AGD Foundation Accepting Grant Applications for 2024

The grant program offers support to AGD constituencies and nonprofit community-based outreach programs in the United States and Canada that provide free oral cancer screenings and education to the public, especially underserved communities that lack access to oral healthcare due to geographic and/or economic hardship.
Nonprofit charitable organizations that are exempt from federal taxes under section 501(c)(3) of the IRS Revenue Code and nonprofit charitable organizations in Canada may submit a grant application. All applicants must demonstrate how the grant award would provide needed support for vital community oral cancer awareness education and screening activities for the general public. Organizations previously awarded grant funding from the AGD Foundation cannot apply again until a two-year period has passed.
The application period will run through Nov. 30, 2023, and all applications will be reviewed by the Foundation’s Grants Committee. Our goal for 2024 is to give as many AGD constituencies as possible the opportunity to receive funding support for their programs.
“We are thrilled to have the opportunity once again to offer support to our constituencies,” said AGD Foundation President Mark I. Malterud, DDS, MAGD. He added that, “The AGD Foundation is proud to continue our expansion of the grant program, and we look forward to receiving all applications from eligible facilities and organizations. And, of course, we thank our steadfast supporters — and our newer supporters — for allowing us to continue this important work. We couldn’t do it without you!”
For more information or to inquire about the status of your grant application, please contact
Apply now.