General Dentistry is AGD's peer-reviewed journal. Published bimonthly, General Dentistry presents research and clinical findings to support the full range of procedures that general dentists perform on a regular basis.
May/June 2016
Table of Contents
Editorial Live!
Roger D. Winland, DDS, MS, MAGDFull Article (PDF)
2016 May/Jun; 64(3):6.
Pediatric Dentistry Noninvasive treatment for cavitated lesions in primary molars
Jane A. Soxman, DDSFull Article (PDF)
2016 May/Jun; 64(3):8-9.
Public Health Addressing the caries treatment needs of geriatric patients
Larry Williams, DDSFull Article (PDF)
2016 May/Jun; 64(3):10-12.
Oral Diagnosis Pericoronal lesion of mandibular premolar and Red patch of gingiva
Douglas D. Damm, DDSFull Article (PDF)
2016 May/Jun; 64(3):77.
Answers Self-Instruction exercises No. 367, 368, and 369 and Oral Diagnosis
2016 May/Jun; 64(3):78-79.Full Article (PDF)
Clinical articles
Prevention/Diet/Nutrition Severe childhood caries associated with iron deficiency anemia: a case report
Full Article (PDF)Ana Paula C. A. Beltrame, DDS, MS
Maíra M. Rosa, DD
Michele Bolan, DDS, MS, PhD
Izabel C. S. Almeida, DDS, MS, PhD
2016 May/Jun; 64(3):13-15.This case showed an association between caries and anemia in a 3-year-old boy, whose crowns were destroyed by caries.
Management of Hard & Soft Tissue Lesions Le Fort I osteotomy for the removal of a rare unicystic ameloblastoma lesion in the maxillary sinus
Full Article (PDF)Lilian Cristina Vessoni Iwaki, DDS, PhD
Elen de Souza Tolentino, DDS, PhD
Rômulo Maciel Lustosa, DDS
Willian Pecin Jacomacci, DDS
Ana Regina Casaroto, DDS, PhD
Pablo Cornelius Leite, DDS
Liogi Iwaki Filho, DDS, PhD
2016 May/Jun; 64(3):16-19.A Le Fort I approach was used for enucleation of an extensive, asymptomatic unicystic ameloblastoma in the right maxillary sinus of a 30-year-old man. Follow-up over 5 years demonstrated no recurrence.
Cariology A pilot study of dentists’ assessment of caries detection and staging systems applied to early caries: PEARL Network findings
Full Article (PDF)Van P. Thompson, DDS, PhD
Andrew B. Schenkel, DMD, MS
Bapanaiah Penugonda, DDS, MS
Mark S. Wolff, DDS, PhD
Gregory G. Zeller, DDS, MS
Hongyu Wu, MPH
Don Vena
Ashley C. Grill, RDH, MPH
Frederick A. Curro, DMD, PhD
2016 May/Jun; 64(3):20-27.A pilot study investigated use of the International Caries Detection and Assessment System (ICDAS II) and the Caries Classification System (CCS) for detection of early caries and recommendations for individual tooth treatment. The CCS approach translated clinically to more accurate caries detection than a visual-tactile or the ICDAS II approach.
Diagnosis & Treatment Planning Solitary neurofibroma: a rare occurrence on gingiva
Full Article (PDF)Joann Pauline George, MDS
Sai Jyothsna N., BDS
2016 May/Jun; 64(3):28-31.This case report describes an unusual presentation of solitary neurofibroma on the lingual gingiva of the mandibular posterior region of a 22-year-old woman.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. 385 -
Diagnosis of Oral Pathology Large plunging schwannoma of the floor of the mouth involving the mylohyoid nerve: a case report and review of the literature
Full Article (PDF)Kumar Nilesh, MDS
Ramchandra G. Naniwadekar, MS
Neelima A. Malik, MDS
2016 May/Jun; 64(3):33-36.A schwannoma arising from the mylohyoid nerve presented as a large nodular swelling in the floor of the mouth extending into the submandibular space.
Multi-disciplinary Topics Quantified diagnostic work-up casts: applications for interdisciplinary treatment planning
Full Article (PDF)Roger A. Solow, DDS
2016 May/Jun; 64(3):37-46.Precise treatment planning through multiple applications of quantified diagnostic work-up casts facilitated successful treatment of a patient requiring orthognathic surgery, orthodontics, and occlusal adjustment after a mandibular subcondylar fracture.
Esthetics/Cosmetic Dentistry Combination esthetic treatment of anterior teeth affected by idiopathic enamel hypoplasia: a case report
Full Article (PDF)Donald L. Roberts, DDS
Ben F. Warner, MS, DDS, MD
Dan A. Bentley, DDS
Ryan L. Quock, DDS
2016 May/Jun; 64(3):47-50.A combined approach of conservative lithium disilicate indirect restorations and composite resin direct veneers was used to electively restore the anterior teeth of a patient with idiopathic enamel hypoplasia.
Dental Materials Effect of a new salivary-contaminant removal method on bond strength
Full Article (PDF)Michael J. Alfaro, DDS, MS
Erik J. Meyers, DDS
Deborah Ashcraft-Olmscheid, DMD, MS
Kraig S. Vandewalle, DDS, MS
2016 May/Jun; 64(3):51-54Bond strengths of resin cement to etched ceramic in specimens treated with a new cleaning paste were not significantly different from those in phosphoric acid–cleaned, hydrofluoric acid–cleaned, or control specimens, and thus the paste may be considered an alternative approach to removal of salivary contaminants.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. 386 -
Tooth Whitening/Bleaching Release time of residual oxygen after dental bleaching with 35% hydrogen peroxide: effect of a catalase-based neutralizing agent
Full Article (PDF)Bárbara Guasso, MS
Paloma Salomone, MS
Paulo Cícero Nascimento, DChem, PhD
Roselaine Terezinha Pozzobon, DDS, PhD
2016 May/Jun; 64(3):56-59.An in vitro study assessing the effect of a catalase-based neutralizing agent on residual oxygen release from teeth exposed to 35% hydrogen peroxide found that 2-3 minutes’ use of the neutralizer immediately after bleaching resulted in release of residual oxygen 5 days postbleaching.
Dentistry for the Medically Compromised Postextraction bleeding in a patient taking antithrombotics: report of a case
Full Article (PDF)Michael J. Wahl, DDS
Margaret M. Schmitt, DMD
2016 May/Jun; 64(3):60-63.This case report discusses management of minor postextraction bleeding in a patient taking combination anticoagulant and antiplatelet therapy. Antithrombotic therapy generally should not be interrupted for dental procedures.
Trauma Management Primary incisor intruded through the nasal cavity: a case report
Full Article (PDF)Vanessa Polina Pereria Costa, DDS, MSc, PhD
Michele Vale Barbosa, DDS
Marília Leão Goettems, DDS, MSc, PhD
Marcos Antônio Torriani, DDS, MSc, PhD
Clarissa Delpizzo Castagno, DMD
Elaine de Fátima Zanchin Baldissera, DDS, MSc, PhD
Dione Dias Torriani, DDS, MSc, PhD
2016 May/Jun; 64(3):64-67.When a maxillary central incisor of a 1-year-old girl was traumatically displaced into the nasal cavity, the impacted tooth was removed through the left nostril.
Prevention of Medical Errors Cervicofacial subcutaneous emphysema: a clinical case and review of the literature
Full Article (PDF)Richard J. Vargo, DMD
Anitha Potluri, DMD, MDS
Alison Y. Yeung, DDS, MD
Abdulaziz Aldojain, BDS, MMS
Elizabeth A. Bilodeau, DMD, MD, MSEd
2016 May/Jun; 64(3):68-71.A cervicofacial subcutaneous emphysema occurred when a compressed air–driven handpiece forced air into the subcutaneous tissue spaces during sectioning of a mandibular right first molar.
