Proposal for clinical classification of multifactorial noncarious cervical lesions

Self-Instruction Exercise No. 349
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Exercise No. 349
Subject Code: 012

The 15 questions for this exercise are based on the article, Proposal for clinical classification of multifactorial noncarious cervical lesions, on pages 39-44. This exercise was developed by Daniel S. Geare, DMD, in association with the General Dentistry Self-Instruction Committee.

Reading the article and completing this exercise will enable you to better understand:

  • the types and causes of noncarious cervical lesions (NCCLs);
  • the restorative options for NCCLs; and
  • the shapes and depth parameters of NCCLs.

Answers for this exercise must be received by April 30, 2015.

  1. An NCCL refers to

    A. a loss of tooth structure at the cementoenamel junction.
    B. a decay lesion.
    C. an age-related condition.
    D. a lesion with a single, defined etiology.

  2. The loss of tooth structure due to friction between a tooth and extraoral material is

    A. abrasion.
    B. erosion.
    C. attrition.
    D. abfraction.

  3. Oral ablation refers to

    A. wear of the occlusal surfaces of teeth due to mastication.
    B. wear of the lateromedial tooth surfaces.
    C. scarring of the tongue during bruxing episodes.
    D. loss of tooth structure due to toothbrush/toothpaste interactions.

  4. Symptoms of sensitivity depend on the

    A. pressure of bruxing.
    B. force used while toothbrushing.
    C. ratio of exposed enamel to dentin.
    D. amount of dentin exposed to the environment.

  5. Symptoms of sensitivity do not appear in lesions _____ mm or less.

    A. 0.5
    B. 1.0
    C. 1.5
    D. 2.0

  6. __________ restorations are indicated for successful placement due to greater flexibility.

    A. Flowable composite
    B. Hybrid composite
    C. Calcium hydroxide
    D. Indirect

  7. The angle classification refers to the

    A. angle of the occlusal defect.
    B. positional relationship of the affected tooth.
    C. gingival depth of the lesion.
    D. relationship of the occusal and cervical walls of the defect.

  8. Characteristics of obtuse angled erosive lesions include all of the following except one. Which is the exception?

    A. can be caused by over-consumption of citrus
    B. are treated with psychotherapy
    C. exhibit a rough, pockmarked surface
    D. are of variable sizes

  9. The wear associated with abfraction and abrasion results in obtuse angles. Erosive lesions have polygonal angled surfaces.

    A. Both statements are true.
    B. The first statement is true; the second is false.
    C. The first statement is false; the second is true.
    D. Both statements are false.

  10. The etiology of NCCL lesions includes all of the following except one. Which is the exception?

    A. toothbrushing
    B. acidic diet
    C. unbalanced occlusion
    D. poor restorations

  11. The width of a cervical lesion depends on all of the following except one. Which is the exception?

    A. how the abrasive agent contacts the tooth
    B. whether the abrasion is secondary or primary
    C. where the affected tooth is located
    D. whether there is chemical or physical abrasion

  12. Individuals with a history of acid reflux exhibit

    A. deep wedged lesions.
    B. perimylosis of the lingual surface of mandibular molars.
    C. unilateral gingival defects.
    D. erosive lesions of the palatal maxillary anteriors.

  13. Malocclusion can contribute to

    A. failed restorative efforts.
    B. decreased sensitivity.
    C. reduced forces on at-risk teeth.
    D. increased cancer risk.

  14. Use of a mild acid conditioner and glass ionomer is indicated because

    A. most lesions are hypomineralized.
    B. the hybrid layer forms a better bond.
    C. glass ionomer cements are more flexible.
    D. the polyacids are less interactive with the tooth surface.

  15. The classification system proposed includes all of the following except one. Which is the exception?

    A. axial angle
    B. width of occlusal wear
    C. occlusogingival width at the neck
    D. axial depth


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Clarity of exercise questions 1 2 3 4 5
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