Are you ready to enhance your skills in identifying and managing oral lesions that could potentially be malignant? Don’t miss today’s free live webinar, “
Healthy People 2030: Update on Oral and Oropharyngeal Cancer for the General Dentist and Public Health Ambassadors”! Designed to elevate your confidence and proficiency in this crucial area of oral health, this engaging and informative session will cover the latest advancements in detection, diagnosis and biopsy techniques. You should leave this session with the tools you need for early and effective treatment of oral lesions.
This webinar is more than just a learning opportunity — it’s a chance to significantly enhance your clinical skills and patient care approach. With expert insights and practical advice, you’ll leave better prepared to tackle challenging cases and contribute to improved patient outcomes.
Hosted by AGD, this free webinar is in collaboration with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the American Dental Association.