Tooth Whitening/Bleaching Effects of green tea on the shear bond strength of orthodontic brackets after in-office vital bleaching
Full Article (PDF)Sandrine Bittencourt Berger, DDS, MS, PhD
Ricardo Danil Guiraldo, DDS, MS, PhD
Murilo Baena Lopes, DDS, MS, PhD
Paula Vanessa Oltramari-Navarro, DDS, MS, PhD
Thais Maria Fernandes, DDS, MS, PhD
Renata de Castro Alves Schwertner, DDS, MS
Wagner José Silva Ursi, DDS, MS, PhD
2016 May/Jun; 64(3):72-75.Application of bleaching agents prior to bonding procedures temporarily reduces the bond strength between brackets and enamel. Results of an in vitro study indicated that green tea could be beneficial for bracket bonding immediately after bleaching.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. 387 -
Anterior Composite Restorations The role of emergence profile in papilla maintenance after diastema closure with direct composite resin restorations
Full Article (PDF)Kleyver do Nascimento Sobrinho, DDS
Liliane Motta de Lima, DDS
Flávia Cohen-Carneiro, PhD
Luciana Mendonça da Silva, PhD
Leandro de Moura Martins, PhD
Danielson Guedes Pontes, PhD
2016 May/Jun; 64(3):e1-e4.When direct composite resin restorations that followed the emergence profiles of the teeth were placed to close anterior diastemas remaining after orthodontic treatment, the interdental spaces were completely filled by healthy papillae at the 45-day follow-up.
Diagnosis of Oral Pathology Inflammatory collateral cyst associated with a palatoradicular groove: report of a case and discussion of nomenclature
Full Article (PDF)Mariana Tormena, DDS
Vanessa Cristina Veltrini, MS, PhD
Gustavo Jacobucci Farah, MS, PhD
José Humberto Damante, MS, PhD
2016 May/Jun; 64(3):e6-e9.This article presents a case demonstrating the connection between palatoradicular grooves and inflammatory collateral cysts and discusses the related nomenclature.
Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis, Oral Pathology Risk factors in patients with oral pemphigus vulgaris: a case-control study
Full Article (PDF)Mahin Bakhshi, DDS, MS
Soheila Manifar, DDS, MS
Nemat Azizi, MD
Hamid Asayesh, MSc
Parvin Mansouri, MD
Soheila Nasiri, MD
Zeynab Hashemi, DDS
Aida Mehdipour, DDS, MS
2016 May/Jun; 64(3):e10-e13.A multicenter case-control study to determine environmental factors related to pemphigus vulgaris found that cessation of smoking and herpes simplex virus infection in recent weeks are risk factors, while lack of occupational exposure to pesticides and greater parity (number of births) are protective factors.
May/June 2016
Table of Contents
Editorial Live!
Roger D. Winland, DDS, MS, MAGDFull Article (PDF)
2016 May/Jun; 64(3):6.
Pediatric Dentistry Noninvasive treatment for cavitated lesions in primary molars
Jane A. Soxman, DDSFull Article (PDF)
2016 May/Jun; 64(3):8-9.
Public Health Addressing the caries treatment needs of geriatric patients
Larry Williams, DDSFull Article (PDF)
2016 May/Jun; 64(3):10-12.
Oral Diagnosis Pericoronal lesion of mandibular premolar and Red patch of gingiva
Douglas D. Damm, DDSFull Article (PDF)
2016 May/Jun; 64(3):77.
Answers Self-Instruction exercises No. 367, 368, and 369 and Oral Diagnosis
2016 May/Jun; 64(3):78-79.Full Article (PDF)
Clinical articles
Prevention/Diet/Nutrition Severe childhood caries associated with iron deficiency anemia: a case report
Full Article (PDF)Ana Paula C. A. Beltrame, DDS, MS
Maíra M. Rosa, DD
Michele Bolan, DDS, MS, PhD
Izabel C. S. Almeida, DDS, MS, PhD
2016 May/Jun; 64(3):13-15.This case showed an association between caries and anemia in a 3-year-old boy, whose crowns were destroyed by caries.
Management of Hard & Soft Tissue Lesions Le Fort I osteotomy for the removal of a rare unicystic ameloblastoma lesion in the maxillary sinus
Full Article (PDF)Lilian Cristina Vessoni Iwaki, DDS, PhD
Elen de Souza Tolentino, DDS, PhD
Rômulo Maciel Lustosa, DDS
Willian Pecin Jacomacci, DDS
Ana Regina Casaroto, DDS, PhD
Pablo Cornelius Leite, DDS
Liogi Iwaki Filho, DDS, PhD
2016 May/Jun; 64(3):16-19.A Le Fort I approach was used for enucleation of an extensive, asymptomatic unicystic ameloblastoma in the right maxillary sinus of a 30-year-old man. Follow-up over 5 years demonstrated no recurrence.
Cariology A pilot study of dentists’ assessment of caries detection and staging systems applied to early caries: PEARL Network findings
Full Article (PDF)Van P. Thompson, DDS, PhD
Andrew B. Schenkel, DMD, MS
Bapanaiah Penugonda, DDS, MS
Mark S. Wolff, DDS, PhD
Gregory G. Zeller, DDS, MS
Hongyu Wu, MPH
Don Vena
Ashley C. Grill, RDH, MPH
Frederick A. Curro, DMD, PhD
2016 May/Jun; 64(3):20-27.A pilot study investigated use of the International Caries Detection and Assessment System (ICDAS II) and the Caries Classification System (CCS) for detection of early caries and recommendations for individual tooth treatment. The CCS approach translated clinically to more accurate caries detection than a visual-tactile or the ICDAS II approach.
Diagnosis & Treatment Planning Solitary neurofibroma: a rare occurrence on gingiva
Full Article (PDF)Joann Pauline George, MDS
Sai Jyothsna N., BDS
2016 May/Jun; 64(3):28-31.This case report describes an unusual presentation of solitary neurofibroma on the lingual gingiva of the mandibular posterior region of a 22-year-old woman.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. 385 -
Diagnosis of Oral Pathology Large plunging schwannoma of the floor of the mouth involving the mylohyoid nerve: a case report and review of the literature
Full Article (PDF)Kumar Nilesh, MDS
Ramchandra G. Naniwadekar, MS
Neelima A. Malik, MDS
2016 May/Jun; 64(3):33-36.A schwannoma arising from the mylohyoid nerve presented as a large nodular swelling in the floor of the mouth extending into the submandibular space.
Multi-disciplinary Topics Quantified diagnostic work-up casts: applications for interdisciplinary treatment planning
Full Article (PDF)Roger A. Solow, DDS
2016 May/Jun; 64(3):37-46.Precise treatment planning through multiple applications of quantified diagnostic work-up casts facilitated successful treatment of a patient requiring orthognathic surgery, orthodontics, and occlusal adjustment after a mandibular subcondylar fracture.
Esthetics/Cosmetic Dentistry Combination esthetic treatment of anterior teeth affected by idiopathic enamel hypoplasia: a case report
Full Article (PDF)Donald L. Roberts, DDS
Ben F. Warner, MS, DDS, MD
Dan A. Bentley, DDS
Ryan L. Quock, DDS
2016 May/Jun; 64(3):47-50.A combined approach of conservative lithium disilicate indirect restorations and composite resin direct veneers was used to electively restore the anterior teeth of a patient with idiopathic enamel hypoplasia.
