House Committees Advance Components of COVID-19 Relief Package
- by AGD Washington Advocacy Representative
- Feb 18, 2021, 12:34 PM
Enhancing Pediatric Dentistry Skills and Increasing Access to Care
- by AGD Staff
- Feb 15, 2021, 08:49 AM
Medical Comorbidities Associated with Autism Spectrum Disorder
- by AGD Staff
- Feb 8, 2021, 08:36 AM
AGD Congratulates Newly Assigned CDC Director
- by AGD Washington Advocacy Representative
- Feb 4, 2021, 13:30 PM
Johnson & Johnson (J&J) Develops the Third COVID-19 Vaccine to be Considered by U.S. Regulatory Authorities
- by AGD Washington Advocacy Representative
- Feb 4, 2021, 13:29 PM
President Biden Issues Executive Orders on COVID Response
- by AGD Washington Advocacy Representative
- Feb 4, 2021, 13:27 PM
AGD Joins Broad Coalition Calling on Congress to Provide COVID-19 Liability Protections
- by AGD Washington Advocacy Representative
- Feb 4, 2021, 13:23 PM
HHS Amends PREP Act to Bolster Vaccinator Workforce
- by AGD Washington Advocacy Representative
- Feb 4, 2021, 13:11 PM
Legislation Introduced to Expand Medicare to Include Dental Benefits
- by AGD Washington Advocacy Representative
- Feb 4, 2021, 13:07 PM