Date: Friday, March 4, 2022
Time: 9:30am-3:30pm, EST
Location: 400 Research Dr #110, Wilmington, MA 01887 (Patterson regional headquarter conference room)
CEUs: 4.5
AGD Members: FREE
Non-AGD Members: $100
COVID Protocol
At this time, we require all attendees to have received at least 2 shots of COVID vaccines and wear masks inside the venue at all times. Your temperature will be taken and recorded when you enter the building.
EDIC Risk Management Discount
The event is eligible for the 5% EDIC Risk Management Discount. Attendance will be submitted for you automatically.

Course Descriptions
Infection Prevention & Control in Dentistry – Update 2022 with Kathy Eklund
The COVID-19 pandemic has changed dental healthcare delivery in several ways. This course will review the current infection prevention and control guidance from CDC, OSHA and several professional organizations. Strategies and resources for implementing current guidance will be described. Considerations for post-pandemic infection prevention & control will be discussed.
Upon completion of this course participants will:
- Describe current infection prevention & control guidance for dentistry.
- Identify strategies and resources for implementation & evaluation
- Discuss implications for dental infection prevention & control, post COVID-19.
Pain Management for The General Dentist with Alberto Malacarne
The goal of this course is to provide general dentists with:
- Basic knowledge of acute and chronic pain pathophysiology.
- Provide clinical recommendations for acute pain management, chronic pain management and acute pain management of chronic pain patients.
- Present pain-related, real-life clinical scenario that can be challenging for dentists to manage, offering strategies to better face these situations.
Risk Management and Regulatory Compliance with Vincent P. Dunn
Presentation and discussion of effective risk management practices including potential impact of the rules, regulations and requirements of the Board of Registration in Dentistry (BORID) including:
- Compliance strategies; Understanding risk management, Safety and licensing issues; Proper record-keeping; and Informed consent.