Dental Materials Effect of a new salivary-contaminant removal method on bond strength
Full Article (PDF)Michael J. Alfaro, DDS, MS
Erik J. Meyers, DDS
Deborah Ashcraft-Olmscheid, DMD, MS
Kraig S. Vandewalle, DDS, MS
2016 May/Jun; 64(3):51-54Bond strengths of resin cement to etched ceramic in specimens treated with a new cleaning paste were not significantly different from those in phosphoric acid–cleaned, hydrofluoric acid–cleaned, or control specimens, and thus the paste may be considered an alternative approach to removal of salivary contaminants.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. 386 -
Tooth Whitening/Bleaching Release time of residual oxygen after dental bleaching with 35% hydrogen peroxide: effect of a catalase-based neutralizing agent
Full Article (PDF)Bárbara Guasso, MS
Paloma Salomone, MS
Paulo Cícero Nascimento, DChem, PhD
Roselaine Terezinha Pozzobon, DDS, PhD
2016 May/Jun; 64(3):56-59.An in vitro study assessing the effect of a catalase-based neutralizing agent on residual oxygen release from teeth exposed to 35% hydrogen peroxide found that 2-3 minutes’ use of the neutralizer immediately after bleaching resulted in release of residual oxygen 5 days postbleaching.
Dentistry for the Medically Compromised Postextraction bleeding in a patient taking antithrombotics: report of a case
Full Article (PDF)Michael J. Wahl, DDS
Margaret M. Schmitt, DMD
2016 May/Jun; 64(3):60-63.This case report discusses management of minor postextraction bleeding in a patient taking combination anticoagulant and antiplatelet therapy. Antithrombotic therapy generally should not be interrupted for dental procedures.
Trauma Management Primary incisor intruded through the nasal cavity: a case report
Full Article (PDF)Vanessa Polina Pereria Costa, DDS, MSc, PhD
Michele Vale Barbosa, DDS
Marília Leão Goettems, DDS, MSc, PhD
Marcos Antônio Torriani, DDS, MSc, PhD
Clarissa Delpizzo Castagno, DMD
Elaine de Fátima Zanchin Baldissera, DDS, MSc, PhD
Dione Dias Torriani, DDS, MSc, PhD
2016 May/Jun; 64(3):64-67.When a maxillary central incisor of a 1-year-old girl was traumatically displaced into the nasal cavity, the impacted tooth was removed through the left nostril.
Prevention of Medical Errors Cervicofacial subcutaneous emphysema: a clinical case and review of the literature
Full Article (PDF)Richard J. Vargo, DMD
Anitha Potluri, DMD, MDS
Alison Y. Yeung, DDS, MD
Abdulaziz Aldojain, BDS, MMS
Elizabeth A. Bilodeau, DMD, MD, MSEd
2016 May/Jun; 64(3):68-71.A cervicofacial subcutaneous emphysema occurred when a compressed air–driven handpiece forced air into the subcutaneous tissue spaces during sectioning of a mandibular right first molar.
Tooth Whitening/Bleaching Effects of green tea on the shear bond strength of orthodontic brackets after in-office vital bleaching
Full Article (PDF)Sandrine Bittencourt Berger, DDS, MS, PhD
Ricardo Danil Guiraldo, DDS, MS, PhD
Murilo Baena Lopes, DDS, MS, PhD
Paula Vanessa Oltramari-Navarro, DDS, MS, PhD
Thais Maria Fernandes, DDS, MS, PhD
Renata de Castro Alves Schwertner, DDS, MS
Wagner José Silva Ursi, DDS, MS, PhD
2016 May/Jun; 64(3):72-75.Application of bleaching agents prior to bonding procedures temporarily reduces the bond strength between brackets and enamel. Results of an in vitro study indicated that green tea could be beneficial for bracket bonding immediately after bleaching.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. 387 -
Anterior Composite Restorations The role of emergence profile in papilla maintenance after diastema closure with direct composite resin restorations
Full Article (PDF)Kleyver do Nascimento Sobrinho, DDS
Liliane Motta de Lima, DDS
Flávia Cohen-Carneiro, PhD
Luciana Mendonça da Silva, PhD
Leandro de Moura Martins, PhD
Danielson Guedes Pontes, PhD
2016 May/Jun; 64(3):e1-e4.When direct composite resin restorations that followed the emergence profiles of the teeth were placed to close anterior diastemas remaining after orthodontic treatment, the interdental spaces were completely filled by healthy papillae at the 45-day follow-up.
Diagnosis of Oral Pathology Inflammatory collateral cyst associated with a palatoradicular groove: report of a case and discussion of nomenclature
Full Article (PDF)Mariana Tormena, DDS
Vanessa Cristina Veltrini, MS, PhD
Gustavo Jacobucci Farah, MS, PhD
José Humberto Damante, MS, PhD
2016 May/Jun; 64(3):e6-e9.This article presents a case demonstrating the connection between palatoradicular grooves and inflammatory collateral cysts and discusses the related nomenclature.
Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis, Oral Pathology Risk factors in patients with oral pemphigus vulgaris: a case-control study
Full Article (PDF)Mahin Bakhshi, DDS, MS
Soheila Manifar, DDS, MS
Nemat Azizi, MD
Hamid Asayesh, MSc
Parvin Mansouri, MD
Soheila Nasiri, MD
Zeynab Hashemi, DDS
Aida Mehdipour, DDS, MS
2016 May/Jun; 64(3):e10-e13.A multicenter case-control study to determine environmental factors related to pemphigus vulgaris found that cessation of smoking and herpes simplex virus infection in recent weeks are risk factors, while lack of occupational exposure to pesticides and greater parity (number of births) are protective factors.
May/June 2016
Table of Contents
Editorial Live!
Roger D. Winland, DDS, MS, MAGDFull Article (PDF)
2016 May/Jun; 64(3):6.
Pediatric Dentistry Noninvasive treatment for cavitated lesions in primary molars
Jane A. Soxman, DDSFull Article (PDF)
2016 May/Jun; 64(3):8-9.
Public Health Addressing the caries treatment needs of geriatric patients
Larry Williams, DDSFull Article (PDF)
2016 May/Jun; 64(3):10-12.
Oral Diagnosis Pericoronal lesion of mandibular premolar and Red patch of gingiva
Douglas D. Damm, DDSFull Article (PDF)
2016 May/Jun; 64(3):77.
Answers Self-Instruction exercises No. 367, 368, and 369 and Oral Diagnosis
2016 May/Jun; 64(3):78-79.Full Article (PDF)
Clinical articles
Prevention/Diet/Nutrition Severe childhood caries associated with iron deficiency anemia: a case report
Full Article (PDF)Ana Paula C. A. Beltrame, DDS, MS
Maíra M. Rosa, DD
Michele Bolan, DDS, MS, PhD
Izabel C. S. Almeida, DDS, MS, PhD
2016 May/Jun; 64(3):13-15.This case showed an association between caries and anemia in a 3-year-old boy, whose crowns were destroyed by caries.
Management of Hard & Soft Tissue Lesions Le Fort I osteotomy for the removal of a rare unicystic ameloblastoma lesion in the maxillary sinus
Full Article (PDF)Lilian Cristina Vessoni Iwaki, DDS, PhD
Elen de Souza Tolentino, DDS, PhD
Rômulo Maciel Lustosa, DDS
Willian Pecin Jacomacci, DDS
Ana Regina Casaroto, DDS, PhD
Pablo Cornelius Leite, DDS
Liogi Iwaki Filho, DDS, PhD
2016 May/Jun; 64(3):16-19.A Le Fort I approach was used for enucleation of an extensive, asymptomatic unicystic ameloblastoma in the right maxillary sinus of a 30-year-old man. Follow-up over 5 years demonstrated no recurrence.
