prosthetics for the medically compromised patient
Samuel M. StrongFull Article (PDF)
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):25-27.
Self-Instruction Answers Exercises No. 379, 380, and 381 from the January/February 2016 issue
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):79.Full Article (PDF)
Clinical Articles
Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis, Oral Pathology Associated aneurysmal bone cyst and cemento-osseous dysplasia: a case report and review of the literature
Full Article (PDF)Willian Pecin Jacomacci
João Paulo Veloso Perdigão
Vanessa Cristina Veltrini
Gustavo Jacobucci Farah
Elen de Souza Tolentino
Lilian Cristina Vessoni Iwaki
Liogi Iwaki Filho
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):28-32.After excision of an asymptomatic mandibular lesion that had tested positive for serosanguineous fluid, microscopic examination revealed a hybrid focal cemento-osseous dysplasia and aneurysmal bone cyst, a previously unreported association. Although fibrous-osseous lesions do not require intervention, surgical excision is recommended when they are associated with cysts.
Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis, Oral Pathology Chemical burn to the gingiva after misuse of an over-the-counter oral whitening mouthwash
Full Article (PDF)John K. Brooks
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):34-36.When gingival chemical burns developed in a patient who failed to follow manufacturer’s instructions to rinse with water following the use of a tooth whitening mouthrinse, successful resolution of the injury was achieved through product withdrawal and saline rinses. Patients should be familiar with manufacturer’s instructions for over-the-counter oral healthcare products and be advised to use such products cautiously.
Implants Locator retention: does variation in number and configuration matter?
Full Article (PDF)Monica J. Cayouette
Logan Barnes
Karen McPherson
Gregory J. Wright
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):37-40.In this pilot study examining overdenture attachment retention, Locator attachments were tested in 4 different configurations: 6 implants, 4 implants (in 2 different configurations), and 2 implants. The 6-implant configuration exhibited the greatest retentive strength. The 4-implant configurations had strengths similar to each other, and both exhibited greater retention than the 2-implant arrangement.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. 397 -
Prosthodontics (Removable) Treatment of refractory complete edentulism: a case report
Full Article (PDF)Lajja Patel
Elizabeth A. Clemente
James F. Skiba
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):42-46.Dental implant therapy can treat complete edentulism of the mandible predictably and successfully, but many patients cannot accept this approach due to medical or financial limitations. This case report describes advanced, traditional denture construction protocols that should be considered for these patients.
All Ceramic Crowns Translucency and strength of high-translucency monolithic zirconium oxide materials
Full Article (PDF)Todd D. Church
Jeffrey P. Jessup
Villa L. Guillory
Kraig S. Vandewalle
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):48-52.Four monolithic zirconium oxide materials (BruxZir Shaded 16 and BruxZir HT, Lava Plus, and inCoris TZI C) were compared to a lithium disilicate monolithic glass-ceramic material (IPS e.max CAD HT). Although the zirconium oxide materials were not as translucent as lithium disilicate at similar thicknesses, they were as translucent when compared at clinically recommended thicknesses. In addition, the flexural moduli and flexural strengths of the zirconia materials were significantly greater than those of lithium disilicate.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. 398 -
Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis, Oral Pathology Clinicopathologic correlation: mixed-density lesion in the posterior mandible
Full Article (PDF)Aram Sun
Pallavi Parashar
James J. Closmann
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):54-57.This clinicopathologic correlation presents the radiographic, clinical, and histopathologic findings, the differential diagnosis, and the treatment plan for a mixed-density lesion of the left posterior mandible of a middle-aged man. The lesion was deemed to be of bacteriologic origin, likely a polymicrobial infection containing actinomycetes.
Pharmacotherapeutics What every dentist should know about opioids
Full Article (PDF)Lara M. Seidman
Patricia A. Tordik
Nasir Bashirelahi
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):58-61.Since dentists frequently prescribe opioids, they should be well educated on the uses and effects of these drugs. This article discusses the consequences of long-term opioid use, how to identify signs of dependence, and how to prevent future abuse.
