Linda Miles, CSP, CMC
Full Name Linda Miles, CSP, CMC
Phone (757) 721-3332
Available Topic(s) "The New Patient Experience"
"Collecting What You Deserve"
"Learning-Living-Loving Dentistry"
"Shedding Practice Management Obstacles"
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Linda Miles, CSP, CMC,
Founder of Linda Miles and Associates, an INC 500 Company is a true legend in the field of practice management. Spanning a career of five decades in dentistry with 32 years as a speaker, consultant, and author, Linda�s newest achievement is teaming up with the new CEO of Linda Miles & Associates, Dr. Rhonda Savage to take Linda Miles and Associates (now Miles Global) worldwide.

In addition to being a member of the Academy of Dental Management Consultants, Linda is a 30-year member of the National Speakers Association, earning her CSP award in 1983. She also earned her Certified Management Consultant designation of the Institute of Management Consultants in 1993. She is the founder of the Speaking Consulting Network, an annual conference for those wishing to enhance their exposure as speakers and consultants; and the American Academy of Dental Practice Administration. Linda has spoken in all fifty states and on four continents to thousands of dentists and team members. She has written three books and produced numerous DVDs, CDs and Videos.

Many of Linda's consulting clients rank in the top percentile of successful practices in North America with the best and most dedicated team members in dentistry. In 2005, Linda was bestowed the highest honor of her career when she received the Distinguished Service Award at the Hinman Dental Meeting in Atlanta. In the 97 years of Hinman, this award had been presented only twenty four times. Other recipients include Dr. Peter Dawson, Dr. LD Pankey, and Dr. Gordon Christensen to name a few. In 2009, Linda received the Lifetime Achievement Award from Woody Oakes' Excellence in Dentistry. And in 2011, she was awarded the first ever Lifetime Achievement Award from the American Association of Dental Office Managers.

"New Patient Experience"
If more value was placed on the NEW PATIENT so that they had an EXCEPTIONAL EXPERIENCE versus a routine appointment, all dental practices would be much more likely to retain that patient for a lifetime; have more word of mouth referrals; spend less on external marketing; have better case acceptance and a better bottom line......all important items in today's dental world.

Today's consumers are much more sophisticated than in years past. They have never bought what they NEED, only what they WANT. It has been your job as patient educators to hopefully help them WANT what they NEED. That technique worked for years but is not as effective today.

With so much online information and more dental awareness from many angles, the sophisticated consumer today wants to know: "Do I want this? Do I want it now? And do I want it from you? Unless the practice allows enough time on the first patient visit to develop a strong relationship with the doctor and team, they will go elsewhere, decide not to accept the treatment now...or are more likely to shop until their relationship needs are met.

This half day course will leave attendees with solid ideas of how to develop lasting relationships through each step of the New Patient Experience. It will outline the importance of each dental team member in this vital experience. Another highlight will be "Patient Reading" which shows how each patient behavioral style responds differently to case presentation words/techniques. You will leave this course an expert in "patient reading", communication skills and improved case presentation/acceptance. Marketing for new patients and reactivation of "lost" patients will round out the program.

- Develop a team approach to the New Patient Experience through relationship building.

- Turn the doctor's second operatory into a passive income center through better usage.

- Empower the team and doctor to create raving fans of all new and returning patients.

- Bring back to life the "Sub Practice" of patients who did not have a New Patient Experience.

- Increase new patient numbers through an effective marketing plan.

"Collecting What You Deserve"

"You are only as successful as the money you collect." Dentists and team members work very hard each day so they should collect 105%-110% monthly....that is 98%-99% of the current month's net production, plus chip away at their Accounts Receivable balances.

Why is it, some practices have no problem with collecting their due while others continuously face what seems like insurmountable A/R issues? The reason will be revealed early in this course. This small segment of the course can change the way dentists and team members think and feel about money in general, but especially in keeping the A/R under control.

The person answering the telephone can make or break the new patient numbers and collection percentages by his or her ability/inability to answer questions regarding fees, financial options, and insurance inquiries. Many everyday scenarios will be given with group interaction and ideas on how to improve those conversations.

Each practice will create a step by step collection process from the initial telephone call to the follow up on any balances not paid the day of service. Just as everything else in the practice is a "SYSTEM", being paid what you deserve is also a system. Presenting fees at the patient dismissal is an art to be developed and supported by the doctor and clinical team. Being pro-active versus allowing the patient to be in control will determine your A/R balances and the age of those accounts.

As consultants, we know that a large percentage of case acceptances (especially on large cases) fall apart in the financial discussion. Being able to talk financially is a key factor in collecting what you deserve.


- To outline the importance of proper financial/insurance information on the first telephone call.

- Why it is important to make each dental team member and patient comfortable with financials.

- Explaining the Psychology of money and how it impacts the practice's bottom line.

- Outlining a collection system that works, with financial options that patients accept.

- Specific financial conversations that defend the fees while promoting case acceptance.

"Learning-Living-Loving Dentistry"

The first ten years in practice sets the stage for one's entire professional life. LEARNING dentistry is a lifetime of continuing education as "School is Never Out for the PRO". LIVING the balanced lifestyle of work/play/family/rest can only be achieved if the foundation of the practice is solidly established in the earlier years. LOVING dentistry is easier if all three sides of the success triangle are working in tandem and the priorities of the doctor and team stay true to doing what's best for each patient.

Shedding Practice Management Obstacles"

In the aftermath of the economic recession of the past five years, dental practices need resolutions and HOPE. They are working harder and longer and yet still have obstacles.

Join Linda Miles for a fast paced, and to the point seminar to re-discover the seven important fundamentals of TRUE SUCCESS. Along with solid practice management information, RE-IGNITE the passion for dentistry that you and your team may have lost due to the economy.


If you want to HIT THE GROUND RUNNING, don't miss this seminar. It can make you forget the recession and move your practice to the level of success that you and your team deserve by providing the level of care your patients deserve.