Cariology A pilot study of dentists’ assessment of caries detection and staging systems applied to early caries: PEARL Network findings
Full Article (PDF)Van P. Thompson, DDS, PhD
Andrew B. Schenkel, DMD, MS
Bapanaiah Penugonda, DDS, MS
Mark S. Wolff, DDS, PhD
Gregory G. Zeller, DDS, MS
Hongyu Wu, MPH
Don Vena
Ashley C. Grill, RDH, MPH
Frederick A. Curro, DMD, PhD
2016 May/Jun; 64(3):20-27.A pilot study investigated use of the International Caries Detection and Assessment System (ICDAS II) and the Caries Classification System (CCS) for detection of early caries and recommendations for individual tooth treatment. The CCS approach translated clinically to more accurate caries detection than a visual-tactile or the ICDAS II approach.
Diagnosis & Treatment Planning Solitary neurofibroma: a rare occurrence on gingiva
Full Article (PDF)Joann Pauline George, MDS
Sai Jyothsna N., BDS
2016 May/Jun; 64(3):28-31.This case report describes an unusual presentation of solitary neurofibroma on the lingual gingiva of the mandibular posterior region of a 22-year-old woman.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. 385 -
Diagnosis of Oral Pathology Large plunging schwannoma of the floor of the mouth involving the mylohyoid nerve: a case report and review of the literature
Full Article (PDF)Kumar Nilesh, MDS
Ramchandra G. Naniwadekar, MS
Neelima A. Malik, MDS
2016 May/Jun; 64(3):33-36.A schwannoma arising from the mylohyoid nerve presented as a large nodular swelling in the floor of the mouth extending into the submandibular space.
Multi-disciplinary Topics Quantified diagnostic work-up casts: applications for interdisciplinary treatment planning
Full Article (PDF)Roger A. Solow, DDS
2016 May/Jun; 64(3):37-46.Precise treatment planning through multiple applications of quantified diagnostic work-up casts facilitated successful treatment of a patient requiring orthognathic surgery, orthodontics, and occlusal adjustment after a mandibular subcondylar fracture.
Esthetics/Cosmetic Dentistry Combination esthetic treatment of anterior teeth affected by idiopathic enamel hypoplasia: a case report
Full Article (PDF)Donald L. Roberts, DDS
Ben F. Warner, MS, DDS, MD
Dan A. Bentley, DDS
Ryan L. Quock, DDS
2016 May/Jun; 64(3):47-50.A combined approach of conservative lithium disilicate indirect restorations and composite resin direct veneers was used to electively restore the anterior teeth of a patient with idiopathic enamel hypoplasia.
Dental Materials Effect of a new salivary-contaminant removal method on bond strength
Full Article (PDF)Michael J. Alfaro, DDS, MS
Erik J. Meyers, DDS
Deborah Ashcraft-Olmscheid, DMD, MS
Kraig S. Vandewalle, DDS, MS
2016 May/Jun; 64(3):51-54Bond strengths of resin cement to etched ceramic in specimens treated with a new cleaning paste were not significantly different from those in phosphoric acid–cleaned, hydrofluoric acid–cleaned, or control specimens, and thus the paste may be considered an alternative approach to removal of salivary contaminants.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. 386 -
Tooth Whitening/Bleaching Release time of residual oxygen after dental bleaching with 35% hydrogen peroxide: effect of a catalase-based neutralizing agent
Full Article (PDF)Bárbara Guasso, MS
Paloma Salomone, MS
Paulo Cícero Nascimento, DChem, PhD
Roselaine Terezinha Pozzobon, DDS, PhD
2016 May/Jun; 64(3):56-59.An in vitro study assessing the effect of a catalase-based neutralizing agent on residual oxygen release from teeth exposed to 35% hydrogen peroxide found that 2-3 minutes’ use of the neutralizer immediately after bleaching resulted in release of residual oxygen 5 days postbleaching.
Dentistry for the Medically Compromised Postextraction bleeding in a patient taking antithrombotics: report of a case
Full Article (PDF)Michael J. Wahl, DDS
Margaret M. Schmitt, DMD
2016 May/Jun; 64(3):60-63.This case report discusses management of minor postextraction bleeding in a patient taking combination anticoagulant and antiplatelet therapy. Antithrombotic therapy generally should not be interrupted for dental procedures.
Trauma Management Primary incisor intruded through the nasal cavity: a case report
Full Article (PDF)Vanessa Polina Pereria Costa, DDS, MSc, PhD
Michele Vale Barbosa, DDS
Marília Leão Goettems, DDS, MSc, PhD
Marcos Antônio Torriani, DDS, MSc, PhD
Clarissa Delpizzo Castagno, DMD
Elaine de Fátima Zanchin Baldissera, DDS, MSc, PhD
Dione Dias Torriani, DDS, MSc, PhD
2016 May/Jun; 64(3):64-67.When a maxillary central incisor of a 1-year-old girl was traumatically displaced into the nasal cavity, the impacted tooth was removed through the left nostril.
Prevention of Medical Errors Cervicofacial subcutaneous emphysema: a clinical case and review of the literature
Full Article (PDF)Richard J. Vargo, DMD
Anitha Potluri, DMD, MDS
Alison Y. Yeung, DDS, MD
Abdulaziz Aldojain, BDS, MMS
Elizabeth A. Bilodeau, DMD, MD, MSEd
2016 May/Jun; 64(3):68-71.A cervicofacial subcutaneous emphysema occurred when a compressed air–driven handpiece forced air into the subcutaneous tissue spaces during sectioning of a mandibular right first molar.
Tooth Whitening/Bleaching Effects of green tea on the shear bond strength of orthodontic brackets after in-office vital bleaching
Full Article (PDF)Sandrine Bittencourt Berger, DDS, MS, PhD
Ricardo Danil Guiraldo, DDS, MS, PhD
Murilo Baena Lopes, DDS, MS, PhD
Paula Vanessa Oltramari-Navarro, DDS, MS, PhD
Thais Maria Fernandes, DDS, MS, PhD
Renata de Castro Alves Schwertner, DDS, MS
Wagner José Silva Ursi, DDS, MS, PhD
2016 May/Jun; 64(3):72-75.Application of bleaching agents prior to bonding procedures temporarily reduces the bond strength between brackets and enamel. Results of an in vitro study indicated that green tea could be beneficial for bracket bonding immediately after bleaching.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. 387 -
Anterior Composite Restorations The role of emergence profile in papilla maintenance after diastema closure with direct composite resin restorations
Full Article (PDF)Kleyver do Nascimento Sobrinho, DDS
Liliane Motta de Lima, DDS
Flávia Cohen-Carneiro, PhD
Luciana Mendonça da Silva, PhD
Leandro de Moura Martins, PhD
Danielson Guedes Pontes, PhD
2016 May/Jun; 64(3):e1-e4.When direct composite resin restorations that followed the emergence profiles of the teeth were placed to close anterior diastemas remaining after orthodontic treatment, the interdental spaces were completely filled by healthy papillae at the 45-day follow-up.
Diagnosis of Oral Pathology Inflammatory collateral cyst associated with a palatoradicular groove: report of a case and discussion of nomenclature
Full Article (PDF)Mariana Tormena, DDS
Vanessa Cristina Veltrini, MS, PhD
Gustavo Jacobucci Farah, MS, PhD
José Humberto Damante, MS, PhD
2016 May/Jun; 64(3):e6-e9.This article presents a case demonstrating the connection between palatoradicular grooves and inflammatory collateral cysts and discusses the related nomenclature.
Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis, Oral Pathology Risk factors in patients with oral pemphigus vulgaris: a case-control study
Full Article (PDF)Mahin Bakhshi, DDS, MS
Soheila Manifar, DDS, MS
Nemat Azizi, MD
Hamid Asayesh, MSc
Parvin Mansouri, MD
Soheila Nasiri, MD
Zeynab Hashemi, DDS
Aida Mehdipour, DDS, MS
2016 May/Jun; 64(3):e10-e13.A multicenter case-control study to determine environmental factors related to pemphigus vulgaris found that cessation of smoking and herpes simplex virus infection in recent weeks are risk factors, while lack of occupational exposure to pesticides and greater parity (number of births) are protective factors.
