AGD2025 e-Poster Submissions 

The call for abstracts for e-Posters are open to interested students (undergraduate, graduate, doctoral, post-doctoral), residents and recent graduates (within the past five years). e-Poster presentations should be no longer than 15 minutes in length and must be based on focused research in clinical health-related dentistry. Presentation topics may include scientific research, a case study on clinical innovation or a systemic literature review. These presentations may have been previously published. e-Poster speakers do not receive an honorarium nor are speakers reimbursed for any travel/hotel expenses. 

Submission of an e-Poster does not guarantee acceptance to the AGD2025 program. All abstract proposals are reviewed by the Scientific Meeting Council (SMC) based on clarity of the description and e-Poster, creativity of proposed topic/case, and its significance to general dentistry. Incomplete or late proposals will not be accepted. The deadline for submission is 11:59 PM CDT on Wednesday, April 2, 2025

Speakers will be required to submit both their e-Poster and abstract proposal at the time of submission. Only one submission will be considered for review. If you need to replace your original submission, you must withdraw and resubmit prior to the deadline. Should there be more than one e-poster or abstract proposal in the system, only the most recent version will be reviewed for consideration. Should your presentation be selected, any updates to the final presentation (PowerPoint or compatible format), including any clinical photos or video clips, will be due via email to Terra Cooney ( no later than 5 PM CDT on Tuesday, May 27, 2025.

Begin Submission Now

Frequently Asked Questions

Who should submit the abstract for an e-Poster?
Who will present the e-Poster?
When will I be notified regarding acceptance?
What is the content of an abstract for the e-Poster?
What is the format to submit my abstract for the e-Poster?
Is it possible to submit my abstract via e-mail?
What is the deadline for submitting my e-Poster abstract?
Does submission of an abstract guarantee acceptance for e-Poster presentation?
How many pages (slides) should the e-Poster be?
What are the technical requirements of an e-Poster?
I have completed the submission process. How do I know that my e-Poster has been properly submitted?
Can I make changes to my abstract or e-Poster once submitted?


How do I present my e-Poster for judging and live presentation?
When will e-Poster presentations take place?
What if I need to cancel after being selected to present?

Prizes and Judging

How are the e-Poster prizes awarded?
Is there any financial honorarium or reimbursement/expense assistance provided for selected e-Poster presenters at the AGD2025 Scientific Session?
When are the winners announced?
Can more than one presenter per e-Poster receive the award?
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