Dental Materials Chitosan incorporated in a total-etch adhesive system: antimicrobial activity against Streptococcus mutans and Lactobacillus casei
Full Article (PDF)Marcelo Figueiredo Lobato
Cecilia Pedroso Turssi
Flávia Lucisano Botelho do Amaral
Fabiana Mantovani Gomes França
Roberta Tarkany Basting
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):62-66.Although cavities treated with an experimental adhesive system containing chitosan (0.2% and 0.5%) showed significantly fewer Streptococcus mutans and Lactobacillus casei than the negative control group, the concentrations of chitosan did not influence the antimicrobial effect; results were similar to those of a 2-step adhesive system.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. 399 -
Restorative Dentistry Influence of polishing on surface roughness following toothbrushing wear of composite resins
Full Article (PDF)Karine Battestin Dalla-Vecchia
Talita Damas Taborda
Deborah Stona
Heloísa Pressi
Luiz Henrique Burnett Júnior
Sinval Adalberto Rodrigues-Junior
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):68-74.When 4 composite resin materials were polished with various polishing systems and subjected to simulated toothbrushing cycles, surface roughness was affected by type of composite and polisher but not by toothbrushing time. However, surface roughness was affected by the interaction among composite, polisher, and toothbrushing time.
Basic Science Significant shear bond strength improvements of a resin-modified glass ionomer cement with a resin coating
Full Article (PDF)Michael T. Stallings
Daniel C. Stoeckel
Kenneth G. Rawson
Dan B. Welch
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):75-78.The results of shear testing and fracture analysis suggested that addition of a resin surface coating protected a resin-modified glass ionomer cement from moisture- and temperature-induced damage and increased shear bond strength.
Endodontics Surgical resolution of an aggressive iatrogenic root perforation in a maxillary central incisor: a case report with a 4-year follow-up
Full Article (PDF)Ricardo Machado
Marcelo Agnoletto
Eduardo Donato Eing Engelke Back
Luiz Fernando Tomazinho
Fabricio Abel Paganini
Luiz Pascoal Vansan
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):e1-e4.An aggressive iatrogenic root perforation in a maxillary central incisor was managed surgically with mineral trioxide aggregate, which induced new bone formation and reestablished gingival and periodontal health, subsequently confirmed at follow-up examinations.
Periodontics Novel use of calcium phosphosilicate synthetic graft material for treatment of a palatoradicular groove associated with an osseous defect: a case report
Full Article (PDF)Prabhuji M.L.V.
Rishi Dhamija
Shaeesta Khaleelahmed
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):e5-e8.Palatoradicular grooves (PRGs) are morphologic defects that are predisposing factors for periodontal disease. This case report describes the successful use of calcium phosphosilicate graft material to manage advanced periodontal destruction associated with a PRG in the maxillary right lateral incisor.
Special Patient Care Dental care in patients with antiphospholipid syndrome: two case reports
Full Article (PDF)Karine Cestaro Mesquita
Carolina Rodrigues Teófilo
João Paulo Veloso Perdigão
Fabrício Bitu Sousa
Ana Paula Negreiros Nunes Alves
Wagner Araújo de Negreiros
Mário Rogério Lima Mota
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):e9-e13.Antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) is a prothrombotic autoimmune disease that is treated with oral anticoagulant, antiplatelet, and/or immunosuppressant drugs. This report describes the successful dental treatment of 2 women who had APS.
Implants Influence of indexed abutments on the fracture resistance of internal conical dental implants
Full Article (PDF)Karla Zancopé
Caio César Dias Resende
Lucas do Nascimento Tavares
Flávio Domingues das Neves
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):e14-e16.A bending test revealed that the presence of a prosthetic abutment index did not influence the resistance to fracture of Morse taper dental implants.
Periodontics Repositioning of a pathologically migrated tooth using autologous platelet-rich plasma: a case report with 3-year follow-up
Full Article (PDF)Karthikeyan B.V.
Divya Khanna
Prabhuji M.L.V.
2017 Jan/Feb; 65(1):e17-e21.This case report describes the successful use of autologous platelet-rich plasma in conjunction with open flap debridement to aid in the repositioning of a pathologically migrated anterior tooth.