May/June 2016
Table of Contents
Editorial Live!
Roger D. Winland, DDS, MS, MAGDFull Article (PDF)
2016 May/Jun; 64(3):6.
Pediatric Dentistry Noninvasive treatment for cavitated lesions in primary molars
Jane A. Soxman, DDSFull Article (PDF)
2016 May/Jun; 64(3):8-9.
Public Health Addressing the caries treatment needs of geriatric patients
Larry Williams, DDSFull Article (PDF)
2016 May/Jun; 64(3):10-12.
Oral Diagnosis Pericoronal lesion of mandibular premolar and Red patch of gingiva
Douglas D. Damm, DDSFull Article (PDF)
2016 May/Jun; 64(3):77.
Answers Self-Instruction exercises No. 367, 368, and 369 and Oral Diagnosis
2016 May/Jun; 64(3):78-79.Full Article (PDF)
Clinical articles
Prevention/Diet/Nutrition Severe childhood caries associated with iron deficiency anemia: a case report
Full Article (PDF)Ana Paula C. A. Beltrame, DDS, MS
Maíra M. Rosa, DD
Michele Bolan, DDS, MS, PhD
Izabel C. S. Almeida, DDS, MS, PhD
2016 May/Jun; 64(3):13-15.This case showed an association between caries and anemia in a 3-year-old boy, whose crowns were destroyed by caries.
Management of Hard & Soft Tissue Lesions Le Fort I osteotomy for the removal of a rare unicystic ameloblastoma lesion in the maxillary sinus
Full Article (PDF)Lilian Cristina Vessoni Iwaki, DDS, PhD
Elen de Souza Tolentino, DDS, PhD
Rômulo Maciel Lustosa, DDS
Willian Pecin Jacomacci, DDS
Ana Regina Casaroto, DDS, PhD
Pablo Cornelius Leite, DDS
Liogi Iwaki Filho, DDS, PhD
2016 May/Jun; 64(3):16-19.A Le Fort I approach was used for enucleation of an extensive, asymptomatic unicystic ameloblastoma in the right maxillary sinus of a 30-year-old man. Follow-up over 5 years demonstrated no recurrence.
Cariology A pilot study of dentists’ assessment of caries detection and staging systems applied to early caries: PEARL Network findings
Full Article (PDF)Van P. Thompson, DDS, PhD
Andrew B. Schenkel, DMD, MS
Bapanaiah Penugonda, DDS, MS
Mark S. Wolff, DDS, PhD
Gregory G. Zeller, DDS, MS
Hongyu Wu, MPH
Don Vena
Ashley C. Grill, RDH, MPH
Frederick A. Curro, DMD, PhD
2016 May/Jun; 64(3):20-27.A pilot study investigated use of the International Caries Detection and Assessment System (ICDAS II) and the Caries Classification System (CCS) for detection of early caries and recommendations for individual tooth treatment. The CCS approach translated clinically to more accurate caries detection than a visual-tactile or the ICDAS II approach.
Diagnosis & Treatment Planning Solitary neurofibroma: a rare occurrence on gingiva
Full Article (PDF)Joann Pauline George, MDS
Sai Jyothsna N., BDS
2016 May/Jun; 64(3):28-31.This case report describes an unusual presentation of solitary neurofibroma on the lingual gingiva of the mandibular posterior region of a 22-year-old woman.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. 385 -
Diagnosis of Oral Pathology Large plunging schwannoma of the floor of the mouth involving the mylohyoid nerve: a case report and review of the literature
Full Article (PDF)Kumar Nilesh, MDS
Ramchandra G. Naniwadekar, MS
Neelima A. Malik, MDS
2016 May/Jun; 64(3):33-36.A schwannoma arising from the mylohyoid nerve presented as a large nodular swelling in the floor of the mouth extending into the submandibular space.
Multi-disciplinary Topics Quantified diagnostic work-up casts: applications for interdisciplinary treatment planning
Full Article (PDF)Roger A. Solow, DDS
2016 May/Jun; 64(3):37-46.Precise treatment planning through multiple applications of quantified diagnostic work-up casts facilitated successful treatment of a patient requiring orthognathic surgery, orthodontics, and occlusal adjustment after a mandibular subcondylar fracture.
Esthetics/Cosmetic Dentistry Combination esthetic treatment of anterior teeth affected by idiopathic enamel hypoplasia: a case report
Full Article (PDF)Donald L. Roberts, DDS
Ben F. Warner, MS, DDS, MD
Dan A. Bentley, DDS
Ryan L. Quock, DDS
2016 May/Jun; 64(3):47-50.A combined approach of conservative lithium disilicate indirect restorations and composite resin direct veneers was used to electively restore the anterior teeth of a patient with idiopathic enamel hypoplasia.
Dental Materials Effect of a new salivary-contaminant removal method on bond strength
Full Article (PDF)Michael J. Alfaro, DDS, MS
Erik J. Meyers, DDS
Deborah Ashcraft-Olmscheid, DMD, MS
Kraig S. Vandewalle, DDS, MS
2016 May/Jun; 64(3):51-54Bond strengths of resin cement to etched ceramic in specimens treated with a new cleaning paste were not significantly different from those in phosphoric acid–cleaned, hydrofluoric acid–cleaned, or control specimens, and thus the paste may be considered an alternative approach to removal of salivary contaminants.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. 386 -
Tooth Whitening/Bleaching Release time of residual oxygen after dental bleaching with 35% hydrogen peroxide: effect of a catalase-based neutralizing agent
Full Article (PDF)Bárbara Guasso, MS
Paloma Salomone, MS
Paulo Cícero Nascimento, DChem, PhD
Roselaine Terezinha Pozzobon, DDS, PhD
2016 May/Jun; 64(3):56-59.An in vitro study assessing the effect of a catalase-based neutralizing agent on residual oxygen release from teeth exposed to 35% hydrogen peroxide found that 2-3 minutes’ use of the neutralizer immediately after bleaching resulted in release of residual oxygen 5 days postbleaching.
Dentistry for the Medically Compromised Postextraction bleeding in a patient taking antithrombotics: report of a case
Full Article (PDF)Michael J. Wahl, DDS
Margaret M. Schmitt, DMD
2016 May/Jun; 64(3):60-63.This case report discusses management of minor postextraction bleeding in a patient taking combination anticoagulant and antiplatelet therapy. Antithrombotic therapy generally should not be interrupted for dental procedures.
Trauma Management Primary incisor intruded through the nasal cavity: a case report
Full Article (PDF)Vanessa Polina Pereria Costa, DDS, MSc, PhD
Michele Vale Barbosa, DDS
Marília Leão Goettems, DDS, MSc, PhD
Marcos Antônio Torriani, DDS, MSc, PhD
Clarissa Delpizzo Castagno, DMD
Elaine de Fátima Zanchin Baldissera, DDS, MSc, PhD
Dione Dias Torriani, DDS, MSc, PhD
2016 May/Jun; 64(3):64-67.When a maxillary central incisor of a 1-year-old girl was traumatically displaced into the nasal cavity, the impacted tooth was removed through the left nostril.
Prevention of Medical Errors Cervicofacial subcutaneous emphysema: a clinical case and review of the literature
Full Article (PDF)Richard J. Vargo, DMD
Anitha Potluri, DMD, MDS
Alison Y. Yeung, DDS, MD
Abdulaziz Aldojain, BDS, MMS
Elizabeth A. Bilodeau, DMD, MD, MSEd
2016 May/Jun; 64(3):68-71.A cervicofacial subcutaneous emphysema occurred when a compressed air–driven handpiece forced air into the subcutaneous tissue spaces during sectioning of a mandibular right first molar.
