Former NBA player and nationally recognized motivational speaker, author and business coach Walter Bond will deliver the AGD2022 keynote address on July 28, 2022, 4:30-5:30 p.m. When Walter steps onto the stage, you can’t miss him. It could be because he’s 6’5 and stands out in a crowd, but more likely it’s due to how he fully commands the stage. People walk out of Walter’s talks changed, motivated, and inspired. His principles are simple but powerful, his delivery is smooth, and he combines humor, tough love, and experience in a way that changes people.
Walter’s keynote address at AGD2022 will center around his most recent book Swim! and dives into the power of adopting a “Shark Mindset,” and how it can drastically alter the trajectory of your business. With a little humor, a little love, and a lot of passion, Walter will teach you practical steps to implement the sacred six – the principles behind the Shark Mindset.
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