Tooth Whitening/Bleaching Effects of green tea on the shear bond strength of orthodontic brackets after in-office vital bleaching
Full Article (PDF)Sandrine Bittencourt Berger, DDS, MS, PhD
Ricardo Danil Guiraldo, DDS, MS, PhD
Murilo Baena Lopes, DDS, MS, PhD
Paula Vanessa Oltramari-Navarro, DDS, MS, PhD
Thais Maria Fernandes, DDS, MS, PhD
Renata de Castro Alves Schwertner, DDS, MS
Wagner José Silva Ursi, DDS, MS, PhD
2016 May/Jun; 64(3):72-75.Application of bleaching agents prior to bonding procedures temporarily reduces the bond strength between brackets and enamel. Results of an in vitro study indicated that green tea could be beneficial for bracket bonding immediately after bleaching.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. 387 -
Anterior Composite Restorations The role of emergence profile in papilla maintenance after diastema closure with direct composite resin restorations
Full Article (PDF)Kleyver do Nascimento Sobrinho, DDS
Liliane Motta de Lima, DDS
Flávia Cohen-Carneiro, PhD
Luciana Mendonça da Silva, PhD
Leandro de Moura Martins, PhD
Danielson Guedes Pontes, PhD
2016 May/Jun; 64(3):e1-e4.When direct composite resin restorations that followed the emergence profiles of the teeth were placed to close anterior diastemas remaining after orthodontic treatment, the interdental spaces were completely filled by healthy papillae at the 45-day follow-up.
Diagnosis of Oral Pathology Inflammatory collateral cyst associated with a palatoradicular groove: report of a case and discussion of nomenclature
Full Article (PDF)Mariana Tormena, DDS
Vanessa Cristina Veltrini, MS, PhD
Gustavo Jacobucci Farah, MS, PhD
José Humberto Damante, MS, PhD
2016 May/Jun; 64(3):e6-e9.This article presents a case demonstrating the connection between palatoradicular grooves and inflammatory collateral cysts and discusses the related nomenclature.
Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis, Oral Pathology Risk factors in patients with oral pemphigus vulgaris: a case-control study
Full Article (PDF)Mahin Bakhshi, DDS, MS
Soheila Manifar, DDS, MS
Nemat Azizi, MD
Hamid Asayesh, MSc
Parvin Mansouri, MD
Soheila Nasiri, MD
Zeynab Hashemi, DDS
Aida Mehdipour, DDS, MS
2016 May/Jun; 64(3):e10-e13.A multicenter case-control study to determine environmental factors related to pemphigus vulgaris found that cessation of smoking and herpes simplex virus infection in recent weeks are risk factors, while lack of occupational exposure to pesticides and greater parity (number of births) are protective factors.
May/June 2016
Table of Contents
Editorial Live!
Roger D. Winland, DDS, MS, MAGDFull Article (PDF)
2016 May/Jun; 64(3):6.
Pediatric Dentistry Noninvasive treatment for cavitated lesions in primary molars
Jane A. Soxman, DDSFull Article (PDF)
2016 May/Jun; 64(3):8-9.
Public Health Addressing the caries treatment needs of geriatric patients
Larry Williams, DDSFull Article (PDF)
2016 May/Jun; 64(3):10-12.
Oral Diagnosis Pericoronal lesion of mandibular premolar and Red patch of gingiva
Douglas D. Damm, DDSFull Article (PDF)
2016 May/Jun; 64(3):77.
Answers Self-Instruction exercises No. 367, 368, and 369 and Oral Diagnosis
2016 May/Jun; 64(3):78-79.Full Article (PDF)
Clinical articles
Prevention/Diet/Nutrition Severe childhood caries associated with iron deficiency anemia: a case report
Full Article (PDF)Ana Paula C. A. Beltrame, DDS, MS
Maíra M. Rosa, DD
Michele Bolan, DDS, MS, PhD
Izabel C. S. Almeida, DDS, MS, PhD
2016 May/Jun; 64(3):13-15.This case showed an association between caries and anemia in a 3-year-old boy, whose crowns were destroyed by caries.
Management of Hard & Soft Tissue Lesions Le Fort I osteotomy for the removal of a rare unicystic ameloblastoma lesion in the maxillary sinus
Full Article (PDF)Lilian Cristina Vessoni Iwaki, DDS, PhD
Elen de Souza Tolentino, DDS, PhD
Rômulo Maciel Lustosa, DDS
Willian Pecin Jacomacci, DDS
Ana Regina Casaroto, DDS, PhD
Pablo Cornelius Leite, DDS
Liogi Iwaki Filho, DDS, PhD
2016 May/Jun; 64(3):16-19.A Le Fort I approach was used for enucleation of an extensive, asymptomatic unicystic ameloblastoma in the right maxillary sinus of a 30-year-old man. Follow-up over 5 years demonstrated no recurrence.
Cariology A pilot study of dentists’ assessment of caries detection and staging systems applied to early caries: PEARL Network findings
Full Article (PDF)Van P. Thompson, DDS, PhD
Andrew B. Schenkel, DMD, MS
Bapanaiah Penugonda, DDS, MS
Mark S. Wolff, DDS, PhD
Gregory G. Zeller, DDS, MS
Hongyu Wu, MPH
Don Vena
Ashley C. Grill, RDH, MPH
Frederick A. Curro, DMD, PhD
2016 May/Jun; 64(3):20-27.A pilot study investigated use of the International Caries Detection and Assessment System (ICDAS II) and the Caries Classification System (CCS) for detection of early caries and recommendations for individual tooth treatment. The CCS approach translated clinically to more accurate caries detection than a visual-tactile or the ICDAS II approach.
Diagnosis & Treatment Planning Solitary neurofibroma: a rare occurrence on gingiva
Full Article (PDF)Joann Pauline George, MDS
Sai Jyothsna N., BDS
2016 May/Jun; 64(3):28-31.This case report describes an unusual presentation of solitary neurofibroma on the lingual gingiva of the mandibular posterior region of a 22-year-old woman.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. 385 -
Diagnosis of Oral Pathology Large plunging schwannoma of the floor of the mouth involving the mylohyoid nerve: a case report and review of the literature
Full Article (PDF)Kumar Nilesh, MDS
Ramchandra G. Naniwadekar, MS
Neelima A. Malik, MDS
2016 May/Jun; 64(3):33-36.A schwannoma arising from the mylohyoid nerve presented as a large nodular swelling in the floor of the mouth extending into the submandibular space.
Multi-disciplinary Topics Quantified diagnostic work-up casts: applications for interdisciplinary treatment planning
Full Article (PDF)Roger A. Solow, DDS
2016 May/Jun; 64(3):37-46.Precise treatment planning through multiple applications of quantified diagnostic work-up casts facilitated successful treatment of a patient requiring orthognathic surgery, orthodontics, and occlusal adjustment after a mandibular subcondylar fracture.
Esthetics/Cosmetic Dentistry Combination esthetic treatment of anterior teeth affected by idiopathic enamel hypoplasia: a case report
Full Article (PDF)Donald L. Roberts, DDS
Ben F. Warner, MS, DDS, MD
Dan A. Bentley, DDS
Ryan L. Quock, DDS
2016 May/Jun; 64(3):47-50.A combined approach of conservative lithium disilicate indirect restorations and composite resin direct veneers was used to electively restore the anterior teeth of a patient with idiopathic enamel hypoplasia.
Dental Materials Effect of a new salivary-contaminant removal method on bond strength
Full Article (PDF)Michael J. Alfaro, DDS, MS
Erik J. Meyers, DDS
Deborah Ashcraft-Olmscheid, DMD, MS
Kraig S. Vandewalle, DDS, MS
2016 May/Jun; 64(3):51-54Bond strengths of resin cement to etched ceramic in specimens treated with a new cleaning paste were not significantly different from those in phosphoric acid–cleaned, hydrofluoric acid–cleaned, or control specimens, and thus the paste may be considered an alternative approach to removal of salivary contaminants.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. 386 -
Tooth Whitening/Bleaching Release time of residual oxygen after dental bleaching with 35% hydrogen peroxide: effect of a catalase-based neutralizing agent
Full Article (PDF)Bárbara Guasso, MS
Paloma Salomone, MS
Paulo Cícero Nascimento, DChem, PhD
Roselaine Terezinha Pozzobon, DDS, PhD
2016 May/Jun; 64(3):56-59.An in vitro study assessing the effect of a catalase-based neutralizing agent on residual oxygen release from teeth exposed to 35% hydrogen peroxide found that 2-3 minutes’ use of the neutralizer immediately after bleaching resulted in release of residual oxygen 5 days postbleaching.
Dentistry for the Medically Compromised Postextraction bleeding in a patient taking antithrombotics: report of a case
Full Article (PDF)Michael J. Wahl, DDS
Margaret M. Schmitt, DMD
2016 May/Jun; 64(3):60-63.This case report discusses management of minor postextraction bleeding in a patient taking combination anticoagulant and antiplatelet therapy. Antithrombotic therapy generally should not be interrupted for dental procedures.
Trauma Management Primary incisor intruded through the nasal cavity: a case report
Full Article (PDF)Vanessa Polina Pereria Costa, DDS, MSc, PhD
Michele Vale Barbosa, DDS
Marília Leão Goettems, DDS, MSc, PhD
Marcos Antônio Torriani, DDS, MSc, PhD
Clarissa Delpizzo Castagno, DMD
Elaine de Fátima Zanchin Baldissera, DDS, MSc, PhD
Dione Dias Torriani, DDS, MSc, PhD
2016 May/Jun; 64(3):64-67.When a maxillary central incisor of a 1-year-old girl was traumatically displaced into the nasal cavity, the impacted tooth was removed through the left nostril.
Prevention of Medical Errors Cervicofacial subcutaneous emphysema: a clinical case and review of the literature
Full Article (PDF)Richard J. Vargo, DMD
Anitha Potluri, DMD, MDS
Alison Y. Yeung, DDS, MD
Abdulaziz Aldojain, BDS, MMS
Elizabeth A. Bilodeau, DMD, MD, MSEd
2016 May/Jun; 64(3):68-71.A cervicofacial subcutaneous emphysema occurred when a compressed air–driven handpiece forced air into the subcutaneous tissue spaces during sectioning of a mandibular right first molar.
Tooth Whitening/Bleaching Effects of green tea on the shear bond strength of orthodontic brackets after in-office vital bleaching
Full Article (PDF)Sandrine Bittencourt Berger, DDS, MS, PhD
Ricardo Danil Guiraldo, DDS, MS, PhD
Murilo Baena Lopes, DDS, MS, PhD
Paula Vanessa Oltramari-Navarro, DDS, MS, PhD
Thais Maria Fernandes, DDS, MS, PhD
Renata de Castro Alves Schwertner, DDS, MS
Wagner José Silva Ursi, DDS, MS, PhD
2016 May/Jun; 64(3):72-75.Application of bleaching agents prior to bonding procedures temporarily reduces the bond strength between brackets and enamel. Results of an in vitro study indicated that green tea could be beneficial for bracket bonding immediately after bleaching.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. 387 -
Anterior Composite Restorations The role of emergence profile in papilla maintenance after diastema closure with direct composite resin restorations
Full Article (PDF)Kleyver do Nascimento Sobrinho, DDS
Liliane Motta de Lima, DDS
Flávia Cohen-Carneiro, PhD
Luciana Mendonça da Silva, PhD
Leandro de Moura Martins, PhD
Danielson Guedes Pontes, PhD
2016 May/Jun; 64(3):e1-e4.When direct composite resin restorations that followed the emergence profiles of the teeth were placed to close anterior diastemas remaining after orthodontic treatment, the interdental spaces were completely filled by healthy papillae at the 45-day follow-up.
Diagnosis of Oral Pathology Inflammatory collateral cyst associated with a palatoradicular groove: report of a case and discussion of nomenclature
Full Article (PDF)Mariana Tormena, DDS
Vanessa Cristina Veltrini, MS, PhD
Gustavo Jacobucci Farah, MS, PhD
José Humberto Damante, MS, PhD
2016 May/Jun; 64(3):e6-e9.This article presents a case demonstrating the connection between palatoradicular grooves and inflammatory collateral cysts and discusses the related nomenclature.
Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis, Oral Pathology Risk factors in patients with oral pemphigus vulgaris: a case-control study
Full Article (PDF)Mahin Bakhshi, DDS, MS
Soheila Manifar, DDS, MS
Nemat Azizi, MD
Hamid Asayesh, MSc
Parvin Mansouri, MD
Soheila Nasiri, MD
Zeynab Hashemi, DDS
Aida Mehdipour, DDS, MS
2016 May/Jun; 64(3):e10-e13.A multicenter case-control study to determine environmental factors related to pemphigus vulgaris found that cessation of smoking and herpes simplex virus infection in recent weeks are risk factors, while lack of occupational exposure to pesticides and greater parity (number of births) are protective factors.
May/June 2016
Table of Contents
Editorial Live!
Roger D. Winland, DDS, MS, MAGDFull Article (PDF)
2016 May/Jun; 64(3):6.
Pediatric Dentistry Noninvasive treatment for cavitated lesions in primary molars
Jane A. Soxman, DDSFull Article (PDF)
2016 May/Jun; 64(3):8-9.
Public Health Addressing the caries treatment needs of geriatric patients
Larry Williams, DDSFull Article (PDF)
2016 May/Jun; 64(3):10-12.
Oral Diagnosis Pericoronal lesion of mandibular premolar and Red patch of gingiva
Douglas D. Damm, DDSFull Article (PDF)
2016 May/Jun; 64(3):77.
Answers Self-Instruction exercises No. 367, 368, and 369 and Oral Diagnosis
2016 May/Jun; 64(3):78-79.Full Article (PDF)
Clinical articles
Prevention/Diet/Nutrition Severe childhood caries associated with iron deficiency anemia: a case report
Full Article (PDF)Ana Paula C. A. Beltrame, DDS, MS
Maíra M. Rosa, DD
Michele Bolan, DDS, MS, PhD
Izabel C. S. Almeida, DDS, MS, PhD
2016 May/Jun; 64(3):13-15.This case showed an association between caries and anemia in a 3-year-old boy, whose crowns were destroyed by caries.
Management of Hard & Soft Tissue Lesions Le Fort I osteotomy for the removal of a rare unicystic ameloblastoma lesion in the maxillary sinus
Full Article (PDF)Lilian Cristina Vessoni Iwaki, DDS, PhD
Elen de Souza Tolentino, DDS, PhD
Rômulo Maciel Lustosa, DDS
Willian Pecin Jacomacci, DDS
Ana Regina Casaroto, DDS, PhD
Pablo Cornelius Leite, DDS
Liogi Iwaki Filho, DDS, PhD
2016 May/Jun; 64(3):16-19.A Le Fort I approach was used for enucleation of an extensive, asymptomatic unicystic ameloblastoma in the right maxillary sinus of a 30-year-old man. Follow-up over 5 years demonstrated no recurrence.
Cariology A pilot study of dentists’ assessment of caries detection and staging systems applied to early caries: PEARL Network findings
Full Article (PDF)Van P. Thompson, DDS, PhD
Andrew B. Schenkel, DMD, MS
Bapanaiah Penugonda, DDS, MS
Mark S. Wolff, DDS, PhD
Gregory G. Zeller, DDS, MS
Hongyu Wu, MPH
Don Vena
Ashley C. Grill, RDH, MPH
Frederick A. Curro, DMD, PhD
2016 May/Jun; 64(3):20-27.A pilot study investigated use of the International Caries Detection and Assessment System (ICDAS II) and the Caries Classification System (CCS) for detection of early caries and recommendations for individual tooth treatment. The CCS approach translated clinically to more accurate caries detection than a visual-tactile or the ICDAS II approach.
Diagnosis & Treatment Planning Solitary neurofibroma: a rare occurrence on gingiva
Full Article (PDF)Joann Pauline George, MDS
Sai Jyothsna N., BDS
2016 May/Jun; 64(3):28-31.This case report describes an unusual presentation of solitary neurofibroma on the lingual gingiva of the mandibular posterior region of a 22-year-old woman.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. 385 -
Diagnosis of Oral Pathology Large plunging schwannoma of the floor of the mouth involving the mylohyoid nerve: a case report and review of the literature
Full Article (PDF)Kumar Nilesh, MDS
Ramchandra G. Naniwadekar, MS
Neelima A. Malik, MDS
2016 May/Jun; 64(3):33-36.A schwannoma arising from the mylohyoid nerve presented as a large nodular swelling in the floor of the mouth extending into the submandibular space.
Multi-disciplinary Topics Quantified diagnostic work-up casts: applications for interdisciplinary treatment planning
Full Article (PDF)Roger A. Solow, DDS
2016 May/Jun; 64(3):37-46.Precise treatment planning through multiple applications of quantified diagnostic work-up casts facilitated successful treatment of a patient requiring orthognathic surgery, orthodontics, and occlusal adjustment after a mandibular subcondylar fracture.
Esthetics/Cosmetic Dentistry Combination esthetic treatment of anterior teeth affected by idiopathic enamel hypoplasia: a case report
Full Article (PDF)Donald L. Roberts, DDS
Ben F. Warner, MS, DDS, MD
Dan A. Bentley, DDS
Ryan L. Quock, DDS
2016 May/Jun; 64(3):47-50.A combined approach of conservative lithium disilicate indirect restorations and composite resin direct veneers was used to electively restore the anterior teeth of a patient with idiopathic enamel hypoplasia.
Dental Materials Effect of a new salivary-contaminant removal method on bond strength
Full Article (PDF)Michael J. Alfaro, DDS, MS
Erik J. Meyers, DDS
Deborah Ashcraft-Olmscheid, DMD, MS
Kraig S. Vandewalle, DDS, MS
2016 May/Jun; 64(3):51-54Bond strengths of resin cement to etched ceramic in specimens treated with a new cleaning paste were not significantly different from those in phosphoric acid–cleaned, hydrofluoric acid–cleaned, or control specimens, and thus the paste may be considered an alternative approach to removal of salivary contaminants.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. 386 -
Tooth Whitening/Bleaching Release time of residual oxygen after dental bleaching with 35% hydrogen peroxide: effect of a catalase-based neutralizing agent
Full Article (PDF)Bárbara Guasso, MS
Paloma Salomone, MS
Paulo Cícero Nascimento, DChem, PhD
Roselaine Terezinha Pozzobon, DDS, PhD
2016 May/Jun; 64(3):56-59.An in vitro study assessing the effect of a catalase-based neutralizing agent on residual oxygen release from teeth exposed to 35% hydrogen peroxide found that 2-3 minutes’ use of the neutralizer immediately after bleaching resulted in release of residual oxygen 5 days postbleaching.
Dentistry for the Medically Compromised Postextraction bleeding in a patient taking antithrombotics: report of a case
Full Article (PDF)Michael J. Wahl, DDS
Margaret M. Schmitt, DMD
2016 May/Jun; 64(3):60-63.This case report discusses management of minor postextraction bleeding in a patient taking combination anticoagulant and antiplatelet therapy. Antithrombotic therapy generally should not be interrupted for dental procedures.
Trauma Management Primary incisor intruded through the nasal cavity: a case report
Full Article (PDF)Vanessa Polina Pereria Costa, DDS, MSc, PhD
Michele Vale Barbosa, DDS
Marília Leão Goettems, DDS, MSc, PhD
Marcos Antônio Torriani, DDS, MSc, PhD
Clarissa Delpizzo Castagno, DMD
Elaine de Fátima Zanchin Baldissera, DDS, MSc, PhD
Dione Dias Torriani, DDS, MSc, PhD
2016 May/Jun; 64(3):64-67.When a maxillary central incisor of a 1-year-old girl was traumatically displaced into the nasal cavity, the impacted tooth was removed through the left nostril.
Prevention of Medical Errors Cervicofacial subcutaneous emphysema: a clinical case and review of the literature
Full Article (PDF)Richard J. Vargo, DMD
Anitha Potluri, DMD, MDS
Alison Y. Yeung, DDS, MD
Abdulaziz Aldojain, BDS, MMS
Elizabeth A. Bilodeau, DMD, MD, MSEd
2016 May/Jun; 64(3):68-71.A cervicofacial subcutaneous emphysema occurred when a compressed air–driven handpiece forced air into the subcutaneous tissue spaces during sectioning of a mandibular right first molar.
Tooth Whitening/Bleaching Effects of green tea on the shear bond strength of orthodontic brackets after in-office vital bleaching
Full Article (PDF)Sandrine Bittencourt Berger, DDS, MS, PhD
Ricardo Danil Guiraldo, DDS, MS, PhD
Murilo Baena Lopes, DDS, MS, PhD
Paula Vanessa Oltramari-Navarro, DDS, MS, PhD
Thais Maria Fernandes, DDS, MS, PhD
Renata de Castro Alves Schwertner, DDS, MS
Wagner José Silva Ursi, DDS, MS, PhD
2016 May/Jun; 64(3):72-75.Application of bleaching agents prior to bonding procedures temporarily reduces the bond strength between brackets and enamel. Results of an in vitro study indicated that green tea could be beneficial for bracket bonding immediately after bleaching.
Self-Instruction Exercise No. 387 -
Anterior Composite Restorations The role of emergence profile in papilla maintenance after diastema closure with direct composite resin restorations
Full Article (PDF)Kleyver do Nascimento Sobrinho, DDS
Liliane Motta de Lima, DDS
Flávia Cohen-Carneiro, PhD
Luciana Mendonça da Silva, PhD
Leandro de Moura Martins, PhD
Danielson Guedes Pontes, PhD
2016 May/Jun; 64(3):e1-e4.When direct composite resin restorations that followed the emergence profiles of the teeth were placed to close anterior diastemas remaining after orthodontic treatment, the interdental spaces were completely filled by healthy papillae at the 45-day follow-up.
Diagnosis of Oral Pathology Inflammatory collateral cyst associated with a palatoradicular groove: report of a case and discussion of nomenclature
Full Article (PDF)Mariana Tormena, DDS
Vanessa Cristina Veltrini, MS, PhD
Gustavo Jacobucci Farah, MS, PhD
José Humberto Damante, MS, PhD
2016 May/Jun; 64(3):e6-e9.This article presents a case demonstrating the connection between palatoradicular grooves and inflammatory collateral cysts and discusses the related nomenclature.
Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis, Oral Pathology Risk factors in patients with oral pemphigus vulgaris: a case-control study
Full Article (PDF)Mahin Bakhshi, DDS, MS
Soheila Manifar, DDS, MS
Nemat Azizi, MD
Hamid Asayesh, MSc
Parvin Mansouri, MD
Soheila Nasiri, MD
Zeynab Hashemi, DDS
Aida Mehdipour, DDS, MS
2016 May/Jun; 64(3):e10-e13.A multicenter case-control study to determine environmental factors related to pemphigus vulgaris found that cessation of smoking and herpes simplex virus infection in recent weeks are risk factors, while lack of occupational exposure to pesticides and greater parity (number of births) are protective factors.